Paul Wilbur - Passover 2021 Concert in Cleveland Tennesee

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so [Music] [Applause] [Music] people of god to worship your holy rejoice our new nations hear me on this trial yeshua has triumphed his kingdom [Music] the lion of judah is raising [Music] one nation one thing people of god says [Music] yes lord we worship you tonight the king is among us shepherd of righteousness he's gathered his people called them to his presence returned the veil has been torn the glory departed has now been restored [Music] [Applause] [Music] life of judah [Music] jerusalem [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] come on and sing [Music] [Music] [Music] the sound of your voice [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on give the lord a good share praise tonight this is how we welcome a king his name is el shaddai his name is his name is yeshua hamashiach his name is adonai [Music] this tree behind the lord over heaven and god of israel [Music] your glory [Music] you are [Music] [Music] your jerusalem weeks [Music] praises lifted on high here the beautiful gates long to see what rice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] well [Music] come on sing it to the throne you are lord you are lord over all you are [Music] here i am [Music] oh [Music] all right [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] there is none like you hallelujah wow [Applause] where am i [Music] you you almost got me crying in here y'all are a vision i've believed okay i'm gonna try i'm gonna try and keep it together here for just a minute i believed for a long time that there are people like you somewhere in the world how many of you are from outside chattanooga tennessee let me see yeah i i thought so there's a people who hear a sound i'm going to turn into a slobbering [Applause] idiot [Applause] there's a people that hear a sound sometimes we've been told they march to a different drummer in every nation where you go there's religious people huh people can be very religious but then there's another kind of people they are a people who belong to a king and they know the sound of his voice and they're humble enough to come before a king or a bush that burns and is not consumed or a mountain top that smokes with fire and say teach me your ways me your ways and when he's gracious enough to show them his ways they are humble enough to walk in them for many it wasn't the way they were raised it wasn't the words that they grew up speaking or the songs they remember from their youth it's a different sound it's a different way and there are those who travel along a very wide path and they throw insults because they don't understand the ones who simply say this is the way that's been marked out for me and i've found life in this path and this is the kind of people who dance to the sound of a different drummer and they really have gotten over themselves so that it's like i i hear what they're saying but it doesn't really matter because at the end of the day if i [Music] am comforted to hear my father say well done you did good today that's enough we've entered a new time we've entered a new time and passover this year i believe the lord has spoken to me that he is going to demonstrate in this earth that his name is freedom that he's the one that opens prison doors he's the one that sets captives free he's the one that heals he's the one who restores he's the one who redeems he's the one who unlocks heaven and locks down hell [Music] and if we will just follow after him i've been searching all my life for people like this and whether you're from chattanooga or nashville or not even the volunteer state i feel like i'm home with you i've i've found a people [Applause] okay yeah we got plenty of room anybody else want to join this tribe my wife told me yesterday before i left she said i really know this weekend is going to be so good she's an intercessor i'm learning to trust what she says it's only been 43 years but she's she's almost got me fully trained i'm i've got a little further to go but i'm the cross she has to bear uh do you get that other one ready the other one okay yeah yeah we need to get me out of this man-slobbering thing here let god arise and he will scatter our enemies come on [Music] [Music] i'm expecting to see you guys dancing through the bread what do you have to say to get them to come over here hey you guys hey you guys over there come on [Music] and let the righteous people guess let them rejoice with gladness god is where have you guys been let god [Music] it's good [Music] to proclaim your love and painfulness [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] like the trees [Music] [Music] i [Music] like [Music] all right roney roady [Music] in boucious which is to say rejoice rejoice and shout aloud these fires [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my god [Music] thank god let god [Music] let god let [Music] let god [Music] [Music] so all right they won't let me do that at my church back in jacksonville but we're going to get them we're going to get them [Music] yes siree bob tale in the lord i will make my boast all day long how do you say that in hebrew are you going to find out just a second do [Music] hello [Music] um [Music] your name we will praise forever will praise forever oh i will sing to the lord my god forever forever your and goodness will be my song forever and ever [Music] amen [Music] forever [Music] all day long and your name will praise [Music] forever [Music] give thanks for the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] let your kingdom come and your will be done on earth [Music] [Music] give thanksgiving for the lord is good his mercy endureth your amen and earth amen [Music] your mercy and earth [Music] yes the mercy of the lord hmm go ahead and have a seat for just a minute these these appointed times are becoming more and more relevant [Music] with every year that passes more and more of our brothers and sisters who call jesus