The Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Ha Shannah Service

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and the lord said to moses saying speak to the children of israel saying in the seventh month on the first day of the month you will have a sabbath a reminder by the blowing of the shofar a holy gathering this day is called in the bible from that verse yom teruah and the only thing it says is that the shofar the trumpets will sound yom turo say it yom teruah what is the meaning of the sounding of the shofar the shofar sounds to announce the coming of a king it announces the sound of god coming down to earth as he came on sinai it is the sound of the watchmen sounding from the walls it's a sound that called god's people to gather together the sound of war the sound of preparing and the marking of times so now you've got a whole day of the shofar the day of the trumpet blast why it's a it's a it's a sound that says be ready be alert for the kingdom of god is coming it's a sound that is saying be ready because also the king is coming and this is the sound that coronates the king and so it's a sound also of repentance when this is at the beginning when this is sounded this weekend begins the 10 days of all the 10 days of repentance teshuva when it says get right between you and god this is the time to get right because this is a symbol of the end when god comes and so this ultimately has a mystery about the end times and i'm not going to say more now because it's going to be in the message but this is a mystery of where we are right now prophetically and ultimately it speaks of eternity because the shofar is a sound saying listen don't fall asleep in this world because this is only temporary this is a sound of eternity saying remember wake up because this is for a moment but we will all be standing before god on the day of eternity therefore get right whatever you have to do get right don't waste your time and don't say hey i have tomorrow today now is the time to be right with god and so whatever you would do do it now whatever you would do that god's calling to do do it now don't say tomorrow now is the time to turn and to get right and get it together with god and when you think of the we're beginning tonight the three holidays the three holy days of autumn and you think the first one when you hear the sound and at the end of the ser after the message we're gonna have the we're gonna have the biblical sounding of the shofars as it's been ordained from ancient times but the sound of the shofar is saying stop to sound saying wait stop right now then it leads you to up to yom kippur which is saying repent and then it leads you to the last one which is tabernacle which says rejoice put it together stop repent rejoice it goes all together because you can't repent unless you stop and you can't rejoice until you're so first when you repent when you're right with god he wants you to rejoice and that last that last thing you know next week yom kippur it's all about the day of the lord and standing before him but then it leads to the celebration and that's because with for god's people at the end is joy joy comes at the end and a celebration comes at the end which is called heaven so this is saying get ready but it all begins with this so it's a very much about the time we are in right now and i'm going to chant from the ancient hebrew in the language of messiah the [Music] scriptures [Music] then they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he will send his angels with the sound of a great trumpet a great shofar in that day lord we praise you tonight and we are those who look forward to your coming on this earth and we bless you in the name of yeshua [Music] the coming king and in his name we say amen amen everybody are we ready for the word open up to leviticus which is where we open the scroll to leviticus 23 and you should know leviticus 23 because this is the chapter that has all the holy days of god that he himself ordained now every year around at the end of december we usher in the new year and of course it's all arbitrary but we usher it in because in the lord here we have a celebration that night and we usher it in with prayer and with with uh with a word and in the presence of god that happens every year but now we've got september and yet here you'll hear people say happy new year happy jewish new year russia sean happy rosh hashanah the jewish new year how many people hear that and listen you don't want to not say you know i'm going to tell you something but it doesn't mean you can't still say that to your jewish friends but you want to be a witness to them but rosh hashanah rosh hashanah another name for this day rosh means head shana means year it means head of the year beginning of the year but the holiday doesn't be it begins in leviticus right here leviticus 23 verse 23. look at the words again the lord said to moses speak to the children of israel saying in the seventh month on the first day of the month you will have a rest a reminder by the sounding of the trumpets a holy gathering you will not do any laborious work you will present an offering by fire to the lord from that we get rosh hashanah happy new year but do you see anything about new year in there do you see anything about happy in there nothing in fact what does it say it says in the seventh month that's a strange time to have new years either you're seven months too late or five months too early how did it become new years in many cultures in the middle east september october or the month of tishri was a new year time so some will call it the civil new year as opposed to the sacred new year but god only speaks of one new year and it's being the year that begins in exodus when actually when god says exodus 12 he says this to israel now the lord said to moses aaron in the land of egypt this month shall be the beginning of months for you it will be the first month of the year well god clearly says it there so when is the new year springtime not not winter not autumn springtime it makes sense springtime's the beginning of you know it's like the rebirth of nature and the month that it's called is nissan and nissan means the beginning and it says it's that's on the 14th day