Hermitcraft 5: FINAL - Ending My Favourite Season

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Right before the 19:00 mark he mentions the hermits planning to play the Moba Lisa! Yusssss!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/adamaarts 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
everyone this is mumble welcome to the final episode on a hermit craft season 5 this is it for those of you who missed the previous episode where I announce the fact the hermit crab season 5 was going to be ending yeah it's finished this place this is going to be the last episode in which you see the gigantic ocean base that we have built on the hermit craft server we're not going to have any of this stuff anymore hermit crab season 6 is going to be starting soon and we're going to be starting from the bottom we can see starting in survival mode fresh new world with absolutely no items and as I said in the episode where we announced it I am really really excited I can't wait to get started I have a bunch of ideas a bunch of projects planned out a whole ton of different things that I really really want to do so it should be it should be really cool but I thought to send off this hermit craft season I would just I would chill out for a little bit and almost walk around aimlessly on the server and just take a look at what everyone else has been up to just because you know this server is made up of a ton of really talented minecraft players all of them building crazy builds a bit like the ones that I've been working on and all of them devoting mad amounts of hours to their ridiculous bills and I thought it would be cool to just take a look at what they've done yeah take a look at what they've created on this place and then also discuss some things about hermit craft season 6 and basically start looking into the future and what we're going to be doing there now normally at the end of these hammock craft seasons or at least I did it last season I produce like a little film which shows all of the best bits of the season and that's a really really cool idea but I was I was a via silly this season and I did it for episode 100 without even thinking about the fact that when it came to the end of this season I then wouldn't be able to do it so if you do want to get a rough idea of what happened this season then then check out that video because I'm sure you'll enjoy it you know I think I'm going to do I think I'm just going to make my way around the nether hub and working like a clockwise direction and just take a look at everyone else's basis and the first one is come fan my sort of neighbor at least neighbor in the nether hub with his crazy crazy nether tunnel but also more importantly his ridiculous base I mean if we just fly through here for some I mean I should be able to get ya see through all but yeah this place is crazy however our man Oh what so normally I have Optifine on and you can see that galaxy in like perfect clear well for me full 4k for you guys full HD but because I don't have Optifine on because it doesn't launch with the new launcher oh you can't actually see it that well I mean you get a rough idea this is a ridiculous this is probably one of the most ridiculous bills I've seen this hammock craft season seriously i I mean every single time I come here I just think it is the coolest project I genuinely think it might be the coolest project I can I couldn't even think of doing something like this now one thing I can safely say I never really did work out is how on earth I meant to use his his slime farm cuz look at this place is insane what I got scared then I thought my legs were broken because that would be the death of me 100% but this place is ridiculous I just don't understand how the killing mechanism worked it's just it makes absolutely zero Zed sorry what I haven't seen this yet I have no seen this yet haha the comet Wow that is enormous that is crazy and he is not used easy blocks either I mean we've got loads and loads of purple purple whatever whatever that stuff is terracotta that is a monster quarry is dark down here as well Wow I can't see a thing that is incredible and it's heading right for all his crazy base here which I absolutely love the look of this thing like all it's so different from any other base that you really see ever but there's just so much cool stuff in here so I'm definitely going to be taking some inspiration from this for hermitcraft season 6 because there's just there's so much variety going on and most importantly it's not symmetrical my plan for hermitcraft season 6 is I'm not going to have a symmetrical base that's based around the shape ok that's that's 100% the goal oh and then over here he's got the Guardian farm with some mad psychedelic textures going that looks like it belongs in my camper van I've never seen this before I mean I knew that he had a guardian farm but I didn't realize it was this nearby and that is so so cool that's so so cool this is what terracotta was made for crazy psychedelic textures core that is a view and a half isn't it I'm actually I'm gonna take a screenshot right there that might just be the thumbnail for today's video whoa whoa with without observing this is just pitch blackness absolute 100% pitch blackness let's actually go through to the end this is a place that I haven't been to for cool it must be about 120 episodes now we haven't been to the ender ender know another plan that I'm going to make varmint craft season 6 much like with hermit crab season 5 I said that I was going to carry an ender chest with me and Kolka boxes or was that later on I decided that I can't actually remember but for hermit crab season six I really want to have ender poles because I'm fed up of not having them absolutely fed up of not having them but this place is yeah pretty good we haven't used it we haven't used it at all because of course we have the Guardian farm but this does a great job of giving you loads of XP you know I've just thought it's gonna be really weird not having Elektra expect to see me launch myself off of high objects a few episodes of hermit crab season six because yeah I'm not gonna be used to not having them every single time I come over to tango tech space because I'm lazy I think to myself I'll quickly jump across the nether portal forgetting that there is lava and probable impending doom just underneath me but that being said I mean a tango takes another in fact you know what okay I don't give a I don't give enough credit to the nether hubs the little little nether zones that people have because I would say that tangos is probably one of the coolest oh no no no no sorry I think hub