No Greater Love (Part 3) (Jan 27, 2018)

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[Music] if you've been here the last couple of weeks you know we've been talking about no greater love do we have a screen that we could put up there the first one okay so week one we spoke about Genesis one and this is all about God's incredible over-the-top lavish crazy love and I just put up the first verse in the last verse of Genesis it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth that was an incredibly loving act he just wanted to make something beautiful and he did and at the end it said God saw that everything he made indeed it was very good he changed his his his talk he would say everything was good meaning it was pleasant it was terrific it was magnificent it was praiseworthy it was excellent but then he made us and he changed this tune all of a sudden it was May ode tope May ode means exceedingly abundantly excessively extremely good that's what he thinks about us and we went through that please if you if you have nothing better to do turn off YouTube and Facebook and go back and look at this I don't tell you to do that a lot but some of you definitely need to be marinated in God's love okay because what I'm gonna tell you is you can't give what you don't have and if everything you do for God is not underwritten in love it's not going to be anointed you hear that okay Genesis 2 it says thus the heavens and the earth were finished along with everything in them and the last verse they will both naked the man and his wife and they were not ashamed unashamed and they were unashamed because they didn't know any good or they didn't know any evil they didn't know good but they didn't know evil they knew God and they were covered with his glory and they were unashamed now sadly enough we come to the first verse in the third chapter and this is where everything goes haywire now the serpent was more crafty than any wild animal which Illinois god had made he said to the woman quote did God really say you are not to eat from any tree in the garden end quote the woman answered the serpent quote we may eat from the fruit of the trees of the garden but about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden God said you are neither to eat from it nor touch it or you will die end quote the serpent said to the woman quote it is not true that you will surely die because God knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and evil okay first of all the serpent is none other than Satan himself okay I want to make that abundantly clear now it doesn't mean that there's a serpent somewhere traveling the earth right now who's Satan all right that would be silly one and if any of you thought that don't admit it Satan was either appearing as a serpent or possessing the serpent okay those who would demuth ologies the bible believe that this account of the fall is allegorical and not literal I don't know why a lot of theologians say that even people of God they cite the talking serpent as proof they say see the serpent was talking so it has to be allegorical can the story of the serpent deceiving Eve be accepted is factual well the Apostle Paul who had a pretty good record thought so look at 2nd Corinthians 11:3 he's speaking to these folks in Corinth where he spent a lot of time and he says I fear that somehow your minds may be seduced away from simple and pure devotion to the Messiah just as hava which is Eve was deceived by the serpent okay he's making that literal not allegorical okay and his craftiness first of all I hate to just throw a scripture up there to prove something else without talking about a little bit but you see this word simple it doesn't mean like a simpleton simplicity in the Bible means single hardness it means total devotion he's saying that I'm I'm concerned that some of these false teachers have come in after me and they're teaching you another gospel if you will and I'm afraid your minds you see your minds the battle is always in your mind not in your heart okay know that always it's always in the mind okay your thoughts your desires the seed of your emotions your will your decision maker so he's saying that they might seduce you away this total devotion he's saying don't let your hearts be drawn away by anyone else in other words if you are dancing with the Lord and somebody taps you on the shoulder to cut and you should not even feel that tap if you're intimately dancing with the Lord and he's talking totaled loschen here okay don't allow the enemy to cut in on your dance my dad used to say you can't prevent the birds from flying around your head son but you can prevent them from building a nest in your hair did you hear what I said my dad used a lot of wisdom from the hood you can't stop temptation from going but you don't have to eat the fruit make no mistake God gave you power to deliver you from temptation that's the reason why he sent the Holy Spirit not to speak in an unknown language although there's part that has to do with that not to have words of knowledge although that's part but the most important thing is to have power to withstand the enemy's temptations okay so we see that it was an allegorical because Paul but some of you like that that's not enough okay well the Apostle John also felt it wasn't allegorical these are two heavy hitters right one is the apostle to the Gentiles the other one is the disciple the issuer loved so I'm not you know mentioning Joe Schmoe here I'm mentioning the Apostle Paul and the Apostle John okay it says the Great Dragon was thrown out revelation 12:9 that ancient serpent also known as the devil and Satan the deceiver of the whole world he was hurled down to the earth and his angels were hurled down with him so it says the greater and the ancient serpent he's not making this allegorical it's totally literal now you might confuse the scripture also forgive me it's not about this but you might confuse this and say so is this when he was originally thrown down no no this isn't