May 9, 2020 - The Mystery Man, MALKI-TZEDEK

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let's take a look at the verses that we handed out last this week for you guys to read it's in Hebrews it was our New Testament reading from last week I want to tell you something about Hebrews okay nobody knows the author but I know the author the author was God like the author of all the other letters and books in the Bible but this one was special the book of Hebrews is very very special it's really not a letter it's a sermon it's much more sermonic much more than an epistle and he's writing it to Messianic Jews he's writing it to first century believers and the Jewish people that were not believers were not happy with them you remember Roth Scholl the famous rabbi Saul who was hunting down Jewish believers and arresting them and bringing them back to Jerusalem to be prosecuted they didn't like Jewish religious Jewish people did not like Jews coming to you schewe I'm not so sure they're crazy about it today but then they're not as vocal about it they'll let the the work the sermon basically deals with alienation it deals with the stresses of breaking ties you know how difficult that is for a Jew to break ties with Judaism strict Judaism now I still consider myself Jewish but obviously I'm not doing certain things that traditional Jews do that's why you might ask why doesn't rabbi wear a kippa because the kippers is traditionally Jewish and I don't want to mislead Jewish people who are watching I'm I don't want to mislead my people no way also I'm very proud of believing in Yeshua Jewish people were choosing Messiah and it was leaving the popula for the unpopular it was leaving the majority for the minority when did you became messianic they dealt with disinherit which they still do today I could tell you many stories they dealt with excommunication from the temple they dealt with loss of employment they were instantly fired they dealt with mental harassment they dealt with physical torture they dealt with public mockery imprisonment and even martyrdom that's what did you had to deal with in the first century now you see how different is today when just to give you an idea 2008 is when a Gentile becomes a believer there's a celebration there's a party what started in the first century will happen in the last century the same things gonna happen guys it's a timeless message though the book of Hebrews you have to read it you must because it's a timeless message as we all need encouragement to stay the course in spite of opposition and persecution because our benefits are eternal you must stay encouraged you must stay the course right now no it's not hard at all but it will and you'll have to stay the course can you picture somebody like myself becoming messianic in the first century and some of my friends saying to me we have Moses we have the tabernacle we have the temple Greg we have the priesthood the Levitical priesthood and the ironic priesthood we have the sacrificial system Greg what do you have what a table with some modern wine that's what you have and they were trying to woo me back and this was written by God to his Jewish people his chosen who believed in his Messiah his only begotten Son to keep them in the game against all odds so Hebrews five we're kind of reading it out of the context if you will but it says during the issue is life on Earth he offered up prayers and petitions crying aloud and shedding tears to the one who had the power to deliver him from death and he was heard because of his godliness even though he was the son he learned obedience through his sufferings and after he had been brought to the goal he became the source of eternal deliverance to all who obey Him since he had been proclaimed by God as a kohanga doll to be compared with mouthing Zedeck of all the books in the Bible Hebrews is jam-packed you read seven eight nine ten this is four verses and it's jam-packed I could speak for hours on each verse stacked and packed if you will because again you have to understand why it was written to God's chosen people about staying I know it's hard stay I know you're being persecuted stay I know you being tortured stay I know you have no job stay try that one on for size tell me what are you struggling with as a believer today in America rabbi but these liberals please please did the Liberals cause you to lose your job are they torturing you physically have you been killed by any liberals lately you gotta put it in perspective the this basically is saying basically that Yeshua's priesthood is superior to Terrance simplistically speaking that's what it's saying well let's break it down a little bit let's look at the first verse it says during issue is life on earth he offered up prayers and petitions crying aloud shedding tears to the one who had the power to deliver him from death and he was heard because of its godless yeshua is not only the sinless son of God but he was also true men a concept that is very hard for anybody to understand no less explain the writer is referring to the variety of human experiences to prove this he's proving his humanity by saying he prayed he made petitions he cried vehement cried and tears those all speak of his career as a dependent man a dependent men living in obedience and sharing all man's emotions and listen to this sharing all man's emotions every emotion that are not connected with sin