Paul Wilbur: Touching The Heart of God

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the crossover bridging gaps between Jews and Christians in these days of violent religious and ethnic conflict the judeo-christian foundations of our country need to be strengthened by uniting Jews and Christians on their commonalities and with their God the crossover brings intriguing dramatic testimonies and timely topics with a variety of guests discussing the Bible fact or fiction the Hebraic roots of Christianity Judaism 101 of the promised land Creed indeed the feasts of the Lord and never forget stories of Jewish and Christian martyrs and their liberators past and present Shalom I'm Rosalie and welcome to the crossover today we have a very special guest on our show Paul Wilbur he is an internationally renowned integrity music artist and he's going to be talking about worship you're gonna get a taste of some of his music you're gonna get to listen to other people and they're experiencing when they're in these worship events stay tuned here's Mitch and Paul we know you do a lot of concerts big stadiums like you did there and tonight what you did here and live in Jerusalem and all that you do Madison Square Garden I remember when the night is done what is what's your criteria for determining if that was a successful concerts a bad word but for the for the viewers they know what a concert is so what's what's Paul Wilbur's criteria when the night is done that's a good question for me I want to know that we really touched the heart of God I'm I'm not a song leader I'm not an artist I consider myself to be a worship leader and so my greatest joy in life is not only experiencing the manifest presence of God from self but helping other people to connect in their lives with God so they can hear his voice and they can see what he's calling them to do and and how much he loves them so at the end of the night if I know that we've really connected with the Spirit of God people have been born again bodies have been healed we've experienced the joy in the presence of God and how do you judge that you just know when when someone walks into a room you know that there's another person there there's a presence there and knowing that manifested presence of God and sensing his well done you know like a father would say to a son good job son I'm proud of you I have to say that doesn't happen every time but tonight it sure did and before I put my head on the pillow I said thank you Lord that you are good to your word you inhabit the praises of your people and you allowed us to experience some of that tonight some of the goodness of the Lord that's my criteria did we really get a hold of him tonight to know him and to make him known Juden this one on the top of Mount Carmel bug me the package eBay 300 of them gathered up there just about had it with religion the people of Israel were confused they didn't know who God was they'd forgotten about the man who brought them through the sea they forget me then who fed them every day with manna from heaven they forgot the one whom here their bodies restored their lives they began to light fires and bow down to sticks and stones and the Prophet had just about enough you know there's the prophet of the voice that's rising up again in America the voice of the Watchmen had just about enough of carne worship forgetting the men who established our nation in righteousness then who sustained us to any prospers us when he gives us every breath that we draw their logic altogether the Prophet said Bill when he said you build your actors singers songs dancer dances fly your flags I'll do the same and the God who answers by fire let him be God living in a day regarde no answers by fire let him be gone and so the profits of ale set up their altars and they sang and danced all day long but the heavens were silent and then about the time of the third offering Elijah the Prophet stood forward he lifted up his hands and he said that of Abraham Isaac and Israel let it be known today I'm a fighter what God Candace right let it be known today we offer our lives with your whole live Oh a jazz musician my mother played the violin and the symphony and I have done both those kinds of work so other than praise and worship music I do listen to good solid Brahms and Bach and Beethoven now tonight somehow you got a front-row seat I don't know how you work that out but you write a Paul Wilbur event and what did that mean to you not the front-row seat but the Paul Wilbur experience here well I've been listening to him for a long time and so hearing it in person the music just was very powerful really got me moving and normally I move only with my hands and playing the drums but tonight I was I was physically moving with the music and and up but I would say what really moved me the most with Paul's music was not even the music but how he intermingled his presentation of Scripture and his heart for the Lord in his heart for the mission that he has in the world in spreading the word the the Messianic word but that moved me tremendously and for for anything else I would I was more moved by that actually than the music that I heard the music I just wanted to play with it but he was so good but his heart for the Lord just really came through for me tonight I shared tonight that there was a mosque in in the nation of Zambia that the the head the pastor if you will called an imam was watching this group of believers feed children on the streets without discriminating between Christian Muslim or nothing no faith at all he was so moved by that he said this must be the truth and so he comes down out of the mosque now this may sound unbelievable to someone saying oh you're making this up this is too fantastic to make up I mean you couldn't even dream stuff like this but he came down out of the mosque he talked with the young man the the messianic pastor who was feeding all these people and he said why are you doing this you don't discriminate between Muslims and Christians and and this young man 27 years old shared the gospel very simply with this Muslim cleric who turned over his life to the Lord