(Sep 28, 2019) Who Is Yeshua? I AM... (Part 10)

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these seven I am statements you know I'm I tend to really hone in on these shoes words I always hone in on the red letters because as the master as the Messiah as the Lord he's the one that's supposed to lead us and so his words to me a crucial very crucial we have a caller just yeah these so here's this this Messiah you know this this God man the Word of God who was with God always in the beginning and and became incarnate his words are the words you need to focus on you know there's a lot of great quotes there's a lot of wonderful people that say wonderful things but that's what you really need to focus on his words and he just makes these seven statements and we've gone over to already you know I'm the bread of life and I am the light of the world powerful these are powerful you could talk about them forever you can't exhaust them powerful powerful powerful statements today the two we're gonna go over is I did just incredibly endearing I I don't know how else to say it I mean and hopefully you'll you'll see what what I found in these statements I'll do my best and hopefully where I fall short because I will the Holy Spirit will make up more than enough for you to get the picture that's my prayer so let's look at the first one it's in the tenth chapter of the Gospel of John all the seven great I am statements were in the Gospel of John it's the ninth verse and it says I am the gate this is Yeshua speaking if someone enters through me he will be safe and will go in and out and find pasture this is the third as I said we we mentioned to others ray this is a third of these seven I am declarations and Yeshua is making them in regards to his unique identity he's claiming his unique identity and also his purpose okay it's very important to know a person's purpose especially when he's your Lord and Savior Yahshua was saying here it's very it's very simple in a sense I'm the way the salvation I'm the way to salvation but you're gonna see this a little bit more to it okay these these statements that he makes I tell you they're they're easy for a child to understand but they're deep enough for the greatest scholar to not exhaust our faith is not in a Creed okay our faith is not in a church okay it's in a person it's very important they understand that salvation can only be received through Messiah Yeshua baptism will not do church attendance will not do nor will good works we must enter by Yeshua and those who do enter by Yeshua are saved from the penalty of sin not the power of sin and not the presence of sin just the penalty at that point you are saved from the penalty of sin you won't go through the penalty of the wages of sin but after that and we're not gonna get into that right now I just want you know after that post that which should be delivered from the power of sin that's what this life is all about the believing life the power of sin that's that the God who was delicious from the penalty that happened the God who is right now through the power of the Holy Spirit of delivers us from the power of sin the God who is to come the one who is to come will put us in a glorified state that will deliver us from the very presence of sin okay those are the that's that those are the three stages justification and sanctification glorification it's it's just basic very basic Bible okay Yeshua is saying Here I am the gate I am the gate I'm the way now I want you to see something I'd like you to see something that I think personally is unbelievably cool and I'm sure most of you know this already but I'm sure some of you this is gonna be new news look at how this chapter starts okay in the first three verses in chapter 10 he says yes indeed where did I tell you about that assuredly yes indeed he's saying listen up like pay attention okay I tell you the person who doesn't enter the sheep pen through the door or the gate but climbs in some other way is a thief and a robber but the one who goes in through the gate is the sheep's own Shepherd this is the one that gate keeper admits and the sheep hear his voice he calls his own sheep and each one by name and leads them out now I want you to notice something this to me is way cool in in the first verse that I read to you in the ninth chapter Yeshua says I am the gate here you shoe is saying I came through the gate right it's really a major it's almost a conundrum it's almost confusing wait a minute wait a minute you said you came through a gate now he is saying you are the gate which one is it it's two totally different situations okay the gate keeper here is the Lord and the gate the Gateway he's not only the Gateway of salvation but he also entered through the gate in order for anyone to claim to be the Messiah they had to go through this gate called the 333 prophetic prophecies about Messiah his birth his life his ministry his death that person had a fulfilled there were other ones there were many who claim to be Messiah the Orthodox community in Brooklyn think Menachem Schneerson was the Messiah they still do you're gonna think this is crazy but some of them actually believe that he's rollin underground and that he will pop up at the proper time in Jerusalem but he did not fulfill I don't care what their theory is the bottom line is he was a really great rabbi and a scholar and a lover of souls but he did not fulfill the 333 prophecies he did not so he can claim to be Messiah now at this point when your shoe is saying this there was still some that were to be fulfilled they weren't all fulfilled yet but he's saying in advance I shall fulfill all because I am Messiah now he said others claimed it and others still claim after him but they're thieves and robbers now a thieves and robbers the same no otherwise you'd be redundant