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seems of God that God gave all of the appointed times are in Leviticus 23 and it's a very cool thing to do this because a lot of its most of this has been separated from the church and it because Israel the church two different ways each lost something and so we are we want to restore that and we're going to be celebrating as Messiah did as the disciples did and God fulfilled all these days every day has something to do with what God did in the New Testament so if you are actually if you got all everybody got those Flyers everybody rise but keeps up they take your sheep in your hand as we rise together as we are going to do something biblical amen alright I'm gonna ask the pretty please bring up the scroll the Torah as we're going to read from that as we do on the appointed times and this this holiday today is the God appointed it for his people it'll be a continuous ordinance there were three pilgrim holy days of God in the Bible the first was in the spring Passover the second was the last was in the autumn Tabernacles but this one was right in the middle it happened at the end of spring beginning of summer and it was called shabu ops and from Leviticus 23 if you have your Bibles you can see but if not you can just listen this part M Nahum Nima ha ha Shabbat neo Mohave hem at oh man and you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering seven Sabbath's shall be completed count 50 days to the day after the seventh Sabbath then you will offer a new grain offering to the Lord you will bring from your dwellings to wave low offerings to tens of an ephah they are the firstfruits of the Lord when you reap the harvest of your land you will not completely reap the corners of your fields when you replay and you will not gather the gleanings from your harvest you will leave them for the poor and for the stranger for I am the Lord your God now this feast and most Jewish people don't even aren't fully aware of all that it is but it comes after Passover and what the rabbi's did is they calculated it out and found out that when you take the Passover of the Exodus and you go you count the time until the Feast of shabooey that Moses is going up the mountain to receive the law so what it became later on it became the celebration also of the giving of the law of the Covenant of God and so the amazing thing is when God gave the power of the New Covenant the the power the the Spirit of God it was on the same exact day as they were celebrating the giving of the Old Covenant God gave the Torah that the Ten Commandments on the same day God gave the Spirit of God because what we know here this is cheveux but when it was translated into Greek it became Pentecost same holiday same everything just a different name Pentecost is Shavuot Abu Anas Pentecost like Sherwood is in the original flavor of it it's also the Feast of the harvest it's the feast of when they would go out into the summer harvest and reap all the fields of the harvest until they would come in again once more at the end of the sacred year in autumn for the Feast of Tabernacles but this was a great going out so 2,000 years ago God not only gave the spirit but he sent out his followers his people to go out into the harvest not just of the fields of Israel grain and wheat but he sent them out to the world to spread the gospel for the harvest of salvation we are saved today because of this because of what happens two thousand years ago well what would happen during the Feast of cheveux is they would go to they would take before the Lord the firstfruits of the summer harvest including the bread the two lobes here the harvest there and they would offer it to the Lord and by offering it to the Lord it would be declared holy and because it was the first fruits it meant that every other thing they would reap in that summer harvest was counted as holy to the Lord because it was dedicated in the first fruit 2,000 years ago when the harvest was about to begin God took his old first fruits not wheat not bread but he took a hundred and twenty live in that room and he poured out upon them his spirit and by that he declared them holy but they means that this was first fruits they stood for everyone who was ever going to come into salvation and if they were declared holy then everyone who would come from every nation would be declared holy and that's why they spoke in other tongues because they were the firstfruits representing all nations that would ever come in to salvation so if they are declared Holies we are declared holy and the other thing is one other mystery of Shavuot Pentecost is that the day was called in Hebrew was called the day of the Matan saith Matan means was the word for what the bridegroom would the gift he would send to the bride in when they were separated he would send them a gift to scent of the bride a gift to strengthen her to beautify her to give her a surance that he was coming for her he had not forgotten her it was called the Matan well the days Matan means the gift two thousand years ago the bridegroom God who was separated from us he's in heaven the bridegroom Messiah sends a gift to his bride us and the gift is the Spirit of God that is the gift and that gift is a bridal gift what to make us beautiful to encourage us encourage you and to let you know that even though you don't see God with your eyes he has not forgotten you he's coming back for you you are betrothed to God and the gift is your bridal gift it's your engagement gift so now we're going to do something biblical cool and I want you to take your brain and lift it up now we did this on Resurrection Day but it was a different grade and that was barley this is wheat this is the summer harvest it's the firstfruits of the summer harvest the cool thing is if you look around it looks like a field of harvest you know and that's the way you want to remember this because that's the way as everybody's holding a sheath when you see people who are unsaved you want to see them like this you want to see them and you want to see this a reminder that God is saying they are to be reaped for the harvest they are to be gathered in these are the harvesters now he says the harvest is great for the laborers are few we need to be spreading the gospel and we need to be praying for salvation all of us this is the time right now prophetically this is a time of the harvest what's coming the next feast prophetically is trumpet that's at the end of the age but we are right now in the harvest so what we all must be harvesting so when you lift this up we must be spreading the gospel when you lift this up think of people in your life who need salvation think of the person who needs salvation and we want to pray for them think of everyone who need salvation people you work with people your relatives your friends people you might meet on the street just represent them in the store you need to be sharing the gospel let's lift them up now as we pray for salvation father we praise you and we ask father Lord say these one save this person save these ones use us use us Oh Lord to spread the gospel and not to hold back father we praise you and Lord we ask your blessing Lord on those Lord we have not even met yet Lord we pledge to you two to open our mouths and spread salvation to those who need it Lord Father blessed lets our family salvation bless those on the we don't even know who we run into in the store salvation les Lord bring revival in this nation America and around the world we pray for this harvest and we praise you and thank you we bless you well haha Grenada