Grace and Truth (Part 2) (Jun 24, 2017)

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[Music] if you were not here last week I don't want you to wonder why we have a wall around the praise and worship area as I told you last week it came to my attention that there was some people in the congregation trying to illegally get on the praise and worship team so I decided to build a wall all I could say is let's make Betty Shu a great again um we were we were I was attempting to speak about grace and truth in it in its fullness last week and we only got two scriptures we really only got to speak about John 1:1 and in Genesis 1:1 and the reason why we couldn't go on from there is because those scriptures are so rich that you can't really gloss over those I mean really can't they they echo one that goes the other and it's very very powerful so I'm going to continue in that vein but we're going to move on from Genesis 1:1 but we'll start where we left off in Genesis 1:1 if you I mean John 1:1 if you wouldn't mind where we started last week it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God so you see that tripartite verse just like you do in Genesis 1:1 now that word we're going to define in in the Greek because the new testing was written in Greek and so it's basically speech basically speech logos of speech however this word logos corresponds to a word in Aramaic which was the language of the people it's a it's a Hebrew Hebraic language it's the language of the people to language that you she was spoke and so the Aramaic word that corresponds to logos is memra memra and it's a very technical term member if you were a rabbi you would know what this means and because you're not a rabbi you're not expected to but I need to tell you because it's a very technical theological term that was used by rabbis before Yeshua and after yoshua when speaking of God's expression of himself so they were trying to find a Greek word that would correspond to the word memra and so when it says in the beginning was the word it's saying in the beginning was God's expression of himself before there was any beginning and that word became flesh the expression of God became flesh and then we're going to move to John 1:14 it says the word so it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the word became a human being so I know this is sometimes it's confusing but Yeshua the man wasn't the man in the beginning do you follow what I'm saying if you don't don't it's okay we can go over it before he was incarnate he was the word the word always was the Word was with God and the Word was God you follow in Genesis when it says God said that was his word God spoke that's part of who God is God is spirit follow and says the word became a human being now listen literally the word logo so memra was God's expression Himself became flesh you follow God's expressed himself became flesh Yeshua who grew up in Nazareth people focused on the issue of the man Yeshua who grew up in Nazareth did not decide that he would be God but rather the logos or the memra who was with God and was God gay of the glory he had and emptied himself you follow that's pure truthful theology anything less is is is really um not defining up properly the word becoming flesh I'm going to say it again Yeshua who grew up in Nazareth did not decide he would be God he didn't grow up to be God but rather the logos who was with God in the beginning was the logos and the logos was with God and the logos was God and the logos gave up his glory and emptied himself of that glory according to Philippians so Yeshua as both Illinois and the word came to earth as a man and somebody should say hallelujah really I hate to I hate to push it but if you if you can't say hallelujah about Yeshua being both Illinois and the word and becoming a man then you have no concept of where everything leads to listen to me from Genesis 1:1 through the Torah through the prophets through the writings leads to the execution snake from revelation back epistles through the Gospels leads to the executions like all roads lead to that that is the crux of our faith and the crux of our faith is that God so loved the world that He gave and we can understand that then maybe we would love the world and give this is the crux of our fate everything else is moot so many of you spend so much time studying esoteric ideologies that become a theology and they're basically bubbling says you know that is it's Yiddish my mother used to use old-time tales fairy tales that you make up and you make a theology this is the most important thing all roads in the Bible lead to this revelation is all about judgment why because they didn't pick up on the execution stake although all the Gospels lead to the execution and resurrection of Yahshua all the epistles Paul is speaking What did he say all I do is preach Messiah and him crucified if it was pretty good for Paul to be pretty good for you and all those letters are about congregations he started in Acts where they went off from what was important and he was getting them back on track that's your Bible it's not as complex as people make it but sadly enough intelligence gets in the way of spirituality people who are intelligent loved intelligentsia turns them on this is what turns me on that the word became a human being the logos the expression of God Himself became a human that's crazy guys it's crazy and he lived with us so we could never say God you don't know what it's like down here why don't you get off your lofty throne with all the people that are worshiping you up there and why don't you try to come down here and live like we do try it on for size and we saw his ship he nah not Shekinah Shekinah his glory we saw his glory the glory of the father's only Son full of grace and full of truth now we could we could we could stop right now and I could tell you that each one of you if you are blood-bought if you are born again in this house and for anybody who's watching then the way you should live the way you should try to live rather is to be full of grace and full of truth there is no ifs ands or buts let's break down these words a little bit and find out what we're supposed to be full of because I think some people are full of it but not grace and truth let's look at the word grace as it's used in John 1:14 which is in the Greek