God's Purpose for America | Bill Cloud | Jacobs Tent

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no yep maybe not some yes okay all right two thumbs up for i'll go with that so welcome everybody we were just talking about how we are we are actively looking for um the next step what the next step is and there's some other announcements that we'll be coming out with as soon as we get we get a few things nailed down not to speak uh vaguely uh on purpose but just i wanna when i speak to you about something i wanna make make certain that everything is set and uh but i just feel like the father is kind of helping us get a little more focused and you know he's not shown us the big picture yet but step by step little by little we're kind of getting an idea where this thing's headed so just want to let you know about that thank you to all of you who are supporting jacob's tent and this effort and we're just believing that whenever wherever that place is whatever it is when it becomes available that we'll look over here and we'll see that we have what we need to take care of that and we're just going to trust him in that that's going to be the philosophy so anyway i just wanted to bring everybody up to speed all right um let's go ahead and get started in what i want to deal with i'm going to take the next several weeks at least this is the plan right now i'm going to take the next several weeks and talk about some things that have history involved with it but not just to you know teach a history lesson but hopefully to kind of show that there is a specific and has been a specific purpose for this country for this nation and i know we have people join us from canada and all over the world and god has purpose for every nation for every person but i wanted to talk about this nation and some of the providential things that have happened in our history to make this point that god has had a purpose for this nation and as his people in this nation it is our duty to occupy until he comes and by that i mean not to throw up the white flag on his purpose just because we see things going on around us that we don't particularly like or seem foreboding or what have you understand what i'm trying to say here so what prompted this two things actually my wife who said something about this several weeks ago about maybe wanting to get maybe i should teach a little bit on this and that put the thought in my head but here just last week um last week there was a faith leader who at the inauguration prayed a prayer that said we thank you god for giving us this land and then she was basically crucified on social media for saying such offensive things to thank god for giving us a slam to the point that she retracted that statement and said and i'm not quoting or verbatim but just words to this effect uh i shouldn't have said that god didn't give us this land we took it now here's the problem i have with that it's to say that god doesn't have purpose that god didn't have a purpose and that somehow or another this is all just one big accident which is in my mind evolutionary thought if you can make the connection to what i'm saying here that this all this happened because of some big cosmic accident but i'm one of those that believe there are no accidents in this universe that there is a sovereign over the universe who orchestrates things yes man they have their will they have their agenda they can undermine they can usurp at times but they can frustrate at times but in the end all those people end up unwittingly perhaps serving his purposes wicked men end up serving god's purposes nebuchadnezzar remember this is one of the probably one of the better examples nebuchadnezzar is the man who destroyed jerusalem he destroyed the temple he carted off most of the temple treasures into babylon along with daniel khanani and musha al-azhariah and all these people of judah and he took those temple treasures he put him in the house of his pagan god and yet the god of israel calls him my servant not once but twice point everything everybody serves a purpose ecclesiastes chapter 3 to everything there is a purpose to everything there is a season a time for every purpose under heaven and so her comment and i'm not focusing so much on her but her comment just kind of bugged me because there are apparently quote unquote faith leaders who don't believe that god is the one who orchestrates things now again i understand that men have their will they have their agenda and yes i understand that in our history there have been people who've done bad things and there have been people who've been mistreated and all those kinds of things and i get it and i understand that there are warts and flaws but i am solidly of the conviction that god raised up this nation as well as others but god raised up this nation to serve a purpose and so with all of the things that are going on in this world today and in this country today it is it could be easy for us to be distracted and think this and to listen to that and get carted off into some idea that this you know i want us just to kind of reaffirm that there was and is a purpose for this nation and when that purpose has been fulfilled the father will take us into the next season and as his people if we're following him truly then we'll recognize that we'll understand that so let's go back to something we've talked about many many many many times and that is the concept embedded in the word tov tet vov which means good but what does it mean to be good to be where you're supposed to be doing what you're supposed to be doing when he says things when he said he called the light forth out of the darkness and he saw the light that it was tov it was good it was where it was supposed to be it was doing what he had designed it to do so everything that functions in its purpose according to his plan is considered to be toe and so we've talked about that idea functioning in your purpose and what it means to function in your purpose and also what it means when you don't when you cease to serve your purpose or if we're talking about a nation when a nation ceases to serve its purpose what happens well the answer to the question is like salt that loses its savior it's tossed out into the street and it gets trampled under foot so these are concepts that we've talked about many many many times in many different ways but i want us as we begin to kind of keep those things in mind and then i want to always say make certain i say this where god's purpose is concerned it has always revolved around his promises to israel agreed now by israel i don't just mean the nation in the middle east called israel you understand what we mean by that right where his people are concerned zion is not just a place zion is a people it's a nation it's an it's an ideal it's a it's a precept and so god's purpose has always revolved around his promises that he's made to israel and so if he raises up a nation for instance that has a purpose somewhere somehow some way it's going to fit into his overall plan where his promises to israel are concerned that includes this one when i was a kid i remember i don't remember who it was but i just remember somebody saying have you ever considered that in the middle of the word jerusalem is usa and as a kid that really made a big impact on me i remember walking into my fifth grade homeroom and talking to my fifth grade teacher and when she saw me coming she was like oh no not him again because i was going to tell her something that i had learned at church and i remember telling her have you ever considered that in the middle of the word jerusalem is usa and she's like no i haven't but anyway maureen driver if you're watching i remember the look anyway anyway that's just it's always stuck with me that there has there's always been this connection this american israeli connection and uh it's not just people like you and me who recognize that because if you go to israel you'll find t-shirts with the word jerusalem on it and the u and the s and the a standing out in red white and blue they get it too they understand it as well you've heard me share that in hebrew if you're going to refer to the united states of america in hebrew you would say art so it is would be the singular form so is the plural lands or if you will state and habrit the covenant and so they call us the covenant land kind of interesting so some people would say oh that's just you know coincidental and all this guy i don't believe in coincidences i don't i can't believe in the god of israel and believe in coincidences he orchestrates things and so that's one of you know we're going to talk about some of the things that an events some not so well known history uh that have occurred in american history to just kind of show us to solidify perhaps that the father the god of abraham isaac and jacob raised up this nation for a purpose now again i want to say this because we do have lots of our friends and lots of our family online that are from different nations other countries and i say this with all due respect to their nations but i also believe that and this is being played out right before our eyes what happens this in this nation is going to have an impact around the world now it's true something can happen in argentina that might you know resonate somewhat it might have a ripple effect to some degree things that happen in china you know they're going to have an impact on us over here [Music] why did i think of that name anyway but i hope you understand what i'm trying to say for whatever reason the father has raised this nation up to be in this place at this time and to be that influence good and bad on the nations so as a country i want to show that it was intended that we relate in spirit and purpose to our israeli brothers that there is this connection and not just our israeli brothers who are living in the middle east but again by israel we mean throughout the world for over 400 years this continent has not you know not every era necessarily but for the most part this continent has enjoyed freedoms and liberties that you just don't find everywhere i mean even now you know a lot of us are concerned about our liberties are being infringed upon i talked with a man today who had a conversation with a pastor of the underground church in a particular middle eastern nation that when he walks out of his house he doesn't know if he's going to see his kids at the end of the day because he's leading one of the larger underground churches in the middle east in countries that would that are adamantly against what he's doing you know he's wanted by their secret police you know so he doesn't know