might win that title I've just spent about five billion talking about how great it was I totally forgot about it right let's pop through tangos base because tangos base is just it's stupid and when I say it's stupid I mean that in a positive way it is stupidly cool like look at it I mean just this sort of thing it leaves me totally speechless when people create things like this in Minecraft because you could give me a thousand years and I would never build something that looks like this seriously I mean that the nether brick the lava all of that just the different colors these are all colors that I would never I would never use or absolutely never use and also may I just say a credit tengo techs hard work here because these blocks are also a massive pain in the backside to get hold of but these aren't easy blocks for tango to get so he who's got he has had to have done so much resource gathering to build this place so much resource gathering and there's just so many different textures so much going on there's a lot of lava there's a lot of potential for death if you've lying around like myself even like level details like that but no weather that no wither skeleton that you'd never notice unless you took a look he's on fire he's hanging out in a cage there there's loads of them so he is transported with the skeletons out to various areas of his base holy mackerel that is nuts it's truly truly nuts and of course we can't forget tango the ice princess inside the little frozen kingdom over here which this has the lyrics to a frozen song in there and on that note I am getting straight out of here and I'm gonna fly off and I think this direction I'm running low rocket so I'm probably gonna have to pop back to my base at some point and just pick up a whole ton of them and also repair up my elite rrah but I think over here yeah this is the crazy iron farm which in hermit craft season 6 I want to build some form of ridiculous iron farm I want to build something like this because in this season we kind of struggled for iron a little bit there are a few occasions where we were being bottlenecked by the amount of iron that we had so it would be a good idea to build something that will give us a huge why and I've just spotted this and I have no clue what it is what on earth is this thing am i flying in the rear end I've I think I've just flown into the rear end of a sheep pigs on orbital patrol so is this a little sheep farm it looks like this is a little sheep farm I have I have no clue who this may be yeah this strikes me as a bit of a ZF build I'll be totally honest with you I was thinking that originally but I'm no 100% certain so you might have to let me know down in the comment section now one thing that I will say about Wren dogs tunnel is that as someone who likes to jump up and down and fly with their Electra the design although it looks really really cool it looks awesome it's quite frustrating cuz look if I jump up and down you get things like that going on hopefully he doesn't do something like this for hammock craft season 6 otherwise we'll ban him I feel her she clarified obviously that was a joke we're not going to be bad dog so here we are now I have to say I haven't actually bent over to Rendell's place in a really really long time now I know that it's all built in the crazy kind of tron style but I really want to take a look inside some of the buildings because I've only ever done like a fleeting trip and I forgot to get firework rockets again so we'll do a quick outside edge look which he is got some pretty cool looking things obviously that place days it's Cal's place do you reckon I mean I don't know who's responsible for that I feel like that looks like another thing that potentially is scale could be responsible for another own.i something something o'night but I'm not 100% certain however if we take a look down the bottom here this is so cool yeah I want to get inside because it looks like oh wow look at this place guys so cool but I have no clue how to get in how does one get into Wren dog space I've never been inside I've just realized I've never been inside Wren dog space never so he's got shook cane farm sounds like he's got some Guardians around I can hear some guardians he's got some crazy magma stuff oh that looks like an entrance to me okay let's pop one inside here so I think this this is his storage system yeah so up the inside he's got one of those mine car elevators no I don't know if that's the case that's definitely a stone brick there and this I don't know if I meant to be going in here I'm not 100% certain where I meant to be going but I like what I'm seeing so what is at the end of this really long corridor it looks like just stone there geez this base is huge he has a huge base so this is all underwater or this is I could not tell you okay I want to see that I want to see the drops on the more farm so this is something I get the impression that the Wren dog doesn't expect too many visitors and thus the world to be fair I don't put any signs on any of my things because obviously I know where my things are so I suppose he's done pretty much the same thing hey we don't have any signs anywhere because he knows where he's going but it's that I really don't know where I'm going okay let's let's make our way back into here and we've got another enormous e long corridor let's try this out I think I've made it back tomorrow I've started when you've created a labyrinth mate I think one of my only regrets of this habit graph season is not getting a guided tour of this place by renn himself because there's a lot to see but I can't I literally cannot find my way to it I mean look at that I want to be in there how can I get down there there's so much going on alert he's got all the farms he's got the whole lot item transportation systems this place is amazing it's absolutely amazing if I could get inside but for now I'm going to head on over to this familiar location I'm sure all of you recognize it this is the plastic fantastic area designed by iskele the forgotten I'd forgotten what I look like so that was that was the prank that I built for a scale celebrating diorite being block of the week and it was originally made out of diorite but now he's swapped it over to being is this is this concrete yeah this is this is concrete powder which is quite impressive because even the undersides of his hands concrete powder no he's used for concrete there and you know what I'll help him out I don't think he wants that to be there but no as I've said all throughout this season I absolutely love this area I mean it is such an original idea for a base like well another this is