of nisan the night you will sacrifice the passover lamb everything begins with passover and passover begins in springtime nissan and then right after the beginning of passover what do you have you've got the day called the day of the first fruit first fruit beginning first fruit of the harvest they lifted up to the lord all these everything begins in the month of the beginning and then you've got a countdown period where you count down for seven weeks until you get to the 50th day and it's the next great feast called shavuot or it's a feast of harvest it's the feast of going out into the harvest from jerusalem it begins the great summer harvest they go out and they only come back from their fields to jerusalem when they hear the sound of the trumpet in september so this is the time of coming back it's not the beginning september this is not the beginning of the sacred year it's the opposite it's the end of the sacred year this is how it all ends so here's the thing this holiday is not about the beginning it's about the end and the thing is all these holidays in in the autumn in september october are all about the ending now the mystery god created the age after the pattern of the hebrew year therefore what happens in every hebrew year is a mystery that is about the entire age it's like every hebrew year is a shadow of the entire age how does every hebrew year begin with passover how did the age begin 2 000 years ago the passover lamb died on the cross passover so as the year begins the age begins then and beginning with springtime beginning and all those things in the month of nisan again messiah did all those things in that month because that's the month of the beginning nissan so it says in first corinthians messiah is our passover lamb and therefore therefore we basically the bible says we are new we are actually born again we have our own springtime in our life because it matches up with that springtime when he died on the cross that's why you're born again it's a springtime it's up every one of you who are born again are born again on passover spiritually you might have been any time i was born again this month when i was when i was with my birthday but whenever you're born again you're linked up with passover so even your life follows this pattern so you've got the the beginning of the hebrew year passover blood of the lamb same thing blood of the lamb we're saved we're delivered from bondage same thing all that new life then what is the next holy day or great holy day it's that day of first fruits and the day of first fruits is when again they lift up the new fruit from the earth the first fruit what does it say in corinthians 15 it says this messiah is the first fruit of new life it's a messiah is the first fruit from the dead it's talking all about the resurrection which is incredible because messiah just happened to be raised from the dead on another hebrew holy day he died on the holy day passover he is resurrected on the holy day as the first fruits of new life and so we are also this we are born in the same way born again that same way so it you got now you got you got passover you got the everything's following the hebrew year what's the next great prophetic event god sends his spirit down pentecost but what is pentecost pentecost is actually a hebrew holiday that just happens to have a greek name that throws everybody off moses was pentecostal moses is the one you know if you've got a problem with pentecostals talk to moses because he came up god through him came up with pentecost pentecost i mean not the name he came up with i mean he came through him he said count seven sevens and then the 50th day called shavuot so orthodox jews are celebrating pentecost orthodox jews are pentecostal in a sense without knowing it they may not act that way but they are pentecostal because they're celebrating pentecost in fact in some of the jewish books i mean say books where they don't know they're not those i'm not talking about messianic they call it they call it this is our holiday it's pentecost we celebrate pentecost so here you've got now the spirit what is pennant what is shabbos pentecost it's the feast where god dedicates the first fruits of the summer harvest and so what did god do he took that 120 and he dedicated them with the holy spirit and they spoke in other tongues because they represent it's the first fruits represents all the nations that will come in this harvest and so then what happens they go out from jerusalem because what's next in the hebrew year just like clockwork it's the summer harvest go out the fields are ripe go out and reap now where are we right now on the prophetic calendar we are right now in the summer somewhere because this is the time of the summer harvest this is the time when you're reaping this time when you're sowing the gospel this time whatever you're going to do whatever you get fruit you're going to bear this is the time to do it but what happens now now here we are but the thing is so we have on the hebrew calendar you've got the spring holy days beginning then you have the autumn holy days the end so you've got these two things here and so if you just now if you just didn't know any we just went by the hebrew calendar you could basically preach the gospel because you would be saying first we are saved by the blood of the lamb it begins with passover my salvation secondly we have new life coming we have then then comes resurrection first fruits then comes pentecost the spirit these are all hebrew holidays so you've got the gospel there now the the early church they knew they celebrated all these holidays and and christians celebrate them to this day the crucifixion the resurrection and pentecost but they're all hebrew holidays you think about it why did the early church celebrate these things and not those why are these holy days that we are entering into now why are they a mystery to most christians most christians know pentecost passover but they don't know trumpets yom kippur and tabernacle why very simple god fulfilled the first ones in his first coming he has not fulfilled them prophetically yet until the second coming there's two there's two periods of holy days and there's two comings of the messiah the first is the spring