anytime he walks outside if that's going to be the last time he sees his family so my point there is we're still enjoying liberties and freedoms that a lot of people around this world do not so on this continent for over 400 years most people not all but most people have enjoyed liberties and freedoms and that's not to say that the people who came and founded and formed the governments and the nations on this continent always did it and executed it exactly right not always did they execute it scripturally appropriately you know there's a lot of people who have suffered on this continent too i don't want to i don't want anybody to think i'm overlooking any of that but compared to the rest of the world can you think of a nation that and i know some of you are going to say israel but let's put israel aside for now can you think of another nation you'd rather be i can't and quite frankly why are people still trying to get here all right and oh by the way for those of you who are just dying and itching to go to israel you better make sure the father's called you there because it's tough anyway we'll get on to that this nation with some exceptions has always been a safe haven for the jewish people and that's why the jewish people have played a very important role in the formation of this nation how many of you have heard of haim solomon 1 2 three okay google it um no we'll we'll talk about in a little more detail later ham solomon was a jewish man he was one of the primary uh people who financed the american revolution in fact it turned him into a pauper but he gave every most everything away to finance the american revolution and just i don't know it was 20 30 years ago or so the united postal service put out a stamp commemorating certain patriots of the american revolution han solomon was one of them so point is there has always been this little connection to to israel in the united states are you all okay with us talking about this well good because i was going to do it anyway anyway so i think it was clifford that made this comment saturday and i don't know if you caught it but it was something like this that god carved this nation out of a wilderness and he built it up into something that had purpose that was to serve his purposes so what are those purposes i believe that one of them has been to take the gospel of the kingdom to the nations other nations have done it other people from other nations have done it but let's face it in the modern era has there been any one nation that has produced more missionaries more ambassadors more uh outreaches and ministries that go to other nations reagan would say something like this that america is a shining city on a hill now where did he get that from john winthrop remember how many of you remember what john winthrop wrote where that quote comes from i told you a couple times anyway it's a treatise one all to see and particularly those who don't like us those who are our enemies those who would oppose the god of israel because it is our duty to be that city set upon a hill to stand out and so if there is that connection to this nation part of the reason we have existed is to be at least in the modern era a beacon and not of good old american know-how and ingenuity that's not what it's been about it's been about carrying his truth to the nations so in order to do that you need finance now a lot of people say well the gospel free shouldn't cost anything yeah the gospel is free getting it out there that's a different story sometimes and it takes finance it takes resource okay so why do you think america was able to amass wealth riches and all these kinds of things so that we could have a bunch of billionaires and millionaires and zillionaires or was it for another reason to serve his purposes right i mean that's that's my heart that's my conviction and by the way i want to say this choose my words carefully here what i told you before we went live that's not a boast on us it's boasting about our father but we're not going to sit on it we're not just going to sit on it we're going to make sure it does what he put it in our hands to do right so relating that to what i just said about this nation i don't believe that this wealth and this prosperity that america has enjoyed is all because of good old american know-how and ingenuity it goes back to this blessed is the nation whose god is the lord okay and so even though with all the warts and flaws that we have and have had as a nation nonetheless for the most part there was this attempt to establish a nation that was founded upon scriptural principles and values the men who formed this nation were not perfect men and they have been ridiculed and mocked and scoffed at and disparaged and disdained but here's how i feel about it to be imperfect men they pretty they did a pretty good job of forming a kind of a government which they admitted that government was a necessary evil but they did a pretty good job of putting stuff together that has lasted for two centuries with people trying to assail it and undermine it the whole bit and i believe that that was god inspired he ever heard the story about after the constitutional convention in in 1787 ben franklin walks out of the building in philadelphia and he's met by a woman who says dr franklin what kind of a government do we have and he said madam we've given you a republic if you can keep it so i think that they were pretty smart they weren't perfect men but i do believe that they believed in perfect principles and one of the the main things that i see in studying history is that there was an attempt to establish a nation upon biblical principle and that is why i believe that this nation has enjoyed the prosperity that it has it was for a reason and it was not to hoard it unto ourselves and so to whom much is given and so if that applies to a person i will suggest to you it applies to a nation this nation has been allowed and i believe has been charged with when things happen because of our resources to send help to people throughout the world whether it's food technology assistance medical other nations do it too don't get me wrong i know that there are other nations who do that but we've been allowed and even charged to do that and i've always been amazed that usually we'll do it even if it's one of our enemies and there's another nation that has that does this as well now that they are emerging as a world superpower you know that other nation is israel because now israel is in the place of exporting food all throughout the world exporting technology exporting you know assistance and they even will send these kinds of things to those people who have sworn to destroy them and so here's the connection god has allowed this nation to be a part of the development of that nation because the first country on the face of the earth to officially recognize the state of israel was the united states of america and that's a good thing so i'm not here i'm not really here to brag on america i'm here to talk about the father's purpose and again because of all the things that are going on now and they're you know look there are people right now trying to rewrite history they're trying to erase history they're trying to blur they're trying to rewrite history and your children unfortunately unless you homeschool or you've been very diligent about this a lot of your children aren't really taught american history anymore or if it is taught it's usually in the context of world history and today we've got people we've got teachers who are saying that basically america has been a blight on the world well to me that says that god's purposes are considered to be a blight in the world all right so again i'm not here to you know brag on america so much i am wanting to talk about god's purposes why are we considered to be the melting pot of the world did it happen by accident because we are a nation of people who came from all over the world which to me makes us kind of the i want to make certain i say this the right way well the father talks about his word going out to the nations well all the nations are here and we have representatives of all these different nations that have come here and and so in a way it's we're kind of a concentration of all the people that he's been sending this message out to and it's again it's not exclusive to us but it's been concentrated here in such a way that in the modern era we stand out so let me get into the nuts and bolts of this in ezekiel chapter 36 verse 24 there's the prophecies that says speaking to his people israel i'm going to take you from among the nations and gather you out of all the countries and bring you into your own land so one day there is a time when he's going to bring all of his people out of all the different nations he's going to bring them back into the land of israel the father raised up this nation to play a maybe minor but nevertheless play a role in that and we have seen how that has happened who do you think israel would consider their greatest ally right now generally speaking who do you think they would have considered to be their greatest ally the united states okay you think so mexico you're messing with me now right all due respect to our mexican friends and neighbors i don't think so we've been allowed to play a role in the emergence of israel as a superpower and we're going to play a role i believe in these concluding acts of world history if we're living in the last days his people in this nation are going to continue to play a role in this by the way that prophecy in ezekiel 36 has not yet come to complete fruition because i believe that one day all the nations including this one are going to give up his people but i go back to what i said earlier we occupy not until we think he's going to come we don't occupy until things start looking bad how long do we occupy until he comes so until he says bill now it's time to move now it's time to go or bill it's time for you to leave this world what do we do we occupy we we blossom where he has planted us we produce fruit where he's planted us because apparently there's still a lot of people in this nation and around the world that he's still reaching out to before the before these things begin to come to pass does that make any sense i hope it made sense in my head i don't know if it made sense when it come out of my mouth so again i want to acknowledge yes i know that this nation has many warts and flaws has many sins has many transgressions and yes this nation is going to have to you know give an account for those things but i want us to focus on why we're here that as long as he allows us to be here we are to serve