he no matter how long left are you Lord God king of the universe I don't hock Ostia Lord of the harvest who not on Manu a true a ha kodesh who gave to us the holy spirit ha olam to eternal life the yeshua hamashiach in messiah jesus adorned a Kaffir the lord of the harvest and we praise you lord for being part of this harvest it says then you shall lift up 2 loaves 2 loaves before the Lord and the high priest would take 2 lobes and wave them before the Lord and what the meaning of the to the rabbi's didn't really know except we can say this in this harvest of this age there are two in the harvest there are Jew and Gentile together in the Lord we lift it up and wave you can wave your chief it's a wave offering no irony no melech ha-olam Mikado she's Royale bajakajian Anna she men call Haim via HOD mama she Allah blessed are You Lord God King of the universe who sanctifies Israel and the Gentiles the nations people from all tribes and tongues together as one in Messiah and we praise you Lord that you have called each of us to go forth into the harvest of salvation and we praise you that we are we have been gathered in ourselves into the harvest that began 2,000 years ago on the harvest celebration of Shavuot on the day of Pentecost in the name of Messiah Jesus and all his people say amen amen praise the Lord and you may be seated yes dance ministry could you come up please and I'm going to ask Joanne where is Joanne to come up okay please sit and well again we can clear everything while we do you can even clear the pulpit you know the feast of Shavuot no cost that's the day that Messiah gave the anointing to his people and he was leaving but he was commissioning his people to go forth in his anointing Austin his anointing and it just so happened to dance mean they would praise the Lord on on Shibui with dance and so we're going to have that but it just so happened to come together that also also today Joanne after she wants to she's going to bless because joanna is passing the mantle to dell rena right now so we want to pray for this and as Adam asked if you lay hands on Karina and we want to also let stand for a moment let's also thank God for Joanne let's give a slip praise for Joanne for all she has done incredible incredible awesome ministry the Lord has anointed her as a woman of made it up beautiful ministry and so on ask your anointing be blessed with arena and ask you list of your hands everyone and as I pray Lord we praise you and bless you and thank you Father we thank you for Joanne we thank you for all that she's done Lord the beautiful servant of God you have called for it Lord and we praise you for this what we asked your anointing Lord to bless the arena and every way Lord to accomplish your will Lord for your life and for the dance ministry your great things but we know it's you we are just your servants and vessel blessed with power Lord and great things and Lord bless Lord Joanne for great and mighty things and and all the beauties of your presence all things to have in Yeshua Jesus mighty name amen amen let's hear it oops you know what you doesn't want to leave my pleasure okay you may be seated and the dance ministry is going to minister please welcome officially for the first word welcome to dance ministry you can do better than that [Music] I'll go [Music] [Music] like waiting for the spirit to come if 10 days to do that [Music] just be in the spirit like not giving you a little time just a bearded present it sounds really nice [Music] well you had a little taste these are first fruits that's why we need the spirit yeah yeah [Music] we're fed by his God thank you for the for you [Music] a few [Music] and the rest is holy we are [Music] he [Music] [Laughter] [Music] in the theme god James Euler and he came to rain would he come to be to be the dive again when the gong come [Music] trust [Music] thank you for the part the first booth for you [Music] or the [Music] Oh [Music] amen they're going out to the harvest let's hear it praise the Lord I'm ready for the word let's pray father we praise you this morning we asked your blessing now be upon the word be upon the word Lord and touch anoint father for your purposes Lord I ask in my weakness be strong in your power and touch your people in the name above every name the name of Yeshua Jesus the Messiah and all people say Amen all right open up we're going to open up to the same scripture that we started with a Friday night message and that is scripture is Acts chapter 2 when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting then there appeared to them divided tongues as of fire sitting each upon them and they were all filled with a ruach ha'qodesh the holy spirit began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance when the day of Pentecost had fully come now again most people most believers when they read this and probably when you read it when the day of pennants and 'z like it's saying when this day when the spirit was going to come had come but that's not what it's saying it's saying when the day of Pentecost or shavoo which came every year it's saying when that day came then it's going to tell you what happened but it was coming every year that was a day we think a day of Pentecost means the day of Pentecost is this one event and we call it that but they Opena cause for any Jewish person is and for the Bible was every year but then God did this on that Pentecost the Spirit of God now those who know me well enough you know the story of the first day after becoming a believer I ever set foot in a church and what happened I will restrain myself today from sharing it but suffice to say me and my friends were three people we went to he stepped out into it never went to a church before three visitors we made a pass the congregation of the church and there were three people preaching at us for about four hours in a little house at the end they asked us to receive the spirit they had us get down on our knees and they proceeded to bang our heads until we were to receive the spirit and speak in tongues and all these years later we're still in therapy over it and seeing chiropractors they were banging our heads we didn't know if it was the spirit or we were dizzy we didn't know what it and I thought about what would my Jewish grandmother have said if she who came from a village in Russia and she saw me do this she would think this is mashugana that's what she would think but even the idea of receiving this spirit to her would have been foreign as for most to his people the idea of the Spirit the receiving the Holy Spirit is just a foreign thing the Holy Spirit something I never really heard about I knew I heard of I heard it as something outside of us at the church Christians would talk about the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit but it wasn't it didn't seem to be a very Jewish subject in Hebrew school when I went to synagogue they never said hey you hear about the Holy Ghost never happened in the synagogue announcements never said come out to our Shabbat service is going to be a Holy Ghost revival never happened I remember I remember once near the beginning of my walk or actually I was young in the Lord but I was ministering I was doing a Bible study and one of the women of the study happened to talk to my father and said oh he's so anointed my father said what you might might as well said your son's a Martian said he says she says my sons anointed what is that you know in Jewish houses you heard my son the doctor my son the lawyer never my son the anointed or his anointed if you ask most Jewish people is to think