Feb 15, 2020 - Drawing Closer To GOD

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two words I want to share with you today no no I'll share those when I'm ready to retire draw near draw near draw near is used in the Bible both in the Old Testament the New Testament the word in the Old Testament obviously because the oldest was written in Hebrews Horeb and chloramines to come near and enter into speaks about intimacy and in the New Testament the word is and gids o and it means to join one thing to another same idea so I just want to know whether it's in the old or the new the word is pretty much the same the idea behind the word is that God wants to be close to us and he wants us to be close to him but before we move forward with this little presentation if you will you have to ask yourself the all-important question and this is the question do I really want to be close to God so I'm gonna take a short break for some water ask yourself somatic umarete you you couldn't just reach over a little bit because if you know you don't have to be close to God nobody can force you to be close to God but if you want to there's certain things you got to do there's just certain things you got to do and this is not my opinion it's just what the Bible teaches and I think most people want to be close to God that a bet here if not all I think so I think so but but you know even if one person wants to be close to God I want to help you out today okay Judy I know you want to be close to God Judy also goes to the prison all the time judy judy judy okay number one on my list of things you need to do is is rocks and the Irish coffee this morning let me just know what I'm let me just know I'm dealing with okay repentance now in the Hebrew mindset repentance teshuva is not confession or apologies no all all confession apologies will do is bring you to the door of repentance but it is not repentance people apologize all the time there's nothing behind it I mean I'm sorry oh this is the worst kind of holiday I didn't know you'd take it that way you just called me fat how am I supposed to take it so it's not confession it's not apology it's not even turning around like the Christian mindset it's turning around God makes you turns right anyway it's moving in a totally new direction just because I turn from something doesn't mean I'm going towards anything I could just turn and just stay neutral a lot of people are neutral well I don't do that but I don't do that either see if you if you know there's no moment frozen in time you're either moving closer to God or further away but you're not things though we should make repentance a daily habit nobody would refute that right but yet right theoretically will agree right in theory amen amen we're so strong theoretically aren't we sin is the barrier in our relationship with God sin is the barrier our repentance must be heartfelt we're in no position to determine whether somebody else's repentance is legitimate but tears is a fairly good testimony when God touches your heart what tenderizes your heart well it turns your heart usually your heart gets squeezed when God squeezes your heart tears come out of your eyes it's just the way those people used to blush when they were ashamed remember some of my older folks remember now they are ashamed if they blush modesty has disappeared and a brazen generation with no fear of God before his eyes mocks at sin we are so fond of being called tolerant and broad-minded that we wink at sin when we ought to weep at it when they repeat that we wink at sin when we ought to weep at it take a look at a verse Psalm 51 17 King David speaks and you know this all too well my sacrifice to God is a broken spirit god you won't spurn a broken or chastened heart here david says lord i am not depending on just rituals or ceremonies for forgiveness although you although although you instituted him right God did institute the Levitical sacrificial system there were animal sacrifices correct but the animal sacrifices looked to the worship of offering himself to God humbling his pride and stubbornness you were transferring you at his Obama you had an innocent victim that paid the price but when you went to that brazen altar which was made of copper brass iron and and it was shiny when you put that animal on top of that altar guess whose face you saw in the mirror yeah they should have known it should have been them on that altar not the innocent animal the animal didn't do anything so it's supposed to humble our pride when we not feel oh not feel great now repentance it should be humbling so David said I come to you with a broken heart I present myself to you as a living sacrifice for I know you won't reject this broken heart that I bring you Luke 532 Yeshua says I have not come to call the righteous but rather to call sinister turn to God from their sins the so called righteous the religious people well just the religious leaders of their day which is no different than the religious leaders today I throw myself in the mix the so-called righteous will unwilling to confess their sins some Christians forget some believers forget oh I used to be a sinner no no no no the great Apostle Paul didn't say I was the chief of sinners what do you say huh interesting they were unwilling to confess their sins the religious leaders of your shoe's day considered themselves to be righteous like a lot of men of God do and you do that to them but you know what they do they allow it for years you guys built them up and put them on a