Live Q & A With Kevin Zadai & Julie Meyer and Sister Ruth.

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sister Ruth we have suze to sister Ruth Court kneel remember when I was in Phoenix and we did those live shows well sister Ruth is here from Phoenix Arizona and I've got a surprise for you I've also got Julie Mayer Julie Mayer is here and she's gonna take us in first with a song of the Lord and then we're gonna all sit around and we're gonna answer your questions thanks for joining us tell all your friends to go ahead and log on god bless you see you in a second a question your sister Ruth why Julie's getting ready and it just be a couple minutes but um sister Ruth I want to start to talk to you about the release of the glory now we've talked about this and we've known each other for probably what seven years now I think seven or eight years okay the the glory of God we've always talked about the glory of God we've always wanted to know that day comes when it's not going to be just presents you know we talk about the presence of God and you know the Holy Spirit's ministry and we've we've really enjoyed that ministry the charismatic movement all the gifts of the Spirit but the glory is something different isn't it you know as we have discussed so once you just say something about the glory cuz there's some questions about the glory now you all asking so many questions about the glory and sister Ruth here is the one that taught me we used to have five-hour meetings where everybody was laid out and we would just leave and go go to eat people we still look do you remember that yes praise God listen atmosphere and you create it with your voice with your voice with you did you hear that you use your voice you need your voice you've got to let the mysteries of God come out of you this will be pretending to another question on a list uh beneath but you create an atmosphere for God to move for God to bring freedom forgot to bring Liberty for God to reveal the manifestation you can have thoughts of it not just see it first but you have thoughts because your thoughts become his thoughts and he begins to reveal to you by the flow of your spirit the level of your spirit the hunger in your spirit the desire in your spirit to know him and you can move in it a lot of people step into it as their minister but you want to be a people that's in your everyday conversation it's in the things that you do the expressions of God because of the glory room that's the rim of the heavenlies when he said on earth as it is in heaven he was to bring the heavens into the earthly he wants to manifest what he's doing in our lives and in just in every part even to the eating and drinking of your life I found this by watching observing and listening to a great woman of God God spoke to her one day in 1978 and said I want you to start teaching on the glory and she didn't she knew but she didn't know you know many times we know but we don't know we can't really define it but we know something has changed something has happened and so not really sure of what God was saying she went to a Jewish friend their teacher so were you coming for each I'm the glory and she's okay and then she called back I don't think so God spoke to you and so just on the word she came to America to the camp where we resided and she said for 17 days I'm going to speak on the glory she said I don't really know what I'm gonna do what I'm doing okay but I'm going to talk about it and he just happened just declares so it went for 17 days seventeen days ninety day and and this this was who was this it's fun Ruth Heflin spoke for 17 days in the glory and it came in okay man okay so tell me because I know this when I was in heaven I saw this you you have to you have to be mindful of your words right because yeah and you have to realize that that is the transference like I I'm really careful with my words even when I'm dealing with with people on everyday level I'm very careful to mean what I say but you can transfer the other realm the atmosphere the other realm through words isn't that what Jesus say that's what I'm saying yeah so it's really talking about mark 11 23 and 24 where Jesus said to speak to the mountains and they're going to be removed and wasn't it interesting how there were words where Jesus would just use a word and a demon would leave it said by a word or somebody was healed he would just use a word sometimes he never did so by that 17 days when she was teaching the faith for the glory that the faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God okay so that teaching put everybody in that place where they could they could be participate in it I didn't let me sing this to you share this with you it's a moment I didn't really feel that it was a new teaching but we would sing about it we'd let the glory come in sometimes we would just lie lie lie or or ah but we would hold that place right spirit by our voices because it is the voice john said I'm the voice jesus said I'm the voice of many waters it's what we're declaring you know the priests were quite away from the Jordan but they heard something about the voice of John the Baptist yeah it was crying in the water that's crying something new now it's like you said it's it's every day we order our conversation or right see this is what I observed about sister Ruth whatever she was talking about there was a lofty sound about her voice yes it was Authority yes yes she did an authority there that it was different you could hear sounds of glory on her voice because she spent much time worshiping the Lord before God revealed this to her she entered a new realm you would want to bring everything up to another level right if people can see in here no with that being said Julie's Jolie's join us hi Julie we're so excited to have you thank you for coming and and I'm telling you what I could feel the glory of God so strongly but I have to tell you right off the bat that that for me for me when I when I passed away in the on the operating table and I went to be with Jesus I did not want to come back but when I did come back I knew some things that I was instructed about and I just wanted to say this right off the bat about the glory is that God God wanted to reveal his glory to Israel but the people did not come up to the mountain and so he got upset you know even built that border around and then he said nobody goes near it or there right okay I just have to tell you this that this next move of God is is about transformation I just want to put that out to you the students the reason why we're doing the school the reason why there are 92 hundred students in 14 months is because God is raising up disciples to carry the glory and to be a witness in this in this world what do you have that's different from the world and does the world want it because you know the bottom line is as Christians we have to have something better to offer people and I offer people change I offer people transformation so when the glory of God came by the mountain Jesus showed me that it changed Moses's perspective and it changed the way that he walked so that when he came down even his face was transformed but he was dif he and even the people that you know we could call them church people because Moses spent that time with him in the glory saw hid the revelation of the glory when he walked by but then the people said cover your face they they wouldn't you do the word study on all that they it shows that there were beams of light coming out of his face and the people were afraid because he was fearful looking okay I sail that students because this next move is is really not lukewarmness at all in any way its transformation so this is not just like a playground where we go to services and see if we can get knocked on the ground and see if we can find a gemstone and you know it's not I'm not demeaning any of that stuff but see I go to a service to a church service I gather in the glory so that I can be changed and so I just want to say that right off the bat that all of us are on the same page with this but as students there's a lot of abuse out there with with the teaching of the glory and I'm really I want to get back to the basics of repentance where there's repentance and change and the fear of the Lord where you you respect God you honor God you you have face time before God and that seems to bring in what we've seen in the services now if I teach repentance the fear or waiting on God respecting God repenting and not lying to each other talking about these these simple things just like with sister Ruth when she taught that for 17 days the people started to get on the same page and they got into unity and I'm I want to bring you in on this Julie because I know that you if you just give us a little bit of history about some of the things that you've encountered because see we've all been in the glory and what happens is you never want to go back and this is what I'm realizing with people that they say they've been in the glory but there's no change they still walk the same they still talk the same and they they seem to like be in and out all the time that the people that I like with me it changes me I never will go back I never want to go back and I've watched you I'm so glad I got to see you in some of your videos and things like that you've been in you actually encountered history haven't you at the Kansas City revival and everything with Mike Bickle can you tell us a little bit about Wow and then talk about the glory what some of the things you've seen well I met Mike I was in my 20s early twenties at a full gospel businessman meeting and I started going to his church at that time he had three prayer meetings a day and we prayed the Bible and was saying about wait a minute three prayer means we get every month every day we had a 6:00 a.m. and a noon prayer meeting and a seven o'clock prayer meeting but we didn't have a seven o'clock prayer meeting on Sunday and Mike had actually given this sermon there were so many young people he said if you are not married this is the time give your life to prayer God will take care of everything else and I was in I was just signed up and in me and one of my best friends Nancy Doyle and I actually met my husband at a 6:00 a.m. prayer meeting when Mike said turn around and pray for the person behind you and I turned around and it was Walt so for anybody that single I think the best singles meetings of the six a.m. prayer meetings because the fiery ones do fiery ones get up early exact and they show up faithfully they just go up and so you know I was with a Mike for years and in 2000 Oh in a 90 in 1990 we joined the vineyard he sent different people out we went to a vineyard in Colorado anyway we're at some different places but that those early years for me I think I just fell in love with the word Wow and when you when you fall in love with the word I mean it becomes so much more than about yourself I mean if I could say anything young people fall in love with the word you can play it on your instrument what is Revelation for what does it sound like if you're a drummer you know if you're a bass player what does it sound like what does it sound like when Jesus has fire in his eyes we can relay that to the world I believe that worship is not a service it's a lifestyle and it's not a lifestyle that you just do a little bit you're in uh you're just in it you it I I don't turn it off because now it's dinnertime but you know that's profound what you just said it's a lifestyle yeah so it's not like you go to worship and then you go and then you go to eat or you go to Sunday School you don't know this is this is a lifestyle and this is what I think was taught in the experience that Moses had with the people of Israel they they didn't want a lifestyle they didn't want to go up and visit so with with what you've experienced so so you you had three times a day what were some of the things you saw because I what I want you to do is there's there was a student what would you say to the students that wrote how can we break open and start to release the glory that is already within us which sounds like worship to me so that we truly walk in that identity as sons of God and I'm gonna I'm gonna hand it to sister Ruth to after you so well I think number one we have to see ourselves who Jesus created us to be and you find that in the word but when we when the when worship just becomes who we are it's not something that we turn off then when I show up to a worship service because I've been this constant communication with the Lord with the Holy Spirit talking to him at the hotel you know then what happens when we show up together is there's this overflow I mean there's just this what this overflow of glory because I feel like in that moment we're not looking at things from our view but we're looking at things from his view and we can see it different and we can bring it down and if we live in this place we can bring it wherever we go if we don't live there if we just worship on Sundays at 10:00 we can't open it no matter how good you are or gosh your voice is great yet because I just think God loves friends and he just opens that to his friends and I want to be his friend yeah I watched you when you play the keyboard even you know we were filming today you know and everything and I just I felt at home being around you of course