Shavuot | Paul Wilbur Concert

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good evening let's try that again good evening hope everyone's doing well let's if you will if there's anyone out in the foyer come on in and take a seat we're going to get started here in just a moment [Music] i'm just gonna walk over here so brielle's excited that you guys are here aren't you darling tell them praise the lord praise the lord not this time should i ask if you have music well we're going to take care of that in just a little bit we're going to do that quick fasting in a hurry yeah there she goes oh my job's easy i just got to stand here all righty well i hope everyone's had a great day have you had a good day all right good hopefully you got a little bit of time to to rest between the services and that you're all energized and ready to lift your hands and clap your hands and praise and honor the father we want to begin with prayer and but well actually before i do that let me just make a couple of quick announcements so you'll know what's going on of course tonight our brother paul wilbur and his associate mr brandon roberson are going to lead us in praise and worship tonight and tomorrow morning when we meet at 11 brandon and melody will open up with praise and worship but our brother paul is just going to come and share his heart with us i don't know if he's going to sing some more or to speak or what we're going to let you do what you want to do but he's just going to share with us what's on his heart right now and so we got after tonight as exciting as tonight's going to be we still have tomorrow morning so we want to encourage all of you who can to be with us tomorrow morning and of course we want to continue to invite all of our friends that join us and family from from out there on the live stream and by the way did i i was distracted you tell everybody to wave to all the live stream family this morning okay i just want to make sure i'll make sure you weren't falling down on the job i guess we might need to get accustomed to her being on stage so we want to recognize some somebody real special to us uh who is with us tonight and that is miss virgi sitting up here on the front row who has been from the very beginning has been a prayer warrior on behalf of the clouds and jacob's tent and uh she has always been a great encouragement so you heard us talk about miss virgie miss virgi just real quick stand up and wave to everybody so they can see you so they can meet miss virgi [Applause] and i also before i forget i uh i also want to thank the staff at jacob's tent robert and nayla and laura and heather and jeremy and carmen and brandon and melody yeah them too uh and just and all the volunteers that all the volunteers that and people who really work very very very very very hard to make this weekend possible and so will you destroy me in thanking them [Applause] now let's all stand let's go to the father and ask his blessings on this evening as we come to the end of shabbat and starting another week we're going to enter this week on the right footing praise and honor to our father amen join with me in prayer that's right that's right tell them okay our father in heaven god of abraham isaac and jacob we thank you father we bless you for this day that you have set apart we thank you father for the people that you've assembled here all the folks that we're meeting from all over the country and for the testimonies that are coming forward we thank you father for this afternoon that we had and this that sweet time that we had at the baptismal the mikvah and those people who young and old who wanted to make a profession and reaffirm their their commitment to you and i thank you father that you've allowed beth and me and everybody at jacobs to be here this this season this time i thank you for the relationships that are blossoming and those that are just beginning and how you are bringing more and more people into our lives and the gifts and the talents that come with them that we as we assemble together we can honor you we can bless you we can praise you we can worship you we don't take it lightly and we never want to take it for granted and so we thank you we are grateful to you father i pray that your spirit your anointing will be upon our brothers brother paul brother brandon and that this the the garment of praise would be upon all of your people tonight and that what transpires this evening would arise and be a sweet savor unto you and that everything would be pleasing in your sight and that you would be honored and blessed we thank you father we bless you in yeshua's name and everyone said amen ladies and gentlemen our dear friend mr paul wilbur brandon roberson [Music] [Music] hmm behold how good and how pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity in fact there's even a step beyond unity it's called agreement i get such a sense of agreement in this place today [Music] that we agree we agree that god is good we agree that all of his ways are true and just we agree that yeshua hamashiach who i deny jesus the messiah he is lord and we agree we agree that it's going to be a great time in his spirit to live yes we do [Music] this is my friend brandon roberson he calls me dad you can tell there's a family resemblance can't you [Music] and he uh a wonderful worship leader and songwriter and in his own right and i brought him here this weekend because i wanted y'all to get to know him and um he's he's such a blessing the