pedestal and they thought well I'm pedestal Iced I have to act like it they're no different than you the same Commandments that you're supposed to obey they're supposed to obey there's no more Commandments for them except they should be a little bit more of a role model and be honest with their sinfulness and so should the body of Messiah for that matter they had no deep sense of sin or of need that's why he couldn't perform how could the Messiah not be able to form miracles in Nazareth because they didn't need it they just didn't need it we're good remember remember the church at Laodicea we're good we got this thing and What did he say you're wretched you're pitiful you're poor and you're blind you would hate to hear that from God when you see the Bible's black and white but since living in the religious community that's here I've met a lot of gray you know how you get gray you mix black and white together and you know what you can do it gray nothing it's drab gray skies drab you can't do nothing to look one person you know why because they never realized that lukewarm a hot person knows when they're hot a cold person knows when they're called hot people can be used cold people can be warmed up lukewarm you got nothing to do with it and they don't know they don't know he was speaking to believers in the church at Laodicea and they said well good we got this thing but the tax collectors and the prostitutes the cold ones they were the ones who realized they were sinners and needed deliverance from their sins it was for people like that that the Savior came in all actuality the religious leaders were not so righteous and they needed to be saved as much as the tax collectors did but they were unwilling to confess their sins and acknowledge their guilt and move in a new direction Luke 9:23 this is challenging but I didn't say it then to everyone he said if anyone wants to come after me if anyone wants to be a follower not do great things just follow just cool you use the term Christian I don't really use that term but use the term Christian because it's very ambiguous to me I don't know what that means anymore okay and the term wasn't used for 10 years in the believing community at the beginning but it's okay if you call yourself a Christian hopefully that means you follow the Messiah that's what he's saying if you want to follow me this is right out of the gate this is the beginning of your walk with him if you want to follow me you got to say no to himself as you guys ain't known to take up his execution stake daily and keep following me keep following me present progressive okay taking up the executions that means to deliberately choose to deliberately choose to be intentional the kind of life that you lived okay now why is the health and wealth gospel so so impressive why did someone to use some of you fell for it why there's 7 billion people in the world wants to be healthy and wealthy there's nothing wrong with that in and of itself kind of there's nothing wrong I promote good I think it's good that you should take care of your tabernacle it says physical training is of some importance comma spiritual training is of greater importance so some people have it the opposite physical training is of greater importance and spiritual training is of some importance they got it backwards that's the issue the issue is in to eat smart and exercise that's not the issue of course God wants that for us the issue is when you make that a god that's the issue let me tell you how you shoe a lived one complete dependence on God he was submitted submit it to God he only did what the Lord told him to do obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit he didn't have a mind of his own he chose not to use it suffering for righteousness sake pouring out one's life for others hello death to self and to the world the world that no hold on him the world had no attraction for them the world has its own literature its own movies its own books its own ways forsaking family and house and lands and the comforts of this life accepting slander and shame as well as a pathway of loneliness we just sang a song in other words your schewe gave up control I give you control God so many people are control freaks we just sung the song that's what this is saying take up your execution sing sing whatever you want lord whatever you want living a life that will lead to rejection you check me in on this if you have nothing better to do spend a couple of weeks you'll find out that Yeshua said 1800 sentences 1,200 really because they're synoptic Gospels and 25% of everything he said I shared this with John yesterday at lunch 25% of everything he said that means one out of four words that came out of his mouth was about rejection that you will be rejected for following me it's called the law of ejection in some theological circles we instinctively recoil from a life of cross bearing we like the sunny uplands our minds are reluctant to believe that this could be God's will for us how could this be your will for me I'm not doing well according to WHO I told the people ask me how you doing I say great they go oh you healed no spiritually I'm doing great oh you meant how am i doing physically that all you care about Yeshua says if anyone wants to come after me that means nobody's excused and nobody's an exception this isn't just for the elite or the strong or the on fire this is for the nominal believer did you notice that the Gospel of Luke which I kind of like this one because it it deals with