2b2t: The Jesus Donut

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the Jesus donut over a period of three months it took two hundred and sixteen hours to build like anything on the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft though it faced destruction this base is a bit unusual and the story behind it is even more unusual after it was built the coordinates were leaked and the base was grieved but who leaked the coordinates and who grieved it well the builder did it's a very strange story to a very strange build but that's what 2 B 2 T is all about today I'll be telling you the story behind the Jesus donut showing you the entire base before it was griefed and showing you what's left of it after the grief so that you can see the level of destruction the base not only includes the Jesus donut but the nearby town as well we have a lot to see and do today so let's get started the Jesus Donuts actual name is Christ's biom donut and was built by a player named walk walk 90 with a build like this you don't ask why you ask why not while many items seem to be brought in for the construction project a lot of blocks were taken from the biome nearby as excavation can clearly be seen once the build was finished wawk wawk released the coordinates publicly but before any griefers could show up he grieved his own base alongside a friend of his why would he do this why would he release the coordinates and why would he grief his own base well I know why but I'll tell you later for now let us begin so here we are starting the tour on the outskirts of town you can see the Jesus donut in the distance there so we've got a lot of ground to cover today now this area seems to be the item storage area I mean obviously a build like that you're not gonna source everything from the environment around you you need to bring in some stuff like look at all those beacons there I don't know if you can see them from here but pretty much the entire outline of the donut there in the center near the bottom those are all lines of beacons so clearly a dupe was involved with this build but anyway let's begin so this is the item storage area let's move closer to town Wow so here we are inside the town before we head over to the Jesus donut now this is the message board apparently the town was originally called kak Ville and there were a few players that actually showed up here now of course wawk wawk arrived here May 11th of this year and then chrono boost arrived shortly after so there's been a few people here since here's the cobblestone generator this color structure right here is actually a sugarcane farm if you look here the observer blocks there's the red there's the orange there's the yellow but then the green the blue and the purple are incomplete on the inside so the entire structure wasn't fully completed yet but it still looks nice from the exterior and then right over here a rainbow pathway leads to an underground staircase and then also this incomplete Tower as well maybe it was complete at one point but maybe it got partially griefed somehow who knows but anyway there's also this little house here which apparently this was like the starter home for the original base which is kind of cool to see but there's lots of duped items in here that obviously helped out with the build very cool to see now if I go back in a freecam mode over here you can actually see all the excavation that went down for gaining additional blocks for the Jesus donut so obviously they needed to you know get a few extra resources from the environment for the insides of the donut which we're going to explore in just a short moment but it's it's kind of crazy to see like excavation this crazy on the overworld it's just like it's like something you'd see in real life you know and like actual quarry's it's kind of cool all right but we've seen pretty much all there is in this section now this tower here looks pretty massive but it's actually quite hallow on the inside if you look it's empty empty but then at the top you've got the stained glass area which it does look quite nice even though it is empty it does look quite nice and it overlooks the Jesus donut there now before we check out the donut I do want to show you this house that's just randomly in front of the structure it's it's kind of weird just like you know you got this amazing structure and then just a house just a house now there's a creeper over there but I mean it's just a creeper statue you've seen plenty of those so oh this was chrono boosts house okay he was the second person who arrived at this base so it looks like just your typical Minecraft home looks very nice we kind of get down from the balcony here using the fence gate very cool but now it's time it's time to explore the thing that you're all here to see the Jesus Donuts now how do we get inside is the question we need a oh wait right there there's like a ladder okay perfect so we can get into the Jesus donut by using the ladder over here that's quite nice it's just about nighttime so it's actually perfect that we're entering the structure now so Eliot let's see what we got going on in here I mean just looking around all those beacon blocks look at how many beacon blocks there are I mean obviously they were duped but still I mean imagine someone who's just used to vanilla survival minecraft seeing something like this like in survival do you know how many withers you would have to kill just to get all these beacons it's wild but it looks like this is the bottom portion of the biomes we need to try to get to the top that's what we need try to act like need to try to find out where to get to all right we managed to find a way up but it took a little bit of time so that's all I'm gonna say about that but we're starting out in the Spike's biome here in