Mar 13, 2021 As A Believer... How Should I Look?

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um if you saw the scriptures there's not many there's only five um verses that is um but it's going to take a little bit to get through um i gotta preempt this all right i i want to mention a couple of things before we go on this little journey for the next week or two uh on what a born-again believer should look like okay this is going to be kind of as a believer how should i look and next week will be as a believer how do i look and um first of all i want to say something right up top the notion that things of god can be reduced to a formula is the very reason for many of our spiritual failures okay we we have we have gone to the little schools and the little things and they've tried to teach a formula guys there is a deep mystery about the new birth which no one can deny okay uh yours truly went to israel have a good time i came back born again so if you're asking me how deep the mystery is you tell me and it is dangerous it's dangerous to think that the sovereign work of almighty god can be brought about by some recipe made by human hands i'm not i'm not gonna i'm not gonna be mean at all i don't want to be mean but the truth sometimes does have a it almost has a you could think it's a mean tone because we're so used to everybody giving us trophies for participating you know it's it's not only a cupcake society it's cupcake christianity now and so you're so used to that that even when the truth comes sometimes you your feathers get ruffled and you get angry at the messenger i mean they killed the prophets i mean isaiah they saw the guy in half know stone zechariah and amos and and for god's sakes they killed yeshua so um the the moment we attempt this to put some system together or some oh no no this this will win them this is ironclad the moment we attempt this listen to me i'm telling you the gospel truth here the spirit of god will withhold his power and the worker and the seeker will be on their own promise in other words if you try to concoct something along with elvis the spirit will leave the building there's too many places and too many people trying to lean on their own understanding when it comes to salvation all any of us can do i want to alleviate you from the stress and the tension and the anxiety all any of us can do is to point the person to yeshua remember mr aka john the baptist i call him the immersive because people actually think there were baptists around back then people really do but among women there's no man that was born like him remember what he said look the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the he said this is look we've been waiting for two thousand years right since the abrahamic covenant this is the messiah the king of israel that's all he said i mean in the first chapter of john's gospel remember andrew we don't know much about him right we know nothing about him and there was another disciple with him who started to follow yeshua remember first chapter remember what they they followed did john get upset they were his disciples who was the other disciple nobody knows that most people think it was john not john the baptist but john the disciple because he was so humble that he didn't want his name mentioned but it doesn't matter they left did john get upset no he was happy because they were following the messiah why don't you think i take attendance why don't you think i have membership why because it's not important here for you three quarters of you can be in a church tomorrow morning that's your business it's not mine i don't think you're cheating but that's the church world they think they're cheating like wait a minute i can't let you speak at my church they might like you and then if they like you they might show up and they they show up they might put five bucks in your basket and they'll be five less bucks in my basket what if god calls them to your ministry then i lose i lose some i got an open chair you you think yeshua is in that of course not you know him to an extent can't you just realize when certain things going on and just go that's not god you don't have to be like this tremendously discerning individual to know what's of god and what's not of god the very first thing andrew did when he found the messiah the very first thing right he went to his brother simon and said five words we have found the messiah you get it andrew's message was so simple and yet god used it to win peter god used it so what does this tell us we don't need to be great preachers or clever speakers that doesn't win a soul we only need to tell people about yeshua in simple words and let god take care of the rest doesn't that alleviate some of the attention you know how many different ideas i tried to come up with over the years no not zero many thank you for that by the way it's a big compliment appreciate it but i don't i don't speak with a forked tongue you ask me a question i'm going to give you an honest answer from my heart uh that's just the way it is and this was before yeshua it's where i was raised and it it's just worked for me you know in the final analysis no one can lead another person to god you know people say i let him no you didn't no all you can do is lead the enquirer to the door of the kingdom you can't even open the door for him you hear me you can't open the door his profession of faith opens the door you can't open it for them because if you open it you know what you're going to try to do push him through you can't do it man you lead him to the door of the kingdom and the door is who he sit on the door you've got to go through the door to get in the kingdom you can't stop at the door can't just hug the door and all you can do is urge that person to repent and go through it not just tell them god loves them go in and have a good time it's like a divine coffee shop you just sing songs and have lattes with yeshua and he tells you how great you are and it's really a lot of fun not exactly tell them about repentance if the repentance is genuine and the faith is real all human confidence will come crashing down and the