(Sep 1, 2018) Torah Parsha: Ki Tavo (When You Come)

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[Music] well the Torah Pasha like most of the Torah washes you know they're really no-brainers but sometimes you know in theological circles well what we do here is expository preaching or teaching if you will and the reason why we do that is because that's the way they preached in the Bible Moses was an expository preacher and Ezra of course was an expository preacher what that means is they expose or expound or explain they read the scripture and they explain to interpret and then you apply it in your life how God you know is telling you to apply it basically but without the interpretation it's almost impossible to get the application and you'll find that today it's much more popular to just talk about how you can apply the scripture to make your life better and I just I think there's a place for topical preaching but it does not compare I'm not saying it's off you know we've developed topical preaching and let's preach about the gifts of the Holy Spirit let's preach about faith but it does not hold a candle to exposition and and I just think that at some point you know we have to have some Authority so my opinion although I'm entitled to it doesn't really it counts but it doesn't it doesn't mean that much and your opinion you're entitled then it counts but it doesn't mean that much we need some authority without without the Bible being our truth then truth is subjective or relative and without the Bible then there's no absolute truth and not having absolute truth and God's economy is absolutely wrong because then everybody's subject where do we draw the line and then you have everybody's opinion and then you have people giving their two cents well I think we should do this and I think we should do that and then you're not biblically based anymore because you're not there cravaack your democratic and it doesn't work was how can you get so many people together to determine what's right we need an authority you know Yeshua says I am the truth not I'm truthful or I speak truth he said I am the truth well who is Yeshua the Word of God made flesh the Word of God is the truth okay that's the premise that we have here and we're never gonna change that premise okay that's why exposition is crucial because a lot of times you don't know you know I say well you're straining that swallow a camel I mean like I think I get it but then when you really go into these unclean animals you go into Leviticus you start explaining what was going on in the first century now of a sentence like light bulb Maibaum so it's important you have to have exposition you know you have to have exposition that has to be teaching it's it's crucial it's crucial it's crucial teachers are you know teaches a priceless they they change they shape and change people's minds I could tell you a story you know obviously my mother's teacher and my sister's teacher you know I'm a teacher but I was running with a really bad crew in the Bronx and in sixth grade I was really on the verge of really ruining my life and my sixth grade teacher mr. Abernathy he's no longer with us but I'll never forget he told me to stay after class and he said I see such potential in you and I see you throwing it in the trash and he said I don't think I can let that happen it changed my whole entire life when he cut in on my dance that's how important teaching is okay with that being said this is a no brainer I'll expand a little bit I don't have to expound that much because like I said it's it's it's pretty blatant it's irrefutable what's going on here let me just put it in context though okay now context how much context can you give you know you can read the whole Bible and try to thread the whole thing that's the best context but at least you got to go a little before and a little bit after it's impossible to take a scripture out of context and understand what God is saying doesn't work like we just read from the Psalms don't touch God's anointed who is God's anointed who was he talking about in that Psalm you follow without that you you that the enemy loves to take scripture out of context so he could change the meaning and so I'm telling you this is the biggest issue I think we have is text out of context this pretext which means when you take text out of context it becomes an untruth so I'm asking you please when you study studying in context it is absolutely positively crucial when you get for hermeneutics and understanding Scripture okay so let me read to you 15 verses I know we read 2 but let's read 15 ok Deuteronomy 29 verses 1 through 15 it says these are the words Devarim these are the words of the Covenant which Illinois ordered Moshe to make with the people of Israel in the land of Moab in addition to the covenant which he made with them in hora or sign are then Moshe summoned all Israel and said to them you saw everything now this is a quote you saw everything I don't know I did before your eyes in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh to all his servants into all his lands the great testing which you saw with your own eyes and the signs and those great wonders nevertheless to this day Ivan why has not given you a heart to understand eyes to see or ears to hear I led you 40 days in the desert neither the clothes on your body nor the shoes on your feet wore out you didn't eat bread and you didn't drink water I'm sorry forgive me drink wine nor other intoxicating liquor this was so that you would know that I am I don't know your God when you arrived at this place to hone the king of Heshbon and oh the king of Bashan advanced against us in battle and we defeated them took their land that gave it as an inheritance to the Ruffini the gaudy and the minashi therefore observe the words of this covenant on obey them so that you can make everything you do prosper today you are standing all of you before uttering on your guard your heads your tribes your leaders and your offices all the men of Israel along with your little ones your wives your foreigners are here with you in the camp from the one who chops your wood to the one who draws your water the purpose is that you should enter into the covenant Audino your god and into his oath which I don't know you God is making with you today so that he can establish you today for himself as a people and so that for you he will be God as he said to you and as he swore to your ancestors to Avraham if ha and Yaakov but I am NOT make this covenant and this holds only with you rather I am making it both with him who was standing here with us today before I don't know our God and also with him who is not here with us today just for the record that's us we weren't there but we're here today right okay so let's let's break it down a little bit this is not probably that important to you and I don't even know why I do some of the things I do sometimes but let me just show you a little map I just want you to know where they are I mean you got to understand one thing as far as I'm concerned the Bible is not a storybook written by men okay it's the Word of God and when you want to know if something is authentic whether it's the New England Journal of Medicine that some of you doctors read or a text book that some of your kids are reading in college how do we know it's true how do we know what we're reading is the truth everybody says I read this I read this I read this what's the footnote what's the bibliography when it comes to the Bible there is tremendous external evidence that corroborates what it says in the Bible okay it corroborates what it says in the Bible so we find coins in an area with an insignia of a leader we