Horus and it's that which affords joy pleasure delight sweetness and loveliness that which gives there's three things only three things that God is expecting of you he's expecting of you to be humble dependent yes a broken heart and contrite sword why because God likes to be God if you're tough and you got this thing you're not really walking in the way God wants you to walk a broken heart and a contrite spirit he will never deny that doesn't mean somebody that beats themselves up and hates themselves that's not what he's looking for either he's looking for you to know that you are just the man and the best of men a men at desk and he's the God and he wants to be the God most of us don't operate in true humility we operate in false humility which is insidious pride we fish for compliments by talking bad about ourselves that's not what God wants God also wants us to be holy he wants us to be holy why well being holy is a fancy term it just means he wants us to walk in his ways because he's crazy about us He loves us so much that it breaks his heart when we're walking in ways that are going to get us in trouble the same way it breaks a parent's heart to see a child go wayward because the parent loves his children or her children and the parent gives rules and regulations only to make their life prosperous and protective and peaceful that's the only reason God's doing it because He loves us no no nothing more nothing less and because when made in His image and nothing else is not the animals they don't have intellect they don't have the abilities we have when made in His image so when you love your child so much how much do you love your children I love my children the most first thing in the morning they wake up and I just look at them and I'm just my heart opens once they start talking I don't like him so much first thing in the morning no but my kids don't have to do anything for me to love them that love is there and I'm made in God's Elam I'm made in God's image I'm his ambassador I reflect him he's given me an intellect like he has he's given me a tripartite I'm spirit soul and body yes I made in His image nothing else is so I know if I know my heart and I know my heart it's like God's heart when I see my children and I just smile when God sees you first thing in the morning he smiles believe it or not he does it's once you start talking so yes God wants us to be humble truly humble he wants to be your God he wants to be your knight in shining armor if you've got it all figured out you can't operate well with him you can't relate low with him to yes he wants you to be separate on him because he loves you and he wants the best be a life but three already something that's not stress much he wants you to be happy he wants you to be happy I'd been to 50 countries in 40 states in the United States and I've seen some beauty and I believe God made that and I believe he made it you know if you notice what was the last thing that was created us god prepared this beautiful house for us it wasn't vice-versa once he got all fixed up and he got all the animals in place and all the vegetation everything we needed he said enter your dwellings and you have authority over all of it so when you look at the world some people don't get out much but when you go to these places and you see how beautiful is you realize God wants you to enjoy it in the church we don't talk about sex all we do is we don't talk about it so we let our kids hear better from their friends then they get pregnant we don't know what to do because nobody wants to talk about it under the auspices of God in the right frame sex is absolutely stunning stunning in the context that God has been why would he make it so good if he didn't want us to enjoy he wants to be happy and it's a sad state of affairs when believers are very unhappy and walk around just say well the enemies just beat me up it's really horrible to be a believer you know but but I'll do it for the Lord that's not attractive but worse Kate worse than that you're making God very sad because you're saying he's not good and that'd be like my kids well I don't like really living with my dad you know he's really you know horrific but you know you could pick your nose but you can't pick your family so I'm there and I got to be a believer right got to be a believer so I'm doing it to the Lord sad state of affairs I'm not saying we could be happy all the time but God has given us more than we need more I'll take you to some places and I'll prove it to you so the word the logos the memra who was the expression of God became flesh and was full of that which affords joy pleasure delight sweetness and loveliness now everybody loves that because it's nice that's why we always love to talk about the grace of God you should not not talk about the grace of God but if you only talk about the grace of God you're only giving 50% of the picture and and you know when you withhold 50% of the picture it's not a total truth which makes it a lie well I didn't reveal all the truth that's a lie that's a lie so it says he was full of grace but it also says he was full of truth now let's look at that word and I don't like one over the other I mean to me honestly I kind of like grace it's easy to walk in grace well not for a lot of people actually I should rephrase that it's easy for people to receive grace it's not easy for people to give it the word truth in the Greek is what is true in things belonging to God meaning his word and the duties of men meaning to obey his word that's our job we have to know what belongs to God his word and our job is to walk out that word the truth is taught in the Bible so it says this logos this memra this expression of God himself became flesh and operated in grace operated in grace and truth now it doesn't say just 50/50 it says he was full so let's look at that word just to make sure I understand it properly okay full play race in the Greek is filled up totally permeated completely filled that means Yeshua was so saturated with the grace in the truth that it was oozing out of his pores he couldn't keep it in it kept coming it said in John 3 he kept on receiving it that it just was oozing he couldn't contain it and you ready he was full of grace and full of truth 100% grace 100% truth 100% of the time not just on Saturday morning sleepy from 10 to 