about the Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Jewish they say no you ask many Christians does the Old Testament is it also in where's the hold it where's the Holy Spirit in the Bible if they say the New Testament but today we're going to open up a whole thing when I take off a veil here and see something that here we're going to look solely at the Hebrew Scriptures and see the Holy Spirit there in the book of Acts the Holy Spirit came upon these first ones you know that Orthodox Jews around the world they are celebrating Pentecost and they call it Shibuya bushy Buddhas Pentecost Pentecost is Shiva but some of them actually even call it Pentecost because the ones who came up with the word Pentecost worth it wasn't later on it was rabbis who came up with Pentecostal who spoke Greek then before the New Testament they translated into Greek and called it Pentecost so it's actually in some Jewish books Orthodox they actually call it Pentecost Orthodox Jews according to that are Pentecostal they don't know it if what we even get into this take that loser you know Jewish people Revere King David and wonder he is the one of the most revered people in the Bible - in Jewish law King David what a king David say take not your Holy Spirit from me Holy Spirit start at the beginning in the beginning it says in the beginning God created the heavens on the earth the earth was without form and void and what does it say then it says and the Spirit was upon the waters the very beginning the Bible you have God and then you have the Spirit spoken of right away that's so that's how basic this is the Spirit of God the Ruach I don't I say wrong that's the spirit rueake remember what does rock mean rock means the wind the breath and the spirit so when you say it it actually sounds like the passing of the wind if you say it right ruah that's the wind that's the holy wind the holy breath the Holy Spirit rua and the Ruach was upon the waters was on the darkness there was nothing there but the Ruach was brooding going over the waters and suddenly there's going to be something when when God is about to do something the spirit is over it the Spirit is over the darkness when Messiah was in the tomb the same way it was the first day of the week day one just like in Genesis and the Spirit was upon him it was darkness it was void it was death and the Spirit was upon him came upon him and life resurrection I want to show you some of the references of where the Holy Spirit comes up in the Old Testament it's the old it's a Pentecost from the Old Testament Moses is in the wilderness he's having a hard time as he often did Moses in numbers 11 verse 10 it says Moses heard the people of every family wailing each at the entrance of his tent matter not feeling hearing everyone wailing complaining and the Lord became very angry and Moses was troubled he asked the Lord why have you brought this trouble upon your servants what have I done this is this is a you want you want about a Jewish discourse this is it what have I done to displease you that you put this burden of all these people on me that I can see these people did I give them birth you really suppose has ever said that did I get under why didn't you tell me that carry them in my arms as a nurse carries an infant he's complaining the God but I but give him a break he's over 80 years old he should be retired but he's not and all these people are complaining about him you know complaining about God complaining about him they say you know to Jewish people together you've got three opinions you know well you have let's say you have two million Jewish people there you've got three million opinions going on and so he's at a bad day he's tired and he says lord I don't want this I don't need this why'd he do this to me I should be relaxing I'm 80 years old and nothing or more and then I'm gone answers him this so Moses went out and told the people what the Lord had said he brought together seventy of the elders and it had them stand around the tent and the Lord came down in a cloud and spoke on him and said to the said he took of the spirit the Ruach that was on him and put the spirit the rooh on on the seventy elders when this Holy Spirit disappeared this is the Holy Spirit rested on them they started prophesying however two men whose name was L Dada and me dot had remained in the camp they were among the elders didn't go out to the tent yet the spirit also arrested on them and they prophesied in the camp a young man ran and told Moses Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp Joshua son of nun who had been on Moses is eight since his youth he spoke up and said most my lord stop them the most replied are you jealous for my sake I wish that all the Lord's people were prophets and all the Lord would put his spirit in all of them now this is a real Pentecostal revival the Spirit comes upon them and what happens they start trumpet sounding just like in the New Testament they're prophesying I mean in some way and this is this the same thing here and what why did God give his spirit there why did he do that to ease the burden of Moses - because Moses was tired God sends the spirit to make him not tired anymore God sends the spirit to relieve him of the burden God's Spirit is given to take away the burden of his people that it not be that we are not burden and moving by our power or strength we get burned out we are doing it by the Ruocco - and we don't get tired when we do it by the spirit here's another one and each one's going to tell us something the Israelites are they had done evil and the the judgment the correction comes that the enemies of their nation the enemies rise up against them they're oppressed they cry out to the Lord this is the story of book of Judges again and again and again the Lord raises up a man called FDL judges 3 verse 10 what happens with off the Elba for us any sense the the rueake deny the Spirit of the Lord came upon him and he became Israel's and he went to war and he overpowered the enemy what does that tell you the Spirit came upon this man why so he could go to war and he could overcome the enemy what does that tell you about the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit has given to God's people given to you so you can go to war so you can fight so you are not going to be so you don't they lived oppressed by that thing that's not the spirit because they use the Israelites they didn't they weren't going by the spirit and they were oppressed when you don't go by the spirit you're oppressed they're oppressed by the enemy but God says my spirit is more powerful than the enemy and so God gives his spirit that you can go to war you can war in the spirit you can fight you can actually fight that thing that fight the fight of faith and love and hope and joy and confidence fight and overcome that sin the Spirit gives you the power to fight and actually win against the enemy win against gloom win against depression win against fear win against sin all that is by the Holy Spirit now here's another one in the book of Judges and this guy his mother was a prostitute he's the son of a prostitute he's probably undoubtedly an outcast disinherited driven away shame upon him illegitimate born in sin his name was Jeff Tom if the bit judges says that the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jesta and then and when he did he had victory all over and he was victorious what to tell you here God sends his spirit he delights in sending a spirit on the most unlikely people and even people who have been so stigmatized and outcasts and messed up