lord who call yeshua messiah these times are becoming more and more important seeing more things more clearly in our in our own church back home not i'm not the pastor [Music] there's a younger man who's pastoring he's just over 50 years old and he and his family came to jacksonville florida from baton rouge louisiana 23 years ago to plant a work in jacksonville at the word of the lord and for all of those years until three years ago passover he was busy he was building a a great church wonderful praise and worship and and great preaching and he has a real evangelist heart but he had no no understanding about that this kingdom belongs to the jew first and also for the nations somehow that had slipped by him as it has many but that's changing so you know these these kingdom things not that a jew is any better than anybody else in fact i think that if you read your bible often enough you'll see that we are stiff-necked and we um tend to be more like ibex instead of sheep we we like to find our own way on the mountains and run off and we need to be rescued all the time but because yahweh has made promises to our father abraham he intends to keep them and he won't allow us to go too far so so on passover three years ago the first night of passover you might remember it was also good friday we we still labor under two different calendars so that some of the things some of the precious things of the promises and of the word of god tend to get obscured because of these two calendars and two people who were always intended to be one people of god jew and gentile one new man a kingdom of priests and so heaven wasn't satisfied to allow this wonderful church and three years ago i think it was about twenty thousand people on several continents and he just wasn't he just wasn't satisfied with us going our own ways and so that that night first night of passover i was not on staff um i was i was asked to come in and speak so long story short i did um it was as i told you it was the first night of passover was also good friday so the house was packed about 3 500 people standing room only and i'm convinced it wasn't because i was preaching it was it was because it was good friday and they just didn't know what they were going to get [Music] and so for my message that night i decided to do do just a short i had 22 minutes on the clock because this was you know a mega church and you just there are certain ways that you do things in churches of twenty thousand people you stay within your time allotment so i i plan to just show the people a brief passover demonstration and give them a peek behind the veil of how this jewish messiah had established the new covenant so that communion lord supper all the rest of these things that they knew very well would all of a sudden come into sharp focus and so that some of the things that were declared in in all of the gospels luke 22 the demonstration of jesus and his disciples there at that passover seder all of a sudden would spring to life and i was looking forward to that because i knew that most of the people there had never heard or seen anything like this and so when i came to the third cup in the afikomen which i had separated from the other two and buried and hidden back on the platform when that time came i invited pastor stovall our senior pastor to come to the platform tell you the truth i didn't even know if he was there i hadn't he hadn't spoken to me before the service the lights were bright i couldn't see i didn't even know he was if he was in the auditorium and i invited him to the platform and my intention was to take the afikom in unwrap it break it as yeshua did speak the heave the homozy like you all did earlier while i was standing in a puddle of my own tears up here and i've never heard i've never heard a church do that altogether never heard it before and that was my intention and so i called him up to the platform i was glad to see that he was there he came and stood beside me i unwrapped the effort come and i broke a piece i began to speak the hamotzi over it put it in his hands and then i said would you now release the ushers and they'll serve the people the body of our messiah and of course i used matzah i didn't use a yeast roll i didn't i didn't use a hot cross easter bun i just figured i would do what he did threw caution to the wind and didn't use a hot cross bun in church the table wasn't decorated with easter eggs and there was no six foot statue of a chocolate bunny anywhere on the platform and he didn't respond to me and i thought maybe it was just a moment but then he didn't respond for five minutes and ten minutes and fifteen minutes so i figured i don't know what's going on so i took the cup and we did beaureprehegoffen and released the ushers and they handed out the ailments and pastor stovall is still over here staring at the piece of matzah i found out later and over the next couple of weeks and months that when i began to speak hamas election jesus walked up on the platform and stood next to him and showed him that what we were doing was being done in heaven at the same time that heaven was remembering the passover even with the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world there present it has so wrecked him it has so wrecked him that now my whole family is on staff at the church and shabbat has become important to a church of 20 000 people [Applause] and the moadim the appointed times and pastor if he'll get up on the platform and look and say look i'm not trying to be jewish i'm a gentile gentiles and i'm going to do all this stuff in my good old gentile way my hebrews not that good he's got a very thick louisiana accent but it just so blesses the heart of god these a people a kingdom people is so important to god that he will do the most amazing things and so it continues to today there in jacksonville florida but last year purim he had this wild idea he said we we need to remember purim we went to auschwitz and remembered another time when even out of the ashes of that terrible