his purposes in this land because as long as he allows this nation to remain i believe it is to serve a purpose all that then leads me to this that purpose is not underscore circle highlight not to be the eternal superpower eventually that has to give way to another because nowhere in scripture do we see that the united states or any other nation except for one is to be the eternal superpower that is reserved for one nation only for zeon for israel under the kingship of the messiah so to make the point when yeshua returns he's not coming to washington he's coming to jerusalem he's coming to guru shalom he's going to rule and reign from there and so you know again lest anybody thinks that i'm just here to you know to to just you know wave my flag and you know god bless america and all those things i understand that our nation is not going to be the eternal superpower that as believers in the messiah we are citizens of another kingdom and one day our king is going to sit upon the throne of his father david and he's going to rule in justice and righteousness and his word is going to go out through the world through the nations and we want to be part of that so we have been as a nation serving god's purposes in anticipation of that at the beginning i said god's purposes always revolve around his promises to his people israel and so as a nation part of the reason that we exist is to do whatever it is in his plan that we're supposed to do that puts us closer to the restoration of the kingdom of israel when joseph came to power in egypt egypt was blessed what were they not why because they were egyptians no because joseph was there and because god had a plan for his people israel and so he poured out blessings upon egypt because ultimately it meant and led to the restoration of his people and the preservation of his people and so it is with us the favorable position that was given to egypt was not for their sake it was for israel's sake and so when joseph and his brothers were reunited and they stood before him and they're soliciting for food and he realized god's purposes he said this in genesis chapter 50. but as for you you meant evil against me but god meant it for good in order to bring it about as it is this day to save many people alive and i just read that to underscore the notion that there are people who are wicked and evil who have evil intentions and sometimes for whatever reason they're allowed to do certain things in the end even those things can work to serve god's purposes and particularly when we start looking at it from this vantage point that all things lead to the restoration of the kingdom of israel so then joseph and that generation died there arose a new king he didn't recognize joseph he began to see the hebrews as the enemies of the state and you know the story and that led ultimately to israel coming out of egypt and beginning their journey toward the land that he had promised to take them into and then when they left egypt what became of that land it was destroyed it deteriorated and it has never regained that glory and that power so there is a time i don't know when but there will come a time when this nation will decline even more so than what we see right now it will deteriorate even more so than what we see now to the point that it will never ever be what it was i'm not saying that's going to happen today or tomorrow or next week i don't know but if we are part of this other kingdom then we have to recognize that that is our future that is the future for all nations because all kingdoms all nations have become the kingdoms of our god and of his messiah that will happen ultimately right so you know when we consider what's happening right now in the united states it has been going on for a long time there's economic uncertainty there's you know you know there's always natural disasters but it seems to me they grow in intensity and frequency and um brandon if you can hear me or robert we need to turn the air off or something because people are starting to flick icicles off their noses so all right but let's consider what's been going on in our nation for a while the economic uncertainty and of course the political upheaval and the political strife has there ever been a time in your lifetime when it has been any worse than it is right now i don't recall it i was a kid in the 60s and i remember you know parents talking about things but you know i don't know it just it just seems unprecedented right now um of course there's always the threats of terrorism and not so much from the outside anymore as much as from the inside there are people right now marching in the streets breaking burning doing everything they can because they want revolution they don't make any bones about it they advertise it they want a revolution and then of course there's the moral decay um there are those people who say that roe v wade is going to be codified in the law as if to say that we're going to make it impossible for this to be overturned and in my mind that translates as we'll murder who we want when we want how we want and there's nothing you can do about it and to me that is mocking the almighty and he says he will not be mocked so if you're going to thumb your nose at him and shake your fist at him in defiance there comes a day you pay for that you answer that whether you're a person or a nation and so when we see these things happening i think it's clear that this nation has taken another step toward moving away from god's purpose for this nation and becoming something that it was never intended to be in other words it's ceasing to function in its purpose as a nation that doesn't mean that we have that doesn't mean that we will it just means that as a nation as a whole more and more we're moving away from the purpose that the father had for us because i do believe that there were god-fearing men and women who helped to form this nation but if we're headed down that road and if we cease to fulfill our purpose then what is the outcome now in john chapter 1 john the baptist he's somebody who understands his purpose he understood that his mission was to prepare the way he says this in verse 19 he says now this is the testimony of john when the jews sent priests and levites from jerusalem to ask him who are you he confessed and did not deny but confessed i am not the messiah and they ask him what then are you elijah and he said i am not are you the prophet and he answered no then they said to him who are you that we may give an answer to those who sent us what do you say about yourself and he said i am the voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the lord as the prophet isaiah said so he understood that he was not the eternal superpower he understood that his role was to help prepare the way of the one who was coming after him and so again i believe this nation has a purpose has had a purpose but it's not to be the eternal superpower it's to play its role as the father determined it determined it in preparation for something that's coming later does that make sense so like john he said this in chapter 3 he said he must increase speaking of the messiah but i must decrease and so in terms of nations if the time is approaching approaching if the set time has come to build up zion psalm 102 if that time is at hand if he's building up zion then we can only conclude that there is a time that this nation will begin to decrease so that zion may increase that god's purposes for the restoration of the kingdom of israel may increase and so we see this moral decline all right are y'all still with me so has our purpose been fulfilled as a nation and that's something that we need to consider that's something that is a concern maybe i could use that word and i i say that because well you remember what gamaliel said those who were persecuting the early believers he told those those jewish leaders he said look man be careful what you're doing if this thing is not of god it's going to come to nothing but if it is then you're going to find yourselves fighting against god in that same token if god is building up one thing and allowing other things to be broken down i don't want to be building up what he's breaking down and work against what he's trying to build up okay i want to be in sync with what his will and his purpose is are you following me here okay i don't pretend to know everything is going to happen tomorrow where this nation is concerned but i want to check my heart and make sure that my heart is after his and that that i can form my will to his so until he makes it very very clear i'm just going to go with the last order i had and that is to occupy till i come and he's put us here for a particular reason for a particular season and we need to be focused on that always with an eye on the fact that he's building up zion all right so where does america fit in prophecy i want to get into this start a little bit and then i'm going to stop and we'll come back next week some people read isaiah 18 and they see american that frankly i think it's a stretch some people say that we're babylon mentioned in jeremiah chapter 15 51 my personal opinion babylon's everywhere babylon's in every nation read it in revelation 17 the woman holding the cup it's the the wine of her fornication and the inhabitants of the earth it says are drunk with the wine of her fornication so babylonian thinking is pervasive throughout the world not just the united states most certainly including the united states but i can find babylonian thinking in israel israel you go to israel there are places in israel that are just as secular as any other place you'll find on earth all right so it is pervasive in the entire world my point is i don't think that the united states alone is babylon i think that babylon is in the united states okay and then there are some people who believe it's mentioned in daniel chapter seven and this is the vision where you know the different uh creatures and one of them is a lion with wings and it had eagles wings and then the eagles wings were plucked out of the lion and then it made it it was a man and it made it stood up on its own feet a lot of people see that that's america being uh coming out of great britain by the way that's what ham solomon thought and that's why he put so much money into the american revolution but are we mentioned in scripture my opinion is we are just not where everyone expected to find it so i'm going to go over if i can find it here i found these notes as i was unpacking i haven't seen these notes in like 10 years and so i thought it's a sign go to isaiah chapter 5 i want to read this passage first before we get to