soul will be saved being born again is a work of god's spirit and it produces the fruit of the spirit you're familiar with galatians chapter 5 all too well a lot of you have probably memorized it way back in vacation bible school but the apostle paul he distinguishes between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the spirit in galatians 5. before we talk about the fruit of the spirit let's talk about the works of the flesh only because the flesh is still very present with us it says here in galatians 5 chapters 19 through 21 this is not all what galatians is about galatians is about messing with the gospel and trying to add works to the work of yeshua but it shouldn't stop there that's the problem if you read galatians out of context you're like okay so it's just a free gift of god it's just his grace and i don't have to do anything listen to me i've said this a thousand times here's a thousand one the entry fee into the kingdom is free the annual dues will close to your life that's what the bible says well done say it exactly like that but okay galatians 5 19 21 says it is perfectly evident what the old nature does now look i don't like to talk about my old greg because he's dead he's in the tomb i don't need him raised like lazarus some of you talk a little too much about your past i know what you're trying to say trying to say look what god done but sometimes you talk about your past so much to kind of glorify the past and there's an insidious little bit of pride sometimes that can come in and sometimes you could talk about the past so much your fleshly man starts to miss it you know it just wants to have a little flesh fling let him let the old guy let him lay in the grave okay it expresses itself in sexual immorality impurity and indecency involvement with the occult and with drugs in feuding fighting becoming jealous and getting angry in selfish ambition factionalism intrigue and envy in drunkenness orgies and things like these i warn you now as i have warned you before those who do such things will have no share in the kingdom of god now i just want you to see something sting i'm putting a battery all right you see these semicolons did you ever see those rabbi are you serious you want us to read the bible now you want us to look at punctuation well it's there i mean but if you live in a in a tech world like a lot of you kids do you your grammar is horrific your punctuation is non-existent you don't spell okay okay okay but you live in a texting world so you don't know how to write a composition anymore sad and we're allowing it huh okay so these semicolons a semicolon it's a punctuation walk obviously used to indicate a major division in a sentence so there's like five categories okay some people saying that's really cool some people are saying who cares but five basic categories the first category is together sexual immorality um go back to the first slide please thank you sexual immorality impurity and indecency that's one category then there's a second category involvement with the occult and with drugs then there's a third category in feuding fighting becoming jealous and getting angry fourth categories in selfish ambition factualism intriguing envy and then the last category the fifth category is drunkenness orgies and things like these okay i'm going to attempt to um to go over some of these things this is just it's not like you know you can look these words up and you'll sort of see the meaning i'm sure if you look in some different interpretive bibles you're going to see different interpretations on these words i'm going to give you an overall i can't spend 20 minutes on each word because we'll be here till yeshua returns but there is no difficulty in identifying the works of the flesh that's what paul's saying they're evident it's a no-brainer okay first one um this is the first category let's go to the first one in the category one sexual immorality okay um the bible talks about this a lot guys it's it's been around since the early days of creation and it's not going anywhere anytime soon it's just getting worse like far worse okay um there might be some little kids here but i i think you might want to talk to them about it before they learn about it from the wrong sources that's what i did with my kids but that's what i did my kids i can't tell you what to do with your kids i don't go there you do what your kids what you choose to do with your kids and whatever god tells you okay sexual immorality the big one is adultery which is unfaithfulness in the marriage relationship aka having sex with someone other than your spouse okay today they call it what an affair do you know what an affair is an affair is an incident or a thing oh go go commit adultery and go home and tell your wife i just had an incident or tell your husband it was just the thing listen it's one of the most disgusting things somebody could do it buries people usually for life no matter how much they recover they never totally recover it's very hard for them to ever trust somebody 100 even if they remarry you hear what i'm saying why do god gives these commandments he's trying to avoid us going through horrific pain he's just trying to protect his children his commandments are totally for our protection um fornication is also under sexual immorality that's unlawful sexual intercourse prior to being married it include it includes homosexuality lesbianism and bestiality it's all in that category um the next one impurity is is close remember i told it categorical impurity is more like moral evil it's a sensuality which is unrestrained sexual indulgence it's lawlessness as it deals with sexual misconduct now there are people today who say well their hormones are raging all right let me tell you a little story okay real quick okay anybody uh there was back in the day when before i knew the lord i i played a lot of basketball you know from the bronx play a lot of basketball watch basketball there was a guy ac green um he played in the nba from 1985 to 2001. he was a carrying believer and he was a virgin now his team was nice enough to send women his way constantly to try to seduce him