Yom Kippur 5777 (2016) - (Oct 12, 2016)

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this is um this is something that's been around in Judaism for a long time it's just a time of remembrance you know the like we have a disc a candle even that on the anniversary of the death of a loved one like a parent or sadly enough a child we light it and it burns for 24 hours in the house just to keep that memory alive you know the greatest thing and Judaism is to thank those and remember those who go before you in sadly enough in the society we live in it's such a microwave society it's um it's bothersome to me it's it's very bothersome to me that we can go to a funeral and then get in our car and talk about what we're gonna have for dinner so flippantly it just seems so wrong when I lost my dad I was very young and we sat on boxes in my house because we weren't supposed to be comfortable and we sat on those boxes for seven days and we covered the mirrors and we didn't shower because it wasn't about us at all it was about them and when people came to visit they know if they were raised in it that they weren't supposed to say something funny because we might not be ready to laugh and they weren't supposed to say something sad because we might not want to cry they were chose to just be there we feel such a need to always say something right sometimes some things are better left unsaid and so you'll hear me talk about Molly or or Chris Frey or other people that have gone from our sanctuary yes they with the Lord yes they believe us and that's a wonderful thing and yes we'll get to see them again but in the meantime I miss them I've never cried for them what's the cry for right for us so let's move on with the iske service we're going to say the prayer the Kaddish it's a very very famous prayer and if you are mourning a loved one even if you've never said it you don't even have to say it but if you want to stand and remember to them by all means our God and God of our fathers since ancient times you have called us to times of memorial times of remembrance yom kippur eeeem is one of the seasons yom kippur of memorial that you gave us in your word we are called to remember your great works you're mighty salvations we are called to remember that only in living by faith trusting you in all things can you be pleased and we are asked to do it without murmuring the sin which caused our ancestors to miss entering the promised land as we trust in you now knowing that all things work together for good to those who love you and who are called according to your purpose we have pieces we remember our loved ones who have passed on before us we remember the good they did and what we learn from them may the memory of those whom we recall this day influenced our lives for good and lead our thoughts away from the vain and fleeting to that which is eternal as we remember their virtues let us be motivated to devote ourselves to the Great Commission and to live holy lives that are pleasing to you in this way the memory of them will continue to bring forth much fruit we know that we cannot change the past but teach us how to live godly lives now though the through the power of the Holy Spirit help us to live wisely and unselfishly courageously and fruitfully in truth and understanding in love and peace so that those who come after us may remember us for good as we affectionately remember those who came before us Lord we now honor those of our parents who have gone on before us thinking of the positive and the good that we had in our relationship with them we remember others also relatives and friends who influenced our lives for good and who are now partaking of their eternal reward as we take a moment now to remember these individuals those of us whose parents are still with us can especially be thankful to you and think of ways they might be able to honor and bless their parents just take a few moments to think about those you're the next screen life has meaning life has planned in purpose man was not created only to perish but to have life and have it more abundantly you made us Lord a little lower than yourself and you crowned us with glory and honor we thank you Lord for the great salvation you have given us in Messiah Yeshua hallelujah you are worthy of praise and adoration hallelujah you've given us the victory over death hallelujah now let it be known that this is a messianic masoor so if you're from a Jewish background it's it's not traditional because they don't believe the Messiah has come so it's gonna be a little different um the other thing I did for eleven months every morning was to go to the synagogue as a little boy and at 7:00 in the morning be part of a minyan ten people because you know from Abraham's day if you find 10 men and and say the Kaddish from my father the neat thing about doing that is that my dad always wanted me to be a devout Jew so by having to do that I was in synagogue he got his wish right yeah the Kaddish it's an Aramaic prayer around the Second Temple period that goes way back over 2,000 years it is its high praise and with great messianic hope and promise the Messianic content sadly enough was cut out over the years by most European traditions but over time the