Shavuot (Pentecost) (May 31, 2017)

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I don't have to wave to you and Kenya or wave to you in India wave to you in Australia it's nice you know and you guys were able to come I'm excited and I've had the time of my life working with you and just unbelievable these guys and by the way some of you call the missionaries they're not missionaries they lead congregations for us so they're not missionaries missionaries the people from America that go to other countries for a year they live in nice apartments they have a car they talk to a few people and they come back and tell everybody they're missionaries but congregational leaders of people that listen this is the problem people always talk to me all the time friends of mine I got a buddy of mine he's a very wealthy doctor and he has a bunch of wealthy doctor friends and they built the state-of-the-art hospital in Central America second to none and he said rabbi why why why aren't we seeing results I said because you're Korean see samuel was a dolly he was an untouchable so he can relate to them and they can relate to him Stephens from a guru Arnie you know he lives there so you found what I mean it's better to put somebody on the ground who's there that doesn't mean we don't care for the people I think they might care a little bit more you follow and that's that's the way it really works it works really well that way um but yeah they're unbelievable the great students they're ready first thing in the morning you can call them like 2:00 in the morning and they'll they'll jump out of bed and have their notebook in their hand you know people say it's hard to find a good teacher in America it's hard to find a good student really they are wonderful and it's a it's an honor to have them so it's shallow no yes Shavuot so let's read from the book of Acts what do you think Stan okay what do they always teach in the church Acts is when the church was birth now Acts is the way we're supposed to act let's see acts 1 3 through 8 I'm reading in the complete Jewish Bible you can read in any and all so let's say hello to everybody who's watching all around the world they're all we're reading from acts 1 verses 3 3 after his death who's he good you always got to read in context who's going to know what it's referring to after his death he showed himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive there's no greater testimony than eyewitness testimony during a pillar of 40 days 40 and Gomorrha Hebrew reckoning is deliverance and overcoming in victory so he stayed with them for 40 days they saw him and he spoke with them about the kingdom of God at one of these gatherings one of them we don't know if it was the last one the middle one we don't know he instructed them to say for forty days does it mean he taught them every day I don't know I don't know but he was with them for forty days at one of these gatherings he instructed them not to leave your Russia line that's jerusalem but to wait for quote what the father promised which you heard about from me for Yochanan AKA John used to immerse people in water but in a few days you will be immersed in the rococo - the Holy Spirit when they were together they asked him Lord are you at this time going to restore self-rule to Israel let's continue we have just two more verses 7 and 8 he answered you don't need to know the dates of the times the father has kept these under his own authority but you will receive power when the raw ha'qodesh comes upon you you will be my witnesses both in Yerushalayim and in all of you who de sham rone indeed to the very ends of the earth or Mane and our main and hallelujah let's break this down a little bit x13 first verse after his death he showed himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive during a period of 40 days they saw him and he spoke with them about the kingdom of God the kingdom of God is crucial to understand the kingdom of God we can't go into it in detail but most people talk about the gospel it's not the gospel it's the gospel of the kingdom of God we're not here just to be saved although a lot of people in the religious community think that's where it ends that's where it begins when you're born again you have to grow up in the kingdom so when you go through the door you schewe says I'm the door okay you don't hold on to the door you go through the door you shoes that I've come to connect you to the father so you go from one kingdom the kingdom of darkness and you're transported into the kingdom of light and in that kingdom there's a whole new set of rules and regulations it's diametrically opposed to the kingdom of darkness the kingdom of darkness has its own rules its own dress code its own literature its own politics we have to be delivered from that and that is a process but if you aren't in the process you're never going to get delivered okay the kingdom of God is a spiritual Kingdom it hasn't been manifest it will there's going to be a manifestation on earth as it is in heaven but right now it's a spiritual Kingdom for those who are born again and it's a kingdom where the rule of God is acknowledged where the rule of God is accepted and we Yeshua is the unquestioned and undisputed king of that kingdom and we are here to serve him we are here to do his bidding we are subject to his reign and rule you follow he is not here to serve us although he did come and he said the son of man didn't come to be served but to serve how much more if the son of man God manifests came and manual to serve us how much more should we now serve him since he's delivered us out of the kingdom of darkness and it's something that's just not even taught it's really not taught that we are slaves I just went over this last Saturday right we are slaves of the Messiah bondservants is too pretty no with slaves with slaves and in Philippians it says that Yeshua took on the form of it and became a slave for us acts 1:4 continues it says that one of these gatherings I don't know which one but it does not really matter he instructed them not to leave jerusalem but to wait for what the father promised which you heard about from me so first he's letting them know don't go anywhere remember the American Express commercials back when I was a kid don't leave home without it don't leave home without it and you got to get it first thing in the morning you're not going to get it on the run you cannot fill a cup up with any liquid while you're running don't go in your backyards or in your house whatever and try to fill up a cup with a liquid get a container and milk run and try to fill it up see what happens and when you're going to get filled up at night you don't need the Holy Spirit sleep first thing you've got to get injected with the Holy Spirit don't leave your house without it rabbi that means I might have to get up earlier what can I tell you I got up two o'clock this morning this was not the first time the disciples heard of the promise of the father from Yahshua's lips this is not the first time okay you have John 14 15 16 which was his last will and testament a very crucial section of Scripture in the Gospel of John the universal gospel these are his last words and then 17 starts his last prayer for 26 verses and then 18 one he's going to the Kidron Valley through the Kidron Valley like King David and he's going to the gonnigan cemani to be arrested and persecuted okay so these his last words you know when somebody's on their deathbed last words crucial so let's look at these last words John 14 I just grabbed a couple of verses it's not exhaustive you can read the whole thing it won't take you that long if you love me you will keep my commands that's kind of self-explanatory isn't and I will ask the Father and He will give you another comforting everybody needs a counselor in school you have a guidance counselor it's somebody with wisdom who advises and steers the person in the right direction people pay big bucks to counsel as these