what's the difference I don't know who cares guys I I do this not to be sarcastic or not to be the answer man but you're reading the same Bible I'm reading well do you think you were you know I'd want to know this me personally if I read that I was like what thieves are those who take what don't belong to them robbers are those who use violence to do so you just gotta look it up in the Greek I don't know old Greek I don't know every word it's not like I got this down I'm learning with you I'll look it up and I said okay there's the difference now look at verses 7 through 9 okay so your shoe is said to them again I'm gonna put in a little context you know how important that is yes indeed assuredly I tell you that I am the gate for the Sheep so he's saying I am the Messiah but most of the way the salvation I came in through the proper way I am the Messiah and now you have to go through me to get to him you ever see that when we were young we were kind of rough and we hung out in rough places and I had some friends and to get to me you had to go through them if she was saying I came so you would know the Father but you cannot get to the Father around me you got to go through me all those who have come before me had been thieves and robbers but the Sheep didn't listen to them they didn't I and the gate if someone enters through me he'll be safe and go in and out and find pasture I want you to know something this is there's no offense but living here you know I've met a lot of what I would call cultural Christians you know they go to church they've never been born again they're not even sure what that term means even though the Bible clearly says you have to be born again it's a prerequisite they almost go are you one of those born-again Christians it's duplicity there's no such thing as an unborn again Christian to be a Christian you have to be born again by definition so if you're not born again man what are you I had somebody say you were those born again Christians are you ask me if I are Christian Christian so a lot of people that I've met down here and people that love you sure they stop at the door you don't stop at the door you don't stop on a bridge if you want to get from New Jersey to New York City you've got to go over the GW okay if you stop on the GW you're never gonna get to the city if you stop at your schooi you'll never get to the father he said I've come she'll know the father he he's the only entity the only being if you will that can grab on to heaven and grab on the earth nobody else can do that but if you stop at a door if you went into the vestibule and stopped at the door just I love the door I love the door you'd never get into the sanctuary and the door's locked your shoe is locked what is you need a key what is the key a true repentance in profession of faith that unlocks the door and gets you into the kingdom and once you get into that Kingdom the kingdom has a new whole new set of rules it's not like this world it's a different world and it has a different set of rules and once you get into that Kingdom you learn those rules you can abide in the kingdom that's salvation and sanctification that's all it is these turn though go in and out that that if you look up deuteronomy 28 6 [Applause] what did you do - I don't even listen hold on hold on hold on how long do you know me have you ever in your life was the ringer ever on my phone ever don't let that happen again [Applause] you should have seen her face and she went for a phone though she look at me like those shoes having Bell's palsy all right sorry for the interruption I don't know what happened I never I don't even have the ring went on I never have I never ever I don't care if I'm expecting a call I wouldn't have the ringer on nope it 2086 let me just show you what it says it says a blessing Deuteronomy 28 speaking about the blessings and the curses listen in life every decision you make either blessing or cursing will be attached to it there is no neutrality to any decision you'll ever make do you know why we have six tribes on one side six tribes on the other God designed that do you know about Mount Nebo and Mount Gerizim where six tribes stood on Mount Gerizim and announced the blessings as the people entering into the land they would delivered you delivered they would deliver it from Egypt they would deliver darkness now they're coming into the land into the kingdom if you will we're in the kingdom but in that kingdom you could be either very blessed very cursed you could be incredibly saved and incredibly cursed at the same time so every time you walk in here it's not just go oh look at the pretty windows that wasn't the point the point was to let you know and let your children know that every decision you make in life is going to bring either blessing you didn't know you guys are sitting on the corsage happen oh my god so he's going over the blessings and the curses he wants he wants you to know this is what you got to teach you children you don't just teach your children do's and don'ts let them know their decisions no man's an island it affects everybody you screw up the whole universe so he says a blessing on you when you go out and a blessing on you when you come in its covenant terminology you're God I know we don't hear this much today in the churches your God is a covenant maker and a covenant keeper he is in a spiritual intimate contract with you he's saying I'm gonna be your God I'm provide I'm gonna sustain I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna and then you're gonna do something to it's not gonna be a one-way street nobody likes that haven't you had that friend that just calls you when they need something you know and then and then they disappear and then all of a sudden they reappear because they need something and you don't want to tell