Yom Teruah at Jacobs Tent

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we want to start our service tonight with a call to worship and so gentlemen if you would sound the silver trumpets please as we begin [Music] oh man again glad to have everyone with us tonight those of you who are here those of you who are joining us at home i wanted to make a quick announcement to those of you who are here and and it will apply to those of you who are joining us on the live stream as well tonight at a certain point i will invite you to bring any prayer requests that you have and deposit them well it's over here so i'm going to move it up to the front a little bit is that going to be in your way don all right so there's these slips of paper that are should be in the backs of the chairs perhaps in front of you there are some others but we're just going to ask you since this is not only yom teruah but this is also the new moon this is rosh chodesh tishway so every new moon when we gather we want to invite everybody to bring their prayer requests and their petitions before the father so if you have a prayer request that you would like to write out when you're invited please come and deposit it right there and then also because it's the new moon we will also be inviting you at a certain point to come and to bring an offering and present it unto the lord and i'm going to need somebody to because i'm not seeing them to make sure that we have that basket out here so that those who want to participate in that can do that we're not going to do that right now obviously but i just want to let you know that to prepare for those who are wanting to do that whether it's a prayer request and or an off an offering we want you to be aware that we will do that later on in the service so tonight our purpose for being here is to acknowledge our king his kingdom and the fact that you and i have been invited to participate in his kingdom through his son yeshua the messiah and so we therefore willingly willfully joyfully we acknowledge that the god of abraham isaac and jacob is sovereign over all he is great and he is the mighty king the only righteous king and on this day on this day that is regarded as a the coronation day of the king we declare that he is the king we declare that he is king over us and that he is king over all one of the most recognized and beautiful prayers that is recited by our jewish brethren on this yom tov this holy day expresses this sentiment and the song is avinu malcano our father our king so our brother paul wilbur along with two other of his brethren they're going to lead us in this traditional prayer avinu volcano except he's not going to do it from here he's going to do it from up here and so brandon if you could play that for us [Music] i um [Music] [Music] our father our [Music] we pray for your grace for israel your people salvation [Music] she [Music] [Music] um oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] therefore [Music] amen our father we thank you for this time that you have ordained that you have established for us to come together and acknowledge your greatness your kingship and your sovereignty we bless you we thank you we ask that your presence abide here with us this evening move in and through us father and let everything that is done be pleasing in your sight let it be father that your son yeshua is lifted on high and that your great name is sanctified these things we bring to you in that name that is above all yeshua the king our messiah and redeemer amen and our main [Music] he's right [Music] is [Music] [Music] my [Music] and in thy great compassion i will come into your house [Music] there i will fear [Music] thy oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he named [Music] for [Music] in [Music] [Applause] [Music] m [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] brothers [Music] [Applause] [Music] in unity [Music] in unity [Applause] the lights [Music] from the rising of the sun to every new moon i will praise [Music] [Music] him [Music] from the rising of the [Music] of the sun [Applause] [Music] mountains [Music] is [Music] adonai will be lord over all from the rising of the sun to where it goes down yeshua hamashiach will be praised from every nation to every nation they'll sing from [Music] there all the nations of the [Music] the end of earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] who is like you o lord there is none like you in all the earth your name is praised above every other name el shaddai yeshua hamashiach and adonai [Music] [Music] behind the lid [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] rice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you our lord [Music] come on sing it out to him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we welcome you in this place [Music] is he who comes in the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah [Music] now don't stop here just go ahead and let's let's [Music] oh man while everyone is standing please gentlemen let us lead in the shema ladies and then the whole family and acknowledge that there is but one god amen and his name is juan gentlemen we're going to go right to the shema shema israel [Music] [Music] ladies is [Music] now the whole family please [Music] [Music] is hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one blessed be his name and his glorious kingdom forever amen and amen you may be seated for just a moment in leviticus chapter 23 chapter 23 in verse 24. the almighty said speak to the children of israel saying in the seventh month on the first day of the month you shall have a sabbath rest a memorial a blowing of trumpets a holy convocation you shall do no customary work on it and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the lord so we know this stays yom turu it's also known as rosh hashanah some people even refer to it as the day of judgment but yom teruah is literally a day of the awakening blast it is a time when the shofar is sounded and the gates are opened it is a time for us to hear the voice of the shofar and to return to our creator while the gates of repentance