which is you know working for the enemy right but they say it's hormones and this guy was making millions of dollars good looking guy you know six nine professional basketball players do you you have any idea how women throw themselves at athletes no less professional athletes um 1985 to 2001 he played in the nba 2002 he got married a virgin don't tell me it's hormones indecency the church gave it gave in they gave in they used to pray for virginity now they pray that their kids don't get pregnant they caved indecency now we have a sign at the pool across the street it says no lasciviousness i'm thinking who the heck in macon knows what that means that's indecency it's lustfulness motivated again by strong sexual desires remember i said there's a category it's also obscenity and being vulgar now let me tell you something else one time i took 10 guys from the synagogue to a ball game they were all about my size some were bigger but all big burly guys with very ugly facial hair and we go to the braves game now how many people have been to the braves it's very family oriented very different than yankee stadium although yankee stadium now was a lot nicer but when i went um there's going to be fights left and right in the stands at the braves it's very family friendly they have like christian nights and things like this but as soon as we pulled into our section 10 big giant guys um you remember i the holy spirit told me there's a lot of tension from the people because you see 10 guys come in and you think it's not going to be good at least that's what i would think and so i turned to them and i said everybody can i have you here for a minute um we're believers i'm not going to drink we're not going to curse the ears in your family they're okay i want you to just relax so it's not just about doing indecent things it's speaking in decent things when i worked at the gym for years you know it's a very indecent environment a lot of my clients were indeed so it was very hard because the natural man when he hears an indecent joke laughs it's not like you're like oh i'm too holy i don't find that funny no you find it funny that's why you can't hear it because then you'll feel bad about finding it funny you follow anybody know i'm talking about anybody honest enough to know what i'm talking about great okay next category is involvement with the occult and with drugs and that's its own category because you know back then this was huge today it's huger wiccan is huge just absolutely growing in leaps and bounds um sorcery is witchcraft okay the greek word relating to this is called pharmakia where we get the word drugs now there are people that go so if i take a drug in my am i getting involved with a sorcerer are you out of your mind are you really out of your mind now look drugs uh are chemicals i'm not a doctor they change the chemistry um i'll be careful how i say this um not crazy about modern medicine i think you just get tests and tests and tests and they give you drugs and drugs and drugs till you get the numbers you want but now i would not have a problem if the pharmacology was take this for two weeks but it's take it for the rest of your life i didn't take a chemical until i was 60 years old but my body fell apart and if i don't take certain things they'll probably won't be talking to you so i'm just warning you like when it comes to something like adult onset diabetes or type 2 diabetes it's an epidemic proportion it can be handled with diet and exercise okay but there's certain things that can so don't if it's a life and death situation you're like i'm not going to take it because i don't want to be a sorcerer you probably need some mental help too along with the pharmacology drugs were used in sorcery okay in fact it's exercising powers when there's a medium the medium thinks they're in control of the of the spirit the familiar spirit satan is controlling them using the spirit you follow they're the medium so you got to be careful the word basically came to mean intercourse with evil spirits okay drugs are not great i don't want to talk about the old greg but stay away from drugs as best as you can next category feuding fighting and becoming jealous and getting angry um this is all too popular and sadly enough it's so popular in the body of messiah i have seen so many disgusting things um that i never thought when i first got saved would even be possible never in a million years i just thought you're a believer clearly you know how yeshua would handle this you're handling it totally different from him and you think you have a right who bewitched you uh let's go to the first one i hate this category feuding it's strong feelings of malice towards another individual it's hatred hate is a very strong word the bible says the only thing we should hate is evil how can you hate another brother we're supposed to love our enemies why would you hate a believer they're not even close to your enemy and you ever think that god puts difficult people in your life to show you how incredibly unforgiving you are and i know there's people that aggravate you but trust me you aggravate people too fighting you know these things lead to it feuding and fighting fighting is discord quarrels some people seem to be subsidized by the government to just be difficult they're just difficult no matter what you present to them well the way i see it well they always find a reason why something can't be done you know don't don't tell me i can't lift my arm or i can't bend this way show me how to lift my arm and bend that way and then of course the blessed do we got next yeah now jealousy can be a good thing like god is jealous right that's good and right but here that's not what he's saying in fighting and feuding he's talking about an unpleasant suspicion maybe you've been jealous before maybe you're still jealous maybe with somebody's jealous maybe you have been with somebody's jealous but an unpleasant suspicion suspicion is when you believe a person is guilty with little or no proof and then that suspicion leads to fear and rage which brings us to the next category becoming a getting angry now guys uh again i'm