days and guess what they're on time clock well I was just ready to hang my up time's up see you next Thursday guys he doesn't do that okay and it's free of charge and he really knows what he's talking about I've met my fair share counselors who need a counselor we need a counselor you see guys Yeshua when he was in human form although he was divine he couldn't be at more than one place at one time if your shul was up in the Galilee you wouldn't be able to talk to him in Jerusalem and vice versa so the spirit was stuck in him it had to be cracked open and ascend so he could send it back down and that's why he said you will do greater things than me you're not going to do greater works in terms of its power but now you schewe can be all over the world Yeshua can be in Australia Yeshua could be in Kenya Yeshua can be in India and Yeshua can be in America do you see how important it was for him to ascend why do you think when Mary of Magdala jumped on him and held him what'd he say don't hold on to me he wasn't because it's stuck in me you don't want to hold on to me Miriam because if I'm up in the galley and I have to go to Jerusalem I can't be with you but if I go I can be with you all the time and I could lead you into all truth you can't discern anything without the Holy Spirit you can't even depend on wisdom you learned last week for situation that's happening right now so it's crucially saying don't go anywhere that counts like me the Spirit of Truth do you see how important the Holy Spirit is listen we went through the 80s in the 90s I I watched the guys I went to the meetings in Melville and I went to the Toronto blessing I want the guy who could like a pigeon 24 hours a day it was ridiculous but people jumped on it that's the Holy Spirit really what did you gather when you listen to him COO for 24 hours like a pigeon what did that do fee did that get you closer to God it was silly the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth coming out of the one who was through this mouth it's the Spirit of Truth that leads you into all truth that discerns falsehood I will send from the father the Spirit of Truth who keeps going out see the present progressive it doesn't stop a guy gets born again today he's going to get the Spirit of Truth it keeps going present progressive terminology from the father he will testify on my behalf he will be a witness but I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away so if I don't go away the comforting counselor and you see that adjective it's not just a counselor it's a comforting counselor everybody needs a comforter he will not come however if I do go I will send him to you isn't that beautiful guys man that's astounding now going back to acts 1:5 I just wanted to show you that when he said this isn't the first time they heard this from his lips he said it all along and then he explains a little bit about this Holy Spirit he says John used to immerse people in water now there's nothing wrong with water baptism but let's be honest it's not going to save you and it's not going to sanctify you and there's many people that go into the tank unsaved they go down a dry unsaved person and they come up a wet unsaved person for Jochen unused to immerse people in water what's he saying he's saying John's baptism is outward and physical it's outward and physical nothing wrong if you're truly born again to make that profession but it's outward and it's physical you ever see how people fight over it well we did well we dunk you know and no offense to the Baptist but they lay the claim you have to be immersed fully yeah well let me give you a little newsflash okay the Jews believe it should be Miami I am living water she a tank is dead so if you want to fight over baptism we get fight all day long but I don't I just instructed my guys most Gentiles come into the Messianic movement and it's a movement it's a prophetic movement it is not a denomination people that say well I'm Messianic Jewish no you're not it's a prophetic movement get with the program you're a believer in the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob you embrace the Messianic lifestyle because it's a lifestyle of Messiah but don't make it a denomination it started in the first century and was resurrected in 67 it's a prophetic movement of God to bring Jew and Gentile together and prepare the bride for the coming game you got to see what God is doing so you don't get caught up in this denominationalism because when you get caught up in denominationalism all people do is fight with other denominations I told my guys it's the mistake of all mistakes Gentiles come into the movement they feel grafted in and then you know what their job is to fight with Christians and tell them how they're wrong get them to pull down their Christmas tree you're wasting your time don't waste your energy on that because 99% of them are going to get it anyway even when you show them and if they're saved hallelujah I'd rather spend my time sharing with the Lost you're called to be witnesses and you know no matter how many times I stress that still you're gonna go over mom's house on December 25th and try to burn down a tree aren't you so he's saying the reason why I try to stress it because is you belong here this is your congregation and when you do that you give God and me and Betty Shu a bad name because they think I did this to their little grandchild you know before they went to bed you see what they were so happy and now look at them they just won't go to Sunny's anymore John's baptism was outward and physical he said but in a few days this baptism is going to be inward and spiritual you see what I'm saying it's not outward and religious and external its inward and relationship and internal that's what God's always about he's always working on the inside out now acts 1:6 this is this is very important I think it's important most people just glosses over because they're like I don't even know what that means and maybe when you know what it means you're going to see how important this versus okay they asked him when they were together Lord are you going to take your throne it's basically saying you're going to restore sell-through why why is he saying self-rule to Israel because Israel was ruled by Rome they were being incredibly persecuted and they have been persecuted all throughout the centuries and the persecution will stop when Messiah takes his throne so you can't blame them I'm sure if you were being persecuted you know you would want it to stop so they're asking him this but there's something else to this they are all too familiar with the scriptures okay there is no New Testament at this time nothing is penned all you have is the Old Testament and they know scriptures like Joel 2:28 they know that before the Messiah takes his throne that the Spirit is going to be poured out so when he tells them the Spirit is poured out they immediately go to joel 2:28 and they realized wow you're going to take your throne so when they asked him this question it was a great question he spoke about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit just a verse ago and we know it's connected with messiahs glorious reign people always test me they don't ask me much anymore because you know we're on the internet now and all over the place and they understand where I'm coming from they say why didn't the Jews believe knucklehead if they did you wouldn't be here if you didn't blind their eyes you wouldn't be in the fold because he would have took his rel rule and reign and he would have started the Millennial Kingdom and you wouldn't be a byword you follow so you should applaud him for blinding their eyes you get that look some of you look confused if you Sheila took his throne right then you wouldn't be here because he would have start his millennial reign then still confused let's try a little slower yeah yes you uh you follow it's it's it's it's a crazy question it's a crazy question and also they wonder rabbi