What's some PARANORMAL ACTIVITY that you experienced, Reddit? (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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[Music] what's some paranormal activity that you experienced reddit my brothers story that was validated nearly two decades after it happened my brother Mark was 12 years old when my grandfather in Glasgow Scotland had taken ill and wasn't expected to survive my parents took the next available flight to Scotland and had to leave us kids behind in Chicago I was too young at the time to understand what was happening but Mark had figured out that our grandpa Joe was dying mark was very upset by the news and was heartbroken that he couldn't go to see our grandpa one last time I was too young to have had the privilege of knowing grandpa Joe but from the stories I have heard he was a very loving man who adored his grandchildren a few days after my parents left mark went into the basement of our house to grab clothes from the drying machine when he reached the bottom of the stairs he froze about 30 feet away from the foot of the stairs there is a doorway to a utility room in the basement just as Mark reached the bottom of the stairs he saw a figure step into view it was grandpa Joe he was smiling at mark and holding a white box he didn't say anything but he smiled and then walked past the doorway and was gone my brother ran back upstairs in hysterics telling our babysitter that he had seen our grandfather and needed to talk to my parents the babysitter reluctantly let my brother call Glasgow and when he reached my parents and told him the story they tried to soothe him and tell him that everything was okay that his imagination was playing tricks on him because he was worried about grandpa Joe grandpa Joe had passed away while my parents were on their flight heading to Glasgow and my parents didn't have the heart to tell mark the sad news over the phone fast-forward to 20 years later my brother and I are visiting my mom in Florida one night we stayed up late talking about family and eventually the conversation turned to our grandpa Joe after reminiscing about our grandpa and his good nature my brother said to my mom you and dad never believed me when I told you that I saw grandpa in the basement my mom looked puzzled and asked mark when did you see grandpa Joe in the basement my mom had remembered talking to mark the morning that her and my dad arrived in Scotland but she hadn't remembered the specifics of Mark's story mark retold the story but this time when was over my mom was speechless after a few moments she broke the silence and asked mark to describe the box that Grandpa Joe was holding mark said that it looked like a white rectangular box that was about three feet long and had a width and height of about a foot and a half something about his description of the box made my mom get tears in her eyes she collected herself and then told us both for the first time that one of our aunts had a stillborn baby at almost the same time that my grandpa passed away the child and Grandpa Joe were buried in the same grave and the child was buried in a small white coffin TL DR evidence corroborating a paranormal experience has introduced twenty years after the experience occurred I've got a few of these and I'll be more than happy to share if wanted well the one that always stuck out was a few years ago I woke up in the middle of the night from a dream where I heard someone screaming bloody murder so I set up in my bed and I'm just sitting there when all of a sudden it's the same bloody murder scream as before it's coming from my older sister's room right down the hall so I jump up out of bed and rum to my door as I'm almost to it it slams shut in my face I rip it open after pissing myself to see a dark empty hallway I flip on the light on the wall and it's empty I run into my sister's room and ask her what the hell she's screaming for and she says that she woke up to her dog with its head up growling at the hallway through her open door so she stares out into the hall for a minute when she sees something dark and big crawling down the hall on all fours towards my room so she screams once and it stops and looks at her she screams again and that's when it hopped up according to her it ran towards my room and she heard my door slam so my folks and I all go around searching the house for open doors windows whatever and we don't find anything TL DR demons and such yo this is a repost from a while back when I was young I used to stay in my great grandmother's house overnight during the summer this was an old Southern house that had been around since World War one so one night I'm in bed trying to get some sleep it's summer and it's balls hot in a house where there's no a/c built-in when I see a woman walk through my door my clothes shut door she was in a white dress or nightgown and moved around the room as if she was getting ready for the I watched for what seemed like forever then suddenly she stops mid-step and slowly turns my direction at this point I'm scared shitless and thinking I am going to die she finally sees me I look at her face and then I look into her eyes and as soon as I did that I blanked out when I come to I'm on the patio and the Sun is rising and I have no clue how I managed to get there I stayed on the patio I wasn't going back in the room until my great-grandmother woke up and begun breakfast while eating breakfast I tell my great-grandmother that I saw a ghost she said baby what this ghost look like I described it to her and she looks at me and says oh that's just sure and so and so my response what later the day she gets an old photo album out and shows me a picture of my dead aunt that died in the house way before I was born along with a few other dead family members then went on about how she sees them from time to time never spent the night ever again and I never went into that room ever again TL DR saw the ghost of my aunt who died long before I was born found out at my great-grandmother C's family ghosts nope tats spending nights a great-grandmother house I went to college in Richmond Kentucky right outside of Richmond is an old plantation looking place called Whitehall that my friends and I decided to visit one night very late my friend who