the donut and we're gonna move all the way around and check out all the biomes before we finally go to the center statue of Jesus so here's the ice spikes biome it's very detailed it looks just like you would find it on the overworld with snow blocks the packed ice it looks great here they've got all the mycelium for like a mushroom biome they got everything here they got like you know the big red mushrooms the brown mushrooms the mycelium on the bottom it looks very authentic and they've got like fake water here so like they have stained glass that looks like water but it's not I don't know it's just a really cool detail in my opinion so now we are in a mega taiga or a redwood forest whatever you want to call it one of my favorite personal biomes because of like all the pods all everywhere the mossy boulders just hanging out this looks really cool and like I said it's authentic I got like the just the normal dirt blocks here very cool and they even have some of the trees breaking through the dome so I don't know that that just seems like a really cool detail to me you know it's like that of course the trees would not be contained inside the glass they would break through that's just that's just really cool to me no they got like another portal here they got like another fortress bridge they got like the magma the lava the actual quartz or that's a really nice detail I love that so let's go ahead and move over towards the end dimension over here they got all the chorus fruits going through did any course for his break through the dome nope they did not still though very cool to see and then we've got the dark oak forest right here hopefully no mobs will be spawning during the day since that tends to happen sometimes with these biomes but it looks like yeah overall lots of these big thick trees but like I got like a little river going through - that is super cool very cool coming up to the desert biome here they've got a desert well in here for the detail I got all the dead bushes the cacti they went all out with this desert biome they got a small pond very faithful to what you'd see in a Minecraft desert so we are almost done touring all the biomes before we go to the actual statue now oh yeah I got the forest here just good old-fashioned minecraft forest you know you know simplicity is brilliant sometimes and then we come back to the ice spikes biome so we have done an entire loop of the donut now before I show you the interior of the Jesus statue here let me just show you how many beacons are just placed around like the terrain here underneath the statue so like you you know you're rich on to be Tutsi when you're using beacons as your light sources but I don't think I've seen this many beacons like used like this as a building material in one place in a very long time that is a lot of beacons so here we are at the base of the Jesus statue now if you look inside it's all hollow and dark but still I mean the amount of detail put into this it's crazy now schematic amay have been used I don't know that for sure but regardless of whether it was used or not it's always crazy to see builds of this magnitude you know so now that you've seen the base it's time to show you what this thing looks like after it's been griefed so this is what the Jesus doughnut looks like after it was griefed by its creator now you're probably wondering why would someone grief their own base and as someone who has done that let me tell you from experience many times it's better to grief your own than to give someone else the satisfaction of being able to grief it and then post images or a video when Orias City was compromised three years ago we decided to grief it ourselves so that no one else could take the glory so I guess I understand why a creator would want to grief their own face and not only that but if wawk wawk was bored of this and wanted to move on to other projects it would make sense that he wanted to release this to the public just so people could see it and that he could destroy it and move on so I completely understand why he would do that from that frame of reference but overall it's a decent grief I mean look at that some of the biomes are still intact but the statue is pretty much unrecognizable so I'd say overall not a bad grief not a bad grief at all but wow I wonder how the town is doing actually the town was over this way it looks like that was destroyed as well so no block was left untouched in this greed so overall the story of the Jesus donut is a bit of a strange one someone building a magnificent structure just to destroy it but on to b2t anything can happen so it makes sense well if you enjoyed today's video make sure to subscribe also make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram to stay updated on when new to b2t content is coming out but that's it for today's video everyone I hope you enjoyed it what else are we going to find here on the oldest Anarchy server and minecraft who knows but anyway take it easy fit fam and stay alive out there
Channel: FitMC
Views: 2,279,324
Rating: 4.9202847 out of 5
Keywords: 2b2t, minecraft, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, antvenom, popularmmos, phoenix sc, oldest, history, builds, tour, battle, war, museum, wall, spawn, grief, hack, client, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, queue, thecampingrusher, veteran, rusher, teamveteran, incursion, tutorial, far, lands, great, alpha, beta, herobrine, elrichmc, agentgb, face, hacked, exploit, glitch, cheat, project, mojang, conduit, kurtjmac, proof, fuze, fuzeIII, flower, flying, machine, redstone, ship, piston, sticky, mumbo, jumbo, fortnite, book, ban, jesus, donut, bounty, popbob
Id: jLxqcetpKZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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