why don't the Jews believe first of all the Christian community has done a wonderful job at provoking them but not the jealousy you can't walk up to a religious shoe and say look the Torah is not important anymore oh really Wow okay cool that's great so we've done a horrible job over the centuries just a it kindof in any worse and even for the Christian Zionists who say I love Israel they love Israel but they don't necessarily love the Jews so that's off God doesn't want you to love a country once you to love people are you going to restore self-rule so again they're familiar with this therefore they assume that the Lord would set up his kingdom since he first had to send the spirit now verses 7 and 8 he's not being difficult he says you don't need to know he's not saying look you don't need to know he's saying he didn't correct them for them expecting his little reign on earth well I'm expecting his little days literal reign on earth I'm expecting it I look for it every day the such a hope and desire is right in fact if you don't hope and desire his little rain something's radically wrong recently there's been a turn of events back in the 50s 60s and 70s nobody no Christian wanted him to come back why it was great everything was good now things aren't so good right and they're getting worse guys I don't know if you realize but in England they're auctioning off women in the streets of London Muslims in the streets of London are taking infidels from their countries putting a burqa on them and auctioning them off for 50 bucks as sex slaves right in the streets of London and I know that our current president is a little bit of a loose cannon but guess what you don't need some fancy liberal in there because when the bombs start blowing up at all concerts you're going to see people you know have a different attitude and if you think it can't happen here you're crazy you're absolutely crazy there was a time that the theologians in the 18th century you know we don't hear about theologians much in the 14th century the 13th century because there were none it was a time of dark ages and the Catholic grain the Catholic Church ruled and reigned and there was crazy things going on but all of a sudden there was a Protestant Reformation a reforming protesting these crazy things and you had guys like John HUS burned at the stake you know why he was burned at the stake you know why because he put a chalice a communion cup on a Bible and said all men could be filled with the Holy Spirit there is no different clergy and laity that got the guy burned but then we go to the other extreme and people like well this is silly we meet at our house with the congregation that's your church it doesn't matter if the house is small a big you're meeting and you need leadership why do we need leadership acts 15 the first congregation Jerusalem James the Apostle was a leader and an elder it's biblical you're making it you're going to the other extreme just go to the extreme of the Bible find out what the Bible says and then adhere to it you follow not your way my way his way so there was a time these great theologians men you know the the the the HUS is and and and the the Murray McShane's and the Spurgeon's these guys were crazed the Edwards the Whitfield they called the dry-eyed Christianity because so-called Christians weren't crying for God to come back you know how sad that is do you remember the story of Mephibosheth I can't go into details everybody no mephibosheth Jonathan son David was King he got kicked out and he was taking care of Jonathan's son because he loved in a door Jonathan they had the greatest friendship in the history of the Bible and so he leaves and the FIB the chef doesn't come and he comes back he comes back he's restored to his kingdom and mephibosheth the crippled kid he asked him to pull him out and he says he's he's mad see when people do horrible things to burn at night we don't want anything bad to happen to them we're sad because we poured our heart into them and then they just did terrible things to us and we're hurt we're not mad we don't want revenge it would be horrible if you if you've had somebody do some horrible to you and you're praying to God that something horrible happens to them you need a heart transplant that is evil it's wicked and it's messed up okay but we're hurt because we love them and we're not going to be in a relationship with them anymore you follow we shared Psalm 55 we went to the synagogue together we sung together we live together we shared our innermost thoughts in our heart together how do you just do that and then want to hurt so that's that's the hurt so this is the way David felt he didn't want to hurt me said the chef he's like man dude really I got kicked off the throne I got sent out it was throwing rocks at me I was best friends with your dad I promise take care actor Carrie where were you you see that's the issue I have I look into the person's eyes I go man you were in love with me you're in love with me how did you do that how could you do that you know what I'm talking about how many people have been betrayed here maybe by a spouse or parent don't you just want to look in their eyes and say how could you do that how could you do that and so that's our attitude towards it and people do it all the time come we pay a mortgage right send a kid to college cry with them over their marriage and then they just take off like screw you like who cares matter burn that just did that's me take off and then they say just come back into the synagogue might have burned that left for like a year then she comes back she left me for you and come back say hey did you what's the dinner that's sick that's sick and you know the sick part is these are Christians believers fill the Holy Spirit they're filled alright so so all this to say is he st. in the city why didn't you come on me why didn't you come with me he said he wanted to I wanted to but my servant see but he didn't saddle my donkey nor crippled I could get on it myself David outraged because ziba told them that he didn't want to come he's like and he knows my selfishness not a liar seems like we're gonna talk to we're gonna we're gonna have a little chat with zebra he said I gave him your land then all of a sudden David looks at him and he's unkept and he stinks and he looks horrible and he says to him what's what's going on with you and he goes I haven't bathed or taking care of myself since you were gone I was in mourning for the king he said I'm gonna get your land back I'm gonna take his head we're going for revenge what else do you want the FIB mashek classic he says I got what I want the King's backed that's us buddy where the crippled kid who came to the Kings table and it's amazing how the table hides our deformities that's grace and we should be crying out for the King to come home so and for those people there are actually people out there burn that there's people out there I have a friend 40 years and he knows the date that Messiah is coming Messiah doesn't know he says only the father Yeshua doesn't know but this guy knows and some of you have studied and come up with a date didn't you let me give you a heads up okay I'm just protecting you from looking like an idiot if you're 70 years old 70 years old and you come up with a date make sure it's at least 51 years from you because you can't live past 120 and you won't look like an idiot when it doesn't come to pass so make sure the dates far off nobody knows and you didn't reveal it to anybody so obviously it's not important and if you really think it's the last days why aren't you witnessing your head off the last day started when Yeshua left it says in first John we are in the last days because when he left it was a countdown to his return so they were in the last days 2000 years ago obviously with 2000 years more lasts and how long you going to be around I mean I know a lot of people think that waking up tomorrow how do you know that when your shoe says in