know hey that was the leader during 1315 BC and there's a ton of information like that out there now you probably won't look into it and you'll probably just feel like all right who cares but the Bible says set apart messiahs Lord always being prepared to give a defense for that the faith that's in you so I'm just saying that it's biblical to give a defense and because when people say it's just written by men and you have no answer except look all I know is he said it and that's a it's not a good answer it's better if you don't say anything okay it's it's it's a God has worked too hard to give all kinds of internal external scientific data archeological findings bibliographical handwritten manuscripts of the original close to the date that the original event happened there's too much information out there guys I know I'm rambling through it but I'm just saying you might think god I feel like an idiot that's not the point the point is that there is tremendous evidence to authenticate this document and because I've done the research that's why I'm in so emphatic about the Word of God my faith isn't just in faith it's an evidence that demands a verdict that this is the Word of God period so here we are now Mount Sinai on this map is not where I think Mount Sinai is but it's not that's not a big issue Mount Sinai is more over here the Gulf of Aqaba but that's what all the maps show just like all the maps show in your Bibles Palestine when did it become Palestine I give it's a made-up term anyway I don't want to get into that now because already your head is like I see smoke coming out of your ear so let's let's not even go there and so they they leave Egypt okay and they cross here and there at Sinai and they're getting the Ten Commandments and they're hanging out there for a good while and then they take off about a year and a half later and then they go up to the southern part of Judah it's called Kadesh Barnea we know where that is okay this trip a day's journey back in that time a day's journey now is like what do we do we we walk from like the bathroom to a bedroom that's a day's journey but back in that day they walked and they walked 30 kilometers or 20 miles so this was an eleven-day journey eleven-day journey okay and 20 miles 20 miles a day 220 miles that's about the distance from Sinai to Kadesh Barnea go figure okay so they're at cottage Bonior and they send the spies into the land and the sparks come back with a bad report and then what would have been an easy trip into Jerusalem a couple of days took him 38 years and not only that but the wilderness had six hundred and three thousand five hundred forty eight tombstones what a shame don't spread bad reports okay speak good news better off much better off so here we have Deuteronomy 29 1 and now they're on the plains of Moab they're ready to go in you see the plains of Moab it's just north of the Dead Sea its east of the Jordan River and it's right waiting on the plains of Moab is all this area okay this is bhishan up here but this is all the plains well it's not just that little area that's just where they have the title but so they're right opposite Jericho and they're gonna go into Jericho and Jericho is gonna be no more and then they're gonna hit you Ursula so they're right on the plains they've just 40 years now you say why does it say 38 wives say 40 they left Egypt 40 years ago they wanted 438 they stayed at Sinai for over a year and they Moses went up the mountain 40 days so when you do all the math it's 40 years in total just like just see in the Bible four and a 30 years 400 years four and thirty years they were in Egypt but they became enslaved for the 400 years so there's no there's no discrepancy in the Bible the only thing we have in the Bible is called apparent discrepancy and we have to be able to reconcile all apparent discrepancies otherwise if there's one discrepancy in that book you've got to trash the whole thing follow you do okay all right well why don't we just move on okay let's move on and we'll go to the first verse and we'll expound on it okay it says these are the words there on the plains of Moab and this is very crucial they made some really bad mistakes they were totally disobedient gods like okay you're ready to go in now and so Moses goes over the history that's what Deuteronomy all is he's going over the history like this you did good this she did real bad this he kind of did okay this was an abomination this he's going over the history the highlights and the lowlights was the ready to go in and he doesn't want them to forget okay God's giving them another chance so these are the words of the Covenant which I don't know I ordered Moshe to make with the people of Israel in the land of Moab in addition to the covenant which he made with them in whorls so there's two covenants here there's a covenant that Moses is making with them at Moab in Horeb is just another name for Sinai and God made a covenant with them at Sinai forty years ago okay so the children of Israel like I said at east of the Jordan 40 years of wandering since their Exodus for me and the Covenant is being renewed it's not really a different covenant it's a different spot but it's the same covenant God doesn't have a different covenant the Ten Commandments of the Ten Commandments they always was and they always will be they're not going anywhere so he's just he's he's renewing the covenant with them why because all the guys that left Egypt that sorrel the one-ders they're dead they're gone now the little ones are all grown up but they didn't really see stuff right how quickly do we forget so God in His infinite mercy and love and care and concern and compassion and empathy and patience is just reminding do we ever need reminders okay let's look at this word covenant and the reason why this word is so important is because our God the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob your God my God is a covenant making and a covenant keeping God make no mistake he makes what's called theocratic covenants there's five of them some people argue there was a covenant with Noah there's five theocratic covenants in the Bible okay one being the Abrahamic covenant one being the Mosaic Covenant at Sinai one being the Israeli covenant which is Deuteronomy 29 which we're in one being the Davidic covenant with King David that the laws be a king sitting you might say but there's no king sitting in Jerusalem now oh there's a king over Jerusalem he's just not sitting in Jerusalem yet and then there's the New Covenant which if you guys whatever you call yourself if you call yourself a a Christian a disciple of it the name doesn't matter a Baptist it doesn't matter to me but you are a new covenant believer if you're not a new covenant believer then you're not saved if you're not saved you're in trouble now you might say we've never heard this that's what the Bible says what can I tell you Jeremiah 31 and all the covenants are made with Israel and anybody who wants to attach themselves to Israel now a lot of Israel has reneged on the new covenant they said no I'm not interested I'm not interested I mean I'm gonna make stuff up and they made stuff up they meant well the rabbi's flipped out and they made stuff up there's what they said they said oh we don't have a sacrificial system anymore how are we going to get our sins forgiven and they base three things this is legit I'm a Jew I know it three things to feel of Prayer to Shuba repentance and sadaqa/charity the rabbi said this is what we need to do to get ourselves right with God my question is how much charity do you got to give to get right with God there's no answer it's ambiguous you can't give enough to get your