you hear you hear you hear what I'm saying it's very important that you hear that his petitions and his cries and his prayers weren't repentance like we do oh god I'm so sorry no no his tears were not connected with sin not his anyway they were connected with sin if you will ours he cried on our behalf he wept over Israel many times he said look sheep without a shepherd sheep without a shepherd and he taught and he taught he was shepherding his people and God heard him and why did God hear him the same reason God will hear you because of your godliness do you know in John 9 that says that God doesn't even hear the prayers of an unrepentant sinner he five eight even though he was the Sun in its DISA not a Sun doesn't say uh Sun it says he was the Sun he learned obedience through his sufferings now how many times have you read this and kind of wondered sorta I'm sure you have an idea what it's about maybe you know what it's about but I've heard it really interpreted I don't think correctly okay right here in this verse we come face-to-face with the profound mystery of the Incarnation divinity taking on flesh to become a man to die for the sins of man his entrance into the world is a man involved him in experiences experiences which he would have never had known had he remained in heaven now he's omniscient so he would have known about them but he wouldn't have experienced them you follow he would have known about them he would have understood sufferings but he went to suffered himself so we're in no position to say hey God everything's so great up there in the third heavens right the sea of glass the living creatures everything's wonderful for you the weather always stays the same doesn't it peace personified why don't you come down here and try living here as human being can't do it because of your shoe is unique nature and experience he can fully relate to every one of our struggles every one there's not one struggle sweetpea that you will undergo that he is not experienced he was the infinite son of God who nevertheless experienced the limits of space and time and life as we do to take away his humanity is a grave error God could have created a fully grown adult yes he could have created a fully grown adult body for Yeshua as he did for Adam he could have created him and sent him to the cross the same day rushed him to the cross but he didn't no instead Yeshua left heaven an experience for himself ordinary human life from birth to adulthood to death and as divine the issuer did not need to learn anything make no mistake especially obedience as divine but at the Incarnation Yeshua will limit himself to human experience he chose the weak position of having to learn and grow Yeshua learned obedience it says not in the sense that he was prone to disobedience and had to bring rebellion under control but in the sense of experiencing it if you look up that word sufferings its experience the human experience is one of suffering if you're a parent this suffering involved in it you worry you worry about your children you worry about their choices you worry about maybe a direction they may be taking or thinking about taking this suffering involved in the human experience that's what Yeshua experienced verse 9 it says and after once he experienced it and after he had been brought to the goal the cross that was the goal the goal for him he was born to die from the cradle death was crouching at the cradle when Simeon told Mary Anne you will see the sword look at the cross it's just a sword stuck in the ground he became the source of eternal deliverance to all who obey Him he became the source of eternal deliverance eternal deliverance not deliverance for all time to all who obey Him now obviously this is saying that he's the source of salvation for all but there's no such thing as universal salvation so it's for only those who obey Him are saved now wait a minute you should say timeout rabbi timeout here this first is saying salvation is conditional on obeying him but rabbi we've been taught all along that salvation is continued conditional on faith right saved by grace through faith now you're saying he's the source of eternal deliverance for all who obey Him we have an apparent contradiction right here that needs to be reconciled because if I'm an antagonist to the faith I'm gonna highlight this so are we saved by just believing or saying a prayer or do we need to obey Him to be truly saved well I know what the devil would want us to think first of all when you speak about faith it's called a trusting faith the Bible declares it and obedience of faith saving faith is the kind that results in obedience if there's no obedience there's no saving faith it is impossible and let me repeat this it is impossible to believe in the true New Testament sense without obeying the obedience references the faith it evidences the faith if I'm a detective and I want to see evidence at a crime scene I'm looking for things I'm looking for items if God wants to see evidence that we believe there has to be some obedience does that mean obey Him a hundred percent of the time of course not because nobody can do that but with that being said if your heart and mind is in thinking if your mind isn't thinking and your heart isn't believing if your mind isn't thinking about the desire to obey God if your heart doesn't believe that you should obey God you're not going to obey God and there's a