another case of giving me a thousand years and I'd never think of this idea to build a base entirely out of plastic looking things all of the trees look plastic all of all of the rocks and everything have been turned to plastic he's got a plastic volcano this is the Excalibur spillage and that is the boat that I was actually riding on the got turned over and I think yeah I think I might have snuffed it on that one but yeah there's just there's all there's so many awesome details in this area loads of depths created by the lime glass that's something that is skull is a really big fan of is layering the glass so you think it you get that kind of fading effect and I have to say it looks really really good especially when you're not using Optifine I think Optifine cuts some of the folk created by things in Minecraft and when you play without it you actually get my 100% of the fog and it looks amazingly atmospheric alright it looks really really cool I love this place it's such a cool idea and how could we forget I mean we didn't forget him but how could we not mention probably one of the biggest stars of this hermitcraft season like seriously homograft season 5 he's been one of the easies like a member bump okay Tony is a member of hermitcraft and he's I mean is he gonna be coming through homemade cough season six I mean he has to feature somewhere but no I guess the original is gonna be left when the server shuts off I guess bum buh dies I suspect that's actually made me a little bit sad there are a lot of Bumbo scattered around this guy that guy over there I actually want to take a look inside the volcano because the volcano has actually gotten inside and it is pretty cool I wonder what he's storing it always that the diorite storage I think that might be his daughter a storage they've dotted all over this place is ridiculous it's the only way that I can describe a scale space is just is just totally ridiculous there's just there's just random stuff all over the place that I don't really have any explanation fall on what are these cakes what exactly are the cakes for is this I don't even I don't even know its girl's place reminds me of wreck-it Ralph for some reason I don't know why but I'm getting a real line wreck-it Ralph kind of arcade game vibe coming from this area and I really like it [Laughter] now sadly I've run out of firework rockets so I can't actually get up to the donut the gold farm all the way up there but we can just about see this I felt like he's not really meant to be there or is he on a minecart that was peculiar anyway this thing here now I don't know if you can quite see but round the edges there's like yellow dropping down and I said to iskele apparently is not meant to look like dripping cheese but for me it totally looks like dripping cheese like doesn't it it looks like that looks like cheese just gradually making its way down the edge of the tower let me know down in the comments section if you agree with me here because it's Cal very upset when I told him this no another place that I I'm kind of walking away from here is the mobile ISA now you've seen that a whole bunch so I don't really need to go over there but I'm assuming if everything went to plan hopefully all of the homies and she played a game on the mobile ISA unfortunately I was actually away in Cornwall when the hell was home planned so I don't think I'll have made it but fingers crossed they will have played and it would have been successful and AD she would have had like a full run I am 100% guys missed this though look my elite show is repaired and you know what I've just remembered in hermitcraft season 6 we're going to be playing the update aquatic and then update aquatic don't you need some kind of phantom membrane don't need a phantom membrane to actually repair those or am I going completely mental I'm also really going to miss having this the ability to just go oh yeah I need some more rockets let's just do a bit of that and then oh yeah I need some paper for the rocket so I'll just grab some of that and then oh well why I need some bone meal let's just grab some of that sand yeah you get the picture we have we have everything that we need our our disposal which is great but also it's nice style again you know having everything kind of gets a little bit boring it's a bit like when you cheat in the sims 2 remember when you used to play the sims and used to work really hard and used to make your sim do his job and worked really hard and then gradually you buy things in the end up with a bigger house yeah then you'd cheat you do one no cheat and it would ruin the entire game I guess the same thing could be said for Minecraft if you're planning a survival world and then you think to yourself how quickly I'll quickly cheat in some diamonds it ruins the survival experience because you think to yourself I've cheered now it's not quite as legitimate I've just realised this is going to be a long episode it is 20 minutes with 21 minutes in and I have visited what the three bases oh my word okay let's make our way around here and this is scars place now we're all we're all fairly familiar with scars place I'm a big fan of this area I like the kind of inception upside down Street that he's created here oh it's only just dawned on me we're in we're in the nether which is like almost the upside down kind of stranger things that I don't know if he's go over there so we'll start but that's what I'm gonna take my head we're in like the underside of his town area and then here we come through into the over side and well I do not remember these things being here now I remember the rocket ship the rocket ship is wicked that's seriously cool and obviously we've got my piston dog down there which I love Scott because he protects everything with cats it's hilarious that's just cats there's cats everywhere I don't understand where he gets them all from yeah there are more cats more protective cats but there is the piston door that we built for him which by the look of things is all working perfectly but this town is is fantastic it's so cool I mean there's so many details in here that even if we take a look inside this place so I think I just saw see look there's a fire engine it looks like he had a few more plans for it but no there's a fire engine just in there being commanded by that very ugly guy they normally say that fire men are attractive but he was definitely not one of them and then what's this round here are those solar panels or they radar dishes honestly not 100% certain but either way they look really really cool and then you can see his road kind of stretches off into the distance I guess it goes