sins forgiven the blood of goats and Rams won't do it for your sweet pea and since we don't even have a sacrificial system anymore how you gonna do it now and it's just not even taught anymore and the typical synagogue setting we don't we don't even talk about sins we come once a year we say a few prayers and we're good to go for another year it really doesn't it's not even logical it's not even logical it just doesn't doesn't work okay God is a covenant making and a covenant keeping God he wants his people to be a confident making and covenant keeping people okay it's how many of you hate a one-sided relationship do you know that person that you know they get a boyfriend a girlfriend and they disappear and then the minute they break up they blow up your phone or you know that person that calls you and they never ask you how you're doing it's always what they need you know that guy you might be that guy I don't know but nobody likes that guy God doesn't like that guy either he's making a covenant he doesn't like that guy he doesn't like the guy that just you know takes from God and takes from God to take from God do we like people who think they're entitled no God doesn't either I mean we guys what I'm saying is some of us are very conservative in our approach but not conservative enough and all walk with God okay it's an alliance it's a fancy word burrito or covenant it's a fancier it's an alliance that's also an offensive word it's a pledge it's a treaty how about this it's in a divine agreement between God and man can we handle that it's an agreement we all make agreement so we know what an agreement is and this agreement is divine because it's between God and man why for man's defense what for man's defense the Covenant is set up for you it's not going to change God do you understand that if you obey Him today or don't obey Him today it doesn't change who he is he's unchanging he's getting praised right now as we speak if we don't praise Him you know how it says the rocks will cry out the rocks don't need to cry out this full living creatures crying out constantly he's never not getting praise never this is for our defense if one meaning URI if we want to have friendship with God we must come into a covenant relationship with him now I know some of you have been going to your houses of worship for 30 years and never even heard covenant I don't know why I I I can't for the life of me know why some of you go to a synagogue you never hear covenant I don't know why the only thing I could say is you're hearing religious culture not the Bible okay I mean it happens to the best of us it could happen to us here I'm being very protective of it that's why we're a theocracy because crazy people come in and try to change things and you can't let that happen God is a covenant making and covenant keeping God the Covenant at Horeb refers to the entire law given at Sinai extending from if you if you want to check your Bible from chapter 19 in Exodus through chapter 10 in numbers verse 12 that's the entire law if you ever want to know what it's all over the places no it's not chapter 19 in Exodus 2 chapter 10 in numbers verse 12 that's the law that's the Torah here in the book of Deuteronomy Moses is is not reiterating the Lord Sinai he's expounding on it he's preaching it Moses is preaching to the children of Israel and just for the record even though this was 30 400 years ago we still preach the laws of God today it has not changed I'm doing exactly what he did 30 400 years ago not exactly he might have done a lot better but what I'm saying overall that's what we're doing today in that crazy it's timeless he's doing this 3,400 years ago on the plains of Moab and on the plains of Macon we're doing it 3,400 years later timeless and by the way I got to tell you I leaned into Bernadette and I said it is a miracle look we're in the Bible Belt you know that and I know that okay but not only we in the Bible of Macon is the buckle it's about as culturally religious as any place I've ever been in my life what is the shot of four hundred and fifty people loving the Torah in Macon Georgia it's absolutely a miracle listen you know who you used to be right is it not a miracle this is a bona fide miracle and God put it right in the center of the buckle of the belt to say that it's not weird no matter what the culture tells you no matter what your uncle tells you and I know what your grandmother tells you no matter what Pastor Dave tells you it is not weird because the Torah is a way of peace pleasantness and protection period all right let me let me just show you in exodus 24:3 famous last words moshe came this is after he gets the law from God the ten commandments and he told the people everything I don't know had said including the rulings right and the people answered with one voice they didn't even think about it they didn't pray about it we will obey every word I don't know he has spoken and but when you were young and the first time you got drunk and you were hurling in the toilet and what did you say over and over again Oh God because you know I mean it's all for oh god just get me through this I promise not to next Saturday will I do it again human nature famous last words okay so first of all what I want you to know about a covenant is God initiates it man did initiated it's from the heart of God because it's beautiful to put something forth a covenant beautiful sake I'm gonna do this for you in this view in this view in this view in this view in this view in this view and this view in this means if it pleases the court let the record show based on the Torah that Israel verbally agreed to the Covenant laws obligations but did not behave accordingly yes guilty as charged therefore here in Deuteronomy 29 what we were just reading Moses exhorts Israel to covenant renewal just prior to them entering the promised land let me ask you something how many times in your walk have has God had to restore his fellowship with you through repentance and renewing our covenant so before you point fingers remember there's three pointing back to you how many times have you had to repent and ask God forgiveness we don't have time to talk about it right so aren't you glad today that God is a God of second chances and third chances and fourth chances aren't you glad aren't you glad that that he just doesn't say okay that's it you've had 490 we're done one more he it's not like the world system the world system gives you no grace okay if you're early or on time if you're on time you're late if you late you fired aren't you glad that God doesn't operate like the world I'm glad that God doesn't operate like some of you I'm glad he's God very thankful now let's go back to our pashya Deuteronomy 29 to 3 then most just summon all Israel and said to them you saw everything I don't know I did before your eyes some of them didn't see it but obviously their parents told them about it okay some of them did some of them were 5 years old and 7 years old up to 22 even some of the 19 year olds now they're 59 but they saw it because the men who died the fighting age of men was 20 and over in Israel's economy so any kid 18 17 15 they saw it it's not like nobody saw it they saw it and the woman's sword so you said you saw everything I don't know I did before your eyes in the land of Egypt affair on all the servants into his land the great testings the great tribulation if you will the great trials which you saw with your own eyes and the signs and those great wonders okay he's giving them an incentive to keep the Covenant he's not persuading them and it's sad that he had to do this but he's like saying you know how sometimes say to your kid I'd do this for you I'd