and so he fulfilled it but these are just as much a part of your faith as these are the only difference is prophetically they have not happened yet i mean i mean atonement has happened but that's not the day the lord has not have these have not yet come so they think yo so we know you know so the christians know passover you know and and you know when you know they use the word easter easter is not a good word to use because i mean because and it's not there's actually confusion about it it's not exactly ishtar but it's another goddess and so the thing is you don't want to use a pagan word to speak about the resurrection of god but you're not going to condemn people but listen it is not easter it is passover in the bible and it doesn't say easter it says actually passover whenever it talks about that in in the new the greek it says passover so here it's all there and now if you go outside of english most latin languages are going to call this passover that's what they call it but these things are a mystery most of you who grew up didn't know about the shofar when you're if you're in church you did they didn't blow this and you didn't know about sukkot and all well but but as much as passover is part of your faith these are part of your faith they just haven't been fulfilled but they're gonna be so this is all part of it and so the thing is now now we talk about the end of the age these things are all about what is yet to come we're just saying who was who is and who is to come the holidays in spring he was this the summer he is this is where we are now this is what is yet to come so all these things the autumn holy days speak of what is coming so therefore now we are somewhere prophetically in the summer probably near the end of the summer but now the big the next big prophetic event the last one was pentecost the next big event is this event that we are commemorating tonight the next big event is the feast of trumpets that is the next thing that has to come so now you might say well you know you know actually i remember i was in africa i was ministering and i sounded the shofar and and some people said well well you know the shofars that's not or the trumpets are not in the new testament that's the old testament i said wait a minute they are in the new testament but since this is not about the beginning it's about the end where are you going to find them you're going to find the trumpets at the end of the bible you're going to find the trumpets in the prophecies that speak of the end of the age so what happens when you read about the the end of the age and the coming of messiah what do you get you get this matthew 24 they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with great power and glory he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet we'll gather his elect with the great trumpet first thessalonians 4 says this then the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with a trumpet of god and the dead in messiah will rise so you shall be caught up in the clouds with what with the sound of the trumpet so the lord will come with the sound of the trumpet the lord will gather his people with the sound of the trumpet the lord will will you will rise to him and the dead in messiah with the sound of the trumpet and what does it say it says in first corinthians behold i tell you a mystery we will not all sleep means die we shall but we shall all be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead shall be raised imperishable and all of us will be changed the resurrection will take place with this sound and then you open up the very end of the bible and you get the book of revelation and what do you see there and when he broke the seventh seal i saw seven angels standing before god and seven trumpets were given them and the seven angels who had seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound them there shall be no delay any longer in the days of the sound of the seventh angel when he's about to sound then the mystery of god is finished as he preached to his servants the prophets and the seventh angel sounded and there arose a loud voice in heaven saying the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our lord and of his messiah the seventh angel sounded the seventh trumpet so what's going to happen with the sound of the trumpet when the trumpet sounds it says the mystery of god is going to be finished and the kingdom of this world is going to become god's kingdom with the sound of the trumpet that's pretty big stuff and after the feast of trumpets comes yom kippur which is prophetically the day we will stand face to face with the lord all will in one way or that and then after that comes the feast of tabernacles which is when god will tabernacle with us and the whole world will be blessed with the blessings of god and the lion will lay down with a calf and peace will cover the earth and the knowledge of the lord shall cover this whole earth that is the feast of tabernacle and what does it say everybody's going to celebrate during that time the feast of tabernacles every nation is going to come up celebrating it so all these things are about what is yet to come the mystery and so this feast is the one that ushers it all in this feast ushers in the month of tishri which is the seventh month of the closing month of the sacred calendar but this all begins it and so there's something about this that has to do with us because this is coming next what does it have to do with you you know i noticed something we have no record that in the early church they were sounding the shofars we don't know that but did you notice something all over the world now shofars are sounding in the assemblies of god's people who follow messiah all over the world i've been all over the world and there are shofars why well it makes sense because we're the end time church we're the end time people so therefore we are linked to the sound of the trumpet as much as passover but now now what is coming and so the trumpet has a message for us now the trumpet has a revelation that is for you end time believer and if you're not sure you're in the end times just look to the middle east because israel is back and that's what god said is going to be the sign of the end times