the Spirit of God comes in and undoes all that the Spirit of God makes up for the messed up nosov the flesh the Spirit of God compensates for the more you go in the spirit the more you are not bound by those things in the past he becomes a hero an unlikely hero by the coming of the Spirit upon him now here's another example of the transforming power of the spear first samuel 921 Schaal Saul answered but he's being called his but but I'm not a I might not have been denied when he's being called to be king from the smallest tribe of Israel and it's not my clan the least of all the clans of the tribe of Benjamin the least of the least why do you say such a thing to me Paul you know Saul started out humble then but he also is humble but he also doesn't have confidence and that that part is not biblical he has no confidence because it's not about him that's the whole thing it's not about you it's about God so here Samuel took a flask of oil took a plastic oil poured it on salt head and kissed him and said has not the Lord anointed you leader over his inheritance in other words it doesn't matter what you are Saul its it doesn't matter he's saying am I not a Benjamin he's saying have you not been anointed you know we're suppose we say the Lord but this but this I might not I can't and God saying have I not anointed you he says so Samuel says go is this after that you will go to Gibeah of God where there is a Philistine outpost as you approach the town you will meet a procession of prophets coming down from a high place with Lear's tambourines flutes and harps being played before them they will be prophesying the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power and you will prophesy with them and you will be listen you will be changed into a different person once these signs are fulfilled then do whatever your hand finds to do because God is with you now talk about Pentecostal you know you're reading this here and you know he Saul it's looking at himself and God is saying no it doesn't matter now I'm anointing you that's all that matters is I'm minority that's all that matters and it says he anointed him with oil but the oil was a symbol of the spirit as he's going he's all the sudden the Spirit comes upon him right as these prophets are prophesying them it's this total Pentecostal thing happening and he's there all prophesying and nan-oh li is that happening but it says that then you will be changed into a different person now it's not that he's not going to be saw his going to be solved but it could be a difference all he's not going to be thus all that he was is going to be another soul and only when he turned away from God that did that does that not work but as much as it did God had the anointing the power of the Spirit is is not so you can just do things like you can you can speak in tongues and do this or whatever whatever though that's not the ultimate power of the Spirit is to change you that we become change but into what into what we are supposed to be from the beginning we get chained the more you go in the spirit the more you get changed away from the old self and into the new away from the messed up self and into the glorious elf that's from God you will be changed into different and then it says once you once that happens then it says do whatever once that happens to you the prophet Samuel says then you just then you are to do whatever your hands find to do for God's but what that mean means that it doesn't become law anymore Eve what you think well why they do whatever you want to do or do whatever you hands fine because when you're living by the spirit you're not living primarily that I have to do this I have to do this on - it's I'm going to want to do it I will do it anyway because if the Spirit of God is in me and I'm going by the spirit I'm going to naturally do God's will and that's going to be from my heart that's the best way to live and that's the real way the only real way to live this life you cannot live that the life of God the Christian life the Messianic life without the Spirit of God in you only the Spirit of God can do the will of God so therefore we must all the more make it our aim to live more by the spirit and less by ourselves and whatever you do you're going to do it you're going to put away that sin because you're going to want to put away that sin because you're so filled with the spirit you're going to love that person you're going to forgive them because you're going to want to do it because you're so filled with God's Spirit that's the way to live and even this man Saul is going to have the power to become king by the Spirit of God and not without it but here's another one you got the prophet called Eliyahu Elijah and Elijah yes finalized to the one who did ink mirror I mean this is Moses and Elijah they were though they were the big miracle ones you know Moses and the Red Sea Elijah calling down fire from heaven finding up the heavens opening up the heavens and then he gets weary weary Lord and just like just like notice a pattern Moses is weary and saying I don't want I can't do this and God says okay the spirit Elijah is weary saying basically feeling I can't go on and God then speaks to him and says this he says take your mantle dubby basically saying you're going to anoint this one a new one Elijah second kings 2 says when the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven now so he goes from that throws his mantle over Elijah Elijah all of a sudden his life is going to change but then at the end when Elijah is about to go up to heaven his ministry is about to be over he's walking with Elijah and it says when they're walking in the Lord is about to take Elijah up to heaven and a whirlwind came Elijah and Elijah were on their way from Gilgal Elijah said to Elisha stay here the Lord has sent me to Bethel but Elijah said as surely as the Lord gives you and us as you live I will not leave you and Elijah wants to stay Elijah wants to stay with him as he answers whatever is going to happen so Elijah has gone up and he asked he says Elijah can I have a double portion of your anointing now some people think that could be taken two ways one it takes twice as much or it's the as it's sort of the first sons double portion meaning it's like 60 percent or whatever but either way he says can I have a double portion of your anointing well I said well that's you know you'll find out from God so he goes up and he goes up and Elijah's mantle falls as he goes up heaven Elijah takes up the mantle strikes it and the water goes and end the the sons of the prophets say it's Elijah Elijah now the anointing that was on Elijah now comes upon Elijah and so now here is again by the Spirit of God the spirit of God comes upon and gives Elijah Elijah the anointing it's the beginning of the ministry of Elijah and the prophets who witness this then when they see Elijah they say they're watching the spirit of Elijah is resting now on Elijah spirit of Elijah but what is the spirit of Elijah it's not Elijah so it's the spirit of God but so here is a link to the mantel of God the spirit of God is linked to the mantel got the mantel of God is your calling you all have a calling if you're born again you've got a calling from God and if you're not born again you also have a calling but you don't have it yet it's just there but if you're born again you've got a mantel that is bigger than you it's what everything God has called you to but in order to fulfill it you only way you can fulfill your mantle is by the Spirit of God and the Spirit of God comes upon you is in you to fulfill your calling