a sermon tomorrow has enough worries about itself how do you figure that out I don't really have any plans people say how could you operate like that today take care of today what about yesterday its history I did what I thought I had to do yesterday yesterday but its history if I didn't there's nothing I could do about it what about tomorrow I have no control over it that's a crazy way to live is it my mom you say to me are you crazy you just live for the day I had a father that had this awful job of loading trucks at 4:30 in the morning at Long Island City had to take like 4 trains and his whole life he waited to retire and a week into his time and he dropped dead so I guess that sent the message to me you don't need to know the dates of the times the father has kept these under his own authority but but this is a great bug nothing like a good biblical but this is a really important one he said forget about that for a minute let's go on to something that's more important okay so after letting them know you she was letting them know that the future date of his kingdom would be unknown he directs their attention to something much more immediate and much more crucial namely their mission now my question is if this is their mission and they were the first of his disciples how could it not be ours how do we have a different mission than the 12 original disciples and they were to be witnesses just so you know he says in all of Judah that's acts 1 7 takes care of Jerusalem acts 8 9 takes care Judea and Samaria and then next 9 to 28 to the end takes here the ends of the earth so he was accurate let's go to these words for a minute witnesses Martis it means to testify in a legal sense and proclaim what you saw heard and know people always ask me how might it be a witness rabbi I don't know what people know when I went to visit Samuel he knew very little but now he has 200 village congregations we know so much more and we can't witness to our neighbor how much do you need to know to proclaim what you saw her to know but I don't know that much okay then witness what you do know you can't witness what you don't know so in America was forever learning we keep learning and learning and learning you're not going to impress people with your knowledge nobody cares how much you know till they know how much you care you're going to impress them with really caring about them and you can't fake it you just can't in Africa they listen if you're starving and somebody wants to come along with a sandwich they're going to take it whether you evil not evil they're going to take it right so would we but they know they know you can't fool them what do you think because they're not as educated us they can't discern a heart when I went to Africa they called Mimas zoom boom Africa it's the highest compliment it means white African because they could see you come out of your rich high tree living and you're willing to live in their muddy huts with them and they could see your heart here we can't discern we're so hurt that we don't trust anybody there they can discern the very childlike and they'll take mission from anybody but it's really nice when somebody legitimately cares I walked into that shop and what was it in Nakuru where I got that shared I wanted a traditional shirt and I yelled what did I yell I didn't I wanted to yell mazuma freaka by the ELMO ganga Magana m'f rica and everybody starts to run because that means which doctor stephen said no no no no so I stopped speaking Swahili I was done but there's another meaning guys this is a tough one there's an ethical meeting and it's those who after his example meaning issuer have proved the strength and genuineness of their faith the Messiah by undergoing a violent death you don't have to go undergo a violent death to be a witness but for some it's part of it let me tell you the number of some 62 million people since yushua that is not a small number and maar to set the word martyr in our english language so we have to be willing we do in Indian Orissa they burn 14 of them in the chair just for being believers radical Hindus are as rough if not rougher than radical Islam in order to be able to do this though let's be honest we we're not going to be able to do it on our own there's just no way I mean I can't I feel like I can't do anything on my own when I read for the first time apart from God I could nothing it was not some scripture that I read that said that's a neat scripture that's something to memorize so that's something to put on a bumper sticker I believed it I promise you I believed it and we've been believing it ever since Bernadette and I we never sit around I don't think ever and the 15 years we're here I never said hey we really it's always I can't believe what God has done so many times we lean into each other because we know who we are we're kids from the Bronx you know how father managed the bar my father loaded trucks we don't come from any Royal line and we lean into each other all the time ago this is crazy right this is crazy but you know when you're a fool and you're weak then God becomes wise and strong somebody's got to get the glory to the you ahem I wouldn't touch it if I were you but that's a whole nother story so in order to be a witness in order to be a Martucci you're schewe says you need Dunamis power power its strength its might its ability but it's it's important to know this word its inherent power and inherent power is a power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature so therefore you must be born again because the only way you can be indwelt the only way you can get the inherent power is by being born again but the sad thing is just when you're born again it doesn't mean it's going to keep flowing there's a lot of things that create the connection to be disconnected to have a twist in the hose sin enigma T transient causes the flow to stop repentance opens the flow but walking in something yes you're not going to hear God's voice you just not he can't he can't do that he's just in Holy he can't just pour his spirit on one person just objectively you know what I mean just haphazardly and and when you walk in that stuff as a lifestyle it stops the flow it does not mean that you're not born again by the way see you can be at a fellowship but not at a relationship if I send my children to their room we are at a fellowship but I'm still their dad and they're still my kids that doesn't change that's why in first John one says my little children it's beautiful if you said my little children still still kids that's just something that's a secure thing from God and that's something that people have abused they've abused that like they said well now you no longer is kid no yours kid but the other side of the abuse is yours kids you can get away with murder that's grace abuse and that's dangerous as well let me show you in acts 4 we're going to skip over and just get into this section because it's a neat section because he just finished his second sermon and now the persecutions thoughts this is really the beginning of the persecution of the body of believers this is where it starts okay the next day what happens there in the temple courts at the end of Acts 3 he just finished a powerful sermon and and now people are listening things are happening the spirits moving things are being disrupted and the religious community are upset so it's the very next day the people's rulers those are the Sadducees and the elders and the Torah teaches not so much the Pharisees the Sadducees and they assembled in Jerusalem along with on on on on an iose the Kohan hugger dole he wasn't in the position but they brought him into the meeting because he has so much influence kaya saw Caiaphas his son he was the residing High Priest Jochen on Alexander we don't know anything about him sorry and the other men from the family so the other high priests they had the emissary stand before them those are the Apostles and asked by what power or in what name did