the gifts the lord has deposited in him i wanted to share with you under this tent so lord tonight we offer up our praise to you we give you thanksgiving we lift our hearts and our heads lord to see your face teach us your ways and elijah said to the people [Music] why would you waver between two opinions if the lord is god then worship him but if these other things are your gods then worship them but it is time to make up your mind lord we declare tonight yahweh we have made up our mind you alone are god [Music] [Applause] [Music] that you are god yes lord right here in cleveland and we offer up our lives as a living sacrifice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] here we come lord and you are the holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh lord [Applause] [Music] that you are gone there is no other one like you come now and kill this place and be exalted in our praise and let it be known today that you are gone if [Music] yes [Music] your sovereign will oh my god for the lord he is god for the lord he is our god and he shall reign forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] holy [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] and [Music] oh oh god [Music] yes lord hallelujah hallelujah our god reigns tonight arise o lord and scatter your enemies arise o lord and push back the darkness let truth arise oh yeah let god arise [Music] [Applause] oh yeah [Music] oh yeah [Music] let god rise [Music] let them flee from before him [Music] [Music] [Applause] right [Music] all right [Music] up rejoice before him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] hallelujah i hear thunder from jerusalem i hear a roar of the lion of the tribe of judah oh yes come on roar from zion lord let the lion loose [Music] [Music] i hear a sound [Music] was [Music] hear me always yeshua has triumphed his kingdom is overall [Music] is [Music] the king is among us shepherd of righteousness [Music] his presence returned the veil has been torn the glory departed has never been restored [Music] [Music] yes [Music] papa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] huh we're listening lord [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] yes hallelujah come on give the lord a good shout of praise tonight [Music] his name is el-shaddai he is almighty his name is adonaitesvaot he is the captain of the host of the armies of god his name is el elyon he is lord over all other lords his name is above every other name including cancer and heart disease [Music] and whether others believe it or not his name is above coved [Music] yeah i'm tempted to go there but i i won't [Music] yes his name is yeshua hamashiach [Music] his name opens graves his name opens blind eyes and deaf ears his name causes the lame to dance [Music] there are miracles in this tent tonight [Music] his name binds up the brokenhearted and sets liberty those who have been captive no matter how long no matter how strong the locks in the bars [Music] they melt at the sound of his voice [Music] his name is sar shalom he's prince of peace [Music] and his name is i own it all his name is adonai [Music] foreign [Music] yes you are who come with your wisdom and love [Applause] and every eye will see your glory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] every time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] you are yes lord there's not like you [Music] not like you in all the earth [Music] i will bless the lord at all times his praise will continually be in my mouth i heard this morning as we were worshiping and [Music] he said every breath you take is numbered he said i not only know the numbers of the hairs on your head and yes that's getting easier [Music] he said i know the number of breaths that i have assigned to you and then he said this [Music] don't waste any i know the number of breaths that i have assigned to you everyone is a gift from my hands don't waste them by speaking things which are not true don't waste them by bearing false witness of who i am not i think that was a period there's no more to say after that you know one of the commandments is thou shalt not bear the name of the lord your god in vain or take it in vain actually the hebrew is bear it in vain [Music] that when i open my mouth and say something that does not represent him well i am bearing his name in vain i'm saying to others he's not who you thought he was ouch go ahead and have a seat for just a minute you've been standing for a while hmm [Music] can i get to the key of c [Music] um [Music] it was about a year ago this time i couldn't sing lost my voice we had just come from remembering the the the feast of purim i don't have to explain it to you you know and the last few moments we were there at auschwitz we visited the incinerators came home you're the nations were closing we got home in jacksonville florida just as the united states borders closed and a new time came here in united states and around the world we had truly entered a new era but it was distressing for me because singing is my best way of communicating of telling people how good the lord is i found my commission in the word of god you know jesus said it's written of me in the word of god we're all in there you just have to find it many many years ago i had an encounter with him and and i was on staff at a large church and for the first time in my life i wasn't thinking about the paycheck next month my family was well cared for we had just built a beautiful new home