and that's going to be the sign that the king is coming we are part of that generation so here's the thing what does the shofar do what is it what does it do one of the things it does is it wakes you up if you're sleeping and you hear the sound of this shofar you're going to wake up you're going to wake up because it is like god's alarm clock it is a wake-up call it's so it was listen this was the alarm in back then you didn't have sirens you had this this was the alarm even in your car you know your what are you sounding what's it called a horn comes from this horn it's the wake up it's the alarm and what is it saying in the last days people of god it's going to be very easy to fall spiritually asleep it seems that much of the church in america is sleeping in the midst of the most spiritually dangerous time and a looming flood that could wipe out religious freedom in one election and indoctrinate a new generation against god and usher in persecution much of the church is sleeping and is is more concerned with how god can be your your financial advisor god could be your personal business advisor and all those things that you can have all those things and god wants us to be awake because that's sleeping if that's what that's your main focus not god will bless you as you follow him but if that's your focus you are sleeping and in the night the time that we need to be awake god is saying don't be caught sleeping in this day because all these things in the world will put you asleep the internet will put you to sleep to god if you do if you handle it wrong you know the television will put you to sleep to god if you handle it wrong the night it says in ephesians we are we are not of the night we are the day so so night is almost gone stay awake people we are of the day what else does this feast give you a revelation of end time believer this feast what god say what did it say he doesn't say much about him he says sound the shofar will be the day of the blasting that's all he says the whole day you're blasting as for what it says it says as a remembrance as a remembrance the trumpets are linked to remembering remembering why is that a key for the end times remembering why because in the end times it says the love of many shall grow cold it says immorality shall increase and it said so one of the signs of the end times is like a spiritual amnesia that comes over the world actually it's been coming over the culture some it's as if i mean we can talk about america it's as if you and all and western civilization it's like the whole civilization has been forgetting its foundation forgetting it's god forgetting the faith it's sort of forgetting everything forgetting the nature of man and woman forgetting everything for getting right and wrong for and acting as if it always has been this way and forgetting that just a little while ago was never this way and that so the people who don't join in the apostasy the fall they're treated like they're troublemakers making trouble forgetting they're the ones who are staying faithful for what always was and as the culture bombards you and with a deluge of immorality to make us forget the ways of god and there are people who have apostasized there are people who once spoke for god and they're well i got to go along because you know nobody likes to go against the crowd so eventually they go with a herd but we have to stand against that and we have to hold fast it doesn't matter what the culture says the culture is going to come and go change everybody's going to be gone one day but the word of god is forever and we have to hold to the word of god and remember god remember the word keep to the ways you know messiah gave this parable he said the master of the house left the house and everybody what happened they party they forgot they acted like he was never coming back and they fell into sin and abuse and forgetting he was coming he says don't don't forget because the son of man's coming like a thief on the night remember keep the word in your heart bind it to your hand remember and remind yourself you got to be in the word so you don't forget and what is the message of the trumpet it's the message it says repent repent why is that important for you as an end time believer because it says the end times are going to be times of great sin and therefore there i mean what was unthinkable even a little while ago is now just part of things so bad that even believers don't blush over things that atheists would have blushed over one generation ago so about that eight of that that atheists or pagans back then would seem more christian than believers now because we get seared by what we see on television in immorality the urge is to compromise be on the fence trumpets call the people of god to repentance to return to the if there's end times that's going on all around you if it's all the more important that we be holy or not not not more carnal that we have to more stand against that flow we have to stand against the darkness and be light if the darks getting darker what do you have to do shine brighter lower the standard not dilute the standard not and apologize for the standard raise the standard and if you're in sin get right i mean everybody deals with something get right live pure with the time this is we have to be more this more holy this time for this generation for your life and for the center what else did the trumpet say the trump is when when they hear the trumpet it's telling them the time is short is saying get ready and say you got 10 days before that veil opens up and and the high priest is coming in with the sins and you've got to be right with god the time is so the trumpets are saying time is short and it's even saying the sacred year has come to its its end you know the early church many people were ready for the lord to come but but after centuries where it didn't happen the way some thought the church got established got comfortable joined the world in many ways came up with new doctrines that we are the kingdom now and god is using we're replacing the the people of israel the kingdom is now and they said like basically they didn't even want god to come we're rich we're comfortable we're powerful and we've got the kingdom we don't really even