got born again he he turned from the God of Islam and he turned to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and still some people may be saying come on but it's really true I spoke with the man personally and this actually happened the next day this Imam who is now a believer in God calls a meeting at his mosque gives his testimony he's one day old in the Lord gave his testimony shared the gospel and over 200 people in his mosque received the Lord that day they all went down to the river inhabited by crocodiles by the way this is Zambia in Africa and they were all immersed in water over 200 of them that day received the Lord they went back to the mosque took the Crescent off put up a Star of David and declared we are a messianic synagogue how's that for the power of God cross let's go and you walk away from that what what would you share with our audience so in this worship experience I would say was just really an awesome encounter with the Holy Spirit and I think it's a foretaste of what heaven is going to be like I mean there's going to be dancing and there's going to be shaadi now this was another thing about the Hebraic thing getting involved in dancing I mean for a Baptist this was outrageous but we've come into dancing we have dancing in our church and it's just the Bible says you know the psalmist said that all that is within me praise His Holy Name so when you come to a concert like this you're lifting your hands you're I mean it has all the charismatic movement had but it's got the Hebraic dimension on top of that so we're getting closer and closer to heaven and so I think a little bit like we used to sing this song years ago heaven came down and glory filled my soul so I kind of feel like that's what happened tonight serene are the sovereign Lord come and make your presence known review Laurie the weight of your glory then the truth the way that the way there's a scripture that said God inhabits the praises of his people would that be attic adequate description of of the experience tonight oh absolutely Paul Wilbur I mean the whole service was so anointed you really could not call it a concert because the presence of the Lord was so there with us and really he just assured in you you just really came right into the throne room and we're able just to to bow before the Lord and receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit there tonight pastor Miriam when in your life to do it in praise and worship or dance or any of the other forms of worship that there are is there any one experience or a moment that you could recall that it changed you that it was through praise and worship you got an answer you got a something traumatic happened yes I always enjoyed music I've always enjoyed coming before the Lord in in worship but really when we moved into the Messianic movement there was a kinship it was like I was coming home and it truly brought me into the presence of the Lord in a way that I've never been before and I just thank the Lord because I really feel like you know the music like Paul spoke about and saying about tonight is is what the heart of Yeshua is all about it's it's Jesus reaching down to his people and to be able to sing and worship in that manner it's like just getting a little taste of heaven before you get there so when you started getting into the break roots of Christianity the praise and worship change in your church is that a something that you can see or understand is that question have any merit yes most definitely our praise and worship changed and what way before - after I think number one Hebraic worship praise and worship is so filled with the word I mean it is it's so connected with the word and it's so expressive you know you you couple that with the Holy Spirit and you just are so free to express your longing to be in his presence your longing to connect with him your need to have him be there to be able to dance to lift your hands with joy - it's such a wonderful way to express the joy of the Lord that I was never able to do before Avon tonight you were at a concert Paul Wilbur and scripture says that God inhabits the praises of his people did that scripture come to life tonight or not for you yes it certainly did because just the freeness of the audience including myself to just participate in what was happening they're singing and for some the dancing and the shouting it was quite special well with Greg shumake tonight and Greg is the keyboard man artist with travels with Paul Wilbur from state-to-state nation a nation continent to continent and just sharing that awesome music that that you heard tonight got a word god to speak to us in many ways and you have on on Paul's website is the word that God gave you for 2006 and it's kind of labeled in Isaiah 50 people and share with us to our audience out there what what is that about well at the time if I could just at the time as I was I was in the library it was it was a very surprising thing that had occurred I hadn't even planned on receiving the word I wasn't in a time of prayer or what-have-you I was simply writing the article for the monthly newsletter and all of a sudden the presence of the Lord just kind of landed on me if you will and I began to write this word down and the the context of the Isaiah 50 people is actually listed there in the word and it says talking about the anointing of the generals of worship yet is increasing in this hour or in the in this new year and those generals of worship who have ears to hear and hearts to obey they will be given a mantle of boldness to press they and this is that this is the context they will be given faces like flint as was the case in the prophetic work concerning issue in Isaiah 50 verses 4 through 11 in the word the faces like flint was necessary because I really sensed that the Lord was saying this new move that he's doing for this year this is a pivotal time in the spirit and that there are people as matter of fact there was a word tonight that that something that many people were waiting for assignments God is handing out new assignments tonight and that you know that that word and the mantle and that