are open as the prophet joel said in chapter 2 verse 1 blow the trumpet in zeal sound an alarm on my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of the lord is coming surely it is near and as the great day of the lord approaches we are all encouraged to turn from our sins to turn from our ways and our desire our will and to return into our father and as we turn our faces away from those things and back to him as we turn our countenance toward him we have the promise that he will turn his face toward us that he will cause his countenance to be upon us and that he will revive us he will resuscitate us and he will restore us and so we long for that day we long for the day when he shall appear from that day we shall see him as he is we will be like him in his day john the baptist was in effect sounding the shofar when he called for that generation to repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and that call to teshuva initiated a movement and that movement ushered in the ministry of yeshua of nazareth which in turn which in turn has allowed you and i to come into and be part of this family this family of god and so today the sound of the shofar is calling us and is calling others to return to him to acknowledge his kingdom to acknowledge that that kingdom is at hand and that the king is coming so then let us be those who like john who operated in the spirit and the power of elijah let us declare his kingdom and his righteousness in the earth and may it be his will to make us the generation that ushers in the return of king yeshua and so it's in that spirit that we declare and we affirm that the time to favor zion yes the set time has come and so let us make his paths straight and prepare the way of the lord as it is written in isaiah chapter 2 it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the lord's house shall be established on top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow to it many people shall come and say come and let us go up to the mountain of the lord to the house of the god of jacob and he will teach us his ways and we shall walk in his paths for out of zion shall go forth the torah and the word of the lord from yerushalayim in isaiah 62 verse 10 it says to go through go through the gates prepare the way for the people build up build up the highway take out the stones and lift up a banner for the peoples at this time i'd like for those who are going to sound to the shofar to assemble please and remember everyone else who brought your shofar when we when they sound the shofar and we get to that last trumpet call that will be the time for everyone to join in and to sound your shofar but for now i want you to hear this we're going to read some verses may the sound of the shofar be remembered before you lord as we battle the adversaries that oppress us and may the sound of the shofar remind us that you have promised to give us victory over our enemies may the sound of the shofar awaken us to the appointed seasons and the call to spiritual warfare and may the sound of the shofar shatter our complacency and make us conscious of the corruption within us that still remains to be conquered may the sound of the shafar awaken us always to the enormity of our sins and to the vastness of your mercy to those who repent and may the sound of the shofar break the bonds of enslavement to evil impulses and calls and calls us always to seek you for revival in psalm 89 verse 15 it says blessed are the people who know the joyful sound they walk o lord in the light of your countenance in psalm 98 verse 6 it says with trumpets and the sound of a horn shout joyfully before the lord the king and so when we come to that last trumpet blast i want it to be accompanied with a shout of joy in this house amen blessed are you oh lord our god king of the universe who has sanctified us with the commandments and has commanded us to hear the voice of the shofar oh hmm [Music] uh [Music] [Music] here i go [Applause] um that gave me ghost bumps [Applause] amen thank you oh man now if that didn't awaken you i don't know what it's going to take in exodus chapter 19 verse 16 it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were thunderings and lightnings and a thick cloud on the mountain and the sound of the trumpet was very loud so that all the people who were in the camp trembled and moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with god and they stood at the foot of the mountain now mount sinai was completely in smoke because the lord descended upon it in fire its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace and the whole mountain quaked greatly and when the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder and louder moses spoke and god answered him by voice then the lord came down upon mount sinai on top of the mountain and the lord called moses to the top of the mountain and moses went up it is my prayer that every time not just on a yomtov not just at a feast but every time we gather whether it's a crowd like this or whether it's just two or three of us as he promised that he that he would be there in the midst of us because we need his presence among us we need his presence to always abide with us to lead and to guide us and to to challenge us to draw closer to him to overcome self to the point that it's no longer we who are living but it's the messiah who's living in us and living through us and so may it be that he comes down to the tent and abides with us amen for several weeks now we've been looking backward to acknowledge the error of our ways and to resolve within ourselves to turn from thoughts and actions and attitudes that are displeasing to our creator we've confessed our sins before him we've appealed to him for his mercy we've sought his forgiveness and we continue to rely upon his loving kindness today we're going to begin to look forward we're going to begin to look forward to the time of yeshua's second coming when he will redeem israel when he will ascend the throne of his father david and it is our belief that it's at this trumpet blast that's described for us in exodus 19 the one that grows louder and