i don't want to talk about old greg but let me just say this okay my mother had a lot of pictures on the wall not because she put pictures on the wall because behind those pictures i had an awful you have no idea my temper but it's dead i'm sweet now and i don't lose it with the kids and will burn even though if anybody you can lose it with it's it's barren trust me she is definitely my cauldron um no but it's a beautiful thing to see the change there has to be a change i mean some of you may be raised in it you are always good and that's great but when you become born again it has to be and i'm not talking about a little change if you if you have outburst of anger and you lose your temper easy and often you've got a problem lay hands on yourself it's not good that's not of god now there's righteous indignation there's a time to turn over the tables but even though some people who are basically angry and they say well yeshua turned over the tables yes once sound like every day he was turning over tables be careful with your righteous indignation make sure that indignation is righteous not self-righteous indignation and then this category is all too popular it's never going to go anywhere selfish ambition factualism intrigue and envy let's look at the first one this is just selfish this is just the self-centered striving to be number one even at another's expense i mean look at the enemy he couldn't handle being number two i mean he was the highest cherubin it wasn't good enough had access to god crazy right it's this relentless desire to get ahead and put somebody first it's the spirit of the antichrist no way around it factionalism these are separations caused by disagreement some people just love to argue why are you fighting with people over baptism or the rapture i mean is this really how you spend your time guys it's crazy people have differing opinions sometimes this this certain things that are ironclad you know no one comes to the father but through me says yeshua there's no way around that but then there's certain things you're going to have some liberty but in all things charity if two people are yelling at each other my son said to me when he was young who's right dad i said neither of them guys factionalism is satan's playground just for the record there ain't no denominations in satan's kingdom demons get along very unified in their mission only christians you can't dip you can't drip you've got a dunk you know what if i want to fight with a baptist i can oh yeah the bible says mayam khayyam living waters your tank is dead waters you're wrong you can fight over anything what do you keep fighting over you only have so much energy i gave that up i'm going to use my energy to try to win souls and help people there's no fruit in it it's virtual prunes intrigue these are sex not s-e-x s-e-c-t-s we went over that already formed by men with self-willed opinions they don't want to harmonize and reconcile they want what they want and you know what they do they politick they get their little groups you know who you're working for lucifer politics he took a third of the angels do you think he took that overnight took time you don't make factions i see people coming here they try to make factions are you out of your mind you don't subject yourself to leadership you think you just come in here and do that god's going to put you out i don't even have to it happens all the time i call it blessed subtraction if you can't be trusted in little things do you think god's going to trust you in big things we're going to be starting a a youth bible study we wanted to be the families charlie and i discussed this charlie came to me and talked about it can you imagine if he just started a bible study and just started to talk to people in beth yeshua and they were coming i don't know what he's teaching you guys i'm supposed to protect my sheep i don't know what he's spewing i want to know what he's going to spew at least he did it right next is envy which is totally different than jealousy it's becoming upset with someone because of that person's success or advantages i used to train a guy in in daytona beach his last name was france his father's bill france who found nascar everybody used to to get on him because he worked in the father's business i'd be like you're just envious that's all you are why should he work in his father's business is that so bad and then he took it of why because he didn't have to work so what that's his business what's the envy over who can't look at that car so-and-so's driving i've had people go that's a mighty nice car are you making the payment what's it your business what's it your concern how are you so concerned about everybody else you've got enough problems in your own household to deal with deal with you clean up your yard i'll clean up my yard and you clean up your yard and guess what it'll become a pretty neighborhood that's god's department stay out of that man stay out of that that's not for you envy's awful because it results in hatred and ill will and prejudice and resentment and rivalry not good not good it rots the bones it literally rots the bones uh next on our agenda what are we up to category four five drunkenness energies and things like these okay let's look at drunkenness i worked in a lot of bars doing security i've never seen a drunk person do anything good i've been around it a lot never in fact they usually get themselves in trouble there's something called whiskey muscle when you our inhibitions are gone and you actually think while you're drunk that you really can fight first of all drunk people can't fight okay the only thing good about fighting when you're drunk is you don't feel the pain until the next day um obviously drunkenness is intoxication caused by strong drink no the bible doesn't say you can't have a drink doesn't say that nowhere sorry some denomination just made it up yeah there's a denomination with 250 million people they made it up yeah it's not true it says beers a brawl of wine is a maca drunk you have a glass of wine with dinner i don't drink because i don't like the taste but that has nothing to do with religious