it's gonna happen in the future okay he has access to heaven he's gonna be so utterly defeated that he will have absolutely no access to heaven when the war breaks out between him and Michael you understand this is yet in the future okay his further fate though the enemies further fade is seen in revelation 21 through 3 take a look it says next I saw an angel coming down so it's not just he's gonna be hurled down from from from heaven into Earth and he'll have no access but this is his further fate I saw an angel coming down from heaven who had the key to the abyss what's the abyss not help you should you should do a study about the abode death you should know what paradise is Abraham's bosom you should know what Tartarus is hell you should know unless it's in there abyss is the place of a containment of evil spirits certain evil spirits was sent the unlocked up remember when the sons of God and the daughters of men okay okay next I saw an angel coming down from heaven who had the key to the abyss and a great chain in his hand he sees the dragon that ancient serpent there it is who is the devil and Satan and chained him up for a thousand years okay this is my question for some of you because you so freely throw out this devil business and how the devil and the devil and the devil when he's chained up for a thousand years who are you gonna blame then it says he'll be chained up for a thousand years he threw into the best locked and sealed it so that he could not deceive so we're gonna live here for a thousand years right some people who made it through the tribulation they became believers through the tribulation some who were taken out before the wrath of God we're gonna reconvene on earth your shoe will be here and teaches his ways and sin will still abound people stall babies it's not the new heavens and the new earth yet it's not that hard to understand people that read revelation really make it a lot more difficult than it is especially when they write books like this thick on it but what I'm saying is we won't have Satan to blame then won't that be good when we finally take responsibility and we don't play the blame game like Adam and Eve did Eve what happened I don't know you put the serpent there Adam what happened I don't know you the won the game Eve he won't be able to deceive the nations and after that he has to be set free for a little while still he'll be set free and still some people sadly enough at the very end of time will be deceived they'll choose him that's not his final fate though is it no verse 10 revelation 20 this is the good part the adversary who had deceived them was hurled into the lake of fire and sofa that's synonymous with Hell where the beast and the false prophet were and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever hey hey and the knight in shining armor takes his princess and they go off into the sunset and they live happily ever after see that's the only legitimate fairy tale it's gonna come true now is this I know I'm beating a dead horse but you have to be prepared to handle people when they talk to you about the scripture you just can't be like that old lady that says all I know is it says in the Bible that's good enough for me it's an ignoramus it says set apart messiahs Lord in your heart always be prepared to give a defense without that's in you that's what the scripture says so I'm getting you to hopefully study a little bit you don't need anybody to help you study just need a good concordance you need a good Bible and you need a good old Holy Spirit where did they get it from where do the commentators get it from they don't have a direct line and a lot of their commentaries are way off so is this the only instance in the Bible when there was a talking animal PETA didn't think so so now you got Paul you've got John stay with me now we're in church get your mind off business for a minute okay you've got Paul you've got John and that you've got Peter making comments second Peter 2 15 through 16 these people have left this straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of peor peor who loved the wages of doing home but was rebuked for his sin a dumb beast of burden spoke out with a human voice and restrains the prophet and Saturday right clearly if a dumbass can restrain a prophet the Holy Spirit can restrain us no okay let's take a look at Satan's fall for a minute Isaiah 14:12 through 14 I just want you to know a little bit about who you're dealing with how did you come to fall from the heavens Morningstar you notice he's the Morningstar not the great Morningstar careful the words you use guys son of the dawn how did you come to be cut to the ground conqueror of Nations you thought to yourself I will scale the heavens I will raise my throne above God's stars I will sit on the Mount of Assembly far away in the North that's the Temple Mount I will rise past the tops of the clouds and make myself like the Most High you imagine the highest cherub you can also read about this by the way in Ezekiel 28 verses 12 to 18 it records the same situation the 5 i wills III III my my my my my it wasn't good enough to be the highest cherub in the angelic host having direct access and being at the right hand of God it wasn't good enough being number 2 some of us just can't handle that we got to be number 1 right we want to be the baby at the christening we want to be the bride at the wedding and we want to be the dead guy at the funeral it's all about us huh better but diet to die is gain know some of you shook your head but that's Scripture you might not believe it but it's Scripture so we know why he fell right why did he fall pride and ambition it's the father of all sins it is the father of all sins pride and ambition usually birthed out of an incredible level of insecurity and needing kudos from people needing accolades so we don't know when he fell right we know why he fell but we don't know when he felt let's let's take a look at something look at job 38 4 through 7 this is I know it's coming