them how you really feel but you got to you got to let them know you don't have to be mean about it but you got to let me know otherwise they'll never change nobody ever tells them nobody likes that one-way street it has to be mutually beneficial nobody likes a taker so God's the same way he's like look I'm given and given and given all you want to do is take its covenant terminology going in and out in and it's a picture of perfect security and freedom that we have we go into God's presence through Yeshua but you'll into God's presence the holy presence of God that only one Jewish man one time of year was allowed to go in and frightfully so Mick furring and praying and confessing and going and shaking one time to just see some smoke of God's presence a vapor of God's presence a smidge one time nobody else can go nobody else can touch it and he'd have to put an incense to hide the presence of God and now we get to go in and speak to Almighty God and address him with the Hebrew word that is the most endearing word in the Hebrew language and make no mistake Adam spoke Hebrew all his children were called Hebrew names where do you think he got the language from it was the way God communed with him we get to go into the presence of Almighty God and say Abba Father you're talking to a formal Orthodox Jew man that blows me away I would have bought that from nobody if they told me I would have thought it was heretical blasphemous at best blasphemous at best so we go in we go in and then what I mean we have this freedom in the security that we can come and go but you go into God's presence to receive from God you don't want to hold that to yourself you want to go out and give it out right you're going to get the light go out and shine the light you're going and get the light go and shine the Lord's bless you bless somebody else when I was preaching all over in South America then the cito spot have been this year you've been blessed so be a blessing can't keep taking nobody likes that I've met some people here no offense but they just takers they sit they do nothing they don't even give I just know that I don't check but I just know that and then when they're ready to leave I'm like good you just gotten away you weren't doing anything you were dead weight it sounds well rabbi that's so nasty maybe that's why you don't have tons of people look I have who I have okay God sends who he wants it doesn't change the message the number of people I've been preaching the same message when I had 12 people when I have 500 people or 10,000 people I don't CAIR the message doesn't change man doesn't change but deadweight you don't want deadweight in your house everybody pulls their weight in our house everybody has a job ain't no deadweight oh no we was dead waiting I was burning and I would say I'm sorry you got to join another family and then find pasture I mean not only is your shoe a savior and the one who gives freedom but he's provider he's sustainer and he's satisfied you should be so satisfied you should be so satisfied with your relationship with the Lord it should be the ultimate satisfaction there's other things that satisfy me hanging out with Berta the last few days was fantastic just fantastic I said all the time we have the best time together I'm like what are we doing so so when do we not have a good time when we're around our kids and we're around the synagogue let's quit and give them up for adoption it's an easy fix I mean it's a no-brainer now look I know you've probably looked into this a little bit but I kind of really need you to hear this for the first time okay to get a clearer picture of what Yeshua is saying because this could be very dry and academic okay I'm the gate I get a rabbi do you know me the last thing I want to be is dryin academic first of all I'm not from the academia you know I'm not I'm a DS Dems and those from the Bronx and I want you to feel God I want you to feel and I feel him I feel him right now and I want you to feel him because to taste him and to feeling is a game changer so it's important that that we understand a little bit about his ancient culture now there's something called context that I go with you all the time when you read verses you have to read the verses before and after and not just one or two to really understand what it means but there's something bigger than just reading in context is something called contextual culture or cultural contextualization it's real fancy but I've been now to every you know like 40 countries all over the world each country has its own local isms its own sayings its own metaphors if you will if if you say to somebody in India if I'm translating and I'm speaking English and they translate for me in Telugu and then on the body and I say I'm gonna kill two birds with one stone what do you think they think they're looking around for a couple of birds and they're waiting for you to pick up a rock and now both of them with one throw but if I say to burn look you're going over to Walmart with your mind stopping at Walgreens for me cuz then she would be killing two birds with one stone Scalia lism in our culture you follow so I'm not trying to be a hammerhead but you have to understand this book was written by Jews to Jews in a Jewish place and if you think would a Gentile mind you're not gonna get it you're gonna have a lot of academics you're gonna have a lot of head knowledge you're gonna have a lot of theology and a lot of doctrine and you're gonna have like a cold stanky heart for the Lord you're not gonna have the NMC with God you're gonna be part of the frozen Chosin this will defrost you okay of all the domesticated animals and I mean all sheep of the most helpless there is nothing more helpless than sheep and how we refer to now some of you I know you know you good old boys you tough boys