when you go by the spirit if you go by the flesh you won't do it but go by the spirit you will but the same spirit of God same spirit of insight when it comes upon you when it's in you when it's flowing through you it's going to be different in you than it will be for someone else I mean though the Spirit of God the love is the same the joy is the same but your calling is different and this with a more you go by that the more you go by the Spirit of God the more you will become you will actually do it will anoint you for it specifically whatever you have to do for God whatever it is if you are called to preach the gospel that's what it will do you're called to be administrate that's what it will do whatever your calls it that's what everything you have to do in your life the Spirit of God will fulfill Daniel it says in Daniel 4 it says the spirit they save Daniel the Spirit of Elohim now they in Babylon they thought there were gods until they say that they think the spirit of gods are upon you but the same word can mean God the spirit what took Daniel what separated him from everybody else is that the Spirit of God was upon him and by the fact that he had Spirit of God he could speak things that no one else could speak he could know things that no one else could know the Spirit of God gives you the power to be beyond what you are to know what you could not know to speak with a wisdom that you could not speak before - without even knowing how or why it doesn't matter it's the Spirit of God there are times you might be sharing because God anoints you especially as you're doing his will you're sharing with somebody and you're saying wow how is this coming out of me that's actually good but I don't know how I got that because it's the Spirit of God the mind of God when you go by the spirit you're going by the mind of God you don't have to understand the mind of God you cannot but you'll do things that are wise and you don't even know how you'll actually make decisions you'll actually do some you won't even know how you did it and you actually you a God knew exactly what's going to happen you did exactly what you were supposed to do they're people who's supposed to be getting on planes they say last Wednesday I don't know I'm canceling it and a plane crashed they couldn't know it but the Spirit of God did they didn't even know they were in the spirit there are times that you don't even know you're in the spirit and you don't know how it's working but if you're in his will the Spirit anoints that Micah 3:8 says but as for me I am filled with power with the Spirit of the Lord and with justice and might to declare to Jacob his transgression to Israel is sin I am filled with what power by what because the Spirit of the Lord is with me what is the spirit allure Doom it's not only the will it's the power of God and we mention this in the past I mentioned the word that's used in the Bible when it says you'll be filled with power and due from that the word is tuna mahi try it you get Dunamis you get dynamite you get all those things dynamite power but due to mahi the root of the of what what comes upon you with a spirit what he gives you do domani means basically the ability the ëthey to be able to say it means I can I can do what I couldn't do before it's the power you say I can't do it I can't live it the Spirit is saying okay but I can and you now have the purest the power of I can in your life what you have to do that's the power he gives you in God and then there are the prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures more Pentecost prophecies of the one who's called the servant Isaiah 42 verse 1 behold my servant whom i lift up my chosen one in whom I delight I will put my spirit in him and He will bring justice to the nation's Isaiah 11 verse wanna shoot will come from the stump of Jesse from his route a branch will bear fruits Messiah the Spirit of the Lord will rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and truth the spirit of counsel and power the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord Messiah is the Anointed besides the one it says any when he comes the Spirit of God will be upon him it will give him it will give him wisdom and counsel and power he will be the savior and then it says this in Isaiah 61 about the same one the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the broken proclaim freedom to the captives release from darkness to the prisoner and proclaim the year of the Lord's favor when Messiah started his ministry What did he say these words when he opened up that scroll in the synagogue what what would he read he read these words the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because he has anointed me anointed me what how it messiah didn't do anything until he he says here i am anointed one Hani begin his ministry he's in the desert he's baptized by John what happens the Spirit of God comes upon him right if if the Son of God Messiah himself does not minister until he's anointed then how can we do anything until we're in origin how could we do anything outside the spirit if even he doesn't and what happens what's he called what's his name his title the anointed he's called Messiah Christ Mashiach Messiah means The Anointed One he's the most anointed one what does that mean he does everything by the spirit everything he did was by the spirit what to bind up the broken heel people to speak truth everything was by the Holy Spirit he's anointed and if you are in him you are a little Messiah person what does that mean you are hid you are his pert but it also means it means if he's the anointed you are a little a little version of him you're an anointed that means your life has to be an anointed life it means you have to live the same way anointed by God that means whatever you do you do the dishes do it anoint it take out the garbage do it anoint it whatever you do Lord I want to do everything in a noisy way before I speak anoint me Lord whatever I do I work for you anointed I whatever I do I need your anointing every morning throughout the day I need your anointing you are to live in an oil I feel the word Christian means of the anointed that means your of Messiah but it also means you have to be living in an anointed life how by the it by the ruach ha'qodesh that means you also are to have the power to proclaim the gospel so that's actually people get saved in their lives change you are given the power to actually release people from prison from bondage you've got the power if you don't speak you don't use it the power means nothing you also have the power to bind up the broken which means you have the power of healing it's not just that there are people come and I've got the power heal nobody it's all God's power I mean God may annoyed someone to do more but you all if you've got the anointing if you're a messiah you have you know and then you have the anointing also of healing in all different ways comfort the oil of gladness you got the power of gladness that's an anointing the oil of gladness it's not just as Gladys is there it comes from an oil there's an oil that spirit brings joy when you don't have joy Lord give me the anointing of joy now I don't have hope give me the anointing of Hope and he will he will that's when it begins because the Lord anoint his people and therefore our entire faith is based on Messiah to anoint him let me give you another one a prophet is taken into the valley and he looks around him and all he could see our bones death destruction bones and bones and God says to him as he kill he said son of man can these bones