problem there's a disconnect verse 10 and this is the kicker this is why I couldn't do this last week cuz I just think it's very easy to just gloss over this but III think it's a big mistake really it's a grave error since he had been proclaimed by God as Kohen Gadol he was proclaimed by God God said he's my high priest he's my high priest in fact it says my great High Priest I've had high priests the Aaronic priesthood yes I've had that guy go in once a year because I commanded him to but that was all pointing to this to this high priest and this high priest is not to be compared with the ironic priesthood from the line of Levi from the tribe of leads right no no no no that's Levi that's Judah he's to be compared with mathy Zedeck mouth he's ethic and I know that's a little farm because he used them all Hasidic but by the same token aren't used to Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and those names will horrific Babylonian names named after pagan gods their names were Hananiah Azariah and Mishael those were their names that God gave him so I know this you know kind of puts a crick in your neck but this was his name now having gloriously accomplished the fundamental work of priesthood that's what priesthood is they bring a sacrifice to an altar Yeshua was addressed by God as the high priest to be compared with Malky jeddak Malky jeddak is probably the most enigmatic figure in the whole entire Bible and the Bible is a fairly large book most enigmatic figure he's ambiguous and he's very difficult to understand if you don't bring in the other scriptures if you don't he's mentioned ten times and most other versions he's mentioned 12 times in the complete Jewish Bible 12 which stands for government he's mentioned in in Genesis 14 18 let's take a look by the way beautiful job Roxanne showing Abram giving him all his ethic perfect so you'll see a reference to Melchizedek in Genesis 14 18 in Psalm 110 4 in Hebrews 5 6 5 10 six twenty seven one seven six seven eight seven ten seven eleven 7:15 seven seventeen so we have one appearance of Melchizedek in the Torah we have one in the Psalms and then we have ten in Hebrews no less why is it just in Hebrews why is Mali's ethic not mentioned in the Gospels why is Molly Zedeck not mentioned in the epistles of Paul why is Molly's ethic not mentioned the letters of Peter or the letters of John what about Jude why didn't mention him why is it just crammed in the book of Hebrews it's very important for Jewish people to know who mousies Zedeck is because I think their Talmud is off I know that sounds very arrogant but I'm a Jewish person and I don't know if I'm entitled to say that but I say that nevertheless this is what we know okay this week this past week hopefully you played a little detective it's fun this is what we know so far come to the crime scene ever see that guy come to the crime scene you know he's eating the doughnut smoking a cigarette we know this is what we all know we know that he combined the offices of king and priest nobody's ever done that he combines the office of King and priest he was the king of Salaam and the priest of the Most High God not just the priest of any any God the Most High God El Elyon so he was a priest and king he was the political and spiritual leader of his people we've never had that we still don't have that and Abraham the patriarch of patriarchs tithes to him that's what we know are you cold what is the air conditioning on you think think I don't know I thought for a second maybe we've gone into the butcher business and we're hanging meat see if we can just raise it up a little bit anyway Mike you want to see what that one's on Thanks okay this is what we do know he was priest and King Abraham tied them so who is this mystery man and this is what you did this week this is what you did I know you didn't read just those I know you cross-referenced it and that's beautiful kudos to you in Genesis 14 we're not going to go there there was a war waged kadal or mayor who was the king of Elam it says Elam was the ancient name for Persia he's this king of Persia right in the east and he allies himself with three kings from the region of Babylon so he grabs three other kings okay and he declares war against these five kings in Canaan so he's up in the east he comes down he declares war on them the latter kings those five kings in Canaan they served cadeau Lorimar for 12 years but in the thirteenth year they had it they had it they were like I'm done serving this king he's not even here why we paying you know like taxation without representation why are we paying to him he doesn't care about us he's controlling us let's rebel so he gets five kings together one of those Kings obviously was the king of Saddam Sodom and the invaders defeat the rebels they come in they're much more powerful than much more stronger and they come in and they feed the bit the rebels in Canaan those five kings three kings defeat the five Kings in Canaan they march north with all the spoil and the captives including Abraham's backsliding nephew lot remember he was living in Sodom so Abram heard some men said listen there was a war in Sodom and your nephew was taken well Abraham's like that's not gonna work for me so he puts together 318 fighting men and he marches up to then and he defeats the victors near Damascus in Syria I'm not I'm giving you information also this historical information about