reasons it's not biblical okay when yeshua turned the water into wine trust me it was not grape juice i've asked some people i've asked the head of a denomination with 250 million strong in the world and that's what he said to me he said well it was grape juice and i was like oh my goodness and you're the head teacher said so what are you saying at the beginning of the wedding because jewish weddings last seven days you realize that and he went yeah i realized that he didn't realize that the holy spirit i didn't know that so i said so at the beginning of the wedding they were serving kroger juice and at the end they serve welches what are you gonna do you know man's plans garbage cans right but you know there's a there's a reason why they call it dui driving under the influence when you're drunk you're controlled by an influence outside yourself we're supposed to be drunk with the holy spirit we're supposed to be controlled by influence inside of us not outside of us there's there's a reason why they call it wasted if you're gonna waste yourself waste yourself on the lord that's the very antithesis of being wasted last but not least orgies it's getting worse and worse guys i mean these communities that are popping up all over america these 55 and over communities you know people are retiring at 55 now and a lot of these people retire wealthy they have a really good pension you know it could be a hundred thousand dollar year pension so they don't want to live where they're living so they go to these 55 over communities there's one that opened up just in daytona in my old area and they have uh they have stages they have concerts they have golf they have tennis uh it's a country club it's it's just one big party and they do a lot of messed up sexual stuff yeah it's getting worse and worse um orgies are just riders gatherings um usually accompanied by drunkenness that's why they're in that category together and it pretty much usually leads to reckless sexual activity um so these are these i don't even think this list is exhaustive i don't think paul was saying these are the only ones but it's it's just getting more and more crazy and foul you know there was a time i remember um when the first pornographic theater opened up in in a neighborhood and i remember i would see some guys go and they would hide trench coat you know hat glasses and go in now get it on your phone it's really dangerous it's worse the the addiction the way it messes with your brain i can't give you all the science but it's worse than crack cocaine worse addiction than crack cocaine be careful if you know you have certain issues with things don't tempt yourself it's a bad deal you won't win you know who the temper is anyway right okay so here's my question why should paul write in this manner to churches of christians he's not right into the world here he's writing to the congregation in galatia a lot of people see this and go well that's the world nope i wish it was the reason he's writing to churches of christians is that not all who profess to be saved are truly children of god am i said the up top we're not all children of god you have to ask yourself are you a believer or a student of the faith another way to say it is are you a christian or a student of christianity there are atheists that teach religion in college campuses they're brilliant and they know the tenants but they don't know the lord multitudes of christians are falling mistaking the word for the deed and falsely assuming that if they know the teaching of the christian faith they're therefore in the faith no one has a right to believe that he or she is indeed a believer unless he is humbly or she is humbly seeking to obey the teachings of the one they call lord some think they are saved by accepting yeshua without obeying his commandments this is a result of the misstanding misunderstanding of grace and a narrow one-sided view of the gospel the truth is that the faith and obedience of two sides of the same coin you can't have one without the other faith has been made everything in our day and obedience has been made nothing the result among religious persons is moral weakness spiritual blindness and the slow but constant drift away from the new covenant spirit filled faith yeshua said over and over again a tree is known by its fruit and the fruit isn't necessarily works they're two different words fruit is corpose and works for ergon not talking about that carpools deals with who we are our character not what we do i can show you secular people that dance circles around us by what they do for people ergon deals with what we do that's the actions every tree every tree produces fruit every tree produces fruit good or bad depending on what that tree is made of the tree of course is the heart the character of the person we judge a tree yeshua said judge a tree by the kind and quality of its fruit so it is the same in the area of discipleship a man who is morally pure and spiritually healthy brings forth good fruit for himself and for others on the other hand the man who is basically impure only brings forth bad fruit now let's look at the fruit that a good tree brings galatians 5 22 23 it says but okay this is we already talked about bad fruit right i didn't want to end on a bad note let's end on a good note but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness humility and self-control nothing in the torah stands against these things why does anything in the torah stand against these things because the torah if you're obeying torah you're doing these things you're bearing this fruit if you're obeying torah this is the fruit that you'll bring forth now did you notice something here it doesn't say the fruits of the spirit i hear people say that all the time what are the fruits of the spirit you're wrong you did wrong and you went to a seminary and you say fruits of the spirit all the time the bible doesn't say fruits of the spirit rabbi what's the big deal think about it there's only one fruit and it's messiah-likeness this isn't exhaustive it's not like well there's nine fruits of this is in jeopardy no it's not there's only one fruit