will call Susan Finkelstein or sue for short gets the idea to see if she can provoke any ghosts or spirits or what-have-you as there wasn't a lot going on and she really wanted to give this a shot note that we did not even enter the property so no trespassing was committed so anywho sue starts making some seriously racist jokes at the expense of slavery and beating slaves etc this goes on for about 20 minutes of her just having a good old time talking about when she owns her own plantation and how it'll be a gas to beat slaves and then beat them again when they bleed on her cotton and that's when the story gets interesting for us sue was standing at the fence while giving us her small business loan plan for this plantation and all of a sudden starts bitching at my friend Jay for blowing on her neck oddly though Jay had been absent mindedly exploring some location near some trees that the Rhoden was at least a good 30 feet away not quite enough distance to whisper sweet nothings into one zero or blow on the neck sue dismisses this and continues her tirade at attempting to provoke some sort of response from the absent ghosts suddenly she gets very quiet and then starts complaining that her back was hurting almost on fire my now ex-girlfriend lifted up her shirt to see what the problem was and went pale as something pale on Sue's back were a series of lines that appeared as though someone had beat her severely with a fly swatter or something the old metal kind at least nice lines we hightailed it out of there in a hurry this happened to me indirectly but it happened to my mom when she was pregnant with me when my mother was pregnant with me she was still married to my biological father they would divorce two years after this incident anyways he was an actor with the local theater group down in Pensacola Florida one of the theaters he performed regularly it was the center it had been a movie theater at one time back in the old days of film 1930s / 1940s it had been a hospital at some point in the past when my mom was pregnant with me especially at seven to eight months when she was ready to pop I ended up being a postie meaning I was a late bloomer was supposed to have been born in early to mid August but ended up in early September at any time since she couldn't drive she relied on my biological dad to drive her wherever she wanted to go he would often take her with him to dress rehearsals during rehearsal she took it upon herself to move from one area of the theatre to another taking notes on how the actors sounded from different points how their marks looked actors positions on stage how the sets looked and how the orchestra if applicable sounded when rehearsal was over she would turn her notes over to the director producer conductor and set manager they would make any suggested changes as they saw fit one night in particular rehearsal was over and my mom was up in the balcony trying to head down the stairs she was mu prego with me and so of course she couldn't see her feet she started to lose her balance until she felt someone grabbed her very firmly by the upper arm and pull her back up she then heard a voice tell her I've got you let's go down slow so they did they took the stairs one step at a time until my mom was safely on the main level once she got to the main level she turned to thank whoever helped but there was no one ere TL DR my mom's life and to an extent my life was saved by a ghost okay this is a really long-winded story and will probably not be seen by many but here goes this was back in 2006 when I worked at a pretzel store that rhymes with candy canes in the local mall this is during the dead afternoon days of the summer usually there would just be one person at this time I am that one person the day was going by pretty slowly and with no windows time would often stand still cameras made it hard for us to text people in slack off regardless at some unknown time a family of three mother daughter and young son stopped some distance from the counter and stare at me and the pretzels I would not have thought it to be odd except for how they were dressed they looked like they came straight out of the 1950s the son was much younger and was in 1950s style clothing as well I'm thinking how weird this could possibly be but then realized that right upstairs there was a professional photography place so they were probably dressed up for some old-timey photos it was not until the little boy came up to the counter and asked for a pretzel I told him the price two dollars and sixty six cents and he handed me a one dollar bill I motioned to the mother that the pretzel cost two dollars and 66 cents and he was one dollar and 66 cents short she looked at me like I told her the pretzel cost ten dollars I mean I understand that two dollars and sixty six cents was high for a pretzel but she looked at me as if I wanted her to fork over her life savings the little boy not talking hands me the dollar I take a hard stare at him and realize it's a Silver Certificate series 1957 and this dollar bill did not look like it was almost half a century old it had normal wear and tear like a series 2003 bill had the time it wasn't crisp but it was still very much usable in the bank would probably use it for further transactions at this point I realized that nobody else really crossed their paths the entire time and the entertainment / music store next door was pretty dead even for a midsummer afternoon while pedestrian traffic just seemed to be non-existent I hand the dollar back to the boy and he walks away with his mother and sister about 10 seconds later pedestrian traffic walked through the area of the store TL DR time-traveling family when my sister was young maybe about three she used to stare at walls and random stuff in the house and say you're a bad man a bad bad man she was genuinely afraid and would wake up with night terrors a lot at my grandparents house my family was seen lots of weird things happen when my mom was pregnant with me she swore she saw her grandmother who told her she wanted to see her have a child before she died when I was a baby both my parents left me in the room alone and my father came back to see her standing over the crib they used to hear noises which they described as karate noises coming from