you know just met you we've been in meetings where we were doing the music and I was speaking but I never got to meet you but they would have to carry me off you know so but the one thing that I notice about you is it on Sid because we both will be a bit on Sid Roth and is that you feel really comfortable when you can worship God in an intimate way so if everything's set up right I noticed that you feel right at home with the keyboard it's just like you've always had you've always played the keyboard you've always had this relationship with God but what could you say because there's some there's some frustration with some of the students what just before I hand it over a sister with would you like there's some people that are really like they even say like I can't even sing I can't even sing I can't play an instrument but I want to do personal worship so like you they look at you you know that when they see us like doing music and stuff they think well we're professionals but we're not really professionals like in the world sense are we you're comfortable that this is where you feel at home and I look at you you actually change when you're when you're singing to the Lord and so did you encourage people because you don't have to be a good singer or even be a good play or you can just like pick a chord with your fingers on oh no and just hold the chord and hum right yeah how did you start I know I already know your answer but can you tell the students like how you just started with the Psalms how you'll just pick scriptures right yeah I just mean I want to say one thing though that the Lord loves your voice and we when we can be true to who he created us to be and show up show up authentic in that then he loves it so you don't have to have this amazing voice I like to say singing the Bible singing the Bible brings the glory I believe that but when you sing the word whether you have a singing voice or not you might not make the worship team but you will get breakthrough you will get breakthrough if you sing the Bible and you know what you will get breakthrough with what you think about you because for people to say that you need breakthrough because he loves your sound Lord you know that that's your key you got to see things from his perspective and his perspective is don't stop don't I love the sound of your voice so if you will pick one I was doing it earlier you pick one note maybe you don't play an instrument ah you can sing on one no did you see that that's what she does she just she just did that like oh there she just picked a melody and she started to speak out that's what that's what you do that's I've seen that with you in fact sometimes Sid Roth would put you on the spot yeah okay just sing that yeah so so do you see that you don't have to be a professional if you're waiting to be good you know it's like my wife Kathy she was waiting until she was good enough so she could be a Christian and you don't do that you don't wait till you're good enough to become a Christian you turn yourself again yeah so it's the same way with worshiping God you know God is not waiting for you to be good enough at anything to come to him he wants you to be his friend he wants you to come and he wants you to worship Him and then the flow comes right it's like a river coming out of your spirit sister Ruth you know meetings we've been in I've seen you get in the spirit to where it didn't look like you were touching the floor you're so light on your feet and what is that about about you that that that that comes in and you start to dance and twirl what's happening to you I know that they've seen this do the students have seen that so you can just talk right into there and to that camera right there and tell the people like what happens to you when the Spirit comes on you so that people know how to yield see this is the problem people aren't yielding they're not yielding - you taught us how to yield in those meetings it takes many times for people that do not know God to celebrate by what they get not from God but from the world that makes them happy it's the spirit of holiness it's in people's lives you cannot have the glory without holiness it's like a two-sided corn you can't separate him whoa you have to walk in that all the time yeah and so your song is about His Majesty his personality his nature in you that's what's coming out and more and more there's new measures of releasing his thoughts to you what he's doing in the world what he's doing in the church when David said when the scripture says singing to the Lord a new song you're no longer singing about what you know or what you've learned but you're singing of what God is doing it's the Eternity of God that's coming out students it will give you every favor every financial need everything that you need when I tapped into this one day he said to me these words when I was trying to define the glory he said I want you to tap into it that was the word he said that's a rhythm it took me a little while to figure that out it's a rhythm of the heavens that he wants to bring into the earth it's his glory he wants to reveal and you and me who he is how he operates his colors are like his works he's doings his discernment his knowledge it takes five or six gifts of the Spirit to operate the prophetic because you have to discern you have wisdom you have to have knowledge you have to have faith to release the power and the presence of God in the Word of God so you come into this relationship that nothing else will satisfy nothing all the money in the world cannot buy it all the things in the world you're happy in whatever state you're in because you've learned that godliness with contentment is great gain it's great gaining the glory whatever you have Nita whatever the answer is you will know it they'll be the glory reveals a knowing a knowing that God is ever every precedent every time of trouble he's present in everything whatever it is you're doing you can have I've had the Lord to tell me one day when I was baking something he said this is what happened when my glory touches it my glory I had a friend that didn't know how to cook mm-hmm and she decided to make something almost impossible and I was teaching her how to hear the voice of the Lord she didn't know how to boil water but she made an icing for the cake and the Lord spoke to her it was perfect perfect the Lord said this is what happened when my glory touches it it's exactly the way you wanted it's perfect it's perfect to you because God has touched it so you live as Julie was saying a life it's a lifestyle there's nothing outside of it you can have a wonderful anointing and you can minister and move in that anointing with the great freedom but the glory brings a freedom that you're never concerned about the natural but only looking for the supernatural the unusual the purposes of God in your life and it makes a happy care I'm telling you you'll laugh at nothing because the joy of the Lord is your strength you'll constantly be open to the moves the warfare the welfare but I want to tell you something God is another a lot people talk about let's do warfare you don't have to do that God has done in a battle by himself he's not fighting himself he's not that's right when you worship everything is at peace everything is in order everything's alive the beauty of the Lord when we talk about the colors in the rainbow we're talking about the beauty of the Lord it's electrifying and it electrify your life it will slow down things it's too busy and it'll make things busy that's too slow in other words he'll bring a balance in your life he'll shout in your life you'll never lack or want for any good thing any good I want to tell you that I share just gonna share it one more time oh sure I've never bought a house I'm not against anybody buying it god bless you if you could do it up I had two houses given to me and every car that I've ever had I probably made one or two payments to the rest God took care of but most of them were given to me I live diamonds all women must are there something wrong with their eyes but I don't have them on every finger but one day God gave me a diamond and I sewed it because I didn't have an offering and since then he's giving me 12 such a diamond ring but I'm hoping he doesn't ask for the last one you know it's one I really like but if he wants it as I read the scripture one day it's this simple when it says my beloved comes with rings a burl that's in the Song of Solomon I said to the Lord where's mine I wasn't trying to be cute or be cheeky with the Lord you don't do that you're real with the Lord because it's an eternal love affair of how wonderful is so wonder who he is and I remember that I was at a meeting in a snowstorm and there was a lady there that the Lord spoke to her and said give her your mother's ring a burro she drove through 80 Wow snowstorm she heard the voice of Lord - give it to me well thought it to me and I sewed it and for many years I sewed every ring I ever got not really looking for a bigger one because nothing is more precious than being married to the Lord and you don't need a ring for that God is looking for people that's hopelessly helplessly not hopelessly but helplessly help me to know you're more in Jesus how many love you ways more help me to obey you Allah more your word more help me to line up with the word there's an alignment where the holiness holiness of God is upon you that everything in your being spirits soul mind and body worships the Lord and everything that you do there's an excellence of wanting to do it better there's always more to obtain from the Lord always more always um I was thinking about something that just happened we were we were just in Michigan last week and I'm doing what the Lord asked me to do I'm teaching on healing and staying right on on the on task with that and all of a sudden I kid you not as a minister the people people are getting overcome by the by the presence of God and I've only been speaking like maybe 20 30 minutes so I went on a little bit longer and then all the sudden I felt as though someone came and stood behind me and then beside me too as well and I know what happens when that happens because that happens in every service but it usually happens at the end well it just so happened that it ended up be in the end because all the sudden out of my mouth when I went to say something about you know what I have planned to teach on out of my mouth says you know what this would be a good time for all of you who have not given yourself to the Lord to be saved right now who in here there's there's there's five of you but I said I said who in here wants to give their life to the Lord right now and the one person gets up and then another person gets up and I said there's more and you know what the whole time I'm being as bold as a line because I felt the shift of something around me that was be it we went to another level and all of a sudden what I thought I was supposed to do it didn't matter anymore okay so it ends up that I say to the so that you've never been saved they said no I said repeat after me I said the whole congregation so those three got saved and the Lord said go ahead and get him filled with the Holy Spirit right now and I'm like thinking well do I need to explain it to them you know what this is and I said I said so they turned the pastor was going to take them to the room you know - and I said no I said they're gonna really see the Holy Spirit right now raise your hands I said receive the Holy Spirit speak in tongues right now they all three started speaking in tongues they don't even know what it they don't even know anything about it it's effortless okay yeah but this is a different stage this is a different that I'm seeing that in the glory where there's a stronger it's not just presence where you have a nice church service this is something where something happened that was beyond me and I want to tell you something when this happens when when I feel something from the other room standing beside me and it was a large angel but when that angel came he didn't say a word to me he didn't touch me with his wings he didn't do anything he had nothing in his hand yet he didn't say a word to me he just stood there and all the sudden people got saved can I say yes please - but I'll tell you this is what's happening our eternity is invading our time but it's a new timing in the Lord and suddenly it's like you're invading everything you're releasing everything God wants to do and he's cutting through the systems programs and this is what he wants he wants that flow from heaven to come into every service and anything can happen we just have to know how to shift to it and live with it that it's almost pure everything that happens if it's very pure yeah and people quickly identify with the Lord they don't even know what's happening but suddenly the timing of the Lord is in maternity no it's come alive in the Lord yeah and I say that because you know I waited a whole year of seeking God for the Holy Spirit that's after I'm saved I wanted to be filled the spirit so I'm asking God to fill me with the Spirit it took a whole year when these people I didn't I didn't tell them that they should start seeking and praying about the Holy Spirit I just said be filled with the Holy Spirit something from the other realm caused them to step right into