Q&A Midrash | Bill Cloud | Jacob's Tent

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alrighty two minutes can y'all stand there two minutes we're live all right okay lieutenant taylor you have been you have been summoned by your commanding officer here he wants you to lead us in the blessing after the meal today so would everyone stand please abba we come to you today to thank you for this meal that you've blessed us with spiritually and physically i pray that the food will be a nourishment to our bodies i pray you will bless the hands that prepared it give us a safe journey home today abba i pray that you will open the eyes to the leadership today to a path that leads us closer to you as a congregation i thank you and i praise you for this time together in your name i pray amen leyland i must say that's the quietest that i've ever [Laughter] i was like where did leyland go and by the way your mother was shaking nodding her head in agreement so we're good right thank you layla thank you todd all right we would like for all of our active uh members of the military and also veterans who are retired anybody who is or it has served in the military as best we can we want you to come in line up line up across the front of our platform we we may have to kind of double up ladies and gentlemen but let's do the best we can but we would like to honor you today and i know that we've got some folks that are joining us on the live stream you may be serving in the military or you are a veteran and uh we want to include you in this as well so can y'all squeeze on down this way a little bit more we want to make sure that we get everybody in here mike you are the you're on the end there right okay do we have anybody else anyone else so i'll let you take over here shabbat shalom everyone so as we all know and should remember today is 9 11. and even though it's been 20 years it's something we should never forget and often during prayer we mentioned that especially here in jacob's tent that as of at least today we are free to worship our heavenly father free of persecution we have the liberty to read our bible and conduct ourselves as we do every shabbat every wednesday night and it's because of men and women like you have standing before you today so we wanted to give them some honor and respect on this day as we remember our history and in doing so that's why we have our quiver lined up so quiver present arms order arms and we want to thank all of you men and women for all of your service past present and future so if we can give them a round of applause please and as well for all of our love streamers who have served we want to thank you as well you are not forgotten thank you as well for your service all right at ease all righty dismissed right fall out no not in the floor all righty miss nayla where are you you're over there okay i need we want to dismiss our treasures ages five through nine follow miss nayla please where's miss katie at is she here she's not okay all right following miss nayla out okay quiver 10 through 13 follow general purnak please all righty and senior quiver uh 14 through 18 is that right water 27 you know 33 whatever so you guys are dismissed all righty all right so wow 334. we did good all right i'm sorry on time-ish yeah there you go yes today was on time-ish yes alrighty so i am looking for my other microphone oh it's behind me alex where are you at pal all right there we go all right so you know this is uh the time of the day where we didn't get to do this last week what was it last week what were we doing oh music some guy in a hat right some guy in a hat um who by the way sent his greetings and uh i think that he was very glad to be here i hope everyone that was glad that he was here so alrighty but who would like to lead us off today anyone yes you got it alex i was curious what your thoughts were on some of the kind of concerns this parsha and the next one it's uh verses 19 and 21 where it says and now write down this song for yourselves teach it to the children of israel put it in their mouths so what this song is to me for a witness against the children of israel and it goes on to reiterate this idea that it should be in your mouth and it should be taught and i was wondering what your sense of this was is this taken kind of should this be more of a liturgical thing or should be committed to memory or where do we fall on the spectrum with this be aware of it or what do you think okay well since the song is in the next chapter i was going to talk about that a little bit next week but i mean i think as as uh i mean it says it's a song but when you read it it it to me it's like almost a prophecy you know of sorts so um as far as it being liturgical i never thought about it that way um because it's well this is going to come out wrong sometimes liturgy causes things to not seem as impactful is that is that okay that way yes okay i mean familiarity breeds content right when something is just over and over and over to the point that it's routine it's i know again i hate to say this word liturgical then we kind of pass it off as you know well this is just something that we do you know apples and oranges every time we say we stand to say the vashamru you know from time to time i'll remind us that look we're not just reading words off of a screen here we're making a declaration so likewise you know this is something to me it's a little bit more of a prophecy you know so if i may let it rest there until next week but maybe i kind of sorta started answering the question you've piqued my interest okay all right all right we're good no pressure for next week then right all right thanks john anyone else all righty and uh i don't know who's doing this in the back but if you know if you have any questions that come up from the uh live stream make certain you put those on there so okay is it on okay i want to be serious for okay i'm always ready for that one i know i know i know all right go ahead no it's just that um you were explaining how we're preparing for facing the giants and i just wanted to make the comment uh when you said that i remembered brother danny's a story last month when he uh described the titans and how spartans spartans spartans okay whatever yeah because they're all the same yeah they are spartans titans whatever they are they're all the same it's just like star wars and star trek okay well it is the same bazinga [Applause] you you know dawn used to be the one who opened up the can you opened up the barrel [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] i'm sorry there is a difference between spartans and titans though but anyway well i wouldn't be the expert on that one heather she has a yoda in her car that's all i'm saying okay i'm sorry i really did want to be serious oops and then look what happened it's just that when i remembered what i remember were these guys they were defending their brother on one side and they were fighting the enemy with their other arm and that image came to my mind when you suggested we're going to be facing giants and i thought there's no better group of people in the universe because my family here under torah is the best family in the universe and there's nobody else that i would want to be facing a giant with that's all [Applause] i agree go easy on her danny you know i'm gonna say nothing linda but i am now no i just want to add to what you're saying i agree with you completely you know what i'm sitting here me and my wife we're talking as we're uh as we're driving here and i just i still have this this weight of just of this warring type of mentality you know i think of you were you talking about today bill you know when moses was leading the children the wilderness the texture of his ministry and preparation for what they needed who they needed to become was different compared to when joshua took over the texture of leadership changed dramatically because in that next chapter when joshua took over the bar was raised and because it was time to take on a different persona you know i sit around here and i listen to a lot of you guys talking and i watch a lot of you not to be critical i just i listen to everything i'm a big listener and in this season i i think we're in a different season and we've said this before we say it a lot but i truly believe we are in a different season all these all these conversations of um of grumbling and complaining and whining that needs to be over it needs to be over if we are to partake of the promised land and the next phase that god has us prepared for it is time to take up your weapons and get information so so like that dream you're talking about and get ready for war because if ever there was a seas or four this is the time now and if ever you needed to be ready this is the time you know i heard this the other day that great men and women do not desire to lead they are called to it i believe that 100 percent we are called we it's been a changing a progress bill from the moment we started this fellowship and to where we are now i believe it's time for a different phase we're there i think we're in a different phase i sense that i see it all over the place and you're talking about some of the things that you know our parents fought back before you know the enemy is changing i heard as my dad maybe said this what we tolerate as a generation next generation embraces and there's been a lot of embracing if you guys know what i'm talking about in these past this past decade i mean it's just and not good so if ever there was a time to guard your brother and to take up those weapons that are necessary and to stand up on your own two feet you know and to be the men and women of god that he's called us to be and how is the time i don't know why i'm talking like this so i'm going to go ahead and give the mic over back to alex but i just want to encourage everybody you know i'm i i have a lot of growing to do i am so flawed my wife could probably tell you that i am very flawed but if ever i just there is this sense this fire within me that this aggressive fire and you know and let me just say one more thing i'll shut up i promise let me just no i'm not gonna stand up i'm just i just want to say this and i'll stop talking we need to not just defend ourselves from the enemy when he attacks and he's going to attack we need to go where he's at on these high places that you're talking about in the promised land and tear down be aggressive be proactive to where they are at but we're there inhabiting our families our work wherever it's at stop waiting for an attack to defend yourself and to throw up your shield go to where they are at and take everything from them in an aggressive proactive way because god has made us warriors and that's all i'm going to say here you go alex where are you at all right there is no no it's fine there is this uh hmm i don't want to say this i'm just going to tag on to what you're saying when the allies defeated the nazis and imperial japan in world war ii the way they defeated them was to destroy everything they believed in you know they didn't leave certain institutions that gave way to nazi germany or to imperial japan they didn't leave those institutions in place they destroyed them because when you're going to defeat the enemy you have to defeat what he believes in the reason we have so much my opinion uh back and forth political uncertainty the reason that 20 years after 9 11 the taliban are now back in seemingly anyway control in afghanistan is because of the unwillingness to be warriors and to destroy everything that the enemy believes in now i'm not trying to get into the political arena but as it relates to what was brought up see we're not supposed