Kaddish became a mourners prayer because of job 1:21 when job learned at the death of his children the Lord gives the Lord takes away blessed be the name of the Lord from this verse we learned that in every situation life we had a trust in the Lord and give him praise the prayer most people think it's a mourners prayer but in actuality it's a prayer of praise to God it's it's thanking God for our loved ones it's thanking God for the time we had and it's praising God it's it's again the reason why the mourners Kaddish is so important is because when you have difficult times or horrific things happen you can either draw closer to God or further away if you're saying the mourners Kaddish you will draw closer to God he could only the Kawashima ball bill medieval okra tell me Michael Savion smokes water female a because a fish clamber Claire Cong Hui all milk all over clay the cold wait he's right here they are Garvey's mom Kali Veeru I mean the Haitian made upon us they are he's below ha ha ha whoo y'all say me his great name grow exalted and sanctified in the world that he created as he willed may his kingdom reign and his salvation sprouts and may his Anointed Messiah drawn near during your lifetime in your days and during the life of the whole house of Israel even speedily in soon and say amen may his great name be blessed forever into all eternity blessed praised and glorified exalted extolled and honored raised high and lifted up be the name of the holy one blessed is he exceedingly high beyond all the blessings and songs praises and consolations that are uttered in the world and say Amen may he who creates peace in his Heights make peace upon us and upon all Israel and say Amen we're gonna do something a little different you know the the Mocs or which is a prayer-book you know in Judaism traditional Judaism Russia shun and Yom Kippur a huge those are the High Holy Days and and between those 10 days because this is the tenth of Tishrei and the first was Yom Kippur its called the days of or you'll meme no Reem and it's when God writes your name in the book or not depending on if you've repented sadly enough so it's it's it's not what it used to be but in religious circles yes the days of or their awesome days and so we have a whole prayer book and when I was a rabbi in in Florida the congregation was mostly Jewish and I think they expected something traditional and there's nothing wrong with that because we all have traditions and if those traditions honor God and they're biblically based and they bring people closer to God then I say they're beautiful but sometimes when you read these wrote prayers and forgive us for this forgive us so that by the time I get to the 15th one I just don't feel my heart's in it and if my heart's not in it I can't get you in it because I can't I just can't you might be able to get into it so by all means you know look at you don't look at the prayer book you could stay here all day and you can read some of those prayers they might touch you very deeply and I don't want to take that away from you but because I'm I'm leading I can't do something that I don't feel like my heart is in it and God's responding to it so it's gonna I'm just gonna share a little something with you and then we're gonna do something a little different than we've done in the past okay and and you're not obligated to do any of these things that we're about to do believe me you're not I just want to bring up a scripture that we spoke about last Saturday it's in second chronicles and this is like this is the recipe for revival this is this is what Yom Kippur is all about Yom Kippur is all about a time of revival it's a time of repenting before God coming clean before God and being revived and that's that's that's really what your own Kippur is and it was corporate people say well why didn't you shoot down on Yom Kippur he died on Passover because Passover's personal Kippur is corporate okay Passover you have to have one lamb per family okay so you have to make him your Passover lamb on Passover but kit boy's corporate when the whole body of Messiah I mean think about this just think about the ramifications what if the whole body of Messiah every single denomination that calls themselves a Christian and every Messianic Jew came one day of the year before God and said collectively we're sorry now we have these national days of Prayer and we die for people to come out and yet we have Yom Kippur and people call it legalism so you have a man-made National Day of Prayer and that's thumbs up but a day that God gave us to basically do the same thing but better is thumbs down think of how wacky that is guys think about how incredibly illogical and nonsensical that is with that being said this is the recipe there's no other way this is the prerequisite you cannot have revival without this okay and I'm not concerned about national revival I'm not concerned about international revival I'm concerned about your revival in my revival so after all the fanfare is over okay you know I read this to you last week Sukkot was over people went home and then after all the partying and all the fanfare and all the excitement which we loved right we loved the excitement then God comes to visit Solomon and he