into that little tunnel there we've got another fire engine coming in there's a lot of emergencies going on in this town all is not well look we've got we've got police or is that an ambulance I can't really tell and but also one of my favorite the heck scum need me to calm down with the cats but the cat's own this town what yeah one of my favorite features of this place and it's something that I might actually look into in terms of what else we can do with them is is the fountains so these are bouncing arrows those you don't know if arrows are in flight they won't despawn so that means that these are just permanently going up and down and they'll never despawn which means that you get this really cool fountain effect it's absolutely amazing and we've got more fountains over here but I kind of want to take a look inside some of these buildings who haven't actually looked in I'm assuming most of them don't really have interiors nope they're just doubt that one's filled with mops okay so that one's that one's filled with mobs this one though looks like it's filled with something and that thing looks like a farm actually it's our basketball court it is a basketball court and there's the basketball that's very cool yeah looks like so this is all filling in sugarcane and this is a smart way to do a storage system by the way having those Shanker box storage systems buy bulk storage that's definitely something that I'm going to be doing for hermitcraft season six for all of my farms so that we can keep our storage systems relatively small because look look how many items are being stored in that one single chest is hilarious you know what because this one has the nether portal in it I never actually really look at it because I'm always flying out from it and then flying into it really close that is a beautiful building I love these are really pretty actually yeah these things have gorgeous obviously I mean of course they are scars built them scar is an absolute building wizard but these are so so cool and there's so many cool details on them like the helicopter at the top there with the helicopter landing pad that's very nice as I say I absolutely love the rocket ships sweet really really cool nice wax car and of course Skaar has been very very much preoccupied with the community the community shopping area in the center I mean the community builds area because that thing was enormous that was an enormous enormous project so he's got two enormous projects on the go here he's done a really good job making our way around next up we have got this is Wells Knight and also the convex Cathedral right let's make our way down through here now obviously we have seen Wells knights base on the outside a ton liii I always see this thing because we're often flying through into the swamp and also his base was just on the outside of my dirt Hut in the actual central town area type thing the community builds area so so we've seen the outside a bunch but one thing that I don't think I've ever done is I don't think I've ever gone on the inside of his base so this is gonna be really really interesting for me I'm gonna just kind of take a wonder I suppose because I don't think I've ever been through that nether portal we've always just flown in and the sun's come out which is fantastic now the first place I should want to look into is the convex Cathedral which I have been in before this is the one place I have been in and it is real impressive look at the details and he's got the illah jet in the middle there which that must have been a pain in the backside to get Wow I don't know how you'd even transport I suppose he'll chase you but that's a dangerous thing to transport that's for sure and also they're super rare they a you'd be transporting that guy thousands of blocks thousands and thousands of blocks and then if we pop up here so I guess this is kind of like the main castle and all of it so we've got the portcullises complete with little holes in the floor for them to drop into nice I always feel funny the pictures are as well yeah this is really really fit in the style this is cool super super cool it's like a little maze as well we can walk around there's so much different there's so many different rooms so many different places that you can go I'm loving all the fire as well the fire in the hoppers and then these are the thrones that I hope you've got one throne to throne man is perfect minecraft actually does have I mean it's definitely not so if you were to take minecraft is definitely not set in the modern age it's definitely set in I mean when would you say what when would you say minecraft is because we have a form of electricity so it can't be that whole but it's definitely not modern aid we don't we don't have smartphones and things like that what 1950s 1940s thirties maybe because we have some basic flying machines but we can't get into space I'd say maybe yeah 1910 to 1920 I keep gradually older but no I don't know let me know down the comments section that's actually an interesting question when do you reckon minecraft is set look there's more so we've got even more armories we've got some more chests a few little I'm guessing these aren't meant to be feds I'm assuming they're meant to be like green kind of plump cushions which is a really really nice idea if they are meant to be beds then I apologize wells I'm not as good of a builder as you I don't know what I'm talking about but if we take a look through here I love the lights as well yeah this is all really nice all really really nice there's just plenty going on plenty going on look we've got so out here we've got ourselves a little I guess shipping yard we've got a lighthouse yeah I hadn't really taken a look at all the different details of wells Knights base because even out to here it kind of wraps around it's a nice looking area very cool real real cool ok let's move along ah before I do I should probably check out this little town that is in the center here where we've got tons upon tons of different houses all of them incredibly pretty and by the look of things all of them seem to have at least some form of interior look how crazy this is look how tightly compact they are this is exactly how I imagined old kind of medieval towns to be because they're all built on top of one another like every single house is overhanging the other house it's mental now one thing that I did think I do is and i've done i often fly around the community-building area but i don't often take a look at the actual bills on the inside now obviously the outside I mean I could look out all day there's so many details in here obviously this was constructed