12 not just when you with your friends he contains all that could be filled in other words he lacked no thing he lacked no grace and no truth what you want to follow Yeshua Messiah schewe was on the one hand full of undeserved kindness towards others and at the same time he was completely honest and forthright never excusing sin or approving evil and if he is not just savior and Lord but if he's King and we're supposed to be subject to his rule and if he's God's only Son which makes him the model son then we're supposed to model and pattern our lives after him now I'm going to go on but I'm going to tell you right right here and now so that you don't sit on pins and needles there is no human being that could pull that off besides him you cannot be full of grace and full of truth 100% of the time but by the same token that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to be as graceful and as truthful as we possibly can all of the time just because something's a tall order you know I say this to my wife I say this to people we set the bar so high for our kids in so many different areas you've got to be an A student you've gotta you've got a you know score a touchdown you know sing impeccably we're so concerned about their talent but when we talk about character we don't set the bar that high we don't teach them about 100% grace in arms and truth and sometimes sadly enough we're not the best example so they can say wow you want me to do that I had trophies upon trophies upon trophies and accolades upon accolades upon accolades and was a four o student okay and look where it got me guys I want you to enjoy this because this is a story that's right smack in this Universal Gospel which speaks about the issue of being the god man the Gospel of John is different than the other Gospels the other Gospels are written as certain audiences they have a certain audience in mind of course Matthew was written to the Jewish people mark is written to the Romans Luke was written to the Greeks but John is it's about the Son of God Luke is the son of man he's the perfect man he's kind all the stories in it about his compassion and Mark is you know he's the block he's the sacrifice the Romans were tough man they were warriors and they loved toughness and he was tough there's not a lot of compassion in in mark not a lot there is but it's about miracles he's tough and Matthew is all about him being the King of the Jews to a Jewish audience it's a Jewish genealogy right out of the gate Matthew 1:1 but John is about these who are being this up being the logos the memra the expression of God in the flesh it's a very important gospel not that the other ones aren't I'm not saying that but it's a very very crucial gospel because it's a universal gospel now in that Universal gospel obviously at the end of John seven when we finish on the whole genre ba and he's talking about your shoes talking about that you will be filled with the spirit if we're born again we'll be filled with the Spirit will be filled with the power of God and we'll be able to be guided through life and we'll be able to have the power to walk out what the commandments have required and requested of us you have that it ends like this and it's not like issue is said alright guys that wraps up chapter seven I'm going to now go to mount of olives I'm a little tired will hungry and then I'll come back in the morning and we'll hit up with chapter eight the chapters will put in by us was it a bad thing no it was for teaching purposes and we tried our best to find a place where there might have been a break and there was a break at the end of chapter 7 then he comes back he comes back he crosses the Kidron Valley in the morning and he talks about he's the light of the world so on both of these places he's talking about he's Messiah he's the logos he's the member made flesh right and then in between those two bold statements about the Spirit being filled into the body of believers and him being the light of the world you'll never walk in darkness is this story about this woman who's caught in adultery like why is it this obscure story that's just thrown in there between these two brazen statements and I think it is the quintessential story in the whole Bible not maybe the most poignant the most poignant is obviously Golgotha and the second most poignant is obviously when Abraham went to sacrifice his son Isaac on Mount Moriah in Genesis 22 but by far if you want to have a story about the fullness of grace and the fullness of truth you will find it nowhere better than the woman who is caught in adultery let me read it to you and then we'll go over it and you be the judge john 8 like i said eight twelve he says under light of the world so in this in this small portion of scripture we have this incredible story if you will at least the way I see it and I might be seeing it not the right way we'll we'll see like I said you you be the judge John 8 111 1 through 11 it says but Yeshua so right after he said that but you schewe because they were arguing and and there was a lot of division is he the Messiah is he a prophet is either reincarnation from the bat you know whenever your schewe shows up whenever the fullness of grace and truth shows up there's going to be division if you think in your family and it's going to be nice nice when you come to faith you're sadly mistaken it's just the opposite you shoes that I come to bring peace but a sword he's the word and there's nothing sharper than the word it's a double-edged sword so it's kind of cut it's going to divide Yeshua your mother and your brothers are outside I mean his mother he would never dishonor his mother it's the fifth commandment but what does he say who is my mother I'm teaching you you're being you're being distracted who is my mother and who is my brother I'll tell you who my brothers are those who do the will of my father period strong statements beautiful statements actually so you schewe after he made this statement and they're arguing they're arguing he just like that argue away you'll get it one day maybe he goes off to his place to be with his father his Mount of Olives that's his place he goes through the Kidron Valley and he walks by the Mount of Olives and he has his place probably somewhere in the garden gasps M&E which is right at the foot of the Mount of Olives I