you do this now let me just say that's a backhanded compliment I think it's astounding did you ever see that they're complimenting them this isn't being done by themselves they're saying you're under some kind of power they know from power they've cast things out they've done things in the name of Hashem they know the power of God but their religious leaders they're not fishermen you follow this is really cool I'm going to enjoy this I hope you do too is really really tight by what Powell or and what name did you do this so they couldn't deny that they did it the guy's been crippled for a long time outside the Senate by the way if you're going to beg beg outside a church or a synagogue well I take that back maybe back then it worked go back by the highway they're more they're more benevolent than the church people but back then yeah people going in and it looked bad if you passed a guy by you didn't look religious right so he's been out there for years and he gets healed they couldn't deny that the crippled guy is now walking and in the synagogue praising the Lord that they could not deny so they want to know by what power they're saying is this from the this from Satan like you guys are just regular guys right then keifa filled that's so important you don't want to speak to authorities not filled it's no good it's just going to be dead words the Word of God is dead if it's not energized by the spirit then keifa filled with the rococo they said to them now what what a beautiful thing this is burned he's getting a chance to witness to the religious leaders they would have never listened to him so you might say wait a minute he was flogged and cost rated overnight does this happened in the afternoon meeting at the synagogue which was like three ish so they just put him under house arrest and then they hit him up in the morning so that's what the Torah says you can't convict somebody at night even though they did would you sure they went against their own Torah however this is this is really powerful see sometimes God will put you in a horrible situation said oh my God why Marissa he would never get a chance to witness to the religious elders this is this is priceless rulers and elders of the people if we are being examined today about a good deed see how ingenious the Holy Spirit is moving this isn't Peter speaking he is a fisherman man no offense of your fisherman but I'm just saying he's untrained this isn't Peter speaking this is the Holy Spirit speaking and he'll speak through you if you're willing don't go to evangelism school spend time with Yeshua I'll prove it to you they didn't go approved to you if we are being examined today about a good deed done for a disabled person can you imagine how can they how can they chastise them for that how dare you heal that why didn't you leave him on the ground now he's walking it's brilliant it's really he's putting them on the defense and they have no defense he's backing them up in the corner and they can't come out it's brilliant but who's doing it the holy spirit how do I know as Pete didn't have it not too long ago he denied Yahshua he didn't have it we don't have it that's why I act not acts 10 Matthew 10 when Yeshua first sends out the disciples they go what are we supposed to say so don't worry the Holy Spirit will speak for you why don't we adhere to that rule isn't elders of the people if we are being examined today about a good deed done for a disabled person if you want to know how he was restored to health let's continue then let it be known to you and to all the people of Israel that it is in the name of Messiah Yeshua from NAT surrett why does he say that's right there were 400 people living there nothing good came out of there no rich people lived in that's right it was the hood of Israel Yeshua from that surrett who knew havoc execute now is he is he being coy you kill them the preaching of Peter was wonderful he's the Messiah you killed them he's coming back what do you want to do you executed him on a stake as a criminal as a common criminal but God raised him from the dead that this man stands before you perfectly healed that's how it happened this Yeshua is the stone rejected by you builders did they know did they know psalm 118 you the religious leaders did they know guys when they were 5 years old they knew the Book of Leviticus you know they knew that he's saying you're the guys you're the builders of God's kingdom but you rejected the cornerstone there is salvation in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved when they saw how bold Keitha and Johan were even though they were untrained on Herod's they were amazed also they recognized them as having been with Yeshua hold on to that one for a minute let's look at some of these words how are you know we went over that already Dunamis which we get the word dynamite you have to have strength might ability inherent ability from being born again the Spirit of God flows in you okay then he says they were bold confident courageous but cheerful see some people are bold and mean you know I got Jesus living in my heart that's all I know what else is living in there seems like he's got some company we witness all day long when I went there that the countries they're like you crazy you witness to everybody in the train and the rice fields why not at the zoo why not but if they think you've been baptized in pickle juice it's not attractive see sometimes I give a hard time to the to the saved but I'm never like this with the lost I'm always cheerful because the saved I feel like you should know better and why do they want to join an organism which is really an organization when none of them get along I'd rather hang at the bar I used to hang at the bar used to work in bars used to bouncing bars sometimes I've had fights with best friends I've been knocked out by best friends but after a beer with good my playing softball some of you guys man you knock them out but I can't have a beer with you just thought kicking me in the ribs with the only people that kill if I wanted so if I'm unsaved let me get this right I get to join I get to fight and I got to give you a tenth of my income I don't think so so bold and confident and courageous not in you that's not humility in him in Messiah in him and they could tell that's why God uses people like fishermen and all of a sudden there's a boldness and they know it's beyond you there's some power if there's no power it's a form of religion people men religion they're always trying to master always trying to create a power so they try to yell or they try to cast things out there's nothing more powerful than an obedient life and there's nothing more powerful that somebody's willing to share with the lost to gain nothing to gain nothing you think I thought going to some Dali village at post surgery when every doctor said you're crazy you're going to die there you think I went there to make a name you think you got a prisons to make a name again both sleep in a mud hut with a guy with a machete outside because he's protecting you because they want to kill you to make a name you go to big churches and prophesy to make a name confident courageous but cheerful remember that one that's important free fearless and happy free feel isn't happy that's what it means but they said man there's some power over them because they are bold and they got this power but they're untrained look at this word it do taste what word do you think we get in our language from that huh and if you don't know it might apply it's not an awful word when somebody is sadly enough when they're totally uneducated they're an idiot it's not ugly just like when somebody is ignoring the truth they're ignorant it's not an ugly word we made them ugly words but it's a legitimate word they're untrained I'm Haaretz is like they sit in the cheap seats if follow their the villages they don't have any class they have no etiquette they don't come from raw line they're regular folk common folk and this