by scar who is incredibly talented and there's just so much going on before the ruined houses with in tip like that chair there's just there's tiny little things that no one would notice I might be the only other hermit that's noticed that and yet it's all been built did it I I kind of want to know the backstory of that one was it launched up with a TNC cannon or something like that whatever it was that that's pretty funny but anyway I'm gonna I'm gonna make my way down it into the the shopping area and we can take a look at all of the shops that are down there because obviously this place is amazing looking see in a way this is almost like two projects because that project above the ground is a massive enormous project there's tons and tons of details there probably hundreds of man-hours spent building it but this area down at the bottom I mean this has got to be thousands of man-hours it has to be well not thousands but you know what I mean hundreds of man-hours again because look at it I mean sometimes I forget that this was built by one person or well it was dug out by a bunch of people but for the most part Scott worked incredibly hard on this and for the most part this was constructed by one person in survival minecraft what on earth for anyway in inside here I forgot that it did that Cub you need to have some formal warning that the floor is gonna disappear from underneath your feet all right okay I won't break your redstone contraption I apologize I obviously love the entrance into this place but yeah this is Cod fan shop the splash of color place with swap-out flooring which is really really cool when it doesn't kill ya and then up here who else do we have because I don't think I've even looked into all of the shops here we've got a few slimes and are they for sale it looks like we've got ourselves another store here it's cars landscaping shop now I keep being reminded down in the comment section that I have one free use of scars landscaping short for the fact that I built that door which is brilliant that that's gonna come in handy in hermit crab season six I thought I'd save it for hermit crab season six but this is a really really cool store lately so he's got different these are like it's like IKEA he's got little exhibits so this is him being able to do I guess caves and using some sandstone and sand I guess this is him being able to do some slightly more wacky colors he's got desert one over there desert sample and then over here we've got kind of traditional scar sampling there that's beautiful by the way that's really really pretty I wouldn't mind something like this as in this actual build inside my base just having like little little areas so you can walk past little snippets of Minecraft existence that'd be pretty cool okay what's this just around the corner here oh yeah wells nice build shop yes so he's he's got a build shop so you can ask him you can put him requests for builds very very nice I like see I like the idea of services I feel like they weren't really used often enough in hermit craft season five I mean thing is is that direct selling of items in hermit craft season four was incredibly successful that went down really really well the shopping district was fantastically good fun we're all selling items the selling of services is often a little bit more tricky because there's just a lot more involved so in the end I don't think quite as many transactions were made which is a shame it was an experiment it didn't really work out but no it's just cool seeing all of these different stores that are here just offering up different things I mean what is this one I haven't seen this one before now this strikes me as a full symmetry built and I think it might be I think this is falses PET SHOP pet rocks ten diamonds each that's a barking pants shop so it looks like you you have to ordering custom pants and they will be made for you so that's a service build for hire so there's another built for hire here as well now I don't know who's actually built this I don't know if this is originally I thought it was for symmetry but I'm not hundred percent certain now this strikes me as a Joe Hill's pilf the perception check games poems and advice I feel like that's the sort of thing that Joe Hills were built but by the look of it it's not quite finished just yet but I really like the idea of having the giant bookshelf with depth as well like the depth of all the books that's very nice and then popping through to here what is this place now I've jumped over a sign that's why I don't know impulses gear up and beacon rental beacon oh no you can rent a beacon but I didn't realize you could rent a beacon I've always thought it would be cool to rent a beacon and I had no clue that there was a store existed that did it so that's a shame that's I hope that that comes back in Primakov season six because I actually wanna make use of that service then by the look of things here we have got so this is welcome to boom the professional explosives delivery experts we provide delivery of expertly crafted TNT and fireworks we also provide a demolition service fit for those who want a build piece of terrain or someone else plan up that's hilarious as well now I would love to check out what this stories but by the look of things it is being guarded by a creeper so I think I'm going to give that one a Miss to be quite frankly honest with you I don't want to destroy anything and what is this is is this is this the official entrance have I just broken something yeah it looks like this is actually the official entrance I've never seen this before I've always come in the bootleg way so how are you meant to get into this place wait what Tango's got a little sneaky entrance into his base that's pretty fancy so I'm assuming this was constructed by tango Tech wow that was beautiful that was like something out of Jurassic Park yeah I don't know Betty the way if we take a look in the next store this looks like it's a storage builder's Wow okay it seems like a lag a lag bit let's go over there before we crash the server so it looks like that is like a storage solutions shop and that's pretty cool that they've got all those items and those hopper lines running around like that that's an empty lot right there but if we make our way up here I mean what else is going on there's a lot of stores there's more stores than I actually thought because even though we've made it all the way around on the top layer we also have the second layer which is down at the bottom here now what is this place is this just some decoration by scarf because if it is I think it is our the guy is such a champion for doing