Q&A Midrash | Bill Cloud | Jacob's Tent

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okay all right okay so welcome back the food was yummy thank you miss nayla for working that out for us and all the ladies who helped and gentlemen i know some of you were involved too so it's never a small feat to provide food for this large crowd so i think next week we're back on business as usual for our meals so be sure you watch your emails for um you know special instructions and how to let's keep it safe keep it clean and if you're sick we don't want your food okay anyway no there's not going to be any sickness we pray that we're just going to keep everybody healthy the father is just going to bless and favor us and we need to do our part in that as well so anyway i wanted before we release the children today to pray over them we know that they have started school and while we do pray over them under the hoopa every week i think it's important for them to know that we find it necessary and important to pray for them especially for school and it doesn't matter if you're homeschooling or if you're going out to a traditional you know other school you know the majority of our children homeschool but we do have some who go into traditional schools and we have some that are going to college for the first time this year some that are returning to college so i don't think we should ever send them back unless they're fully covered and i know the parents in the home do that and so we want to be an extension of what you're already doing in the home and show them that corporately it's not just mom and dad praying it's your whole jacob's tent family so if that's you do you want to gather them up here or have them stand in place i mean they're more in mighty than we so they may overtake us okay we want to see your beautiful faces we all just come down here and it doesn't matter if you've started college or you're going back to college we want and and ryan i know we already prayed for you but come on to be part of the group too so y'all just come down here gather and if you will turn and face that way because our live stream family wants to see you too okay so now are you guys have all graduated homeschooling everybody i want all of our children up here college down maybe i didn't make that clear all of you yeah all of you if they're in preschool send them down um jeremy dahl are there any more out there okay heard them in and then jeremy if you will come as uh captain of the quiver or if i general of the quiver sorry i don't know my military like i should okay as soon as general doll has them all herded in here we're going to hand them out to him because at some point or another he and carmen either have had these children in their class or they will soon have them in the class and they're in good hands in there and through the ranks coming up too and jeremy carman oversee all of that so i think it's just most appropriate that you and carmen stand and present this prayer ah dear heavenly father blessed be your name we just give thanks for all of these young people that we have here we thank you so much for all of them we call our youth quiver and blessed is he who has a quiver full and that's what you have blessed this congregation with i mean they're they just about outnumber the adults and we're just so thankful for each and every one of them as they are a blessing and we just lift them all up to you father that their future is in your hands that they would do the activities the behaviors the commandments necessary to be deserving of your blessings as they are going out as they come into adulthood as they are going up in school as they're moving up into high school to college higher education father that you would gird their feet and prepare them for the pathway before them for their education as they go out there to begin work part-time full-time as they find their career their calling in life that they would listen to you for wisdom and discernment to find the field that you would place them in as they are your children that your light would shine through them before men's that they would be where you would place them so that your light can shine to those who would need it in the school that they attend and the place where they work in the field where they have their career father we pray blessings on them that each and every step that they take would be in the right direction to help them to succeed to become the best adults that they could be in your name that they would be the men and women that you are calling them to be each and every day of their lives that they would not falter that they would not fail that they would be grounded in their faith that they would step forward fully armored with your armor to prepare to defend against all attacks of the enemies that nothing he would do against them would succeed but that they would find nothing but the best that you have set before them that they would be in your will all the days of their life for themselves and for your in your will any future families they may have that they would take the lessons they learned here and in the future that they would bestow them upon their families so that they can continue to be blessed generation after generation as ultimately that is what you called abraham to do and what you call us to do to raise up the next generation and that that would continue here today and going forward father and we pray all these things because your son yeshua is what guides us and it's in his name that we pray these things amen and we also pray for miss nayla general pernack and any of the other teachers that are in the lives of your children during this process it's important that we keep them covered as well all right with that we're going to dismiss the treasures miss nayla are you over there all right treasures you're dismissed follow miss nayla so all right now quiver you're dismissed follow general purnak and then senior quiver you're dismissed okay so um as bill said the format this morning was a little bit different i really appreciated that message bill was afterwards going do you think i should leave town i'm like no no and no we've had enough of that through our marriage where he's had to be on the road so no for many reasons but no right he's stuck um anyway i feel that it was um well obviously the father's timing is perfect and i was praying on the way in you know knowing what the torah portion was today father let it be um you know and start with me personally always apply it to me because i need the correction as much as anybody if it needs to be a rebuke let it be that for me and for the rest of the family if it needs to be a reminder to be more disciplined let it be that for me and the rest of the family if it needs to be encouragement obviously we can use that and if it needs to be all three let it be that and let it fall on fertile soil and that's where we have to do our job we have to open up to receive it and not bow up to repel it and because at the end of the day it's all because he cares about us and he wants what's best for his children um it's not to make anybody's life miserable you know how raising up children they get to that point where they want to go do this and that and the other and when we had to put our foot down and say no they're just so sure sometimes not all but sometimes they're just so sure and i'll just say maybe i should say i was so sure at some points growing up that it was like well they just want me to have a miserable life you know and that's obviously not true it's just that i had no clue what was out there and what i was being protected from and the benefits for me to exercise the disciplines that were being put before me it's like i said bill and i did used to travel with shorashim uh thankfully shirashim stays home now and we're very happy about that but it gave some opportunities when we were traveling for us to have to tell our children especially um allen and allison were wanting to go to israel when they were little and they were so little that we were not ready to take them yet i said i'm i'm not going to ask people invite people to go on this trip and they pal this money to go and it's a lot of times it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and then i have a screaming baby at the back of the bus that's ruining their trip you know so we waited a little bit longer and i remember we were taking one trip and this was going to be our trial trip we went across country to um seattle and then up into british columbia and um alan and allison were probably what three and five anyway he was they were very little so i you know but they had been saying well i want to go to israel i want to go to israel and then you know somebody would have a meltdown when we were out somewhere and i'd say well you know we're not ready to go to israel yet and this is why you know so when we took this trip um we we knew that we had a trip to israel coming up and so i was just telling the kids this is going to be a good test because getting there actually took us about as long as it would have to do that overnight flight to israel and and then we still had to drive up into bc so i remember telling them the different things that i would be expecting now when we get to the airport without fail this is how this will go you know when you've been to the airport you know taking children through an airport you know car seats and strollers and all of that and when we get on the airplane this is how you will behave no exceptions when we get to our host house this is how you will greet them and this is how you will answer them and this is how you will behave in their home no exceptions and i don't know i guess i scared them to death because they did wonderfully not that they were bad kids to start with that's not what i'm saying it's just that it was a very successful trip and they exercise poor allen he gets picked on no we have other sons that we could pick on they're just not in the room at the moment we love you alan he's such a good sport he couldn't help but be a good sport in this family anyway um they did wonderfully and when we got home from the trip allison bless her heart she was so itty bitty and she goes mommy now can we go to israel and i said i think you're ready and so we did and they did wonderfully in israel because i told them you know in a different country it's going to be even different and a little more strict than what it is just going up although some places we've been have felt like a different country but