it whereas it took me a year so who's being stupid here you know so the Lord says don't even give them time to think about it just tell them that they know you receive the Holy Spirit I'm finding this out with healings that are happening where they're incurable diseases are being healed immediately in our services it the same thing happens but this time I see someone that is translucent it looks like a person but they're standing beside someone in the crowd and I look and I'm thinking is that an usher and I'm like no that that is a bright and shiny one that is an angel and I said that I said sir you're being healed right now the angel of the Lord is standing beside you and I've seen it and they've been we've documented it where they're they're healed of incurable diseases like where they have to have an operation on their discs in their back and then one person had congestive heart failure they had already been told by the doctor you got three months to live quit your job there's nothing we can do for you and completely healed and that's within the last year or two so the the the reason I bring this up is because people are asking if there's different levels of the glory and if you if you talk if anybody wants a comment on that about because I know that you've seen different things and of course I have to that because I'm talking about this but we understand that that the presence of God and the glory of God are two different things the reason why is if you remember if you've ever seen my teaching on Moses talking about the the people of Israel and God said I'm not going with them I'm mad at them they're stiff-necked he said me and you Moses are going to make a nation I'm gonna kill them all and Moses says no you can't do that okay then he says this he said my presence will go with you Moses and Moses wouldn't have it you know what he said he said no he said show me your commode not pond I'm the word pen name is the word that is used there for presence it's actually the word face he said no but my face will go with you but Moses said no I want to see your glory and and God said do you want to die you can't see my face and live and so Moses was up there twice at forty days that we know of okay so it seems like he got built up to it can you comment on that because I know I know I already know what you're gonna say so I'll come back to you but with you at the like right now the the glory is so strong right now but right now in this studio it's because we've learned how to step into a higher level where the supernatural events so I believe even in the studio audience right now people are going to get healed there's people here that that right now you always receive your healing because the I can feel the power of God so strongly and I don't need to do this I've said this so many times I don't need to do any of this I'm retired I'd be fine with just sitting on my porch and drinking iced tea right now but I'm doing this because Jesus wants you to walk with him and not be lukewarm he wants you to see people come into the kingdom and be saved and be healed you are the answer Moses was an answer he was a problem-solver he was a solution what tell me of what happened in Kansas City with I hop and all that what was going on well I think a big key even goes back to the the question about you know I can't sing when when you are when you show and are there to worship and and I just say press into that because you'll get past it there's something about everybody showing up hungry but there's also something about unity when you know when everybody's from different churches or and all the walls are down there's something about behold how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity and you get people together from different streams it's in that place God commands a blessing and I feel like he loves unity but when we show up to worship Him and we've pushed past those questions about ourselves then it all becomes about him and it there's no there's no stopping the height of his glory it just goes it's bigger and bigger and and in that presence what we're because I was at Kansas City for years I'm now in Santa Maria at the Healing Room Apostolic Center and we're finding people that maybe not they don't even know the Lord and they come to our services and in the middle of worship they're getting healed and they don't they just know oh I don't hurt I don't hurt anymore so it's like even in the midst of our worship we show up we are hungry for God for that glory I know it's going to come because I loved him that when we show up and we're we we just say I love you and we begin to do what we do all day long even the lost can come in and get healed before they even know that's what happened that's just the and and and none of us like here that's why I feel it it's almost like that hovering of the Holy Spirit just feels like something's gonna get created oh yeah because none of us are fighting those questions about ourselves no it's all about amen and that is so it's so easy but sometimes you've got to push through that and I love it when nobody's laid hands on anybody and it's and we're seeing that more more and more and more yeah so there is different stages there is there is levels and we we have encountered the the lowest of the levels and seeing people healed but there is a unity where the church can be fun you know I believe the church is going to become popular again I believe getting together and in unity and and letting the Lord minister to us but see the reason he ministers to us is so that he can minister through us so we are a solution for it for it to help the world the world watches you know I was in the I worked I worked in a corporation for 30 years every time something would happen when we would lose an engine like we would lose and let an engine on takeoff or an emergency or there was fire or something in an engine or we have in trouble and we had to turn around every the passengers like when there be an explosion or whatever and the plane would rock and I'd look out and I'm like yeah we just lost that engine you know it's just it's smoking and you know there's fire coming out and you know that's happened a couple of times and and I don't even care because I've already died I came back I mean you know so I'm not worried about it but you know like what she died you're not afraid to die anymore you just want to live and I just want them I just want to mess up the devil's plans down here and I want to find crazy friends I just want to you know just just do what God asks just to do so it's so funny is that people are looking at me and I'm like smiling and I'm like um then I get the call you know from the pilot and we're like so he he says hey Kevin can you go back and look at number two engine and just just tell me is there if he what you see and so I go back there and it was just smoking a little bit but I asked the passenger he's got he's like these he's looking forward and he's got a grip on his the seat in front of him and he's staring straight ahead and I go sir sir did you see anything did anything happen and he wouldn't look at me just I go sir he goes fire lots of fire really bad lots of smoke really bad so like okay but it's out nail we're gonna be fine so I go back up and the captain goes is the engine still there I go yeah it's still there see people or watch you know even the captain like he says our readings we don't we lost all the gauges and stuff and so I said hey just turn around we're going back you know just go back he's I said you don't have an engine you don't have that engine so you're gonna just use one engine so he goes okay so he said it's a fire out because once they pull the extinguisher they can't you know like that's - then it's done you can't restart the engine so you want to make sure that you're done so I said we're done we're going back and he goes okay he said prepare for emergency landing everything so we went back and everything was fine but the thing that is is people always like when stuff would happen they would always look to the to the attendants or the crew member to see and then even the captain I was you know he was so I had to learn to stay my course and and tell people that were scared I say you know this plane isn't going down with me on it and it wasn't pride it was that I knew that God's when he sent me back I wasn't gonna die in some plane crash I'd already died on the operating table and he sent me back the devil couldn't kill me so there's no fear involved with that but I noticed something people started to see they said captain they said Kevin you're when you were talking to us and telling us stuff don't be afraid and you handled yourself well well but your face was glowing you looked like an angel and I'm like laughing cuz they're not Christians but I guess my face transformed because of the glory that is inside of us right the hope of glory is is in us it's the Holy Spirit and we are we've received a down payment for what we're gonna receive when we get our resurrection body we actually look like God we look like Jesus inside and when we we see him it's Paul said we're gonna see him as he is and we're gonna be like him and there is this thing that happens when we don't compromise and and and step back and so I asked you question before but there I watched over the last seven or eight years when we do services together and then sometimes you you you I walk in and you say Kevin get up here you got the service but I watched how you stepped us in and it was more about how the people if they come in or not and then I noticed it sometimes you have to get them to dance or you know to sing and clap or you know isn't it something like we're now in some of our meetings well I start talking and people start falling out of their seat and nobody nobody has to touch them and then they get healed and then people are singing it's not just like me falling like is it that's like it's not like a carnival ride they're changed so we're actually changed in his glory right when when that presence and when that it's better change worth transformed right okay say don't you it's not changed by an anointing exactly anointing we're acid yoke by his presence but the manifestation of Jesus has entered into the service yeah and you recognize he's there to do something but we have to discern what he wants to do you understand that Holy See the first time I shared this with your teacher I said the first time I heard him speak he didn't talk like a disciple or an evangelist or a pastor he spoke like an apostle Wow see God changed his times and he changed his identities identity has changed in the glory just let me share this with you I discovered that if you walk in the glory you'll know the temperature of the spirit when you come into a room you'll know the water level mm-hmm of where God is flowing I'm speaking this out of learning and the Lord speaking to me about strange fire okay you have a lot of strange fire in the church today but a lot of people God is not correcting because they don't know any better a lot of no no better they don't understand they sort of grieve the spirit I say this guy no you being nice and they limit they limit God to what he wants to do because it requires more responsibility but you can feel the faith level of people I have taught in my friday morning worship service i have a man that plays that he doesn't know how to follow the spirit but i know how to follow him so I've learned surely that no matter what page that he's on I've learned by the holy ghost to pull the glory out of it because he didn't know how to come to that decimal in the spirit he told me that he said some people have a perfect pitch in the spirit they just know they it's like you feel a shift in a car the momentum you know that the car wants to go in a greater rate of speed or air the spirit wants to go somewhere else and you can't get it you just feel it's not here but suddenly when you know God I mean you know him you know what he wants because once I did the wrong thing in a service I shared this today and all the electricity went out because I obeyed man and not God they wanted me to do something else and the Lord waited until I was asleep and he said strange fire he woke me up and when listen it wasn't like he just said strange fire it was like he let me feel the shock garbage now because that service was going somewhere we were with Hillsong in Australia and I was asked by a leader to do something else and I responded with these words I mean we're talking something here that's important we're just not you know splashing around a lot of people splash around in the water when they come in to praise and worship and they only get ankle-deep or knee deep they don't let the spirit carry them into these rims and these depths of deeper and higher things it's like nothing is impossible and you don't limit God and what he can do your you keep staring so this is what I've learned and that this was hard for me because I do know how to flow God has taught me and this is how he this is how he taught me he said don't don't make plans for yourself this is what he said to me one day you don't know if you're going backwards so you're going forward this was years ago he said but I've got you where I want you so I can weigh with what I want to give you it's he said you're being weighed in the balance well I didn't