to just sit back twiddle our thumbs and endure the attacks of the enemy even though we know that he attacks but as i've been saying for a while now the kingdom of heaven is designed to do what breakthrough break out and advance go forward get off the beach you know go forward this is one of the reasons that i i love patton is because it was we're not gonna we're not holding on to anything he said we're going to advance i won't do my george c scott well we're going to grab them by the nose we're going to kick them in the pants you know and we're going to we're going to beat him all the way back you know that's that was his mentality well in a way that's yeshua's mentality he said because the one who builds on this rock my congregation it's going to thrive not only that but the gates of hell will not be able to prevail against it if the gates of hell can't prevail against it that means that his people his kingdom are moving they're on the advance they're taking ground from the adversary and so i agree it is not it is we've been reactive for a long time and we will continue to some semblance of that i'm sure but at the same time we should be proactive we should be advancing we should and i'm not talking about in the political arena and things like that i'm talking about the kingdom of heaven his purposes we're not supposed to be sitting still so back to something i said earlier today you know what happened in the past good or bad that's in the past you know what we need to focus on is what is he doing right here right now what is he calling us to do are we prepared to answer that call not everybody will be and i'm not talking about within the congregation here necessarily but within the body not everybody will respond to that but i'm going to go back to something that was said monday night because i with my whole heart believe it was from the lord that he has set us apart to do something and it's not to sit on our hands he has set us apart to do something and what he's entrusted to us we need to be very careful and guarded with it and to [Music] to protect it and part of that means that we have to be willing to go and advance against the realm of darkness and not just sit and wait to see what he's going to do let him be on his heels you know because if we are filled with the spirit the power of god you know there's there's no one that we should fear there's you know we shouldn't fear any man we shouldn't fear any anything that men can do if the spirit of god is within us and is among us right because we can do all things all things how the messiah who strengthens us all right i'll hush um and i want to tag right on what you're pleased danny's doing uh or said uh you know you brought up today and wonderfully so moses and his interaction with the father and the chastisement that came because of the mistake that he made and you said possibly out of you know just frustration with dealing with the people and this is someone who spent time face to face with the holy one and even he got frustrated and allowed that weight to get him you know somebody's bad hair day well he had six million bad hair days right and so but what it made me think of and reminded me that you know in this congregation there are a lot of leaders that the father has brought to you there are a lot of a-type personalities there are a lot of pastors and associates and deacons and i don't know who all have held places and we have all did things that we wish we hadn't done um and i agree 100 and thank you for saying earlier you got to get over yourself let it go and let's move forward you have provided a platform here to grow in to operate in our gifts and our callings there is jesus yeshua said you know if you want mercy be merciful if you want grace you show grace paul said you know whatsoever things are wonderful whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of a good report thank you on them okay so both of them are saying there's a law of reciprocity there's a law of gravity if i drop this thing it's going down if i turn loose there's no doubt what your focus on what you're putting out is what's coming back turn loose of the past as we get ready to go into this sukkot if we're going through this 10 days of all i have made mistakes and the father has forgiven me i need to forgive myself so that my focus is forward and i'm not dragging along last year's luggage as we go into sukkot and go into this next realm because you're both absolutely right the calling that we have on us is immensely challenging but his spirit is able to lift us up to do that thing we're called to do he does he doesn't he doesn't give you something it's not possible for you to do as a matter of fact he give peter was sinking okay he was walking and then he was sinking who would have ever thunk it this fisherman's walking on the water but he changed his focus and right back up we can do that so we've sunk a little let's rise right back up refocus and go into this next year with our eyes set on what we want to receive with our look toward the king so that he can look at us and see us doing that thing we're supposed to be about doing thank you oh man thank you sir thank you all right i'm gonna i'm gonna read this um i might need some help answering this when finding yourself in a battle and you don't know who or what enemy you're up against how can we get our bearings so we don't become disoriented do what well right i was going to say we know who our enemy is you know some well okay well what i was thinking is first of all look in the mirror make sure that's not the guy you're fighting okay because it usually a lot of times it is because you know i know that there are those times when the adversary does come against us now um i i don't necessarily think that you know the adversary takes time out of his schedule to go mess with bill you know um but but then there are those people that give into their nature their soulish nature that carnal man and things like that and they become our adversary you know this is kind of an aside but in matthew 16 in one moment peter is saying you are the mashiach and the son of the living god same chapter you're not going to get crucified while i'm on watch and yeshua says get behind me satan because you're thinking like men not like god so in the same chapter he can go from you know flesh and blood didn't reveal this to you but my father revealed this to you two you're thinking like men peter you're an adversary so i i guess what i'm trying to say is you know um are you warning against yourself or you warn against something else you know um as far as how do you get your bearings clifford's already alluded to it you get your focus back where it needs to be if you get your if you get your focus on the storm you sink as long as you're looking at him you can walk on water you can get your bearings the only way we win this battle the only way we win this war the only way we overcome is to fix our eyes on the messiah what does that mean practically that means sometimes the things that are putting all this interference in my head and all this chatter in my head and all the things that are causing me to be all over the place i have to filter those things out shut them off you know lock them out and just spend some time with him because when you spend some time with him that's when clarity can come that's how you avoid to become disoriented now as a footnote beth made the comment that you ought to make certain that you're not warring against god i would put that under the category and make sure that the person in the mirror is not the one that you're having the battle with because sometimes the father will allow things to touch our lives as a way of bringing correction direction clarification to our lives so anyway there was somebody else that said something over here i didn't catch it but okay no guess not all right where are we at thank you yes sir john all right uh one of the one of the messages that you had mentioned earlier that really resonated with me was that the leader's fruit or the leader's faults on responsibility can have long lasting ramifications and so as the priests of the home that really resonated with me and it got me thinking about the seed being passed down in generational curses and what issues my wife and the girls are dealing with they're not just their issues they're also my issues as well and it reminds me it's a reminder that there's something that i've got to correct that i've got to seek the father on to correct whatever behavior whatever character that i'm exhibiting and so it reminded me of jacko willink i don't know if you've heard of him he's a say that again jaco willink he's a i believe he's a marine a motivational speaker and he go jocko yes sir okay i'm just sure i heard that chuckle willing he he speaks on extreme ownership and so that that kind of your message and his message they've both given me this idea that you know what it's okay to accept responsibility for for somebody else's fault when you know that you could have done something to help them overcome that and so that's been part of the maturation process for me it's it's been very humbling and i praise the father for that and i thank you for that reminder and also i'd like to to ask for for jacob's tent to to to offer prayers of comfort and strength for a brother in the faith of mine who recently lost his father and the whole family has been struggling with this so if we could please just offer us prayers for for strength and and for comfort and for uh just overall the father covers the whole family can you share his name or would you rather not sure i think he would like that uh his name is mike mike so later on when we pray let's remember mike in that situation as as to your um your comment um just to reiterate you know when i make bad choices it doesn't just affect me it affects my family or it can affect my family probably does affect my family but if if these are not just every once in a while bad choices but our lifestyle choices that are bad then it affects my children it can affect my grandchildren it can go down to generations now you know i'm i am one of those that kind of tend to believe that what we deal with a lot are trends that you know that we learned you know that in a certain environment that were passed down to us we thought this was normal and so those those things get repeated because i'm i'm one of those when you're born again i i think the adversary can try to you know he can attack you he can oppress you and but i don't believe that he can curse what god has blessed at the same time we have choices that we have to make you know to break those trends and to break those patterns and to break those tendencies that we learn from others and i know that some people disagree with that but you know i have the microphone now so um but i will i think i've shared this before uh and if i have forgive me for repeating myself but you know my father has passed away you've heard me talk about my father a lot and i loved my father i respected my father i admired my father for many things but there are things that i did not want to repeat those things those those things that i learned from my father as well things that i did not want to do things that i did not want to be and and making a very very very long story short and understanding where he came from and the environment whereby he came into this world and all the things that were swirling around him there and you know people come into this world and are placed in situations not of their own choosing and that they just they learn from those things and then they unfortunately replicate those things and then you you know then your children find themselves