i said all that to say that there comes a time and i feel like that as jacob's tent family we may be at that time now where the father is saying okay here's a trial run for a trip you're about to take or some marching orders i'm about to give you and this is how it will be i have given you my instructions for your own good not because he's up there bored with nothing to do he has all of us that keeps him busy you know but for our own good and not i mean i didn't tell alan and allison that because they were bad children they were wonderful children and we really never had you know well on the road we really never had any major problems with them traveling um i mean they did it from the womb so they were just born doing it but there came that time when they had to have more detailed instructions and they had to know there's no exception this is the way it will be and it wasn't because i was just being this mean hard mom is because i love my children and value their lives and i wanted to preserve their life and that's why i gave them these instructions and that you know there are no exceptions so i feel like it's very appropriate the father's timing is is perfect obviously but the way bill brought this about today i really appreciate because i feel like this is what the father is saying to us because maybe we've been in that trial trip and he's just reminding us remember this is how i told you it wasn't going to be okay well you might have passed that test now it's show time it's time we're going to the real deal and this is where it's really going to matter that you paid attention to everything i taught you before don't forget those little details and it's for our own good so i just wanted to share that and because i don't i'm like bill i don't want you to feel like it's an admonishment nobody likes to come and get a spanking you know that's not what this was i feel like it's the father reminding us and encouraging us to heed his instructions and i think somebody might have their live stream up and i'm hearing myself talk and that's just a little freaky because bill says i have enough words as it is we don't need to hear me twice so if that's you if you will just turn your volume down or mute it [Laughter] no he says i have enough words as it is i'm the one who says you don't need to hear me twice he didn't say that part i'm not throwing you under the bus honey not this time [Laughter] you and alan can ride home together okay so anyway i don't want to take too much time here because i know that there's going to be a really good midrash but i did want to just put that out there too let everybody know don't take that as um an attack if you do that's just the wrong spirit don't don't play into the enemy's hands so i think i've said enough about that i'll move on i was just encouraged i hope that you were too i hope that we're all hearing the father and that we're paying close attention to those instructions that we don't go into the battle with pettiness that we don't go into it with strife we don't go into it with our feelings on our sleeves because the enemy is just going to siege us immediately so there was something else i wanted to say to that end i'll get to it here in just a minute when we did praise and worship this morning i like bill i'm amazed at how the father just ties it all together so beautifully i confess i just don't brandon sends me he's he's very organized and he sends me through um planning center and all of that stuff that he's so techy and so great with i should know the song list every week but i confess i don't i just don't look at it sometimes my phone doesn't well sometimes i don't know how to work my phone like i should and the kids aren't around to for me to go make this do that you know and so i just don't look at it but i actually kind of like that because when i come in here and i see what the fathers put on their heart to bring forth and it just ties right in with what's in my heart that i know the father has shown me and the message that he's given him and it all just comes together today again was no exception when they did the song that has the line in it come wrestle us and win did y'all feel that this morning do we know how important that is so i'm sitting there thinking come wrestle us and win and then you know the stories in the word that you can go to immediately that come to mind and the outcome of that and i'm thinking you do win you always win when we were coming up you know and i'm passing this tidbit onto brandon and melody now that brielle is reaching that age kids sometimes have little fits and when mine did i would always tell them mommy always wins you just need to give up mommy's gonna win this is this is really like fruitless you're wasting your time for the live streamers who didn't hear bill's comment he goes yeah then i told him she's right she wins no you i mean we have to walk in the authority that the father gives us and but i think about that statement come wrestle us and win why does he even have to wrestle us because we're human why do we have to hear that message this morning because we're human and he knows us but wouldn't it be so much better if we just rolled over like that dog we have one of ours that when she sees us coming up she just rolls over pet me just pet me i'll just give up everything just pet me you know can't we just be like that just roll over we show you our belly father we're submitting have your way but no we wrestle but come wrestle us and win he wins so we win but my prayer is for me to back down so he doesn't have to wrestle me so that we can get to his business faster because it's his business not mine it's his plan that i want to come to fruition and if i'm walking with him that will be what's in my heart because i've allowed him to put the desires in my heart those are what the desires of my heart should be so that happened even before we got here today that he wrestled on our behalf um there were i walked in the door today and i was immediately aware of four situations where the enemy tried to stop people from being here in this place today and that's just four that i'm aware of and i'm sure if i took a poll all of you could raise your hand and say that you are aware of some that happen too some i don't even know all the details of i just saw somebody's face and i knew of a situation that happened some were told to me but these people pressed through they pressed on and through abba they were here today they won so he does war on our behalf he wrestles for us i'd rather him wrestle for me than with me i didn't even know it build it know it he didn't know what was going on with these different families today we hadn't heard anything about it until we got here but you know what was so beautiful about it is that by the time we heard the stories family had already stepped in to help family because that's how we roll here family helps family and people had already stepped in and prayed and taken care of business and backed the enemy down in the cases where it was the enemy trying to rear his ugly head so bill and i don't often know about things before they they happen and usually by the time we know about them they're already taken care of so i said all that to say there are no elites here when it comes to helping others it's just family helping family and that's what we do and that's what's so beautiful for us to see that often by the time we hear of a situation you guys have already stepped in and handled it with each other you've prayed for each other you've helped each other you fulfilled the need just like aaron coming in here and asking for kurt and jenna you know for some help i didn't know that the date of their arrival so it's just family helping family so i just wanted to put that out there and let y'all know that what was said today i think is much more important than we realize because of where the father is about to take us where that is i don't know there were some times that we were going places that um for different reasons i knew i didn't need to tell my children before we left i just needed to tell them when we were about to get there by the way we're about to do this you know in some cases it was because of a fear they might have or in some cases a behavior that i knew they might exhibit but i knew it was just wisdom to wait until we were right there and i think that's how the father handles us sometimes so i think that we need to internalize that for us as individuals and then men as the priests of your homes ladies who don't have a priest of your home take it to the high priest okay internalize it get it in order get our homes in order with him because that's how we're going to be strong is we have to be in unity with each other not uniformity we're all different we're going to have differing opinions but we can't we can't let that be a hindrance if somebody comes to you and says something you and you know it's not to be true you need to look that person in the face and say i'm sorry i have to disagree with that here are the facts and just that's probably not very nice expression but just slap the enemy's teeth out right then not don't stop the person it's not what i'm saying it's like you know physically speaking slap the enemy's teeth out while you're lovingly telling your brother or sister that is not true let me tell you the facts okay did did i clear that up okay okay okay i hope so yeah we're not a violent people okay we let him war on our behalf anyway i'll move on um we do have a lot of praise reports and we also have some prayer requests i wanted to read something that monica sarton sent me y'all know we're praying for her for the cancer that the enemy thinks he's going to overcome her with and that's not going to happen and i'm going to read to you something why as soon as i find it one of my okay here we go so monica says uh the ct that i had this week showed great response to treatment remember last week her doctor she was reporting her doctor was stunned at that the count was had you know gone so far down the ct that i had this week showed great response to treatment in the peritoneal carcinomatosis area sorry if i butchered that which had extensive tumors it's almost gone and no evidence in the lymph nodes god is working on my insides [Applause] so you know i wanted to share that one with you in particular because i know we have just gone through a trial where people were sick where this virus or whatever this nasty thing is is trying to rear its ugly head against just humanity in general but you know what