think it was such a nice word yeah I really didn't but what can you say the judge and the finisher is there the author and the finisher is there I'm just telling you this I've made mistakes but I do know there's a depth in God where we're carried so far into his spirit we do not want to come out of it and it's almost like you don't want to live in this life anymore I'm telling you that's where I am in this in this room because I've tasted of something that when I come into a service if you're like a fish out of the water if the depths is not there there's no moving of the Spirit I'm being honest and real with you so God sends you with something that you've learned to electrify the air you just yield to it so you've learned by the stops and the stuff that starts the trimming away the grooming letting God do what he wants to do even you didn't want to do it you didn't feel like doing it I'm sure many times coming from words me coming home Kathryn Kuhlman says she never went to her bed she sit under the table and started for the next meeting right then she started praying well because she knew the depths that God was this is what I'm saying to you it and and I to explain the glory it's a mystery but yet is the holy presence of Shekinah glory and we were talking about rims there's glory but the Shekinah glory where he wants to do something more it's like a year of Bible School in a night in a moment yeah I've been there yes you know what I'm saying is he's doing a quick work because of timing yeah this is the time and it puts an ease on you to do it is amazing the glory where it's not it's not a struggle yeah a minister can you just real quickly tell the people just so if they don't know you a lot of my students know you and they're always asking me to have you back on so I'm glad that you could fly in and be with us but could you just real quickly explain what happened because you were with were through theft 'ln for many many years over 20 years right and then you were at that the camp there in Virginia right can you just like just real quickly tell them now how every night that this would happen where it you had miracles this went on for years right yes for years years it was always miracles Ruth had an angel with her I didn't I've never shared this with you I don't think I saw this years ago she had a manger with her with the same color hair you always were blue like the sapphire blue yeah and whatever she would do he would do she moved her hand he'd move his hand I mean if it's like he was orchestrating the whole meeting and we kind of shared that with her but she booth would carry a weight thing you could see turning T in her eyes you could look in her eyes she wasn't there I've seen that look yes she was somewhere else yeah and so God he wants us to be where he is what he's doing and so there was a great demand of my life because of that heavy weight of glory that was on her life and you know it's a wonder the Lord hadn't taken me a number of times I'm being very honest everywhere I go that you're so it's here it's a miracle I'm alive I guess you know that no you like watch it well over the years I've watched where it looked like you were gonna go be with the Lord and all of a sudden God would do something you you've been resurrected I mean you're doing way better than you were even five or six years ago what I do you yes you and something does happen yes and I died at a funeral once but the Lord told me before it happened I wasn't gonna die in my blood right but he was working in my spirit and trying to get me to to just not resist what he was doing I used to resist it I don't know if I didn't know any better or if there was a nature about me that needed to be changed I knew it was real and I knew it was wonderful but it took a lot of commitment and it wasn't that I didn't want to be committed to the Lord I'm not saying that but it puts such a demand on your life night and day the people you move with the places you go the errands you run on too many people they the glories on you to meet their needs that's what's happening see you're another man from another world when you're ministering so many waters are pouring out of you many waters yeah that dedication to God him and some people were chosen for it but some people don't know how to yield to it I mean I struggled the Lord said to me don't struggle with me he said I'm trying to put my glory on you to change the nation's this is what he said to me see you're not even you don't realize that you're changing Nations you're just caring but God said never say you're carrying it I had put it on you this is what he said to me now Julie I didn't realize the value or the greatness of it and you that are listening for a long time the preciousness the preciousness of knowing the Lord on this level and and it even times now I miss it and in the store he's talking to me about people in there I get out of my car he's talking to me people coming across the parking lot he's talking to me I know I have to go speak to these people I can't let him get away it's everywhere and you say things and you don't realize it's the glory when I want to tell you this I got on one of those early Birds what do you call it red eyes one morning going somewhere and there were all businessmen except for myself and my associate and it came out of my mouth I didn't plan to say it I was I wasn't trying to be smart I'm in my 50s I wasn't flirting by for no means or you know just trying to be cute you know people like attention and I'd I just want to get in the seat and go to sleep I've gotten up early and out of my mouth came these words good morning everybody my name is Ruth and I'm a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ something similar to that and nothing's going to happen to this plane as long as I'm on it anybody believe me this man said yes sir and this man over here said yes ma'am yes ma'am I went to him again I don't know why I was separated from my friends she sat in the back and I said up there with him after we got off the ground the pilot gets on the microphone and he said folks we just escaped a big storm if we had not left at that moment we would still be back at the airport yeah it was the word of the Lord see we don't even realize we're speaking the word of the Lord sometimes it sounds casual but we're being prophetic we're living in the testimony of Jesus this is what I'm saying and I don't know it all I miss it a lot I miss the prophecy I miss the timing but it's in the timing Mary pondered in her heart it was in the timing yeah and so what we're saying here is that we can know these avenues and and and the Bible calls it like watering watering lakes watering rivers we said I'm going to teach your children by the water courses that's ordered yeah it's a pathway yeah all this is yeah and so when we tap into it you don't want any other bad no no I I have had the Lord tell me and has this ever happened to you the Lord has said to me I've I find you irresistible I've uh because what happened was I don't know how to play any instrument on my home but I can play instruments when the Holy Spirit comes on me so when I start playing he finds himself eras I find he says you're irresistible that's what he says and he said Jesus asked me he said can you play me this song called fairest Lord Jesus he loves that song and so I don't know you know of course I don't know a plant play in the dark usually but um I got on the cello and I played ferris Lord Jesus in the dark on the cello and then I did on the saxophone and the 8th the Lord came upon me so strong he said you can have anything you want you can ask anything you want you you've you've pleased me so much and I said I want what I'm experiencing right now I want this forever I want this locked up and I never went I want to throw away the key so I'll never have to leave this place that's what I want that's what I told him and you know what happened everything else started to come to me everything else without asking for it since that day and I remember that day was in Seattle Washington I was in my in my music room and I had a visitation that is just be off the charts is probably one of the most amazing things but I was changed from that point on because I I'm always asking the Lord like you know what do you up to the Lord what are you planning because I can feel I can sense something happening in my spirit and that I'm saying this because right now the Spirit of the Lord is really telling me to tell you all out there that are watching over the world we usually have probably about 20 or 30 countries watching every time that we we log on so right now there's at least 20 25 countries watching usually we have between two and three thousand people watching and that's bigger than most churches but I'm telling you by the Spirit of God that the reason why you're watching this show is because something is just happen to your heart you're realizing that you've been waiting for God to engage you but what you know we're teaching that you can engage God by doing something that is personal but you tell the Lord through just singing out like when you just sing it just it just changes the air when you say you sing and when you I've seen you shift atmospheres in services just by going it's like your voice changes when you start to sing and you go to a different key you tell the guy you know go to a minor key and then the people start to like it's I like they start rhythm yeah and I remember watching the people change and then when we would preach the word they were like all ready to receive the word but this is what the spare Lord say if if you will let the Lord lead and guide you right now in the spirit see you're a spiritual being cuz inside of you you're born again now if you're not a Christian you need to accept Jesus as Lord but if you are a Christian you are a new creature in Christ according to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 all things have become new the old has passed away okay so the born-again experience is a spiritual experience and it's a spiritual thing that happens inside of you so right now as we're talking your inner part of you is burning it's it's a lighting up because you hear truth and this is what the spirits say there's two things that he just spoke to me why these ladies were talking he said tell the students that the first thing they need to do is rely on absolute truth from heaven your your foundation of your life is based on what God has said in this word you see if you believe what God has said and that's your foundation for your life what the Word of God says you have a lasting foundation and if you got all of heaven backing you up manifestation has to happen did you hear me that's what those what the spirit lore is saying right now he is telling me right now I mean I'm not even here right now I feel like I'm in heaven I'm telling you by the Spirit of God I can see really far into your future it's very bright that's very bright but here's what the Lord is saying he goes I got secrets that I want to tell you I want you to come to this secret place and I want to tell you secrets about your future that's what he's saying - in my spirit and you know everything in the spirit like there's a question here says how can you explain what true worshipers they worship in spirit and in truth well of course truth is the Holy Spirit as well because he is the spirit truth but truth is a foundation so we have absolute truth in other words like the fact is you you might be encountering some illness you might be encountering some some fear of getting an illness but the truth of it is is that by His stripes ye were healed according to Peter he took Isaiah 53 quoted it and he changed he changed the wording did you know that in Isaiah it says that by His stripes we are healed in Isaiah okay then Peter says by His stripes we were healed it's already done okay so the Spirit of the Lord said if you'll let me I will take you and show you your future and I will show you how to see manifestation come in your life the Spirit of God just picture him inside of you what like wanting to come out through song through truth so when we speak the truth to each other in love that's part of the the spirit his role in our lives right okay but we worship God in spirit and in truth true is a foundational thing but spirit is is Jesus said listen woman you know and this is from the John for the the in the well the woman at the well he says listen woman she was trying to get political on him because the Samaritans actually had a replica of and they say well no it's on this mountain that God's honor in this temple and this mountain and Jesus let's listen there's come at a time where it's not going to be on this mountain or any mountain but those who worship God are gonna worship in spirit and truth so everyone is unified in the spirit and we we can't judge God by the flesh can we so like you that this paradise was strong and I know what I got to do the other thing that I got to tell you he said just so I don't forget it is he said be consistent so base your life on truth and you'll see manifestation base your life on being consistent in your walk with God in other words just say no to ungodliness and worldly passions and live an upright life in Christ Jesus hey that sounds like a scripture that's cuz it is it's a command we have to live in