this war that corroborates the Bible once again another proof to the legitimacy and authenticity of the Word of God in the history books it corroborates this is Genesis 14 okay so he goes up and he he defeats them and he gets a lot back and he starts marching back down to Canaan as Abraham returns the king of Sodom comes out to meet him to thank him offers him the spoil says take the spoil he's like no no I won't take anything because then you'll take credit for providing for me the Lord is my provider beautiful he won't take a shoelace he's just happy to get his nephew back and out of nowhere maltese ed that comes out there's no rhyme or reason to it nothing there's no connection there's no segue it's totally out of context for a guy who loves context it's like he gets his nephew back says to the king I don't want anything from you and ready to go back to his land and this guy shows up from where he shows up Malka JEDEC Melchizedek and he brings Abram food and drink and a blessing brings them bread and wine which is kind of interesting but I'm not even gonna go there and a blessing he blesses him and in return Abram whose name is still Abram gives Melchizedek a tithe of all he took in battle gives him a tithe let's take a look a quick look three verses Genesis 14 Malky JEDEC Melchizedek is a lot of you familiar it's more of a transliteration but it's very Hebraic mela mela his king zeddicus righteous so it's very it's transliterated very well he's the king of shalom he brought out bread and wine remember Genesis 14 about the return of Abram after he fought the Battle he was cohan he was a priest of El Elyon God most ha our God our God so he blessed him with these words lays hands on him says blessed be Avram by el elyon he's blessing by God maker of heaven and earth and blessed be El Elyon blessed be God now he's blessing God who handed your enemies over to you so he's blessing Abram blessing God and Abraham bowels before him and gives them a tenth of everything ok the first thing I would do I want to I want to help you I want to help you I would look up his name names tell us so much about a person names tell us so much about a person my name Gregory Mauck Hirschberg is vigilant warrior on the mountain of deer and deer as spoken of his rejoicing when Messiah comes in Isaiah 35 deira also spoken about like they're desperate for water in psalm 42 vigilant meaning somebody who's a watchman watches observant mark a warrior not just watchful but somebody who's willing to go to war it says a lot about my character because if you kind of think about it it's kind of Who I am and if you've never looked up your name and the origin and the derivation and whether it's from Latin or Hebrew and the scriptural reference you're missing something all my children were named for specific reasons all of them jeremy spensser means humble faithful servant Shana grace means witness full of grace max Jordan means righteous wise and judgment Lily Rose means shining light of God's gracious gift Bernadette Elizabeth means valiant and consecrated valiant and consecrated witches so you these names were chosen by God my mother didn't just come up with this my mother named her after a nun who had the gift of healing but God was involved in it more than she knew so the first thing you want to do is look up his name let's look it up Melchizedek mouthy Zedeck my king is Zedeck my king is ethic okay it literally translates king of righteousness that's his name king of righteousness okay okay I if I could have any wish today it would be I wish that every Jewish person in the world was watching which obviously is not gonna happen but that would be my wish and you'll see why in a minute king of righteousness is one of seven compound names of God there are seven names of God in the Bible this is one of seven the others I'm not going to go into it but I know that you've probably taken notes okay and this would be a great study for you this week the other six names I don't know year day Genesis 22 14 I don't know yet a the Lord is my provider I don't know a Rafa Exodus 15:26 the Lord is my healer I've annoyed nisi exodus 17 15 hopefully you're getting this but you can watch again and get it the Lord is my banner I don't know is Shalom judges 624 when he when he grabbed Gideon and Gideon was shaking the Lord is saying the Lord is your peace I don't know Iran uh we all know this one Psalm 23 one the Lord is my shepherd and of course I don't know Shama one of my favorites the Lord is present Ezekiel 4835 when Yeshua comes back and establishes his kingdom but I'll focus I just want to give you those others for your edification but our focus is the Lord our righteousness that is his name that's Melchizedek name the Lord is all righteous where do we see this name of God in Jeremiah 23 the Prophet Jeremiah speaks about it five and six it says the days are coming why the days he's a prophet prophets speak about something that he's foretelling the future an event the days are coming says I don't know when I will raise a righteous branch from David some something's gonna come from David's loins and it's a branch but not just any branch a net sir Nats surrett some some branches gonna come from David's tree from David's line and it's going to be a righteous branch what do you mean right no sin he will reign he's going to be a king and succeed a victorious King and he will do what is just and right what