the father is still doing miracles in our midst in this people right here in this building in this place right now okay life went on joy went on celebration went on helping each other went on it's still going on miracles are still going on here's a testimony right here this woman had what stage four yeah she was not supposed to even be here now and look what the father has done okay there there are more there are many more but for the sake of time i'm not going to go into all of them right now but i just want you to know that there are more just like this that are happening that i know people are being healed they're coming and telling us their doctors are dumbfounded so don't you dare give up hope don't you let this little hiccup and i i say that with all due respect to those who have lost a loved one during this time that is not a hiccup in your life that's a major event but to those of us who may have gotten sick and you know we're recovering i choose to look at it as a hiccup because my god is greater he's stronger he will bring us back from whatever he needs to bring us back from monica is living proof of that so with that let's go ahead and pray for some more miracles here um i want heather to not have another kidney stone for the rest of her life as long as she lives every day of her very long healthy happy life not ever one more kidney stone or even a sign of it y'all pray for her she went home to lay down um you know she's doing all the right things she doesn't know why her body produces these the father does and i'm just asking him to fix it that we're over and done with this okay i just i don't want that to be anymore um there are other people um i and i didn't ask permission to do this but i don't think they'll care um and if they do i'll just take the hit as mom but you know brandon and melody as young parents are experiencing what it's like when a little one learns to walk and they have this autonomy and now you just can't tell them what to do and so they were here today they made a sacrifice to be here this morning they did not get much sleep at all last night you know what that's like they were up most the night with a very unhappy 14 month old and so if you see bags under their eyes just pat them on the shoulder say bless your little hearts we're praying for you but they made the sacrifice to be here to stick to their commitment when it would have been much easier to lay in the bed and say i can't go so pray for them that this test that they're going through will pass quickly they'll pass the test brielle will pass the test and they'll all love each other at the end of it bill and i will help as much as we can but that's not just for our children it's for all the young families out there that have little ones because it can really test you and try you sometimes to where you don't recognize yourself i know i've been there many nights i went to bed crying god why did you let me be a mother i'm the worst person that could possibly have done this i've blown it they hate me you know and then you wake up the next day and they still love you and he gives you a chance to try again so if you will just pray for them and i want to just do a general prayer for all of those who have to use the internet it just has become a part of our life that we depend on even our live stream family is here with us today because of the internet but we know as a two-edged short sword the enemy would love to use to destroy and at any given time when we're most unsuspecting nasty stuff can pop in there and so i want us to pray that we can use discipline we can be guarded and that if we are ever faced with one of those situations we know who to call on we know who to call to pray through with us we know who to call to help get our mind back in the right place even though you may not have a tendency to go that way in the first place something some of that garbage that pops up it can be terrifying sometimes so i want us to pray for each other in that because we depend on it now but there is an evil side to it so let us pray for each other that we can be guarded and that the father will keep us safe in the times that we have to be on there but to that end let's not be on there any more than we just have to and let's make sure it's for the right reasons and that's a discipline in and of itself i know i had to pretty much just get off of facebook because it's a time sucker you know not that i was doing anything bad on there but just like you just scroll through and it's like i'm just a busybody wasting time what am i doing you know so and then you know after you know all this time has gone by and things don't get done and then you don't have anybody to blame but yourself so let's just think about the time that we spend on there and be careful what we're doing while we are on there i could go on but i want to honor what my husband asked and let's go ahead and get to prayer so that we can get to midrash and some other things okay if anybody is here and you have a need and you'd like to just slip your hand up right now before we pray so that those around you can pray with you that's me y'all know i always have things i'm praying about so don't be shy um he has an answer and if your friend or neighbor is sitting there and is willing and you're comfortable with it for them to put their hand on your shoulder then let's encourage each other when we pray and those who would like to stand with me let's just stand before the father and bring our petitions to him and so while i pray you pray with me and you pray for your neighbor if you will our abba and our king oh how humbling it is to be called your children what an honor what a privileged father thank you that you afforded that opportunity to us through the blood of our messiah let us never take that for granted allah thank you thank you that we can come to you today with our requests and make known to you those things that are troubling our heart our minds our bodies our relationships whatever it may be that we can bring those to you and lay them at your feet and walk away in exchange with peace help us to do that father help us to do our part and truly leave it there when we give it to you not pick it up and take it away with us again when we walk away but leave it with you knowing it's in the best possible place that it can be so that's what we do today father all these things that uh we know of all these unspoken requests all these hands that went up today all of our online family that has requests but we bring it and we lay it at your feet knowing that you have the perfect answer knowing that you don't disappoint father knowing that you already have taken care of it just help us to have a peace to receive your answer instead of trying to force hours that's so important abba because you know what's best for us even sometimes when the answer is no and we may not want it to be no help us to remember that you always have our best interest in mind that you love us more than any person on this earth could ever claim to love us father and then some you have what is best for us and mine at all times father help us to have that same heart to love you and to love each other the way you love us and to be about bringing peace to each other and helping each other so that we can live in peace and harmony harmony and in unity as we go into whatever it is you have for us to do we know we go locked arm in arm with someone who loves us dearly and who would defend us ferociously because they are truly our brother and sister we thank you for that we thank you for the way you're answering prayers we thank you for the miracles you are doing even now father we give you all of the praise and all of the glory and all of the honor of lord father and yeshua's precious name amen amen thank you you can be seated thank you i is marlene yeah i do want to mention again you know we've i want to encourage everyone who will whether you're here locally or on our online community i i do want us to try to get to the place where we have prayer going on around the clock so eventually we want to be able to put something on our website so that people can see any time slots that are available and where they could sign up there but right now right now marlene davis has graciously stepped forward to kind of oversee that and so she is accumulating that information people's names the time that they're going to be praying and we want to know when you're going to be praying because we want to know when someone's praying and when we need to see if we can plug some other folks in so i should know this but if you if you feel led to do that and you are committed to doing that i say this as diplomatically as i know how don't say you're going to do it and then don't do it i'd rather you not say anything at all and not do it but if you were going to do that then i want you to let marlene know and so marlene how are they contacting you through info at jacob's tent or everywhere okay on the prayer page and right right right okay so for you locally don't talk to her about it until after the midrash is over all right if you're on the online community email uh getting you can if you don't know marlene's email and it may have gone out in the newsletter i can't remember but the prayer at jacobstent.org is how you can do that and marlene's overseeing that for us and so um i feel it's very important i mean prayer is always important we've always had prayer we've had folks like marlene and others and some of these ladies that have always been praying for jacob's tent from the very beginning but i just feel like this is very important for us to do and you know i'm gonna get with her on my time slot and and i'm also encouraging those who feel led to take a day during the week to fast and specifically for the father's purpose in this this congregation to be uh evident to um to you know for for guidance as we go forward for favor where we need favor and correction where we need correction and um i'm not saying any particular day of the week i'm not saying any particular length of time the details and the specifics of the fast that you feel led to follow i want you to you the father work that out i'm just asking those who will that feel genuinely led to do this to prayerfully consider taking one day during the week in fasting or one meal during the weekend fasting or whatever that is and i'm going to be doing that as well i'm not going to ask you to do something that i'm not willing to do so this let's just believe that if we commit ourselves to prayer and