this life in this flesh we have to walk in the spirit right I mean that's what says Romans chapter 8 God they are led by the Spirit of God so worship just please right over into that right yeah okay so I'm um there's like four or five questions about Psalms 91 so I'm gonna address that in a minute I'm gonna go through here and do my little thing but you have you seen actually because I have I've actually seen someone get healed just during worship no hands laid on anybody I mean it's confirmed I've seen that so what is it about the glory of God we're like what happened with Moses where he was undone right he was totally changing it have you like have you ever picked up off your keyboard at IHOP and seen somebody get hit by God or touched and have you have you seen somebody get healed like a Superman I don't know if I've seen someone get healed in the moment a lot of times I have my eyes closed okay but one thing that happened at the House of Prayer is we were we're always singing from the word right and we were singing from the bite we were just singing one of the passages one day and I amongst all the people that were out in the audience I saw this one person that I I knew his name his name was Dennis but I saw his face just it was it was just bright it was like there was a bright light on him and I believe when you're just in it for Jesus mm-hmm and it's like we have the mind of Christ I show up I have his mind I can see things like he sees things I saw this man and I just had this knowing how do you know I had the mind of Christ I just had this knowing and I began to sing over him I began to sing over him I began to sing his name I began to sing over him about his life about his kids now what happened that week and then we just amen and we went right back into worship I had four different people contact me that either they were Dennis or their husbands were Dennis and they had been web-streaming two of them were in the room and one of them came up to me the guy that I actually prophesied over he didn't come up to me there was four other people that their names were Dennis or their wife was there and I thought god he knew it he just put this light on this one guy named Dennis when that word of God goes that I'm singing to him and those seeds went to four other people that that's what I think the glory of the Lord is and what happens when you prophesy in the midst of that glory those words go forth and create that's why our words are so powerful and that brought change to their life not because it was me it was just you when you're in the presence you you don't think about anything you're not thinking like oh I wish I sounded better you don't you just love him and his thoughts can so easily just drop into your mind and it's actually the easiest place to prophesy because you're not even thinking about anything you just go yeah and that was a amazing thing that I could look at someone that I knew a little bit and literally that word land on four families that actually their lives were changed that's the pow I love the glory I liked the beginning of it list not even there yet because I just know that it's it's coming I expect it but that's just that I thought that's what glory does and what's so awesome about it is two of them were web-streaming the glory of God it goes right to the camera you can get hit in your kitchen yeah two people weren't even in the service and yet it impacted him you know why because God knew their name God knew that that song was gonna go out and touch for different people named Dennis and it all hit them the same way knows my name God knows my name and that that that was one of the profound things that I saw just being in the glory just being caught up in it you it's it's almost impossible to not see healing and to not prophesy because you're you just give him you surrender everything you surrender your mouth your words and I I am as a worship leader I plan my worship service I think that's good but it's great if you only get through two songs you start it a worship list helps me okay let's let's get let's get going again you know do something that the congregation knows and but again because we live this day in date this continual conversation with God and it's something it's practicing the presence of God like brother Lawrence oh yeah you don't turn it off that's that book I've read that probably two or three hundred times you know it's a very short book it's a great uh if you don't have that book when I was in college the Lord had told me you know I'm getting a theology degree and you know I'm studying Greek Hebrew and homebrew and all anything you know all this stuff and he told me you got to learn how to practice my presence so that you don't come in and out of it and I thought I thought that was just the way it was because you know how you you hear like about our weakness and you know some denominations I was in a denomination at this school they pretty much like almost glorified our weakness to the point where well you know wait you know you didn't feel like you could do anything you know we but the Lord told me to read that book and I'm telling you every time I read read it and I read it almost 300 times but every time I would read it I felt like I got over myself over myself I felt as though because that guy learned how to to a function at work he was a kook yeah and he you know he was with the Catholic Church and but anyway he learned how no matter what kind of pain he was going through he was a servant he was like just a ordinary cook he wasn't even considered like a priest or anything like that right but it changes so if you can get a hold of that book there that is one that I recommend and there's another one that changed my life forever the Argentinian revival the book on the Argentine revival they just reprinted it it was $300 a copy but I wanted it so bad I just bought it and then they they they reprinted now it's 19 bucks so if you can get that on Amazon it will change your life because it's the move of God of how people practically because there's a lot of questions here that you're asking about how can I practically you know every day these books have changed my life did you know Argentinian revival is still going on today I think it's been going on for like 20 30 40 but 50 years something like that but what happened with them they just got together and prayed and pray for their country and they kept praying for their country and then the Lord started to lead them and before you know it they're angels involved and now I don't know if you know it but you have to wait hours to get into a church service now and in that country there's there's churches they were just going all the time so those two books you mentioned that about practicing the presence of God and I want to I I know what the Lord hasn't told me to do I had a visitation today between bar tapings so I already knew he showed me that what we were gonna do here and so that is why I I need to talk about Psalms 91 the Lord essentially told me on the during the break today to talk about Psalms 91 and so when I got here almost half the questions are the - ass is about Psalms 91 and I know why because there's just a lot of fear right now in the world and here's if you'll just let me go through these and these verses and then I'm gonna get back into because we got plenty of time still we got lots of time and I'm gonna be here for a while listening to you all talk about some of the things because I want the students to hear your perspective on this but I wanted to I want to tell you what the Lord had said to me today because what the Lord Jesus if you if you meet if you meet Jesus when you meet him face to face there's going to be a couple things that you're going to notice right away about him when you can get off your face you know so the first thing is you're gonna spend a long time falling at his feet and you're going to be worshiping him but if you can get up and stand and talk to him like that it was so strong around him when I met him face to face but I noticed a couple things about him he doesn't want you to back off he doesn't like it when he talks to you know I've had this happen I've had good friends they they call me they go I need prayer I need to hear from God and I'm like well I will pray that you hear from God they go what do you have a word for me and I'm like well what I'd rather do is is getting you to a place where you can hear for God from God think oh well I just need to know what to do and I go well you know what I don't always know what to do either but I'll tell you what I do they say what do you have a word from God and I'm like well I do but it's so interesting when I tell them the word they like well we'll consider it the thing that they like I'll sleep on it or whatever you know and I'm I'm like no you know this is this is what the Lord is saying and so I I don't do that anymore because I rarely tell people what I know because see they have to find out on their own but this is the thing that I noticed about Jesus he doesn't want you to back off or make decisions based on fear you never if you don't know what to do don't do anything man just keep doing what you were doing as long as it's not sin okay okay said that this is this is what's so funny is is about a month ago I was told by the Lord to buy a whole bunch of toilet paper so I bought boxes big boxes I got him in my garage I just got another shipment today the Lord told me to buy a whole bunch of toilet paper and hand it out but nothing was wrong at the time you know what else he did he told me to buy a whole case of Lysol spray so i have this big case of Lysol spray all these cans and now you can't buy any of this stuff you can't get any toilet paper and I'm not telling you my address but I want to tell you something the Lord showed me something I mean I'm so drunk right now in the spirit that I only talk but the Lord told me to do this and I'm just crazy enough to obey Him but but I I'm really tempted to show up in church with with a whole case or a whole pallet and just start handing and on say we're living in the over for yeah and just start throwing it out at people in the congregation because this God preemptively provided for me and my wife and then also is providing for anyone that I'm in contact with and and I tell you sisterhood they're not going to be able to use all this toilet paper in the next six months there's so much of it or the Lysol unless you want to use it as salad dressing or spray it on your ice cream or something there's no way you're going to use all this Lysol or all this toilet paper but the Lord did that and so I want to talk a little bit to you about Jesus's plan for your life and it doesn't involve compromise it doesn't involve backing off in fear okay how many times did Jesus say fear not or doubt not or why did you doubt okay so listen listen you're gonna live forever in heaven if you are Christian you are born again God's got an insurance plan for you he's got a big long plan you wanna know how long it is he showed me he showed me the plan that he had for me he said okay Kevin up here we don't have a linear thought we don't have calendars went on timelines we don't have days months years he said there are no clocks up here there are no calendars up here at their seasons there's times when God says something and then there's times where he's silent there's times where he's doing things and then there's other times where we take a rest and we wait on God okay he said here's the plan for your life he said and he showed me this bright glory it was so bright he said that's your future then he drew a line out and he said okay this doesn't really happen in heaven but I'm going to show you in Greek Greek Greek thought is linear but see Hebrew thought God's way of thinking is cyclical it's seasonal so he speaks but when he speaks where he spoke it from the word goes out according to Isaiah 55 it goes out around and comes back accomplishing what he said it doesn't return to Him void right so if he sent his word and healed them then you're healed if he spoke it it goes out and it comes back to him and it doesn't come back void so he it produces a crop so he gets if he says you're healed that means that there's people not falling dead they're coming alive and being healed and as it comes back to him he sits her and smile says well that was a good harvest right okay so I saw that God wants to preemptively provide for us in any situation if we would listen to him now you can't go the pathology then go there now they don't have it anymore but they had it when I ordered it and God knew that and so now I have more than enough not just enough more than enough to where I can share so if you're a Christian and everybody everybody everywhere I go over the world they ask about Psalms 91 about the secret place you know tell me how I can get in the secret place tell me how I can stay there tell me how I can hear God's voice tell me how I can get to the place where there's nothing evil touches me you know like it says there and I said well you don't know this but you don't qualify for Psalms 91 and I have people all are they all fit right now I can feel you all freaked you know but did you know that a lot of people do not qualify for Psalms 91 they go oh no I'm the righteous of God Christ Jesus I'm a Christian I'm born again and you know