another one isaiah chapter 5 beginning in verse 1. now let me sing to my well beloved song of my beloved regarding his vineyard my well-beloved has a vineyard on a very fruitful hill he dug it up and he cleared out its stones and he planted it with the choices vine he built a tower in its mist and also made a wine press in it and so he expected it to bring forth good grapes but it brought forth wild grapes and now o inhabitants of jerusalem and men of judah judge please between me and my vineyard what more could have been done to my vineyard that i have not done in it why then when i expected it to bring forth good grapes did it bring forth wild grapes and now please let me tell you what i will do to my vineyard i will take away its hedge and it shall be burned and break down its wall and it shall be trampled down i will lay it waste it shall not be pruned or dug but there shall come up briars and thorns i will also command the clouds that they rang no rain on it for the vineyard of the lord of hosts is the house of israel and the men of judah are his pleasant plant so he's comparing israel to that vineyard he specifies judah as being the choicest plant but then he says this in amer a manner of speaking this was the purpose you were supposed to produce good fruit but when i come to collect good fruit i found bad fruit you're not serving your purpose and so go back to something the messiah says does a good tree produce bad fruit it doesn't what kind of fruit does a good tree produce good what kind of fruit does a bad tree produce bad and so he planted it to produce good fruit it didn't function in its purpose didn't do what he designed it to do and so what did he say i'm going to break down the wall i'm going to remove the hedge i'm going to withhold the rain briars and thorns and all these things are going to come and grow in this place why because it didn't serve its purpose so then in jeremiah 12 is it jeremiah or isaiah i've got both down here jeremiah 12 10 what does that say can you pull that up brandon making certain i don't give the wrong reference here there's no jeremiah 12. oh okay well it must be jeremiah 12. yeah there it is it's jeremiah many rulers have destroyed my vineyard they have trodden my portion underfoot they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness they have made it desolate desolate it mourns to me the whole land is made desolate because no one takes it to heart and i'm skipping to verse 14. behold i will pluck them out of their land and pluck out the house of judah from among them then it shall be after i have plucked them out that i will return and have compassion upon them and bring them back everyone to his heritage and everyone to his land so the prophecy in isaiah 5 was what the house of israel is vineyard judah is my choice plant but i went to look for good grapes and what did i find bad grapes so what am i going to do i'm going to remove the hedge i'm going to break it down but here in jeremiah he says many rulers have destroyed my vineyard they have trodden my portion underfoot do you know who his portion is his people are his portion that remnant they have trodden my portion underfoot and they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness so he says i'm going to do these things to it but notice what he's how he describes it happening and actually you know developing rulers are doing this to my place the rulers are doing this to my vineyard think about what's going on in the world today and so he says in verse 14 and 15 i will pluck them out of their land pluck out the house of judah from among them and then he talks about after he's plucked them out he will return can have compassion upon them and one day he will bring them back everyone to his heritage and everyone to his land now when he brings them back everyone to his heritage and everyone to his land what's the word that pops into your mind jubilee lego because what happens when you've lost your inheritance what happens when you have been displaced from your heritage in the oval what happens you it returns to you you return to it so he's implying that i'm going to pluck them out i'm going to i'm going to make certain that this vineyard is overrun but one day one day i'm going to have compassion upon them and i'm going to restore their heritage back to them so the reason i read that is so that we could read this matthew chapter 21 and verse 33 and going this is going back to the idea where can we find our country hinted at in scripture because everybody that studies prophecy is always wanting to know where is the united states of prophecy how many times have i heard that there are people who think they have identified where russia is they think they've identified where china is and all these different things obviously we see where syria and and persia and all these different nations are but where's america where is the united states here's something for you to consider matthew 21 33 there was a certain land owner this is yeshua talking there was a certain land owner who planted a vineyard he set a hedge around it he dug a wine press in it and built a tower now what does this sound like already what did we read in isaiah same thing more or less right and he leased it to vine dressers and went into a far country so we understand that the vineyard belongs to him but he allowed others to tend it he he put others in there to take care of the business of his vineyard he leased it to vine dressers and went into a far country now when vintage time drew near he sent his servants to the vine dressers that they might receive its fruit because in isaiah 5 what happened he went looking for good grapes but what did he find he found wild grapes so it says that he sent his servants to the vine dressers that they might receive its fruit and the vine dressers took his servants they beat one they killed one and they stoned another what did yeshua have to say about those prophets that have been sent to that generation you've stoned them you've killed them right so when you when you read these things it's amazing to me to see what yeshua is saying just by telling the story anyway let's go on and then he sent other servants more than the first and they did likewise to them then last of all he sent his son to them saying they will respect my son but when the vine dressers saw the sun they said among themselves this is the air come let us kill him and seize his inheritance and so they took him and cast him out of the vineyard and killed him therefore when the owner of the vineyard comes what will he do to those vinedressers and they said to him he will destroy those wicked men miserably and lease his vineyard to other vine dressers who will render to him the fruits in their seasons so there's a couple of things that we want to look at and we'll going to kind of start to wind down for this evening we're just kind of laying the groundwork today but there are a group of people who say you know what we're going to kill the son and seize his inheritance and they took him and cast him out of the vineyard now i it never dawned on me until just now where i'm going with this is the part where it says that he's going to destroy the wicked men and then he's going to lease the vineyard to somebody else and what's their job going to be to render the fruits in their season to produce the fruit of the vineyard he's going to lease it to somebody else because these guys didn't do their job but i want you to also see that there are people that are willing to take the one who owns it the sun and throw him out all right so keep that in mind so if he's leasing the vineyard to some that means number one it didn't belong to them number two if it's a lease it has a termination point right but if you're not doing your job i'm gonna give it yeah you're fired you'll fight no i can't do it alan does it pretty good but anyway you're fired that's right and i'm going to find somebody else to lease it to now verse 42 matthew 21 have you never read in the scriptures the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone this was the lord's doing and in his marvelous in our eyes therefore i say to you the kingdom of god will be taken from you the people who are getting fired and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it because he's going to destroy those wicked men and he's going to lease his vineyard to somebody else here he's saying because of what you're doing the kingdom of god is going to be taken from you and it's going to be given to a nation bearing the fruits of it and whoever falls on this stone will be broken that is referring to himself but on whomever it falls it will grind him to power powder all right so what's the nation he's referring to i'm going to submit to you that we might be that nation that was going to be hired to do a particular job and what is the job to render the fruits of it in season but remember the vineyard doesn't belong to any of the vine dressers the vineyard belongs to one and he has leased it to others to take care of and when they don't do what he's hired them to do what does he do he finds somebody else to do it but then what if those people decide they're not going to produce the fruits of it anymore and what if they have been given a lease it doesn't belong to them and what if that lease expires what did jeremiah say those i've plucked out i'm going to return i'm going to have compassion i'm going to return you to your inheritance your heritage yo-veil here's what i'm getting out i believe that we are a prime candidate to be that nation that this vineyard would be leased to not given to least to to do one thing to produce good fruit but if he comes looking for and expecting good fruit and he finds something else what is he going to do the same thing he did in isaiah 5. but this time and this is my opinion very strong opinion but my opinion but this time he's not going to go find somebody else to lease it to this time he's going to return it and he's going to return his people to their heritage heritage to their inheritance all right did that make sense but go back to something he said here when the vine dressers saw the sun they said among themselves this is the air come and let us kill him and see sees is his inheritance and so they took him and cast him out of the vineyard when this nation made the decision to cast god out the schools the public square society at large and now we defy you to the point that we're going to codify murder and butchery and we're going to we're going to dig in our heels and say that you know just because someone's born biologically a male if they think they're female then they ought to