louder as it continues to sound that it's at this last trump that we shall be changed in first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead and messiah will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words in the days and the weeks and the months and perhaps years ahead as darkness grows as wickedness abounds and as the pressures of this life mount and we feel those pressures comfort one another with the promise that one day the king is returning the king will rule over the nations in first corinthians chapter 15 verse 51 behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised and corruptable and we shall be changed for this corruptable must put on end corruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptable has put on incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory oh death where is your sting oh hades where is your victory amen [Applause] as with all the other appointed times we believe that when we come together in obedience out of respect to our father and his wishes that we do so not just out of religious duty but we do it because we want to meet with him and we want to meet with him because he has already extended the invitation to us and that he wants to meet with us and so as we come before our king we have been granted the opportunity to petition him for favor we've been granted the privilege of petitioning him to hear our prayers and it's also at these times and particularly on the new moons that that we meet in this yom tov that we want to present our king an offering as we strive together to follow the pattern that we see in scripture and to apply its principles to our lives and so if you have written out a prayer request i want to at this time invite you to bring your prayer request and place it over here and in just a moment we will sound the silver trumpets again over those prayer requests and this is also for all of our family who's out there on the live stream if you have a prayer request obviously you can't place it here but you can post it right now on the live stream and there are people there that will be praying for you encouraging you but when we sound the silver trumpets to the best of our abilities we know how to follow the pattern when we do so we are believing the father to accept it as not only being blown over these that are here but the what's being presented through the live stream and also if you have prepared and you have a willing heart we want to give you an opportunity right now to bring the offering of the new moon and the yum tov and present it unto the lord right now so um from time to time we have people who join us here or online and ask why we do this why we do offerings like this why we do offerings on the new moon why do we do them on something like this this hum tove we are trying to follow the pattern that we find in scripture and i think that those of you who have been part of this congregation for any length of time have seen that the father has shown himself to be faithful when we in our simple obedience try to follow the patterns that he's that he's placed before us in his word would anyone here testify to that and bear witness to that well now and so it's not so much the amount is the fact that we with a willing heart we bring this offering before him and so in that spirit i want to say this i want to i want to bless the father for being so good to his people and being so good to our congregation and this assembly not not just those here but those of you who are out there i want to thank the father for being so faithful to us to show himself as faithful and to show himself mighty that he provides what we need he provides what we need before sometimes before we know we need it and so we are grateful to him we want to bless him because our king has been good to us amen and i want to take this time to thank him and you for making it possible that we will send our brother will send him home with the ability to tell people over in zimbabwe that we're going to be able to do more for our brothers and sisters that are in zimbabwe thank him you thank him but if you are watching this later and you want to help out with that we will more be more than happy to make sure that any gifts that go over what we wanted to do will go to our brother paul wilbur and his ministry to make sure that our brothers and sisters in these places that have been so overlooked and forgotten are no longer forgotten but they know that there are brothers and sisters around the world that love them because they love him amen so i want to invite those who are going to sound the silver trumpets together please to assemble in numbers chapter 28 it says that at the beginning of your months at the beginning of your months you shall present a burnt offering unto the lord two young bulls one ram and seven lambs in their first year without blemish and i also want to thank you for not bringing your lambs and rams and bulls but i want to thank you for being obedient to the lord in numbers chapter 10 verse 10 it says also in the day of your gladness and your appointed feasts and at the beginning of your months you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifice of your peace offerings and they shall be a memorial for you before your god i am the lord your god i know that most of you have heard me say this every month but i'm going to say it again we do this not really understanding what we're doing not real i don't really understand the mechanics of it but he tells us that if we blow these trumpets over these offerings that we present to him and particularly at these times like the the beginning of your months that it will be a memorial for us before our god before our king and that root word it means to speak on behalf of something when we're told to remember the sabbath it's it's really saying that we need to speak on and take action on behalf of what he has established that day that he is set apart that's what in hebrew the whole idea of remembering something is about it yes it can be that we have forgotten something we've overlooked something and we call to mind but calling to mind is not enough calling