says Solomon I've heard your prayer and chosen this place for myself as a house of sacrifice I will receive the sacrifices here but if I shut up the sky so there's no rain sometimes when there's no rain we blame the devil sometimes we might inquire of the Lord why he's not sending the rain if I order locusts to devour the land what if I send an epidemic of sickness huh among my people then see then if my people who bear my name meaning believers you and me will humble themselves first step pray seek and turn I will hear I'll forgive their land and I will heal their land now this is the formula this is the spiritual prerequisite if followed the results would be if followed the result would be a renewed intense desire to follow God even in the midst of opposition not follow God when all the blessings are flowing but when none of the blessings are flowing in fact when all the walls are caving in the waters up to here and you're still saying it is well with my soul I believe your own Kippur has the potential to bring on a revival now let me show you the first biblical revival I'm not going to belabor it because we have work to do but this is the first biblical revival I'm going back to 632 BC in the time of King Josiah okay second chronicles 34 one through two it says Yoshii ahoo Josiah was 8 years old 8 it's we're not doing our children we're doing them an injustice by letting them keep watching VeggieTales and and hearing the noah's off story when he began his reign he ruled for 31 years in Yerushalayim because he was a good king he did what was right from our annoyed perspective living entirely in the manor of David his ancestor and turning away neither to the right nor the left just look at these words real quick he did what was straight correct and level the shortest distance between two points is a straight line you don't want to walk in circles okay he did what was what was right Yasha which is from the word ishshah' which means happy this is what makes a person happy blessed is the poor for theirs is the kingdom lest it extreme happiness why because they're walking straight because they're walking straight this is what truly makes a person happy this is what gives a person peace when they're walking straight in a man of the road Yeshua said the road is wide the Derrick take the straight road take the correct road take the narrow road and this is what Josiah was doing second chronicles 34 3 the very next verse 4 in the atheist of how old is he now 16 6 he's already a king for eight years doing what was right when he was still young 16 he began seeking after the God of David his father and in the 12th year now he's 20 he began cleansing Yehuda and yerushalayim Judah and Jerusalem from the high places the sacred poles in the carve and cast mental images look at these words guys he was consulting he was inquiring he was going after God he wasn't being felt forced by his parents to come to synagogue like some of you are I know you'd much rather not be here it's a sad state of affairs that they have to force you you can't force a person to love God you can't force a person to seek the Lord I just as soon have him home he sought the Lord he went after him he was consulting him he was seeking advice from God what do I do God what do I do God look the Word of God is invaluable but the Spirit of God is just as important listen to me in our churches in America we have God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Bible the Holy Bible didn't tell me to go to India and start a mission there which is second and none and I don't boast in me because there was no way that trip did it God did it but now we have 10,000 new believers in 200 stations as this little fly-by-night place from podunk Macon but the Bible and say go to India said go to all the world but he had to tell me you've got to rely on the Spirit of God the spirit of God will talk to you all day long he was seeking he was seeking the Spirit of God for guidance and then when he got that guidance and God said cleanse look what he did he purged and he purified he starts to tear down sometimes you have to tear something down before you can build it back up there's a word called edifice this is an edifice and some people love the edifice and some people some of you have said to me why did you build such a beautiful building I've been to your homes stop it stop it I met in I met in churches for years I could care less about having a home I care what God wants but an edifice edifice does not mean just to build up edification the prophetic word goes out and it edifies it exhausts and it consoles but edification means something has to be torn down before it can be built you have to bring something to the very foundation of Yeshua let me show you this is textbook second chronicles 34 the next two verses 4 and 5 it says in the eighteenth year now he's 26 after he cleansed the land he tore down all the sacred poles all the ashworth I don't know if you've ever been anywhere but I've been to places high places where they sacrifice it's wild they taught everything down and cleansed then he sent cheffing the son of ATS la Yahoo and Messiah the governor of the city and yahwah the son of yokas the recorder to repair see first you got to