have the privileges and opportunities to go into the women's bathroom if they want to do that and we're just going to make that we're going to start in our schools doing that kind of thing and why not they threw god out they threw him out and that's when everything starts going downhill so in the next few weeks i'm just going to get into some things about why i believe going back and looking at some things in history why i believe that this nation may have been the nation that he referred to now i want to say this before i forget to do it ultimately his people are not just found in one place i want to make that very very clear that's i'm not i'm not an advocate for british israelism i'm not saying that america the united states is uh one of the sons of joseph just by nature the fact that we came out of great britain i'm not advocating that at all okay i because i think you should know by now if you've listened to me for any length of time we don't put things strictly in flesh and blood terms here it's not about the form it's about the function so when i see joseph as not only a picture of the messiah but as a picture of the body of the messiah i also see the fact that joseph was put in a nation that he helped and he played a very big role in seeing that that nation became a superpower of his day and that was the nation that was by and large the superpower when all these things began to come to pass when it was time for israel to be restored as a family first and then for the prophecies about bringing them out of egypt and back to the land the egypt was the place where all these things were happening and so i'm i see that function in this current situation and i see how god's people in this nation and abroad but especially in this nation how god has worked in his people and through his people to bring us to this point and now rulers are saying we don't we don't know joseph we don't recognize joseph who is the lord that i should let israel go and so a nation that was formed on biblical principle has now taken the step of casting him out so to speak we're going to seize it we're going to make it into something that we want it to be that it was never intended to be which sets the stage for some of these other prophecies to begin to take place i i hope that some of this made some sense in my mind it did coming out of my mouth sometimes i'm not sure but the idea tonight was just to kind of lay the groundwork for some things that we want to talk about so i don't want to end on anything that might be considered or misconstrued as a negative um because when we start talking about the decline of one nation you know the one we live in uh that might be seen as a bummer i don't know but the idea here is to again reaffirm that until he says it's done that this nation still serves a purpose most importantly you and i in this nation still serve a purpose because there's still some people out there that he is going to gather along with us and it's our mission to find those people to be the fishers of men all right but anyway was that confusing clear as mud all right [Music] so what we'll get into starting next week is i want to show you how through american history you can find this vineyard concept woven throughout american american and more specifically u.s history and i'll give you a little hint at where we're going with this some of the earliest uh explorers in north america called this area vinlan the vikings they called it vinlon one of those was a man by the name of life erickson and he has a very interesting um story in his very very short life and we'll talk about that a little bit but they call this place vinlon which means the land of the vineyard and it's my understanding that one of the reasons that they referred to this place as the land of the vineyard because other than the you know the native americans i guess you'd say it was an unpopulated wilderness and yet there were these vineyards everywhere there were these places were vines and grapes and just this abundance of fruit was growing throughout this place and so they called it venla the land of the vineyard and of course they had intentions to develop it and to cultivate that and that's why they started exploring all the way as far as i understand as far inland as minnesota there have been excavations found in minnesota where there were early viking uh trading posts but those trading posts were not just trading posts people like life erickson were also believe it or not missionaries to some of those early early native americans but we'll talk about some of that later all right i feel like i did not do this justice tonight i hope i i hope i did i hope you can take something away from that but i guess i'll close with this um regardless of what happens to the nation god's always had a people and it's really important that we keep our eyes fixed on him and on his purpose for his people wherever we're at and to know that things can be spinning out of control around us but the purpose that he has for us and in us if we'll be faithful he'll bring it to pass because i don't want him coming looking in my vineyard expecting to find good grapes and he finds wild grapes i don't want him breaking my hedge down i want my hedge to be in place i want everything that he has promised me to come to pass and so i'm gonna in the days and weeks ahead try to keep that my main focus all right well i'll pause there and if anyone has anything they'd like to ask or share feel free beth can i give you the microphone i was just going to say before we pass it around that if you ever had any uncertainties that america was definitely selected by our father and for a very specific purpose stay with this teaching it's one of my favorites that he has had it's been one of my favorites from the very beginning and how long have you been teaching that um 20 something years that's how long this one's been out 20 years yeah okay so for 20 years that's been one of my favorites and some parents have even used it for homeschooling i'm telling you it is so rich there's so much in it you will have no doubts by the time he's gone through this teaching that there are so many signatures of the father on our country it will blow your mind it shouldn't because we know him and he does that amazing thing but still you're gonna have some really big aha moments so stay with it it's going to be fantastic well and again i want to make this again very clear it's not just to sing the praises it's not about seeing the praises of america it's about singing the praises of our father that's the point i don't want anybody to miss that and i hope i made that clear and to show that he does have purpose contrary to those who think god didn't give us this land we took it baloney the father gave this land for a purpose and he gave it to a people for a purpose and that was the point i wanted to make yes stephen well i think it was an awesome teaching just and i got a lot out of it i'm sure she'll like it when she watches it but uh a couple things that i was thinking um was i and you you actually touched on it right at the end but as soon as you started talking about the vineyard and how it related to america the wild grapes to me the first thing that popped into my mind was the native americans the the association with the native americans and the wild grapes um because they really didn't you know come in and settle the land and you know do fields and crops as much as you know obviously what we've done in this day well not all tribes did but some did right well and but then also from a spiritual aspect i was thinking you know um there's been talk um in teaching that native americans obviously had a knowledge of christ but yet they i think as a whole believed in mother earth or worshipped you know what would be mother earth which made me think of associating that to like the wild grapes as well well there were definitely tribes that had that take on things but then there were tribes that didn't right i mean i'm not going to talk about one of those tribes you alluded to talking about that some more so yeah anyway but uh well for all the people who have native american heritage i don't want to paint everybody with the broad brush yeah and there were those that were very uh barbaric war like you know and believed in a lot of things that we wouldn't we would not condone but there but there were tribes that were very civilized very uh advanced um you know relative to some of the other tribes and i'll just go ahead and share this i mean the principal tribe in this part of the country the cherokee was one of the five civilized tribes and they actually believed that there was only one god that he existed in they called it the three elder fires but he was one god and i think i've shared this with you before but many years ago i had the opportunity to meet a man who was introduced to me as the eastern gatekeeper of the cherokee nation because there's an eastern band of the cherokee and there's the western band the western bands that the ones that went out you know that was put on the trail of tears and sent to oklahoma and along with creeks and and others but there was those who escaped into the mountains of north carolina and georgia and tennessee right and they form the eastern band of the cherokee and there's when you go to cherokee north carolina that's their descendants over there all right so this man was the eastern gatekeeper of the cherokee nation so i asked him one time i said is it true the cherokee only worshiped one god only believed in one god yes we believe that there was only one god what was his name joa yeah all right i had read that and i wanted to confirm it but they called him yowa which i mean think about it all right and i'm i'm really getting ahead of myself but since you brought it up yeah sorry do you know that the cherokee believed that that well they had what they called principal towns and they divided these principal towns up into red and white towns the red were war towns the white were peace towns and let's say that you inadvertently killed someone you could run to a white town and you would be safe until there was a hearing to determine whether you were guilty or innocent did not know that you didn't know that not at all never heard that in the in one of the principal towns and one of their last capitals was not too far from here but they would build a seven-sided council house on a tel you know a raised plateau or hill whatever you want to call it and on that seven-sided council house they had a box and in the box they kept two sacred crystals and in this box with the two or by the box with the two sacred crystals that there stood