talk about him coming anymore the church stopped talking about him coming it was only in the last few centuries and the last century and so that it came back when the church says no no he's coming and then israel came back so end time believers we have to know this doesn't go on forever time is short live all the more in light of eternity look at the long term whatever you're doing in your life whatever choice you've got look at the long term don't just look at the short term that's going to fool you look at the law how am i going to feel tomorrow how am i going to feel next week how am i going to be in my life if i don't get out if i don't turn right now look at the attorney what else did the trumpet say the trumpet says when you're if you were back there in the kingdom of god 2000 years ago in the in or the kingdom of israel which was his kingdom and you were you were reaping your harvest and all of a sudden you heard the trumpet what is that telling you you got to finish up that reaping you got to finish up that field because the harvest is ending so what's it telling you it's saying it's time to get ready because you're not going to have the harvest forever so if you're ever going to spread the gospel do it now whatever eternal fruit you're going to have reap it now because you're not going to be able to reap it in heaven all the rewards and blessings that you are storing up forever now whatever the good work is now whatever whatever the person who needs salvation open your mouth open your heart open your wallet open your life and serve god do what you have to do don't wait get the word out because you won't have forever and you know and listen even in the culture it's going to start as it's going to try to make it more difficult for you to sow that word you've got to sow it anyway but make the most of your time and then the shofar is the instrument we said of what the watchmen watchmen so what is it saying end time believer you need to be like a watchman on the wall you were the watch woman watchman stand with your lamps ready he said be sober watch be diligent don't get caught up in the city stay above the culture stay with god in his presence and stay on stay on watch be vigilant and what is the sound of the shofar it's the sound of an army coming it's the sound of an army advancing so advancing so we are supposed to be fighters in the spirit we are supposed to be warring in the spirit we're supposed to be courageous in the spirit you see it's a sign that the king is coming so be ready if you were going to stand before god tonight what would you or tomorrow what would you do tonight if you're gonna if you knew god was coming on monday what would you do this weekend don't wait because you don't know when he's coming do it anyway it's time to prepare to meet god is what this is saying and what is also this saying a word a revelation for the end time church that is saying that this is the sound of return because everybody who went out on pentecost has got to come back to jerusalem the whole nation is going to return to god so it's a mystery because in the end times it's the time of return that's why israel went back to israel because it's the time of return because he's going to return this is the time of return so what does that mean it means that god is calling us you end time church end time believer to return to where we were at the beginning which is the book of acts god wants us to live as the book of acts you know and and and it's interesting because as the culture gets more carnal that's kind of like it was and listen if there's persecution it's okay you're gonna that's gonna make you who stand more like the apostles but stand and again when you see you see the jewish people gathering in when did when they gathered together what was the sound the trumpet so it means do you see israel back gathered it means it's the time of the trump it's coming they will see the man and you know and lastly what is this message to us this is the sound of rising when you hear the sound israel rise when the dead hear it even the dead are rising the sound of rising and it's the sound of victory see there's a temptation among people of god now in these days with so much going on in the culture so much advancing of ungodliness against god in the legal realm in the judicial realm of the cultural realm and the educational realm in the in all virtually all realms almost to withdraw you know and go on the defense of from spreading the gospel from standing up what's for what's right or against what's not and that's why this feast is important because this feast says something different this feast says the end times of the times of the trumpet it's the sound of god's people it's their time to rise so much i mean so much so that the resurrection comes with it this is not a timid sound god did not call a feast of piccolos that would be nice but it wouldn't be this this is not nice this is powerful the sound of the trumpet sound of victory so what does that mean for you and such a time as this like right now it's the sound that is to be heard in the tents of the righteous what's what's in the tents of the righteous shouts of joy and the sound of victory this is the sound that should be heard in your life this is a sound of joy sound of victory it proclaims that no matter what it looks like in the world remember you are still on the winning side help is coming you are on the winning side you are in the winning army with god and you have to behave like that you cannot you cannot act like you're not it is called it's telling you that god has not called you to be weak he's not called you to be timid about your faith he's not called you to be on the defense god has called you us all of us to be strong for such a time as this be bold don't live on the on the on the defense live on the offense even in a day of darkness god has called you to be powerful rise up by the power of his might listen all the great people you know or just about all of them the great prophets they lived in times of darkness but they stood for god the apostles did not live in a christian time they lived in an unchristian time but they stood up for god and god blessed them live unafraid live bold because you've got the power of god