dealing with it not even understanding why so here's where here's where i'm going with this there are some things about my father's lineage that i've beth and i have learned about in the in the past few years things that would just twist your hair you know he had nothing to do with it it was just that he was immersed in that but when and i didn't know these things at the time but when brandon was a baby i had a dream and in the dream i was in the house that i grew up in as as a child and um what made this kind of interesting to me was that in the the house in my dream looked like it was when i first lived in the house not what it looked like later when they did some remodeling and all this kind of stuff bottom line is this i was walking through this my house as a man and knew that somebody a culprit of some something was in the house that wasn't supposed to be there and i went and checked the front door and i checked the windows and everything was locked and i went back to the back and i found that there was a little crack in the back door and i thought in the dream that's how he got in and so as i'm walking back from the back part of the house i come by this it was closed up when we left there but at the time when i was when i was growing up there there was a little closet more or less that connected one part of the house to the other part of the house you could pass through to the other part of the house and so when i passed by brandon as a baby was down there playing and off in the distance i could see the shadow of a man that was coming to get him to hurt him and then this voice told me it stops with you and i killed him not brandon but the it you know whatever it was because that voice said it stops with you so do you understand what i'm saying that there are things that we learned just because we were in a certain environment that were familiar and these trends and these tendencies habits thought pattern you know whatever you want to call it these things we just kind of grew up thinking that's the way you do things that's normal and even sometimes just i don't want to have anything to do with that and then lo and behold find myself doing that there were things i said i will not be like my dad in this particular way and one day i looked in the mirror i'm like oh my word i just did what my dad would have done or you understand i don't think that's necessarily a curse it's just a tendency and it's something familiar here's my point it is our responsibility as the men and women of god to break that you know we can't do it in and of ourselves but we have been given the power and the authority by the spirit of god to break those things and to make decisions that don't encourage that kind of behavior anymore so that it doesn't get passed down by example to our children you know and in some situations i know you come into one that's already kind of going things are kind of going on but nevertheless you as the head of that home have been commissioned to take authority over those things because it stops with you you've been given that that right because you're a new creation in the messiah he's given you the authority to trample on scorpions and serpents that is to overcome everything that the adversary can throw at us that's what he said so anyway thanks john right thank you oh there you are okay i couldn't see you i'm sorry i'm sorry um i just wanted to offer perspective from looking at the rock and uh what moses done if in the old testament everything is a perspective or a shadow of what's going to be he was told to speak to the rock but instead he struck the rock so we go to we move forward to the crucifixion messiah was struck but he was also pierced the water came forth but the blood as well and it just really struck me this morning when when we're talking when you were talking about it and that was what came to mind was the perspective of the water came forth out of the rock to say to bring water to the people in the wilderness but then also the water came forward from messiah as well as the blood and we know the importance of that i try not to cry about that but it happens that's all right you can cry but and how significant that was and the rocks that were used for altars they were not hewn stones they were natural stones so this is all natural stones it was a natural stone for his tomb that sealed his his tomb and rolled away and the humans didn't have any part it says the angels came and rolled the stone back and he came out but i i was just trying to correlate all that together but i wanted to say one more thing he knows what we are he knows our hearts he knows who we are and he still desires us to be in the kingdom with him and i'm so glad that i have somebody to share it with thank you jamie [Applause] if i might just tag on to the end of that there might also be something to this idea of crucifying messiah over again you know he's only supposed to be struck one time you know and um anyway i won't go off into that where are we robert yes sir um going back just a little bit um to that question that was basically saying how do i know who the enemy is um and how do you know which stand which side of the line you're standing on um and i think actually it goes with what just popped up on the screen too um how do you know the difference between the people of the world and god's people and it's kind of sad but that's becoming more and more difficult um but it's not because the world's changing unfortunately it's the people who claim to be god's people yeah changing um and i just i just want to say that this goes right along with a lot of questions we get on or a lot of things you see and hear you don't have to look at the news you hear it at the grocery line but it's like people keep arguing that well they're doing that and it's not even constitutional and i'm sorry you're going to lose your argument because most of the people saying that have not read the constitution they don't know what is constitutional so if you want to know how to tell who the enemy is first thing you need to do is read god's word actually read god's word quit reading about it quit watching videos about it quit reading people's commentary on what they think the guys were doing when they wrote about it it doesn't matter read his word get grounded in his word get grounded in our constitution and then you'll know the enemy because the enemy will not be walking in accordance with that as much as he tries he'll deviate you know who the enemy is that's right so amen you know them by their fruit right and the fruit is going to faithfully represent the seed that wrought it and so if we're producing the fruit of the word that means the word is in us i want to say something here probably i'll say it i'll save it for the end if y'all remind me go ahead john okay going back to the rock and moses bring them back bring that one back i want to i'll address it in just a moment okay i'm sorry um that's fine uh to go back to the rock and why moses wasn't able to go into the land and in numbers 20 it talks about the congregation so they gathered together against moses and aaron and the people contended with moses and spoke saying if only we had died etc and you've brought why have you brought up the assembly of the lord into the wilderness and why have we come up out of egypt to bring us to an evil place it is not a place of grain or figs or vines or pomegranates nor is there any water to drink and i bring that up because the whole uh what's what i'm looking for the thematic element of this uh pictures also when the children of israel came to the land of promise and they sent in the spies and the spies came back with the evil report and so it's kind of the same scenario if you will they're talking about the promised land and but they're complaining about the stuff and then so moses and aaron went up to this from the presence of the assembly to the door of the tabernacle and fell in their face and then the lord spoke to moses saying take the rod you and her brother aaron gather congregation together speak to the rock before their eyes and it will yield water and so moses took the rod from before the lord as he commanded him and moses and aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock and said to them here now you rebels must we bring water for you out of this rock and then moses lifts up his hand and struck the rock so it's almost like in a sense moses and aaron are now being the the spies that brought back the evil report they're not believing what god said they came back and said you know we see this good land but it's going to kill us basically and moses and aaron heard god say you know go speak to this rock and it will produce water but they didn't believe him because they were mad at the people and they're like we got to do this our own way and show how angry we are or whatever the case may be this is too much for us does that make sense and so i think in that same vein that's why possibly they weren't able to enter the land because they repeated the same type of error if you will and not believing the lord and not believing yeah not believing so they had to do things their own way and kind of like when the children of israel were like oh we've sinned you know we'll go up and take the land and they went and tried but they ended up got their yeah back side handed to them right yeah so it's kind of like moses and aaron doing the same thing they went their own strength to strike the rock and god provided the water anyway but because they did but there was a consequence they had to pay the consequence i hope that made sense i i made sense to me okay all right well um just an invitation to once again say god is no respecter of persons you know um everybody is accountable to him and especially how they represent him to others and it's it's very very very important that we represent him well not according to our understanding about him but as robert pointed out we need to know what this says about him and how he describes himself and what he values and what he thinks is important where we at yes ma'am hey um about the question of you know gaining your boundary and you're just just wondering where you are it sounded a lot like what the person was describing is like living in survival mode where you're just trying to survive day by day and when you're trying to survive it's hard to think it's hard to thrive and so sometimes it's it's a good thing to put yourself back in the physical bearing to kind of come out because it's it's you know you put yourself back what and the physical bearing like sit ground yourself you know put your feet on the ground and and write down like define again those those affirmations of god is good god is with me because we can say well you know look at him and know that that's where your faith and trust is but when your head is already just trying to survive that that can be difficult to do and so i think you know with that uh particular person who asked the question and i've you know been kind of jerked around by my job and then what you know the president had to say recently it's almost like where do you go you almost it's like you're the rug is being pulled out from under you you know and then you really do feel like you're just trying to live day by day and survive this and it really can be hard i mean just your message today really just you know put it right back into this this is where i am this is where you know my affirmation is this is where my eyes need to be um but it's just so hard to do that unless you're just like really you know you put yourself back in that physical realm like i'm here physically you know and um so i would say in in those instances when it's really hard