fasting and redouble our efforts you know to draw closer to him that more and more we'll see his his his hand at work in our congregation all righty so with that we'll go ahead and get started with our mid rush mr alex here you go bro and i'll take this mic and is there anybody who would like to kind of get us started today nick well yes yes there is you see that i'll let you do it i saw nick d'adonna first although i'm i'm not i'm out of my lane i know i'm sorry get back in your lane bill okay first of all i thank you for the message today it was a good time to bring things out and beth your words too very important i do have one delicate question after your eighth grade fight did you get the girl [Applause] no all i got out of the deal was a fat lip and a busted nose hey but i will tell you this i showed up at school the next day and the other guy didn't i'm just saying wow yeah but then she went off with him but whatever okay i don't have any hang-ups about it or anything on a more serious note um last last wednesday i knew i wasn't going to be here i called christian and lauren i said listen i gave some praises for you the other day so could you please give a praise report and that was that louise's friend jennifer was going to be getting out of icu and going to a to her own room unfortunately when we called later on after after your wednesday night service was over we called she had gone into serious depression her breathing went back down she stayed in the icu she's still there now so we covered those prayers for jennifer she's lost the will to live and and relapsed so she's getting a little bit better now um they're sedating her keeping her comfortable and her breathing is getting a little bit better here and there but she's uh she's got some serious depression where is she at she's in seminole florida well it's largo and it's just outside saint pete yeah okay all right so [Music] i talked to her husband every day he's also got covid he wasn't feeling real good today he's been very hopeful he gets a chance to talk to her the last couple days and the nurses have given her a pep talk he's given her a pep talk so she's on a mask and then she's on a cpap so they kind of alternate back and forth but when she's on the cpap she gets real anxious they put her on her stomach which is what they do for a lot of the covet patients now and they just give her sedation so that she can just rest which is what she needs to do so we'll just seeing that she's an icu i see you do they let people come in no just they know i'm okay all right all right well we will continue to pray for generations plus the other thing is not only did we find out that jennifer had coveted i have a cousin and his wife that had kovid and their daughter and son-in-law so that's four other people and then our son-in-law's family they had like six people get covered and only one ended up in the hospital so where for almost 16 months we did not have anybody that we knew of that had covet and then within a matter of two weeks it was like this family this family this family another family and it's it was overwhelming but i just coveted the prayers for jennifer the um my cousin's wife i haven't heard but she ended actually on a vent in icu and that's in south carolina her name is debbie fletcher so it's those two ladies if you remember when you're praying just to keep them in prayer and then i'll just pass on whatever is the praise update when it comes in but i appreciate that well when we conclude today when we pray we want to make sure we pray for them specifically so in fact nick i just remind me i'll just have you come up and close at the end with prayer and so that way we won't forget to pray for these two ladies and any other folks that we want to mention as we go along yes elaine um you did bring this up today it's about giving an account and so my question is if we have been forgiven all of our sins how is it that we will have to give an account for what we have done wrong well to be forgiven of our sins and those things to be dismissed and the penalty of these things dismissed is a little different as i understand things for having to give an account you know for our works and things you know we're going to have to stand before the bema the messiah you know it's it's not a matter i don't i didn't mean it was necessarily a matter of whether i get to go in the kingdom or not you know it was a matter of you know what did you do in the kingdom did you did you you know is it wood hay and stubble or is it things that are of value so i'll have to you know i'll have to answer for things you know that um are unrepented you know i'll have to stand before the messiah and hear what he has to say and what i'm shooting for is well done good and faithful servant you know um so i hope i didn't make it sound like you know um it's a saved or unsaved thing necessarily but you know we all have to stand before the beam of the messiah and and some of our works are going to be consumed in the flames because they're not you know they weren't what he was wanting from us you know and i think paul talks about that a bit you know so those that's kind of what i was addressing but when we are forgiven my understanding is that the guilt of those things is dismissed and he doesn't remember those things that he's forgiven us of and those things he's forgiven us of those are the things that we've acknowledged and we've repented of we've turned away from so did i is that clear as mud it just sounded awful it just sounded awful when i said that no no just well i mean consider this imagine stan i just can't ima i mean of course everything's wrong i i just the whole picture is absolutely frightening to me well good no i'm serious i mean because if we have a a a genuine and right type of fear of god that is the beginning of wisdom right it's the beginning of wisdom and to have that kind of awe and respect for i mean think about this we'll just be judged by every idle word spoken think about that as you're going off to sleep you know but those are the things that at the time i did not understand i didn't appreciate it and respect and those are the things that i say now father i didn't know what i was doing i was ignorant please forgive me forgive me of those things and i believe he does okay i probably i know i have it probably i know i've made mistakes from the very you know beginning of this congregation and i've made missteps you know in making a decision or making decision not to make a decision about something when i should have you know all kinds of things that aren't necessarily heaven or hell issues but are important because those choices and decisions we make affect somebody else other than ourselves you know so keeping that in front of me that i have to give an account for these things that as a shepherd it is my duty not to chase the flock away it's not to scatter his sheep but to participate with him in gathering his sheep and because if i don't i understand there are consequences i always keep that in front of me and it is frightening it is awe-inspiring and it should be but it's that kind of right kind of fear good fear that i don't know if that's the right word to use but i know you understand what i mean to kind of keep that kind of thing in front of us as a provocation not to be stupid you know not to do stupid things not to do selfish things but to consider others to consider his word to consider his will to consider his people you know and it all ends up being saying no to me and that's the hardest thing we'll ever have to do is to say no to self okay so anyway there's probably we can probably get into deeper theology with this but i don't want to get too deep with that today um when she was talking and you were explaining i had this picture of how many of you've been pulled over by the police before without really doing anything you didn't do anything wrong you weren't speeding you were you know i didn't do anything wrong oh okay okay well for some reason or another they pulled you over and they might ask you do you know why i pulled you over and be like um no sir and so well you have a tail light out or something you didn't realize you had a tail light out um can i have your license and your registration please and for me even if i don't think that i've done anything wrong my heart still gets going i have a respect for our authority and that's the way i look at our father he kind of showed it to me that even though you're saved by the blood of the lamb and you are washed by that you need to have a fearful respect to who i am because i am ultimately the judge and i will get you will have to give an account of your deeds while you were here very good not only for myself but for everyone around you so that when you enter into the kingdom everybody knows that you were you you did what i asked you to do even though you made mistakes you did what i asked you to and that's the way i look at the police too is like as long as i'm doing what i'm doing and they pull me over i might be a little nervous don't do anything stupid while you're pulling over to get in more trouble but be respectful be honorable and they every time they've been very kind for the most part especially since i've been a nurse they've been really nice to me very good analogy um i was just having a flashback as you were going through that because i got pulled over once you see my dad he was a fireman in albany georgia and he knew every every city and county employee you know and they knew him and then sometimes they would just pull me over to mess with me [Laughter] yeah one time i got stopped and gas says uh you know i stopped you i'm like no sir i really don't he says you were going too slow he says when people are going too slow that makes me suspicious so i pulled you over you know all right who's next yeah john all right so i have a question regarding yeshua fulfilling the role of his kingship and i think oftentimes when we think of yeshua fulfilling the role of being a king we don't think of this particular portion in deuteronomy 17. and so i think that and this is just my belief is that the first century jews had a different idea of what it meant to be a king in a sense that it related to the forthcoming messiah and i guess the idea of being the king of king king of kings and and lord of lords as mentioned in in revelation probably had a little bit more of an impact than me than than we may realize today as 21st century believers so i'm thinking about like the requirements that it has in deuteronomy of not