at you quick but you you have access to all these scriptures and you're gonna have the message on the website after today and you can go back and study this you really can people always ask me why don't you have a disciple in class buddy this is a disciple infest why don't you get discipled and spend some time in the scriptures you want to be spoon-fed you want me to come on Wednesday and do another study get this one down how come Wednesday you have enough here now this is a sad part because job was the holiest man that ever lived and and he was incredible losing his children losing his livelihood having his wife you know just betray him basically spiritually and yet he said God gives God takes blessed be the name Lord he Stella Stella but they came a point where he broke we break much earlier than joke way earlier but he did break right and he wanted to understand suffering like most of us do God never explained suffering to him no well I I could say it all well maybe it's this maybe it's that why are we gonna talk maybes God never explained suffering he said Jobe I'm coming down to talk to you brace yourself son yikes and he never explained suffering to him he just explained to job who he's talking to and once Jobe realized who he was talking to Joe became very small which is a beautiful thing because if you become smaller God becomes bigger and guess what job said at the end he said I was I was talking about my but basically I didn't know what I was talking about who I was talking to Lord please forgive me that's a good place to be guys it's a great place to be so he just says to me doesn't he does explain to him all history I'll theological questions that he has he says hey Joe where were you when I founded the earth tell me if you know so much mister know so much do you know who determined its dimensions or who stretched out the measuring line across it or what was its basis sunk or who laid its cornerstone when the morning stars sang together who are the morning stars this one this one putting that scripture out there the angelic host so the angelic host was there before the foundations so the angels were made right the angels were created and way before the foundations so he fell way before he tempted Adam and Eve so we know why do we no when before how much time before nobody knows who cares guys you've got to come to the conclusion that there's a lot of stuff in the Bible that you will not have an explanation for and all God is looking for you is not to know so much but to worship so much there's nothing wrong with saying I don't know but you are God and I'm gonna praise you there's everything right about that I don't know people think they have to know so much and they think they have an answer for everything every scripture has a has an answer no no it's much faster period of God when you say Lord I know so little but I know your God and I worship you whoa that's what he's talking about and on a side note men of science are very clever about secondary causes but they're always stumped in primary causes in other words they really don't want to know the great cause they create a Big Bang Theory but who created the Big Bang and just for the record just as a side note before we get on into Genesis 3 Satan did not fall everybody says oh the fall of Satan right now Satan was pushed look at Ezekiel 28 16 17 when you're commerce grew you became filled with violence and in this way you sinned therefore I have thrown you out he got kicked out he didn't just fall where we think oh he just fell he blew it pride God kicked him out okay therefore I've thrown you out defiled from the mountain of God I have destroyed you protecting care of highest cherub from among the stones of fire your heart through proud because of your beauty you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor but I have thrown you on the ground before kings I've made you a spectacle don't make Satan so big make God big I [Applause] mean the fight was something like this in this corner weighing I don't know an infinite number of pounds the great I am and his opponent weighing 98 pounds louis cyphre lou cipher and the fight lasted like a split second he got tossed and even when he wanted to test Joe did he not have to cower and beg for God's permission why are you focusing on him when you should be focusing on him it's easy to defeat the enemy just obey the Lord if pride can destroy the highest of cherubs then how much more should we as mere mortals heed the warning okay so now you know a little bit about your opponent okay let's carry on the bottom line is to reject the account of the fall is to reject the inspiration of the holy scripture there are allegories in the Bible but this is not one of them okay let's take a look more importantly at the steps that plunged the human race into sin Genesis 3:1 we'll break it down a little bit now the certain serpent was more crafty that means he was bent it doesn't mean shrewd okay they're shrewd businessmen we're not talking about that and we're not talking about like arts and crafts we're talking about somebody who's bent on evil that's the word in the Hebrew our rule bent on evil he was more crafty than any other wild animal one Noah had made he said to the woman did God really say you are not to eat from any tree in the garden okay first Satan insinuates doubt about God did God really say okay well in order to answer that you'd have to know the Bible and in order to know the Bible you'd probably have to read it is that sarcastic enough for you hey he also misrepresented God by forbidding Adam and Eve to eat of every tree which by the way he is still doing today just misrepresenting God did God really say that God really said girl they say if you know what God really said the answer is yes he really said but he twisted he said did God really say not to eat from any tree did God say they couldn't for any tree no so already he's putting confusion in who's the author of confusion if you're confused it's not coming from the Holy