it's just really good to not just think of him but to write write it down and not just read it in the bible because your head can still be going a thousand miles a minute when you're sitting there reading but writing it down forces concentration and it really does help get you know get out of that just trying to survive and put your eyes back on where they need to be that's i think that's great practical advice but it also then um in my mind anyway it amplifies the value and having a community right of people you know coming alongside alongside of you you know and i realize that some people don't have that you know and i don't know if the person who put the question up there does or doesn't but nevertheless it it certainly shows us why having a community is so important and why having a community that you know actually love one another and you know look out for one another and want to help encourage one another it's you know it's it's priceless it is and i i've had to do that alongside some of my co-workers who i know are believers the christian believers but believers you know nonetheless and you know she came you know my particular coworker came back with some great news that she could continue to work till february you know without getting any kind of jobs and such and i said you see i said you know there it is there's there's your answer and you know but we can just be in our own cell so discouraged when that rug gets pulled out from under us and really just start going day to day to survive and it's true if even if there's not a community nearby find a brother or sister you you know in at least somewhere in your community who who's closely like-minded and try to lift each other up that way as well amen thank you and one other thing before i move on to this next question being a maverick and finding yourself in that situation is not going to be a good situation not going to be a good scenario so for all of those who are inclined to be mavericks keep that in mind because the day's coming you're going to need somebody if the warning comes to a person i'm sorry were you was there something else you wanted to say was that it okay if the warning comes to a person is the application to the house of god and not to the strangers in the world what's the distinction between god's people and the world in terms of a warning coming to an individual or to the house of god um well i mean if if the father warns a person it doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to apply to everybody in the house of god however where the house the assembly is only going to be as strong as its weakest member so if you know if an individual is struggling and they're needing to adjust something then for the sake of themselves and for the sake of the community at large they need to adjust that and then the community needs to come alongside them to help them in that you know that's that that would be the benefit of it as far as application to the house of god and not to the strangers in the world it seems to me that how do i want to answer that the world what does what the world does and when you read the scripture at least as i read it i don't see that most of it is the almighty addressing the world it seems to me that the lion's share of scripture is the almighty addressing his people and in addressing his people what he's saying is don't be like the world so i'm kind of one of those who believe that when he's warning typically that warning is coming to his people first we know that judgment must begin in the house of god so if we are of the mind that judgment is coming upon this world then we should understand judgment is at our doorstep he's going to deal with us first and i would also add to that that i believe he has been dealing with us and if he hasn't dealt with you yet hang on it's coming it is it's coming and if he is we should understand that it is not because he desires that we be destroyed it is his desire that we be restored it is his desire that we be prepared it is his desire that we be on the right footing in the right place at the right time for the sake of those in the world who have no idea what's getting ready to happen because he still is concerned about those people so anyway that's kind of a long-winded run around mount sinai three times to answer your question but that's that's how i see it where are we at alex oh yes sir yes ma'am i'm sorry it looked like perry was holding the microphone all right uh you know that where that come from what that'll be the day not buddy holly john wayne searchers that'll be the day anyway go ahead i'm sorry well wanting to kind of tag on with what brother robert was saying and about the what was on there just being able to distinguish between god's people and the world i worked for years in a bank up in pennsylvania and the first thing that they taught us was how to count money and how to look for counterfeits and one thing i most people when they count money out they're looking at the little numbers to count it out but we were trained not to look at the numbers you're to study the face and i was thinking about how what paul wilbur uh was saying with the face i was thinking about the lord you know what what the presence right so we in order to find counterfeits we had to study the face and look at the face and by this then when a counterfeit came along you could easily distinguish what the counter i found several counterfeits in my time there at the bank and it wasn't easy to or it wasn't hard to find because i was used to studying the face and so my point being too is there's a lot of counterfeits out here brothers and sisters there's a lot of counterfeits and if we study and try to look for the counterfeit we're going to not be able in other words the lord doesn't want us to be looking for the counterfeit he wants us to study the real and then you'll be able to distinguish what is counterfeit and what is not and so you know uh i was thinking about how that even you know we've been talking a lot about the the holy ghost and the gift of the holy ghost and about tongues and all that and i understand people being uncomfortable and being afraid that you know that it's going to be something counterfeit well i can tell you there is a lot of counterfeit i've been in this long enough to see a lot of phony a lot of fake a lot of hypocrisy and a lot of things that looked and appeared on the outside like it was god but it wasn't god it's out there it's the falses out there the counterfeits are out there but you know we cannot get discouraged because of the counterfeits and the fakes that are out there but we've got to know that where there's counterfeits there is the real and that's where our focus has got to be on is focusing on the real and looking at the face and being in the presence of the lord and then we will be able to distinguish between what is fake and phony but don't be discouraged because of the fakes don't be discouraged because of the hypocrites that are out there and the phonies and the false messiahs the false christs the false anointings there is false anointings that has risen up in these last days but let's get our focus on the real focus and learn what is the real like brother robert said know what the word of god has to say you know focus on that real then you will easily be able to distinguish to distinguish what is not real amen thank you mary you know i really wish you would work on you know not being vague about what you think and just playing with you you know that right okay no thank you very much yes ma'am well i just i was um listening to the torah portion this week and there was one portion part of it here that really really spoke to me and i'd like to hear you talk about that a little bit more and that was i don't know how to tell you what it was there's you put a question in here might it be that this is what the shma is about and your reference is there well the point in your outline was number nine in chapter 31 if that helps at all you tell them about the the comment i mean the the notes that brandon put on the app is that what you're referring to that's what i'm looking at and that's what i heard you reference this do you know how long ago i did that a while it's been a while so tell me the the the scriptural reference again i'm sorry um it's chapter 31 your your outline point is number nine and in reference to what verse um you've got isaiah 8 17 and then there's numbers 6 23 27. between those two verses i think what it was and i'm going from memory here okay because it has been a few days since i did that but in verse 18 what he talks about i will surely hide my face in that day for all the evil which they have wrought and that they are turned to other gods and so i kind of mentioned that a little bit earlier today you know we turn our face away from him he says i turn my face away from you and to turn his face away is synonymous with the idea of he removes his presence so many years ago i did a teaching it's called broken covenant and basically it's it's based on deuteronomy 31 and some other passages but the idea of what happens when god's people look to the phony look to the imposter look to the things that the world is doing and as robert said the world hasn't changed so much the world does what the world does god's people change they turn to these other things they turn away from the tree of life to look to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and to eat that mingled mixed fruit that renders death etc etc so the idea from the beginning is our problem has been when we turn away from him and we turn to other things and other philosophies and other ideologies etc and so when we do that then he turns his face away from us and that's basically what he was saying here in deuteronomy chapter 31 i'll go back and read verse 17. my anger shall be kindled against them in that day i will forsake them i will hide my face from them and they shall be devoured and many evils and troubles shall come upon them so that they will say in that day are not these evils come upon us because our god is not among us and so again to turn his face away is synonymous with not being among us his panim his face which is presence isn't among us because we turned first turned our face away from him so in relation to the shema and and um well i was at the shema or was it the priestly blessing um okay well i think if i'm not mistaken i kind of fuse that also with the uh the priestly blessing you know hero israel the lord our god the lord is one you know we we acknowledge that he is one he's not another all right i'm bouncing all over the place here brandon what's that no no no no i'm i'm something i want to do here real quick if i can get this thing to work brandon come here son please this would be the one time he's probably in the bathroom so all right anyway is it office that i want to mirror all right can you get i want to show you something here all right but while he's working on that when we acknowledge that he is one he's not another you know we turn our face to other gods it doesn't mean that we just forget about him and you know completely it's just that we make him one of many you know thank you sir when um elijah confronts the people at mark at mount carmel how long are you going to go back and forth between two opinions if the lord is god then serve the lord if baal is god then serve him his message was quit mixing the two together don't make him just one of of several others he is one so look at this real quick and i i am going to answer your question what what is the word for one as in he is one all right so that's alef now let me show you this where did it go it disappeared can you bring my slate back up there