don't know where doesn't matter to me doesn't matter to me I don't care what he was wearing I care who he is the wise are important not the wears so the what the wives you don't know the why you'll never know why am I here what's my purpose why did you birth me Lord if you don't have the answers for that you'll never figure it out but your shoe went to the Mount of Olives and at daybreak so the Sun comes up and what does he do he pops through the Kidron Valley again and he appears again in the temple courts he's in the temple but the outer courts where all the people gathered around him obviously they're there you know he sees he's gaining an audience and what does he do he does what he was birth to do he teaches he teaches them and hopefully they were paying attention the Torah teaches and the perishing brought in a woman so here he is teaching and the Torah teaches the Torah experts the experts in the law the experts in the Torah and and the Pharisees the holy separated ones who conducted in governs the spiritual climate of Israel they brought in a woman who has been caught committing so she was caught in the act not committed committing adultery and made her stand in the center of the group they said to him quote and it's a quote rabbi this begins the issue of because he was a rabbi this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery now in our torah moshe commanded that such a woman be stoned to death what do you say about it let's continue they said this to trap him so that they might have grounds for bringing charges against him but yeshua bent down and began riding in the dust with his finger when they kept questioning him in other words they were saying what's what do you want what's your decision make a decision what's what's with this riding in the ground stuff he straightened up and said to them say he's been to all these riding he straightens up quote the one of you who is without sin let him be the first to throw a stone at her end quote then he bent down and wrote in the dust again it's all he said they bends down writes in the dust again on hearing this the pharisees Natur teaches they began to leave one by one the older ones first they were the wisest they also had the most sin the older ones first until he was left alone everybody's gone the people who is teaching the Torah teaches the Pharisees and he's just there he and the adulteress standing up Yeshua said to her quote where are they has no one condemned you she said no one sir she doesn't know who he is but it's a term of respect when you hear Lord it doesn't necessarily mean they go no wonder if she was said neither do i condemn you now go and don't sin anymore now let me break it down because I'm telling this far as I'm concerned I'm I'm not I'm not an expert I've been reading the Bible for 27 years Dahle doesn't make me an expert by no means I don't propose to be but this is a aurilla I come back to over and over again because I think this is the essence of our faith and the essence of salvation and sanctification so I'm gonna break it down a little bit we'll see how it goes okay let's start with John 8 3 through 4 it says the Torah teaches and the perishing brought in a woman who had been caught committing adultery and made us stand in the center of the group then they said to him rabbi this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery let's make sure we know what the word means in the Greek ok it means to commit adultery to have unlawful intercourse with another's wife now I added husband I added husband the definition in the Greek and the in the in the Greek dictionaries wife just another's wife but you can have intercourse or sex with another one's husband and still be an adulterer as opposed to adulterer Triss right now I'll show you why that's important because look at John 8 5 it says now in our torah moshe commanded that such a woman be stoned to death is that true if you weren't sure I put the scripture there so you'd know it's true that's the law and is anybody above the law no no Leviticus 20:10 says if a man commits adultery with another man's wife that is with the wife of a fellow countryman both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death now here's my question where's the man that she was having sex with if she was married he's committing adultery right if he was married and she wasn't he's still committing adultery right so either way he was an adulterer where's the man you see how deplorable and despicable and disgusting it was look I don't know if they set her up but it doesn't matter she still did it she has nobody to blame but herself when we sin we have nobody to blame but ourselves we have to take responsibility for our sin however I think it was somewhat of a setup and they were watching and I can only imagine what they were thinking while they were watching something tells me their thoughts weren't pure and they're using her as bait to catch a big fish namely Yeshua pretty disgusting pretty disgusting but it does violate Torah right now let's look at the next verse John 8 6 we don't have much they said this to trap him as I said so that they might have ground for it it's not about the adultery it's not about the Torah it's about nailing Yeshua now you sure we'll get nailed but on his terms not theirs it was all about bringing charges against him you know there's people like that even in the spiritual realm they want to see you go down and they don't care how many people go down with you it's it's evil in every sense of the word I don't want to go on from there we've experienced that many times like there's actually people whether whether Hillary Clinton was in office or Trump as an office if they got shot they would celebrate this is demonic demonic I don't care if the adult is it's demonic and it's demonic for you to want a brother in the Lord to be hurt just know you're not operating from God and because there's only two spirits you don't have many choices to find out who you're operating on the word spirit here how said I could remember when people hurt us so bad in the woods said do you want to see anything bad happen to them and I was like no father and that's when I knew my heart was in the right place it's like no why would I want that why would you want that if the Lord has to chastise somebody then judgment belongs to the Lord