was actually part of that's that's what the Lord had given me earlier this year and the face is like flint it means that you know the word says that a man's enemies will be those of his own household and this is the part that literally I mean I was physically trembling as I was writing this word in the library because the thought of what was coming to the body of Christ to the people who are going to stand strong and what God is desiring to release what God is desiring to do that a lot of a lot of the you know of course the world is not going to like it they're going to hear and they're going to be upset about it and so forth and they're going to respond but the Isaiah 54 11 part was that the people who are stepping into this they're gonna have faces like flint because the people that are coming that are gonna come against them the strongest are going to be from the body not gonna be from the world the greatest resistance to what the Lord is doing is good it's gonna come from the body right you know because it's those people who who are just not wanting to you know you're messing up my status quo you're messing up my comfort zone but it's like god is gonna mess up the comfort zone too easy to release his comfort zone and the people who who he has hand-picked to step into this they're going to have faces like flint as was listed in Isaiah 50 they are going to they're gonna they're gonna say come come whatever come with me I am NOT going to deter from following hard after God after his face not just his hand getting passed his hand to seek his face getting passed his hand to seek and know his heart and I'm going I'm not gonna give that up no matter what use it and it's almost like it's almost as if that Isaiah 50 people are gonna be they're gonna have the attitude of I love you I love you I don't I don't I'm not angry with you I'm not upset with you but you must understand I cannot turn away from what the father has put before my eyes I must go on like Jesus like a schewe he said his face like flint towards Jerusalem and you can't go to Jerusalem you cannot stop me I mean I love you disciples but I'm not going to deter from what has been set before me and this is they as they have 50 people it's people that really hasn't you know it's like throughout the years and the generations it's been little specks of people it's not been a massive amount of people who are going to be that way but this is that time when it's going to be more than just a couple people here and there it will be a generation of people who are going to set their faces like flint and not give up on what God has called them to do and to become I really believe that what God is releasing is an anointing in and through worship you know and you know he rides on the praises of his people and so he is building and has been I should say he has been building up to this point he has been building in the background on the hearts of those people who he has he can entrust you know that will carry this anointing that you know that would allow him to ride on these praises and where he is exalted his word will have the final jurisdiction and so what he's been doing is behind the scenes he's been cultivating these hearts these worship generals and he's declaring that now is the time last question Gregg is since we're talking about worship and your praise and worship leader in general also and what is your definition of worship that's kind of a large large question but for me personally among other things how can I put it except to say it's that it's the time when when I and the Lord can become one in that in that moment of expression it's if I can use this this analogy it's almost like an intimacy with him like I have with my wife there is a oneness that that comes that there's a vulnerability that occurs in worship and the wild thing about it is it's not just me becoming vulnerable but him becoming vulnerable it's like Moses like Paul sings a song show me your face we sing that song show me your face but it's it's it's almost as if in worship it's not just us saying Lord show me your face but it's him saying show me your face Adam Adam where are you you know God knew where Adam was but it was a time for Adam to respond to to willfully come to the face of the Father and God was giving him that opportunity in worship I have that opportunity to come face to face with him and enjoy him and him and he enjoy me how wild is that that he wants to enjoy me as much as I want to enjoy him actually much more than I ever want I could imagine so worship to me is a mutual enjoyment of the Lord and the Lord the Creator the creator and the creation well you guys definitely do that and we get to enter in are you facilitating that event here especially tonight well thank you Greg for taking some time and coming on the crossover and we only wish you the best and bless your ministry and I hope if there was something on today's program that has touched your heart in some way and inspired you to enter into the presence of the Lord through the song through dance through music for those of you want more information about today's program please contact us at the crossover WWWE toss over TV com we'd love to hear from you as well show us the crossover and award-winning program bridging gaps between Jews and Christians for your comments more information on today's or other crossover programs or if you would like to support this effort contact us at seven one three six three nine two eight eight eight we want to hear from you
Channel: TheCrossoverProject CP
Views: 47,296
Rating: 4.609756 out of 5
Keywords: Paul, Wilbur, Father, Abba, YHWH, YHVH, Hashem, Yaweh, Yah, Jehovah, Elohim, God, Jesus, Christ, Yeshua, Messiah, Mashiach, Lion, Lamb, Immanuel, Holy, Spirit, Ruach, Hakodesh, Kingdom, Heaven, Millennium, Shalom, Peace, Truth, Salvation, Healing, Forgiveness, Christian, Christianity, Messianic, Hebrew, Israelite, Judaism, Jew, Jewish, Islam, Muslim, Gentile, Goy, Israel, Yisroel, Jerusalem, Zion, Halleluyah, Crossover, Project
Id: 0vrO558W_CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2006
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