do that for you I'm there for you I got you this I got you that and this is the way you treat me you're trying to wake them up right has anybody ever done that to that child come on we've all done that because you feel like you're being taken advantage of and guess what you are you are the little brats need a good slap enough mother that you should have did years ago it's it's almost too late now at 17 I mean but you still have to remind them but if you keep giving and keep giving you're just you're just blowing it you know if you just keep saying you do this one more time you just want they're laughing at you you don't realize it they're laughing at you IIIi don't mean to be mean I just mean to be honest it doesn't mean you got to knock them out but you got to wake them up and waking him up isn't sitting down and talking to them over and over again I've sacrificed to you I do so much for you hood and look at the way you're treating me just stop doing mom I don't like this food okay hopefully you like fasting I mean guys this isn't mean and and it's not mean for god when we keep taking and we keep taking and we don't hold to our end of the bargain and we don't show enough thanks it's not it's look it's look this isn't the it's not right right it's all it comes down to this common sense involved in this thing it's not just chapter verse this common sense sweetheart God gave us common sense the animals don't have it they'll eat their own vomit okay they don't have common sense we do and some people just don't use it I've always said common sense today is the only thing that is very uncommon so he's giving them an incentive to keep the Covenant he's reviewing the goodnesses of God he's reviewing the goodnesses of God to the people of Italy saying you remember the miracles the mighty deliverance from Egypt stalking this man you would change shackled he broke those shackles you took their silver and gold I delivered you from Egypt's oppression into the marvelous light of Israel we 234 hundred years later need to be reminded on a regular basis of the goodnesses of God towards us and for us as we too have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness into the marvelous kingdom of light anybody can say Amen great okay Deuteronomy 29 for let us continue nevertheless he says even though God was so good to you to this day I don't know why has not given you now if you read this and your fundamental it's like God prevented them from understanding it seems like God's mean right yeah you got almost go back to the original Hebrew some of it just wasn't translated as best as they could because they were trying to translate it into from an old Hebrew into a new Hebrew into modern-day English and sometimes it loses its its its meaning a little bit the heart is not your physical heart obviously the heart is the organ of understanding and the will when God speaks of the heart he's talking to the deepest part of you basically your soul basically your decision-making basically your way to understand things and perceive things so the Lord wanted to give them a heart to understand he longed to he wanted that nice to be able to see he wanted the ears to be able to hear but they rendered themselves on fit to receive these things through their continued unbelief and disobedience through continued unbelief in disobedience you will lose contact with God you will not understand him not because he's mean because you chose to say I got this his hand is always on you you spread his fingers what take his wrist and lift it off not him he all he wants to do is bless you and take care of you and be your God he doesn't just have Hasley go I'm done you say thank you very much I'll take care of it myself I'll do it my way right it didn't work for Frank Sinatra and it's not gonna work for you he did it his way right regrets he had a few I bet he has a few more right now right yeah you don't want to sing you know New York New York and hell doesn't make for a pleasant song these little town Blues I think it's more than little town blues you hear what I'm saying you know it's his house and it's his rules but his rules aren't they're not oppressive you know we were human beings are rebellious by nature they rebellious they want to do their own thing people ruling laird I see it means people ruling they want to have a little group some funky group and everybody gets a vote and everybody talks this person is even close to the Lord this person even in fasting and praying this place this person is unsaved but you get a vote mm-hmm Bernadette and I have never sat down at the table with all four children go hey guys what do you think why would we why would we Oh God silent is that what you do yikes maybe when they're an adult so they show some wisdom what you're really trying to get a fit but when you're making decisions for your family seek the Lord don't seek your kids truth be told that the real spiritual sight is with the eyes of one's heart you know the famous song opened the eyes of my heart that's what he's saying I want to see you okay what is that song mean it's a very popular song was a song done by a great guy you know Matt Redman he really gets the Lord he had to come to the United States because he couldn't sing anymore in England because it turns so Islamic that nobody was listening to all we have believe it or not we have about I think about 25 different localities in England that are listening right now which is kind of crazy because England has turned very incredibly incredibly godless and incredibly Pro Islam that may have London this Islamic they're trying to adopt Sharia law it's unbelievable it's going on there I know you're not in touch with it because CNN doesn't report that you know I mean CNN might applaud that for all we know but yeah it's really it's it's really pretty bad really pretty a bad situation but he Matt Remy came into his little church and said we're not doing music anymore and they didn't do music for a year because everybody was singing but nobody was really living the song and then when he came back he came back with halt to worship because it's all about him and they weren't getting it and a lot of us don't get it a lot of us don't get it so you know so we want to open up the eyes of our heart and the way we do that is through faithful obedience it's the only way this I wish I could tell you there was another approach to it but there isn't well open the eyes of my heart is a beautiful thing look look at this word understand he said they didn't yet die they didn't know me remember your schewe constantly when he says I don't know you I don't know you I don't know you I don't it's the same thing nothing's new Under the Sun they didn't know him they didn't know God visualize didn't know God Christians don't know him to discriminate to be well-acquainted with but the important thing is to know by experience you are not gonna know God just from reading the Bible you know Psalm 34:8 says what taste and see right it's this word you're done it means to see with the eyes of your heart to actually to see God remember what job said I think it was the sixth verse of the last chapter 42 what'd he say he said I've heard about you with the hearing of my ears but now I see you I adore you I have experienced you I know you and all I could do is put on sackcloth and ashes and hit the deck and beg you to forgive me like the holiest man there who was and he hits the deck just throwing that out there Deuteronomy 29 five six I led you forty years in the desert now you could say that Moses is talking you know it Moses sounds like one of those parents right I led you forty years if you read Deuteronomy one he said you were stiff necked