disaster that the god of abraham isaac and jacob was able to redeem a people establish a nation and declare to the world that he is god so we were there the day we left the world shut down as we came back home the very last thing that we did at auschwitz was we visited the place of the ovens and from that moment until just a few weeks ago i couldn't sing there's a point to all this if you've watched any of our broadcasts i've i've croaked and squeaked for nearly a year so a few weeks after we returned from auschwitz i went to the doctor and he stuck a scope up my nose and down my throat he said paul your whole larynx your voice box every looks like it's been burned with fire your vocal cords are have not polyps but blisters have you been close to a fire as a well of a kind and it was just this purim just a couple weeks ago i opened my mouth and began to sing like i had prior to purim last year but i want to share a new song with you because this has been a year of loss for many people disillusionment discouragement depression so many things of of the darkness have overtaken so many but wherever you have been this past year i want you to know that the very great and precious promises of our god are still very much alive and what he has said to you he will do the promise that he has made he will fulfill but remember just like shabbat as an appointed time and passover is an appointed time that those promises are awaiting a promised and appointed time and if you will not let go of that rope of hope so interesting that that word rope in hebrew is the word kava it means hope it refers to that rope that rahab hung out her window that red rope of hope and those two spies said put that outside your window and do not leave this apartment get all your family here and when disaster comes do not remove that rope and the god who has called us he'll see it and he'll keep you and protect you and so i wrote a song that comes from psalm 103 bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his name but there's a line in here that didn't come from the psalms it came came from a heart that was holding on to a rope see i i know i was born to sing his praise until the very last breath i take but for a whole last year i just sounded like a frog and it was discouraging and i wrestled with it really hard probably three or four months into it i said to my wife i guess i'll just preach i can't stand to hear myself sing and my wife my presbyterian word of faith messianic pentecostal kingdom wife she got up in my face and she said do not ever say that again i said don't hurt me she's tough she is the sweetest meekest prettiest but if she hears me sitting down on the path or have a little pity party she gets out this non-stick fry pan [Music] it hurts so after she rebuked me i sat down and wrote this song and there is a line in here for you if there is something that has been taken from you stolen from you maybe something like me was ready to give up because it just seemed like it wasn't going to happen you'll hear it there's a line where you you can just add one word and it's yours bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his name [Music] bless the lord o my soul but every breath i breathe be one of praise and by the blood of jesus i have been reading surely you're my master and my friend higher than the heavens you have lifted and i will sing again bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his name bless the lord o my soul [Music] let every breath return to you as praise by the blood of jesus i have been reading [Music] surely you're my master you're my friend and higher than the heavens you have lifted me and i will sing [Music] and i will trust again [Music] i will love again [Music] whatever it is that was covered over seems like it's just too impossible that's the place you put that word i will walk again i will see again i will hear again [Music] bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me his name bless the lord o my soul let every breath return to you as praise and by the blood of jesus i have been redeemed surely you're my master and my friend [Music] higher than the heavens you have lifted and i will sing [Music] bless the lord [Music] i will bless the lord i will bless the lord i will bless the lord i will bless the lord i will bless the lord [Music] at all times i will bless the lord when it's hard to see i will bless the lord hard to believe i will bless the lord i will bless the lord i will bless you you've been so good to me i will bless you [Music] i will bless the lord i will bless the lord at all times at all times i will bless the lord when i don't see it and i don't see you working i will bless you lord when i don't feel it i will bless you lord i will bless you lord i will bless you lord i will bless you lord [Music] faithful to see you called you and he will do it [Music] [Applause] let's just take a moment would you if that little chorus spoke to you just go ahead and close your eyes and lift up your hands for just a moment lord we we've seen your faithfulness day after year after decade you are good your promises are yes and amen and we declare lord as your sons and daughters here tonight that no matter what we see no matter what we feel that you are good you are always good no matter what our mind tells us no matter what circumstance tries to teach us you are good and we put our trust in you we put our hope in you we put our faith in you and we will not be moved we've made up our mind we have decided your lord you're good and you are forever king so we thank you lord for the display of your kingdom in our lives and we give you thanks and praise in the name of yeshua jesus our messiah amen and amen do you believe that tonight i hear the sound of the prophet declaring the word of the lord and i hear the voice of ezekiel prophesying to dry bones [Music] [Applause] dry bones hear the word of the lord [Music] [Music] hey try bones hear the word of the lord i hear the sound of the prophet declaring the word of the lord i hear