to mind is to provoke us to take action on behalf of that we are remembering and so where it is here it is saying that when we do these things in obedience and because we love him it's our in our heart to want to do what's pleasing to him because we love him he says it will be a memorial for us which means that there will be that day there will be that time when we need him the most that he will look upon how we've done what we've done have we walked faithfully have we walked up right before him and we have the promise that when we need him that he will take action on our behalf and we have i'm going to mention that we have a sister who isn't here her sister is here but this sister is in the hospital bed up in the knoxville area and she needs our father to walk into that room and touch her life it's it's heather's sister ashley and we i just want to take a moment for all of us to remember ashley in prayer and to remember her mom and dad in prayer who are watching their their child having to suffer and i want us to pray for them particularly and i want us to petition heaven that he would move on behalf of our sister ashley can we do that so what i want you to do is i wouldn't embarrass you for anything heather but i want you to stand and i want everybody in this room i want everybody who's joining us online i want you to extend your hand to heather right here and she's standing in for ashley and heather's not feeling all that great either but the father's done some great work in her life today and we're just going to use that as a springboard to believe that he's going to do the rest of the work in in ashley so will you pray with me father god of abraham isaac and jacob our healer our redeemer our king we come before you this time when you have granted us an audience with you to come before you father in humility and in thanksgiving and in gratitude for all of the great and wonderful things that you have done for your people father we come before you to ask that you would look with mercy and compassion upon your daughter ashley father that you would look upon her and that you would move on her behalf tonight that you would go into that room right now and that you would bring healing to her body that all the poison that's in her body father that you would dispel it father all the things that have left her debilitated father that she would eradicate that you would speak that your voice as a trumpet would speak to the sickness would speak to the illness would speak to the ailment would speak to everything father and break it apart destroy it and rid it from her body we pray for her parents her mom and her dad father that you would be the lifter of their head that you would hold them up that you would strengthen and encourage them right now and give them the the word to speak and the faith and the power of the holy spirit to take authority over these things that are afflicting their daughter we uphold them in prayer tonight and father we look to you we believe you for these things because you are you are gracious you are beneficent you are merciful you are compassionate and so this is our petition of our king this night to heal ashley in yeshua's name we pray this a man amen gentlemen will you sound the silver trumpets over the offerings and these prayer requests [Music] ah ah [Music] [Music] blessed are you o lord our god king of the universe who has kept us in life and reserved us and enabled us to reach this time may it be your will o lord our god and the god of our forefathers that this month be filled with goodness and blessing may you give us a long life a life of peace a life of goodness a life of blessing a life of sustenance a life of physical health a life in which there is awe of heaven and hatred of sin and life in which there is no shame or humiliation a life of wealth and honor a life in which we have a love of your law a life in which our heartfelt requests will be fulfilled for the good amen over the next 10 days leading up to yom ho we will continue to examine ourselves as we should each and every day we are admonished to crucify this flesh every day but as we look beyond this evening and this yom tov to the day of atonement let's continue to examine ourselves and if any unclean thing is found to purge it from our lives whether it's in thought whether it's in deed because one day that day when yeshua does return one day it will be the day and it's going to be in that day that we are going to see him as he is so in anticipation of that great day we continually search our hearts and examine ourselves to make sure that there is no unclean thing found within us it's in anticipation of the day when he rules and reigns from jerusalem that we celebrate this this feast of trumpets or this day of blasting trumpets we look forward because it's due to yeshua's sacrifice and his obedience to the father that you and i have been allowed to come into this family and so it's through him that we trust the almighty to pronounce us as righteous that we might stand before him guiltless psalm 130 verse 7 says o israel hope in the lord for with the lord there is mercy and with him is abundant redemption and he shall redeem israel from all of his iniquities and so we anxiously await the day when all of jacob's children and when all of god's people shall be saved when all of his people shall shall be delivered and all of his people are gathered into the land to live in unity under the authority and under the protection of our messiah the one and only king and so we proclaim even so come lord yeshua baruch is he who comes in the name of the lord deliver us save us as your word declares in zechariah chapter 9 then the lord will be seen over them and his arrow will go forth like lightning the lord god will blow the shofar and go with whirlwinds from the south the lord of hosts will defend them the lord their god will save them in that day as the flock of his people for they shall be like the jewels of a crown lifted like a banner over his land for how great is its goodness and how great its beauty so [Music] [Music] i see the king of glory coming on the clouds with fire