details like this just little things that you you wouldn't you'd have to really be looking for because look you you have to go inside to see that this area's been worked on and there's still there's still a lot of effort being put into all of the details down here oh no it is it a shop I honestly can't tell anymore I think it might be a shop maybe is this the Lama Rama's honey oh I was meant to pay a diamond but by the look of things I came in a sort of bootleg way I look my door stores doing well probably should I've never thought to light up the inside of the door so that's all right ah wants to test your hammock craft season 5 knowledge then you've come to the right also this is the Easter egg hunt which I never actually ended up doing because I thought it was over before East I thought you'd finished at East art I wanted to do it but I didn't get time before Easter and I thought we had finished and then it was only a couple months later that I realized that even after Easter net even after Easter had finished all of the Easter eggs were still up so I still could have completed that one so I apologize folk symmetry for missing out on that but also by the look of welcome to happy peas fun source I don't want to go in there quite frankly I don't I don't even care that I've got myself a fire resistances potion I don't want to tempt fate by losing my 101 levels before the end of the season elves at work please do not stop on the gift what are those guys oh [Music] my this is the best thing ever so oh wow so I'm guessing I'm guessing there's a Pistons that hide and then unhide villagers or something to make those zombies run back and forth that is the greatest thing I've ever seen this is my favorite spot on the hermit craft server just watching those guys go back their little legs going crazy and I love the Christmas tree out the back there how did I not see this during Christmas be seven months behind I'm also slightly terrified that we're now closer to Christmas in 2018 than we are from the Christmas just gone it feels like just yesterday that it was Christmas that's that's really terrifying right I think we all know who's built this place then so this is this is the worm man for hire which is there that no it's not enough it's it's a superhero the occasion he comes into the the hermit craft server and helps things out by the look of things you can hire him to do various jobs so wait so summon zombie yeah none of us really worked let's see what his attack is like and ice this is much store oh my word that is this is hilarious well the look of things XP has also got a little place down here need help house is ugly so it's another building service we've got we've got a handful of building services oh yeah I I mean I'm not 100 oh okay so I don't know I think maybe yeah I think he's just like a general dude who will come along and fix up your stuff I like that this is cool Happy Thanksgiving all right you know what so I've spent a lot of time in this community builds Area Assembly because I had never seen most of these builds I'd never taken the time to just have a wander around and I feel a bit bad for that because there's so much cool stuff here I've missed out on a bunch of opportunities to make use of good services just through the fact that I didn't realize that they were there I genuinely had no clue that they were there so if we do something like this and hermit crab season six which obviously we are going to have some form of community exchange of some sorts then 100% I'm going to be spending a ton of time over there and try my best to keep up to date with what people are doing because there's so much cool stuff down there anyway let's keep the pace relatively high so next up oh yes impulse SV impulse SV I love coming over to this place and I don't actually know how much work has been done on this base since I was last over here but when we were last here for an exploration episode so we spend quality time there but it wasn't quite finished now it is oh my word oh my word what no I see this is the thing whenever we do these exploration episodes I use impulse SVS base as the thumbnail and I can't do that I can't do it again but speechless just straight speechless that's a mob spawner by the way so is that one I think I know that looks like a different type of farm oh yeah no there's a mob spawner in that one oh yeah there's a mob spawner all of them if it wasn't cool enough those are mobs faunus Oh what the heck I mean there's no point on me there's no point in me being on the handicraft server if there's people like this playing on it building things like this is the coolest-looking base I think I've ever seen just 100% the coolest-looking base I think I've ever seen it's so cool it's so so cool I'm gonna get a screenshot because oh just look at that man Mojang should tweet this out Mojang should be tweeting out this base because like this was all built in survival mode this is like the biggest advert for their game ever if you kept monkey over you could build something like this and it will take you 1 billion hours to do but it's worth it wow wow wow wow even things like these rooms even these things like those rooms they're they're pretty sweet I mean obviously all of this area don't worry my leader didn't break my panic then that was really rubbish flying by me there but yeah just everything there's just so much going on I mean we have so what is this so this is so I'm guessing this is like an enchanting cleaner zone where he gets all of his books he's got his storage system in the center there he's got storage silos for all of his items looks like his guardians of still moving but yeah it looks like yep so those were all those are all the items Andy's got which Hut he is sorted well and truly well and truly sorted and obviously he also has a ridiculous ridiculous gold farm which is a little bit different in design to is scales one I don't really understand how it works I've never really used it but it looks pretty sweet it looks really really cool I like the idea anyway it seemed it seemed cool all right okay let's let's keep it moving here because by the look of things this might be a 1 hour long episode of hermit craft which is I guess quite a nice way to round it all off and I I can't help a panic when I go through those things what's down here I think this takes us to Exuma space so I'll pop back outside and I'll make sure that I'm not missing anyone so let's see spawn and X be crafted spawn I don't think I've been to spawn this season where are you in is spawn I I'm trying to think we're super mister huh you know I I don't think I've actually Oh xB is your base anywhere