the holy spirit produces one kind of fruit and it's messiah likeness let's look at the first one notice the different backgrounds love is what god is and what we ought to be and it's best explained at gold gotham love is the very antithesis or opposite of selfishness love involves itself love inconveniences itself and love indebts itself love is sacrifice and the greater the sacrifice the greater the love we have to be willing and intentional about underwriting all our actions in love all our actions have to be motivated in love it has to be the foundation of it all joy is the satisfaction and contentment with god and his dealings meaning if we could believe no matter what our circumstances are that this is god's will even if it's because of sin then it's god's will for us to be punished so that we could see that punishment through that sin confess and repent and get back into the will of god it's all for our good all for our good peace i think a lot of people have a different understanding of peace there's three different kinds of peace there's peace with god that you get when you repent of your sins and you're immersed in yeshua for the fitness of those sins now you have peace with god that's a one-time deal but the peace with god is supposed to produce a peaceful disposition that actually brokers peace with others it's really not good enough to say too blessed to be stressed well good for you that's fantastic i'm glad you're selfishly happy you're supposed to produce this so in other words it's not good enough to have peace with god without maintaining peace with others that's a tough one there's people that love god but they don't really love people that's a big problem because you're god wants you to love what he loves which is other people it's crucial next one um patience in our society where everything is expected uh nobody has patience anymore because you know you used to have to get a letter used to wait in the mail now it's email patience and biblically speaking is just long suffering suffering long when you apply patience you you suffer because it's enduring afflictions and annoyances and persecutions kindness this is just my opinion by the way guys it's not like this is written down in a book somewhere um kindness is gentleness which is just being mild and fair now some people might see me and they still think i've got that little bit of a coarse new york attitude oh you don't know the old greg trust me you'd be amazed at what god has done amazed at what god has done sometimes you see a person and maybe they are a hundred pounds overweight and you think wow they're really heavy but do you know that they lost 250 pounds already you don't know that do you don't be so quick to judge man you know don't it's a mistake give people the benefit of the doubt do you know what they've been through you haven't even asked you don't even know anything profile's so quick it's not right you shouldn't do it just any time you're ready to do something just ask yourself what is this how your shoe would handle us you'll get an answer it's it's really quite simple it's it's a it's kind of a pleasant disposition it's like a nice attitude um and don't fake it nobody likes that your kids are watching your wife is watching don't fake it with strangers then come home and be a bulldog nobody likes that next goodness is different than kindness goodness is working for the benefit of others as opposed to oneself that's a good man romans 5 speaks about a good man it's different than a kind man it's action and then of course faithfulness and i think we stop short like peace it's not just trust and fidelity and reliability in god it's not just saying i trust the lord can he trust you and here's the tough one you ready goes deeper there's another layer not only you trust god can he trust you are you being trustworthy towards god but can you trust others we live in a society where we don't trust anybody anymore and and the reason for that is because truthfully we can't totally trust ourselves so we project we say hey if i can't trust myself i'm not trusting anybody but that's a mess that's a mess look um i'm not bragging about being in ministry but i'm just telling you trust me when you're in ministry you get bit like nobody's business and you know once bitten twice shy 100 times bitten 101 times shy i mean you just got to keep going because otherwise you're not a believer anymore and then you can't project on people what other people did to you you know it's hard though when somebody comes up and says hey i'm here for your rabbi you know how many times i've heard that and where are they now so it's hard you know you you go you don't say anything to the person but you're thinking boy i've heard that before you know just be here for god and be issue alike and we'll be fine we'll be fine um humility it's just taken the lowly place they are just people i know who they are because i see it right away said but they want to be the bride at the wedding they want to be the baby at the dedication they want to be the deceased at the funeral and most of them the sad part is they don't even know it it's so insidious they think they're being humble it's like i'm here and last but not least self-control it just literally means holding oneself especially in regards to sex i mean this is a biggie um as opposed to being out of control again i'll tell you a little story when i first got here we had uh no children and then all of a sudden they just started coming out of the woodwork i can't explain to you but we were attracting families not too many seniors at all just families families and i knew i needed some help in there because god told me and god told me to pick this young man who i became always very friendly with this young man was um he was raised in in the caribbean um he was very handsome um you know according to the world standards you know six foot two went to college on a golf and tennis scholarship very well built very handsome you know beautiful blue green eyes the whole works and i thought lord um you know we're messianic man we mess up a little bit and we're done you know nobody gives us any grace so