Spirit never and sometimes I'm not sure what to do you're not sure what to do because of mostly you vent on what you want to do but you don't hear you don't want to hear what you should do you're confused by your own emotional state I want this so bad that I'm gonna ask you enough people until I find some self-proclaimed prophet that tells me yes the Lord confirms that you want to know what the Lord confirms open this up this sets the precedent for everything guys this is it no Holy Spirit's gonna contradict the Word of God a familiar spirit yes not the Holy Spirit so you look for example there's tons of this tons of look I'm not big on extra biblical material ok people always ask me what you think about this book what do you think about that book what do you think about the Bible let's stop here I'm not saying that there aren't good books but look at the New World Translation the Jehovah Witnesses look how they twist John 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was one letter and it changes everything so I'm just not into extra but don't you have enough with 30 1103 sentences to read this is just by the way this is just my opinion this is this is just the rantings of a lunatic mind after 30 years of reading it every day and I've read my fair share of books early on and you know what when I'm in trouble I never quote one of those authors secondly let's look at Genesis 3:4 then Satan said to the woman it is not true that you will surely die flat out boldly contradicts God he contradicts God about the inevitable judgment for those who disobey aren't Satan's followers doing the same thing today oh there's no judgement there's no hell same thing Satan did they work for him oh it's not true you will surely die yeah the billions of graves today attest to the fact that God is true and man is a liar and look at Genesis 3:5 God knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and evil again Satan misrepresents of God is he's portraying God as not being good God doesn't love you because if he did he would let you eat from that because something beneficial is gonna happen for you you're gonna gain wisdom you're gonna have the knowledge of God Satan was basically lying about God's great love sidenote Genesis 3 - the woman answered the serpent what the heck are you doing talking to Satan why are you conversing with him you should never converse him you know why look at John 8:44 you belong to your father Satan and you want to carry out your father's desires from the start he was a murderer was he a murderer basically he killed Adam and Eve when he tells a lie he is speaking in character because she's a liar indeed the inventor of the law you know what that means how do you know Satan's lying his lips are moving it's impossible for him to tell any truth so why are you going to converse with somebody who can't tell any truth let me show you the threefold temptation that's been around since the beginning of time and we'll be around to the end of time Genesis 3:6 when the woman saw that the tree was good for food one that it had a pleasing appearance - and that the tree was desirable for making one wise she took some of the fruit and ate she also gave some to a husband who was without any ate ok this shows us the three-fold temptation lust of the flesh good for food yes lust of the eyes pleasing appearance and pride of life making one wise the pride of life is another way of just saying I want to know stuff and there are people do you ever meet them you haven't meet a know-it-all or they like the most horrible people to be around they know everything about everything and they talk to you like you're a little child ok I I got loosen some of your wives and some of your husbands do that to your spouse ok I told Bernadette a long time ago I know you only had one father and I only had one mother don't don't treat your spouse like a child it's pathetic 1st John 2:16 agrees with Genesis 3:6 because there's nothing new Under the Sun because of all the things of the world the desires of the flesh the desires of the eyes of the pretensions of life are not from the father but from the world you see lust of the flesh lust of the eyes pride of life it's the same thing said in the New Testament is the Old Testament plus there's nothing God is the same yesterday today and forever the men of the Old Testament wasn't saved by their obedience you think any one of them obeyed the law perfectly it's wrong with you they were saved by grace it was credit to their account because they did what God told you they did the best they can and they repented then they had a sacrificial system you're saved by grace and some of you who have been saved by grace are trying to prove to God that now I'll show you my works works just substantiate the faith they make the faith real and faith real faith produces works supernaturally but make no mistake they were saved by grace in the Old Testament that's saved by grace in the New Testament amen we are plainly warned here guys not to love the world or the things of the world now what is the world is the world the planet we live on no there's nothing wrong with the planet is it inhabitants the people no when he talks about the world or things of the natural realm he's talking about a system not the planet not the people a system which was built by who man man built this system ok and he built the system to make himself happy apart from God because he hated God ok it could be culture it could be art it could be education it could be entertainment it could be sports any sphere where God is not loved were not welcomed now this is very theological lust of the eyes lust of the flesh pride of life let me let me tell you my version this is my theology I called the 3 G's gold girls glory or for women gold guys glory ok gold just people that are just focused on material wealth that's how they feel good about themselves guys some of you are fairly wealthy some of you on the rise of wealth good for you I hope you use it for God's purposes but listen