the voice of ezekiel prophesying to these tribals live again live again those who are sleeping those in the grave live again live again those who are sleeping those in the grave live again tribals living there [Music] a nation preparing for and i can see judah assembling praises their weapon are for life again live again those who are sleeping those in the crate live again live again those who were sleeping those in the great levels [Music] rise [Music] breathe on these dry bones [Applause] [Music] cry from this place on the wall awaken the remnant of sail salvation for all this fire live again live again those who sleeping those in the grave live again live again those who sleeping those in the great league [Music] live again live again [Music] raise up an army raise up an army raise up an army from the dust of the earth freeze up an army raise up an army raise up an army of worshippers raise up an army raise up an army raise up an arm from the dust of the earth raise up an army raise up an army raise up an army of worshippers raise up an army raise up an arm from the dust of the earth raise up an army raise up an army reserve an arm of worshippers rise [Music] rise [Music] rise [Music] [Music] breath of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] rise rise arise oh lord arise alone [Music] arise oh lord scatter your enemies arise o lord scatter your enemies arise o lord put flesh on the bones join those bones together raise up an army raise up an army of worshippers an army of worshippers who will believe you against all odds an army of worshippers who will trust your word an army of worshippers who will keep watch on the wall and will not sleep an army of worshippers who will declare your word day and night an army of worshippers who will speak over their husband who will speak over their wife who will pray over their children an army of worshippers who will invite you into their home to be a sanctuary a place where your presence is known and encountered raise up an army of men and women who will trust you more than what they see they'll believe you more than what they hear they will know that you are faithful more than what they have experienced in their lives they'll know that you alone are god lord let your kingdom come let your kingdom come we're not ashamed and we're not afraid let your kingdom come hallelujah lord save our neighbors open up our mouths lord and may we speak the truth in love let your kingdom come hallelujah in a time when men and women are confused and darkness seems all the more dark let your light shine let your light shine let your light shine breathe on us breathe on us breathe on us let your kingdom come come [Music] come lord come invade this earth invade our homes invade our space lord may you be seen and demonstrated through us in the name of yeshua in the name of yeshua spirit of the living god come and make your presence known and reveal the glory of the living god [Music] [Music] spirit of the sovereign lord come and make your presence the known of the living god [Music] spirit of the sovereign lord come and make your presence known the glory of the living god [Music] let the weight of your glory [Music] covers let the truth of your kingdom reign in us [Music] let the weight of your glory let the weight of your [Music] spirit of the sovereign lord come and make [Music] [Music] spirit of sovereign lord come and make your presence known reveal the glory of the leaving god let the way of your glory cover us let the life of your river flow let the truth of your kingdom reign in us that the weight of your glory let the way of your glory fall [Music] and we do not see your hair [Music] we only see your face we want to know you we want to see your glory in this place [Music] covers [Music] that the weight of your door [Music] glory cover us [Music] let the truth of your kingdom bring us [Music] [Music] let the way of your glory fall [Music] i enter the phone [Music] are i enter to one [Music] lord [Music] lord [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] your name is [Music] i am [Music] know [Music] world [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] police [Music] before your name is [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] yes you are [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] dance [Music] so [Music] love all [Music] run [Music] [Music] with me [Music] me my soul [Music] to the songs [Music] winter and the springtime has [Music] gone [Music] to the song of all songs [Music] to the song of all songs [Music] you are [Music] winter is all the cold now has passed [Music] and the fear now has passed the has passed [Music] and the sickness and the springtime [Music] is [Music] [Applause] let's [Music] to the soul [Music] dance [Music] [Music] over your bride [Music] [Music] and song of all [Music] song of old songs [Music] songs [Music] [Applause] lord would you sing your song over us tonight over our homes and our families you said the same spirit that i've placed in you and the same word i've given to you i will place in your children and your children's children from this time and forevermore lord let your kingdom come let your will be done in this day in our lives may you be pleased may you be glorified because these are the days of elijah come on [Music] [Applause] oh these are the days of elijah declaring the word of the lord yes they are and these are the days of your serving moses righteousness being restored and though these are days of great trials still we are the voices [Music] is salvation these are the days of ezekiel those dry bones becoming yes flesh and these are the days of your servant give every building a temple of prayers and these are the veins of the harvest yes they are the fields [Music] riding on the [Music] salvation [Music] shining like the sun at trump [Music] shining like the [Music] salvation [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh come on give the lord a good shout of friends wow wow wow wow [Music] um yikes do you do this