I I'm I'm in Christ you know I'm a Christian no it says here in Psalms 91 it says that when you sit in the shadow of the Almighty God when you dwell there it says the word dwell not visit it says dwell in the shall the Most High God and that you that if you buy there then it says okay all these things are gonna are going to be given to you if you make the most high your dwelling place so do you qualify for Psalms 91 so like we look at all the goodies in verse 9 through 16 but I tell people in because you can have all view of ask questions almost I mean it's a half of the page is on some asam's ninety-one so I the Lord told me today to teach on Psalms 91 tonight be for I got the questions and so he told me he says you do the teaching and then you the ladies talk for the rest of the show after you do this so I'm gonna do that right now and this is what I saw in heaven the shadow there is no according to James there is no shadows that in God you know there's no shifting shadows because he's full of life but I saw in heaven that the cherubim that were on each side of God there were two cherubim they have this huge wings the chariot didn't have really big wings and that the cherubim cover God and in their wings touch it's just like the mercy seat in the Old Testament on the Ark of the Covenant that Moses was told to build okay so picture those angels you've seen on the mercy seat where they had the poles and it carried that that that was the presence of God in the Old Testament and those wings were covered they were on the top of it okay in heaven it says there Moses was told by God make sure that you do that exactly to the specifications that I told you on the mountain because that is an exact replica of what's in heaven okay now you follow me because you got to frame this in your mind that this is where you dwell this is what Jesus bought for you a new and living way into the Holy of Holies this is what the book of Hebrews says that so you are in there in the holy place you know and the holiest of a holy and the wings of those cherubim are covering that your father God and the blood of Jesus is on the mercy seat it's a gold area down at the feet and God sits on that throne and it's a replicas God sits there and I kid you not he looks down and he sees the blood of Jesus on the mercy seat so you arse you your sins are gone but there was a his face I couldn't see his face but there was glory coming out from the Father and Jesus wouldn't let me look at his face but he stood there with me and the wings of the cherubim and God was behind that it casts a like a shadow type thing it wasn't like dark or anything but and that's what this is talking about there is a place if you get close enough to the throne where you were in the shadow of the Most High because we know that God doesn't have wings he's not a bird you know so listen to me if you want to go to the secret place it's the place where you dwell you qualify for all the protection that's that's offered there because you make the most high your dwelling place that's what it says right there did you know what it says in Hebrew the same thing you mean we have to do a word study it's the same word it says he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High has made that his dwelling place these things are not going to happen to you okay are you ready so all of you that have fear right now about what's going on this kind of thing happens in a cycle every few years when are you going to start to see that you have authority in the name of Jesus I mean as a Christian people like the reason I was talking about being a flight attendant and a crew member is that people look to you to see how you're gonna react the world is watching us right now and you have to be the answer you have to be a problem solver not part of the problem you have to be the solution every generation has people in it that have changed their generation and made history because they think they let God right raise them up to be a problem solver and a solution for that generation now listen to this if you make the most high your dwelling place you are in a stronghold a shelter it says here and in verse 3 it says it's at the end of verse 2 it says he's my confidence my shelter my stronghold verse 3 says this is a it's a guaranteed promise he will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy and he will protect you from false accusation and anyone any deadly curse okay verse 4 his massive arms are wrapped around you protecting you this is the Bible and you're a Christian this is this is your dwelling place you can run under his covering majesty and hide okay verse and it says here his faithfulness will shield and keep you from all harm okay verse five are you following me come on now come on now you need to get out of fear you will never ready you will never worry about an attack of demonic forces at night okay that's verse spot nor have a spirit of fear and then spirit of darkness coming against you verse six it's a command it says don't fear a thing are you hearing me this is the word the Lord whether by day or night no demonic danger will trouble you okay it says nor will the powers of evil be launched against you okay verse seven even in the time of disaster with thousands and thousands being killed you will remain unscathed and unharmed that's you because you made the most high your dwelling place this is the absolute truth now this is the gospel the good news that we offer people it's supposed to be good news I'm not hiding under my desk because you can notice God just gave me a year supply of toilet paper and a whole bunch of Lysol you know maybe we should just like to have a package deal where I offer my book and a roll of toilet paper and a Lysol kit for like you know just no but what a testimony writing testimony to the unsaved yeah I mean because who does that nobody obviously that's all behind the curve because everybody's lined up right now at Costco and Sam's and everything and and Walmart they're all like waiting in line maybe they can get a handout you know and I just see no the cancel I saw that I got for like a doll or something a piece when you add it all up it they're they're 18 bucks now if you can find them there I could they're they're selling for eighteen dollars I can now okay see this is because God wants to use us all in the end times to shine okay verse seven even the time is Esther with a thousands falling he said they're gonna be killed but you will remained untouched okay verse 8 you are you ready for this that's that's you you will be a spectator a spectator as the wicked perish in judgment yes for they will be paid back for what they have done when we live this is verse 9 and 10 when we live our lives within the shadow of the Most High our secret hiding place we will always always everybody say always always be shielded from harm always oh that's that's pretty strong language there okay finishing this up how then could evil prevail against us or disease infect us I got to read that again because you you're backing off this is not the time to back off this is the time to offer people John G Lake he went to Africa and he said you can put that plague in my hand and I won't get it in and the doctors saying you're crazy because anybody that touches that you know he's the one that started to know that okay okay so he said no you can put it in there and put my hand in a microscope the all all the all the the plague was dead all the all the disease had died in his head and they said that beats anything we've ever seen he goes they won't touch me because God had sent him there and he was tired of seeing masses amounts of people dying and God is not into killing people he is into healing people Jesus went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressed of the devil that's what acts 10:38 says okay so if you're shielded in the secret place how then it says could evil prevail against us or disease infect us verse 11 this is this is the one that everybody knows about the Angels God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go defending you from all harm so the angels are standing by right now and they want to keep you you are going to be protected because you made the most high your dwelling place so it's more about accountability to God and it's more about commitment to God and and making your life a life of worship a life of prayer a life of service being a servant you know I can't wait to hand out all this stuff you know I can't wait to be the answer to a problem it's kind of like it reminded me of Joseph you know he was sent ahead before the famine and then he was told to start to store stuff for seven years right before the famine it's just interesting the Lord showed me this is how easy it is if people will get to a place where they can hear my voice and obey me they can be used to help in a time of trouble okay God sends his angels to protect us okay verse 12 if you walk into a trap they'll be there and keep you from stumbling you will walk unharmed among the fierce powers of darkness trampling every one of them under your feet for here is what the Lord said to me and this is the psalmist talking because you have delighted in me do you delight in God tonight if you delight in him as his great lover is what it says then this is what's gonna happen I'm gonna protect you he says right here I will protect you greatly he said I will set you on a high place safe and secure before my face which is the word Pennine which is presence you know the presence of God I will answer your cry for help every time you pray doesn't that sound like John 15 jesus said listen if you love me and obey me you can ask whatever you desire and it's yours now how many people preach that but it's in John 15 and see Jesus wrote the Bible I mean he was moving before he was born in heaven he helped write Psalms 91 yes he was God before he came to the earth in a manger as a baby okay so I will answer your cry for help every time you pray you will feel my presence and in time up pressure and trouble I'll be with you I will be your glorious hero and give you a feast you will be satisfied with a full life and with all that I do for you for you enjoy the fullness of my salvation now that word salvation in Hebrew is is Yeshua the word salvation there is the name when you read it in Hebrew it says you this is what says in Hebrew for you will enjoy the fullness of my Jesus the word salvation is the word Jesus so whatever it is that you're going through tonight don't back off it's time to apply pressure it's time to worship God it's time to honor God it's time to acknowledge him and I'm going to turn it over to you ladies I'm gonna give the rest of it to you and I'm gonna sit here and I want you to talk to the students I want you to prophesy if you have a word whatever you want to do but I want to say I want to say to everybody there has to come a point in your life where what you believe manifests where you don't back off there is so much ahead for you and then Lord Jesus Christ wants a voice in your life and it takes crazy friends sometimes just to get you to get permission you can live for God you can give your whole life to him and walk in the power now there are demonic forces against you you're in fear right now there's all kinds of things entering you Paul the Apostle said I long to come to you Corinthians but Satan is into me this super apostle paul was hindered by satan jesus he went to his own hometown and he was going to heal some people but he could not heal anyone except a few small elements because of their unbelief why because they said well isn't this the carpenter's son they didn't discern Jesus as the Messiah they discerned him as a carpenter's son and so they didn't receive healing from the Son of God in that in his hometown so don't hinder God by your unbelief discern that Jesus wrote Psalms 91 he not only wrote it he fulfilled it he came to the earth and he died so that you wouldn't have to suffer you wouldn't have to encounter this it says that these things will will be in the people around you 10,000 will fall at your right hand but it will never touch you that's what it says here and I'm telling you by the Spirit of God when does the time come where you just say you know what I'm going full out for God and when are you gonna stop being afraid you know it's kind of interesting up until I died on the operating table I was afraid to die I didn't want to die and I did everything I could to stay alive all the time so I was always like you know being careful and you know I've never I've never abused my body with any drugs or alcohol I didn't do any of that stuff I was always health food always running I ran eight miles a day I stayed in shape and when I died and came back I realized that the faster I get over the fear of death the faster that I get over the fear of things that I can't control and just hand it over and then walk in the power of God and honor God in my life even when I feel weak Paul said then I feel strong when is that going to happen to you I believe students that it's tonight the reason why I'm doing what I'm doing is because the lord commanded me to come back and tell everyone what I saw and what I heard and don't hold back he told me to start a school I started the school and now it has grown and all of you students are so hungry but see it has to come to a