people you were miserable people you drove me crazy listen how many of you have raised kids seriously raise your hand so I can really see I don't know why people do this what what does this mean are you embarrassed that you raise kids yeah I raised them but I don't want anybody know what is this it's like no very weird we do that you guys do this all the time it's like but if I said how many people want to hunger olives two hands right what is this stop that it to start drives me crazy okay I'm gonna try it again how many people have raised kids there you go it's in a lot of ways it's it's abusive isn't it it's beautiful at times but a lot of times it's a totally correction correction correction explaining and they look at you like that you know you know like glazed and confused like let me tell when they look at you like that know what they're saying I can't stand this I can't wait to get out of here I can't wait to grow up and leave because I am so sick and tired of your stupid speeches and we could have got through this 20 minutes ago but you just go on and on okay you're ready kids kids if you obey it we won't have to give the stupid speeches no more [Music] it's an incredibly simple solution you hate the speeches guess what we hate giving them more than you hate hearing them plus it's like falling on deaf ears ears that didn't hear and eyes that didn't see and you didn't know I was dad so let me remind you so Moses say man you were not easy to deal with listen parenting is not easy pastoring if you are not cold to Pastor it is by far the worst job in the universe there is nothing worse than being a pastor when you're cold not to pastor because you guys are crazy I led you for 40 years in the desert Moses says now I think it's hard to tell who's speaking at this point but I think this is the Lord not Moses Moses was a humble man very humble okay neither the clothes on your body I could see God saying this I led you because God led them right Moses shepherded them but God led them I led you for 40 years in the desert neither the clothes on your body no the shoes on your feet wore out I read this to Lily I go what do you make of that she goes it's miracle wear [Laughter] you Dean bread and you didn't drink wine nor other intoxicating liquor this was so that you would know that I am I don't know you God God never for bait forbid them to drink I just want you know I don't drinks I don't like the taste but it's not biblical so I don't want to go there because some of you've been brought up but it's not biblical it's just not in the Bible however God does say that beer is a brawl and one is a mock and some of you are not having a drink - just because you enjoy the taste you're getting drunk because you're trying to escape your life instead of getting drunk to escape your life find out how you can make your life better so you can be straight and enjoy it so the Lord said I led you for forty years your clothes didn't wear out you enjoyed manna from heaven water from the rock you didn't depend on the things manufactured by man that's what it is you know bread wine and strong drink manufactured by men he's saying I didn't want you to take any credit for your survival okay your survival was all me I was your provider and he still is correct we might not realize it but trust me you know some of your stories right you were dead in the water and now you're doing pretty good right and you know it was a miracle right okay so give God the glory this is this was I did this for you I led you and I provided for you solely so you would come to know you died you would know me as God that was the whole point before you got into the promised land you would know who I was and if you got to know me as God are you looking at where I am okay intrigued my talent in the bag they they all the shout machine get a list of just the scriptures they don't get a list of because I don't even know what the sermon is gonna be I just have an outline of scriptures and who knows what I'm gonna say I don't know so but so she's looking at where the scriptures are and that's why probably the pavement he did this so that when they got into this promised land this beautiful place I mean he marries them and what do you do when you get married you build a house he built them a gorgeous house can you imagine walking into this place and everything you wanted is there every fruit every berry everything to keep you in the finest health cisterns that you don't have to dig everything's provided for you totally furnished man what a beautiful thing and he wants them to know him so that they could tell their kids and they could tell their kids because I Got News for you and this is no disrespect Judaism is lost in the sauce most of my Jewish relatives wouldn't know God if they fell over him but they're Jews and there's a lot of Christians who had totally disconnected from the roots of their faith and they got Yeshua but they got like a Gentile Yeshua yep yep yep right come on help me out to some of these people in new when they say he's mean no I'm telling the truth is it the truth who believes that's the truth good see we got see nobody see if you're if somebody's behind you and you were like this nobody knows your hands up plus you live in Macon you should know how to do this now I'm only kidding I'm only kidding seriously I will slap you right now I'll slap you are you kidding me 29 homicides this year are you kidding me get out of here man no the models gonna be thank God when our Chicago this was so you would come to know him he wanted the children Israel really know him to know of his faithfulness and to know of his love to know of his faithfulness and to know as his love so they would trust him in everything they do they would seek his face in turn you would serve me with all your heart and all your soul that's the place for your protection God wants you protected so he wants to keep you close he wants to keep you close to him so he could protect you because he loves you more than you'll ever know in this lifetime he watches you go of course just like you watched your kids go of course sudden you visit your kid in the in the jail and go how did this happen how did this happen I raised this boy how did that happen he shot that guy in and he's in jail he was stronger so how does that happen you know what it happens and it breaks your heart it kills you God's trying to prevent you from hurting and him from hurting it's that simple that's the theology guys that's the intense theology that God's crazy about you and anything you're going through it's gonna be a pinprick when you see his face don't let the enemy throw you off course keep pressing keep fighting it's the only thing worth fighting keep fighting keep pressing if you're struggling financially then thank God you've got a good wife if you're struggling with your wife thank God you got some finances if you're struggling with your wife and you gotta find this this thank god you're saved you can't have it all that's the way it works is this any different I asked you then today I want we call to love God with all our heart and soul and strength today is there any different for a born-again Christian that what God was asking the children of Israel crystal law doesn't change his ways don't change 7/8 of Deuteronomy 29 here we go we're almost home I promise you well when you arrived at this place when you arrived here ciccone the king of Heshbon and our the king of Bashan advanced against us in battle we defeated them isn't that neat I want you to catch that if God is speaking he said we defeated them that's why I don't think Moses speaking you know why because in Exodus 14 14 and Moses was freaking out in the