go with it if you don't go with it you're not going to see it live as the prophet said live as the apostles did because you've got the privilege and the honor to stand for god and god will anoint the one who does and the people who do god wants you to rise up for what is god you know we've got this privilege that we can actually stand for god when it's not popular that is the greater honor than standing for him when it is he wants you strong in faith strong and confident strong in the word strong in joy strong in love strong in truth strong in the spirit god wants you to have confidence in the word of god he wants you to you know for everything he's ordained you for and called you for he wants you to have confidence in the power of god to make that come to pass to become the person he created you and put you in your mother's womb for he wants you to believe it he wants you to be bold in believing the word he wants you to be strong so it is written the eyes of the lord are searching the entire earth looking for the one whose heart is completely his that he might show himself mightily for that one you be that one you be that one god has appointed you only for victory i don't care what you feel i don't care what the world tells you god has appointed you for victory thanks be to god who sometimes know always leads us to triumph as long as we go you be that one that god has called you because we are we are privileged to live in such a time as this what an exciting time what a biblical time what a time of prophecy and yes there are challenges but what a time and so god you know if he didn't want you here you know don't be afraid of it he would have had you been born in the 13th century or the 11th century and i don't think you would have liked it there so he puts you in the end times that means he's going to empower you for this hour he's going to anoint you for this hour and he's appointed you for this hour you be that one for god has appointed you for victory for thus says the lord arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord shall rise upon you happy feast of trumpets amen let's close our eyes for a moment we're going to we're going to seal this in prayer then we're going to have the sounding of the biblical sounding of the trumpets of god and you're gonna you're gonna take part in it it is interactive father we praise you tonight and thank you for your reality we thank you for lord you are awesome and father lord this is a powerful um the revelation in the of the shofar that's something you gave us to show us power and father we want to walk in power and we want to walk in victory and we want to overcome help us to live in a manner worthy of the calling you've given us and am worthy of the moment you've called us for each one of us right now here and now lord we want to rise higher in you each one of us father we want to overcome and we want to go to the higher level father we thank you father for the honor of standing for you and we ask lord whatever it is in our life that we need to get right with you we commit to it whatever we may need to leave aside we commit to it and father whatever we need to believe we commit to that we're gonna believe your word for at full strength at full power for what you have lord make us the watchmen of this hour make us father a prophetic people for this hour to set our set the trumpet to our mouth lord let us father make us help us to be bold in your power for such a time as this help us to herald the king and the kingdom for such a time as this lord we praise you and love you and thank you right now lord you are awesome we can we lord we can have a vision of you right now an image of you lord you are the king of kings and you're coming again you're coming on the clouds and you're coming father and this is what it was all about and father lord everything is happening as you said israel is back jerusalem is back the gospel is being spread throughout the earth there is a great apostasy at the same time but there is also your spirit being poured out father we thank you for living in such an hour but help us to be worthy live in a manner worthy all of us each of us for the purpose you put us in our mother's womb we commit to higher and greater things and we will take action take steps of faith and boldness stay with the lord right now stay in his presence right now with our eyes closed if you're not sure we're going to be a thousand years from now you need to be listen closely jesus said you must be born again you cannot enter heaven without that you can't be saved unless you're born again that's what he said not people he said it and it's not about me or anybody it's he him who said it you must be born again it doesn't matter what your religion is you're a catholic protestant jewish muslim atheist doesn't matter you need everyone needs to be born again it's not religion it's about you and god right now so god is calling right now he said you must be born again or you cannot enter heaven so there's only two roads he said one road leads to eternal life that's heaven the other leads away from god eternal separation that's hell if you're not born again you're heading the wrong way and god says you must be born again so listen that's the way the only way off of the road that goes away from god and to the road of life is to be born again that's the door that's what he said that see he loves you to the point he would give his whole life for you he would take your judgment for you if he could and the thing is he did and that's what it's all about that when you see you see the jesus messiah on the cross that's what it's all about it's for you so listen here is the moment they might say well well how long do i have to get right with god or become born again or just or get back to god the answer is you've got one heartbeat that's the only thing separating you from eternity once it stops you can't choose god anymore you can't come back you can't repent now is the time you have so take every heartbeat you have as god knocking on the door and saying open up now is the time so with our eyes closed listen that's why the bible says don't say you'll get right tomorrow you'll get it together you'll come to don't say because tomorrow may never come and even