to me there's no satiation point I'll prove it to you when I used to work in the gym because I had to put food on the table when I was in ministry making 100 bucks a week I had a client that was worth 425 million legitimately now he's worth a lot more legitimately yachts planes I had another client he was the owner of NASCAR so he was worth 2 billion and the guy that was worth 425 million well you know just he was the man he was the man in this little community he was the man of the gym but when my friend who owned NASCAR would walk in his countenance which change because 425 million is nothing compared to two billion so you tell me money has a satiation point there's nothing wrong with money it's the love of money that's the problem we wouldn't be sending wheelchairs to Israel if we didn't have money this lady went they got her things she needed if we didn't have money hospitals won't be built or we wouldn't have the mercy sent to orphanage we wouldn't have the Shalom home orphanage when schools without money money's not bad it's what you do with it that's the issue so you have gold girls guys most people fall lust of the eyes lust of the eyes less though she looks good oh he looks good oh she looks good oh stop you're gonna ruin your life you know ruin your life your kids will have no respect for you for what for what when I first got into ministry I took over this congregation for somebody who fell to just that and they didn't want me but there was nobody else we don't we don't mass market in our in our you know movement we just don't mass market and we don't have a lot of people to draw on we just don't so there was nobody so they just you know I was the go-to guy because there was nobody else and I knew that I was okay with that but I was sitting in the office one day we had a building and that's unusual for a messianic community and I would go there every day and anoint the chairs annoyed the phone you know do crazy crazy things get on my face for an hour and just cry out to God because I just was I knew this I could not handle the undertaking I knew the severity of it according to the scriptures one day I get a knock on the door and it's this guy real rough looking guy and another guy real rough looking kind of guys I'd seen my name but you know sleeve tattoos and this kind of thing and you know I was like what's up and they go the Lord sent us here to talk to you they weren't even from the area I said okay I I asked I checked he said bring him in so I sat down and all this guy said to me goes I want to tell you a story I was a pastor of a church and Lindsey Wade used to live that's it that's it full walton beach small place small like 60 70 people in the church but they were all like ex drug runners ex hookers people who knew what they were saved from so it was very powerful these people weren't like a lot of people we meet here oh yes Jesus is Lord and I've never done anything that bad they were bad people and they knew what God saved them so there was an incredible manifestation of the Holy Spirit there and everything was going great this is the stories telling me and he says uh you know one day I I find myself in a motel with one of the congregants and he didn't have to go into detail I knew I knew you know how does that happen you know how it happens one thing leads to another so um he said you know and after we were finished he said I saw a cloaked figure come in to the hotel room came right through the door cloaked in black and he put his hand in my chest and he pulled out a bag of gold and he start to walk away and he said I said to him what is that and he turns he says that's your anointing that's all I ever wanted and he lost everything lost his wife he lost his kids lost congregation you know thankful I was that God send the messengers just to tell me that at the beginning twenty five years ago that his day I won't sit I won't sit look I'll have a best friend in this congregation and I'll go to visit him because he told me to come and his wife will answer the door and she'll say Oh so-and-so we'll be back in five minutes or I come on and I go I got to make a phone call I don't want to say to them and I want to come English then they'll think they get all up - are you saying that I would do something no sweet pea you don't get it first of all I'm protecting your virtue okay that's what you don't even understand and it's not that I'm worried about my temptation it's just it's all right you know what I mean is writing this wrong it's just not right right sometimes I'll take Denise and Roxanne out to lunch I don't go on the call with them I love them they're like my sisters they're my favorite people in the world but I'm just gonna protect their virtue cuz I know some of you knuckle we'll go back your egg doing the call rocks Anthony's better amen to that welcome to Megan welcome to mega where the bad news travels way faster than the good news and of course the less G glory don't screw with it don't and don't falsify it don't fake it don't go well I'm nothing here because you're great and you walk away and go I'm great don't don't mess with false humility it's just another form of pride look if somebody does something good for me and I say thanks a lot don't be like I had nothing to do with it what do you mean not do it you just helped me move the couch I saw you you with me was that an angel can't you just say thanks man what's wrong with that if I do something I'm not looking for you know yeah I'm not looking for a banner but if you say hey rabbi reg thanks laughs and I go you're welcome is that weird oh honey nothing's doing it's all the Lord no dude you picked up the other end of the counts I was right with you the Lord's not gonna pick up the underneath in the couch the Lord is gone you are the Lord now the hands and feet it's just not a nice song on Caleb it's true to see you welcome didn't you do it to help me so I'm saying thank you is it so horrible to say hey man I love you welcome is that troll with you because you want