multiplying horses not having multiple wives not leading the people back to egypt and having the levites quote unquote approve of him writing down and actively doing the the torah i'm just thinking about how do you think he fulfills that role for us today in the sense of not multiplying horses and all the things you just mentioned well just the deuteronomy 17 application of the kingship of the forthcoming king yeah i guess how would how would yeshua how would you how do you think he would what are your comments on how you think he would fulfill that role or because i'm thinking and maybe this is a little bit outside the box but the king of king and lord of lords when when we think of yeshua being the king of king and lord of lords i don't think too many of us are thinking that multiplying horses or something like that fulfills that criteria but you know first of all you know citing what you did i'd have to really stop and think about it because when i was reading it you know again this morning multiplying horses wives all those kinds of things the first person popped in my head wasn't messiah it was solomon you know and because he did all of those things you know you know and he was supposed to be the wisest man that there ever was and so that's who i was thinking of um he did all the things the king wasn't supposed to do when i was thinking of the messiah was you know when he talks about he would raise up a prophet from among your brethren like unto me you know and you're supposed to listen to what he says etc so anyway i i don't know john i don't have something that i could give you in response to that right off the top of my head that's in in in relation to what's being described there you know obviously we see him as the king you know we see him as you know the sovereign and and i don't know i'd have to ponder it a little bit to be honest with you if you've got something that you you know you want to share and you've already come up with something please feel free but if you're asking for for for me to to to have the answer to i don't right now that's something i'd have to think about because i again i didn't think of him in that regard i was thinking of solomon you know of all the things you're not supposed to do and that's exactly what he did uh you know i'm thinking like also in scripture we see where he's king of the jews and in king of israel and and i've done a little bit of researching some ancient near east kind of stuff so i know that there's probably that connection as well the the the greater king and the lesser king so to speak but yeah it's i just find this particular passage fascinating and how the messiah ties into that and i know that there are some sects of judaism that were actually looking for the messiah to actually fulfill these these particular rules as well that's something i'd have to look into i you know like i said right off the top of my head i don't have an answer for you um i in terms of the messiah i was thinking of the prophet you have something to add to this conversation all right let's pause there alex bring it up to john well i was just thinking um if it is you know it starts out saying that um you will certainly set a king over yourself it says um in verse 14 when you come to the land uh which all your god is giving you to possess and dwell on and say i will set a king over me like all the nations that are around me you know on the surface of it is talking about just a person like the nations around you but if it is talking about the messiah then it says you shall not multiply horses for yourself or i guess i would see that as um physical um implements of war i guess like swords and things like that especially when you have to go to egypt to get them right yeah so it's things of this world for warfare and so obviously yeshua did not do that for our weapons of warfare not of this world but our against principalities etc and obviously he's not wanting us to return to egypt he's the one that saved us from our bondage from egypt and then so he doesn't want us to return that way neither shall he multiply wise for himself but he has one bride that he's coming back for singular um and he shall not greatly multiply silver and gold for himself i guess he has it all anyways and it's the streets of gold you know like stones and then it says when he sits on the throne of his kingdom he shall write for himself a copy of this law in a book and that makes me think of jeremiah you know he will write his law on our hearts and you know makes you wonder if that's part of that he's busy writing his law on our hearts we're supposed to be living epistles right yes and living epistles and so um anyway i just was well that's good because you know what this is a demonstration of oremes it's all remy's which is okay instead of if this is what it said you shouldn't do then john just points out the messiah wouldn't do that this is what the messiah would do and that's a little image that's a hint it alludes to things very good very good john thank you very good who's next he's going down here all shucks and turning red and everything yes mary okay i'm just practicing i have a praise report and um a prayer request and um i am new here and uh my praise report is um for this congregation and i just want to say that during the worship this morning i saw the glory of god was just manifesting in this building like a cloud and a fog and i could see almost like a rain coming down with these tiny little diamonds just falling down on everyone in the congregation and i could i sensed and felt god's pleasure with this congregation and he was like telling me that he loves this place because they know and they know his heart and it's the heart of this you know community that he loves so much and um and then i was kind of um he kind of showed me like we've been you know church hopping trying to find some place because we're new so we're trying to place find a place to land and we've gone to other you know churches and he kind of showed me as a example that it's not that they're bad and that he he loves all of us he loves all his children but he kind of related it to me that um you know you have your kids and sometimes you know some of your kids want to spend more time with you than you know maybe the other and um and they you know will put more time and invest into a relationship with you and that's how he was showing me and relating how he loves being here because this community loves to be with him and have a relationship in the heart of god is in this place and then my prayer request is for i'm having surgery on tuesday for my shoulder and i just would like some prayers that it goes successful well and i have a quick recovery we will do that and nick remember when we pray okay thank you mary i i know that there are folks here who have a heart after the father and you know a lot of us have been through all the the stuff we've done that thing and now we're we're over all of that we want we we just want to have a genuine relationship with him and i know that there are many many many many people in this congregation and online who are pursuing this heart so may it be that his presence is always welcome here that his presence always abides here resides here and that we do what we are supposed to do to make sure there's no unclean or offending thing here that would prevent him from always being with us because without his presence we got nothing all right thank you mary yes oh come right here oh okay sorry how can you miss me i'm so bright yellow well it's because you're not in a uh the chair that you're usually in i guess well that's sitting out there yeah i know you sit over there all right i'm sorry go ahead well i do have a price report and i also need prayer as well i've got a pinched nerve in my left shoulder here and it's causing me a lot of pain but my praise report is i had some visitors that came today and i want to thank everyone that took time to talk to them and be friendly with them and i'm hoping they'll come back she has some questions and she wants it was just too noisy to send her to her name that's a good idea mate i'm just teasing i'm sorry um so i would i thank everyone that took time to show themselves friendly also um my other praise report is the you all know the story about the wig the wiggy story well i was at i i stopped in there periodically to talk to joe and i'll talk a little bit about god not a whole lot but just some and i said joe i said one of these days i'm going to walk in your shop and when i do i want you to come to church with me and a few minutes went by and joe says if you walk in my shop i will come to church with you so yesterday because i'd already been practicing i got i walked all the way up here to church last saturday after i went home i walked up here and two of the really sweet brothers took me back home and then again for the new moon service i walked up here and i almost walked all the way back home because i thought janine forgot me but she hadn't forgot me she was i just thought she had left and she had and so she got me a few blocks from my house but i just kept praying and i said you are my healer you are my healer and i love you and you're my healer and i mean i'm bent over this walker and i'm i'm just confessing it out loud and i finally i stop and i sit down i raise my hands to heaven and i just raise him really high and i say you are my healer you are my healer and i love you most high god i love you and so when i was walking to joe's shop yesterday and it's very hot out so i decided to take the shadiest place and i just had to stop and do the same thing i'm away there just sitting there and just raise my hands and coming i walked in his shop and i handed him nothing like a tight purse these are my invites to church and oh here's for i i got this for you because we had all those trolls online so those are for all the trolls i thought you were saying something about my hair uh this will go on uh in a place of honor back there on the shelf well i just i just thought about all those trolls that hit us those 300 trolls that were saying those horrible things so you gave him this i get i handed him my invitations that i hand out to people to for church well that's wonderful candace and so when should we expect him well he couldn't come today because he had three appointments he's for people who are buying wigs but he said he's gonna come he said i don't know when i told him come on saturday because we got wonderful music on saturday i said we don't have any music on