children of Israel freaking out what does he say Oh relax sit down have a chai latte getting a downward dog relax lay down on this tempur-pedic get your nails done have a spa day I'm gonna I'm gonna destroy them not you and not them did he not say them and he said watch this your enemy who was way stronger than you and you are defenseless you're never gonna see them again the only way you're gonna see them is their bodies gonna be strewn on the banks how the Red Sea watch what I do sit down take a load off the Lord fights your battles you think you're fighting your battles you're crazy we defeated them hallelujah the Lord reminds Israel how they polarized at home how they polarize men let me tell you the odd the king of Bashan had sixty fortified cities these are slaves they just got delivered like from the Holocaust they didn't know what weaponry did they have what army did they have they were trained sixty fortified cities with high walls gates bars a well schooled well-lubed army and he took them out and leveled them pulverize them because if God is on your side you can't lose the question is is God on your side and the answer is you've got to be on his you've got to make covenant with him it's not gonna be a one-way street it's just not it's just not right on any level look at Deuteronomy 2 24 25 just to go back a little bit he says get up get moving they're freaked out when you're when you're scared what do you do you freeze you want to lay down you want to go to bed right when you're overwhelmed you just like I'm gonna lay down I understand we all we all like that we all get like that I get like that sometimes I'm just like I just I just I just ain't the way to house get up God says get moving crust on on Valley here I have put in your hands look this is way back I've put so cone in your hands he's already as good as dead they're not even there it's 40 years later and he's like I got this it's written let it be done and the king of Heshbon commenced the conquest begin the battle today I will start putting the fear and dread of you and to all the peoples on the heaven you know people that have a reputation some good some bad in my neighborhood there was some guys that a reputation I'll kill you you wouldn't mess around with Patsy Furillo why because one day Patsy Perillo punched a guy on a motorcycle and dented his helmet so bad knocked him out he had a reputation you don't want to fight with a guy who dents a motorcycle helmet God was giving Israel a reputation now I know I've been to Texas and many people from Texas watch and I know don't mess with Texas I get it but listen Texas don't mess with Israel when you mess with Israel you're messing with the God of Israel it's all over the Bible when you mess with Israel you mess with the God of Israel and when you mess with the children of Israel because that the apple of his eye er the pupil you're taking your finger and you're poking God in the eye thirty four hundred years later it's true today Deuteronomy 29 nine almost home I promise therefore based on all this based on all God's done for you the laws that they everything the provision I've done all this for you observe the words of the Covenant and obey them so that what so that I could feel like God so that I could be the big man on campus no look what it says so that you can make everything you do prosper guys this is not rocket science and it's not about just eating it's not about the feasts those are the lighter things there's more important things like justice mercy and on and on listen to me I look if anybody knows what it is to get kicked in the groin by people I do you know when you're a traditional rabbi nobody asks you any questions I have traditional Jews here today you go the rabbi and the rabbi knows nobody knows nothing the rabbi knows everything they're not well schooled he went to rabbinical school what do they know or they know they know they need human Tashia on portal but the rabbi's fooled so they don't really and you go to a synagogue Jewish this rabbi why don't we meet on Saturday what do we blow so fast on yom teruah because that's what we do you're a Baptist Church you know what you're gonna get right you know the songs you gonna get you know pretty much sermon yet you know what's gonna happen at the end come as you are nobody questions don't you understand how many questions I get your too Jewish you're not Jewish enough why are you doing the feasts Warren you're doing the feast how come you never lost a million things people because people are crazy and I'm giving you the Bible straight up that's all I can give you I'm not giving you a Jewish Bible I'm not giving you a Gentile Bible I'm like me do a black Bible I'm looking to you why I'm giving you the Word of God period and we have to figure our selves out because the Messianic movement is is resurrected it's kind of new it resurrects in late 60s so we're trying to figure it out and people have different opinions within even the mja very different opinions I have mine their bands we're trying to figure it out was seeking the Lord and ask the Lord to help us to understand and nobody understands fully not you either although you think you do it changes man we're trying to figure it out but clearly it says keep the covenant and prosper Yeshua if he was here today he'd say the same thing keep the Covenant and prosper what would he tell you to do would he tell you just just go I died for you you're saved now do whatever you want of course not he said if you love me obey my Commandments so you're telling me that his Commandments are different than his father's his father said don't commit adultery she said it's okay guys they can't be one if they have different Commandments and since the Eshoo a-- before he was incarnated in the flesh was the Word of God he was with God he was God prior to being incarnate he was God so how could it become employment then all of a sudden they're operating differently it's bizarre it's theologically bizarre it's like wow how did the devil pull that over on you he nailed the law to the cross obey the law you just what what are you saying you saying that he nailed the Ten Commandments what we sobei the Ten Commandments which one is it okay let me now go there sorry it's just crazy right I mean isn't it crazy isn't the devil good so good God wants his children to prosper just like any good parents sitting here today wants their children to prosper so God pulls on their children in Israel through Moses to enter into a sworn covenant with him today the same God through the shed blood of Yeshua is asking us to enter into covenant with him to embrace His grace and the circumcision of a heart to receive the law written on our heart and the spirit to energize us to do the commands that's where we are guys I'm sorry that's God's theology gener anima 29 10 through 13 today you were standing all of you imagine this he pulls them all in but the thing that gets me is the foreigner who's the foreigner they're not Ebru if they were Hebrew they wouldn't be foreign what's a foreigner it's a Gary well who are these people they're Egyptians how did they get out they put the blood on the lintel and doorpost of their house and all of a sudden there was no different for them than for the Hebrews there's no Jews yet by the way they became Jews when they went into Judah and they became Jews because they were called Jews Yehudi praises of God how do you praise God by obeying His commandments and the story there's no other way to praise them so some of you Gentiles to Dinah find out you had Jewish blood how's that going to change anything and if you do find out you got Jewish but will you honor God more if you were I'll fake