him being a perfect man if you will and it deals with our humanity he says if anyone wants to come after me let him say know himself take up his execution stake daily doesn't say that in the other Gospels daily so if we're to take up our execution state daily and none of us take it up daily then should we repent daily which is my point when we started talking about repentance on a side note on a side note is it alright to get angry with God blame God or question God what are they hit people tell you today from the pulpits God understands did did you talk to God and he he told you that he understands show me a chapter and verse where it says that good I'll be told him for at least another 30 35 minutes go through the Bible show me first of all first of all I think sometimes we operate under the false impression that life should be easy and God should prevent tragedy from happening to us isn't that a you isn't that the way we think come on I'm talking human thinking I'm not talking spiritual thinking and I'm not talking to your reticle thinking come on be honest if you're not going to be honest and I'm be honest I don't care if you're not honest I'm gonna be honest but the Bible tells us differently look at what job says this is the most righteous man that ever lived a human being born from a woman that means every single human being right I just to let you know you've all born from a woman I just don't want any letters nor a by I a human being he's talking about every single solitary human being that's ever lived lives a short trouble-filled life no rabbi my life's been great well maybe you've made it that way maybe you've made it nice and cushiony but I guarantee you if you've cushioned your life you're not walking with the Lord strong no way you think you are you think you've surrendered you love the Lord if your life is cushioned than always going well something's wrong Satan doesn't feel your attack worry in reality I think we need to repent of our anger and I'll blame in our questions towards God is there a biblical president not President precedent I'm sorry sometimes my my diction is very bad I'm a DS Dems and those guys sorry dramatically I'm incorrect but then again politically I'm incorrect too so I don't mind take a look at the next verse from job there's the guy who set up he's then I don't know I answered it off out of the storm remember this job did great for 37 chapters now most of you would have broke in chapter 1 admit it it Bennett and there's good reason I mean look this was the most righteous man that I've lived of course Satan's gonna come after him and challenge him he doesn't challenge us like this because we couldn't do this ten kids ten ten health a knucklehead of a wife who says you know all you worshiping God didn't work out curse God and die Wow thanks for the encouragement sweetheart what I hope made so he questions god he breaks he took him thirty seven chapters very impressive very very unbelievably impressive but he broke right every man has a breaking point that's the point and what does God say I would have thought when I read the story like if I were God I would have been like wow thirty seven chapters this guy's amazing let me go down and comfort him right because that's what we're taught just God his love and what some make feel good and so this is what this God loves us who is this dog I plans with his ignorant words those love creatures take this out of the Bible stand up like a man you got a big mouth you got a big mouth back it up reminds me of my old days stand up like brace yourself I'm coming brace yourself I'm coming you've been asking a lot of questions I've got some for you where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth do you know how I made the Seas go just so far do you know the gestation period of a goat do you know where I store the frost and the snow can you put a hook on the vines mouth did you hang Pleiades in a Ryan in its place when you summon lightning does it come to your feet say here we are and what does job say at the end I heard about you with the hearing of my ears meaning you know Rabbi Greg yeah I know you don't know me some of you know me because you've spent countless hours with me travel with me spend countless hours my wife my kids know me some of you know me you don't know me job saying I heard about you with the hearing of my ears but now I see who you are forgive my ignorance and put on sackcloth and ashes had repented pretty good stuff huh you can only do that before a great God you can only do that before the only woman true God is this easy no rabbi I'm going through it so am i you don't understand yes I do rabbi it's not easy I'm with you sometimes I fall me too I have some good days rabbi where I'm on and then something happens like an uninvited guest that it just comes to my head and I get all distraught and all messed up and anxious me too anybody with is anybody human here is anybody human being are you gonna act churchy huh we don't need another t-shirt or a bumper sticker we need the real God to help real people in real trouble and if you elect me president of these fine United States everybody else is running right people we don't even know who are these people what have they done okay - one was repentance right - no we're not no we're not no no we're not I hate to do this okay - we need to listen when God speaks we need to listen when God speaks first of all we have to ask ourselves is God still speaking today well of course he is look at Beth yushua Israel