tear down you go to a dentist what do they do drill out what you don't have a cavity people say I have a cavity they make a cavity you don't have a cavity what do you have what are they drilling out the decay sometimes our hearts get decayed and God has to come and drill the decay out and cause a cavity now does the drilling hurt yes the filling is a no-brainer God can fill you with his spirit easy but you're not going to get filled - you get drilled second chronicles 34 8 I'm sorry go to the next one sorry now now they've cleared the house they're ready to reconstruct they're ready to renovate they're ready to fill ok it says while bringing out the money that had been brought into the house of Illinois Hill Keauhou Hill kaya the Co hain the priests found the scroll of the tour of annoy given by Moshe the Torah was nowhere to be found nobody was walking in the ways of God ok he says I found the scroll of the Torah in the house of Illinois it was lost like it's lost today Hilke yahoo gave the scroll to chef in the secretary and then schaffen the secretary told the king he'll Keauhou the Kohan Hoggard all the high priests gave me a scroll didn't even know what it was chef and read it aloud before the king the king said read it after the king had heard what was written in the torah he tore his clothes every single solitary revival in the history of revivals from this first one in 632 BC to any one you will have today major or minor always begins with the rediscovery of the teaching of the word of God period we don't have the Word of God being preached today we have cool places with blacked-out ceilings and rock bands and the guy comes out with the big fat watch and the cool hairdo and he just tells you you're God's favorite you are not going to repent from that Hilary Clinton nor Donald Trump you know any senator or governor or any councilman is gonna fix this mess they're way too self-serving yeshuaa can fix it he said I did not come to be served but to serve second chronicles 34 2021 then the king issued this order tyll tyll hill KY you go and consult I'll annoy you see we're in a very bad situation please go seek the Lord they go see a prophet because this now forgive me but these are the real prophets these are not the prophets today who come and give you these little fortune cookie prophesies of your life and leave with a $10,000 check these are real prophets of God then the King issued this order go and consult I'll annoyed for me and for the people left in Israel and Judah in regard to what is written in the scroll the people left in Israel because the Assyrians already came in they took the twelve tribes by the way the people left in Israel for the you that are under them the guys that there's Lost Tribes they weren't lost they were still then they knew who they were check the book of Chronicles the only Lost Tribes there are the people that are following that theology they lost I don't know he must be furious at us since our ancestors did not observe the Word of God see I don't know he must be furious was he do you ever get furious at your children where do you get off being furious at your children but God can't be furious at his children what a benign God we serve everything we do is fine it doesn't matter we can compromise anything because he understands he's got to I'll make him understand otherwise he's not going to be my god he must be furious since our ancestors didn't observe the word of the Lord and do everything written in the scroll there so far he's humbling himself he's humbling himself on behalf of the people and crying out for mercy and this is the last piece of Scripture second chronicles 34 24 I'm just reading it in context basically how the Noize says this I am going to bring calamity on this place Babylonian exile 632 607 I'm gonna it's coming and on its inhabitants all the curses written in the scroll they read to the king of Judah because they have abandoned me and offered to other gods in order to provoke me with everything they do therefore my anger is poured out on this place and will not be quenched but you ought to tell the king of Judah Josiah who sent you to consult are annoyed that I don't know the God of Israel also says this because they were not were not penitent they would not change in regards to the words you have heard because your heart was tender Josiah your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before God when you heard his words against this place and you you humbled yourself before me you tore your clothes you cried before me don't you see what he did he did the recipe for revival he did the recipe for revival and he was protected look at this word tender this is the exact opposite of everything I was told soft what soft in the projects there was no soft in the projects in the Bronx and if you were even extremely soft you got the crap knocked out of you every day you could not be soft fearful uh-uh no tapping out nope penitent being willing to mourn and to say you're sorry and looking for you to be wrong as opposed to pointing your finger and everybody else if this one would have did this this one when are you gonna point back at yourself this is the problem with these two knuckle that candidates both of them and knuckle