live and he says only you know Lord he said son of man speak to the bones and say Oh dry bones thus says the Lord lives they start rattling they start shaking they start moving together they start forming skeletons and now there's skeletons on the ground all over that Ezekiel's got to be freaked out he's in the middle of all these skeletons attend all this a live and they start getting up this is not special effects this is the this is there was no special effects this is AB he sees the vision is rising up and then they start getting clothes muscles sinews come upon them and flesh come upon them and he sees this and it sort of man this is a house of Israel these are the hosts of Israel they say they are we are dead we are dried up we are broken it's on the nation had been destroyed they were in exile it's gone happened more than once in Israel's history they're gone is it but I will raise them up again and I will bring them back to the land and they will again be a nation I'm going to resurrect the entire nation just like dry bones resurrect and he says but then then it says son of man speak speak to the Ruach speak to the rule speak to the wind speak to the breath speak to the spirit and say come come rooha come spirit come wind compress and come upon them and they come alive and God says then I will bring them back to the land I will bring them back to this land I will read and then I will pour my spirit on them so it's not just that it's a picture of Resurrection as it's coming alive again which Israel did and by the way if you look at the original document of Israel coming back by a miracle you could even say you can even say it was even a greater miracle because he took them in our day took them from all all the ends of the earth and gathered them back from death and he says when they proclaim money that proclamation I have it at home I have an actual copy of what was printed up on that day when they proclaimed Israel has the proclamation of Israel I got it by accident in a thrift shop for 50 cents and it says on the document it says prophesied to these dry bones from Ezekiel so God did it but it said then that's not the end of it it says then I'm going to pour my spirit on if that tells you something Israel's going to come back in the world and then what's going to happen God is going to pour his spirit on that that's there that that has not been fulfilled in fullness but there is a beginning because as the as Israel came back there was a pouring of the spirit on a remnant of Israel that usual but the end Israel cannot be fulfilled a very everything about Israel can never be build until until they come to Pentecost until the ruach ha'qodesh comes upon them so you look at this from the beginning look at the passo the power of God and so they're not going to be their whole calling is not fulfilled until the power come until the Spirit comes if the Jewish people are not going to be four billion they're called until their they receive the spirit of how much how much more we can't without the spirit the ruach ha'qodesh look at this and I just and there's more I've just given you I'm giving you a taste the from the Hebrew Scriptures onward from the very beginning it's the Holy Spirit of God from the very beginning in Genesis the Spirit of God every nothing happens without it Moses was a Pentecostal Moses prophesied lo the Spirit came upon him different listen Joshua teacher what happened with before Moses goes up what he laid hands on Joshua what happens Joshua starts becoming a Vedic also started I'm not talking about it with a I'm speaking with a wide wide brush here and that is that that he starts to probably start prophesying it's the same spirit of God same spirit that came upon the judges and also the judges became mighty and they won their war as soon as the Spirit came up they won Samson was nothing without the spirit the Spirit came on Elijah he prophesized he does miracles spirit comes upon Isaiah he speaks it says the spirit was upon the prophets of God the spirit was on all the prophets same spirit same Holy Spirit the Old Testament fills with Pentecost it was always the spirit and God is saying the only one in fact he says one day this what I'm going to do is and when I take I'm going to put my spirit inside my people in that day and then they're going to walk in my ways in other words if I don't put my spirit in them they're not going to walk in my ways same with us you cannot live to God without the Holy Spirit of God himself this is God's own spirit you know what it's like you've got a spirit this is God's own spirit and he puts it in you how much more God told his people when when he's going to restore Israel when he said it's going to be by the spirit the Spirit is what brings restoration in your walk and remember what does it tell us what we've seen here the spirit comes on unqualified people no none of them could do what God asked them to do and that's the thing God loves to take unqualified people like you and me you know we say that callings too high Lord is too much I can't do it I can't give up the sinners of God that's it but I can if you live by the spirit all the sudden you're not bound by any limitation that you had because you're only bound by God's limitation and he doesn't have any that's the whole point it's not about ability it is about anointing that you can truly you can say in the Lord by the spirit if you live this way god it's there every moment of your life it's there the powers they are the anointings there it's your choice but if you do that that's when you can say I can do all things through Messiah who strengthens made from onward you know you look at this you say well that Genesis you see the very opening of the Bible but you know what your life was like that your life was darkness once most of you your life was void just like the beginning it was dark it was void it was none and what happened God sent His Spirit to move upon your life you know maybe not even worry not aware of it but God sent his spirit and that's why you came alive God said let there be light in this life and you came alive because the Spirit doesn't matter what your what your what your denomination is you came alive because God said I'm putting my spirit on this life in the same way and the same way that God gives power the spirit the power to war God wants you to fight now he doesn't want you to give up and he doesn't want you to let surrender to the enemy and he doesn't want you to surrender that sin and his want you to surrender that fear or surrender that guilt or surrender to that depression he doesn't want that he wants you to fight and he wants you to actually win and that's what the Spirit gives you the power fight say Lord anoint me and I'm going into battle anoint me and I have to win because it's your anointing God wants this power when you live by that spirit of the anointing you'll actually like Jephthah you'll overcome your past you'll overcome shame you'll overcome who you were you'll actually become something that's new but it's you the power of God is even the power to take the Spirit of God takes what is dead and makes it alive again actually more alive than before and so the rabbi's here they are calculating I shared the beginning they calculated all this they calculated that all this all this came about Pentecost when Moses was on the mountain it was also Pentecost you know it's amazing he's on the Mount receiving the Ten Commandment he receiving the law and it's Pentecost when I tell you the only way you can ever fulfill that law is by the power of Pentecost the only way