for the extravagant price of a hundred and fifty thousand dollars it was extravagant living in chicago a hundred and fifty thousand dollars i was living high on that kosher hog i had a nice paycheck and i loved the church where we were and the people we were serving with and serving and in a few moments in a revival service i i went out in the spirit somewhere they finished the service without me turned off the lights everybody left i had no clue what was going on the only time in my life that ever happened but it happened because jesus needed me to be quiet long enough to say something i was one of those charismatics you know that you have to fill every space with something and so he he got me in a quiet place and he said he said son how's things going i said lord you are so good got a new car in the driveway got a driveway i was 44 years old it's my first driveway and then he said something he said well if you'd asked me i would have given you the nations. i said you really know how to hurt a guy and i said lord is it too late i was 44. i figured all the trains had passed me he never said another word finally came to myself i got up off that floor i dragged myself to my office nice little office in the church building two thousand seat auditorium wonderful people love those people i finally got to my desk picked up the phone called my wife at midnight turns out i found out that it took her half an hour to get out of the parking lot the spirit of god was so heavy she kept driving around and around in a parking lot that she had been in three four times a week for years and couldn't find couldn't find her way out it has nothing to do with the color of her hair [Music] i called her up i said sweetheart we're going to the nations not another word we packed our stuff and since then we've been in 75 nations many of them many times we sing and record on five or six languages no i don't speak them all but it's been an amazing life and singing was the way that i was able to communicate all my life i wanted to be a cantor i mean a real cantor [Music] you you don't know of the cantors in the high orthodox jewish synagogues of europe east europe and russia the music is operatic it's it's elegant sometimes there's pipe organs and orchestras and it's magnificent but when i met jesus i became a real cantor hear the voice of god and sing it over the people so there we were in auschwitz we we left came home when i opened my mouth and tried to sing i sounded like a frog and and that's not a joke some of you saw the broadcast i was doing last year cried through a couple of them because i i could hardly squeak out a sound i went to the doctor and they they stuck a a scope up my nose down my throat and said sing something i said now i know why you call it a practice you're practicing on me and then they showed me the video afterwards and the doctor said paul your vocal cords are burned and blistered like they've been in a fire and then i then i understood our last few minutes at auschwitz by those furnaces and there was something of an association can't explain it we went into the library there were all the names of those who were destroyed we went through the pages and found names of my parents both sides and my grandparents and pages of some of them but i knew who i was and what god had called me to do i sat down with my guitar about a year ago now open my bible which is my best source of really good lyrics in fact it's the only lyrics that there's a problem there's a promise that when you speak them or declare them that when you send them out they accomplish what the one who wrote them the purpose that he has in those words and i've dedicated my life to singing those and those alone so out of psalm 103 and pardon me if i get a little emotional on this added one small line to psalm 103 that isn't there but it's between the lines and i would suggest tonight this will this one little line i'll bet you can write a you can write your own you'll you'll recognize which one's not in the original text [Music] bless the lord sorry maybe maybe we should do something else this always [Music] i'm singing tonight like i've never sung in the last year nice and free and fun and there's freedom in here tonight if there's something that is you just can't get off the front burner just cast it at his feet tonight he's going to gather it up and carry it away take no care what you wear what you eat take no care take no care he said because i care for you all right try it again [Music] bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his name bless the lord o my soul let every breath return to you as praise bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his name bless the lord o my soul let every breath return to you his praise for by the blind of jesus i have been redeemed surely you're my master and my friend higher than the heavens you have lifted me and i will sing again is the word that goes right there bless the lord o my soul that all that is within me blesses me bless the lord o my soul [Music] surely you are my savior and my friend [Music] and higher than the heavens you have lifted me yes and i will sing bless the lord i will bless the lord all things i will bless the lord [Music] bless the lord [Music] i will bless you [Music] no times i will bless you in all things i will bless you [Music] lift my voice and i'll bless you lord you are good and i will sing again and i will trust again i will love again i will hope again i will walk again lord