you're self-made and you think you're pretty strong but God doesn't want you to think like that that's wrong thinking he doesn't want you to think bad about yourself but do you feel helpless yes I do and I think a lot of you are raising families and you're helpless you think you know so much you don't know squat but you're acting like you do and you're faking it it's not working just give me anxiety just let God know how helpless you are and he'll help you but if you have it he'll say okay you got it sheep will spend the entire day grazing sheep will eat and eat and eat so so far we're helpless sheep wander from place to place with no purpose they just do stuff they just wander around also they never look up almost sounds like they had cell phones huh I mean think about people today they don't look up and they just go from plate I got him go here I got to go here I got to run an errand I ran I gotta keep running errands accomplishing very little running errands head down eating got eat oh yeah I gotta go here gotta go head down aimless as a result because of this cheap often become lost you know we get saved and we feel ok we say we lose our way a lot if you ever go to the beach usually you go out to the water we lived on the beach I'm a water guy when I was at the Gulf I like to swim out of half a mom and swim mile across like to be all the way out there when you go sometimes out from your blanket and you're playing and you're playing and then you turn you go wow my blankets over there cuz she drifted but you didn't know because she didn't feel the current that's what happens in our life we drift we don't want to admit it like I'm I'm good I'm solid with the Lord I'm on it it's so easy to drift and not even realize happens to the best of them so sheep get lost but this is the interesting about sheep they have no homing device none no homing instinct as other animals do so they're totally incapable of finding their way back to the sheepfold even when it's in plain sight even you point it's right over there they can't get there these are important things to know because Yeshua is constantly teaching in parables just earthly stories with heavenly meanings he's always using symbolism back then it was agriculture he's letting the people know your sheep and he's also letting them know don't fret you have a really good shepherd if you'll let me lead they desperately need a shepherd to lead them back to safety you see for me guys I was just telling this somebody else yesterday I mean I don't I know it almost sounds boisterous of boasting or arrogant or spiritual look I was totally I was I was so confident you have no idea if I was on the job interview and the guy said what do you see yourself in five years I said on the other side of the desk I kid you not I was really confident and very self centered I didn't think I was mean I was in a mean spirited person I was helpful but when you're selfish you end up hurting people without even realizing it this was a total catharsis this was a total metamorphosis this was like I went from being incredibly confident to being incredibly not confident I went from totally selfish to being selfless I went from wanting to take care of just myself to having of a fairly large family and a congregational leader overnight it was like what is going on but make no mistake is unconfident as I am in myself I will not trust myself I am very very very extremely confident in the Lord by ages sheep of followers you know I'm telling you if a sheep steps off a cliff the other sheep will follow how many here at least 60 is old how many times have you heard from your mother if your friend steps off a cliff will you step off too if I was a sheep I'd answer yes yes mom that's bad also sheep are very susceptible to injuries they are utterly helpless against predators you are helpless against the enemy you have to let the Lord fight your battles you have to hide in the shadow of his wings you cannot you cannot outsmart listen if you think you could outsmart the enemy he's already outsmarted you it's already got you if a wolf enters a pen the sheep will not defend themselves they won't try to even run away or spread out in fact what they do is they huddle together to make the slaughter all the more easy sheep but totally dependent upon the shepherd who tends them with care and compassion Shepherds back in this day when Yeshua is speaking for the providers they were the guides they were the protectors and they were the constant companions of the Sheep they had an incredible intimate friendship so close was the bond between a shepherd and the sheep that said this day to this very day and I've seen it middle-eastern shepherds can divide their flocks that have mingled at a well simply by calling their sheep by name it's unbelievable you could have 30 sheep in a well and the Shepherd comes and he has eight of them and he calls them and just the eight will come to him why when Yeshua said my sheep know my voice the voice is the most distinctive thing about a person not their gait their voice that's why when you speak to your baby when it's in the womb they already know you they recognize your voice shepherds were inseparable from their flocks inseparable the Shepherd would lead the sheep to safe places to graze and then make them light make them lie down for several hours in a shady place some of you don't know when to lie down some of you may lie down too much some of you will a lie down when the Lord wants you to move some of you might move when the Lord wants you to lie down just like somebody to turn over a table when he wants you to sit and eat some of you sitting eat when he wants you to turn it over if you're led by the Shepherd you won't have to question you don't have to question but you have to die to yourself otherwise you won't hear his voice you'll