wednesday nights well that's wonderful you know the best thing about it is that you're walking that's great [Applause] so i had to walk back home yesterday it was very hot and god gave me enough strength to make at home i couldn't have made it any further but god gave me the strength to make make it home but it got to the place and my shoulder was hurting really bad and i just had to stop two blocks from my house sit in my walker seat and just raise my hands to heaven and thank god that he's my healer and i just keep confessing that even though my shoulder is hurting and even though i can't stand straight up i know one day he's going to let that happen for me he's he's going to let me walk where i can stand and walk a long ways without a walker and i'm going to be able to tell the whole world how god healed me and praise him because i'm not ashamed to tell the world about the gospel that saved me and i just praise him and i just wanted to share that with everybody thank you candace thank you you know this guy's ugly right all right so just so everybody knows out there that this is for all the trolls that are out there on the the live stream joffrey hello bill um i don't even know where to start in the torah portion um my wife and i were studying that yesterday last night and what the the lord has been impressing upon me is this month the month of elul a month of introspection of examination um in it basically telling me that our proximity to him will determine the application of his word in our life and to grow closer to him especially in this time we're you know we have a spirit of uncertainty there's a spirit of fear all these things are around us um you mentioned in your teaching you you talked about you gave a military example um i can't remember the exact words but when you said it what came to me was revelation 21 8 and the first person on that list that's an abomination to the lord are the cowardly and we are not called to be cowardly um so in my torah study i really focused on the hoftarah and the other portions of that particular study and i went to the prophet and looked at isaiah and i and it's interesting because in isaiah 51 12 he says i even i am he who comforts you who are you that you should be afraid of a man who will die and of a son of a man who will be like made like grass and you forget the lord your maker and then in 52 12 coincidentally 12 again he says for you shall not go out with haste nor go by flight for the lord your for the lord will go before you and the god of israel will be your rear guard uh and so these are these are this is our encouragement this is our word this is what we need to stand on but what most importantly came to me was and i shared this with cliff paul wilbur sung it it says i go to the holy of holies i go through the blood of the lamb you are holy your name is holy and that's what we need to get in our spirit is that this is a holy god but he also says i have inscribed your name on the palms of my hands so with confidence we need to believe that trust that but we need to strip away anything that may offend or any we need to really look deep inside of ourselves and and be strong in him and pray for the leaders because that's another attack the enemy will use strike the shepherd the sheep will scatter lift our leaders up in prayer most definitely because this is a time where the enemy is pulling out all the stops and his favorite tool is fear fear and uncertainty in matthew 18 yeshua touches upon several things i won't go into all of them but he talks about the the one who humbles himself as a little child will enter the kingdom of heaven well to those who who who are offended and take on offenses so we have to be aware of being offended and you spoke about that i believe he also talks about going after that one sheep so that to me spoke of sacrifice and then at the end he says in uh when two or more gather in my name there i am in the midst and that to me spoke of unity all these things you mentioned in the teaching this morning so that's where my heart was focused that's where the holy spirit had me was to focus on the other portions of the torah mainly holiness humility obedience and unity of the brethren for these times our soul are getting evil and we're being attacked on all fronts i personally have some issues with a family member i spoke with bill about it has been very difficult but i had to lay that down and trust him and that's the other thing that he put on my heart was that um i have a couple of notes here i want to share real quick uh everyone probably knows about the song of solomon which says i am my beloved and my beloved is mine that's another thing that we have to have in our heart as well he is our king he is our husband that's where our strength is that's where our heart must reside closer proximity close close close we want more of him we must decrease that he may increase john 3 30. um so that's what i'm feeling i'm feeling i need more of you because this is going to be tough and i need to be surrounded by my family i need to know we're one one faith one mind one body one spirit um a rabbi i got one quick from a rabbi who's in the talmud i think it's rashi he said the reason why we blow the show far during yule is to confuse the devil and i thought that's weird you know um and the reason why i thought that was weird is because my grandmother had three clocks in the house that they were all different and she said the same thing to confuse the devil and and the point is what he was saying the reason for that and i'm trying to quote this it's because he sees our desire and our love for obeying the commandments that he has it shuts him up he has nothing to say that's the reason and i thought that was quite interesting rabbi zalman says that this is a time that the king is in the field which means you can now approach him anyone he's not on the throne so he's approachable and anyone can go to him in need thank you there's a couple things i just want to quickly comment on you know the whole confusing the adversary you know the the reason proffered by was it rashi you said okay that he is basically left speechless all right to me that is interesting because what is our adversary also known as the accuser he's the accuser of the brethren and i not all the time but i do think it is true that some of the accusations he makes against us is because he has something to accuse us of do you understand what i mean we give him at times we give him ammunition to use against us and and so when we're in that when we're doing that it's because we're not doing what you just said you know we're not really pursuing being obedient to our father drawing close to him and all these kinds of things and so when he when we're close to him and you know we're being obedient then there's nothing he has no ammunition to use against us which i i think is very very poignant but i want you to uh that passage in isaiah i think you said chapter 52 verse 12 is that the one that you don't flee hold on hold on i'm sorry we need the microphone again i want everybody to hear this again then i want to say something uh isaiah 52 12 for you shall not go out with haste nor will go by flight for the lord will go before you and the god of israel will be your rear guard here's what i want to say uh what i wanted to say and why i wanted him to read that again because that harkens back to how they left egypt that connects to that they didn't leave and you know they didn't flee as some mob you know running for their lives they left in orderly ranks it says military term more or less and the father is leading the way and in here we see that he is our rear guard and so he's the same thing he did for his people when he brought them out of egypt is the same thing he's going to do for his people in these last days and so we don't have to be a mob that you know is fleeing we're running for our lives we're scattering you know we're moving to montana to wait until the smoke clears and all that kind of stuff no we go out of here with a high hand we go out of this into and out of this world with a high hand because he's going before us and he is our rear guard as a demonstration not of our might but of his might his power and his glory because in that day he says this again and again and again and again just as he said in the book of exodus in that day they shall know that i am you and they vape i want to be part of that right and he's i just feel like he's equipping us that if we're willing to press in and be close and draw closer and more intimate we can be part of that you know yes sir um thank you first of all um when i left this morning linda her little lip was pouting she wanted to come so bad she is recovering from a back issue oh i thought you were going to tell me she had a fat lip that would be me [Laughter] i'm sorry so she's sure she's down with her back she is but she's under on the mend and um also uh the enemy tried to sucker punch her through her emotions through her physical family and the father had to remind her who family was and you remember yeshua said that who is my mom who is my brother but those that are about my will right and so uh this week visiting on the telephone as i get to do because i'm running up down the interstate you know that well i i was honored uh the father allowed me to hear him write the torah on on two or three different hearts of men that i was visiting with the rhema word came in the aha moment happened and i know they're they they changed right their identity literally began to change as he was inscribing that torah on their heart they were embracing it like this is who i am now and that was very very encouraging and it just that was a yay moment for me um and joffrey was sharing and i wanted to share this along with what you shared this morning bill isaiah 51 we're going to stay right there 7 hearken unto me ye that know righteousness the people in whose heart is my law fear ye not the reproach of men neither be you afraid of their revilings for the moth shall eat them up like garment and the worm shall eat them like wool but my righteousness shall be forever and my salvation from generation to generation thank you cliff i'll read this one off the board um who is the revenger of blood that it speaks of in the torah portion is it an official position or is it a family member of the deceased and this was uh when it was speaking of the cities of refuge if somebody uh inadvertently and unwittingly struck someone down and they died there the axe head came off of the the handle