the whole earth shakes the whole earth [Music] i see his loving mercy washing over all our sins the people sing the singing singing [Music] i see a generation rising up to take their place with selfless faith selfless faith i see i see [Music] as we pray and seek we're on our knees [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and open up my eyes to the things [Music] [Music] and yours i am for your kingdom's cause as i walk from earth into eternity [Music] oh [Music] let him hear your voice cry out hosanna [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] let it rise [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hosanna means lord save us lord save us now [Music] this day set apart for the hearing of a sound and as with all of these other appointed times there is a point to them [Music] so as passover and first fruits unleavened bread and shavuot [Music] were demonstrations not only of the time that they appeared but also of the time to come [Music] that one day there would come a lamb whose blood would not be applied to a physical door but a door made of flesh a doorway to a life to a heart and those words lord save us that were cried out only a few days before [Music] would be fulfilled and many would see but many would not [Music] and his first appearing filled full those days in a way that were not understood before and so tonight we celebrate days that are not fully understood or fully not perceived or filled full [Music] even in this day but they await an appointed time when a shofar will be sounded [Music] not from this place but the voice of god will be heard from the heavenly place and there will come a shout not from this place or that but adonai the angel of the lord himself will shout and the graves will open up and the sea will give up their fruit [Music] and the earth will cry out again lord save us [Music] and then in some time there will come a day [Music] a day when blood was poured out on a mercy seat [Music] blood with a voice that will speak over the condemnation and the guilt and the blood of that lamb will declare not guilty a blood that speaks of a better covenant of blood that speaks once and for all for all who have put their trust yom kippur a day of covering [Music] and then a celebration when all the nations will gather they will come and they'll present themselves before the presence of a king [Music] not in cleveland [Music] not cleveland tennessee cleveland ohio [Music] but in jerusalem for the lord says [Music] i am very zealous for zion i am burning with jealousy for her and i will not keep silent i will not hold my peace [Music] and we like our king declare we are zealous we're zealous over all of zion we are zealous over all the people who call upon the name of the lord in righteousness in holiness and we say even so come lord come and take up your place for we like you are very zealous over zion come on stand your feet push this a little bit guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] shall be called the city of truth the mountain of the lord of hosts over all of the earth [Music] the lord will go forth with a loud of the trumpet of god the lord shall be king over all the fears [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i will dwell in jerusalem [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and he will appear faithful and true with justice he'll judge and make war his eyes are a fire his tongue is a sword [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's see your own kinetic [Music] me [Music] even so [Music] sure hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah so let the nation's singing praise [Music] [Music] [Music] sing and praise [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we will triumph on every side more than conquers [Music] [Music] [Applause] much [Music] is [Music] [Music] the enemy [Music] [Music] i [Music] they come crashing down when they hear the sound of the name [Music] a child [Music] us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh my goodness [Music] hmm this may be the best young [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to say thank you [Music] i want to say thank you for our brethren and cistern who can't say thank you those um young messianic jewish african children who in the last two days you have provided clean water food for each of them for an entire year [Applause] yes amazing amazing in fact now you've done it twice and on their behalf i want to say thank you because you have spoken to them over thousands of miles that you care that the god who saves us also sustains us he's not just interested in hearing a prayer and then okay someday it'll be okay no he's our father a good good father a father who provides who covers who sustains and i want to say thank you to them you have demonstrated something far beyond your numbers which goes to the heart and remember the words of yeshua what you've done for the least of these my brothers and sisters and i know when he spoke those words he was thinking of these lemba african messianic jewish children thousands of years later what you have done for them you've done it for me and i promise you you will never outdo him in doing in his name what you have done for them in his name you need to get your basket and your barn ready because he is going to bless you to demonstrate to make you a demonstration in the earth that he will not be out done oh yes so father tonight we assembled here we pray for the peace of jerusalem lord that our lives would be a demonstration in this earth that you are not only a god but you are the god not only that you are a father but you are the father of all of heaven and of earth and lord we pray tonight as the synagogues and temples around the world are filled with those who are now examining their lives and their hearts and as they leave that place tonight they'll say may your name be inscribed the shanatova may your name be inscribed for a good year and yet so many will be wondering is my name inscribed for life and lord we pray on this rosh hashanah on this yom teruah that eyes will be opened that veils will be torn lord that there