continue to hear yours you can't hear two voices in your head I can't have two of my children talking once I just can't it doesn't work for me first of all I'm massively a DD so it doesn't work but I go hold on and and if burns talked to me and one of them comes in I just put up my finger and they know I'm trying to focus on what burn saying once I'm done then I can listen to you I like to spend time with people one on one I can really listen I can so hear what they're saying but when too many voices are going on so if your voice is speaking of God's voice to speak and Hagin to discern the difference it's not easy not easy when night would fall after the shepherd would lead their sheep to graze and relax the Shepherd would lead the Sheep to the protection of a sheepfold I know this sounds kind of technical it really I don't want to be but there were two kinds of sheepfolds in the first century there was the Sheep hole that was public that was found in the cities okay the Sheep folds in the cities like most cities they were large because you have more sheep and they were large enough to hold several flocks at night so the sheep pen in the city would be in the care of a door or gatekeeper that's what they were known as the gatekeeper and the duty of the gatekeeper was to keep guard guard the door to the Sheep and during the night and to admit the shepherds in the morning and then the shepherds would come in call their respective sheep with their voice who knew the Shepherd's voice and then lead them out to pasture same thing lead them out to pasture the greys that relax bring him back in at night with this safe but he'd stand by the door now your shoe wasn't a city slicker he's a country guys from Nazareth the town only had 200 people the Galilee is still untouched some of you going to see it's untouched 2,000 years it looks the same those villages and the countryside it wasn't the sheep pen like in the city the Shepherd's would keep their flocks in the Sheep pen in the countryside but this type of sheep pen was nothing more than a rough circle of rocks very makeshift and it was piled up into a wall and there was a small opening but there was no door through it the Shepherd would drive the sheep at nightfall but since it was no gate too close to protect the Sheep the Shepherd would keep the sheep in and wild animals out by laying across the opening in essence he would sleep there all night literally becoming the gate to the Sheep responsible for their safety and well-being in this context issue is saying that not only is he the gate of the sheep but he's the Good Shepherd as well which brings us to the next I am declaration look at John 10 11 says I am The Good Shepherd first he says I'm the I'm the gateway into the sheepfold but I'm also I sleep there man I don't I'm not gonna give it to anybody else I'm gonna stay and watch over you nobody else I'm your Shepherd I am The Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the Sheep now so we have this fourth I am declaration again speaking about Yeshua's unique identity and purpose so Yeshua not only describes himself as a good shepherd but the good shepherd there's not another that can make that claim now this word good is thrown around in all vocabulary we need to look it up in the Greek because the New Testament written in Greek but it's the same word basically in the Hebrew same definition I join know that Tove in the in the Hebrew is the same definition ok Kalos as he's saying he's saying beautiful excellent eminent choice surpassing commendable and genuine huge words now we throw around good burning that and I stopped in little town on the way back colquitt Georgia anybody ever been a Colquitt Wow I met a lady there the last year we drove through and she remembered us my mother always said you you leave a lasting impression on people good or bad but you they will remember you and she was lovely and she prepared some food for us we're the only ones in there you know Colquitt is a bustling metropolis I don't know how we got in without a reservation and it was delicious it was delicious and so I say delicious but a lot of people too said wow that mac and cheese was so good but the mac and cheese wasn't beautiful wasn't eminent or commendable a genuine so we throw this term around so when he's saying he's the Good Shepherd we don't really get the full force because we use it so routinely and so flippantly it's it's not really common that word the God would never throw that word around when you say God is good you're making a huge statement you know we say a lot of things are good like we don't even mean they're excellent like we got the pizza was good yeah the wedding was good it means it was okay but that's not you don't you can't Western thinking and eastern thinking is different man and it's danger when you make it routine because then you fade this haphazard yeah if she was Lord hallelujah what time is the game should never be that way man never I don't care how long you're a believer you nice to say I'm not a believer long because I was a bleeding I'm a believer thirty years I love the Lord and now more than ever I'm married thirty years I love Bernadette now more than ever there's no question I love him more now I mean she's finally understood how this thing works so it's as she was saying I'm the beautiful Shepherd I'm the excellent Shepherd I'm the eminent Shepherd I'm the choice Shepherd on the sebacic shepherd I'm the commendable shepherd and I am the genuine Shepherd you see a sheep can turn over on its back and not be able to get up again if a sheep turns over on its back it cannot turn over by itself it is referred to cast down will we get the word down cast do you recognize that word psalm 42 some 43 why so downcast O my soul now you don't know what that means because you don't know the