what they were IDEO taste i'm Haaretz we're trained in the best schools how could they be doing this Samuel how could you be doing this Steve and Arne you didn't go to the best schools Greg he's using an idiot do you know how many times my mother called me an idiot how many times all of my Aunt Mary how many times every time I was with it you're such an idiot you do realize how much of an idiot you are all the time rabbi that's kind of mean look at what this idiot is doing there's four five hundred churches there's not one church that built from scratch they just took over a building or another building is sold in the bad neighborhood and the great white flight and build something in the good neighborhood how many of them streaming to the world how many about International Ministries with thousands and thousands of people getting saved so look what God can do through an idiot an idiot just so the record God can call me mitad you do and I'm going to slap though so because he's using idiots and ordinary people they were amazed look they were amazed they marveled they were thrown back they couldn't understand it but at the end of that section it says because they were with Yeshua Yeshua is the Messiah in Hebrew that's mushiya the root word is Masha which means to spread to rub and to smear if you won't spend time with him he can't smear himself on you and he can't do it from a distance if Verna that's in the kitchen and I'm in the living room and she has the toast and the four and this knife and I had geli it's not getting on the bread rabbi your illustrations it's like you're an idiot but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to get the illustrations do you so if you're smart you can get it if you're an idiot you can get it so I'm preaching to idiots a man may be highly talented you listening guys a man may be highly talented why do I show you how much of an idiot I am because I want you to see God I don't want you to see me you understand I do it on purpose there's a method to the madness a man may be highly talented intensively trained and widely experienced but without spiritual power he's got nothing on the other hand a man may be uneducated unattractive and unrefined but yet let him be clothed with the power of the Holy Spirit and watch out that's why God's doing it for you because she's not caught up in all that crap don't ever let's go to Leviticus 23 we'll finish up by the way that's not the message at all that had nothing to do with the message that's just talking about the power of the Holy Spirit how bad we need it but that's not the message let me give you the message okay Leviticus 23 1517 it speaks about shovel at the feast of weeks some people call it Pentecost goats 50 days penty is 15 in greek from the day after the day of rest talking about firstfruits that is from the day you bring the sheaf for waiving the firstfruits the barley harvest you would account 7 full weeks 7 times 7 is 49 until the day after 50 you would account 50 days and then you ought to present a new grain offering to annoy always an offering you got to sacrifice something if you want to get close to God you got to put a value on the Lord you must bring bread from your homes for waving two loaves you know what it's crazy this is the only time there's leavened bread used in the offering why is that what does leaven represent Sen always in the Bible sin unleavened represents Yeshua right no sin so I'm thinking why we why are we bringing loaves why are we bringing loaves to wave before you well it's obvious this is the wheat harvest after the barley harvest and why do we wave if I'm trying to get your attention and I'm out somewhere you wave right hey over here the restaurant excuse me right you're waving to get God's attention to say hey over here thank you if it wasn't for you we would have no sustenance I think there's something deeply spiritual here because there's 11 bread so I'm asking Lord why 11 bread what is leaven represents sin so that doesn't represent yushua that represents man why 2 loaves the Jew and the Gentile the bagel and the biscuit this was God's plan from the beginning that the outpouring would make us one the purpose of the Holy Spirit is to make us one the Holy Spirit is an Australian the Holy Spirit is an African the Holy Spirit is an Indian the Holy Spirit is an American the Holy Spirit is in black the Holy Spirit is in white the Holy Spirit is in male the Holy Spirit is in female the Holy Spirit is in Baptist the Holy Spirit is definitely our Presbyterian but listen don't you realize when you filled with the spirit your brethren it's the same spirit for God's sake [Music] [Applause] this is what God has done in a community that is so dysfunctional still to this day 2017 you've got black churches and white churches in a community that's 50/50 it couldn't be any more equal and you still have nuts out there that goes well black people can't learn from white pastor do you think so well you know white people just don't you know they're not comfortable a black leader I know but you know what kiddo I'm going to talk about it till it's fixed you could push it under the rug all you want it's always been about Jew and Gentile there was supposed to be no denominations you were a Jew or a non Jew and the Lord was making us one in Messiah how do I know this is the message Ephesians 2:14 through 15 the letter of Ephesians is all about the body of Messiah for he himself is our Shalom Yahshua he creates this peace he has made us both one and broken down the myth pizza that's the wall there was actually a wall there was a court of Gentiles and they could be shot and killed if they went into the Jewish Court total discrimination which divided us legitimately by destroying and he destroyed the enmity with its command set forth in its ordinances he did this in order to create an union with himself from two groups a single new humanity see the Jews was they were they were a little full of themselves because they got the Torah and the Gentiles they were pagans they were worshipping crazy gods they were cutting themselves they were having sex with their kids it was crazy crazy paganism now we don't have totem poles what we have other things we worship same same principle but they were like look you remember Peter how he was acting at the beginning you know you're an uncircumcised Gentile I can't work with you you drinking blood you having sex with your sister we got the Torah there was an arrogance so what happened there was a Council of Jerusalem and who shows up halt and pulses pete i love you but don't you remember when Yeshua restored you What did he say to you if you love me feed my lambs feed my little ones those are the Gentiles that are coming and they know nothing they know nothing so teach them Pete keeps them the ways of God and it doesn't happen overnight and he gave him four principles and we don't even know how much it was influenced by God in a way because he said it's my opinion and why was he making his own opinion because they can't sit down at the table I was in Africa where they drank blood I can't sit at a table like that so he said look there's gonna be a couple issues strangled stuff the blood the sex with everybody who walks you know what I mean and food sacrificed to idols this way if you just put that aside we can sit at the table and talk to her you follow you got to start somewhere going to have some fellowship you got at some table fellowship so that's where they started but look he says so they would both be one right in union with themself from two groups who are the two groups Baptist and Methodist guys are you telling me that the Baptist showed up in the 1700s and we were wrong for 1,700 years guys I'm not making fun you know I preach the two Baptist Convention's you know two of my best friends in ministry my only friends in ministry about this I love them I adore them and they have some really good theology for the most part but there was no Baptist or Methodist