the records you see this is healthy because we don't have Jews and Gentiles we have one in Messiah exactly the way the Bible wanted but you got to figure out whether the tourists no no envoy that's on you I can't help you figure that out you got to figure it out for yourselves and to enter the covenant it says and it's Oh what's his oath it's promises God is making promises to us right he's not going to forsake those promises but what about our end of the bargain in other words she's kind of saying hey look I married you right where the cloud cover the canopy right we have the Hopa right I had a best man Moses he presented you to me we had a covenant we even had a sign a ring the Shabbat it's a sign Exodus 31 right we had a band full thunder lightning remember we had good food we had a wedding and I promised I was going to be your God don't be screwing around other gods I don't like my wife sleeping around God doesn't either oh it's getting thick in here God is looking for worshipers now buddies God's not looking for buddies he doesn't need a buddy they looking for worshipers right John for didn't you she would say that me and my father are looking for worshipers doesn't say buddies I'm here to tell you in essence every time we say yes to the Lord was saying you are God every time you say you are God you are God you are God you are God and the Lord is still looking for worshipers today thirty four hundred years later who worship Him in spirit and in truth with the right heart and the right information with the right heart and the right information you can love God so much and be so off do you know how many people I know that love God and hate people it is listen to me it's impossible for you to love God because you are saying you love him but you don't love the things he loves now I know like I said some of you've been hurt and betrayed and you know the church hurt you I get it because you used to do Bible study and then they told you not to teach anymore now you're crucified right but do you want to compare notes I hate to say it like that because that's that's almost like right in your face but you want to compare notes on betrayal cuz I'll dance circles around you and I'm still here you know I know you go in the warden you get bit you come out you're like hey man I know anybody have to get bit by a by a fish in the water okay you know it's you don't you it's freakish right I used to swim with the lifeguards just sometimes big fish like a group of would bang into you and it's like and all of a sudden you swim real fast and you don't want to go back in so when you get bit it freaks you out it makes you uncomfortable right and this is what happens when we get betrayed we get bit and then we we don't want to go back in and then the wound heals and we think man I really do love the water though and you go back and you get bit again and then you're not too quick to go back but sooner or later because God keeps saying I'm sorry kid you gotta go back it's the way it goes you got to go back you got to figure out a way to love them again and you go back and you go back and after a while you cut your losses right they have a home fellowship with six people and you stay home with your three friends and you don't go out right and you're praising the Lord and it's everybody's weird and everybody's wigged out because you're not even really loving each other it's easy to love two people once a week this is what God wants from us if we don't love the things we do see we don't love the things we don't see and it's hard it's I'm not I'm here to tell you it's hard if you tell me it's easy praise the Lord for you but it's hard you start to not trust people you start to have trust issues because you just bit so much and somebody comes up and goes I love you rather I give you my heart and I'm like just don't hurt me I got a heart just be nice can you be nice can you just appreciate what's going on here can there not be so stupidly nitpicky and if you have all the answers start your own congregations and see how that works I'm sorry am I talking to you sweetheart it's it's a point it sounds tough it sounds mean but it's not it's not I would tell this to my kids if you think there's a better family out there for you how about it remember the one time he just that one time just it was like this much we don't give much it was like this much what we do packed his bags put him outside when he came home where was he like 14 he said what's this I said time to find another family good luck he burned upon himself some flip sometimes you just have to take a brother to straight street you know what I mean otherwise they don't learn any other way sometimes you just got to go look this is the way it is how dare you easy you brought it on yourself we've tried to bless you we've tried to bless you you won't be nice we tried to bless you now time to go it is what it is because you'll screw it up for everybody else you're like a cancer and cancers just eat away you know like a pack man you've got to be protective you've got to cut it out sometimes yeah but you sound like a nut guess who made me so nuts sometimes people look for what's missing as opposed to praise for everything that's going on you know this prop I don't know but do the research there's probably not a congregation this size that has the outrage that we have I mean I I've never met one I'm sure if there is then correct me I'm not saying there isn't I'm just saying it's very unusual God has blessed me and fatica Lee here and I know he's blessed you in fact they're so how about just being thankful [Applause] okay Deuteronomy 29 1415 it says but I'm not making this covenant with and this oath with only you rather I'm making it both with you who are standing here and future generations the the song remains the same in order to truly know God you have to experience them I could tell you what it is to scuba dive with whale sharks but you'll never get it until you do it I can tell you what it is the bungee jump off a ten story building but I can't explain it you'll have to do it I could tell you what it is this I could tell you what is to jump out of a plane at 12,000 feet but some things can't be explained if I can't really explain those do you think I could really explain God you got to taste and see and once you do once you take a bite out of the Lord you'll come back for more I guarantee all right all right let me just show you these scriptures really quick can I can I just finish and not that I have to it's finished now you know the deal right God's making the covenant with you he loves you he's the best he just wants you to hold your end of the bargain love him back that's what he's saying like love me back don't I deserve it right you deserve it as a parent if you're a good parent listen to me parenting is the hardest job ever some of you is frustrated with it some of you think you didn't do a good job some of you messed up some of you have regrets some of you wish you taught your kids about the Lord because now that way would listen to me look at me you did the absolute best you could do with the skillset you had in the circumstances that you were in and it's not your fault it is a very very very incredibly difficult job and a lot of times it's thankless and you did the best you could do and I know that and I'm here to applaud you and your efforts don't let the enemy screw with you last bunch of scriptures give me the second set of Deuteronomy 30 11 through 20 okay this is part of the Israeli covenant so I just want to give this here dude around me 29 and 30 now just listen to this no no I mean go back to 11 go back to 11 for me just this two sets I don't want the second set okay it