heads they will not just say I'm sorry now you want me to be soft and weak all the great men and women of God all of them were weak and soft and felt abandoned they was so weak and crushed because it was so not about them in order for them to be used of God they had to be so broken that they would stay so dependent and so weak so that God can truly pour his spirit through him not everything glitters is gold it doesn't matter if you have ten thousand people in your sanctuary God could be Satan could bless you too he cloaks and he loves to keep people in darkness I'll keep blessing him they'll think it's God this goes against everything in the natural this is so unnatural for us to be weak we get knocked down and what do we say I'll come back you tear down those twin towers watch what we built you ain't gonna keep us down and gods like what do I got to do it's so strong you're so tough I'll be back on that horse you'll see well it does go against everything natural guys and that's exactly why we need to humble ourselves and turn to God and pray so on this Yom Kippur we're gonna do just that I asked the praise and worship team if they would pair four or five songs for us on the penitent version now listen to me listen to me very very carefully some of you people are walking beautifully before the Lord don't beat yourself up don't don't don't don't do that that's a mistake okay just and don't be too quick to talk listen to the Lord if he brings something to mind it might be somebody in this sanctuary towards somebody else in this sanctuary it might be something you need to do when you go home a family member I don't know a next boss I don't know it's not my business nor is it your business what God says to me but use it use this time use yom kippur the day of atonement to atone he might tell you nothing then just enjoy his presence don't feel like I missed it I didn't hear his voice don't put that much pressure on yourself does God love us we're all still here aren't we it's obvious he does is he preparing something for us that's indescribable yes I believe it I believe for God to come into his creation as a human being and then to lower himself as an animal I think he's sending a message I think he's sending an absolute message yes that he's crazy about us and he went to the greatest extent to prove that nothing he could do more than that nothing that's it that's enough more than enough what blessed aren't we All Things Considered and we're blessed to be part of a family like this where there's a legitimate expression of God's love and his presence I can't begin to tell you that every time somebody visits us that's watching them on every single solitary time when they write to me it's always the same thing always rabbi the minute I walked in and people start talking me I could feel the love of Yeshua all over them that's the greatest testimony fans a dime a dozen messages there's 250,000 pastors out there giving good messages and listen to me if you don't feel God's love in this place maybe you're not giving God's love in this place I'm not a big fan of the Gospel according to Paul John George and Ringo but they did say in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make maybe just maybe we're not extending it enough so it's not coming back there's nothing there's nothing greater you know I've seen love heal I've seen love heal the brokenhearted I've seen love heal people that no offense to doctors or psychiatrist they do their part but they couldn't touch what God's love did for these people so going going forward in this year especially in this place let's be lovers okay let's try to emulate God because that's the tell-tale sign not how much scripture we know not not what bumper stickers we have on the car not what pendant or the Messianic earrings it's all nice there's nothing wrong with it in and of itself but if that's all we have so keep on keeping on and keep on loving each other okay you're never going to be able to convince me that there is something that's not to God's calendar the calendar without Yahshua is empty you sure without the calendar it's missing parts to put them together we've we've heard the call of the trumpet we've responded we've come in ask for forgiveness you might have to continue that today a little bit I'm sure other things will come to mind and and then we prepare for surcoat tear down the sacred holes cleanse the house God's are gonna come so coat and fill us up plenty this is this is the first day of the rest of your life there are people in your life who will never let go of certain things a prophet has no honor in his own hometown what good could come out of Nazareth don't listen to the naysayers don't speak to those who won't let go spend your time with the Lord he's the lover of your soul now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the Prince of all peace issuer giver on our face Morocco had an open over letter there ha yes I don't know ho poor novela ha they are Selma chalo see in three days
Channel: Getzel
Views: 1,362
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, sacrifice for sin, Hgh Priest, fasting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2016
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