he's saying the two groups not the thousands of groups we have he's saying there were two groups and those two groups in the first century was Jew and Gentile that I know and I'm going to go with the scriptures on this one I'm going to defer to that forgive me and they would form one single humanity and thus make peace and that peace was there and the first church split is when the Gentiles split and started to do their own thing and vacuum out everything Jewish and until that's fixed there will be no one body of Messiah and you know what praise God and I'm not boasting we had that here I can't make it out there but here we have it we have Jew and tchau one in must we have it here and sadly enough look I was I was raised Orthodox I didn't learn this from a book like some people but some of these messianic congregations they add a whack because their identity becomes their idolatry and some of these Jewish guys are so into it you know what the Kip is and everything else they do and then they pull the Gentiles and they make them nuts I know it I see it I've been doing this over 25 years the cross is God's answer to racial discrimination the cross is God's answer to segregation the cross is God's answer to anti-semitism the cross is God's answer to bigotry the cross is God's answer to all forms of strife between men it was funny I used to tell this little joke it's no big deal but I just say during this part I say you know there's two things I hate one is ethnic prejudice and the other is the Dutch so you were here for like the first time I think and you came up to me and you go Rob I am from Holland and so she thought I'd be like oh I'm terribly sorry was just a joke I said yeah you from Holland wear your clogs you live in a windmill drink Heineken remember and and you were like wow he's crazy but he stayed so you're just as crazy but see this is the way I feel if you're going to be offended easily this is not your place seriously this is not your place if you're easily fed to me one of the litmus tests for a mature Christian is how easily they're not offended and when I see something that's offended very easy I don't care what they know then messed up and this is a place that we can laugh at all different cultures right every ethnicity we can laugh at it because I'm not prejudiced I just don't like the Dutch that's it look this goes through the whole New Testament I'm just going to give you a couple more we're out of here Galatians 3:28 there is neither Jew nor Gentile neither slave no free man now the male nor female for in union with the messiah issue we are all one do you see the ahad the oneness now does God recognize distinction in everyday life yes guys gender-neutral gender-neutral my eye okay I can't get pregnant it's not going to happen there are rules for women men priests that's the way it is you want to fight with it you're fighting with the Bible if you want to go against it knock yourself out I'm not going to stop you I could care less but it's not of God so he does recognize differences in everyday life but what he's talking about is he's talking about acceptance to God concerning the Jew is not preferred over the Gentile Colossians 3:11 the new self and I wonder if anybody's gotten it allows no room so when you're prejudiced yes is it a problem yes and you might say rabbi you don't understand I lived here through it you want to compare notes on persecution I love to sit down with you and talk about Jewish persecution that's all history its persecution Illustrated but when I first came out never forget I used to draw a guy got me a car we were we only had one car and I was riding a bicycle to work and he got me a card he got me a Volkswagen remember funny story about that he was a really wealthy guy in Daytona Beach and he just felt for me because he saw me riding the bike and he went to he went to the dealership honest and he said I have 25 grand I want to get a a guy a good car but I have 20 minutes and he got this this Jenna I always wanted a Jenna because it's a poor man's BMW I always wanted it as it drives very European but when I went to buy one once is that God's honest truth they didn't have power windows and they had right they had that they cranked so I told the I said know that maybe you could put him in aftermarket but back I told the guy Mike I said there's no way I'm buying a car in this day and age with with manual windows the car burned that I just came back from a mission trip burnin that says you're not gonna believe this there was a car in our driveway some guy came and delivered it and I get to the club blue.gorgeous remember I had it I came in gorgeous and I hear the voice of Lord say look at the windows they will manual I'm not right or wrong but if you are struggling with prejudice you've got to cry out to God it's okay I understand none of us are perfect we all have issues tons of issues we've got to ask the Holy Spirit the power to help deliver us to overcome those issues none of us are perfect we're all a work in progress whatever it is I have some strengths of your weakness you have some strengths into my weakness it's just the way it is but I remember doing a funeral here does anybody is it is there anybody that was what is still with us when we first got here okay so to all two of you um you imagine if I was nicer and I kept all these people I'd have a megachurch kind of a Rolls Royce you know you'd be the first lady but no you have to clean toilets um do you remember Bill lively bill Lively this sweet guy who was as eccentric as they come this guy had the worst looking pickup truck I've ever seen it was being held together by duct tape I'm not kidding you duct tape and when I first met him I said what are you doing he says I do renovations I go you might want to start on that truck that's why I said to him right away he was very eccentric but he loved the Lord and sadly enough he passed away he drowned at st. Simons right in front of his daughter he wasn't a swimmer a wave took them and you know what's beautiful I never forget these people is I'm not faking right now the Molly's that the Chris is the bills you don't ever forget that we live in a society that you know I tell Bernadette all the time if I drop dead everybody's going to miss me for a week and then they're going to be like who are we going to get as a leader that's a terrible thing it's a terrible thing and it's true and it's deplorable not because of me because this is what we do we move on way too quick it's just a messed up society you know Judaism we don't even understand for a year it's an official unveiling because for a year we have to deal we have to just be like wow how is mom I still haven't looked at a picture so what two years I haven't looked at the picture because I want to make the lead that maybe she'll show up and I still go to call her when something good happens my instinct is to call my mom crazy crazy so anyway I'm Aptus I'm at this does anybody know what a primitive Baptist churches in in the woods this was in the woods I'm a Jew first I still primmed about this really I thought I thought I was back in Kenya I thought they were going to have plus because the Maasai tribe I was with them with the Spears and the shields anyway long story short I go in there I mean there's guys there was a guy in a wheelchair with the Confederate flag on it and I'm thinking where am I so remember after the service it was a beautiful service the Holy Spirit came in like nobody's business Rose you were there it was unbelievable those pivoted that this would never be the same and Bernadette said I should hope not so after the service I iced trying to talk to people and this lady goes to me not my granddaddy told me what what your people did to us here I thought she was kidding I go happen she put she wasn't kidding I said my great-grandfather came from Germany what did he do to you they were talking about the Civil War Christian Church couldn't believe it I said Sweet Pea are you a Christian yes