India Kenya Germany Australia at the opieop Alaska what about Nephi Michelle Elaine Kareem or what about these places I mean this is an ultra Orthodox place in Israel who wouldn't give me the time of day I'm performing a spiritual Holocaust right I'm taking Jewish people turn them into Christians there's no way I'd wanted you to become a Christian I wanted you to become a Jew and praise king Jew the Messiah of Israel and become Jewish become appraiser of God do you think I'm gonna let a Jewish person in my family who eats traif who doesn't celebrate Shabbat doesn't celebrate the feasts call me not a Jew that be today that be today nope you're not Jewish cuz she last name is Hirschberg man you're Jewish by the way you obeying and praise the Lord all this was his doing here this is all he's doing guys I mean it's it's unbelievable if you don't see it but there are times when God appears and I say appears to be silent in the days of the judges Israel's judges there was no king in Israel and sadly enough the people did what was right in their own eyes which means lay would I see a people ruling so we got most of the churches people ruling so we got in the churches we got a committee of guys who aren't necessarily that close to God they're not fasting they're not praying they're not seeking the Lord but they're deacons or elders or whatever the heck they are because they're influential and then they tell the pastor what he should do and when the pastor doesn't do what he wants to do what do they do run him out and run him off really good right well he's got kids or anything so who cares who cares we need somebody's gonna do what we tell them to do anybody know what I'm talking about yeah well don't worry about that here we got rid of all the committees and all the elders who weren't elders and all the other crap that was going on there was no king in Israel people did what was right in their own eyes Samuel was the last of the judges and God raised them off to inaugurate the era of the Kings his heart was pure and his heart was devoted as opposed to Eli who was an ironic priest whose heart was polluted and disobedient look at first samuel 3 1 through 3 i don't know on the Eli's direction now in those days have no really spoke and visions were few once during that period Eli had gone to bed his eyes had begun to grow dim so that it was hard for him to see the lamp of God had not yet gone out and some oil had laid down to sleep in the sanctuary finally where the Ark of God was so at this time Samuel serving the Lord in this Tabernacle in Shiloh and the Word of God was rare that's what it says right but the verse is to me have rich symbolism I think they depict the spiritual climate of the time in Israel night reigned nights not good God's got a light the lamp of God was going out in the temple thank God a smoldering wick he won't snuff out the high priests eyes had grown dim he didn't have a vision so you can barely see any went to sleep and it says visions were few now what are visions I mean people all the time they say I see a lot of visions what do you think they mean they're seers they're Watchmen you know how sometimes they do this with their eyebrows I met a lot of people like that around the world I go all around the room they do then I go what's you do you have an eye disorder but this is supposed to make them war you know look at look at the word vision so you know what he's talking about okay Zone in the Hebrew it's a divine communication it's a divine coming it doesn't mean something you see in an open or closed vision it's a it's a communication from God we said we need to listen to God we need system speak look what proverbs 29:18 says you know this is your prayer without a prophetic vision so we need a visionary no no we don't need a visionary ask me rabbi are you a visionary ask me absolutely not I have no vision at all none I have no vision my vision is to do what God tells me to do whatever that might be you think God told me to go to Ethiopia through a movie I mean and I went like you got to be a knucklehead to watch a movie and think you heard God and just go and then a few months later have three vibrant congregations and wells being dug gotta be a little nuts without a prophetic vision that people throw off all restraint but he who keeps Torah is happy some of you versus that you read it says law this anonymous ok what's this word vision is it the same in first amyl 3-1 yes huh zone divine communication what's the Torah let's see what it means divine instruction so God gives us communication to instruct us that's what divine communication is he had the prophetic vision that he's speaking about is synonymous with the Word of God the thought here is that when God's Word is not known and not honored the people run wild however the ones who obey the Torah aka the Lord aka the Word of God are the truly blessed ones many today and you know what I've watched it I've been a believer since 1989 I've watched it I've watched it wane I've watched the big shots and the bigwigs throw their coats and everybody dropped down and where are they now there's only a few of them left only a few of them left naming and claiming nonsense nonsense nonsense many today are chasing a supernatural experience of hearing God's voice but look at what the great Apostle Peter says let's defer to him 2nd Peter 1:19 yes we have the prophetic word made very certain you will do well to pay attention to it it was something we needed to hear he would say we have it a shining