that's about to say I don't I don't think I've ever really been to XP crafted base is that it maybe it's down there is it down here that doesn't look 100% promising either okay we might have to just might have to just leave that one behind oh this maybe looks a little bit more promising maybe this is XP craft did he just hasn't quite gone rid of the sign just yet let's go up here I don't think I've ever been up here before so this is gonna be completely new for me and it looks like it's gonna be a bit of a long trip in fact I seem to remember XP going XP got himself set up miles away didn't he I feel like you did yeah this is this is much better than running once you get off the ground you just have to be very wary of southern corners this is good fun though I'm so glad I didn't run this I was gonna say I thought that XP craft he was about a billion miles away and by the look of things I was right it feels like we're traveling into the warp drive how many Rockets do we have left oK we've still got two stacks we're all good we can keep this momentum going okay that was slightly scary XV man your base better be good okay yeah your base better be good to justify this sort of travel finally we have arrived and this place is already looking pretty cool let's pop straight on through now I remember in the season that I joined or was at home at craft season for no wait how many crafts was it happening hey we got ourselves some form of achievement I don't know what that is Oh oh yeah I remember now XP crafted go himself set up in a woodland mansion which of course means that he's about a gazillion blocks away because that's how far away these things are and fair place is a guy this place is cool look at the decoration on the inside of this oh he's got a guardian I like it cool that was have been difficult to transport and how I think about it worth and there is the worth the nearest Guardian farm that must have been a tricky one wow this place is huge even more tunnels that I don't want to travel down very very cool there's all sorts I'm gonna I'm gonna explore for a little bit I'm gonna just kind of take a wander around cuz it looks like there's a whole ton of different things to look at including this rather lovely guy look at this place I like the bomb are nice it's like as stables it's got a bunch of horses out there [Music] nice little tunnels running through I love the paths you know part paths blocks where it kind of underrated block okay because I remember when they added path blocks they're almost like ears right it's a fantastic block because never before had we a way to just easily create a long path and they look great whoa that's crazy so what did this woodland mansion generate flying above the ground did-did-did eggs B you have to create a support structure for the underside of it that's pretty cool nice there's tons of stuff in here Wow everyone on the Hermit crossover is so talented they've built some crazy crazy stuff I mean look by the look of things there's another area to his base that is equally cool well house there's all these spirals some interesting shapes the whole nine yards sweet this is really really cool well it was worth the trip you'll be happy to hear it was worth the trip xB now I've got to travel a brazillian blocks home a brazilian Brazilian yeah I didn't mean to say Brazilian but yeah we'll go with it that's our number anyway next base is are we seriously only this oh my word okay we are literally half way round I'm gonna have to pick up the pace a little bit anyway despite the vibe that this is going to be a 14 hour episode of handicraft let's pop one through and let's take a look at what's going on over exhume as place now I have spring fall all the time over here as well so I won't go into too much detail but there is some cool stuff I mean that guy was pretty sweet I absolutely love this thing my favorite detail of this base is this industrial factory which is churning out these iron golem heads because there's an iron farm underneath that is hilarious that is so so cool and also a little bit dark a little bit kind of I guess horrible in a way that we've got like a blood pool down to the bottom there but it's awesome obviously this this gigantic thing here oh it's called lovren it was about to fly I was about to fly down into his base and oh we've got a crash landed aeroplane as well yeah there's so many details so his entire island I'm assuming is made out of dirt for passive mob farm reasons because he's got a passive mob farm in the centre of his base I'm assuming that's the case and then he's got this beautiful that looks like a like a like a Japanese temple with one of the name of them the cherry blossom tree on the front sheep farms are made a million times better if you turn the Sheep upside down this confirms it 100% a hermit crab season six again an upside-down sheep farm because we asked she didn't build we didn't build any animal farms this season think about it we didn't build any no cow farms other than the Guardian farm no cow farm sheep farm anything like that so that's definitely something that we're gonna have to really go for in hermitcraft season six because they're fun to build man and like beef is better than fish that's another thing that I want to do for season six is not eat fish and bread because fish and bread a terrible terrible foods anybody taking a look inside here I've mentioned about I've said I've said this so many times this season but I feel like it can't be said enough wait what oh so it's that like a low level of his base and then he's got the higher level is that is that what's going on there you know what'd be really cool is if you've got a map I don't know if you could do this but if you took a map of the area that your base was in at the start of the season so you went right this is my map you place it down somewhere didn't update the maps and then got a new set of maps and then constantly updated those then you could have like a progress update from start to finish I don't know if that will work but if it does that's dead something I want to do for hermit crab season six anyway yeah there's so many just there's so many lovely details and I mean look I know I'm not meant to do this but just look at this how has he done that is that signs call that's dangerous blimey O'Reilly look at this place though so many nice details absolutely love it I love the kind of organic style of building and oh look there is mr. exhume avoid himself he is logged into the server and he's just chilling out up there I don't know if you can see me or anything but um no love this place absolutely love this place I remember how to get