to be super spiritual right nothing I told Rob I think I'm I have nothing to do with it it's all the Lord Oh bullcrap when some of you when I see the musicians up there and they finish and they go first of all I say why are you assuming that we're clapping for you alright let me put my nails back in guys will struggle with we're all insecure we all want an accolade there's nothing wrong getting a pat on the back I thank the people here all the time who work because I couldn't do this without them I appreciate them we take them away sometimes we buy little gifts what's wrong with that what's wrong with being appreciated for a job well done I know you're doing it for the Lord that's great but man I really appreciate it if Bernadette is coming home and the kids are there and she's got bags in the car and they go out and she says thanks guys I appreciate I had nothing to do with it mom it's all the Lord shouldn't they just say you're welcome mom I love you right don't be weird don't be one of those weirdos please there's the spiritual and then there's the spooky spiritual as I call it they just really they're too weird they're just no earthly good you know them have you met them I've met them all over the world okay I'm just saying just feel a little normal be peculiar but in a good way you know what I mean just be beautiful and god-fearing and loving and caring and compassionate that's that's a beautiful thing and forgiving throw that one in there all right let's break this down a little bit okay before we get carried away whoo where's the time go okay let's look up the word desires just so we know of course it's a Greek word we're in the New Testament it's craving something you really want lusting but sadly enough in this context and this word in the Greek language its lusting and craving for what is forbidden not what is good you can you can crave for good things but not this word this word is not used in that way it's craving for what is forbidden so he's saying be careful about these desires of the flesh let's look at the flesh the body of a man obviously its literal but it's also figurative in the sense the sensuous nature of the animal nature with craving which insight to sin so that's what he's speaking about that natural man you have two appetites in you and whatever you feed that's what will grow you've got a supernatural appetite and a natural appetite if you feed the natural appetite that natural man will take over if you starve him out choke him out choke him out don't give him no life don't feed him make him submit don't tell me it's not possible I remember who is that basketball player when I used to watch sports before I knew the Lord he played for green last name Gracie green anybody know I see green that was 80s right ac Green was a really really good-looking guy an AC green was very wealthy he had a big fat contract and AC green stood before high school and said I am 30 years old I have women throwing themselves at me and I am a virgin don't tell me it's not possible what did he have that we don't have all right the animal nature this what he's talking about here this flesh is the GNAT nature of man that is apart from divine influence that you cannot you could not make the natural man submit to the ways of God the natural man could do nothing good the supernatural man could do nothing bed we have plenty of nurses here in doctors body fat composition you have fat and muscle correct exercise physiologically it is impossible to turn fat into muscle and it is impossible to turn muscle into fat people go well you know I was football players so all my fat though my muscle turned into fat no no you lost your muscle and you gain fat you can't make the natural man super natural it will not submit you got to starve it out it will not submit it says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding the natural man won't do that you can't put bit and bridle and tame it then it says the lust of the eyes let's look at eyes here the eye the eye literally but metaphorically the eyes of the mind remember I told you that the battle is always in your mind Satan's after your decision-making he wants you to make decisions against God he wants you to side with him but you have to take every thought captive that's opposed to the will of God is this hard yes it's really hard and people that say it isn't hard those are people who already defeated or who think the victorious who think they're holier than they are this is what we learned about Israel this is what the whole book of Corinthians talks about take heed lest you fall it's not easy but how's this just hear me not easy it's hard it's really hard what's the alternative I mean it's diding easy I know some people the genetic freaks they could eat anything and they stay thin and they always make fun of people that are heavy they're just genetic freaks that's all they are they're not working hard but is dieting easy heck no I just started a second diet because I wasn't getting enough food on my other diet know all the stuff that tastes good you can't eat pasta who doesn't like pasta ain't pasta every day I grew up in a very Italian name but I went to my friend's house all the time all these mafiosos they make pasta three time today does anybody not like a good crusty bread with butter anybody white rice anybody not like a cookie they don't pull a devil suits cake for nothing so yes it's a fight but what's the alternative just giving up and going half what am I gonna do it's a fight but the Bible says it's a good fight and until you agree that it's a good fight you will not be able to be in the fight good fight good fight okay pretensions it's a word an empty assurance which trust in its own power and resources and shamefully despises and violates divine laws and human rights just thinks a little too highly of oneself a legend in one's own mind pretensions of life look at the word life life that by which life has sustained resources wealth goods you know the old saying the self-made man I love and