light in the dark murky place until the day dawns in the morning saw what the day dawn until Messiah comes again until Messiah comes again believe is her admonished peter is in mana shingly believers to pay strict attention to the certainty of the Word of God this that people aren't reading anymore we should always keep it before us so if we want to grow closer to God it is imperative that we read his word regularly not once in a blue moon not verse of the day which will in turn we do read it regularly you know what's gonna happen it's gonna bring us right back to number one repentance because it's gonna show us that we are and we gonna go right back and get on then we read it get off then we get on and that's the way it works a story is told of a devout father whose son was studying for the ministry the son chose to go to Europe for an advanced degree and the father worried he would be spoiled of his simple faith by sophisticated unbelieving professors anybody know what I'm talking about yes every time your kid goes off to college those colleges are filled with the most liberal Antichrist people you've ever met in your life rabbi that's horrible I know of professors that have out believe it he's the anomaly he's the exception I don't live by exceptions I live by the rules and that's why 85% pew research tells us 85% of our children who are in youth groups every Wednesday every Wednesday and in church every Sunday fall away from the faith plus they were never rooted in it in the first place and they were able to take them away on the college campus well this father was worried about the same thing so he says don't let them take Jonah away from you he admonished figuring the swallowed by a great fish story might be the first of the Bible to go two years later when the son returned the father asked do you still have Jonah in your Bible the son laughed Jonah the story isn't even in your Bible it certainly is what do you mean the old man fumbled through his Bible looking for the Book of Jonah but he couldn't find it at least he checked the table of contents for the proper page when he turned there he discovered that the three pages comprising Jonah had been carefully cut from his Bible I did it before I went away said the son what's the difference whether I lose the Book of Jonah through pseudo sophistication or you lose it through neglect this is not an amulet either is the fish on the back of the car the cross on your neck it's not a rabbit's foot you know rubbing you're close to God if you see a Bible that is falling apart it probably belongs to somebody who isn't three we need to speak to God more we need to be more conversant with God I'm gonna say something that I know my wife's gonna smile at when you read the Bible already so I hope God speaks to you but when you pray you speak to God for 10 years I went to Grand Central ten years one of the busiest terminals in the world and every morning I went in there was always a little nun sitting on a little bench with thousands and thousands of people walking by her she never stopped saying when you read the Bible God speaks to you number it was criss-crossed when you and how does that change the story if you're listening sister Mary Katherine Bernadette due to the fact she was raised Catholic probably wanted to make sure that I got it right so thank you for that my my point though is prayer is much more than asking God for things you see how blatantly honest we are it's ridiculous if you ask us of a question we're gonna give you an honest answer if you don't want to understand so don't ask us we're not going to we're not gonna be mean but I think lying to you is mean I think not telling you the truth is mean and I think what's even meaner is saying one thing - even saying another thing behind you back that's deplorable as a believer just deplorable okay so let's take a look at the model prayer six 9 through 13 in Matthew you therefore pray like this okay our Father in Heaven may your name be kept holy may your kingdom come you will be done on earth as in heaven you know this probably by rote because you've said it 8 million times ok yeshua gives his disciples an example to follow and praying not necessarily to say this because we know we're not supposed to say wrote words repeated over and over again it says so right in matthew 6 so he gives us a model that we should pattern our prayers this is a model the three first three petitions are directed towards God the last three are requests made after the first three now I don't want to even deal with the last three because they just requests let's start with the first three okay Matthew 6:9 you therefore pray like this our Father first of all it doesn't say our yoshua now my kids were raised with the Bible they weren't raised with my ideology I taught them the Bible so when they used to go to youth groups and they used to not youth groups of Vacation Bible schools and remember they come home daddy they pray to Jesus dear Jesus there Jesus Jesus said to pray to the Father now you might say is this a horrendous it's not her heresy it's just not the way he told you to pray he's come to reconcile you - not him - the he said so I've come to reconcile you the father so if you ask the average Christian why do you pray in Jesus name they won't know they don't know they're like I don't know nobody asked nobody ever asked me nobody have s so why do you you pray to the Father and at the end of the prayer you say in Yeshua's name because you're acknowledging that you wouldn't