wait a minute the Bible speaks about a messiah coming that says when he comes righteousness and justice will be the foundations of his throne in his days Judah will be saved wait a minute rabbi God's done with Israel so says you not God and Israel will live in safety to live in safety the millennial reign yes Israel live in safety and the name given to him the name given to this righteous French from the line of David will be I'll annoyed Sahay know the Lord our righteousness wait a minute that's Melchizedek name who is this guy chapter 23 of Jeremiah is speaking about the failure of the shepherds in Israel to care for God's people so God's gonna restore remnant bring them back to Israel and give them a faithful Shepherd he'll raise up the Messiah to be their king and his name will be the king of righteousness now going back to Genesis 14 let's cross-reference that's how we that's how we got to learn that's how I learned let's go back to Genesis 14 19 through 20 a it says so he blessed him with these words Melchizedek the Lord of righteousness blesses him blessed be Abram by lle own maker of heaven and earth and blessed be God El Elyon who handed your enemies over to you because Abraham was the progenitor the biological related ancestor of Aaron right he births isaac isaac births jacob jacob births to twelve tribes one of those tribes is Levi Levi has a son Aaron and Aaron becomes the priesthood okay he's the progenitor it's in his loins so because he is the progenitor he is seen here as representing the Aaronic priesthood Abraham is representing the Aaronic priesthood okay back to the future the fact that Malky Zedeck blessed Abraham signifies that Melchizedek Priesthood is greater than Aaron's otherwise Abraham would have been blessing him because every Jew who's religious and who's ever studied the Torah knows and you should know this as a believer as a Christian the one who blesses is superior to the one who's being blessed that's the way it goes now the next part of that verse it says a Avram Abram gave him Melchizedek a tenth of everything the fact that Abram is paying tithes to Melchizedek is seen as a picture of the Aaronic priesthood acknowledging bowing before Melchizedek and acknowledging the superiority Malky jeddaks priesthood because the lessor always pays ties to the greater this we know fact spiritual fact now his priesthood was very different than the Kohanim in the Levitical priesthood because the priests in Leviticus couldn't be Kings impossible the tribe of Judah was Kings priests were from the tribe of Levi the Kings came from the tribe of Judah who is this guy I know you're home with your Bible I just want to read to you Hebrews 7 10 verses I want you to read it with me from home follow along okay you can read it out loud if you want from home so I say who is this guy this answers it okay Hebrews 7 1 through 10 we don't have it up it's okay listen I want you to read it with your eyes not hear it with your ears this mouth hides edek king of shalom a co hain of god ha Elyan met Avraham on his way back from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him we read that Genesis 14 it's referring back to Genesis 14 and Avraham gave him a tenth of everything we just read that we just read that now first of all by translation of his name he is king of righteousness that's what it says in Hebrews so even if I didn't have Hebrews I told you I looked it up okay I got it but okay you're reiterating that in Hebrews okay it must be important and then he is also king of Chillon which means king of peace so his king of righteousness king of peace verse 3 there is no record of his father or mother do you mean that he had no record of his father or mother everybody had a father a mother right as far as I know ancestry no record of his ancestry no birth certificate no death certificate rather like the son of God like the son of God he continued as Co hain for all time just think of how great he was exclamation point even the patriarch Abraham gave him a tenth of the choice of spoils now the descendants of Levi who became Kohanim priests have a commandment in the Torah to take a tenth of the income of the people that is from their own brothers despite the fact that they too are descended from Abraham but Malky jeddak even though he was not descended from Levi took a tenth from Abraham also he blessed Abraham the man who received God's promises and is beyond all dispute that the one who blesses has a highest status than the one who receives the blessing we mentioned that already moreover hanging there we still got to play detective we still have not come to a conclusion of who he is you might have already but we don't have enough information you're jumping to conclusions I know a lot of detectives after he smokes there he goes I got a hunch okay hunches don't work in court I want evidence okay moreover in the case of Kohanim the tenth is received by men who died while in the case of my his executives received by somebody who has testified to still be alive still be alive one one might even go further and say look how they're pushing it in this this book that Levi who himself receives tenth paid the tenth through Abraham and as much as he was still in his ancestor Abraham's body in German form when Melchizedek met him let's break it down and then we'll get the message okay well I think we can we can you know make a call okay let's look at the