i said these little girls these 14 and 15 year old girls going to fall in love with this guy i don't know this guy so he said he's your guy so i sat down with him because even though i heard he's a guy was like okay i'm just gonna make sure i sat down with him i told him you know what the lord told me and i said um i just got to ask you man because i'm really protective like a lunatic especially when it comes to young people said uh look you know i'm worried about this girl full of you and he looks at me and he goes i'm a virgin he was i think at the time like 25 26. and i just went really i see nothing on that for me it's all right you know it's in your passage and you passed it's okay he said no i i am i said you went to college college on a athletic scholarship how do you explain that and he gave the perfect answer he said i knew it was important to god so it became important to me so don't tell me you just got a cave guys finishing up just for the record satan didn't fall everybody talks about the fall of satan it's in commentaries satan didn't fall he was pushed okay we should also know that he can't push us he can't he doesn't have the power to but what he can do is tempt us my father used to say to me all the time kid you can't stop birds from flying around your head but you can prevent them from building a nest in your hair the gospel according to my dad his temptations come in three flavors and it's not vanilla chocolate and strawberry it's the same thing we see in first john as we see in genesis 3. nothing is new under the sun there's nothing new listen to me listen to your rabbi if it's new it's not true and if it's true it's not new stop looking i'm you know if i hear one more well nobody will say it to me say god's doing a new thing i'm gonna have to slap you god's been doing he's the same yesterday forever it's the same thing he's doing he's saving souls because he wants none to perish get it through your thick head stop looking for intrigue and something cool or some secret gnosticism so you look like you got this special relationship with god and he's telling you things he's telling nobody else number one is lust of the flesh that's where it starts satan will point to a natural desire and suggest we go for it sexual immorality begins with a natural desire for intimacy we all want that doesn't matter what anybody says everybody wants intimacy they want to be someone with somebody who cares for them and they can be intimate with but if we take our eyes off yeshua satan will convince us that we should meet this need in our own way and that's where the danger comes in after the lust of the flesh after he strokes your flesh then it's the lust of the eyes looks good our eyes play a huge role in our decision making we see something we want and then our flesh agrees that we gotta have it we see it and the flesh goes yeah let's get it we live in an age today of visual overstimulation there's screens in the bank everywhere and you can't help but look at the screen we get millions and millions of bits of information daily you just have to curtail it or at least filter it you must and last but not least the most insidious is the pride of life because this is the weakness we all all all all succumb to at times all satan tempts us to be our own gods when believers hold out on full surrender to the lord they play right into satan's hands we surrender but you know we say i'm just going to hold veto power just in case god asked me to do something i really don't feel like doing people don't even pray for god's will anymore in their life because they're afraid he might tell them to do something that they're not prepared to do so i'll just do a few things for the lord trying to share with a few people it's a scary thing to ask god whatever you want i don't want to leave new york i don't want to leave florida i'm not sure where the next stop is if there is one i definitely don't want to go to india and africa people think oh you wanted that right i'm like really why no nope and i definitely didn't want to be a pastor slash rabbi nope i knew too many pastors the idea that the sinful nature of a believer can be totally eradicated is a fallacy so many young people you think how do they do it they're not the flesh never disappears they'll always be with us but by the same token you don't have to feed the monster you have two appetites in you and whichever one you feed that's the one that's going to get strong there's no ifs ands or buts and depending on which one you feed it will determine how you think what you say and what you do now i know you're all believers and i know you love the lord and i know you're very saved and all that's well and good and we could just have a holy ghost party and you know you can go eat lunch but it is coming on very strong these days the temptation i told you at the beginning of the service satan is coming on stronger and if you think you have this thing he's going to nail you we must not allow satan to manipulate us by the same token with false guilt if you've asked for forgiveness it has been forgiven it's like a disrespect to the cross when you don't forgive yourself i know that sounds strong but listen to me it's an insult it's an insult what god did with his only begotten son that horrific to let him be pressed the way he was so that we could be forgiven and alleviate our guilt for you not to alleviate your guilt that's an insidious form of pride your guilt is too strong for god to alleviate you're going to show god by doing your works don't show him with your work show him with your character don't let him exploit your natural weaknesses rabbi he's not omniscient yeah but you're always talking he hears what you're saying don't let him exploit it if you have a weakness don't let him go near it don't give him access to that weakness he'll get you rabbit this sounds scary it is it is if you're not aware of it you won't look to make sure you're protected and you could make a decision that could cost you everything i mean god's been really great to protect yours truly he's protected me from i've seen splits he's protected me from people that come and then