have the relationship with the father if not for what you sure did he's just think that's what you're saying in your shoes name that you're saying it's not just some rote thing that's what you're declaring I'll follow the prayer should be addressed to God the Father in acknowledgement of his sovereignty over the universe and his unquestioning supreme power and authority now we have to be careful with the Aramaic Abba zaba right yes it's daddy right no now a lot of the ministries now they want they want you called God that he's my daddy he's me and Jesus is my lot of women don't have husbands or have a bad husband and Jesus becomes their lover and God becomes their daddy very emotional not biblical emotional not biblical and you'll hear you'll hear in some of the songs I'm not gonna mention the ministries but you have to be careful people say what are you so uptight about the songs because if I put a song up there and because we obey the law and we pay our Christian licensing right you're gonna see that song from that ministry and then you might be here the first time ago Oh rabbi Craig's okay with that ministry I am now okay with that ministry the song might be good but not the ministry so I've got to be ultra careful because I'm responsible to everything I put out there you understand some people who must sing songs like they're having intercourse with the Lord when you stop calling God daddy I had a daddy that I so respected and if I didn't done deal but he loved me no question about his love he's dead 46 years I miss him like it was yesterday but I called him daddy you start getting familiar with God you're gonna get caught up with familiar spirits and it breeds irreverence and contempt just my opinion if you don't agree with it it's okay I'm not here to sway you this is just what the Bible says it's all right to call God Abba but calling him daddy can lead to familiarity rather through our Father we are invited into this intimacy that Yeshua had with his father your name is holy we should begin our prayers with worship you don't just jump in and say hey God heal me where's the worship this is a model prayer you skipped over the most important part ascribing praise and honor to him who was absolutely worthy of it in Judaism we say Ave no maje no our Father and our King Oh father and our King in the days of the kings and in monarchy if you showed you back to a king you lost your head how much more should we respect the King of Kings Matthew 6:10 your kingdom come your kingdom come I haven't asked them for anything yet I just went through a worship session now I'm gonna make a declaration after worship we should pray for the Advancement of his cause you just jump right in tell what you want he knows what you need before you ask won't you ask him what he needs what Rama you got to your mind you're telling me that a child should wake up in the morning and go to his parents what can I do for you today why not you've been doing tons of tons of stuff for them won't it be nice time to return the favor once in a while as opposed to keep taking and feel entitled to it my kids do not feel entitled except to a good kick in the butt and once you do it one time it's the gift that keeps giving never have to do it again you know we love our children dearly and we have an incredible household it's just incredible household by the grace of God because we've tried to set it up biblically and we've loved them but we expect that love and return we it's not gonna be a one way street just it's not gonna work for us not for Bernadette not for I nope nope you'll we'll be done we acknowledge that God knows what's best so we surrender to his will it also expresses a longing to see his acknowledged his a him being mouths throughout the world on earth as it is in heaven this phrase modifies all the three preceding petitions the worship of God the sovereignty rule of God and the performance of his will are all reality of heaven the worship of God is happening in heaven the sovereign rule of God is happening in heaven and the performance of his will is happening in heaven the prayers that these conditions might exist on earth on earth as they do in heaven it's not about going to heaven it's about bringing heaven to earth Christians just want to go to heaven say a prayer go to have them say pray gonna have a say pretty good I haven't a prayer go to heaven your prayer your shoe is saying this is the way you should pray bring heaven down make heaven a reality on earth I'm gonna just speed it up understood speed up and finish it because I don't want to do this when I come back plus I'm not supposed to if you have to leave leave don't worry about it really you're not gonna send my my you're not gonna send me at all just don't curse at me as you're walking out the door for so we got what do we got so far one was what look someone remember that because like 15 minutes ago that's how you can remember at lunch one - oh so you have said uh three from Rick gets a fall will remember four I promise I'll write it down for so we need to repent stay in a penitent state a penitent state and let me just say this about repentance most people that repent are the ones that want to hear about repentance feel that they need to repent and most people that don't repent when they hear about repentance don't repent and that said it's usually the penitent ones that are so quick to repent and say they're sorry and the ones that think they got it together that never repent that's sick demented number four