if it comes you may not be open tomorrow but you're open now and god is talking to you now and saying open up and say here's your moment don't miss it i will not reject you but you need but you need to not miss your moment this is it so god is calling you right now if you're not sure you're born again that means you need to get in maybe you've known god but you haven't been living in god you know you haven't been living in victory if i asked you was your life in god's will you would you'd have to say no or is it are you living a victory you'd have to say no god wants you to to come and return in power for blessing so you pray too i'm gonna you say well how do i do it it can begin with a simple prayer i'm gonna lead in a very simple prayer just repeat after me a very simple prayer to say yes to god yes together that's it very simple to say lord yes i'm saying yes to your call on my life yes to your will thank you for loving me giving your life for me overcoming death for me and that i could be your disciple and and have eternal life and from this moment on lord i'm saying yes to you and lord fill my life fill my heart and fill every part of my life with your presence i'm going to receive every part of it and lead me on forgive me make me new and free and i'll follow you as your disciple and god will do it let's here's the moment now now listen we're going to do this together i'm going to lead in a simple prayer this is just for your sake right now i'm going to lead in a very simple prayer if you're not sure with absolutely sure where you're going to be a thousand years from now you need to get in right now this is for you you're not sure you're born again you need to get in if you're not sure you're right with god maybe you've known him you need to get back so so we're going to pray the prayer together just repeat the words after me now the bible says if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you shall be saved so say the words mean in your heart you can say it in a whisper but say it as we're going to say it together you won't hear other people because they're going to be praying in a whisper but we're going to be praying together so here's the moment don't miss it don't let it pass you by the greatest blessing right now our eyes are closed god is calling let's pray right now together just repeat after me in a whisper these words right now as there's a there's a blessing waiting and there's everything waiting for you let's pray right now just repeat after me these words lord god i come to you now and i say yes to you lord i say yes to your calling on my life i'll follow you as you lead me from this moment on thank you for loving me giving your life for me dying for my sins rising from death so i could be saved and have eternal life this moment i am following you with all my heart and i turn away from the darkness i turn to the light lord come into every part of my life cleanse me wash me make me new fill me lord do whatever is needed in my life i receive your love your presence into every part of my life and your forgiveness lord god i thank you that by this prayer and your word i can say i am now blessed received i'm free i'm new i'm your disciple i'm your child i have eternal life i'm born again and i'll be with you always i'm saved leave me on from this moment as i follow you now as your disciple for such a time as this this night and every day of my life lead me and i thank you in the name of my redeemer my savior jesus and i say amen amen now remember we're going to say what it is okay let's get ready they're gonna read the word of god and you're gonna you're gonna be part of it you can start again the lord spoke to moshe saying speak to the sons of israel saying in the seventh month on the first of the month you shall have a rest a reminder by the blowing of trumpets a holy convocation to kia [Music] if the watchman blows on the trumpet and warns the people then he who hears the sound of the trumpet had he taken warning he would have delivered his life i have appointed you a watchman for the house of israel chevereen blow a trumpet in zion and a sound alarm on my holy mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of the lord is coming surely it is near jerusalem [Music] for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead and messiah shall rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds and thus we shall always be with the lord jakia [Music] [Music] and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory and he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together his elect therefore be on the alert for you do not know which day your lord is coming to kia it will come about also in that day that a great trumpet will be blown and those who were perishing in the land of assyria and who were scattered in the land of egypt will come and worship the lord in the holy mountain of jerusalem tequila [Applause] [Music] behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable and we shall be changed when he broke the seventh seal i saw the seven angels who stand before god and seven trumpets were given them and the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound them there shall be delay no longer but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel when he is about to sound then the mystery of god is finished as he preached to his servants the prophets and the seventh angel sounded to hear god [Music] hello [Applause] [Music] and the seventh angel sounded and there arose loud voices in heaven saying this kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our lord and of his messiah and he shall reign forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the lord bless you keep you cause his face to shine upon you the lord god pour out his grace upon you lift up his glory upon you and give you shalom lightfulness peace all the blessings of his love and the power of victory in the name of yeshua jesus i don't alarm the lord of all in his name and all people say you
Channel: Jonathan Cahn
Views: 339,581
Rating: 4.9220443 out of 5
Id: 7Q8Cki7Y_J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 22sec (3502 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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