will be a revelation and an understanding in the jewish community of tennessee in the jewish community of new york and miami wherever our jewish family and friends and neighbors gather lord that there would be an outpouring of your spirit of revelation and understanding that this lamb of god this yeshua of nazareth he is the lord lord may your name may your name be exalted this night and this day and lord may there be such an outcry from this earth of hoshanah lord save us lord that you will pour out the oil of salvation that you will pour out living water lord on every community that cries out to you in this appointed time lord hear our prayers hear our cry save your people lord that shouts of joy and victory will resound from every tenth of jacob that shouts of joy and victory will cry out from every tent of the sons and daughters of abraham isaac and jacob and lord that that sound will reach around the world and that all those who call upon you now in this appointed time lord you will demonstrate you will show your self mighty show yourself strong and lord save your people shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous from the law [Music] [Applause] of joy [Music] has done mighty things for us the lord's right and rings on high the lord's right hand rings on high sing it again shouts out joy and victory is found in the fence of the righteous of the [Music] lord's right hand has done many things [Music] [Applause] join the lord your righteousness [Music] let your heart rejoice in heaven or magnify the lord with me let us [Music] magnify the lord [Music] righteousness [Music] is [Music] [Music] the lord's right hand is [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's [Music] for the lord has taken your punishment destroyed your enemies king of israel [Music] he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] he will save us [Music] gotta [Applause] [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah come on give a great shot of praise to the lord oh my goodness my goodness my goodness well did you get enough shofar tonight [Music] you want more okay as soon as i go i'll let don just let her rip and espanol [Applause] okay hallelujah [Applause] wow there's just uh melody are you here melody she went to dance [Music] i just i need i need a pad melody can you come back and pad here she comes here she comes here she comes just pad something [Music] any key that you want is fine with me [Music] as my wife says to me quite often um she says i feel pregnant that that means there's there's a stirring there's a stirring in the spirit [Music] and i believe that the lord wants to say something so can we just if you've got a prayer language go ahead and just stir up the the atmosphere look just come on and pray and pray in the spirit thank you lord sir [Music] thank you lord thank you lord come on stir up a little bit it's it's not that late hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] hello [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] for there arrive such a time and in this hour i raise up for myself a generation a generation who are not ashamed um a generation who are not afraid yes a peculiar people yes a people who are unlike others yes those who are not afraid who i set apart i set apart for a time and a purpose and a place a declaration and a demonstration a people very much like yourself i raise up for myself an army of worshippers i raise up for myself a people who set things aside for the joy of my voice those who will set apart themselves for the joy of my presence those who care more for my face than for their needs those who will cry out those who are set apart who hold me higher than every thing else and i declare over you i have also set apart i have set you apart for anointing i have set you apart for demonstration things that will amaze you that when you lay hands on the sick they recover not tomorrow not next week but in the very sight and hearing of the words that when you speak them i watch over them as you agree with what i say i watch over and demonstrate them think it not strange that in this time as you hear what i say and declare it that i watch over it and perform it that what you see what you read what you hear i watch over as it agrees with what i have declared you will see it with your own eyes and so lift up your voice and do not be silent do not shrink back in these times for i have given you power and authority did i not say i give you keys i have given you the key to unlock heaven and to lock down hell i have given you authority and so return to your fortress return to my name which is a strong tower of safety and hope will rise hope that will produce faith faith that will produce substance you will see it with your own eyes and men will glorify me because you have been faithful and so be faithful and so be careful with what i have given to you for these are precious these are not for the occasional these are not for those who pass by these things that i give to you are not for those who sniff arrogantly at my promises and say show me no these very great and precious promises are for those who take a hold of them who hear my voice and believe me and i will do what i will do and i am breathing over you now the fear of my name the fear of my name that when you speak my name i will give you authority in that moment in that place to demonstrate my kingdom on earth as it is in heaven and so hear and obey look and perceive hear and understand and i will do in you and through you what others thought impossible and they will glorify my name because of you says the spirit of grace thank you lord lord we say be it done to us as pleases you [Music] lord come to your resting place you and the ark of your might and then we will be clothed with your righteousness and we will celebrate aloud and we will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living and so lord we say thunder from jerusalem roar from zion let your voice be heard let your name be demonstrated let your kingdom come in us in our homes in our children in our children's children and may the earth rejoice and be glad in you [Music] in the name in the name in the name [Music] yeshua hamashiach [Music] jesus the messiah amen and amen amen [Music] hmm [Music] i believe that the lord has appointed stewards stewards in heaven [Music] you know a steward is one who serves serves at a table serves a king a steward they serve food and drink and i'm hearing that stewards have been released over jacob's tent stewards who are carrying oil stewards who are carrying new wine stewards who are carrying living water to fill cups that have been lacking to top off those that are so that it spills out spills over oil of gladness the oil of the anointing of his presence did you know that the word presence in is face [Music] so when moses said lord if your presence doesn't go with us don't take us up from here he said lord show us your people show us your face lead us by your face [Music] and so lord i pray over this people those here in this place in this building those who are here through technology lord that your presence your face will lead guide cover protect [Music] and so the lord spoke to moses and to aaron and he said speak these words over my people and when you do i will place my name on my people and i will bless them [Music] so now may the lord bless you and keep you [Music] may the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you [Music] and may the lord lift up his countenance turn his face toward you and give you his peace is would you please sing that what i'm playing right now you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious [Music] give you peace [Music] um [Music] in [Music] lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious [Music] you peace [Music] in [Music] let's sing that melody once more time and once you turn to one another and sing this sing this over each other [Music] is [Music] and give you peace [Music] come on open your eyes and look at each other don't close them that's better [Music] sing it again amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] see how good and how pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity it's like an oil that pours down on the head and runs over all those beards and all those garments yeah my grandmother had a pretty good one by the time she all those beards and for all of you who we don't see you've been serving tonight um with the children or ushering or helping us we say over you james so faithful thank you for serving this community [Music] [Applause] [Music] we speak these words over you as well the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up his countenance upon you give you his peace his face his goodness wow what a wonderful thing what a wonderful thing i feel privileged to have joined you all these we were together at passover and then shavuot and now tonight for these feasts that point to the return of the king what a wonderful thing wonderful thing [Applause] the lord has deposited a treasure here that you you just need to guard you just need to guard love one another even as he has knelt before us in the spirit and washed our feet so let's be careful to wash one another's feet and to honor one another to appreciate all of those that the lord has brought to this family to demonstrate something in this hour i i hope you heard those things because i don't remember when when these my wife and i operate in this often tongues and interpretation it's there in the scriptures if that's new to you first corinthians chapter 13 the gifts of the spirit and the power of the spirit he does these things because he has a voice and he wants us to know what he is thinking so that our thoughts can be his thoughts and his ways can be his ways and we can demonstrate to israel and to all of the nations that there is no other name no other king no other salvation no other gospel no other covenant that yeshua jesus he alone is lord to the glory of god our father so thank you for inviting me thank you again for your goodness and your grace [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you she said papa what do you want me to buy you darling [Music] we'll have to wait till tomorrow night but what do you want me to buy you [Music] you hush it's been a good evening has it not [Applause] i've been i've been knowing that this time was coming but the father i believe this with my whole heart has just you know he's spoken to us tonight to confirm to reaffirm those things that we've all known in our hearts for a while now and as much as it is a reassurance and a confirmation it is a charge and a challenge because those things that he invests in us as individuals and is in this assembly it is for a purpose and that purpose is that we stand ready to do his will in this earth amen [Music] more will be required of us because he's given us much but we are thankful to him that he has already promised that he would go before us and he has promised that he will be our rear guard and i do believe in my whole heart that his his purpose for this this family [Music] is beyond anything that we can imagine at this point but we must we got to continue to be faithful and to guard did you hear him say that word where have you heard that before to guard what the father has entrusted to us to guard what the father has given us because it is precious it's valuable not because of us because of the one who dwells with us the one who abides with us the one who walks with us the one who guides and leads us amen so thank you sir thank you ma'am thank you sir for joining us are you glad they joined us for this special time [Applause] [Music] amen [Applause] sozo i want you to come here sir [Music] heather she wants you to say something hang on celso [Music] i don't know what she wants you to say but you're supposed to say something yes i do know so a lot of you know that i've been dealing with some kidney stones for past couple weeks well a long time but this one for the past couple of weeks and uh so i dealt with it a couple of weeks ago thought it was gone didn't feel it got a little reprieve from it and friday i felt it twinged again and i got that i told my mom it was like that that attitude that i used to get with you when