find a bonafide qualitative house of worship let me repeat a house of worship not a house of games a place where you have a shepherd taking the Sheep to a good pasture and willing to look like a jerk by exposing things to protect the sheep from wolves not a place with cool hip charismatic people that if they weren't in the pulpit they'd be a CFO somewhere you need Shepherds feeding sheep not clowns entertaining goats don't search for a house of worship with the ads word of what can I get out of it do you know Bona Bona Bona group and Pew Research says a person makes a decision about going to a church within the first seven minutes and and the churches know this so you know what they do take the spot so you'll have to walk and then somebody greet you and they give you a free pen or a CD did you get your CD man your dad and they get stuff because they know they got seven minutes to impress him and then pastor comes walking over right away which i think is intrusive and and did you put your information the basket so I can call you look I don't want any the Holy Spirit's not bringing here you just mess it up I'm not gonna market it that since that sick if you can't trust the Holy Spirit to bring who the Holy Spirit wants you can't trust the Lord in fact do I push the envelope yes yes am i a little abusive but you know why because I want to see who's gonna stay and not abort the mission who's gonna be tough enough so that when the bombs are flying over I want to be with that guy in the foxhole I'd rather have 300 that is strong a hundred that is strong ten that is strong then thousands of the lukewarm they're getting in principle don't also search out a place where as the best in the biggest oh my god did you see their children's program they have a want they put 1.5 million dollars in their plug at playground there it is they wasted money your kids don't need another slide they need the Word of God so they don't backslide there was a wonderful dynamic in a house of worship but the people of like-minded in their desire to truly worship that kind of environment provides intimacy with God because God shows up God is attracted to a place where people want to worship Him look at Psalm 95 two verses look at Psalm 95 to come let's sing to out annoy let's shout for joy to the rock of our salvation let's come into his presence with Thanksgiving let's shout for joy to him with songs of praise [Applause] some 95 is a call to worship look at these words singing it doesn't mean to sing it means to be overcome it means to be blown away look at shouting it doesn't mean shouting cuz you're excited a cry of shout and triumph over your enemies because of what the victorious one has done and look at Thanksgiving toda coming into his presence confessing with Thanksgiving all that he has done for us so find a house of worship where the people who overcome crying out and triumph over the enemies and confessing and thanking God for what he's done find a place where the people of God believe that worshiping God is a privilege not out of obligation but out of desperation guys I'm gonna tell you something flat out flat out I don't know what's gonna happen to me in Israel I hope I come back with you listen to me don't ever come to synagogue don't come to this synagogue please without coming as though it was your first time as though it could be the best time and as though it could be your last time every time I preach up here I preach like this is my last time that's kind of why I wanted to get this in okay so you got a 4/4 words what good last but not least five you see that word one two three four five six seven eight nine nine letters three three and three Freeza a really a beautiful number it shows God's divine perfection OB you see that the three letters in the middle that's what obedience is all about you just cover those to see OB OB dead and see if you'll die you'll see him if you'll just die but everybody wants to live proverbs 19 3 we're almost home sister will go professed a person's own folly is what ruins his way but he rages in his heart against I don't know it is egregious to blame God for the consequences from our own bad decisions God why did you let my husband leave he didn't let him leave your husband committed adultery oh we're not supposed to call it adultery right I'm sorry we got to be politically correct today right adultery is not adultery it's an affair right homosexuality is not hold it's gay a lies not a light stretching the truth pathetic it is egregious to blame God for the consequences from my own bad decisions God did not design us to live in a sinful fallen messed-up world if you don't believe me just go to the beginning and Regenesis wanted to we mess things up all by ourselves if you don't believe me again read Genesis 3 just just look at all look at all foods okay you could buy organic food all day long but guess what the soil is depleted the soil doesn't have the minerals in it so even your organic food is nothing write home about is it better than non-organic yes it's not as toxic but it's not his mineral rich why because God said give the land a seventh year the Sabbath rest why didn't we and now we're all suffering diabetes cancer it's epidemic proportions so get your herbs get your juice from the Amazon we shot ourselves in the foot and we're trying to play catch-up it's not working look at what a great theologian said I love this this guy's a Congregationalist I don't believe an old congregation list so if you're watching and you go hey it's a