not you so they said this to trap him guys but Yeshua bent down and began riding in the dust with his singer okay Yeshua right here in this story is backed into a corner they have them or they think they have them and this is why they have them okay he can't win if he lets her go he's not adhering to the law of Moses he's breaking Torah and he's a law breaker if he condemns her he's acting as a judge so if he doesn't if he doesn't abide by the law the the officials of Israel are going to be all over him stone him if he says stone her then Rome's going to be all over him because he's usurping Roman authority because they had the authority to enforce the law and only they had that he can't win if he lets it go it's all grace and he's a flagrant law breaker if he judges her it's all truth and he's a merciless judge which is he going to be is he going to be a merciless judge or is he going to be a flagrant law breaker either way you're in a terrible situation Yeshua what are you gonna do I'll just bend down and write in the sand now does anybody know what he wrote good that means you're not a lunatic because there's actually people that think they know guys I know so little about God you might think Wow rabbi but you know so much more than me that means you know even less but I'm here to tell you I know so little about God and I'm so happy with that because I need something to worship that's worth worshiping and if I have it figured out I ain't going to worship it I love the fact that I don't know that much about God because God says what pleases him is not knowledge but faith now the only thing I could tell you about this the only thing I could do is go to Scripture I can't go to some book I don't read books I don't want to read a book I tell you a good book you want to sell out a book you're ready just ready for the title of book I know what you sure wrote in the sand people love that you want to you want to make money today write a book that you went to heaven - six minutes or what the hell for three minutes which nobody can do because nobody can do that so right right from the jump it's it's not right these shacks and these other things you're reading don't read them they not have God are they sweet stories yes they're totally fictional though if if we knew what attorney was like I mean we would want to drop dead it's not will anybody know even pulse that I knew a man who went to the third heavens but he saw things that he can't tell so the great apostle couldn't tell it but today we can guys you've got to know the Word of God otherwise you're going to get deceived and you can't just get an email in the morning from your devotional where you read one verse and you read some refinements over a cup of coffee and you think hey I'm there are you crazy that's a little bit of work just not reading the word that's a drive by that's a little okay you're not going to get much out of that you're going to be good for the drive to work so the only thing I could tell you is what's in Scripture so I'm going to give you a verse from Jeremiah the Prophet Jeremiah it's all I can do Jeremiah 1713 it says hope of Israel I don't know all who abandon you will be ashamed those who leave you will be inscribed in the dust in the sand no lose and aza tough crowd because they have abandoned I don't know the source of living water if these Pharisees and these Torah teaches and anybody else doesn't receive Yeshua their name is inscribed in the dust as opposed to the book of life period now God can do whatever he's going to do he can judge any way he wants but like Kansas said dust in the wind all they are is dust in the wind you can't have your name inscribed and dust because when the wind blows so does your name and because these experts knew the Book of Jeremiah better than all of us collectively in this room better than all of us collectively in this room they might have had an inkling what he was trying to say that's all I can tell you let's move on from the mysteries and let's get into the scripture okay John eight seven what's he going to do when they kept questioning so he's riding in the sand for a while and they're like hey we're talking to you cuz they're impatient they just want to kill him what are you going to do either way he's done right flagrant lawbreaker merciless judge we're going to get him either way he has no out when they kept questioning him he straightened up and says to them the one of you who is without sin let him be the first to throw a stone at her I want to tell you three things one he was not against Torah guys.this they used this scripture to teach against Torah yeshua was not against torah in fact he was 100% obedient to torah period for if he wasn't that would mean he was lawless that would mean he was a sinner and that would mean we've all been duped and deceived and it's a sham right so I'm just spitballing here and thinking if he loved Torah maybe we should one he was not against Torah he upheld it but he is merciful because all of us break it I meet I meet people every now and then they don't really certain people but they're in the Gentile community their great-great-great great-grandfather ate a piece of matzah so he's Jewish now they're Jewish they're part of the tribe of Manasseh how do they know that I don't know they just know it and they become they going to the phone booth and they come out of stupid Jew and they run around to everybody and they say the Torah observant you are not Torah observant you are trying to be you break the Torah everyday which makes you a sinner and therefore you need a merciful judge every day every day there's going to be a gap sometimes the gap is going to be a little sometimes it's going to be great but you need somebody to make up that gap and that gap has to be made up with a sacrifice and that sacrifice has to come from blood that is pure which means Torah observant blood again should we operate 100% of the truth yes should we opposite 107° yes are we going to probably not does that mean we shouldn't try heck no are you kidding me what kind of life would you lead if you weren't going for it you got to swing for the fences so he was not against Torah he opposed us in he was in fact merciful but let me tell you what else he was doing he was bringing every single solitary human being past present future under judgment see