every week [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where have you been all my life well [Applause] well well um we are we're making plans listen now that i found you i won't let you go everything is a song don't let anybody kid you everything is a song it is would you say thank you to my friend from brazil victor goliskas [Music] i'm really concerned though that that little three-year-old or two-year-old that went across here hours ago does she belong to anybody here really cute with pigtails and because i'll take her man i love little girls [Music] i have two sons and they haven't given me a little girl yet but i've told them they're out of the will until i get my little girl get busy so well um we are making plans to return here again sometime this year and i promise i won't be such a slobbering because i'll know what to expect next time so wow i don't have anything to advertise art we have cds and stuff and there's stuff out there um so you're welcome to take that stuff with you pastor rabbi bill would you welcome bill to the [Music] platform [Applause] that's also a song but i i won't say no no we i'm just bill just bill just plain old bill and this is paul yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] have you enjoyed having our brother paul and victor here with us this evening i would like to do something if i may if i may sure these gentlemen have a very early flight in the morning they'll be going back to jacksonville and of course tomorrow night they're going to be meeting with their their home congregation in jacksonville for the and i want us to just extend our hands toward them and i want us to pray first of all for their safe passage back to their families who have sacrificed that they might be here with us tonight and i want us to pray that what the father started three years ago and how he used you that that seed would grow and prosper and thrive and that the spirit of god as a mighty wind would scatter that seed all over duval county and all over that area and that so that and i'm gonna step out on a limb just a moment so that what's happening in jacob's tent will happen all over the country and all over the world amen robert would you come up here and i want you to go over there and just i want you to put your hand on victor's shoulder while he's playing and i'm just going to put my hand on my brother paul and i want you to extend your hands this way and let's pray for our brothers father first of all we thank you for what you have done in this house tonight we thank you father for this opportunity to to fellowship with other believers we thank you father for this opportunity to rejoice and to sing and to celebrate and to dance and to to wave flags and banners all in appreciation and honor of you and we thank you father that you have brought these our brothers to us tonight to help us and to lead us in that to rejoice with us to celebrate with us we pray father that you will keep your hand upon them and that what you put in this man's heart to do to see accomplished i pray father that you would bring it speedily to pass i pray father that you would move upon the hearts of those that he encounters in his congregation to all that is new to them that it would grow quickly and that they would share and they would go out and they would sow seed so that the vision that you've given him and those of his family and the ministry that would become a reality i pray father that you would bless his family i pray that you would bless victor's family including little judah who's one month old i pray father that you would just allow your peace and your shalom to settle upon them and that all of these years have been spent in ministry to this point forward would just be a season of preparation for what you're about to do in him and through them may it be your will that we see this speedily and in our days in yeshua's name we pray amen and amen will you just once again thank our brother and victor for joining us here tonight [Applause] praise the lord come on let's give jesus a big shout of praise hallelujah [Applause] so do i have the privilege of speaking the blessing over you folks and the lord spoke to moses and to aaron and he said when you bless my people speak these words and he said when you do i will place my name upon the people and i will bless them may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of yeshua our messiah the prince of all peace amen and a men amen and the gospel of luke says he left that place and they sang a song you can't leave this place not singing a song it goes like this [Music] um [Applause] [Music] is [Music] come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever and again [Music] hey [Music] when the shadow of the lord is in a camp it's the sound of victory for the power of his voice we're at the enemy there's no weapon that can defeat us sin we will try up on every side more than conquers through the mic oh [Music] they come crashing down when they hear the sound [Music] [Music] the messiah righteousness [Music] it's the sound of victory for the power of his voice will route the enemy there's no weapon that can defeat us here we will triumph on every side more than confess [Music] they come crashing down when they hear the sound of their name above all others [Music] and before you're the mighty god [Music] the messiah our righteousness what's his name can't hear you one more time [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah blessed is the name of the lord shabbat shalom god bless you see you soon [Music] to worship your holy [Music] you
Channel: Mazzaroth Maniacs
Views: 19,694
Rating: 4.9515152 out of 5
Keywords: paul wilbur, wilbur, wilbur paul, passover 2021, paul wilbur live, bill cloud, jacob's tent, jacob's tent fellowship, pesach 2021, hosannah in the highest, passover conference 2021
Id: dh2UrxT4vTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 34sec (6514 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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