terminology you think that means I've said it's bigger than said it means I can't get up it's not like well this day didn't work out really well I I went I drove an hour and a half and I got there late now I didn't get in on time it no no no no that's not downcast no that's that's just a little inconvenience there's tons of inconveniences that's not doubting downcast means you are down and out and there's no way for you to recover that's downcast a down cast or a cast down sheep is a very pathetic sight have anybody seen this it's pathetic they lie on their back and their feet are in the air and they Flay frantically struggling to get up but they can't impossible no success whence they go into panic mode I'm sure some of you can relate to this the body starts under sheeps let's produce these gases and it causes the legs to lose circulation and they become somewhat paralysed have you ever heard fear sometimes could paralyze a person they can't move it's like they got to lay down they can't think this is what happens to us this is what your shoe is teaching by the way do you know what causes a sheep to become downcast it's caused by the Sheep being overweight and constantly looking for soft areas to lie down in we as a society have become unbelievably too comfortable we buy comfortable shoes and comfortable beds and comfortable everything it's all about our comfort but I'm telling you if the crap hits the fan and I believe it will soon it's dangerous to be comfortable I'm not a political guy but I'm here to tell you this election is crucial more than you know this this I believe God ordains people and I believe if we make a wrong move this time you heard it here today it'll be God's judgment on America don't fall personally men vote with the heart of God if the shepherd when a sheep is downcast if a shepherd does not arrive on the scene within a reasonably short period of time the Sheep will die they can't stay in that position too long if one or two sheep of missing the first thought to flash in the Shepherd's mind is one of my sheep is cast somewhere and they leave right away and they search to set its on its feet again and it's not only the shepherd who keeps a sharp eye for the cache sheep the Predators do as well buzzards dogs coyotes Cougars they all know that I can sheep is easy prey and death is not fall off your enemy always goes after the easy target he's a total bully and he'll kick you when you down and if he can't get to you he'll get to your kids so knowing all this knowing how they're vulnerable to attack and close to death that makes the whole problem of the kin sheep very serious for the shepherd the good shepherd is quick and ready to its rescue very tender very compassionate very helpful but what does it mean when Yeshua calls himself the Good Shepherd look at the next few verses John 10 12 through 13 it says the hard hand since he isn't a shepherd is the sheep on his own they see the wolf coming and he abandons the sheep and runs away this is very telling guys unbelievably what Yeshua is saying here is rich deep and very convicting then the wolf drags them often scatters them what he's saying to these folks these Jewish folks in the first century they thoroughly understand there is no explanation needed like we have to today he says the hired worker the hireling behaves like this because that's all he is a hired worker asked somebody who owns a company our friends here own a company you ain't got no employees that weren't like you you got good employees some of you got great employees but you own the thing nobody's taking care of my kids like I do well like Byrne does nobody's gonna run the synagogue like me uh-uh we live and breathe it so it doesn't matter to him what happens to the sheep doesn't matter what your shoe is saying Yeshua is making a contrast a huge contrast between himself and the religious leaders of his day he is making a thorough accusation he compares the religious leaders to hirelings or hard hands who don't care all that much about the sheep the hirings are contrasted with the true and faithful Shepherd he who is a hireling works for wages which is his main consideration his concern is not for the sheep but for himself there are many in the church today who choose ministry as a comfortable occupation without true love for the Sheep they go from church to church they figure out where they want to live God's never asked me I have never in 30 years ever heard God with all the conversation we've had and I'm talking daily conversation hey Greg what do you think I kid you not we don't have that luxury I can't put together resume and decide well I think I'm gonna and then my pension then will kick in and then I'll go live here and then we'll try and live it I don't have that luxury I'm not boasting I'm just saying that's not the way Messianic Judaism works I stand before you today and I declare and proclaim that ministry is anything but a comfortable occupation if you are not called to ministry it could very well be the worst job in the world I'd rather be picking up elephant dung at the circus than being in ministry if I wasn't called now I'm you know there might be somebody who watches that picks the belphin dung so before we get totally down on the guy who picks up elephant dung at the circus I want to share with you something about elephant dung it can actually be quite useful I've met elephants in Tanzania in India where they roam free okay elephant dung is a tremendous mosquito repellent if you ever find yourself in the jungle and something tells me probably most of you won't and you light up some elephant dung say farewell to the moseys interestingly enough it's odorless - elephant dung can be used in the wilderness as life-saving order it's saturated with water and interesting enough carries no bacteria let's hope you