i will hear again [Music] i will see again i will sing again [Music] i will bless the lord [Music] i will bless the lord [Music] you are good to me you are so good to me [Music] i will bless you [Music] do [Music] seated on his throat mountains piled down every ocean roads to the lord of hosts come on and sing praise [Music] to the end of everyday who is like you you're the lion you're the lamb seated on your thumb [Music] mountain's power january ocean rocks to [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] every day when i rise to the moment i close my eyes i will bless the name of adam king of all kings [Music] to the end of every day we will say [Music] [Applause] [Music] is bring your praise to the lord everything that has breath give it voice let him know there is no one like our [Music] god none like you lord [Music] none like you lord we thank you for your presence that is here for you are great you are holy you are worthy and we just lift up our voice in the presence of the lord and just say you are holy lord you are worthy there is none like you we honor your presence we thank you that your glory is here and that you are manifesting yourself in a new way we praise you i don't know you are worthy can we lift up our voice and just declare that he's worthy come on can we just lift up our voice and just declare that he's holy he's holy come on can we lift up our voice and say lord you're worthy you're worthy to me praise we honor your presence lord we thank you that you are here in our midst come on the word says let everything that had breath praise the lord can you shout hallelujah come on can you shout hallelujah we join in with the angels and we say holy holy are you lord we worship you king of kings [Music] [Applause] i'm on the fragrance of worship it's already here holy spirit we know that you are dwelling among us as we worship at your throne tonight lord we worship you alone [Music] i saw the lord seated on the throne and he's clothed in glory [Music] and the train of his roads [Music] and the angels gather round and they cry we join in with them and say that you [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] tonight and we say that you are holy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me for i am unclean for my eyes have seen [Music] [Music] foreign before my eyes [Music] you [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] is [Applause] are you lord god almighty holy holy holy are you lord god almighty holy holy hope [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] say you are [Music] tears [Music] we declare that you [Music] we were [Music] also [Music] surround this lord [Music] say that you are [Music] oh [Music] say that you [Music] oh his presence is glorious [Music] there's healing in the room tonight be clear in jesus name clean cancer you have no you have no air in here to breathe [Music] cancer-free zone these these walls cancer-free so cancer-free cancer-free thank you lord that lump underneath the right ear go now in jesus name go now in jesus name migraine headaches no no no no no anxiety the spirit of god laughs at you [Music] anxiety go [Music] he gives his beloved sweet sleep and while they rest he cares for those he loves [Music] sleeplessness go go you thief of rest and peace go in the name of yeshua [Music] ringing in the ear stop now stop now i hear a sound i hear a sound coming from the east a roar that's beginning to mount a sound that chases darkness fear and doubt have no place in the path of this sound peace of mind peace of mind the prince of peace says shhh be still be still [Music] be still [Music] hmm i smell the freshness of the spring air carrying the smell of earth that is opening to bring life i'm smelling fresh spring air and i hear the sound of bones being put back together brokenness is finished and wholeness is come son of man and say to these dry bones [Music] hear the word of the lord [Music] so [Applause] [Music] declaring the word of the lord i hear the voice of ezekiel prophesying to these tribes [Music] those who sleep [Music] hear the word i hear the sound of an army a nation preparing for war and i can see jude assembling praises their [Music] those who were sleeping those in the grave again those services is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] those who sleep again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] bring life again to these drivers [Music] is [Music] [Music] arise [Applause] [Music] arise o lord and scatter your enemies arise o lord and demonstrate your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven thank you lord hmm he says you are my demonstration so won't you arise won't you arise in the power of the spirit of the one who was raised and won't you be my demonstration open wide your mouth says the spirit of the lord and i will fill it [Music] for whatever is necessary for life and godliness do you not understand i hold it and i've said whatever is necessary here it is here it is it came when you said i do when you said i do [Music] all that i have is yours when you said i do all that i am is yours for did he not say father may they be one i'm in you they're in me we are one lord i pray that you would fill the cups fill the cups to overflow oil wine living water may the oil in your lamp never burn out may the oil in your vessel never dry out lord may we be for you a faithful family loving and serving one another proving that you are lord [Music] glory be to your name lord or even