that's what's to me is so unattractive about the church they act so righteous in church but see the people they don't want to go to church know them all too well and see the legitimacy of the hypocrisy so they don't want any part of it be real with who you are stop acting holier than thou how holy are you you're not memra of course you should be growing in sanctification of course you should be only holiness but come on look at your thoughts John 87 this verse guys like I said has been used inappropriately for years to excuse and heaven forbid I say heaven forbid rather the verse actually condemns those who have been guilty but have never been caught how many people I know say to me I never got a speeding ticket how many times have you sped you haven't been caught that's all that means you follow what I'm saying this is very important I told you this is a quintessential section of Scripture that puts everybody on the same page black white rich poor educated not educated Messianic Jew Messianic Gentile Pentecostal presbyterian it puts everybody on the same page there is none righteous remember and even when we walk in the best righteousness we know we still need to wear the garment of salvation the robe of righteousness which belongs to memra only sure sure more righteous than some of you and some of you are more righteous than me but how righteous is that I don't know people ask me are you holier than now I'm like how holy are you I don't know I'm not competing I'm trying to stay close to my father I'm trying to stay humble happy and holy that's my mo now let's jump to John 8:10 we're almost there standing up you she was said to her where are they has no one condemned you or does he know how to get alone with people now just so you know when you schewe asks a question you are in store for a major-league life lesson major-league John 8:11 is the quintessential end to this quintessential section if you will and she said she looks up no one sir no one sir Yeshua said not to do it now he's God in the flesh does he can he do that he wrote the law now if she above the law is he above the law no he obeyed the law so somewhere down the line he's going to do something that's going to credit to her account and it's going to X name what she did it can't be excused it can't be brushed under the rug no sin can so he's not brushing her sin under the rug don't think that don't think he's doing that because then you'll be flagrant with grace and you'll live licentiousness if I have committed a little adultery on the fishing trip nobody's going to know when God forgave us who's going to forgive me you are putting God to the test you're walking in the danger of dangers and if there's a lightning storm don't stand near me but look at what he says this is so simple guys it says now go and sin no more so she leaves now I think where most of the churches is they stop it neither do i condemn you I think that's where the church is basically especially the American Church you follow I mean neither do i condemn you what's that that's grace that's grace I'm going to forgive you for that adultery that's grace and that's a hundred percent grace right and that's where they end the story does anybody potentially agree with me that's the end of the story you've been saved by grace but I'm going to break down this little silly kindergarten sentence and you're going to see that that is not the end of the story my friend it's not I promise you based on the little words now going don't send anymore look at the word now rabbit really yes it doesn't mean twelve o'clock the word in the Greek means from this time young lady and going forward to the rest of your life from this time young lady and going forward for the rest of your life okay so far so good okay he says go sounds like just go go home and get on with your life it's not going to be so easy to get on this flight by the way this is Jerusalem it's a small community there's few people she was just brought into the temple courts caught in adultery you think the husband's not going to no you think her children won't know you think all her relatives won't know you think her rabbi won't know everybody's gonna know you think you were living it she was living in making huh from this present time going forward okay now look at the word go stay with me okay to lead over but it means to pursue the journey on which one has entered to follow one that has become his adherent if you don't know what the word that here it means it means a person who follows a leader guys she's kind of like getting saved right she's supposed to die he saves her but he says now that I've saved you with a hundred percent grace you're to follow I'm your leader I'm not just I saved you that's grace but now you're going to walk in truth and I'm not your Savior I'm your Lord you become subject to my rule and reign the church just wants a savior pull me out of the muck and mire and let me go but he's not saying go and get on his life he's saying get on this journey hold sanctification and you follow me I'm the king you're the subject I'm the Lord I'm not I'm not badgering the witness here I'm not making this up right I'm giving the word forego I'm giving you the word in the Greek as it's used in the Holy Bible I'm not making anything up this is not my own theology if this is not your theology fix it if you've stopped it neither do I continue fix it you've been graced so much that you were abusing the grace of God I went I had a when I visited Denise I have a doctor up there and they found something else that's not good news but I don't want to belabor you with it but I had to get some blood work done and so I ran to get it done in between she and Denise and getting home and and the lady was in there and I I witnessed everybody guys but my witnesses thought where would you be if you die I just shined the light and bring the salt wherever I go it's just the way it is whether it's on vacation whether the kids want me on the boat it kind of gets a little overwhelming for them in terms of like really I'm like that's who I am I'm not trying to witness to save a soul I'm just shining the light man I love my dad and I'm gonna talk about him you know there's nothing wrong with talking about fish in a-huntin but I don't fish I don't huh so that's what I talk about so I'm talking to his girls draw my