we go all right so the top word once again as in he is one he is ahad the word on the bottom now look at the last letter in that word compare it to the last letter in the word above they look very similar don't they there is a distinction but if you just gave it a glance you might confuse the two the dalit and the resh the problem with that is if i take one little jot or tittle away from what has been written echad becomes the hebrew word for another he's no he's no longer one he's just another he's one of many okay so this is what happens when we start looking to these other things these other philosophies and we start taking a little bit of that out of what he said and we start putting a little bit of this into what he said and before you know it it's kind of mixed and mingled and we're eating from a tree that renders death but when we come back to the place in our heart and mind when we said the lord is one and then we consider the blessing of the priest to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you shalom give you peace the idea there is in the priestly blessing that he is looking at me his face is toward me which then means is because i have begun to turn my face back to him okay so that's kind of what i was referring to in in terms of the torah portion because he said he would hide his face and there are other passages i've well i read isaiah earlier today i think about you know it it just kind of passes over real quick but he says he's hidden his face from us there are other passages he said i'll hide my face in first samuel um you know we have the story of elkanah and he had a wife by the name of hannah who was barren and she goes to the tabernacle of sheila you know and she's praying for a child a male child and she makes this vow and ellie sees her and he thinks she's you know had too much sabbath wine or something and you know no i've been praying for a child and you know then samuel was born and samuel is brought to to the tabernacle to be raised in the tabernacle but in the tabernacle italy has these two sons hophni and pincus who were beneable isle they were sons of belial and they did not know the lord and this is what samuel is growing up in and then you get into chapter four where israel goes out to war against the philistines and they're defeated and the ark of the covenant is taken captive and then um is pinkas wife as she is dying she gives birth to a son that she names ichabod if you will but there is no glory his the glory has departed israel and so because they had turned their face away from him he says i'll turn my face away from you he removes his presence and then what happens another presence comes in another foe comes in i think it's in first samuel chapter two or three when an unnamed prophet goes to ely the high priest and tells him that i'm paraphrasing you're gonna see an enemy sitting where i'm supposed to be and by the way that word that he uses in first samuel is the same word that is used in deuteronomy 31 when it says and many evils and troubles will come upon you and here's the word tsar and what does imply were you and our concern squeezing squeezing being pressed coming under pressure in fact it in king james this word is translated as tribulation can i show you one other thing i think it will now you've heard this word tsar before but i'm not talking about the hebrew czar but you've heard this word before right sometimes you'll see it spelled this way sometimes it'll be spelled that's this way and when you see that word what is it what does it provoke what do you think about ruler a king you know and particularly in russia all right notice this right here a prince okay right i'm of the opinion that every word that's out there if we if it were possible we could trace it back and i'm not talking about curse words and slang words but you know legitimate language it always has a hebrew thread running through it i believe that with my whole heart consider this the word sar prince it means to rule is part of the word israel okay but also consider this here's another form of that word and all of these different princes and rulers almost all of them have a very negative view of god's people this is what happens when we turn our face away from him he turns his face away from us he removes his presence and when he removes his presence another presence comes in so what is the remedy turn our face back to him and when we turn our face back to him he turns his face back to us and then he comes along and he sees a man has an unclean spirit and he casts that unclean spirit out but then he warns us this now that unclean spirit is going to ramble around in dry places seeking rest and when he doesn't find any here's what he's going to do he's going to come back looking to see if the house he just departed has been swept out and if it's empty and if he finds that it's empty you know what he's going to do he's going to go find some friends he's going to say i need some allies because i got kicked out of this place once before so you come help me we'll all move in and then they'll have a really hard time getting us all out and so what is implied there don't leave the house empty it needs to be filled with something and not just any something it needs to be filled with the presence and the power of the almighty right we need his presence in us staying there residing abiding working in us and how do we make him feel welcome that he wants to stay we love him we serve him we obey him we do the things that pleases him we don't do the things that displease him because we're telling him we want you to stay all right in this house how do we get him to stay we do what he says to do we don't do the things he said don't do we want to do those things that please him and what some of those things that please him when we're loving and caring and considering one another and treating one another the way he wants us to treat each other in fact there is and i'll use this word tradition in judaism that the reason that the temple the second temple specifically was destroyed wasn't because the people quit keeping the sabbath or they started eating unclean or uh this that and the other it's because they started mistreating one another that congregation in philadelphia is the one that's standing the one he says i'll make you pillars in the house of my god why because that is a congregation of brotherly love all right again i can't i can't emphasize this enough and i know that there are people who are hung up on certain aspects of what happened monday night but here's what i'm focusing on the word that was given to us wasn't something we haven't heard it was something that we have known right that we've known in our knower and it was brought forth from someone who wasn't necessarily part of this group but who said those things that we have known within us and confirmed those things and that's what i'm focusing on and but in tandem with that was the word that this is precious and we need to take care of it we need to be careful what we do with it that we don't misappropriate that we don't abuse that we don't you know that we don't consider it just some common thing but we take it very seriously because unto whom much is given much required i'll quit preaching now thank you bill i just wanted to i just wanted to say that helped clear that up and it connected with there okay i'm sorry it connected the small perfectly fine i know i got wound up and got off into something else but because he does i don't i don't believe he wants part of our heart or or part of our mind once at all that's right because he's a jealous god and that's what he gives us is all of himself all that we can conceive or consume so thank you for that bill he's an all or nothing god you can't get to the in within sight of the finish line and then quit the one who endures to the end that's the one who's saved yes sir you know getting back to the hebrew i don't know hebrew very much but the words that that i do know like the word everyone's greets each other say hey doesn't that mean behold all right the hebrew words that i know they're not a lot of them but you mentioned the um genesis of language was probably hebrew that's what i believe i believe that too the word i was thinking of i hear these words like people they greet each other they go hey doesn't that mean behold uh it can you like i was thinking of another one like typical they go uh tada does that mean today like thank you i good i never made it so tada means thank you but i've never thought about ta-da so does that mean that seinfeld when they were going yada-yada-yada it's hebrew was that hebrew yeah yeah yeah you know you know you know you know yeah okay it's just to me it's fascinating the language but um getting back to what you said earlier that something struck me um and there's a i i don't want to miss i think it was anderson in i don't know if that was who that is but he or she said we see the world not so much as it is but as we are and you'd mention that we're bringing all this stuff together and the the reason we're all different is because we all came a different upbringing and you mentioned with your father so i when yeshua he says i didn't give you a spirit of fear but power love and a sound mind and it seems to me fear is of the of the enemy and that's his main thing was he he ought to be scared he said if he knew when he put forces together to kill yeshua that is there was his time withdraw nigh he probably wouldn't have done it so he's not really the smartest guy on the block we're just easy you know it's not true we're no match for him and our own power right but okay but we're like he gives us a thought like these people don't like like that's and you you take it in you like you you live it so the the idea is that the bible says that i will the the word of god will separate soul from spirit those things in your soul that aren't of his spirit he will separate them and will make him clearer to you and we need that kind of discernment at this time to know what is of us and what is up him and what is of god but if you don't know the word he it says it's like a sword separating the spirit that we don't want from our soul what part of our soul is from him and what part are we learning so if fear is the main thing where people are dealing with in different aspects so i think you talked about that pretty well today appreciated it well thank you well i mean fear is is uh if we are in ourselves you know into ourselves then it's going to be really easy to give into that fear because when we're into ourselves and then something comes along that's going to you know rattle our cage that things might change you know it's going to be really easy to give into that fear but if we're not in ourselves so much and we're focused on him there can be a storm going all around us but i see him ahead of me and he's saying come on walk on the water then i've got to i got to believe that he wouldn't ask me to do that if i couldn't do it you know so i hope that made sense if alba calls husband and wife to be one flesh can one spouse ask for forgiveness on behalf of the other spouse i know that as a husband if she says something to um declare something or vow something that i have the option of saying no no no no like when she was going to pray for patience one day i said no we're not doing that i overruled but if i had not overruled then it would have stood so if you that that was that's the concept as i understand it asking forgiveness on behalf of the other spouse i will i will tell you that i have prayed that the father would forgive my family of sins i can tell you that i have prayed that he would forgive my children of their sins and that he would