I am very indignant are you spirit fill born-again I don't even think she knew what that man I really don't because she looked at me like what what are you talking about because some people say are you a born-again Christian there's only one kind that's like asking me if I'm a Christian Christian here the born-again II or not so I said to a do you know about the Jewish people do you know this should be three hundred and fifty million Jews alive today but there's less than fourteen million because of all the persecution you aware that no he's been persecuted more than the Jews I said with all that I Drive a Volkswagen and she goes what are you talking about and I said exactly you follow and then she says you're not going to make it in Macon and I said sweetheart I'm not trying to make it in make and we're trying to make it in the kingdom but what can you do you can't talk to religious people she made a nice she made a nice pie and her lemonade was to die for amazing so it wasn't a total loss the new self allows note why do I say this why do I say this because I we need to wake up guys we need to wake up nobody's right the North is wrong the South is wrong the black is wrong the white is wrong the male is wrong the female is wrong we have all sinned and fall short of the glory God the only one who's right is your shilla [Applause] the only reason God can look at you sweet pea is because you were in the garments of his salvation you're wearing the robe of his righteousness and if you dare take out your needle and thread and put one stitch in it God can look at you no more it's the grace of God the new self allows no room for discriminating between Gentile and Jew it was a problem back then you don't think it's a problem today rabbi don't talk about it so you don't want me to preach the Bible you know how I feel I'm gonna go before the Lord and I'm gonna answer to him for everything and you're not going to be nowhere to be found the new self allows no room for discriminating between Gentile and Jew circumcised uncircumcised far enough savage slave free man on the contrary in all the Messiah is everything one body one body one Bible one Spirit one God one Messiah one faith one baptism one no denominations what did you say how dare you say we need each other yes yes yes yes and so many people prove it on a regular but that's why the Messianic community has always tried to be a community that's why some of your best friends in your whole life you've met here because we've always tried to be a family but it's hard it's hard some people come from two hours away people are busy you can't even get people together anymore you can't when you try to get together like a house at three week now Wednesdays not good because I and that it's impossible so we do what we can before we got do the best weekend now Yeshua has his very last words before he's taken away to be arrested in John 17 he prays 26 verses huge and this is what he says now I am no longer in the world he's gone he knows where he's going he's gone back to the fault he's already gone he's already gone you follow he's out they are in the world that means the disciples and that means us but I'm coming to you Holy Father got what a beautiful prayer guard them by the power of your name of your reputation your glory Hashem which you have given to me so that they may be Wow don't you want I mean there's a lot of prayers that we can answer don't you want to answer his just as we are he's saying just as we are one John 10:30 the father usual one may they be one I pray not only for these but also for those who will trust in me because of their word that they may all be you know when I first came to the city I went to a prayer meeting some couple ladies that were here they no longer here they said you got to go to this premium that these pastors they're crying out to God I walked into the meeting it was at High Point Church and I walked into being God's honest truth and two pens to get up and says you're gonna bring unity city they never met me they didn't know me and you know what we tried we really tried but you know what in a way we have unity here praise God you know what I mean before you look to make unity outside make unity inside is the unity and your family is unity between you and your spouse I mean because we're only as strong as our weakest link so you know we don't need to have these great aspirations I'd like to see unity here that they may be one just as you Father are united with me and I with you I pray you see this beautiful I pray not only for these meaning His disciples but also for those he was praying for us 2,000 years ago who will trust in me because of their word that they may all be one just as you Father are United with me and I with you I pray that may be united with us so that the world guys I'm telling you why the world doesn't believe you know when the son of man said foxes have holes birds have nests but the Son of Man is no way to lay his head is it a Baptist head is a messianic head what kind of head is it where's it going to go what body if there's one head there's only one body come on guys get with the program read the Bible get with the program stop I know some of you might be offended happening talk like this what do you want to do play Church make-believe everything's ok that what you want it's not for me it's not for me you know I just nothing gets done like that it's a big facade it's a big fake and nothing changes nothing changes talk to the people talk to your friends at other denominations talk tell them to stop fighting tell them to just agree on the word if they can't figure it out then sit down and discuss it nicely but if you're going to take out your sword and say on God I'm out the minute I see it I can feel it if you come up here afterwards you're like well you said and you take out your sword I'm like put it back in your sheath I'm done I don't want to fight with you the whole world wants to fight with me the enemy wants to fight with me all his demons want to find me I got a fight with my brother and sisters if you know anything and if you're a father the thing you hate the most is when your children are fighting amongst themselves so we have a father and you know what he hates the most nobody's got it right we see through glass dimly nobody's theology is foolproof in other words we're all wrong we're all wrong God is right God is right identify with the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob as a believer through Yeshua the Messiah yet filled with the Holy Spirit and go out there and do some damage let's stand together and by the way that's what shovel wood is all about axe too if you notice they came from all the nations and at that point they were baptized in oneness that's the feast of shovel revealed not so you can have the holy spirit and strut around and tell people about your dreams and visions well tell people about secret Gnosticism you know where the Ark is buddy that's not where it's at it's not about your gifting it's about your gift er we all want we all fall short in any of us if we ever go before God cannot lay a claim of stake a claim on our greatness or our goodness it's to the glory of God and by His grace he's brought us to the fold and now we get to live in the house of the Lord forever and I say amen now middle Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and made a little bit of Missouri countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle peace issuer giver echo can annoy fish Maratha yo Aaron openiv allaha the who NASA is I don't know heart for novela ha the assemblée ha ha um Hawks America's happy shovel
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,105
Rating: 4.7808218 out of 5
Keywords: Shavuot, Pentecost, Ruach ha Kodesh, Yeshua, Holy Spirit, flames, pour out
Id: 3AX28zvbB1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 39sec (4479 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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