as paul was just speaking a few moments ago not only in the last couple of minutes but even prior to that i just heard an igniting in the spirit realm and igniting almost like a a match that is that god is just setting ablaze for in a room like this where many of us have not gathered together over the past year i just sent such a strong weight of the supernatural that god wants to move divinely by his spirit as he already is but when he was speaking earlier about the healing that took place in his body here over the past year i just sense that there's freedom there's freedom that's being released as we worship tonight and god is igniting something fresh on the inside of the womb of our spirit there's a new weight of glory that he's wanting to release in this gathering tonight and it'll be something tangible that we're able to take away the heavens are already open over this environment and over this region and i believe that as we begin to open up our mouths tonight and as we glorify the lord even in a greater way he said our cups would overflow he would fill us and indeed there is a sound that is being released as we worship tonight as we lift up our voice and we glorify the lord i hear that sound that sound as we declare of the lion of judah that is roaring over this environment and in that roar there are miracles in that roar there are signs in that roar there are wonders it won't be something that we just declare but it will be something that we tangibly see and i believe that tonight there is a fresh weight of god's glory that he is releasing over us and in that glory there is freedom in that glory as we declare depression has to leave in that glory we declare anxiety has to leave in that glory we declare that arthritis has to leave in that glory we declare that everything that does not line up with the kingdom it is being removed right now for where the enemy has tried to come in to some of your lives year after year i sense it as we worship tonight the walls of jericho they are coming down for there is a sound there is a sound and there is a shout as the lion of judah begins to roar even stronger over this environment i hear it in the spirit there's a rumbling that's taken place in generational curses and things that have helped many of you bound year after year you've carried weight after weight from year after year i hear the lord say the generational curse is broken tonight in the name of jesus you will no longer deal with the same things that have plagued your life and have plagued your family for where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom and there is liberty so i just want to prophesy tonight that there is a fresh weight of god's glory and freedom and even as we just declare those dry bones some of you you haven't felt like you've been able to dream like you would like to dream i hear the lord say that he's going to begin to visit some of you even in the night season and you're going to begin to write down and you're going to begin to dream and you're going to begin to see me in a new way says the lord for there is a new realm of glory that i desire to take you through won't you begin to break out of your box tonight the box that many of you have put me into and god says as you begin to break out of this box you will see a new place in me for he says come on out into the deep and see the new realm of glory he says step outside of the boat and begin to see what it is that i desire to show you for deep calls unto deep tonight and god says i'm calling you closer i'm calling you closer and i'm calling you to a sin to the holy heal for there is a sound in zion there is a sound that is being released from the heart of worshipers tonight and god says i will meet you tonight in a fresh way for there is a realm of glory that i desire to release and god says it's it hasn't been seen in the earth before but i have given you the keys says the lord tonight to unlock a new dimension in a new realm in me he says taste and see that i am good taste and see the new place that i desire to take you to for now is the time and now is the hour that i have called for your voice to arise and i've heard this even over the past couple of weeks as god has been ministering he's been showing me things i see that there has been a muzzle that has been put over many prophetic voices in the earth and i'm here to decree and declare tonight that the muzzle is being broken off of your mouth the muzzle is being broken off of your spirit where the enemy is trying to keep many of us silent for he knows that when we realize the authority that we carry on the inside of our spirit and we begin to speak to the four winds the lord knows and the enemy knows that things will begin to shake in the atmosphere so i decree and declare tonight that the muzzle that has been over the mouth of many of the prophetic voices and believers it is being broken off you will prophesy like you've never spoken before you will dream and see like you have never seen before for god says now is the hour for i have called for you to arise with boldness i have called for you to arise with boldness to declare my name to the ends of the earth so we break the spirit of fear we break the spirit of bondage we break the spirit of lack and we say you shall live again for the lord says with long life you shall live to see my glory and salvation and when many of you have even came in tonight and i've heard some of you say well i may be too old for that or or i don't know how