you know work in our lives to you know bring about his will in our lives so i based that on the idea that as if i am the priest of my home i represent my family to him and i appeal to him for his mercy and compassion now i understand that every person is responsible for themselves you know so i would just say that and this is just you know bill how he you know how i'm if i was in a situation i wouldn't i wouldn't have a problem saying father will you please forgive the spouse but with the understanding bring that person to the place where they they realize i need forgiveness for this and i need to be uh corrected on this and and so that's if i were praying something like that it would be with the idea of bring them to the place that you know they realize they need forgiveness and that is not to be uh misconstrued as saying that i think there's anything that you know that she needs to be forgiven [Laughter] where i'm concerned because she's perfect um anyway did that make sense i i realize that every person needs to be responsible and accountable for themselves i don't think it's necessarily wrong to ask for mercy and compassion and long-suffering where a spouse or a family member or loved one is concerned i i do i pray for my children every day and you know job offered these sacrifices on behalf of his children daily because he was very concerned about what like what kind of lives they were living and so i don't think it's wrong to appeal to heaven on behalf of others like that whether or not they do what they need to do you know that's between them and god i don't know how i'd answer that any better and that that's not thus says the lord either who's got the microphone oh my wife just i just wanted to um tag on to something that one of the live streamers said that i thought was a very great point in addressing the person who asked you know how do we fight the battles and i mean the song comes to mind this is how i fight my battles his praise is our weapon and you know the joy of the lord is our strength but going beyond that somebody said that they had been fighting a battle that was not theirs to fight and i think that is so important and i just have an example i'd love to share what can happen when we do that we don't pay attention we knew a young man once who was so on fire for god who just was brilliant who was just full of light you walk into the room and you instantly noticed it really knew that the father was going to take him places and he was yielding to that and it was a beautiful thing to watch then this young man got involved with some people who were just basically malcontents just never really had anything good to say about most people and the brilliant light of a young man that we knew chose to take up the offenses of these other people with people who never had done anything to him in fact he used to fellowship with the other people and used to love the other people but he listened to the malcontents who had some grievance against them and little by little we saw it destroy this young man to the point that he just gave up his whole walk and as far as we know to this day is not doing anything in serving the lord and it is so sad to see it was such a waste because yes we need to come along beside and encourage our brothers and sisters yes maybe sometimes we need to hold their arms up or link arms with them or pick up our sword with them we should always pray is this a battle you want me to fight because if we're choosing to pick up someone else's offense we can find ourselves in that same position that it was not ours to get involved with in the first place thank you will someone who committed the impartable sin go to hell or will god still have mercy this really bothers me because someone i loved did this it is not for me or anybody to say who is separated from god and who isn't only god gets to make that decision because he's the only righteous judge and so i won't i won't even try to answer the question i will say just that person that you're concerned about you just continue daily to pray for that person because i know i don't just believe i know that the father is merciful and he's compassionate you know and he describes himself that way very very explicitly in exodus chapter 34. so um you just well it's an apples and oranges scenario but when david and beth sheva had their you know relationship and the child was born out of that and the child lay sick david went and he started praying for the child and he was praying that god would spare the life of that child and he didn't eat he didn't he didn't do anything he didn't wash he didn't do anything he kept praying kept praying praying praying appealing to god for mercy you know eventually god answered the child the child passed and then he got up he washed himself and he sat down to eat my point is not that the outcome would be the same the point is you keep praying you keep appealing to heaven you keep appealing to god for mercy and compassion on behalf of someone because the fervent prayer of a righteous man can make a big difference when israel committed the sin of the golden calf we know how that went moses step aside i'm going to wipe these people out i'm going to start over with you and he said but if you do that then all the nations will say you brought them out to egypt but you couldn't go any farther than that if you're going to blot them out blot me out also and what happened god didn't wipe them out now yeah there were consequences and those who were guilty paid but the point is is that moses stood in the gap for people who aggravated the tar out of him continually but he stood in the gap for those people because see that was his heart which is by the way probably why he got picked for the job because he had that he had the heart of a shepherd and god knew that and he had that man in the right place at the right time knowing these people were going to be bull-headed and stubborn and do stupid stuff but he had the man that would stand in the gap for him so to this person asking the question stand in the gap stand in the gap until you get a definitive answer one way or the other all right that's the only way i know how to answer that where are we at who's next hector okay we know you know we we are in a battle you know against the you know the evil uh but you know uh ephesians uh 6 10 they say finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his mind put on the whole armor of god ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for he wrestled not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world again a spiritual weak weakness in high places whatever foretake unto you the whole armor of god and today in the parasha you're talking about in the hebrew word emunah faith in hebrews in hebrews um 11 in hebrews 11 right here here here hebrews 11 1 what is emunah faith now faith is the substance of things hope for the evidence of things no sin we know sin you know our god but we know he is powerful he in brother um paul wilbur did you know a song up who says you know the battle the battle is is god but the victory is us amen amen okay thank you sir bill can vowels be forgiven if made before knowing torah or being in covenant relationship boy i sure hope so do what yeah that's right our husband can that's right our betrothed um again i i defer to the position that he is all merciful he's you know that he doesn't let the guilty go and punished he says that you know he visits the iniquity into the third and the fourth generation but he extends mercy to the thousandth generation who love him and keep his commandments and you know so he it is he is predisposed to be merciful to be compassionate i can't help but think about the woman caught in the act of adultery not you know not accused of it caught in the act and you can get into the nuts and bolts of the things they didn't do the things they should have done the bottom line is he knew she did it or else he wouldn't have said don't do that again don't do that again go send no more i'm not accusing you i can't help but think of a man who was a criminal you know uh sentenced to die by crucifixion and all he had to say was will you please remember me when you come into your kingdom you'll be with me today in the paradise so i have to believe that when a heart is broken when a heart is moved to acknowledge our our our stupidity and our bad choices and our rebellion and our belligerence and not mess this up and i've made a mess of this and we're motivated to appeal to him for mercy and forgiveness you'll have a hard time convincing me that he won't i just you know i i just have to believe that he does you know because there's a lot of promises a lot of vows a lot of his word i broke a lot of it a lot of it you know before coming into relationship with him and you know as much as i hate to admit it i broke some of it after i come tonight but i still believe that he forgives there may be consequences but i believe he forgives because he's always he always has an eye on redemption amen where am at yes sir yeah i just wanted to return to moshe striking the rock okay i don't mean to beat it with a stick myself but there's been yeah you beat me to it man you beat me to it all right go ahead there's been a lot of really great points i just wanted to say that you know often we think he missed an opportunity but just as our father seems to operate he he whatever satan you know means for evil ava makes it good and and um what the lesson seems to me is that the rod which is represents torah which represents authority he used it in the wrong way in that situation where speaking to it would have been the correct way it's kind of like some of sometimes we all do it with toro we'll beat people with torah when really we can um i've heard so many testimonies here where people have used diplomacy and and you know words and and you know soft-spoken to make a better point and so moshe was you know his his um the consequence he he was he could look to the land but he couldn't go into the land which is torah is pointing us to what we're really supposed to be doing the relationship the speaking but just like moshe looked to the land torah points to the land it's the vehicle he traveled through the wilderness 40 years on the with that vehicle but it got you it's supposed to get you to the goal and the goal is to go into the land like and and it's jehoshapha that takes us into the land not moshe we we need torah we need to be observant but really it's like you always say you know and it's like revelation says we have to have the testimony of yeshua and keep the commandments and so i believe abba actually knew obviously that that was going to happen that way and so it's a the lesson is is that um that the torah points us there but it's jehoshapha that takes us where we really need to go and so joshua yehoshua is the one that took him into the land moshe didn't get the credit we don't look to a man we we looked to you know yehoshua that did it and he then there was a circumcision when they entered and maybe another time you can tell us why they weren't circumcising in in the desert where they had to circumcise so many when they on that first passover when they came into the land so that was my comment well as far as the comment about yahushua yeshua that's you know that's the the picture the pattern there that he is the one who takes us in the land i think was very important you know thank you for bringing that point out you know moses can only take us so far the torah can take us so far it points in fact the word torah comes from a word that means to point and ultimately beyond the land beyond the promise of the related to the land the torah is pointing us to yeshua because