blood and she's a believer and she starts telling me about a pastor and the different shows she watches on TV these pastors and and I was just like listen you're not going to like me I'm glad the needles already in but you are being deceived by these guys I don't follow that one or that one or even me I said look I'm a past that I want to takes I never tell anybody but I said I follow Yeshua Lord Yeshua he's my king and his words are golden and that's what I follow and that's what I preach nothing more nothing less these guys have you totally deceived and she's like should we not be rich I said let me ask you son you draw him blood how rich are you I said that prosperity is working pretty good for you pastor I said this is what I know young lady I know what the Bible says it says don't give me too much because if I have too much I might forget about you don't give me too little cuz I do little I might rob and disgrace you you're too much might not be my too much my too much I don't know what you're too much is I don't go there that's between you and God it's not my business if God wants to be a multi-legged millionaire great I would say give a lot of it away but great knock yourself out I'm not judging that but when I'm saying that's all you're going for that's your God and I know a man Paul who said I was content with all things and let me tell you some sleeping I've been on Gulfstream's flying to South Beach with a billionaire okay and I know it is to ride my bike to work and clean the toilet and I was happier riding the bike and seeing the toilet on that Gulfstream so can you be content can you lose everything and still be content because if you can't I'm going to tell you who you got is yeah I wish you didn't bring up that story I know it's much more fun speaking about prosperity all the time you know the sad thing is whenever somebody has prosperity they always think dollars they never think about this old prospering and that's it and then and then I got in trouble address I got in trouble there I didn't tell you right I came home at 8 o'clock I was so tired but um a lady who was managing the whole blood thing said everybody's mad at you you keep talking to her about God and you're done with your blood work already you've got to leave and I walked out in that waiting room if I'm loud and they all heard me it looks to kill I was like y'all got a free sermon and you didn't have to give anything now with this one lady I'm telling you she'll McCoy I tell you what if she wasn't so sick she would've killed me so so you see what he's saying with the go this two little letters follow one and become their adherent okay then he says he says from this time on forward you go on a journey of following me if she was saying and then he adds don't sin now look at this word don't sin don't wander from the law of God people that tell you the laws were nailed her absolutely emphatically wrong he's saying now from this point on from the time I gave you mercy and the rest of your life you were to follow me and don't depart from the laws of God so right I'm just I'm not I'm not making this up this isn't like a dream or a vision or some book I read right and then he says anymore look at the word no longer not hereafter never again rava what are you saying are you crazy are you saying we're supposed to now did he say sin as little as you can rabbi the bar is set high yeah you'll never reach the bar but if you said it low and you don't reach it look how low you go yes you shoe has set the ball very high if she would sit down with you if you ask if he came here right now you said should I be a hundred percent graceful and 100% truthful on observe the time what would he say okay so y'all said yeah okay so what do you want and nothing is what you're going to get that's what he said that's what he preached I don't know what to tell you in essence that's that's it get out of here now I'm only kidding let me tell you the story how I see it okay I'll paint a little picture okay I used to be an artist when I was young my mother cell was a fantastic artist and then I got hit in the head and had my head split open and then I could even draw a stick figure I just lost that that side to me but I'll try to paint a little bit with description my take is this lady is having sex with this guy and it is very amorous and and very very sickly physical and passionate okay and they're watching through the window and then right when it's maybe over or just about over they jump in the room and surprise her whole life is over she's in Jerusalem this is 2000 years ago she's thinking it's over she's thinking I'm gonna die forget about but then I think she's thinking what about my kids am I going to be remembered as the horror Jerusalem it's at the way my kids going to remember me because grace was not flagrant back there like it is today they called the Daltry adultery today we call it affair like we're going to a little soiree so it's not good but they grab her I don't maybe they let it get dressed maybe she was scantily dressed I don't think they gave her a lot of time to clean up because they want to get you sure right just not even about huh so they just grabbed the cost if I pull there in I mean and threw it in the middle of the court just throw it in the middle of the court with everybody around and they point to that and say this woman was Daltry I think she's crying I think there's mucus coming out of her nose I don't think she could see that well and she knows she's going to be stoned to death its Courtney act and then out of nowhere issuer brilliantly disperses the crowd by proving you guys just haven't been caught how dare you say that one sin is more important than another you've all formed shortly Gloria God right and the crowds disperse and then he says where are they and she can't see through the tears and the mucus and she wiped her eyes and she says they're not here where'd they go I gotta get a pass and he says I don't know how could he say that who is he sister rabbi she isn't norm as Messiah but the condemned errs left they were the ones that could bring to it if two or three I gathered that means you got to have two or three witnesses they had two or three so she's nailed to rights but they laughed she got a pass she got out of jail free but freedom isn't free because one day in the near future