much is ahead of me god says your best days are ahead of you you are getting ready to see like you've never seen before for there is a fresh deposit that i am releasing now says the lord [Music] come on [Music] right [Music] come on [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] let them [Applause] [Music] let god [Music] [Applause] [Music] rise [Music] praise the lord to proclaim your love and faithfulness [Music] birch [Applause] [Music] i [Music] love [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's [Music] [Music] he's destroyed all your enemies he is [Music] singing joyfully [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] let god let god [Music] [Music] [Music] that's better you know darkness heaviness depression hates the shouts of joy just they can't stand the sound shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous of the lord heaviness and and all that stuff just there's no air to breathe with the shout of joy [Music] so i'm just i'm tempted to just shout a little bit [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] hey [Music] come on is that all we've got [Applause] [Music] [Music] as we're shouting i'm seeing rockets fall out of the sky over tel aviv and over israel as we are shouting i'm seeing rockets fall out of the sky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] there's a sound coming from the east [Music] [Music] a voice of hope and a sound that causes fear to be afraid that same roar that same roar from joel chapter 3 that covers the people joel chapter 3. multitudes multitudes in the valley of decision he said i will thunder from jerusalem i will roar from zion that sound that sound that pushes back darkness comforts the hearts of the people of god in 1st samuel chapter 7 they heard that sound again when from that same little piece of land the philistines continued to trouble [Music] israel and there came a sound a roar that same [Music] and my bible says that when the philistines heard that they troubled israel no more there is a sound of judah [Music] roar roar over your land [Music] roar over your people [Music] push back darkness death terror save your people [Music] tonight lord we pray for the peace of jerusalem prince of peace roar from jerusalem cover the houses and the land protect and save [Music] destroy the works of the enemy and chase them far away lord we recognize that we do not wage war against flesh and blood but powers and principalities wickedness darkness the sound of your voice [Music] breaks the bow the sound of your voice [Music] breaks the teeth of the enemy the sound of your voice causes confusion in their ranks and they turn on one another confused [Music] release the sound again tonight over bethlehem over tel aviv over hebron over haifa over i lot over jerusalem and lord break the power of the enemy over gaza break the power of terror over the people of gaza break the teeth of the avenger over the people of gaza and set those arab peoples free set them free may they know the one who is the prince of peace we pray lord for our arab brothers and sisters our jewish brothers and sisters who call on your name in righteousness cover them and keep them [Music] spread your hand over them like a canopy blow with the breath of your nostrils [Music] break the chain's open prison doors set captives free and lord may you be seen and known demonstrate again that you alone our god these are the days of elijah these are the days of the announcing of the coming of the holy one of israel these are the days of preparation and you demonstrate you reveal you uncover mysteries lord release from jerusalem the sound again and set the captives free lord tonight we declare that we love arab peoples [Music] we love iranians we love iraqis we love syrians we love lebanese we love egyptians we love saudi arabians we love palestinians we love them lord open the eyes of the blind break the chains of false religion the captivity over the mind reveal the truth that sets the captives free [Music] we long for the day when every knee bounce when every tongue declares yeshua who adonai jesus the messiah he is lord here we are we've come to do your will glorify your name through us [Music] let your kingdom come and let your will be done in jesus name these are the days of elijah [Music] [Music] these are the days of elijah declaring the word of the lord and these are the days of his servant moses righteousness being restored [Music] and though these are these are great trials of violent and darkness and sword still we are the voices [Music] a truck [Music] is these are the days of this eagle those dry bones and these are the days of you david rebuilding a temple of praise and these are the days [Music] shining like the sun [Applause] [Music] [Music] salvation [Music] [Music] salvation [Music] [Music] us [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] singing is fun sing yourself we're going to do some more singing tomorrow morning i'm going to have brandon launch out into the deep a little more he's he's got his waders on tonight i'm gonna push him out a little bit further enjoy my friend brandon roberson [Applause] [Music] anybody have any questions i'm just kidding um oh the kids want to dance it's over there if you can find it brandon will find it but you have to set it up i'm not sure that i did yeah okay thank you dear that's my wife luanne are we okay rabbi are we did you want to sing something or no i want to ready happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear pastor rabbi elder brother bill happy birthday to [Music] you [Music] the children want to sing something i haven't done this in a long time actually they want to dance how many of you i'm just curious how many of you here tonight are under the age of 15. let me see your hands wow that is awesome that is awesome there's hope i don't know what key this is i don't need to [Music] all right i got it [Music] here we go shots of joy and victory was sound in the tents of the righteous of the lord shouts of joy and victory with sound in the text of the righteous of the lord the man has done many things for us lord's right hand is lifted high lord done mighty things for us the lord's right hand runs on high the lord's right hand winds up shouts of joy shouts of joy and victory was on the tenths of the righteous of the lord shouts out joy and victory was in the tents of the righteous son lord's writing has done mighty things for us though it's right [Music] lord be righteous sing for joy in the lord you righteous once sing to him a new new song let your heart rejoice in heal o magnify the lord with me planet's exalted name together whole magnifying the lord with me plant sing for joy the lord he righteous words oh bless his holy name bless his holy name bless his holy name with shots of joy and [Music] has done many things for us lord's whiter this lifted high the lord's writing has done mighty things for us the lord's right hand rings [Music] heidi [Music] for the lord has taken your punishment destroyed your enemies [Music] [Music] is [Music] your turn rejoicing over you with sons of gladness singing joyfully he will save us rejoice rejoice daughter of sight shout aloud destroy us and rejoice with all your heart [Music] get on your camels be careful they spit [Music] we just rejoiced inside shouted out he spread sing with joyce with all your heart oh jerusalem [Music] foreign [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] yeah that was 1995. and i almost remembered it came close came close first time i did that in spanish was bogota colombia i met some new friends at breakfast this morning at the at the hotel turns out the wife is is from bogota colombia where i i went with with pastor benny hinn we we've got one more song don't go away kids it's a dance song i was going to say maybe you could dance there's equipment and stuff i'll probably get in trouble for that but it wouldn't be the first time so benny hinn's office called and said can you sing in spanish this is 1996. and i said um sure good i want you to come to bogota colombia and we're gonna and we're gonna minister there i thought okay and so i found someone a friend who translated that song um uh shout to joy i grandmost do we have any hispanics in the house why didn't you say so in the first place we should sing something in spanish before you go [Applause] brandon you can do it because okay and so i went with him this is the first time and that that song shouts a joy i translate into spanish i was so nervous i had never sung in spanish before i'm going over the lyrics over and over and over so there i was in bogota colombia with benny hinn and pastor cassidianos and there were 70 000 people then i wasn't intimidated i was scared i threw those shorts away yes you guys just don't stop dancing do you never they dance on injustice [Music] so i'll make this quick but don't don't stop dancing and so pastor benny introduced me as one of his best friends we had never met we hadn't even shaken hands we hadn't even said hello i was a surprise from other people who knew me so when he introduced me i stand up in front of 70 000 people and they can see my knees shaking and i'm trying to remember the first words in spanish and and they welcome me with this polite applause it's like who is this guy shalom jerusalem had been out for about a year little did i know it was all over america latina my hispanic brothers and sisters love this messianic stuff and so i'm standing up there waiting for the music to start this this tense quiet all of a sudden the music starts and the people went whoa that guy and then and i'm supposed to start singing in spanish they drowned me out in english they had never heard it in spanish and we became hard for everything that i've done since then has to be in spanish because there is there is a heart that beats for jerusalem and our hispanic brothers and sisters for the presence of the lord for the word of the lord such a loving people look at these guys they just we better do something all right i'm through talking here we go hit it my stroke [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] so when the shout out of the lord is in our camp it's the sound of victory for the power this voice will route the enemy [Music] [Music] the night [Music] they come crashing down when they hear the sound of the name above all [Music] my child [Music] the messiah right justice [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] of [Music] [Music] righteousness [Music] what's his name one more time [Music] nations [Music] is [Music] set me [Music] us [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah all right you fanatics we need to leave you a little gas for tomorrow how many of you are going to be with us in the morning i love it we start at 11 sharp ish 11 sharp ish because this is a what hey come back swarm i almost forgot thank you we had a special request from the birthday boy can i say that respectfully birthday boy i guess when