first three verses Hebrews 7 plate plate plate detective here I know some of you like detective stories here's a good one we've got the evidence this Malky said that king of shelah Mokoena of God now wholly-owned met Abraham on his way back from thus Lord of the Kings and blessed them also Abraham gave him a tenth of everything now first of all by translation of his name he is king of righteousness and then he is also king of Chillon which means king of peace there is no record of his father mother ancestry birth or death rather like the Son of God he continues this Kohan for all time Malky JEDEC was without father without mother and without genealogy according to this having neither beginning of days nor end of life this is supposed to be let me repeat this is supposed to be understood only in connection with his priesthood not with the reality of life's supposed to be I'm not buying it most priests inherit their office and serve for a limited tenure in fact the Levites were only allowed to serve for 25 years I obviously didn't get that memo as far as the record is concerned it wasn't passed on to him from his parents you can't be an ironic priest without being in the ironic line you can't be a Levitical priest without being a little bit of the line but he didn't get his from his lineage nor did it ever have a beginning or an end as a priest you have a beginning and an end you started a certain age you ended a certain age and then you turn it over to your children there's no other way you could be a priest look at the next verse 7 4 it says just think how great he was even the patriarch Abraham gave him a tenth of the choices was Abraham gave a tenth of a swalls of war to this mysterious King priest not just King not just priest he's a king priest Abraham is the father of three major religions Judaism Islam and Christianity in fact in in the Quran and I'm not a fan of the Quran they mentioned Melchizedek as one who brings judgment and a place of superiority the Quran so here we have this great patriarch who's known in three of the most major religions in the world the first patriarch of Israel and he's paying tithes to Melchizedek why abraham is probably the greatest star maybe besides Moses in the Hebrew firmament but yet it follows that Melchizedek must have been a star of far greater magnitude if one of the greatest stars is paying homage to him next couple of verses now the descendants of Levi who become priests have a commandment in the Torah their command in the Torah to take a tenth okay I look we don't know who pays ties I don't know who pays anything but that's how I'm paid cats out of the bag but it's biblical it's biblical I'm supported by the people of God yes to take a tenth of the income of the people that is from their own brothers not from the world not from the government despite the fact that they too are descended from Abraham but now he's edek even though he was not descended from Levi took a tenth from Abraham they are really pushing this point in Hebrews to the Jewish believers they are pushing this why look at how many Jews don't believe that God came in human form they don't believe that they can't believe that God is God he can't be a man God is God he can't be a man God is God he can't be a man and they're they're driving this home all over the book of Hebrews and warning them not to fall short and go back once you've tasted the heavenly gifts Hebrews six it's full of warnings guys and it's a warning for us too because even the elect is going to be deceived in the end days I promise you Satan is gonna browbeat your mind and he's not gonna stop also he blesses Abraham the man who received God's promises and is beyond all dispute that the one who blesses has highest status than the one who received the blessing they're really putting this guy in in a certain light this Maltese ethic the Levitical priests will authorize by law by law to collect eyes from their fellow Hebrews both the priests and the people that traced their descent from Abraham the father of the faithful Melchizedek receiving ties from Abraham was very unusual and unconventional it was an unconventional transaction then Melchizedek blesses Abraham I just read to you it's understood that the one who blesses is superior to the one being blessed not as one you may think not in terms of personal moral superiority we're not saying that if your child blesses you it's not like we're saying that not that you're you might be morally superior to your child but in terms of positional superiority yes my children have blessed me but I'm positionally superior to them yes biblically speaking they might be more more than me your total might be more moral than you that's not what we're talking about we're talking out positionally there is rabbinic confusion if you're Jewish and you don't believe an issue I hear me you might not even realize this in your Talmud in auto mode which I don't adhere to because it's too much opinion I hear to the Torah Nevi'im 32b the sages say that the priesthood was taken from Melchizedek and given to Abraham because Melchizedek reversed the order of essential ideas this is a farce this is a fudge it's the same way they tried to fudge not having the sacrificial system anymore and now we have two Fela and teshuva and sadaqa for atonement we have prayer and repentance and charity for should we pray yes should we make two Shoob and repent yes is a Christian