you can fulfill everything God has called you some of you actually you know God has some of you have you know specifically certain things God has called you to do but it's the spirit that does the Spirit will do it David how did he fight Goliath by this appearance Giants you can fight Giants by the spirit and the giant has to fall by the spirit but notice something else that when you solve this the spirit is generally not I mean it comes not only at the beginning of ministry Messiah beginning a ministry spirit although you look throughout you'll see it other times the soul spirit comes he does it spirit comes they do it the spirit of Lord has anointed prophets the sphere comes at the beginning of ministry because blood also and it become it came at the beginning of the age but it also comes at the end at the end of another ministry Elijah is going to depart from this world the Spirit of God comes upon Elijah Moses is going up the mountain he's going to leave he anoints Joshua Spirit of God comes on Joshua so think about it what is Pentecost just like Moses went up the mountain Messiah goes up to the Mount of Olives and he's about to end his ministry honors him doing it not the ministry but him doing it in the flesh or in his body he's leaving now physically leaving so what has to happen the spirit has to come what is Pentecost same thing that was Elijah Elijah and Moses and Joshua it saw messiahs going up but and so what's gonna happen I thing has to come down the difference is Messiah is so big and so great his anointing is so powerful that there's no one person who can be the one to receive it there's no Pope there's no this who can one person who could not receive that anointing it's so big not Peter he's he received it but not he's not the only one it's so big that it had to go to everybody yes so the mantis-like Elijah so we are messiahs Elijah we our messiahs Joshua it's so big that it's comes upon that you have a part in it so noisy Messiah that came upon the one hundred twenty two thousand years ago on this day comes down and not just on them but it says this promise is for you and your children I don't care what your theology is the screw God doesn't stop with the spirit II you cannot put God in a box it doesn't matter I don't care what that is you want to put whatever you know there's nothing biblical about saying that God has stopped with the spirit you just can't do that God is God his spirit does not stop and his Spirit is at work today in the same way if it was at work listed it was at work before Pentecost it certainly got to be at work after Pentecost it comes up I'm not saying up saying exactly how and don't get dogmatic and don't don't get crazy and don't focus that it has to be this this or you have to receive this God anoints as he will seek what he has for you but you have an anointing first of all when you came to the Lord the Spirit is in you you got an anointing God can anoint you at any moment with other anointings but also open to whatever God has but you've got a part in the mantle of Messiah in every land there are people who have the anointing and this is so great and therefore you have a piece of that anointing you've got a part of that anointing and don't think that okay it's got a little piece whatever you have of messiahs anointing it's bigger than anything there's no end to it that you would walk as God's anointed one and everything you do is anointed you minister you're anointed you work your job it's anointed you speak to somebody it's anointed you forgive somebody it's anointed whatever you have to do you love somebody it's anointed love there's this movie called Bruce Almighty a man who's supposedly given the power of God and you know and he can do whatever you want to it of course it's a total fantasy yet yet yet it is no fantasy that you have the anointing of God you have that anointing well wait a minute God's almighty yes you know we're just us but as much as you do the will of God the anointing of the Almighty will be upon you that means that you will be able to do it with all might that means there is nothing that can stop the will of God and if you're in the will of God you'll go for it what is this what is this about the Holy Spirit it's not primarily about jumping up and down and rolling in the aisles and I'm not saying you can't do that we'll call security but no no no the aisle part but you can jump we want to be expressed so you want to be you want to be free in the spirit however the Lord leads you but the ultimate point isn't that the ultimate point is that you live at an anointed life get this all the powers of the Spirit the Ruach all the things we spoke about are given to you everything same spirit pawn Sampson given you same spirit of Elijah same sphere of the prophets everything is given to you that you can actually take that now and apply it to your challenges your problems your obstacles your calling every part of your life but you got to do it believe God and do it don't let it be talked don't let it be theology do it for the voice of the Spirit of God says to you calls you since you are weary for the calling the same spirit I gave to Moses and that lifted him up I'm giving to you to revive you to strengthen you you who are unlikely the most unlikely person godless person I'm giving you the same spirit I gave to Jeptha to anoint you to overcome the past you have no confidence like Saul I give you the same anointing to make you a different person and you would feel like you're finished like the dry bones you're not finished I give you the spirit to be revived and to be raised up and the power to accomplish everything to do all things and you who are called by my name my name mashiac Messiah the Christ you are you are given the same anointing that Messiah had to shine his life do his work live that life buying the broken so walk if you'll walk no more don't walk by the flesh walk by the spirit and you will not be bound because I the Lord cannot be bound you will not be bound you will not I cannot be defeated the Lord says so you cannot be defeated I cannot be hindered so in me you will not be hindered for it is not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord your Mountain shall be removed and you shall complete the work that you were called to do with shouts of grace grace grace as the mighty ones of God walked by the spirit you are now the mighty ones of God walk not by the flesh but by the spirit and by that power you can do all things where it is time to do great and mighty things that you know not of happy shabu oat happy Pentagon amen let's close our eyes right now and yes I want to do something a little different right now because I'm going to focus we're gonna focus right now on anyone who needs to comes the Lord to come back to Lord but then I want to just go to you just all of us together just take a little time in his spirit sound good let's just right now pray for those who need salvation in your life in here anywhere Lord just pray pray for the harvest right now while we do that while you do that and in that anointing of that prayer that you pray right now if you're here this morning and you're not sure yet you're born again you need to be you're not sure you're saved you need to be doesn't matter if you're Catholic Protestant Jewish doesn't matter Jesus said you have to be born again or you can't enter Heaven you can't be saved and there's only two roads you can be on one release to heaven eternal life one leads to hell eternal judgment but if you're not born again you're on the wrong road and God loves you to the point he would