people say I came from nothing I'm a self-made man Wow really give yourself a lot of credit you worked hard and you caught a few lucky breaks and you're getting paid way too much for what you do the old saying is he who dies with the most toys wins he who dies with the most toys still dies look at Psalm 49 16 through 17 don't be afraid when someone gets rich when the wealth of his family grows for when he dies he won't take it with him I wish Tutankhamun was here he would tell you do you go to his tomb you got to see all the stuff there his wealth will not go down after him my dad used to say he was a poor schnook I mean he literally died with no money I think he had 160 bucks but he saved me all the time kid there's no luggage rack on a hearse there are some people like a guy like Bill Gates you know he's what is he worth now 75 billion I think he just made a decision that he's only leaving his children 10 million each now you might think that's that's a lot but not according to what he has he's just given them he's given them very little I had that guy 425 million he left his kids nothing and a guy like Davos who owns the magic you know he's given away so much money he's a devout Christian money is not bad guys but when you just kind of don't give any of it away and I'm not talking about a lot I'm not saying this this the guy that loved the money you know Yeshua came to him said you know sell heavier stuff God doesn't say that to us just help out it's you're gonna feel great I promise and you're not gonna get poor by giving away two grand I promise you you just might get richer the bottom line with money is and I've been there I've been such a poor schnook and then one year I made money and I felt so good about myself and I tried to hold on to it it's hard to have riches and not trust in them does anybody know what I'm talking about and listen there's some poor people that are cheaper than rich people so they're poor but they hold on to every nickel they won't give a nickel and they're so tight fisted that God can't get anything in there so it's not just don't you know some people say that guy's so rich he should give what about you all right let's move on because some of you again real pissed off of me and I'm I feel like getting out of here in one piece all right you know what I'm saying guys you know what I'm saying money could do listen just to give I'm gonna announce this next week but we were gonna send 50 wheelchairs remember so much money came in from outside this place that was sending a hundred and eighty-one wheelchairs and it's not just going a Hertzog hospital they don't need that many it's going to ten other facilities I mean listen listen what how did this happen you know how did this happen for you how did this happen for me I was just a selfish self-centered really messed up person I told bill forced he called me said you've realized this to jerusalem post is coming to do a story we're gonna members of the Knesset CBN might be there I said I don't belong there he says you don't belong there you connected me with the people at harvest of Israel we won't be sending him and hope Haven and you paid for him but I just don't feel like I belong and I said I hope they don't want to interview me because the bottom line is I'll just be crying when I see the kids in the chairs that's all I'll be able to do I mean I know that sometimes people don't like the piteous stuff like that but it's for me it's hard when I see a kid just and they're not able to talk I don't know about you but that just makes me very sad so yeah thank God we have the money to do it because without the money we could do this do you follow it couldn't be done it couldn't be done so I'm not saying money's bad no money is a good thing if we need it right we need it okay first John 2:17 it says in the world is passing away along with its desires I know it's hard to believe in eternity I know it's hard I know we believe in a lot of things we say but it's really hard to believe in them tangibly I know it's hard believe that like your shoe is really gonna come on the clouds and you know what I mean at the end of the tribulation and set up his kingdom for a thousand years and then the new heavens and the new earth will be restored and we'll be back to eat and I know we say we believe it but what if you did believe it I mean really believed it not just you wanted to not because you had to now of course you've read it so much but you absolutely believe it more than I'm standing here then then you would realize that the world and its system is passing away it's temporary I mean when a bank is breaking smart people don't put money into it do they and if you really believe this scripture this like the person the titanic's going down and they're rearranging the deckchairs it makes no sense to invest in this world it just doesn't make any sense for a believer and and you're gonna be pulled you're gonna be pulled apart you know hard that is to walk like that one foot in the world and one foot in the Lord it's kind of like I don't know you kind of don't get anywhere you just Teeter it just doesn't make sense the world has nothing for you we're in this world don't get me wrong and we can use this system for the glory of God but it's not our system we're outcasts but don't let anybody ever tell you I've heard theologians say well I'm part of the upside down Kingdom maybe you are I'm part of the right-side up kingdom don't concentrate on the world it's absolutely absurd we're called to live a purposeful life right one of the that book a Purpose Driven Life did anybody ever read it no offense I didn't read it I don't think it's I don't think it's a terrible thing I don't even know what it's about but I knew I knew what the Bible said about living a purposeful life I saw that right away it was in Isaiah and look at the scripture it says everyone who bears my name you're born again then you have God's name on you it's written on your heart right when I do the around a benediction you know