never have to find that out but this is rabbi Greg's personal favorite it is being used currently to make coffee in the Golden Triangle of Thailand under the name black ivory coffee and it's being sold at $500 a pounds now I haven't had the opportunity of black ivory coffee but I've have had Kopi Luwak coffee or better known as cat poop coffee yeah these these asian cats called the palm civet eat it they don't digest it they excrete it you clean it off and it's the coffee berries that once was eaten and excreted by the cat now to be honest with you it did not taste good and and for some reason I just don't see anybody going hey let's go to Starbucks getting some cat poop Frappuccino so if you scoop up the elephant dung now getting back to ministry and being comfortable this is what I tell young people even some old people who just think this is ministry I don't know how they thought this because they're ignorant and ignorant isn't stupid they could be highly intelligent but they're ignoring the truth they don't know what it is just like do you think the average person knows or is to be a parent they think it's going to see isn't getting pictures I mean I don't even understand when people say I slept like a baby last night does that mean you got up every three hours hungry crying and wet but you know you see people it's almost fun to have a kid who has a kid because then you'd be like haha now you know yeah I'll take them fill them up with ice cream soda and getting back to you because nobody tells you listen I'm waiting for a course in high school to teach kids how to communicate you think it's all about mathematics and science people are never to learn how to communicate then they get married they don't know how to communicate they don't know how to talk things out especially today and they learn as they go along but usually it doesn't work out it fails so people think this is ministry oh I get to have a microphone and talk to people everybody listens yeah this is ministry for an hour one day a week this isn't ministry oh my God if this is ministry I'd love it this is the easy part but you're not mr. are you so you don't have a clue really just like somebody who's not a parent doesn't right I mean you could give advice from a book but no mm-hmm you got to have a kid and raise a kid to understand what it means to be a parent I'm sorry I tell people that come to me are having I feel called to ministry I go oh okay well look this is what I suggest you run away from it as far and as fast as you can and if you end up in the belly of a great fish then maybe you're called a person doesn't choose ministry ministry chooses the person and in Messianic Judaism and this it's not big places this is an anomaly but we know it's small a lot of us has to be by vocational i was by vocational for years when burned that had a car I wrote a but now you see me driving explore you look oh I'm sixty after thirty years you didn't see me riding my single speed beach cruiser to the synagogue you never saw it I did you don't be too quick to judge you have no clue and another person's going through not just me any of you how are you so quick if God was as quick as you are you wouldn't be here it's just like it's almost mean-spirited you know how did you become such a critic how are you still right all the time do you ever hear yourself and your wife has to listen to that all the time she's gonna listen to that for a season and she's gonna get tired of it and that goes for you too wifey he's listening but he ain't happy look at the 14th and the 15th verse we're almost there I am The Good Shepherd I know my own and my own know me just as the father knows me and I know the father I lay down my life on behalf of the Sheep Yeshua compares his relationship with his sheep us to his relationship with the father he's saying that the same Union Communion and intimacy that he has what the father can exist between us and the Father that's unbelievable is unbelievable I don't know what to say the Shepherd's of ancient time were not usually the owners of the flock they did not own the flock they were wealthy so they hired somebody now people do that right give me a nanny wait a minute sweet pea you don't work so Mike's nevertheless nevertheless they were expected to exercise the same care and concern over the Sheep that the owners would that was the expectation this was the character of a true Shepherd however some of the hirelings only thought of themselves so as a result when a wolf appeared the hireling would abandon the flock and flee leaving the Sheep to be scattered or killed ordinarily the sheep were called upon in the first century to lay down their lives for the shepherd but Yeshua he does the exact opposite he lays down his life for the Sheep now if you if you're hearing what I'm saying you might be thinking so you should leave the ninety-nine for the one right but in actuality it's a totally different context and I I don't mean a little different you would think and I know this is to think in in most believing circles that do not feel bad that if you schewe had a hundred sheep in this flock right and 99 a good 99 is safe in the Sheep hole that one may be cast I'm gonna leave the ninety-nine go after the one but this is what I want to teach you more important than anything else look at Luke 15 and we're done you need to understand this so that when you read the Bible you don't misinterpret it because this is totally totally different okay the tax collectors and sinners kept gathering to hear you schewe and the perishing these are the religious leaders of their day okay these are the priests and the pastors of the day and the Torah teachers kept grumbling this fellow they said welcomes Innes he even eats with them now I don't want to get too into it but there's three there's three aspects to