Congregationalist look a lot of the hymns are written by guys that weren't that close to God either it is monstrous to charge the Providence that's the divine care of God with the consequences of actions that he has forbidden God chosen have to do something you do it then you blame him for the outcome this is this is human nature this is human nature shaking their fist at God when he told you don't James says it this way nobody like James these these new wave aftershave theologians they don't like James you know why James was not cozy she was half brother but he wrote he wrote a hundred and eight verses 54 commands it's too commanding the the great anti-semite Martin Luther wanted to rip James out of his Bible because he didn't like commands he want to be free so free he became one of the greatest anti-semites known to man hating the people that God loves therefore submit to God moreover take a stand against the adversary and he will flee from you come close to God's real close and he will come close to you clean your Hansen is purify your hearts you double-minded James says that we stand against the adversary when we say yes to God and notice on this means we must be subject to God ready to listen to him to obey his every command we must be tender and contrite and not proud and stiff-necked when we fail we repent we will never be sinless we just have to sin less Paul said it this way in Romans 12 you know the theological the quintessential theological letter based on chapters 1 to 11 this is what he's saying he didn't break it down in chapters we did that at this point he just told us the magnificence of the glory of God and justifying us there's no condemnation he talked about Israel's past Romans 9 Israel present Romans 10 in Israel's future Romans 11 that he will never forsake his people and then boom he gets to this point what does he say I exhort you therefore therefore based on one based on the first 11 chapters and I exhort you brothers in view of God's mercies and view of God's tender loving kindness in view of all that God has spoken to you through me in 1 and 11 chapters 111 to offer yourselves as a sacrifice die living and set apart for God you want to know what will please him that will please him he says it's logical it's the logical temple worship Paul says that our obedience is Thanksgiving to God you want to show God thanks do what he says and of course we can't leave out the Messiah in this mix last verse of scripture John 14:23 Yeshua answered if someone loves me he will keep my word now if you think his word is different than his father's word you're nuts you're nuts because he said we're one he will keep my word and my father will love him why will God love you why will God the Father love you but keep new shoes words it I mean I'm looking at this like a kindergarten because that's my brain it's not smart I know some theologians some theological you love to complex things you'd love to make it so complex it's ridiculous it's simple and we will come to him and make our home what God the Father you sure the Messiah will make their home in your tabernacle what through the Holy Spirit obviously but what that's crazy some of you have like stuff and there's nothing wrong with having stuff you might have some collections of something some rare paintings I don't know coins whatever we have no stuff if there's a fire in my house you're gonna know because I'll be running out with the Bible and then all this on the Holy Spirit will say what about burning the kids yeah well I don't want a chance this getting burn so let me put this down then hey guys come on little singed come on Yeshua says God is near to the loving trusting obedient hearts if a person truly loves God he will want to keep all those teachings not just isolated Commandments the bottom line is this you can't love God without obeying him God is looking for those who will be quite enough to get a message from him brave enough to preach it and honest enough to live it Rabbi Greg you make it seem fairly simple and you know why listen reality it is how do we develop a closer relationship with one another opening our hearts to them listening to them acknowledging when we've done wrong and seeking forgiveness from them looking to please them by inquiring of their needs it's not that much different with our Heavenly Father guys life is moving fast and furious these days we seem to be racing through the week from one test to another at breakneck speeds life is a kitchen full of preparation that has the tendency to distract the Martha in all of us we desperately need to carve out times to be alone with God so we can make sure we're not too far away and if we find ourselves lost and far from home we can draw closer for repentance we can read his word here is voice and once again build our lives obeying his word drawing closer to God is a matter of choice in a matter of priority the closer we are to God the more amazing His grace becomes he broke the power of sin and darkness in our lives and brought us to the grand kingdom of light will we get the privilege to live out our days glorifying his name the more time we spend in God's presence the more we realized that Yeshua didn't just cancelled the curse he absorbed it shabbat shalom let's stand together
Channel: Getzel
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Id: iEtyozB8D_0
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Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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