what was known as the middle room the middle room was the houses first floor though my grandparents always lived in the basement and anyone else living in the house always lived in the rooms on the second floor the middle room has mostly fancy and just for show one day one of my uncle's decided to sneak into the middle room without turning on the lights and hide behind the couch supposedly he saw two figures wrestling later they found out that the previous owners were two lesbian women who were in fact wrestlers one of my personal favorites my mom and aunt were looking through pictures one day they found a picture of my christening or baptism or whatever they noticed a woman in the back that looked exactly like their grandmother who was dead no one remembered her being there but later the picture was never found again my cousin was at the house staying with my father and I just the three of us my cousin and I got into a fight so my dad sent him to sit in the basement where my grandparents lived he said all the drawers and cabinets kept opening and shutting he was terrified and ran to the bedroom and hid under the covers my aunt was once babysitting a lot of her nieces and nephews they ran off to the other parts of the house and hid but later came back scared and said they saw a man my aunt separated them and got their stories which were airily the same story she thought by separating them they would slip up and it would show they were lying there are a lot more creepy occurrences but I may as well have at least one that has me not as an infant my brother and I were sitting on out bed back when we were young enough to share a room and a bed happily playing Nintendo 64 late at night alone in the house during the summer it was a two family house and one of our aunts lived upstairs with her kids and was in charge of watching over us but my brother and I were alone in our part of the house with all the doors and windows locked while we were playing we suddenly had to stop because we saw a pillar float up and throw itself across the room we still have no explanation for it I was near Bennington Vermont and my friends and I stopped at this cemetery at night we were like 18 and just out for a drive trying to have a good time we were walking around this Cemetery laughing etc when all of the sudden I just stopped in my tracks because I saw something by a tree a white thing not necessarily a person but I felt like it was a girl I remember I was eating an apple and suddenly became nauseous and dropped it on the ground one of my friends had the same feeling and we were like let's get out of here and drove away in silence the next day we went back and saw a gravestone leaning against the tree it was an old one from the 1800s also it was for a teenage girl with my name I'll never forget that really creepy another time also in Vermont I was at the Bennington College Music Building which is supposedly haunted I didn't believe in any of that back then I was on the third floor walking past some rooms that weren't used for anything one had an old bed in it I noticed the bed had an imprint in it and just assumed it was an old mattress a few minutes later when I walked back past it again the mattress was flat I was a bit freaked out ha edek I believe it was Hinsdale vel cemetery for those who wondered and why were we driving around stopping at cemeteries trying to have a good time you go to Bennington and see what else there is to do Lowell every summer as a wee lad I'd spend a week or two with my granny and her isolated cottage in the Winkler mountains in Ireland I've been all over the world and it's still my favorite place this cottage is like 100 years old my granny's mother and her mother lived and died in this house and I will admit as much as I loved it there it was a scary place to be at night it didn't help that the wiring was old and the lights didn't shine at their full brightness so that gave the inside a doll menacing look and feel one of the days I was over with friends they live seven miles away him they always dropped me home at night this one night they dropped me home and my gran was gone to the pub with her sister she'd left a note out I think it was about 11:00 p.m. at this stage but Country pubs in Ireland stayed open till 2:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m. I was kind of okay for a while I had the TV on which is always comforting but back then there was closed down where the TV station went off the air for the night at about 12:30 a.m. [ __ ] started happening soon after that I was kinda at a loss at what I should do I was way too scared to sleep but the absolute silence was driving me nuts there were literally no sounds for a while anyway I was about 13 14 at the time so my mind was racing as it was about 1:00 a.m. I heard what I thought was a car approaching way in the distance as I mentioned it's so isolated and quiet you can hear a car approaching from 1 2 miles away at that moment I figured it was my grand on the way back and I instantly relaxed but as soon as I did I realized that the noise was actually a little different and it kind of felt closer it was a sort of drone sound like a really low hum with the vibration to it the second I realized it wasn't a car I literally almost [ __ ] my pants also the fight-or-flight response was invoked opted for the latter I ran out the front door and out past the front yard onto the road I had that dread feeling and had a tangible sense that something was following me out of the house I didn't look back just kept jogging toward the sole streetlight about 70 yards from the house once I got there I did feel better so I looked over my shoulder and nothing was there but blackness but I didn't feel scared anymore that dread was gone I stayed there for about an hour until I saw a car coming and then I hovered outside the front gate until my grand pulled up like I was outside to greet her all was OK once I went back in no idea what the hell happened but it definitely was not normal [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit creepy, creepy stories, true horror stories, ask reddit scary, best horror stories, sir reddit, sirreddit
Id: t9t71cNCAJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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