back to the nether hub I felt like it's not this way feel like this way but this does not seem right oh no no no yeah this is this is right yeah then this is the way to go with the strange the strange elevator which is really really frustrating to use as a person but works for transporting villagers hey there they see that all this is teaching me is quite hot just how many just how many builds there are on the hermit craft server and how much time has been putting collectively by all of the Hermits because it's got it it's just got to be ridiculous I mean I I mean for a little while we had our times up on the tab screen that seems to have gone away but all of us like there wasn't there's a large number of people who have over a hundred thousand minutes I think a hundred thousand minutes played on the server I'm over a hundred thousand minutes I know that Exuma is over a hundred thousand minutes I think Cub fan is over a hundred thousand I haven't seen how much impulse and tango have but I'm assuming they're way over a hundred thousand there's a ton and a scar and you know what I'm sure a lot of the hermit's have got over a hundred thousand minutes played so I mean collectively we've got to be near in a million minutes like a million minutes the time spent on this world just building things creating things for you guys to watch that's quite impressive that's quite an impressive feat I had not actually thought of that before I wonder if we add up all of the collective times it's gotta be getting close it can't be far off let's take a look at Foster's place then because falses base is always a source of some inspiration for me and it's definitely something that I'm gonna take forward into hermit crab season six that in Cub fans base just because they're not centered around anything which is nice because all of my previous hermit craft races have been centered around something and that makes life difficult and also it doesn't make like difficult I love doing it I love the way that the geometric bases look but there's something about building something like this that is sweet whoa I mean I could spend all day just looking around look at that that's one heck of a build in there that is one heck of a build and to each of these houses have interiors oh my word they Mike I mean this one does and that's a detailed interior as well that's an interior that's not there's not messing around that interior is not messing around see now that the I'd love to build stuff like this but the thing is is that for the most part from what I can tell you guys aren't interested in so for example we did the town project and instantly I noticed straight away that those videos just get a worse response by quite a considerable margin than any of the other videos I do on the home craft server okay as soon as I started it people weren't that fast by it likes and comments and interaction and everything was down by like a significant percentage because people don't really like to see me building projects like this but I wonder if I committed to it fully wholeheartedly and was building interiors and everything like that I wonder if that would change I don't know I don't know I don't know but this is very very cool we again some absolutely gnarly lag spikes right there somehow we've managed to make it through that door and a hundred percent certain but look at the inside of all these places there's so much detail and look we've got we've actually got inhabitants kind of he's an inhabitant that that look like a zombie villager but actually it's just a head on top of an armor stand but no there's so much to look at here I could spend all day in this base alone seriously you know what I would actually say that that rounds up everything that hasn't changed since doing previous World Tour so you may have noticed I've skipped one or two because they haven't really changed too much since I did the previous World Tour and I haven't gone to all of the community areas just because I've covered a lot of those but we went into new areas today and we checked out new places and it's been it's been crazy for me it seriously has been just to see the amount of I guess because when we've done previous world tours in a way I've kind of skimmed over the top of it because I wanted to see everything like everything really quickly today we kind of honed in on things that I really wanted to look at as I say I was kind of wandering wandering around I was just this is out of curiosity because I know that I'm never going to see these things again so I just wanted to see what was going on everything in its final life state and to just see how in-depth all of the hermit's have gone and to see yeah just the amount of I guess just time I know I keep bringing up this concept of time but just the amount of work there's gone into all of these bases to see them in their final form is really really cool because I know that a lot of Hermits for this season especially we're incredibly dedicated to their bases and making them as big and as cool and as amazing as possible I'm myself included I tried to go real big with mine and I trusted I would say we've succeeded I mean I'm proud of my base I think this base has ended up looking really really cool and yeah that's it I'm at crab season 5 the end finito complete Oh finished done this will be the last time that we see this base oh no sorry you said I'm yeah no no it's it is that I'm yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be it's gonna be strange it's gonna be strange starting again it's gonna be strange saying goodbye to this place because it's been this is the longest hermit crab season 175 episodes we've worked incredibly hard on it and I'm proud of it and TNT land and everything like that slime from the whole the whole lot has all come together really really well and I I'm I think we've had a really really successful hermit craft season those season six is going to be even cooler and we have some really really cool plans and I just can't wait to get started so there we go I think that just about wraps things up today so I hope that you enjoyed please let me know down in the comments section if you enjoyed this hermit craft season leave a like if you enjoyed this hermit craft season and I guess when I catch you next time it will be in a totally new world so see you over there [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,597,745
Rating: 4.9416585 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: jt2kRPYXCfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 16sec (3616 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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