paul talked about how he is the end of the law well the word end really is the goal he's he's the goal of it he's moses was pointing us to yeshua the whole time and yeshua later said you know you you search the scriptures for and then you think you have eternal life but i'm telling you all those things that moses wrote he was talking about me so yes you know moses can moses can lead us only so far because the honor and the glory reserved for bringing us into the fruition of what he has promised it belongs to him alone so and and so you know this is kind of a an asterisk on that idea a lot of people you know are motivated to want to move to the land want to go to israel i understand really important that we make sure that we're following him and on his timetable where those things are concerned because actually he is the one who is going to lead us into the land and i don't want to do it my own power because i might find myself looking at it but anyway and let me let me get off of that where matt yes sir a lot of the conversation here today has has been uh with respect to warfare i mean when you started it off and and what danny said and even what this young lady said about being so overwhelmed with the onslaught it's difficult sometimes especially when we're alone and i think we could all testify of the uh extreme uh security and safety and and different uh standing when we're in a congregation like we're in a whole different dynamic but with respect to warfare and something you you speak about frequently and the the i don't think it was live streamed i don't even think you had a microphone until somebody brought one in at revive and you were talking about uh the sheep once once someone came and opened up an opening they busted out right i mean broke out and the the aggressive nature of uh the military of the father and it's not one of just defense it's one of aggression offense yes and uh in revelations 18 when it uh when when the command is given come out of her my people because because babylon and the the the power behind it is about to get wrath poured on it like none other and uh the uh and i think i can say this with confidence because i ask a greek scholar a greek biblical scholar that taught greek in a university a bible university that uh that confirmed this when it in that same chapter and i'm not sure what verse it is but it says uh it says come out of her my people and then it says in the cup that she is mixed mix twice as much for her it's not measure for measure it's not don't drink it the cup she's mixed it's a command to pay her back double and so with the aggressive nature that uh the spartans or or titans or little rascals or whatever uh no i i i think um for the for the body to um to know that that we are on the move and we're on the aggression and it's it's we're paying back double and uh in terms of um and and i heard someone talking about this when they when the the law i think is the longest war the us military's ever been in was in uh afghanistan after what today's you know anniversary of september 11th and 3 000 people killed and uh the as chaotic as it was pulling out of there and uh the people that we saw hanging on those airplanes to leave do not leave me here um and then they brought up i guess it was vietnam and in saigon and this particular person was there and saw people clinging on when the last u.s helicopter went out of there people hanging on to it don't leave without us please don't leave without us and something you touched on earlier today we as his military force on this planet in this spiritual warfare that uh hector's uh referring to in the scriptures um people that don't know him people that are not of a fellowship uh like we're blessed to be a part of here um we are that military that is uh on the planet now and and the desperation that they uh feel um we are we are those if we left and i'm not talking about rapture i'm just saying if we weren't there that please don't don't leave it's going to get worse and worse and worse and the fact that we are as soldiers we can talk directly to the general and get commands direct every single one of us directly from the general and and uh um the the just to change the the picture in our minds from just oh my gosh we're getting persecuted and it's getting worse and worse and worse to um and what kurt was talking about as far as fear and the scripture that says uh it has a lot to do with yom kippur i believe that this says perfect love casts out fear and in our relationship with him uh the strength that we can have and the courage that we can have to uh take on our enemy in an aggressive nature as far as taking the land which the minds and hearts of men women and children uh we have a ex i believe we have an extreme responsibility and the reason the father's brought us all together is because of our passion and devotion and seeking and commitment to him we just have a high call here okay shabbat shalom to the live streamers from arizona california florida georgia north carolina england and nairobi kenya i was told to read that um you know in relation to what you just said and the fact that we can go directly to the commanding general here's what i heard him say that we're supposed to take as many as we can get to go with us to be with us to come alongside of us you know because his heart is about people you know um i wanted to read the the passage that steve was referring to it's in micah chapter 2. it says verse 12 i will surely assemble o jacob all of you i will surely gather the remnant of israel i will r i will render them as sheep and a fold as a flock in the midst of their pasture they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men and then in verse 13 it says hapoetz or the breaker has gone up before them they have broken forth and have passed out by the gate and are gone out uh from there and their king passed before them and the lord at the head of them and so what he was referring to is when i was sharing with the folks at the revive and it's i think i've shared it here before this is a prophecy about it in the last days the in gathering and he's going to collect all of his people to kind of put them together in tight space just so just so happens to be and he's going to put them together in tight space and when we and when those sheep get in a tight space and they're all clogged in there you know and they're they're ready to do what breakouts so maybe it's not just coincidental happenstance that that this congregation this assembly that everything that we're experiencing in some way let me i'll use the word might might be related to some of these themes and concepts that we see in scripture because these we're kind of living out these things you know we're living out these parables we're living out these concepts you know to to teach us things and so how many of you are ready to break out of this place so we're waiting on the breaker we're waiting for the one who has that rod of authority and when he starts breaking down the walls of this that's pinned us in guess what as he said it's going to be breaking out and we're going to be breaking out really fast and guess what when this happens you know first i'm speaking about just jacobstown when this happens there is no doubt in my mind that we're going to look around that first day when we break out and we're going to go where did all these other folks come from now again i'm not making that a thus says the lord but that's what i feel in my knower okay and that has nothing to do with numbers it has nothing to do with that the way men look at things it has to do with there are people who are searching for what the father is doing and among us and i know by in faith that he's doing it other places too okay i know that so the same principle would apply to those places that wherever they are that he's raising up in these other places because this is what he said he's going to do in the last days he's going to gather his people he's going to put them in a tight space and they're going to start making a bunch of noise because of the multitude of men we're ready to break out but not just out of a building into a bigger structure that's not really what it's talking about it's talking about breaking forth the kingdom breaking forth just like in matthew chapter 11 he said from the days of john the baptist until now the kingdom of heaven is breaking out and people who realize what's going on are breaking out with it that's what he was saying and that's what this is talking about and so we're kind of waiting for the breaker and we can feel it at least i do i can sense it something's coming something's coming the world is at work they're doing their thing and they're making their plans and they've got their agenda and they've got all the things that they want to you know enforce and you you get the sense the things that are going on out there but all that is just you know trying to hold back what he is going to do that's all it is them trying to hold back what he's going to do and what is he about to do his kingdom his people are about to break through break out and advance to the point that even the gates of hell will not be able to prevail against us i want to be part of that i want to be part of that oh where am i at yes ma'am as you were speaking about breaking out i couldn't help but think of birthing that will be the birthing of his people of his kingdom um but i wanted to comment on the shema and also the comments that were made about um other gods little g um i think most of us probably know that shema not only means here but it also the very same word means obey and i think of what the prophet said that it says you can't he was talking to israel then you cannot hear because you will not obey and so it just as i was following that line of thinking of what he was really meaning is that when we're not willing to say no to the flesh then the flesh has a way with us that becomes a little god because it's much easier to follow the flesh i mean as a carnal person to um and that's what that's what we want except for the spirit's influence in our life as as children of god so so i was connecting the hearing or not hearing with whether or not we are willing to say no to the flesh and i know for myself that that's a continual continual challenge that it's just you by the way but a continual challenge because what i want more than anything and i'm sure each of us in here would would agree is to have more of his spirit less of the flesh and um i'm just encouraged because he is this is his work not only here at jacob's tent but in each life it's his work and he will complete it and that gives me such great hope when i see my own feelings that he will do it and i call out to him often for him to do it amen i'm encouraged to i am i mean there was a big span in my life when i was not uh doing what i was supposed to be doing i'll put it that way and i was pursuing other things part of that was because like a lot of people i'm like yeah they're a bunch of this and that and they're not really all that serious about it either why should i be but i'm really encouraged by what i'm seeing the father do in his people today i see their hearts i see the hunger you know not for religion but for relationship and not just relationship with him but relationship with his people i'm really really encouraged by that and i feel that that doesn't really happen unless it's by the spirit you know so he's he's working all right yes yes hey i have i have a couple of probably easy questions surface questions but i don't believe you but they came they came up in the reading number one there were two questions what day was moses birthday tradition underscore that circle it