a sentinel on one side and a sentinel on the other who guarded this box because not just anybody could walk into the seven sided council house on any given day of the year and approach the box with the sacred crystals only one man could do it one day out of the year they had seven festivals through the year seven primary festivals through the year that not exactly but very very similar to the seven feasts of israel and those you know i won't go into too many details about that but my point was that there yes there were nations in this land that were very barbaric you know very warlike very pagan if we want to use that word but then there were nations like the cherokee who by the way aniyu i think i don't know if i pronounce that right but that's how that's the name they call themselves the cherokee but it means the chosen people how about that yeah yeah how about that it's almost like somebody had a plan yeah uh like maybe a purpose you know for some of this yeah that's pretty awesome anyway so then this other thing i was thinking was and this is relates to like what you were talking about uh not to fear where we're at in in these times and it's uh when you said that i started thinking i mean the attacks that have been coming on this nation didn't just start two weeks ago i mean this isn't something that one day where this you know god-loving you know evangelistic country and now all of a sudden you know the whole world's upside down i mean these these these these these wheels have been turning for decades uh two centuries so yeah even centuries but i mean specifically like subverting american the fabric of christianity or or god in our country um i just feel like now it's public um you know due to the internet due to you know trump exposing you know well the chairs have produced their fruit yeah we're starting this it's just out there now but i mean we have to realize is that all these all these things have been developing you know for a very long time you know so to act like we're shocked and all of a sudden you know knocked off kilter just it doesn't make any sense um and i i can think of even specifically like when we saw the two towers the twin towers get destroyed i remember we watched a program i think it was dinesh de souza he did a program about it and he explained that in in in world financial power it's always been the nation with the tallest towers that has been the financial seat of the world that have set the financial market uh and and so the destroying of our twin towers uh put dubai and now dubai has the highest towers in the world and now they are considered the global economic power in this world and so i mean there's been things in other words there's been things this this has all been that ain't gonna last for long yeah i mean i know that but i'm just saying i mean we shouldn't be surprised because the writing has been on the wall there there have always been two americas always from the very beginning always been two you know um i'm looking at the clocks 8 55 i'm deliberating whether i should go into this i will very quickly all right when you look at the washington mall you see the white house you see the capitol building you see the lincoln memorial the jefferson memorial right in the middle of it is what do you know washington monument what is the washington monument it's an obelisk where did the oblast come from egypt you know so a lot of people look at america and they see babylon i see egypt you know now babylonian influence is everywhere not negating that but that obelisk came from egypt right and that obelisk was the monument that was to decided that we would honor the father of our country george washington with an egyptian obelisk all right so you know there's there's that america you know that's got that kind of an influence it's got that kind of a lifestyle that kind of a mindset and it's always been here you know but there's always been another america that if you look beyond beyond the warts and the flaws you will see that there's there's something that the father was doing because if you took and laid out the mall the the the washington mall i wish i had a graphic of this you'll have to use your imagination looking down on it on a map the washington monuments in the middle directly north of that is the white house directly south of it is the jefferson memorial directly west is the lincoln memorial and directly east is the u.s capitol however the us capital is a lot farther from the washington monument than the lincoln memorial in the west the white house and the jefferson moore memorial are approximately equidistances from the washington monument so everything kind of you know with the the washington monument is kind of the hub and everything kind of spins off of that so to speak but if you look at on the map you will see that the washington mall um with those four points actually forms a cross on its side now if you go to the capitol right in front of the capitol what do they do at the capitol what do they do what's their function they make laws right they make the laws they're the legislative branch as you go up to the as you go up to capitol hill there is a monument there and there are these lions posted there are stationed there as you begin to go up capitol hill now as it relates to the tabernacle who camped to the east judah judah what is judah's function he's my lawgiver right and what was the emblem of the camp of judah lion lion all right now if you go north of the washington monument there's the white house the man that lives there every time he comes out to a podium they put an emblem on the front of it eagle that's an eagle now to the north of the tabernacle was the camp of dan oh there it is to the north of the tabernacle was the camp of dan the camp of dan do you know what its emblem was not the tribe the camp it was an eagle now to the south is the jefferson memorial if there was one of those early framers and founders that was on the edge so to speak spiritually it's jefferson you know jefferson took all the words that he thought the messiah could not possibly have said he removed them and he formed his own what's now called the jefferson bible you know a lot of people believe that jefferson was a deist i'm not here to debate or argue that the point is that he was a an enlightened man he was all about intellect knowledge and information [Music] and you go to his memorial and you will see this big image of this man thomas jefferson well to the south of the tabernacle was the camp of reuben and what was their emblem the face of a man now to the west which is the shortest distance from the tabernacle you have the lincoln memorial and then you go to the lincoln memorial father abraham is what you know those who release release from slavery called him you go to the lincoln memorial and all around the top of the lincoln des moines you have all of these um inscriptions and images that you know evoke the the idea of who and what he was and how he kind of helped piece the nation back together because what had happened and i'll come back to that in just a moment but you got the ball rolling on this so it's your fault sorry and if we need to release the kids to come over here and sit with the parents we need to do that that's fine but i'm going to wrap up in just a minute the shot fired around the world or the shot fired heard around the world was fired in april 19 1775. the revolution for all practical purposes ended in 1781. 80 years later the nation divided into north and south after david died reigning 40 years his son solomon came to power and he reigned 40 years a total of 80 years when solomon died the nation divided into north and south right now back to lincoln when lincoln was elected as president the nation was dividing into north and south and his he felt his mission was to keep the union intact and so you know the war between the states the civil war whatever you want to call it began and even though there was a few skirmishes before the first major battle was in virginia at a place called what bull run that's what the yankees called it right you live right next door to the thing or you lived right okay but what's where's the town manassas manassas is a greek transliteration of vanessa so it was the battle of manasseh if you were from the south or it was the battle of bull run because the bull run it's a creek it's called the bull run it goes through this area where the battlefield was so and that was the first major battle of the american civil war by the way there was a second battle of manassas or bull run too my point is this the lincoln memorial is dedicated to a man who tried to put the nation back together in the midst of this civil war now his memorial would correspond to the camp of what was the camp to the west nope ephraim now what was ephraim's brother his name manassas what was if what was the emblem for the camp of ephraim it was a bull in fact on the lincoln memorial you'll see where they are depicting the life of abraham lincoln and one of the things on the front is that he's working with these livestock oxen cattle bulls and all these kinds of things my point there's these little hints all around the washington moff you look on the surface what do you see you see egypt there's a novelist dedicated to the father of our country but if you look below the surface think of it in terms of joseph when you saw joseph what do you do what did you see you saw egypt but if you were able to look beyond the surface what would you see the seed of abraham there's always been two americas there's always been these two competing forces there's always going to be tears sown where in the midst of the wheat do you know where the name america comes from amerigo vespucci who oddly enough never set foot in america but he described something that you know columbus had thought he'd found the indies but america vospuche realized that that's not what columbus discovered or come across he didn't find a new route to the indies he found a new world and so when this began to catch on in europe there was a uh a german cartographer a man who makes maps by the name of martin waldis mueller who decided to christen this new land after amerigo vespucci because he was the first one to describe it as being a new world amerigo is an italian name that means rich in wheat so america's name carries with it with the idea of wheat well what does the adversary always do where there's wheat he says tares in the midst of the wheat and what happens according to the parable they grow up together until when the time of the harvest and at the time of the harvest what does he do he sends his reapers in to gather