a person's home in in Judaism especially in the first century okay you have like a den that's like the outer courtyard then you have the table that's the holy place and then you have the bedroom that's the Holy of Holies now I used to visit a lot of people I don't do it as much anymore I don't have the time that we used to when we were little tiny but I did somebody's house all the time and they'd always give me a tour of the house I would never step foot in the bedroom in fact I'm uncomfortable and threshold I'm uncomfortable and they sometimes look at me and I try to explain them I go look that's an intimate place I don't need to be in there how do you need to see it I don't need to see your bedroom furniture please if you won't mind lock the door now the the the the table you don't just invite anybody to sit your table that's a place of intimacy our table that's for our family and for close friends and for somebody we want to bless but that's a place of intimacy that's what we talk that's what we talk about all day and we have table time every night Vern makes a meal thank God and it's not just the meal it's a time to sit and talk so we stay connected so he's saying he even eats with them that's what the Jewish people are saying they leave this man he doesn't only talk to him he'll sit with them in intimacy you follow this this is a big deal if you don't know that about that it's not a bit so big deal each of them you you almost make fun of them all eats with them no it's a big deal it's a big deal a Jew is allowed to step foot in a Gentiles house when Peter went to Cornelius house that was a big deal when your shoe was supposed to Samaritan woman that was a big deal not only did they not talk to Gentiles but he would never speak to a woman alone a rabbi never ever so he told them this parable what's a parable just an earthly story with a heavenly message it uses symbolism to teach a spiritual message so he tells him a parable because the religious leaders the grumbling if one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it let's continue when he finds it he joyfully hoists it onto his shoulders and when he gets home he calls his friends and neighbors together and they he has a celebration because I found my lost sheep I tell you that in the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who turns to God from his sins than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need to repent now when you think of this when you first Lord these you think the ninety-nine there in the sheepfold know the ninety-nine of the religious leaders who were too proud and too holy to repent they didn't need repentance their holy their holy man they go to church they've got a Bible they got a fish on the back of the call their members they tithe did deacons some of them he is making a huge accusation overt sinners were attracted to you schewe he never ever mince words he did reprove their sins and they agreed with him he did reprove their sins and he agreed they agreed but there was something about mercy they saw in the midst of judgment there was something about this tender loving compassionate heart that they were drawn to sinners were drawn to him religious people couldn't stand them because he saw right through their nonsense he saw right through their religious facade but sinners were attracted to him they came to him and they would take sides against themselves the religious leaders chose not to show them grace they were social and moral lepers some of you like I'll catch something what about them catching what you got instead are you worrying about you catching what they got stay away from them just go to church go to Bible study go to fellowship stay away their moral and social lepers and so are you every single solitary soul in this building announcer disability is a social and moral leper that has been absolutely positively saved by the grace of God [Applause] you go to an a meeting they don't say I'm so but they say I am an alcoholic you are a sinner not past tense and let me tell you something else the greatest sin is I meet to me I look at them ago this is a future trophy in God's case of grace and they know from what they've been saved from they fall on their face daily and say oh my god thank you but the religious leaders know they don't get it they don't get it we're all downcast guys if we're willing to admit it and if we're willing to admit it we get a free ride on your shoe shoulders well can you compare to that the message is clear there is tremendous joy in heaven well just one little lamb repents of their sin but there is absolutely no joy over the 99-cent US would choose not to let's stand together you know I know that it's not so easy to go home and study this estate during the week but there's some but there's some things you'll see that I just can't the Holy Spirit will bring out things you know when you downcast you can't get up I know you think no I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna walk towards God and I'm her he comes after you he comes after you I promise you and I'm not saying the greasy grace thing and hyper grace and just do whatever you want he'll come I'm telling you when you're down cast and you're laying there and you're saying is she WA come and help me please he's already on his way before you asked now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle peace yushua you have a record on annoy finish Mariah your Illinois point of Alyssa there ha yes sir I don't know hoy por novela ha the assembly hall Spike's alone guys
Channel: Getzel
Views: 2,289
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messianic, IAM
Id: 5XWH-9_hDHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 53sec (3593 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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