they go he's really been protective because he knows i can't protect myself it's not possible he's protected me in my marriage thank god but but think of your action before you do it because you can't take it back once it's done i mean there's no way i'm visiting my kids on the weekend and there's no way i've come too far to have my kids say dad you'll still be my dad but you're a bum you lied not doing it the end is on the horizon i'm gonna finish this flipping thing and you should want to finish it too [Applause] don't let him twist and distort what you know to be true in god's word you don't have to know every chapter and verse it's not important you just got to be able to go that's it you just got to know that's not of god and when somebody's acting out of god let them know don't accept it you feed that monster when you accept it i remember that was the first girl i just i just was so selfish and she just said to me who have you been dating she was 18 on her own 18. most girls today can't most women can't boil water paying her bills going to high school in greenwich village you think she needed me i tell her by the way all the time she did but she doesn't really doesn't actually agree with it but it doesn't hurt to pretend you know um the goal for us is total commitment because the more committed we are the less access satan will have to our lives we'll fall we'll stumble nobody has it all together but guys there's things you can baptize and then there's things that need to be burned certain things can't be baptized i don't need to baptize halloween with a trunk or treat holiday i'm not saying well my kids need it why do they need it the truth isn't good enough for them the love of god isn't good enough for them i've got to cater to the world and the needs of the world in my kid because god is not enough the flesh cannot be baptized it cannot it's not possible i met bernadette in the gym i used to work in a gym to make some extra money and people would always come in now i guess they they know better but back then they really didn't know exercise physiology too much in the 80s and they would say my what i want to do is i want to turn my fat into muscle now people still think that but it's exercise physiologically impossible body composition is fat and muscle so let's say you're 200 pounds and you're 20 fat that means 40 pounds of you is fat and 160 pounds you use muscle it can't convert but this is the good part too muscle can turn into fat you have to reduce one and increase the other it's the same thing in the spirit the flesh can't be converted it can't even be harnessed it can't do anything good so that's why the bible says after this great proclamation this great theological book called romans where we see all that god has done as we witness his incredible mercies that's when it says present yourself a living sacrifice what he's saying is that flesh has to burn it has to it has to be eradicated as much as you can now the sin nature will always be with us but again why do we have to feed it why who's making us here's my unchanging advice as we finish go to the cross often not once in a while go spend time there be overwhelmed not that it should make you feel bad just be overwhelmed by god's great grace and mercy and love and how far reaching to be with us forever this way you can fall in love with god over and over and over again and let god's great grace and i don't mean just in terms of salvation but his power let his grace just let him just grace your flesh to death sometimes if you try to fight it yourself and you have this determination you're going to be holy and you're going to make holy choices and you're going to turn away and every time it's all over the place it's on billboards it's everywhere i mean to be honest with you little girls today they dress like the prostitutes on 42nd street that i used to see and you know we say well a man shouldn't look with lust like that listen um that's never gonna stop happening either so don't put yourself in a compromised situation don't feed the monster you understand what i'm saying don't feed the monster if you know you have issues with sexuality r-rated movies probably is not a good choice for you pg 13 is even appropriate anymore the temptation is coming full blast but remember remember don't be scared don't be intimidated don't be paranoid he that is in us the spirit of god the spirit not just the holy spirit the spirit of god god's spirit almighty god his spirit is in you it's not on you it's in you to combat anything that satan will throw at you the spirit that is in you is greater than anything satan can throw at you i am confident guys i am confident of one thing that he that started a good work in us will absolutely positively unequivocally bring this thing to completion in messiah yeshua amen let's stand next week i i would like to get into something that i think not only adults but kids are just just way too worried about the exterior even some of us adults way too much about the exterior you know i mean we we diet and exercise and diet you need to exercise your faith and diet from some of the things we're doing i'm not saying those things aren't important it says they are in the important column but to some people it's become a god they're important but there are things of greater importance physical training is of some importance the bible says you should be doing some but spiritual training is of great importance i want to get into it and see if i can free some of these young people i mean it's a sad state of affairs when young people are committing suicide because somebody told them they don't look right that's criminal absolutely criminal so so tune in next week if you can't make it watch online maybe if you can may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle peace yeshua everest [Music] the i love you guys have a good rest of the weekend
Channel: Getzel
Views: 7,321
Rating: 4.9816513 out of 5
Id: RqlghFU0XxU
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Length: 66min 58sec (4018 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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