place where you change there has to be a transformation there has to be a place where you carry the glory you carry the presence of God into the work place where people want what you have you've got to be the answer there are so many people that are suffering you could pray for people they could be healed of any virus by the laying on of hands from your hand you could speak to them and they'd be healed but you have to get to the place where you're not fearful anymore you have to get to the place where you meditate on Psalms 91 and then you let that come alive in you now no listen to me listen to me tomorrow when you wake up you're gonna proclaim you're gonna plea claim the faithfulness of your god you're gonna proclaim the safety of your God and this is what happened in Malachi chapter 3 verses 16 through 25 you see people didn't understand what was happening at the time in Malachi and so God was seen on us and I had some issues with you you're withholding the tithe he says and your words are stout against me no this is really not spoken a lot of but God said you've been speaking bad words against me you've been misrepresenting me you've been saying that all these bad things were came upon you because of me and they weren't me are you hearing me now do you do the math in your mind with what's happening in the world right now God is not sending viruses to kill people he sent His Word to heal people okay so God says listen your words were stout against me and this is what it says in the scripture you and God says you're I heard you quoting this you said it doesn't pay to serve God and yet it does it's just that you're basing your relationship on your experience and your seeing things happen to your in your life and your judging your relationship with God based on bad things that are happening to you and Satan is in there doing this and slandering God so this is what says a book of remembrance was written and you can read this in Malachi 6th about Malachi 3 verse 16 through 25 it says that a book of remembrance was written while the Angels write these books that you spoke well about the Lord and so he honored them he says I'm gonna remember you when I when I better you are going to be honored as my jewels my gems mm and I have a place for you in eternity a reward because I'm having the Angels right right now that you spoke well of me that you judged me correctly so I want to ask you this are you judging God correctly in in these situations because God sent Jesus to heal the sick Jesus did not make one person sick his whole ministry was based on healing raising the dead driving out demons preaching the good news not bad news good news that's what the word gospel means and so I just impart healing to you right now in the name of Jesus I send any foul disease any virus back to Hell where it came from I break the power of every demonic force and I command every evil spirit to stop desist in your maneuvers against the people of God desist in your maneuvers against humanity right now in the name of Jesus I pray for all the unsaved people that their eyes would be open right now that they would see that Jesus is the answer I break every power you can be a witness start praying for your family start praying for your coworkers start both being the answer in you know don't be afraid anymore stay in Psalms 91 and let God write a book of remembrance about you that you spoke well about the Lord so every morning you wake up and say Lord you're my refuge are my stronghold you're my you're my high tower you keep me from stumbling you keep me from every evil disease even if a thousand fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand it shall not come near me that's what you say every day and the angels are gonna write a book of remembrance about you and you're gonna be honored as as that's gemstones on that day God has a special reward for you and I'm gonna ask you all I I filled up the release of the spirit I went usually to minister to my students and we just got we've got 25 minutes left and I'm splitted up between you two and I'm just gonna sit here and praise God with you all but if you have anything if you feel the spirit of prophecy to coming upon you to speak to the students and I believe that all these disciples out there all over the world are going to carry the vision that God gave me for warrior notes you know I'm training all of you so that you can carry this and that you can go into the world and I wasn't called to do this on my own I'm supposed to raise up people all over the world there's churches all of the world that want to come under me there's all kinds of things that are coming we have a spirit schools all over the world we're having different branches we even have a group spirit warrior notes in India we have one starting soon in Europe we we have plans to expand all over the world but we've got to preach the good news uncompromised gospel that says that you're healed in the name of Jesus so go ahead Julie whatever God tells you to do you just do it right now and then sister Ruth also I know you have a word and I'm so it's Julie you know I want to say first I felt I the room shift oh yeah well specifically when you said that the Lord told you you were irresistible I just I felt like that is a key now if years ago if somebody would have told me you can't fear you can't fear you can't fear that didn't make me not fear but what this steady step of getting this Bible on the inside of me singing it the word meditate you said meditate on Psalm 91 it's not silent reading it's actually everything except silent meeting meditate it means to talk about it to uh tur it you to debate it it means to roar it I think that sounds like singing but so I want to encourage you some practical things because I'm just thinking of myself at 20 don't fear you can't fear you can't fear that not gonna help me I mean III agree but what began to help me is when I begin to meditate on what God said about me and what God said he would do that's how we that's how we work in the opposite spirit because really what's going viral is the spirit of fear exact it's it's viral more than the viruses we take it seriously but to meditate on this because what happens is these words are alive and full of living power so if you can actually set down right after class and be totally afraid and go those who live in the shelter of the most high will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty and make it yours but say it out loud you have to say it out loud there's something about the sound of your voice and your ears hearing it it builds you up on the inside even more than someone telling you it's why you say I don't want to I want to teach people to hear the voice of the Lord I don't want to always tell them because when you can hear God for you you can hear God for other people that really need that what's happening right now is we're all on a Southwest plane and the engine blew yeah and the world is watching the believers what are they doing what are they doing that you know what we're doing we're doing this no we're saying I'm now live I'm gonna breathe I'm gonna do mile I'm gonna dwell I'm gonna have and this constant conversation with God when I wake up at night I'm gonna say I I'm living in the secret place when I think of abiding in the shadow of his winged eye eye eye eye eye closed I've tucked myself right underneath his wing that's how you're in the shadow you're so close to him that you can act you can't see you can't be in the shadow if you're far away you can only be in the shadow when you're when you're right there and so this will actually get you to the place it will help you get from fear to know this is who I am I'm gonna take precautions I'm gonna wash my hands right now but I am gonna go out I'm not gonna live in fear because I am living my life in the shadow of the Most High and right here it is possible this is what this says I can be at rest right here we can be at perfect rest by abiding in the shadow of the Almighty get as close to him as you can that's how you do you just lean into him and you just say this word out loud sing this word out loud I say it pray it right it decree it and and sing it I do it all and what happens these words are alive and when you say them and meditate and and and say this is who I am right now I am in the shadow of the Almighty I am protected and his shadow his wings his feathers are protecting me nothing can touch me because God surrounds me he's above me he's beneath me nothing's getting in all that's the word we can actually be at rest because I promise you the whole world is watching believers right like those people that watch you on the airplane and you were actually this is what you did yeah you were right there in Psalm 91 and you know what just start with the little I had the Lord speak to me once day by day step by step choice by choice yes by yes one day at a time one just make one choice for God one yes will lead you to the next will lead you to the next and he said if you do the little I will do the big and that which tripped you up yesterday you shall tread upon tomorrow is just do the little and all you got to do it starts right here say these words out loud when we say these words out loud we're actually releasing faith that's right we're releasing faith is going out to conquer fear can never conquer us because God already has that's right and you can let you can be right here you can work your place because there was a day that I would have been that person in the chair I mean I I lived it I was petrified but I just took the word it's powerful and it works inside of you it will strengthen you when I'm telling you you say the words let your ears hear your sound and you are the first person students that the word is gonna begin to work in and change you to make you strong in these types of situations I believe I am right where I'm supposed to be and I didn't used to be there thanks for the Bible did it just getting it on the inside praise God well pray pray for the students and um you can you can use that camera there and then in part whatever you feel and and and then we'll hold up we'll have a sister wrist chair I just really feel like you're specially in part because people really look to you as being a psalmist a minstrel and they want to be in the same place that you are right now but they're starting to see that that they're going to have to start by just having an awesome relationship with God and not trying to be perfect and either would you like I I mean you could pray for me too because I yeah just pray for yeah that's and I'll tell you what my life was changed mostly by this Bible you know it just might fit go home and read it go home and sing it and and it got on the inside because it's alive and we have to remember it goes forth when we talk about not being afraid and finding rest in the shadow those words are going forth and creating rest in you they're creating security in you and in me I feel stronger now than when we sat down at the beginning because we're we're talking about the word it straight out we're like in the glory I know or at least the Word of God we are the word so lord I thank you for all the students god I thank you for their hunger yes I thank you for their their desire to be in the glory I thank you for their desire to be the head and not the tail got to be who you called them to be and I just impart I am part in Jesus name this desire for the word of God yes that the Word of God that will change you it will wash you it's right it will take you from being below to above I just impart that I take I pull from all my years in the prayer movement which wasn't since 1983 and I just impart that to you this this this craving to be in his presence but this craving to just speak the word back to God that's how you can be stronger more shiny more confident than any of us at this table speak this word back to God say it out loud turn it into a song and it will take you from fear to faith it I just i prophesy that over you i prophesy every single student if you will you can be on Psalm 91 for ten years and get different layers unwrapped it's not we just stay in that place but I brought the sight that you are strong i prophesy you are stronger than you think you are and when you begin to say these words out loud you're gonna see yourself the way that God sees you because what he said to Kevin he says to you you are irresistible and there's a dying world that needs to know that and there's an impartation here for you to grab ahold of this word even in your weakness even if you say I don't really read it but once a week will start start right now read the whole chapter say it out loud and watch not people change you you won't change because Kevin said don't fear you are gonna change because the Word of God will have its perfect way in your body soul spirit you won't just know the word you will be the word thank you for thank you oh praise God that's good sister Ruth if you could just impart to the students whatever the Lord's tone you've got by ten minutes you can use that camera right there and just speak to the Lord speak for the Lord what he's saying right now I know you got a word there there's no fear in the presence of the Lord when it says the Most High that's greater than anything that you can face I had a vision earlier I have to share this I saw God