and struck them and they died then this person could flee to a city of refuge and be there uh lest he'd just kind of be out and about and while someone's hot heart was hot the revenger of blood exacted vengeance as far as whether it's an official position or a family member i would assume it would be a family member i would assume that it would be somebody very close to the person i don't know if it's an official position you know that where they were selected for i would assume and maybe i shouldn't do that but i would assume that if something happened to a loved one of mine god forbid you know my emotions are going to take over for a little while and you know so i would think that it was someone it would be someone who is whose heart has been broken and and wants to lash out in their emotion and so the city of refuge in my estimation was as much for the person who was responsible for the death of someone it was it was just as much for the person who might have acted out of emotion he would with the situation that was an accident or what have you because that city of refuge gave them opportunity for their emotions to subside somewhat until you know the facts of the matter came out you know and that might have changed everything i mean in other words could you imagine someone is responsible for the accidental death of a loved one and then you go out and take exact vengeance because you're mad and you're hurt and you're destroyed and then only to find out later that it was a complete accident unintentional so it's as much for the benefit of the one who is responsible for the death of someone as it is the person who would want to exact vengeance that's how i see it anyway but again as far as whether or not it's an official position if somebody has information that i'm not aware of that can chime in and they wish to that's fine but i would assume it was probably a loved one who's next yes ma'am does it work yes it's working so this week um you had asked everybody to whoever i'm sorry can you hold that closer to your there you go i'm having a hard time hearing you i'm sorry i get nervous elena elena it's all right don't be nervous i'm sorry um so this week you had asked whoever could uh fast and pray so i was fasting and praying for jacob's tent and um our father brought us brought me to um leviticus chapter 13 and um talking about where um you had like there wasn't congregation meeting for a few weeks and specifically in leviticus um in 1304 i mean it is talking about leprosy but i mean it could be any kind of disease or thing that's going on um and he said you're just shut him up for seven days and then in leviticus 13 5 there's a there's a reevaluation of the situation and then um it goes on and and the person is shut up again for seven more days until he comes back before the high priest and then he's clean and so um this is what i wrote down which is really in line with what you um some of what you said today i said this could very well be an exercise or a practice or orientation for a time to come well um i do i do believe that it's there's more to it that meets the eye you know i think um and i know that some people think that i'm hyper you know sensitive to things and super spiritual not super spiritual in my you know that i'm above you but just sensationalize or spiritualize things but i do believe that the father speaks through things and we if we're listening we can learn so and we've we've kind of covered this a little bit last week but you know there are there are things that can happen even when the father is in our midst you just pointed something out in leviticus 13 you know um and it is necessary to when you are aware of something to not allow it to contaminate and infect the whole camp and that is not to speak disparagingly in any way of those who are sick it's just here's what we have here's how we deal with it you know i know that i am inviting responses to what i'm about to say but you know there were certain issues that arose that the instructions were given that when this arises you should take a shovel and go outside the camp and the reason is and it's apples and oranges but the reason is is that things that could be uh pollutants things that could harbor disease or you know generate disease those are the kinds of things we need to leave outside the camp because we don't want the entire camp to be affected by that so there there's that principle but then you know like you just said looking ahead all right i'm gonna say this and i this is just bill you know reading listening observing whatever you want to call this thing that's going around it's here it's staying with us it ain't going anywhere you know and it might be something else next year it might be something next month but i'm just telling you if we're in the season we think we're in these are the things that are just they're just going to be going on they're going to be we're going to be facing these things in waves you know and it may not be a a sickness it might be something else it might be something economic it might be something to do with war it might be something to do with natural phenomena but if we're in the season if if if we're in the season that we think we are then these are things that we're going to have to deal with and when they come our way we need to take the wisdom that is provided for us in the scripture and apply it i believe god protects i believe god heals i believe god preserves i believe god surrounds us i believe all of those things but even when he was in the tabernacle there were things that would arise and people had to use wisdom they had to apply the disciplines that he had already given them to make sure that the entirety of the congregation was insulated and protected as best could happen even while he's in the midst of the tabernacle okay so thank you thank you for sharing that i appreciate that because we will need to apply the concepts the principles that we see here in the scripture even if the specifics aren't you know necessarily the same thing okay who was next and now that we're all depressed yes ma'am hi um ali shiva um what i heard is that you equated judges with the creation of order and so that judgment kind of gives us boundaries in which to live by well the word shaft means to generate order yes okay is it possible that we as his children here walk through the judgment because the penalty has been paid on the other side but that we experience and walk through judgment in order to keep us within the boundaries that he has said let's go back to something nate said you know having that healthy respect for the almighty you know to know that he loves us to know that he cares for us to know that he calls us son daughter that we are his betrothed all of those things that we know and that he's long suffering and compassionate but he also has expectations right and so having that and and keeping that that respect aw fear of the almighty you know um is a beneficial thing and so then if we are allowed to go through things like you mentioned to see them to observe them and even to some degree sometimes they touch our lives i don't think if it reinforces that respect fear and awe of the almighty to the point that it provokes us to be very diligent to press closer draw more intimate become more intimate with him and to be more uh as he's instructed us to do to strive for holiness there's not that's not a bad thing you know and because um well when do you typically draw closer to him when everything's going great or when everything's not so great you know so we have that provocation but one other thing too when judgment is poured out judgment is not necessarily a bad thing it just depends on what side of the law you happen to be on all right if you're guilty it's it's it's not going to well it can be yes but there's going to be a sentence handed down but if you're innocent judgment is vindication right you know which goes back to isaiah 52. he goes out before us he's our rear guard we don't leave we don't go out as a mob and you know just you know scattering all over the place panicky no we go out him leading us him being our rear guard drawing attention to the fact that when when judgment is poured out his people are vindicated you know his righteousness is presented to the world for all to see and then they shall know that i am the lord so i ran around mount sinai a few times but judgments aren't necessarily a bad thing they can be awe-inspiring they can be a little scary well i've kind of shifted in my thinking and prayer life because i've had people that surround me and try to you know pray away and my thing is but if i don't wrestle god now if i don't get this worked out now if i don't walk through this judgment whatever it is now then how will i really know right the strength of him and it's something that is not really well understood don't pray the pain and the stuff away just pray me through it we we had people in this congregation that were very very sick and and i know that some of them and their families were very very concerned and it maybe it's not fair for me to speak on their behalf but i can only assume that those people are grateful that even though they had to walk through these things he walked them through these things and and he brought them out of those things and so yeah i i i hear what you're saying you know if he if he allows us to go through things if he allows things to touch our lives and we are in his hands then we have to trust that he has his reasons and he's going to somehow take something that's really bad and bring something really good out of it i have to believe that i have to have that hope you know all right who was next yes ma'am i am so full um make too much chicken a little bit like that just full of the love of god i tell you what i am i'm so thankful that it is a lull i love a lull because the king is in the field and i'm seeing i'm reminded of a of a fabric i was going to make into a banner years ago and what was so beautiful about it was that it was it had a metallic green and red and the red it was a picture of the blood of the lamb and judgment green was a picture of mercy and healing god's judgment is his mercy and his mercy is his judgment and regardless of where we are right now we are headed for the bridal supper of the lamb with the king of kings and the lord of lords and we as his bride are going to be dancing with him and i have this picture of of the bride who doesn't pray like a widow she prays like a bride and she has learned how to dance with her