you're 70 you get away with saying a lot of things don't you in 10 years when i get there i'll let you know okay we had a special request for another song i haven't sung in two decades but this is the theme of our weekend together he's calling us to come up to the mountain where there is water for all where there is revelation where there is relationship where there is covenant where there is the kind of fear that sets the captives free hallelujah the fear of the lord look at that the clouds are clearing the snow is falling looks like snow to me and they said come and let's go up to the mountain of the lord he will teach us his ways and then we will walk in them hey kids this is another good dance song by the way water let me get that rain made me thirsty my wife is such a good laugher she snorts i'd have her demonstrated for you but we just celebrated our 43rd anniversary it's been rough it's been good for her i wrote a newsletter oh we were going to say something i was just saying we love you mom we love you we do have to deal with a lot we're praying she's she's such a woman of faith i rescued her from presbyterianism no i won't say that no no so we we got some not so good news a couple weeks ago so what so i i'm trying to keep it to myself and just you know shield her from some not so good news but i couldn't help myself because misery loves company so um so i came home and i said tell you the truth she went into the bathroom where the voices sound really good you know with all the tile and stuff and she just started to laugh she did it started like [Music] and then she really got it and i was in i was in the living room feeling sorry for myself until i heard that and it's amazing how good bad news can sound when you just he sits in the heavens and laughs and it's either true that all things work together for our good or it's not so we just choose to believe that this is working for us it may not feel good at the time it may not sound good at the time but let every man be a liar and god be true it's just recommended therapy you can save a lot of money on psychologists sorry sweetheart my family i met this morning at breakfast she's a psychologist a merry heart do with good like a medicine so now that i'm well watered i'm ready i drank it all oh there it goes come let's go up to the mountain of the lord oh crank it up nations will be flowing to zion when they see the house of the lord run into his peaceful kingdom shouting they lay down their swords and they say come let's go up to the mountain comets go up to the lord come let's go up to the mountain he will teach us his ways comets go up to the mountain comets go up to the lord cometh go up to the mountain he will teach us his ways verse watch just with the spirit of burning let your beautiful fruit shine forth that everyone who's left in cleveland will be [Music] he will teach us his ways go up to the mountain comets go up to the lord comets go up to the mountain he will teach us [Music] our eyes shake the earth so mightily send your glory all across the land then everything is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] glory there will be a covering cloud of smoke go through the day flaming fire up for the night tabernacle for the shade shelter from the pouring rain when the lord has washed away [Music] watch just when the spirit of burning let your beautiful first shine for that everyone who's left in cleveland will be called holy forever [Music] let's go [Music] [Applause] to the mountains [Music] is [Music] hallelujah come on give the lord a good [Music] shout [Applause] thank you happy birthday thank you i wish i could dance like that it used to be better can we just thank our brother paul and brandon he poured his heart out tonight i i i just really appreciate that i know that we have all been blessed have you not [Applause] let us do this um before we go melody is melody available is she with the baby or is brandon can i be really push it or is brandon come on brandon if if melody's not with the baby i want you all to come up here and i want you to sing the blessing over us as we go [Music] father thank you thank you for loving us enough to invite us to come up to you and to your mountain to assemble before you i thank you these people that have gathered here tonight [Music] i thank you what you've spoken to my heart tonight thank you what you're doing in the hearts and lives of your people as we continue to assemble in your name we pray that you will continue to have your way that you'll speak to us that you'll move in us and that you'll perform your will for us and through us in yeshua's name if you'll just remain standing brandon's going to sing the blessing over us [Music] may the lord may the lord bless and keep you [Music] may his grace and his face shine upon you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the way you shall be blessed from day to day he'll be your rest [Music] so may the lord may the lord less and keep you may his grace and his face shine [Music] and give you peace and give you peace [Music] and give you peace [Music] amen we will start as it was told to us earlier in the morning at 11 ish right sharpish okay sharpish okay so go in peace be blessed be safe get some rest and we'll see you in the morning
Channel: Bill Cloud
Views: 10,056
Rating: 4.9435296 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 46sec (9646 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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