yes yes should we should we give charity yes for atonement no we do those things because of atonement Leviticus 17:11 says there's no remission of sin without blood you cannot change the script they meant well and this is arrogant they're wrong for all my Jewish friends that are watching I don't care who you are and don't care if you're heading up never inhale I don't care what foundation you're heading up listen to me there is no remission of sin without blood Leviticus 17:11 and you cannot dance your way around it you cannot change the script you cannot change the Torah impossible the Torah is eternal Hebrews 7 8 moreover in the case of the priests the tenth is received by men who died these priests died while in the case of Maha Zedeck Malky jeddak it is received by someone who has testified to still be alive in the Aaronic priesthood ties were received by men subject to death there was a constant succession of priests one dies the kid takes over he dies the kid takes over generation to generation they kept passing the baton passing the baton in Maha siddhis case there's no mention of and there having died if he's this king of righteousness why doesn't his child take over therefore he can represent a priesthood which is unique in that is perpetual last two verses and we're done with Scripture seven nine through ten one might go even further I mean it's it's kind of enough almost you I'm sure but one might even go further and say that Levi who himself receives tents the Levitical priests pay that tithe a tenth through Abraham because they're from his loins and as much as he was still in his ancestor Abraham's body when the hasidic met him in receiving tithes from Abraham Melchizedek virtually received the ties from Levi same thing since Levi was the head of the priestly tribe it amounts the same that the ironic priesthood paid ties to the Melchizedek Priesthood and thus acknowledged the superiority of the LAT of Melchizedek Abraham acted as a representative for all his prosperity when he gave a tenth Amendment therefore Levi and the priesthood that sprang forth from him took second place to Melchizedek now here are my questions for you just like if I was in a court of law and I was trying to prove something and I kind of am I I don't I don't want to be I don't want to hide anything I'm very transparent person so here's my questions for you three of them quickies let me just grab the sap of water question 1 question 1 these are questions you're not going to see in the Bible but they jump out at me how could such a righteous man like Melchizedek be the king of a city that was in the midst of such a demonic land the scripture says the scripture tells us that Melchizedek was the king of Selam was this a locale the land of Canaan was filled the whole land was filled at this point with wickedness and demonization they were totally demonic therefore what is the likelihood that salaam was a particular locale in canaan how could that be that's a contradiction God's saying the whole place is full of demonism but there's this one locale I don't know how big it is called salaam short for jerusalem that was righteous then the whole land wouldn't be demonic they would say the whole land except for salaam it doesn't make any sense what's the likelihood that it was a particular locale if Abraham was sent to proclaim God's name it says the Bible in all of Canaan he wouldn't have to proclaim it there so why does it say in all of Canaan the city salam every reputable scholar equates salaam with the ancient name for jerusalem which was a Canaanite city i have no reason members of the jury I have no reason to believe that Salam was a Canaanite city if it was that would have been a godly City with peace dwelt in the nation that's totally demonic number two another difficult question about my Hasidic is happy to become a priest unto God there's no mention of any priesthood this is the first mention of a priest in the Torah the priesthood wasn't given yet how did he know the Most High God if Abraham sent what to to preach about the Most High God Abraham was the first one called out God had not even designated a priesthood as of yet so from way that his priesthood come where did his priesthood go if he's the king of Salaam a righteous City and he's a priest greater than the ironic priesthood why don't we ever read about his priesthood ever again where did it call three last question Abram was told to go to Canaan by God in order to make God's great name known there among the inhabitants if Melchizedek was a mere mortal man as they teach already reigning over a physical city called Salaam and Canaan as the king of righteousness and the priest of the Most High God why not choose him to establish the holy nations to the Abraham well I sent Abraham if you already have a righteous king priest in the midst of the nation Canaan's not that big none of these questions add up to me that this guy was a physical king in a physical locale I can't buy it the potential answer to these awful mentioned questions of mine might lie in the potential fact that Melchizedek or Maha Dedic was the furthest thing from an ordinary mortal man yes based on everything I read in Genesis and Assam and Hebrews I consider Melchizedek to be used as a type and shadow of Messiah could he have been a pre-incarnate Messiah could he have been in the could he have been a pre-incarnate appearance of Messiah a