first the tears to gather them bind them in bundles and burn them and then to gather the wheat where into his barn right so he gathers what is that what does that speak of it speaks of the in-gathering what is the inn gathering is when he's going to bring all of his people back into their heritage and i went ahead and got into a lot of other things that i was going to wait till later but anyhow you see where this is going all right so uh yes serena can we pass the microphone back there to serena but but we need to get you on the microphone because yes that's the rules turn the microphone on okay just a quick question all right when you were describing the different areas of the mall in the animals is that are those the same animals that are in the cherubim on the four faces of the terrible go to the throne room that's right because let's go beyond the obelisk that's dedicated to the father of our country to that other america what's in there what's in the heart of them all right by the way in original plans called for the washington monument to be a temple-like structure not an obelisk just as a footnote but if you can see past all the egyptian symbology and all the babylonian stuff you will you will find that there has always been that america that has that connection to his promises that he's made to israel more specifically um israel is in america you know israel's in mexico and some of mexico come over to america right israel is in all these different lands but all these different lands in many ways i feel anyway are represented by what he made this land to be truly a melting pot of all these different nations and ethnicities and cultures and tribes and he kind of concentrated them here and that's why they call it a melting pot as and as a personification of what he was going to do at the end of days because at the end of days he said i'm going to bring you out of all these different nations and he just really emphasizes the point i feel by what he's done in times past what he's doing right now and what he will do in this nation because if the world is metaphorically egypt and i believe it is i believe that this place is egypt if you he who has an ear to hear let him hear what i'm saying here and what is the word for egypt in hebrew basically between the straits two two bodies of water on uh either side of us you know and it's you're kind of between the straights so to speak so anyway i'm rambling i'm getting way ahead of myself but this is very near and dear to my heart yes ma'am do y'all see why i love this so much i'm so glad he decided to teach it i have no idea who is next bill do you know i don't and i'm right i'm gonna catch somebody over here and i'll go back to the other side and i'll try to be fair and y'all will love me if i mess up let everybody know on the other side if they need to release the kids we can bring okay all right all right yeah nick okay i'm so glad to be uh of the nation of israel and bought redeemed and living in his kingdom however i also have the human side of me which comes from the reservation but i am a hundred percent native american and atrocities that were done still run deep in the soul and [Music] my people are not wanting a war we just want to be recognized for the atrocities that were done to us and what was promised to us that's all we wanted was for the treaties that were made with our people to be righted and it's never been hap it's never happened um and it's been whitewashed and it's been lied about and history has written its own words that did not happen and some of them did like you said some of our tribes were very they were murderers they they were violent and some of our tribes weren't we were also the eastern peacekeepers in fact they used our people to go between the french and the english what was the tribe again i'm i'm aqua okay and it's mohawk white man renamed us mohawks um but we are from akusasniyer people are called kenyakahaga which means people of flint we were renamed and um we are hudasani people of the longhouse and at the longhouse you cannot come it's kind of like our our um it's where our laws are made it's where things are discussed it's where um it's it's our government and you can only come in through the door of your clan so you can't just willy-nilly walk in there you have to come in at certain times and you can only come through the door of your clan and you can only come in if um if you've been accepted if you've been we don't let outsiders in uh i said all that because we we were used we were taken out as as few back a years as 1975 people were still soldiers were still coming into our homes and taking the children out and putting them into parochial schools and beating us for speaking our native language that's why our language is gone it no longer exists our customs are mostly gone because we were beaten when we tried to exercise them so that burns fresh in our mind and i know i shouldn't be feeling this but when we talk about native and when we talk about america i have a different viewpoint of that though i i went into the military and i worked for the government i was proud to do that and but i i have to go back to some of the things that were done to my people that were horrible and nobody said a word nobody's apologized from the government nobody has recognized that our people were here our people believe that you don't own land and we were willing to share the land but that wasn't good enough and so we were put into places and we were told stay here this is your reservation and we won't bother you if you don't bother us and this is what we will give you in return and nothing was ever given we were just left and that's kind of the way i feel i i have these opposite sides of how i should see how have you reconciled it as far as a behavior i reconcile it because i am no longer of the flesh that i am a child of the kingdom and yahweh is my father and my redeemer is yeshua messiah that is how i reconcile it i reconcile it i don't live on the reservation anymore but my family still does and they still have these hurts and they still remember and they still have an attitude of the fact that whatever's happening in washington and whatever they're doing to themselves now good and i kind of have to have that pride and say yeah good whatever is going to happen to them they deserve it so that i have a hard time with because i still am a flesh i still am a fleshly being and i still have memories but i'm glad to be part of the kingdom and not having to rely on that and have hatred and have animosity but it's still there just want you to know it's still there for those of us who are from the reservation i don't do it it's still hard i've had opportunity actually go to a couple of not up north but out west you know and speak to some of the first nations people i think you know i've had opportunity to speak at a first nations gathering there was thousands this is where i met this eastern gatekeeper for the cherokee nation you know so yeah i'm well aware and acquainted with the fact that there's still a lot of that but my point in asking the question is the point the bigger point where the reason we're talking about this is that it's it's not that things were done the way they should have been done all the time they never are you know but even wicked men unwittingly end up serving god's purposes the greater purpose and and so even now things that are going on right now that i don't like because i know it's going to affect my children it's going to affect my grandchildren i don't like it but i have to unders i've come to terms with the fact that even people who operate in selfishness and wickedness if i can find it are going to play a role in bringing god's purposes ultimately to pass you know so i didn't grow up on the reservation um i was part of the wolf clan of the cherokee confederation of nations you know i never really i don't know saw any benefit of that but um i probably identified more as a south georgia collard eaten sweet tea drinking person than i did part of the wolf clan at the cherokee nation but my point is this when i was born again all those old things passed away and i'm a new creation and i'll just pray and we'll pray for you brother that those hurts and things that you and your family and relatives still experience that the father will bring restoration that he'll bring peace and that you know in the end if you and i are following him faithfully whatever we have to endure in this life the rewards are going to cause that to pale in comparison and in the meantime when you go home and you talk to your relatives i pray that it will be with a conviction given to you by the spirit of i am such an outcast okay all right i'm an outcast because i'm a christian but now it's just like now he's a torah believer oh my gosh what is this guy's problem but um as as a believer yeah i'm i am so so much an outcast to my people uh it's like i've turned my back on them i never turned my back i've turned my back or my front to the father and and that's where the difference is between me and the rest of my family you know that story kind of reminds me of something else if y'all don't mind me telling another story real quick i can always count on you can i we want to let you know your children had the teachers have been notified we're running a little bit long and that they're welcome to bring anybody over here who needs their parents so if you see them filtering in that's why but they have been informed that we're running a little bit long so they're they're still good i'm not going to keep i'm not going to keep you much longer because me and robert got to get up early in the morning there is a this was told to me this was told to me so take it for what it's worth but supposedly there is a a legend or folklore among the cherokee particularly among the what the western band of the cherokee they live out in oklahoma talaqua and places like that by the way if you ever go out there to telecoil particularly you look at the street signs and they're all written in the cherokee syllabary they're not written in english and do you know who developed the cherokee syllabary a man by the name of george guess that was his english name but his cherokee name was sequoyah he was born right up here in fort loudoun tennessee just up the road and then he before he ended up out in oklahoma but his name was sequoia and he saw the whites reading this book that inspired them and it reminded him of a legend among the cherokee that they once had the book that speaks but that the great spirit became angry with them and took it from them but that one day he was going to return it to them so sequoia