you have eternity in your heart it was like the timing of heaven and you're moving with the times you're moving with the vision you're moving with the purpose of the Lord and Julie I saw usage of Julie you tipped over like a bottle was a huge beautiful vase of oil you just fell over and it just went everywhere flowed everywhere the essence the goodness the beauty the love of the Lord and that's what God wants II see yourself as God sees you this is what we're saying he doesn't see all the little bumps and the pimples and the cracks come on he's filling him up I mean this worried about the toilet paper could start a revival God he wants to do the foolish things and if you're willing to be foolish and just let yourself down for him he's gonna raise up a standard through you and understanding that in God all things are possible all things are possible you feel the floodgates when brother Kevin begins to speak as he pours out the mind the purpose and the beauty of the Lord is all about how wonderful he is I didn't always see that because I was so busy trying to find who I was and Joyce Meyer says what about me what about me whatever what about God I mean he made a song he shaped us all come on and he's pruning the branches I'm gonna speak to you beyond your years right now he's pruning the branches and he's making you ready to flourish in his presence that fruit will be everywhere you will see the examples the goodness the direction of the Lord like you've never seen it before he's a good god you know that means he's good all the time all the time but don't think poorly think big think that how he created the worlds and all better entities that is mine everything is mine it's mine and I can do what I want and we're talking about dwelling in the secret place between the wings of the cherubim he says come and dwell with me come and dwell on my altars come on there's a fire there there's a burning there there's a beauty of what he's doing with all that you give him and come on build a big bonfire just let him burn it all up everything that keeps you moving closer to God you know we learn a lot about the world it's techniques and technology and week a people have phones you can tell them almost everything but not what God is doing well you want to get on that royal telephone and hear what God is saying get into the presence you can do it you can hear you could know just as you write you have thoughts of your own the same God operates the brain hallelujah and he will give you his thoughts his purposes he said they're not your thoughts are not mine he said we'll come on up higher you know I dwell in the secret place I dwell where there's no problems I dwell where there's no you know interference where there's no clouds you won't hear the things of the earthly but if you see why we were laughing so hard when he was telling me about the pilot brother Kevin said go back and look at the inche and I thought what a conversation to be having when you're flying in the but you couldn't laugh at what the devil is trying to do but you can rejoice in knowing what God will do rejoice in the word of the Lord which you've heard tonight what you know God will do and he's the Ancient of Days he'll keep you up-to-date he'll keep you before him on his designing table he has great plans designs miracles wonders signs there's no end of what God can do and I shall make you a people of plain speech saith the Lord that you shall declare my glory you shall declare my name you shall clare from afar I will give you eyes to see and I will give you ears that will hear yay the heavens are moving I have opened a door for you that no man shall shut no one can shut out my glory saith the Lord and I will show you that my ways are good for you my plans for you are desirable yay move you into that secret place put your head against my heart saith the Lord and you will hear the rhythms the heartbeat the moves the concerns and desires that I have for you and you will see that I have you in my rest I have you where I want you not your comfort zone but my zone of blessing the yeah in the heavenly so where the glory can reveal that that is hidden I shall bring it forth and I will make you a people that know me that know my plans and know my purposes I will cause you to be a people that will understand my ways saith the Lord well my ways are perfect they are wonderful and I will show you the beauty a that the price that I paid for your life and what is in you is eternal it's a purpose yeah it's of seeing and desiring my love that I have here I have much in my love for you safe the Lord so search me out and seek for the things that my love will reveal to you seek for the things I love say the Lord seek for those things you will see change quick change your heart will change your desires will change for the heavenly manner with those things that are each of eternal purposes saith the Lord seek me above all turn to me with all your heart and I shall give you my revelation my understanding I will show you that my ways are pure they are perfect I will show you that I have plans that you've not considered and I shall cause you to walk in the highways of heaven saith the LORD yea I shall plead your case even as you come in before me yea I say you worship me in spirit worship Me and experience let the experience of what you're saying I dwell in your praises so learn of me see if the Lord as you praise me as you come in with joy and know that it is more than you've considered what you know and what man can reveal unto you by my spirit I shall do it saith the Lord my ways are real and you shall testify of my goodness and my mercies for you saith the Lord hallelujah hallelujah I think some of you running around with trophies in your hands you've won you haven't lost you've won come on you've won it's not in Hollywood hallelujah what's it in Hollywood however that cross in your life just take it upon you come on take that cross don't shine it don't shine it don't deny it yes God is making something good and wonderful what you were born for you were born for this day this is your day you're receiving much more than we've our age have received this God's doing a quick calm backward work and now let that revival that renewal that knowing our sister Julie said about a knowing that's what the glory does the presence of the Lord brings a knowing of who he is and who you are and you laugh yourself into a new place every day because he's doing that wonderful work that joy that will carry you from glory to glory and faith to faith so let those rhythms hit you it'll come but you got to have a hunger to know there's more no there's more seek him with everything in you and know there's always more from God that he wants to do but he's looking he's listening to see if that's what we want and I want you to say it right now more more MORE Lord that's that's what the great evangelist Rodney had browsers don't he just keep saying more he said that to me one day more and I had a brother from Australia to say more and I was crawling across the carpet trying to get away I didn't know how to handle all that electricity that was running through my body but see God was surging me with his power and with his presence and you don't hardly see that in the church but it depends what you want how he activates so how he works and it'll be foolish to though they do not understand the ways of the Lord but it'll be wonderful for you that you want God to do it his way his high way that you could know him you want to know him not just about him know him experience him every day give yourself to him and like brother Kevin said in that plane ride didn't bother him because he died long time ago pal Olivia he gave it all to the Lord to have that rest that rest that safety zone of God that the wonderful ways of the Lord hallelujah just let even do it yield yourself to him come into that holy place where you just want to break and explode in his presence because there are new ways of learning of the Lord and listen you're going to put on them I saw cowboy boots you're gonna put on them cowboy boots and kick the devil right out of your path that's what I saw you know you can't stand them pointed toes holla yeah just let him do it you know we don't think God speaks like this he's told me one day at a revival in Boston huh I'm gonna crush your grapes I'm gonna crush my grapes and I kept thinking then I started to laugh and then I laugh and Latin tell the people in their rooms came down the hall and wanted to know who was drunk first they wanted to know what I've been drinking they'd been there for three days and hadn't found it yet well Jesus did it at the wedding and it's your wedding come on pray it's your time to marry him be a part of who he is and let his blessings be rich upon you in Jesus name they praise you lord thank you well I know that you've enjoyed this and if you would like to see more like this just let us know because I'm gonna be having all these awesome crazy friends in and you'll see sister Ruth and Julie back and just you know make sure that you subscribe you click and just go subscribe to my youtube channel and I do that all for free for all of you that don't have money to come to school you can watch the anointed videos from all the world for free and you know you don't have to worry about money and also just so you know though these two along with Tony camp and on a Warner there are going to be doing classes for warrior notes school ministry so you're gonna see these two in a class they're going to be offering and so if you are not a student you're watching this you know you ought to pray about becoming us - we have awesome courses and let me tell you something so I I get crazy sometimes and I have a sale there's a sale going on right now life in the spirit is 75% oh my god I think I'm gonna take that course myself no I mean this this class was so anointed and I thought you know lore said just knock it down to eighteen dollars and seventy five cents and so if you if you don't have enough money to go to school there's a free course called heavenly visitation that I did for free and then there's also this special life in the spirit and you can get that the code is I believe healer is it is it healer or healing I think it's healing but but if you use that code you get 75% off okay now listen to me you can change history and you do that by hooking up with what God has written about you in your book in psalm 139:16 psalm 139:16 says that each day of your life was written in a book before one of them came to pass so thanks for joining us and remember that God has a pathway already for you and we are here to help you I just want to give a thank you and a shout out from Mike Cowan he is the Dean of Students he's doing an awesome job let him know how good of a job he's doing he's managing nine thousand two hundred people you guys you're all the students god bless you and stay tuned for other shows we're going to be having all things this weekend we're going to be coming back here to the warrior notes international headquarters tomorrow night now log on at seven o'clock central 8 o'clock eastern and I want to tell you what this you wouldn't believe people all over the world we have a bunch of crazy people that can believe God and all you do is you log on when we get on YouTube and Facebook and you log on and you put your prayer requests in the comment just give me your name and your country or your state that you live in and your repair request and log on at eight o'clock Eastern Time tomorrow night at the global prayer service up in the Upper Room and Julie is going to be doing music up there with us and it's just a Ruth is gonna be praying down the fire we're gonna take all your requests we pray for thousands and thousands in the two hours stay tuned and make sure you put that on on your plan for tomorrow that's tomorrow night log on at 8 o'clock Eastern we'll see you then god bless you what's your the Jesus name bye-bye many people go through life wishing they could understand the realm of the Spirit and the warfare that goes on behind the scenes in his brand-new study guide and three CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 dr. Kevin say die helps you to develop your ability to engage the enemy on three level Kevin's brand-new study guide and three CD set the notes of a warrior Volume one will help equip you to learn to recognize God's direction for your life encounter clarity and knowing God's battle strategies against your enemies exercise your authority as a believer walk in increased discernment through the Holy Spirit's power and much much more in this exclusive offer Kevin also prays impartation prayers on each CD to help you in your advance against the enemy order today Kevin's brand-new study guide an exclusive three CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 for a donation of $29 us shipping and handling included to order call eight eight eight three four zero one four six Sarah with offer code one zero zero T or go online to Kevin's slash offer it's time to stand up for your rights as a Christian and give the devil a headache [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 76,717
Rating: 4.9028931 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 57sec (7317 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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