theophany of theophany is a manifestation of God in the Bible that is tangible to the human senses in its most restrictive sense it is a visible appearance of God in the Old Testament not always in human form but a manifestation of God I'll give you some examples without showing you scriptures write it down really quick okay these are the theophanies you can study Genesis 12 7 through 9 of the Alpha knee Genesis 18 1 through 33 of theophany Genesis 32 22 through 30 of theophany Exodus 3 2 through Exodus 4 17 of theophany Exodus 24 9 through 11 of theophany Deuteronomy 31 14 through 15 the theophany and job chapters 38 to 42 of the Alpha knee this leads me to a couple more questions who was the third angel in Genesis 18 three angels came to Abraham two went to Sodom once day and he called a model annoyed Lord he was a man he called him Lord and he bowed down to him who was the wrestler in Genesis 32 he said it was a man called him Lord who was the commander of the Lord's army and Joshua 5 called him Lord who was the fourth man in the fire in Daniel 3 while there are no indisputable christophany in the Old Testament every theophany wherein God takes on human form foreshadows the Incarnation where God took the form of a man to live among us as Immanuel my people have been duped by Tom Munich rabbis that can't face the truth now his deck was one with no beginning and no end he was the true king to peace the king of righteousness and the only qualified peace to be the one true God Yeshua was also all these and more if she was perfectly righteous Yeshua was the only priest King Yeshua was a priest of the same kind as Melchizedek Priesthood not of errands and because he didn't just make an appearance but lived and died and resurrected he is the word the object of our absolute complete devotion and giving one of the extraordinary features of the kingdom when it comes is that Messiah Yeshua will combine in his purpose the dual offices of King and priest do you know how we cry out separation of church and state you've heard it do you know why because the minute a spiritual leader becomes a politician he's going to get corrupt and we can't trust politicians to be our spiritual leaders look I just want to say this without getting too political I do appreciate that God has installed our president but some of you worship Him more than Yahshua putting people installed as a king and a priest that combination is highly dangerous in the in the case of mere human rulers but the combination is ideal when Yeshua is the ruler uncorrupted kingship when he comes uncorrupted kingship and spiritual priesthood will give the world an administration such as is longed for but has never known not Trump not Biden not nobody can do that not no mere mortal man can give us what we need you should be crying out for you she would have come back crying out remember Lot's wife her husband was rich he was a politician he had money they lived a good life nothing too good for mrs. Locke and her kids were getting married and she had the plan she had everything set up she had the music and she had the menu she cooked the perfect napkins in the perfect tablecloths everything was set anybody who was anybody was coming to that wedding and it was time to leave Sodom she couldn't leave and she was almost forced out so she left on him but Sodom didn't leave her and she turned because the heart was still in Sodom Oh Lord don't come now after my kids wedding after his graduation after I have my 50th anniversary you should want your schewe right now your soul should want him right now and you should be ready right now your back should be packed right now one of your shoe is greatest sermons remember Lot's wife three words you won't beat that sermon no how no way last but definitely not least just like Melchizedek blessed Abram when Abram did not seek him out Yeshua blesses us when we were sinners straying far away from God and not seeking him out as well so here's the bottom line guys the issue is the great and high priest who's coming soon and his eternal priesthood guarantees our eternal preservation this is not a time to be fearful not because of coal but not because of nothing this is a time to look up and look at that sky that's soon gonna tear our deliverance is right there man all final Exodus is right there so all I have to say is hail to King Yeshua hallelujah hail to King Yeshua a men and a men and shabbat shalom let's stand together to bless you but in reality I'm saying this ironic priesthood blessing but it's a misnomer just like The Lord's Prayer is a misnomer just like the prodigal son is a misnomer is it the prodigal son or is the story about the faithful father is it the Lord's Prayer is it the disciples prayer is that the ironic blessing or is it God's blessing when I say this over you I'm not saying Aaron's blessing Aaron was saying God's blessing and won't it be nice when Yeshua comes back and lays his hands on you and says mitt Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle PC sure give a rest upon annoy the eastman annoy point over liquor villain aha yes I don't know ho ho novela huh the assembly hall Oh bacha loam I love you
Channel: Getzel
Views: 7,400
Rating: 4.9256506 out of 5
Id: auFipc1FuYE
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Length: 58min 16sec (3496 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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