actually give his own life for you to save you and the fact that he did but it means nothing if you miss it if you don't receive it here's the greatest thing right now so Jesus said you must be born again or you cannot enter Heaven you can't be saved we're going to be a thousand years for now if you're not sure you need to get in you're being to be the wrong place if you don't know you need to get in there well how how long do I have to get right with God how long do I have to do that the answer is you've got one heart beat one heart beats the only thing that's separating you from judgment eternity or salvation and once that happens your heart stops at any moment nobody knows when you don't have a choice after that the chant only chance you have is now well you have a heart for you take the heartbeat of God knocking on your life and saying open up now's your moment that's what the Bible says don't say tomorrow tomorrow may never come don't say tomorrow may never happen in you or it may you may not be open again but you're open now and God is speaking you announce your moment don't let it pass you by say well how do I get in how do i how do I get right I don't it's very simple not hard not not hard at all Bible says if you receive him truly receive him you'll become his child you'll be safe you put your trust in him for real you put them first you say come into my life in every way because if you confess with your mouth believe in your heart for real God will you'll be safe you'll be you'll be all the blessings will be yours but you need so we're going to pray together you know how to pray a simple prayer can happen very simply a simple prayer to say yes we're gonna pray together to say yes to the calling on your life it say yes Lord I'm answering the call and just as the Bible says confess with your mouth believe in your heart so you can say it in a whisper but say it as we're going to pray together say it as we pray together to the Lord meet in your heart make it real and right now if you don't know we're going to be a thousand years from now it means you need to get in you need to be saved maybe you've known God but you haven't been right with God if you're not right with God yeah your life hasn't been as we'll get back you pray to make them Lord of everything and maybe you're okay but God is calling it up to higher things in God of greater anointing on your life you pray to to be ready for that anointing and to receive that let's pray right now our eyes are closed here's your moment don't let it pass you by this is your moment let's pray together just repeat after me we're going to pray together in a whisper you don't think here anything it's just you and God but say it in a whisper meeting your heart let's pray together right now repeat after me as we pray together just repeat up to me these words simple words Lord God I come to you now I open my heart to say yes to you yes to your calling yes to your will for my life thank you for loving me giving your life dying for my sins rising from death so I could be saved right now I say yes to you cleanse me or give me wash me make me new make my life new I receive your love your anointing I receive your presence your cleansing your forgiveness your power your anointing I turn away from the old from the dark I turn to the light and I'm following you from this moment on thank you Lord by your promise of your word and this prayer I can say I am received I'm free I'm blessed I'm new I'm saved I'm born again I'll be with you always I'm your child leave me on from this moment as I follow you as your disciple you are my god now I'm your disciple anoint me for your power from my life in the name of my Savior the Messiah Jesus the anointed and I say amen and amen everybody please keep your eyes closed one last moment you prayed that prayer congratulations greatest thing you could ever do but listen closely we can't just be words to be real to have the power and you a breakthrough you need we need to seal this we're gonna do it together it's very easy not to become real going to become action the first step is very easy very simple very small very quick we're going to do this together everybody who prayed that prayer you we prayed together and I'm going to do this we're going to do it together we knew throughout the sanctuary I'm going to do it where all the minutes are going to do it we're gonna do it throughout the century everyone who plays that prayer we prayed that prayer together right now together right now just lift up our hands for Jesus lift the right hand just say just god bless you all look behind you be blessed right now everybody's answer but I ask your blessing and everyone whose hand is raised anoint them unknowing down for this this we give them victory in their life in Jesus name Amen okay now if you prayed that prayer last thing while we rest of us are still in prayer last thing prayed that prayer you're going to be doubly blessed there's a gift for you there's a CD album on the secrets of success in your life with God and that's going to be a gift to you you don't want to miss it if it's your first time today don't worry you'll get the Welcome it's right after this there and as they they're going to be right next door to each other actually but you don't want to miss this get this first then you can get you can be blessed and welcome cafe you'll get all the gifts these gifts are to your left where it says prayer the prayer center that that centers gonna be open in a second but here's the thing you prayed that prayer I want you to look up look around just those who pray that if you pray for the first time or to come back to the Lord if that's what you prayed I want you to look up look around see if you can see some people standing they're going to come to you they're going if they see you there they're there they're going to be there in charge of making up helping you get to get so you don't want to miss it so they're here to help you so if you look up if you don't see anybody or they don't see you just lift up your hand wave them down they'll get the gifts to you they'll just come over to you if you came with family friends just slip out for a second while we're still praying and you'll get the gifts are to your left where it says prayer if they'll just give you the gift answer questions send you on your way and you can take people with you if you still don't see anybody it's okay we're gonna stand up in a second so you're left just make your way that that person who you open to everybody wants to talk perhaps or pray what have somebody pray with them when we stand up make your way over there you can take friends with you doesn't take anybody with you and just tell them you prayed they'll give you the gifts and send you on your way then if it's your first time go next door go to the backstage Cafe you're going to be very blessed with your gifts and food impression so god bless you congratulations the anointed amen everybody rise people of God rise but today is a
Channel: Lover of HaMashiach
Views: 196,705
Rating: 4.8344355 out of 5
Keywords: Shavuot, Pentecost, Holy Spirit, Yeshua, Gos, Jesus, Lord, Moedim, Appointed Times, Appointed Feasts, Feast, Festival, Rapture, Harpazo, Islam, Jew, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Jewish, Muslim, Armaggedon, Armageddon, Apocalypse, End times, End, 2017, Revelation, 12, Sign, Heavens, Heavenly, September 23
Id: tgXZQHyMjgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 59sec (4319 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2017
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