highlighted tradition if i recall correctly was the first day of adar okay now that's from memory and don't you know but that's that's what i recall in fact the tradition is and and this is said of david too my baby doll's back that moses was born and died on this the the same day so that's a tradition but anyway yeah because it's yes because chapter 31 said and you know referred to i was 120 today 120 years old yeah yeah and the second question was um in hosea 14 2 where it says take with you words and turn to the lord and so um i didn't you know what specific words or the whole words he was saying 14 1 o israel return unto the lord your god from whom has fallen by your iniquity take with you words and turn to the lord say unto him take away all iniquity and receive us graciously so we will be rendered the the calves of your lips so what's your question there yeah the question was um i just didn't understand take with you words what words was he referring to any specific um well you know what interestingly in hebrew it says which is which literally is words but that's that's what we call the book of deuteronomy and so i mean i don't know the definitive answer to that question what comes to mind is that he sends out his word it doesn't return to him until it's accomplished what it's sent to do so in my my life there were things that i heard that i knew to be true when i was a child and things that stayed with me when i was not doing what i was supposed to be doing um but those words that had been pronounced over me those words that had been prayed for me over me those words that had been instilled in me by my mother and and others those things were life and those things that were true those things that were pure those things never left me and so when i returned to him and asked him to forgive all of my iniquity those those words those promises those even prophecies were still with me you know and i was kind of coming back to him with all those things still burning in my heart and on my mind now is that what it means that's what that's what it says to me so perhaps the words that he has said words that would words that we have that would agree with his word bring those and in using those return to him and the words that he's pronounced on his people at large you know i'm not going to forsake you i'm not going to forget you i'm going to bring you back you're going to be in places where um you wanted to serve other gods i'm going to put you in those places let you serve other gods but then in the latter days you're going to realize that this isn't what you thought it was and then you're going to start to seek me and you'll find me if you're searching with all of your heart and soul and the things that he said to them those words that were spoken to them he brings to pass and so they come back with those words you know this is a fulfillment of the promise that you've made to us the words that were sent out and will not return to you void it will accomplish that what is sent out to do so i guess there's several ways to look at that yeah it's kind of like um when you leave him you um you acquire a lot of other things and in returning you have to drop those things and the little suitcase that you come back to him only is what he would allow in your home there's a lot of things that we have to lay aside and leave behind that is true in fact we were kind of talking about that a little a little today yeah okay thank you all right um are we ever to fight in the physical i'm assuming and i'm about to bring this to a close alex so yeah come up this way come up because it's getting to be a little late are we to ever fighting the physical i am going to read into that question the the idea are we ever to be in a position of there are things that we may have to actually fight for literally all right let me tell let me answer that question this way well first of all um you know several years ago people were talking about you need to invest in gold you know the the guy that comes on television the famous actor and he says you know i've been buying gold from whatever the company is and invest in silver and in those days i couldn't really afford to invest in gold and silver so i settled for lead with the idea that i will do what i have to do to protect my wife and my children from somebody that wants to harm them but i also understood that there are possibilities in this world that i wouldn't find myself warring with a person who wanted to break in and you know and take what we had and maybe hurt somebody that you know i might be fighting a system and when you're going to fight a system you're not going to win that war with bullets and bombs so i hope you hear what i'm saying so with that in mind in the first century there were people who in judea took up arms against the romans and they fought them and they want to battle here and they want to battle there but they lost a lot of battles and they lost a lot of people because a lot of those people did not heed what yeshua said when you see jerusalem surrounded by armies he didn't say pick up the sword and fight he said don't go back because these are the days of vengeance and you have to know you have to know when what was it kenny rogers said you got to know when to hold on know when to fold anyway anyway [Laughter] you you better know what's going on you know because those people who took up the sword to fight you know there was a group of them a group of zealots that retreated to that fortress in the wilderness called masada how many of you been to masada okay before the days of cable cars and before the romans built this huge earthen ramp there was only one way up one way down there was a snake path i've done that like to kill me but i did it and so their idea was we're just going to hole up in this big fortress and hold out and you know we'll just we'll endure they didn't understand the tenacity of the romans and they built that big earthen ramp and so point is according to josephus according to tradition and legend those people rather than being taken captive by the romans they ended up committing suicide today it is my understanding anyway when young men and women graduate in the idf they take them up to masada and they have a sunrise ceremony and basically with the with the mantra of never again you know like we're not going to be in this we're not going to allow ourselves to be in a situation where we have to fall back to something like this and commit suicide that's that's my understanding of it all right point being those people took up the sword they ended up committing suicide and to this day people are glorified because of the stand they took there at masada compare that to michael nazaria as far as we know did not take up the sword to fight the babylonians presumably along with daniel they understood what was going on here because jeremiah had been telling them for a long time this is what's getting ready to happen and so they were taken into captivity and you know the story of how daniel and these three men along with other men of judah were taken in place in nebuchadnezzar's academy to learn the way of the chaldeans their language their philosophy and all these kinds of things and you know the story of how they purpose within their heart not to defile themselves with the king's wine his meat and the story of how they came out looking a lot better than everybody else all right so they come out of that daniel is placed in the gate these other three men serve on nebuchadnezzar's as administrators in his government now what happened to all those other men of judea all those other men of judah that went into that same academy why aren't they mentioned well because in daniel chapter 2 when nebuchadnezzar has the dream and daniel has to interpret it you know that story too and then in daniel chapter 3 how he has this image of himself made of gold 60 cubits high six cubits wide and on the plane of doer all these people who work in his government including hananiah and mashallah nazariah and presumably all those other men of judah that went into the academy along with them they're all told bow down and worship when you hear the musicians play in symphony and as far as we know there was only three men who stood right and you know that story the fiery furnace and how nebuchadnezzar seeing the fourth man in the fire said shadrach meshach of edna go you servants of the most high god come out here's my point they did not take up the sword and in their story who gets the glory you see what you hear what i'm saying you better know that you know what you're fighting because sometimes you think you're fighting the adversary and as it's been pointed out you may find yourself warring with god it's not so much and i think this was lincoln that said this and i'll paraphrase it's not so important that we have make sure that god's on our side it's that we make sure that we're on god's side all right so should we ever anticipate having to fight in the physical the only way i know to answer that is if you keep your eyes on the messiah and the captain of the lord's host he'll let you know what's to fight what we're fighting how to fight when to fight where to fight amen all right but i would not recommend in this day and time if these are days of vengeance that you find yourself warring against god and i know that there will be those that will lose their minds over what i just said i'm kind of getting used to it by now clifford grab the microphone and come up here sir i'm on oh here it is i'm sorry i want you to share whatever it was that was on your heart and then lead us in mind prayer in prayer uh wasn't that a breaking out absolutely not a good picture of a breaking news it is a breakout that's right things that happen suddenly usually push us out three thousand in a day that's right hallelujah where did all he come from where did all these people come from that's what hallelujah let's have if everyone would it's not standing would you stand please heavenly father thank you so much it's good to be with the family thank you father for all the prayer requests from my father who has lost a dad and uh holy spirit i don't only you can comfort in that situation only you could hold him close enough heavenly father you lost a son for us you know the pain of loss so comfort mike and all those who've lost and those who are still suffering from the losses of 20 years ago or just a few weeks ago and the losses that are still coming but father as we grieve and we mourn and our heart is tender let us rejoice that we know who you are and that we know who we are in you father as we walk from this place let us walk with a a knowing father that the word is in our heart it is on our lips our eyes are set toward you we are seeking your face father and i thank you that your face shines upon us on this place thank you for our leadership i thank you for all the things the gifts that you give us we are so blessed in this place we thank you for letting us know the responsibility of the blessings that we walk in that we do have a tender heart for all those that are less fortunate but today we got to come be with you today we got to come be with each other and it is good and we thank you for it in yeshua's name amen amen all right so we will see everybody this wednesday night for our yom kippur service wednesday night and that will start at 7 30 7 30 wednesday night for yom kippurim all right blessings everyone be safe go in peace and get all your stuff as you go out
Channel: Bill Cloud
Views: 2,645
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Length: 125min 0sec (7500 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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