we always do six 2426 middle Lord bless you and keep you but we never do 27 and I will write my name on them so you're God's property you know like when you have a really nice piece of pottery or something wealthy the artist signs you're signed yes signed sealed by the Holy Spirit and you are delivered by the blood of Yeshua you God's property so you bear his name and he said I created you for my glory that's it that's not enough that you get to glorify God and all you do everything you say everywhere you go that's not good enough it's amazing it's amazing purpose that's your purpose you want to know born-again believer you want to know brother and sister your purpose is to glorify the Lord and how do you do that Deuteronomy speaks to it he says so now Israel all that I don't know your God asks from you this is always saying all I ask is that yet you fear me respect me show me some respect and follow my ways love me just serve me with all your heart is that asking too much I mean some of you want to fall in love so badly and you want to find that guy that's gonna serve you with all this heart he's not out there sorry you might think you have him there's only one you might have somebody close but you don't have him he's in a class of his own and that's what we're talking about here we're talking about that God didn't set up his way so you could be Torah observant and boast about it well I'm obedient the only reason God set up his ways his ways His commandments his ordinances his teachers whatever word you feel comfortable with is his heart God is love all his ways express his love love doesn't lie love doesn't steal doesn't commit adultery love doesn't dishonor their parents love doesn't overlook the poor of the world in the often love doesn't glean the crops to the corners love doesn't put aside the gray-headed so love that's what talking about and the only reason God set these things up is he was protecting me from you and he was protecting you from me because he wanted us to be blessed and that's why you schewe said love God and love people it's just that simple but we have a hard time with loving so we want to go on deeper things like when is the rapture gonna happen what do you care try loving be a lot better off didn't you shoe a say the times and that that's not for you to know and what do we do we keep trying to figure it out I'm telling you it's silly trust me it's silly I I could have made a living just going out and talking eschatology because I spent so much time with it but then when I realized my days were short my eschatology was today is the day of my salvation this is the day the Lord has made so that's your purpose that's how you fulfill it and last but not least Genesis 3:6 and we're not gonna finish Genesis 3 it says here when the woman saw that the tree was good for food that had a pleasing appearance and that the tree was desirable for making when why she took some of its fruit in ain't italicized that because she took some of its fruit and ate lies the explanation for all the sickness all the sorrow all the sadness all the suffering all the fear or the guilt or the depression or the divorce and all the death that have plagued the human race ever since that time for me you know like a god guy I read that and it breaks my heart because there's so much sadness today there's so much sorrow there's so much discontent and there's so much fighting and arguing yelling screaming and hating and I find this personally to be catastrophic and heartbreaking I mean what will be who will dry our tears will anyone come to rescue us and save our souls and if you show up next week you're gonna find out that that's exactly what God did it was a pre-emptive love strike that he decided to do before the very foundations of this world the god you serve is so good there is no reason in the universe why he should not be worshiped by us and if not us who if not now when God is good in every sense of the word and next week we're gonna see that even though we fell horrific Allah and they were afraid and guilt-ridden God came to cover him just like he did for us let's stand together it's like Pavlov's dog you know you know that one the minute you finish every just comes together holds hands it's so it's so nice what's that dear yeah I think the Holy Spirit Sweet Pea has trained all of us here you know you know me included I'm just I'm trying to figure it out you know sometimes I don't know if you'll like me but sometimes I I feel okay about myself and I feel really close to God and I feel like I'm doing like maybe a good thing and then sometimes I feel horrible about myself did anybody ever feel like that so it's not just me or all a bunch of spiritual schizophrenics you know it's a humbling time when you feel that way but isn't it nice to know that God is so good that he can pick you up and dust you off and get you right back in the race and that is mercies and new every single morning and that anybody in their right mind would not abuse it but use it right for his glory and the good of all men it's such an incredible thing such a wonderful thing to be born again isn't it do you ever ask yourself how the heck did this happen you know it was just yesterday I was living so selfishly and in the clubs and doing whatever I wanted to do making money and driving sports cars and not caring about nobody to send in wheelchairs to a bunch of congenital disease kids in Israel how could that happen God's amazing God's amazing may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the Prince of all peace Yahshua given annoy is marajó your air an open oval occur via yes sir I don't know hoy por novella ha the Assembly Hall chalo [Music] shabbat shalom guys I love you you
Channel: Getzel
Views: 2,730
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Keywords: love, Hershberg, Getzel
Id: lEPeuW2sRM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 37sec (3457 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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