based on that legend began to develop the cherokee syllable he borrowed from latin and greek and hebrew and english characters and developed this 86 letter celebrate where the cherokee were the first if for some time i think the only native american tribe that had their own written language they had language all the other tribes had languages they had oral histories and all those things but they didn't have it written down and so sequoia developed that and he first published a paper back in the early 1800s called the phoenix and the whole idea about the phoenix is rising out of the ashes but here's the story that wasn't the story this is the story gotta run around mount sinai right when the western band ends up out in oklahoma they there's a folklore among them this is again what i'm told that they have a promise that one day the great spirit or yoah is going to allow them to return to their homeland and be re reunited with their brothers that are in their native homeland and so that's always fascinated me because there are all these parallels in in that always take me back to the things that god told israel the things that god done did in israel and through israel and the things that have been prophesied and so i'm i have long concluded and i won't say certainly not all the native tribes but i do believe that there are native tribes in north america and some people even say into south america and central america that had some kind of connection some kind of canada i'm not going to go so far as to say lost tribes i i don't know but had some kind of connection with israelis i'll just leave it at that and it's fascinating but it makes sense to me because if he's going to pluck them up where is he going to put them okay yeah in our in our tribe um it's not so much our tribe but the local tribes uh uh up north we also have a a belief that uh when the creator brings us all back to our land it's a land that we've never seen it's not this land we know we're not from here that's fascinating you know i kind of get the idea that some of us anyway could talk about this all night i promised i would go to this side though okay well this is it's getting on to be 9 30. so you're gonna have to wrap it up here no i'm coming across the room all right must want to go home all right well let's pray you got the microphone is everybody okay with us talking about this all right if you're not then wasn't hebrew also on the table to be the native language in america at one time cotton mather and others uh in the massachusetts bay wanted to make hebrew the official language of the colonies when harvard university was founded its primary mission was to train ministers and teachers sunday school teachers or bible teachers you know obviously in the scripture but more specifically to train them how to read write and understand the hebrew language because according to william bradford who was one of the early governors of the plymouth plantation he believed that the hebrew language was the language of god and of the angels so if you go to plymouth massachusetts to this day on his tombstone it's there's an inscription written in english and there's one in latin i think and then there's another one in hebrew and in hebrew you've been there you've seen it okay so you can attest to what i'm saying is true but the one that is written in the hebrew basically says we did this with the help of yudhi bhave you know so yes you know hebrew the hebrew language the hebrew culture the hebrew customs there you'll we'll talk about it more detail as we go forward you'll see these woven into the very fabric of what this nation started out as in fact if i'm not mistaken it's at the um what do they call the main place where the students meet on the college campus the union building the college union or anyway one of the principal buildings there in harvard university in cambridge massachusetts if it's still there when you entered it would say it said uh holy unto you or words to that effect of course that was what was written on inscribed on the the the crown of the high priest holy unto you so yes cotton mather and some of those early puritan ministers not the ones who uh you know held the salem witch trials but you know uh some of their predecessors they wanted to make hebrew the official language of the colonies you know look what you did not sorry i got to tell this story too years ago brandon and nathan were little guys and we went to massachusetts and we visited the plymouth plantation there's a living history museum there in plymouth you can go the mayflower 2 which is a replica of the original mayflower and but these people get in costume they get in character you know they speak as if they're in the 17th century and you really have to listen some to understand what they're saying um but i remember we were walking around and we went into the governor's house and there's an actor there who is dressed out as william bradford and he's having a discussion with all the people that are in the house about this new king james bible that just came out and he's talking about all of the imperfections in the king james bible and how they didn't translate this right and da da da da and this is an actor going to all this deep theological discussion with all these tourists that are going you know and i sat down i just started listening to him you know talk about all this stuff and then he got into the hebrew scriptures and was talking about hebrew words and concepts and i'm like i am mesmerized you know i have forgotten why we're here i'm just listening to this guy like for just a moment i'm like wow you know this is incredible so finally i waited around until everybody left you know i said man that was impressive where did you learn all that and the guy stayed in character he would not break character i mean he just started talking like william bradford to me and i'm like this is so cool you know but anyway that's just it's just to amplify the fact that in early american history some of those people that came on were they were just absolutely convinced that just like israel came through the sea they crossed the sea god brought them to a place where they could worship and live in the way that he intended and not all of them had the idea of you know taking a lot of them wanted to do what some of the native tribes wanted to do but then there's always as they begin to branch out and people get their own ideas about what this is all about you know bad things start happening anyway we won't get into that tonight 9 30. i've talked enough okay so next week maybe you can tell them what we saw on bradford's tombstone i just did where were you that was okay i thought you said somebody else's did you check out i missed the name see if talked too long no anyway okay so again y'all see why this is just so rich well i don't want to get lost in the history of it or let me rephrase it i don't want what the father has done is doing will do to get lost in the history of it it's just we go back and we talk about these things and we see how his fingerprint is all over the place and his purposes are what we're trying to focus on not mine not yours but his purposes and fulfilling that and living up to that in this day and time amen let's all stand beth i'll have you pray [Music] our abba our king our redeemer our salvation our provider our solid rock thank you thank you for who you are to us and that we are allowed to call ourselves your children what a privilege what an honor and how it should also humble as father thank you for this great nation with all of its warts and flaws father you have a purpose you have a purpose for all of the lands that you've created we happen to live in this one father and we pray for this country as well as the other lands that we would all fulfill the purpose for which these countries were founded father with all of the hurts with all of the bloodshed with all of the injustice with all of the even wickedness you haven't snuffed out this country yet so you still have a plan father we do ask for forgiveness of the wrongs that have been done father you value every life you created from way back in the beginning from the first foot that ever stepped on this land to the one that is currently in the womb you value every life and i pray that you would cause us to see that value the way you do and to see the value of all of the lives in this land the way you do father and that we would know we all have a purpose and that not just it's all about me but that all of our brothers and sisters have a purpose every one of them father every life you created so help us to keep that in mind and not just look inwardly not at ourselves and not as a country but as your people to look outwardly to everyone and ask and be willing to find out and do what it is that we're supposed to do to help others see that purpose father and to lead them to you because at the end of the day that's what it's all about we're out here to be your mouthpiece father for you to flow through we're just your vessels and so again i thank you for this great country for the richness of its history but father more than anything how you give us just like in the book of esther all these little hints that you are there in so many ways in everything and father you allow those to see this in our individual lives too you're allowed to see those i thank you for that and through this study of what you're doing in this country and father how we'll find out how it parallels to israel um and how the natives have played such an integral part in this country and are tied back to that precious land and everything in between father like bill said let us not focus on the wow factor but let us focus on you and your purpose because you're not finished and we're still here which means we are part of the purpose for which this country was created and wherever you take us after that father we yield to you as willing vessels as citizens of not this land but your kingdom father we thank you that we can even say that i pray that you would go with everyone tonight that you would take them safely to their homes and that you would bring us back together on shabbat and that in the meantime father that you would just allow your blessings to flow and us to live in such a way that you can open those gates for us we thank you and issue his precious name amen everybody have a good night you
Channel: Bill Cloud
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Id: xGQWN7XZ06o
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Length: 123min 25sec (7405 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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