he's gonna die and she's gonna know who he is and she's gonna weigh the robe of righteousness and it's gonna be covered but he told her don't do it no more by some sense of grace I'm gonna help your husband and your kids forgive you and my take is how many times if she was reconciled do you think she was at that sink washing dishes after yoshua resurrect and left and fell on her knees with tears in that water she was washing those dishes and she looked up and said I don't have to thank you well how many times did she talk in her children and sing the ironic benediction and she wasn't known as the horrors look she was known as a good mom who made a mistake the key is learn from it guys learn from it it causes pain and it causes sorrow and it messes up lives that's why the Lord gave us his ways no man is an island we affect the whole universe by what we do and I know there's people in this room I know your story some of you some of you I don't know your stories maybe seeing then say why do you bring it up first of all we are an imperfect society and in an imperfect society there must be forgiveness and because everybody in this room has received a vast amount of it you must pay it forward as hard as it is as difficult it is as may be you can't do it perfectly or fully you must try know that all that pain and all that sorrow and all that betrayal that you've experienced like I said earlier today is the hammer and the chisel that God is preparing these perfect stones to his heavenly temple they won't be any tears in heaven for sure now last but not least I want to show you the word one more time before we leave adultery because there's also a metaphor in the Greek and the metaphor is for one who is faithless towards God I'm going to ask by a show of hands has anybody ever committed adultery here if you didn't raise your hand you can raise it about did anybody ever just lie my point is that adultery isn't just purely an act of sex with another's partner adultery is anybody who has been faithless towards God so haven't we all committed spiritual adultery guys I want you to think about something sometimes our hearts a soul full of adultery while our hands are still full of stones I'm telling you to be careful I spent the early part of my life being holy and holding when I met the Lord and holy and I had stones in my hand and the Lord spanked me a few times and woke me up we all live in a glass house by the same token don't go well I haven't thrown any stones anybody so I guess I can commit adultery that's lunacy that should sin more so grace can abound more heaven forbid you get the picture so far you get in the picture all grace and no truth is deceptive its deception and it will always lead to licentiousness all truth and no grace is destructive and it always leads to hopelessness has anybody not bold I hate bowling Bernadette's boyfriend before me as a professional bowler I hate bowling but both both all grace no truth is a gutter ball all truth no grace is a gutter ball you wanna hit a strike all grace all truth one leads to licentiousness the other one leads to hopelessness to be completely gracious and at the same time completely righteous is something that only God can be yet this is the goal that we have to shoot for and work towards and when you act up and act like an idiot apologize go back - no matter what if you're in a store and you're like a little hoity-toity because you think you should get this discount or whatever you're not representing God right you know how powerful it is I had to do this yesterday I got a bad report I wasn't in a good mood about something I walked into a store and I just wasn't my usual self hey hi I just wasn't and I went back there and I said listen you don't deserve this I'm not making any excuses I did get a bad report I'm making no excuses I was not right I was disrespectful then I looked I said and I'm sorry and I'm asking you will you see it in your heart to forgive me I think she was in shock total shock you're God's ambassador nobody's perfect how many of you have lost it some of you lost it this morning somebody gonna lose it later today we're imperfect the sad thing is the church doesn't act that way they tell you about their dreams and visions and how close they are to God how close are you sweetheart are you 100 percent gracefully 100% truthful the Hunts on a time not even close only the memory the logos can pull that off but through God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit we are being changed from glory to glory and I will not stop and you should not stop till you're finished what do we do rabbi well we saving around a benediction we've got lunch as we're done what we do I think is we need to look to the cross where you will find the fullness of God's grace and the fullness of God's truth it is at the cross where God's love provided what His Holiness demanded it is at the cross where justice and peace have kissed each other and judgment and mercy have embraced go to the cross as often as you can surrender yourselves to his will and be led by the Holy Spirit to live a life for God let's stand together just I don't want to put you on the spot but you're not going to lose it later are you holding the home which time at eight or nine burn that's pretty easy to live with that's what's so horrible about her you always know what you're gonna get pretty much and every now and then you know she goes off the radar but you pretty much she's always right there and uh and that's a lot the way I am right just right there let it go away probably yeah right there hallelujah God maybe the way it made you you know and it's it's really a gifting if you use if his purposes now middle look bless you and keep you little Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and made love the that was very countenance upon you and give you his peace and they've been a principal peace issue here the rest can annoy the East Maratha your errand - oh Vanessa Vanessa yes sir I don't know for novela ha the assemblée ha ha oh I love you guys much alone
Channel: Getzel
Views: 2,853
Rating: 4.9139786 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Grace, Truth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 4sec (3964 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2017
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