i was a teenager i looked at him and i said if we're in the time that i think that we're in and i know that we are there's going to be a day that i'm not going to have a doctor i'm not going to have antibiotics i need to know that you can take care of this [Music] so [Music] i kind of challenged him a little bit on friday because i was mad and i said i'm going to i've got a lot to do this weekend father and you know so i'm highly medicated myself most of the weekend to get through everything i needed to get through and then yesterday we went to some friend's house and they surrounded me before i left and prayed over me and one of the prayers that i remember hearing in the background was that stone is going to pass and you're not even going to feel it so we go home and the routine was um you know i start shaking when my fever starts to spike um all the chaos that those stones cause and so i took a couple of tylenol went to bed and woke up the next morning had broken that fever but started shaking again and i thought it's too early to start this whole tylenol thing today so i really need to make it to yantra tonight i need to space this out so i waited a little while but my husband will attest to it that the shaking got violent and it just got worse and worse so i thought okay i'm just gonna i'll take some and that's the only thing that's gonna be able to keep me from shaking so violently my my whole body was hurting from the shaking and um he said do you want me to turn something on for you to distract you a little bit and i said yeah sure so i saw him grab the remote and i said no i think i want my playlist and so he picked up my phone and turned my playlist on and he's like which one is it and i said it's the one that starts with goodness of god because that's my life song right there in that whole song that's my life and so it started with that and immediately the shaking began to stop and just a peace came over me and then you know the next song was um it was a cody corn song and it was basically you don't need anything but me nothing else nothing else but me and then i'll keep it rated g it began to he began to purge all of the things that i had been trying to medicate myself with he began to purge those from me for the next few hours and i thought you know what i get you i remember what i said to you on friday so i'm not gonna fight you on this i didn't take anything else and i let him do what he was gonna do and he's saying over me all day and about an hour or two later danny came back in the room and i said come here you gotta look at this i had passed that stone and i didn't even know it i didn't even notice it until it came out i didn't feel it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i didn't feel it i didn't have the medication that i would normally have to make that happen i left it all to him and he proved to me today yes if there is a day that you don't have a doctor and you don't have antibiotics i can take care of you so i give him all the glory tonight i may look rough but i made it [Applause] thank you heather [Music] i asked all the folks on the other side to squeeze in here so for just a moment we can all be together so it's going to get crowded for just a minute okay if you are a few are small and flexible sit on the floor but i just before we dismiss tonight y'all come down this way we'll fill in this area right here y'all come this way i know this is going to be a little awkward and uncomfortable but it's not going to be long and if you if this is going to bother you go read micah chapter 2 because he's going to gather all of his people as sheep in a fold and they start making a bunch of racket because they're all pinned in together so we might as well get some practice right now but everybody just kind of get in here just as good as you can hopefully the fire marshal will wait until tomorrow fill in some spaces again young younger people just get on the floor if you can i want to just try to get us all together [Music] so while our father is watching over us over us speaking to us listening to us um we're believing him for great things oh man we got a few more people i'm just kind of waiting y'all squeeze on in the best you can i know it's tight i know it's tight there's a there's some back there there's some space over here in the floor y'all y'all these little ones right here these younger ones go get in that floor over there yeah sit on the stage just bill you have lost your mind [Music] is that a battle is that about everyone very well so i want everyone please just don't don't everybody stand set just be right where you are but i want celso to pray over jacob's tent and all of you who are joining us online all of you who are our family and part of jacob's tent wherever you are the word that was given is for you too and we thank our father for his goodness amen will you pray yes sir i'll pray in spanish and in english if y'all don't mind senor damos gracias padres it is [Music] father we thank you for your presence papa i know father we all know that you are here right now with us there is no doubt and we thank you for your presence that we don't deserve what you've done for us papa we're not worthy but because of yeshua he has made us worthy and we thank you father thank you so much forever grateful father thank you so much for what you do for us daily every day papa for the air that we breathe for the food that you provide for our shelter father oh and for our babies for our children father our grandchildren thank you father thank you so much the ignore go my children in peace [Music] for i am with you every day every day go my children for i am with you amen amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] as we exit do it orderly [Music] slowly but good night have a blessed peaceful restful night be safe going home and we'll see most of you will see you on wednesday you
Channel: Bill Cloud
Views: 9,571
Rating: 4.9743042 out of 5
Id: DVqmgvfwEFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 36sec (7956 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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