says for this is the mitzvot these are the commandments which I'm giving you today he says it's not hard for you why is he saying that it's not beyond your reach it's not the sky that you net you know these people that go over land and sea and they go to some Swami like the poor Beatles and they and they went to this guru pot of mahon so Yogananda in some foreign land and they gave him everything he had and look what happened to them John Lennon got shot soon soon after he said will be greater than the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit that was a mistake imagine there's no heaven I don't imagine there's no heaven there is a heaven buddy and there's a hell it's sadly enough for this Mitzvah which I'm giving you today is not too hard for you it's not beyond your reach it's not in the sky who will open the sky together for us to bring it down to us so we can hear it and bow bad likewise it's not beyond the sea so that you need to ask who will cross the sea for us and bring it to us and make us hear it so that we can obey it on the contrary the word is very close I'm presenting it to you directly it's in your mouth it's in your heart therefore you can do it look I am presenting you today with on one hand life I don't know if John Calvin read this but on one hand life and good and on the other hand death and evil in that I am ordering you today I'm not I'm not encouraging you it's not an encouragement it's a command why because He loves us it's that simple in that I'm ordering you today to love I don't know your God to follow his ways to obey Him it's votes regulations and rulings for if you do you will live and increase your numbers and my you God will bless you in the land you entering in order to take possession of it but if your heart turns away if you refuse to listen if you are drawn away to prostrate yourselves before other gods who commit spiritual adultery and sir I am announcing to you right now that you will perish you will not live long in the land you across into Jordan to possess to enter and possess last two verses I call on heaven and earth what's he doing here this is the climax of the preaching he's asking for a commitment from the people to have a covenantal people who he can depend on to glorify his name he's looking for you to glorify his name it's not just about us having a good life it's about bringing glory to his name in all we do he says the blessing of the cursings are not random a haphazard proverbs tells us there's no curse without a cause there's a reason behind it and he he is making an ancient treaty they always had when they when they were gonna prove him they had some gods as a witness well he's the God of all gods so who's he gonna call on to witness heaven and earth so he close on heaven earth to witness and he is since God Himself is a partner to the Covenant he calls on heaven and earth and he says I call in heaven earth to witness against you today they see it that I have presented you with life and death I've given you the skinny you're not in the ignorance the blessing and the curse I've showed it to you therefore choose life you see so many people are pro-life and that's a good thing we have to be pro-life for the unborn but how about pro-life for us choose life so that you will live loving I don't know you've got paying attention to what he says and clinging to him you want to know your purpose I know it sounds kind of lame right it's kind of sounds lame everybody's looking for a purpose right they're trying to figure out what they're supposed to do because in their career they think that's who they are that's not who you are that's what you do I don't care what it is you do all it is is put some food and shelter over your family that's all it is but that is not your purpose if you are blood boy you're perfect is to bring the God of heaven and earth glory and and forgive me but if you could find a better purpose I'm all ears because I feel don't you feel so purposed don't you feel so special to house God's holy spirit to be a depository for His Holy Spirit to be able to glorify Him in all you do if that doesn't float in your boat what does God sums up what he wants for his people Deuteronomy 10 or out you guys can stand up right now Deuteronomy 10 for this mitzvah which I'm giving you today is not too hard for you no no Deuteronomy 10 that's Deuteronomy 30 it's the last it's the last couple of slides so now Israel and you are part of the Commonwealth so this is 3040 years ago I'm telling you he's singing it right to you and me you're grafted in right you're part of the Commonwealth right according to Roman's 11 that's New Testament right so he's saying this to you three thousand four hundred years later so now Israel so now Beth yushua all that I don't know you got asked from you it's the fear I don't know you God to respect him to follow his ways to love him when you follow him you love him if you don't follow him you don't love him it doesn't matter what you say and serve I don't know your God with all your heart with all your being told be for your own good the midst for the commandment the regulation of not knowing which I'm giving you today you were to fear under law you God serve Him clinked him and swear by his name he is your praise here's why you sing not ghost you got a new car right you got a new car not ghost you got a new job great get in trouble because he is your God here's your praise look at all he's done for you these great and awesome things would you have seen with your own eyes God sums up what he wants from us yes the book of Deuteronomy sums it up the Torah sums up the entire Bible sums it up it says Kling this is for our protection it's for our prosperity and for our peace what he's saying is stay close stay close make covenant and stay close and enjoy the wind he cannot protect you if you walk away God when God is with us we have victory but we have to be with him as well I'm here to tell you it's not like I try to stay close all the time I don't have this down I'm telling you this is what you need to do I'm telling you we need to stay close to the Lord this this this is imperative for us to stay close to him I need him to protect me I need him to watch over me I need him to keep my marriage together I need him to watch over my kids I am dead in the water without him I totally am dead in the water this morning my prayer walked it's like God I'm telling you I can't do this without you thirty years later I can't I have a little bit of charisma I have a little bit of knowledge I told Bernie that I said I know nothing Bern they think I know I know nothing without God I know nothing I believe that I'm not telling you that to impress you this is what I believe in my heart that compared to God I know nothing I know nothing but I know him and I know I need him and I say I'm not just saying I want you I need you I need you I'm telling you I need you I'm begging you be with me I'll screw this thing up I'll screw up my life I'll screw up my family I need you and if I need him you need him now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you be gracious on to you and made a little lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in them of the Prince of all peace you sure you can annoy face my wrath you're an annoyed panov Alyssa Vanessa yes I don't know poor novela they are some the whole [Music] I love you guys box alone
Channel: Getzel
Views: 2,743
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Torah, Parsha, Ki, Tavo, Ki Tavo, 9/01/18, When You Come
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 12sec (4152 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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