beloved with her lover with her soon-to-be husband with that one she was created to be partnered with and i see her practicing have you ever seen a young dancer or ice skater who is determined to win that trophy or or get the gold or do that dance with the most impossible steps she would go and she would she would attempt and fall down and she would get up and she would she would attempt that twirl and she would fall down but with everything that was in there she would get up and try it again and we are being called to learn to dance in the river because the river's going to come up and it's going to go down it's going to be smooth and then it's going to rock and it's going to ripple and it's going to change it's going to go up and it's going to get rocky but we are we are called to be river dancers and in that learning to dance we have to learn our balance our balance is between righteousness that plumb line and measuring line that of justice and that in the center is where the love of god is and that is where the crest cross hairs of his love is and that is what we're to set our hearts on sight to sight our hearts on so that we can pivot and keep a balance and learn that step before we get to the bridal uh the bridal chamber after the dance you know jane sometimes you say things they resonate but that i have to go home and ponder it's kind of like a beatles song you know what did they mean by that but no i mean i hear what you're saying and it resonates with me even in my brain does it yet understand my i i it resonates thank you jane oh i'm sorry not only are we leaving with a high hand we're living leaving with a high dance to where we have learned how to maintain our balance in whatever comes and walk sure-footed that's a good word we have to keep we have to keep our balance um maybe if you've heard this before you know there is a jewish adage that goes something like this that if the creator was known exclusively as elohim which is a masculine term it's a masculine word and in elohim and masculine the masculine form there is supposed to denote power strength authority judgment but the idea is they say if if the creator ruled the world exclusively as elohim there wouldn't be a world left to rule do you understand what they mean because if it was strictly by judgment how do people do how do people act you know there wouldn't be a world left to rule and so he's also his name is jude which the hay on the end of it makes it effeminate and so the feminine aspect is mercy compassion long-suffering nurturing those kinds of things but if you rule simply as you devope then the world would go crazy because they would take advantage of his mercy and his compassion his longsuffering so he rules as you devafe and as elohim balance balance you and i are called to be true worshipers which means we are to worship how spirit and in truth some people are really heavy on the truth some people are really heavy on the spirit but what must we be what is he calling for those who worship him in a balanced manner spirit and truth and where is the center of our balance in the human body it's inside the ear which is why we have to hear o israel why we have to hear what the spirit is saying to the congregations what we have to hear what he's speaking to his people in this day at this time for this season so that we can keep that balance that you're talking about because this the things going on in this world will eb and flow you love me you want to kiss me you want to hug me of course it is 5 20. better late than never all right thank you oh y'all remember the galloping gourmet graham kerr at the end of the program yeah anyway let's do one more while the kids are coming in um i don't know who has the microphone yeah go ahead steve stephen i was at the end of the tour portion there's the prohibition against um destroying trees while you're at war with a city so i had an idea of what i thought that meant but i was very curious about your take on why the prohibition against not or against destroying fruit trees other than the fact that there's food on them well because if you go back and well i think that's you know the physical part of things that's the reason because they produce fruit you know they're doing what they're supposed to be doing don't destroy something that's functioning in its purpose but when you read the text you know in most of our bibles anyway it will say that those trees are men's food but the word food isn't there in hebrew it says basically say those those trees are men so there is this idea that you know trees are like into men men are like into trees what have you and so i think although i don't know exactly why he says i don't want you to use these things for a siege you know but i i i'm just convinced it has something to do with the fact that those fruit trees are pictures of men and by the way these are fruit trees producing fruit in the land that you're going to possess right all right so here's a here's a question for you all of you go back at the beginning of the tour portion we're just talking about judges and kings and priests and prophets and these kinds of things and judging with righteous judgment etc and then it turns a hard right and says and don't plant any trees near the altar did you read that and did you go huh right well if you dig a little deeper he said don't don't plant in the ashira trees and that takes that takes a whole different puts a whole different look on it right what was he saying don't you put those things that are used for idolatrous purpose near to my altar okay because those things are an abomination he says but then at the end of the torah portion and like i said i don't understand it all but i'm telling you has something to do with the fact that it says that those trees are men you know and and those are the trees that produce fruit the people that he wants to inhabit this land and all those ashira trees those things take them down right amen okay all right do we have our little littlest guys in yes i see everyone all right so nick i want you to come up brother if everyone's in here is uh aaron's crew in here you've got something okay all right i want to mention one other thing is is nick comes to pray um i'm about to read it okay all right this is from melissa hoskins she wants us to please pray for mike if you didn't know mike went down to florida last week to have a procedure done it didn't go the way they had hoped it would so he is going to have to follow up on that and so we just want to pray for mike and i think they're on their way tomorrow they're going to make their way home tomorrow i believe but we want to pray for mike they the father brought them to us uh several months ago they've just been a great blessing to this congregation they love y'all and we love them and so we want we want to remember our brother mike for this this surgery and that he just uh heals quickly and then whatever needs to be done that the father will give the people that are working with him inside wisdom to get this thing done with so he can get on with his life and then all also um [Music] is she still here is carolinda still here is she no she's not here all right well carolina had a birthday so next time you see her wish her happy birthday okay did anybody else have a birthday this weekend your wife delilah come up here dalilo yes come up here i'm the pastor you have to do it the other yeah the pastor always wins right do we have any anyone else that you had a birthday so we can honor you [Laughter] it's all you let's wish our sister happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear delilah happy birthday to you amen [Applause] alrighty so let's remember mike and all these others that were mentioned um do you remember you got it let's all stand if you will please as nick leads us in prayer if you would um stretch your hands up to these people that i've asked to come up here they're standing in proxy for loved ones uh clifford's gonna stand in for his wife louise is gonna stand in for her cousin and for jennifer mary and kathy which is candace's daughter she's having some issues they had flooding and twice and and they need uh they need yahweh's intervention on their behalf and candace as well for her shoulder and for total healing in her legs the hoskins family and uh and the trolls bless those trolls bless your little hearts stretch your hands this way abba father we thank you we praise you father for we know you are able father to do exceedingly and abundantly father of what we ask you know the answers and you know all of our needs before we even know them so we thank you right now in advance father for all that you are dealing father i lift up my sister candace father for her total restoration father that she will not only be walking holy father but she will be dancing i thank you right now father and for her shoulder father which is pinched father we just ask right now that you release that shoulder father we ask right now that this body line up to the word of god with total peace healing and restoration in the name of yeshua father for all of those father the hoskins family father safe travels father and for healing their father for jennifer and debbie who have coveted are in a hospital father reach out by your hand and touch them father mary who's having surgery father that you that you guide the surgeons father that you reach out and touch your father that there be total restoration there as well for linda's back father that you continue to work with her and we give you thanks and praise father for all of those on the live stream father that we have not answered their prayer or prayed for them father we just ask right now father that you reach down father you know their need you know where they are and father we're careful to give you the praise and glory father for you're able to do all of these things father go with us this week father lead us guide us protect us if there be fear in anybody father we ask that you drive it out far from us father and that we stand in the victory and the proclamation that you are the king of kings and the lord of lords thank you abba father and it's in the name of your son yeshua we pray amen and amen amen very early blessings peace goes in safety and we'll see everybody you
Channel: Bill Cloud
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Id: xjhApx9k5wk
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Length: 108min 34sec (6514 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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