AoE2 | NAC | DauT vs JorDan | Cast by Nili+TaToH

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you and guys we are back now what mr. Geordi missed it out and finally we can start into the series how are you doing guys today doubt how much did you sleep actually a sleep finally what really good sleep was first two days was long Jim okay how did you feel yesterday evening because it felt like you weren't totally sober okay and Johnny how are you doing today I'm doing great hit my run today in the morning and now I feel fresh for you know kicking dog's ass okay so twelve GMT start that's like 40 local time now we have 14 45 more of a better time for you probably John right definitely yeah I'm kind of the early bird so the earlier this the better it is for me and that I think is exactly the opposite [Music] okay let's jump into the drafting shall we so everyone who didn't see that yet a lot of weird question marks but you will figure out how this is going to work and will actually start off with the whole map of doubt so what's your all mapped out to make Europe at least do the maps you can have the list of the maps ok fortress regicide for a doubt so now doubt you need to write down your civilization that you will pick there any any is open except Koreans don't tell us and this tube is only for you to say that's only for registered forces here okay Jordan what's your he picks God he's Colin and out is playing the man [Laughter] okay then we have now the whole map of mr. Jordan what are you going to play arena Fonte arena yeah you need you need to write down everything you need - yeah he will kill you that's a that's a bad thing like that preparation he will still kill you I just so hope or just what you mean that's all now yeah yeah yeah okay then Jordan what's your tooth family so bad okay then we go into the map ends doubt what Matt do not want to see plate wondering [Music] pull the Venus on him up I think though in this what you pick well do you like to your position at the moment of course okay Johnny bands to maps now mmm I'll go for cross crosses band and go and golden hitless parents last band for you dogs Mediterranean and now we decide only on the order of the maps what is map number three doubts labia they enjoy the map number for prayer and five daughters go trois so doubt no decides the order of the last two maps okay and then we go into the save draft so it will be doubt with the first if you will pick six if doubt and then bend one each so did its a BBA a so what civilization do you want to play you're not allowed to pick any of the civilizations that already have been picked yes Indians to picks for darlin millions and hunts double pick valiant and hunts two picks for doubt and absent persons man giant you think thank you think what my just my girls half a do huh sure mega huh yes okay and Jordan with two tips I go for the purse purpose and that's like okay that's two motives for you okay let's start you have already have millions that's your tip five right you have another one after that thanks France it seems that we haven't seen yet in this tournament and johnny was just last two picks quick look at the maps again I'll go for Britain's Britain's among God's manga last pigfoot outs yen so doc going for to save pics that we haven't seen before Jordan Benning one of the six civilization of doubts and it's Indians band the first pick of doubt and doubt bands wand margins bands so that will be the final tips we will have home mapped out fortress regicide million score 420 ring up with me is against Malay okay and then we have five six left or the left over Maps doubt your prediction for the series do we need to say that yes you need to okay Charlie I think it's for two okay the best of luck to you guys and I'm really excited for the two whole maps especially okay go over there guys prepare your stuff and so are some great games worst mistakes of my life thanks for closing the door now that is so loud so I'm back this guy [Music] okay well that was some serious drafting oh man oh man oh man and this is how we design the rights let me take a screenshot and I will host again [Music] [Music] we need more need more admin shift more bands [Music] a teller will call cuffs with me [Music] okay I think we should be somewhat ready let's take a look into the faces of the players yeah sadly vipers bag was lost so not sure how he can play without his keyboard mouse he need to go buy some contact lenses as well let's hope that his baggage will be delivered in time you do the players know that they can trash talk well plane well it's it out forgiving Amazon's up how much money says get the same as a normal shop so my share of your five tourists [Music] what you opinion no Vikings engineers well let's take a look at that again Vikings aren't that great on most of the maps and Chinese are only good on Eldorado but we actually have at seven that's pretty weird right think out urado would have been a good choice [Music] to play a microphone off why would there you know I shouldn't be anything right hot Aaron Jordan hosting them three viewers water hose tunes I couldn't go to a limo that's great you think doubt has been too disrespectful to Jordy I think against an unknown player that would be too disrespectful but I think those two guys know each other way too well and it's really fine Jordan knows how to take it then Japanese quite good on cross it is the thing you will last one week with those guys I hope so that's not too happy for now are you drinking beer no it just woke up like less than two hours ago [Music] they're sometimes referred out being a bit more serious sometimes surprisingly doubt looks well-prepared while you didn't see the draft done [Music] hotels how far is the hotel from the apartment like six minutes walking this turns oh that's something I wanted to do earlier so to blow let's add oh well that's a horrible part of the soundtrack really don't get why they have this text price [Music] first [Music] we don't really need use D right [Music] price food distribution finally add that and I need to decrease the volume a bit in the living room [Music] so this is nearly and terrible cook us with us you need to come a bit closer so that we roughly have the same distance to the microphone a bit down here and should be all fine let's see the faces of the players hell maybe tell me something about the draft here what do you think who has the advantage sure I miss Chinese in his depth I thought that the Oh Lenore well you're not was going to be in the rest to be Chinese and when he didn't because till the last pick from that was going to be taken that Frank's maybe like so many currency poured out but when he done so no yeah most of the maps are like first for Arabia prayer police ships as well okay to player selling themselves up I hope they will put on their noise canceling headphones as well prepared John always smiling some Iceland ok doubt first game of the tournament Jordan already played the series yesterday Ted oh is that an advantage yeah in the pace of the game because they'd be this lower right so I feel like Jordan will you have maybe advantage in the first two games even that you're not thinking cause each other seems like just to wait for that to get into the game mm-hmm but then see how they see Peaks comes in the latest games okay and I think we should just take a look into number one here it will be the home of mr. doubt himself and this will be magnons against God here on regicide fortress with me will be mr. Ted Tito so maybe you tell me something that wasn't lot of love when in what God against oh god no God it's Oedipus it was God against Marian's what was that so funny well because usually Mayan sees their first pick on lucky supporters right mmm-hmm yeah Jordan as I feel like he has now this key to be doubt in Amaya's war he decides to go for the counter see ally see because now the I have playing a scene with God having still have loose losing his himselves he's his as well experience on this kind of matches yeah so true and that was one of the best man games I've probably ever saw so that was really good one like went to like close to two hours or something like um stout right oh man and out in the end just messy is that the answer to the god mmm yeah I got to like the good scene for my ass is like in Castle 8 he most likely will have the map control so he scout and he did the relics he will have a lot of coal right and then I think you have to start with plums because you need a lot of our base in the Eagles and he's happy this lower but only a little nerd said they have +2 with more support you can release a halt mm-hmm and then if you manage to get Eagles in front yeah it is really hard for my hands but at the same time it works ok we had some of those matches now in the last paladin when we one card and God always came out ahead so that's seen we we have to say there is a skill difference and doubt probably the favorites to take the whole series right yeah no this in a really good skill level right now and Jordan is still no donkeys big so I have to play well he's more experienced with the expansion civilization and so you are speaking of doubt this is peak at the moment like why does that is the to PC and play too much did you didn't see what prepared for the time I didn't say that though decent HP back he's on a good level anyways okay regardless but Jeremy's not thank you speak okay and George is taking a restart here why was that outside both wood lines maybe no not too great the spots ability sees for sure any because of the gold maybe just putting a TCG could be an option mmm-hmm yeah then again that doubt can oppress her that like you just I know the journalist County might if you see the mini-map he has all the goes there mmm-hmm okay good stuff and we will just jump outside of the game and wait till they restart and that's good thing I told them before the game always wait for my goal before you started next game no go but they still started but yeah we start yeah yeah yeah we on time so not too much under this course so you should have lit yeah yeah see you still didn't fix the issue with the speed I talked about with scripter I will try to work on that in the next night like I try to get like five hours of sleep this night I had to do so much other stuff I bought two new webcams more cables so we'll have webcams or round the apartment here and yeah see about that and we had some issues out there with the short case what was going on there same as yesterday but this time doubt had the problem with the key create a profile mm-hmm and then the hook is worth changing the other profile you know when did you start in single braid you have to prepare a profile yeah yeah so yeah I just need to delete the profile he created an English working ok ok switch stuff and we will just go into the try number 2 obviously in one best-of-seven each player gets restart if it's like oh that's an unfortunate sport and yeah let's give it a next try same please say map obviously so how do you like this map now this time he put out doubt has the goal forward so he's not the greatest map for him because he didn't Georgia realize he can apply pursued it with her scars and manganese that can be a problem for doubt because a little and a swollen without opposition he needs to Thompson turn towards the edge of the stone wall right needs to make it ended there a second so that kind of loud you're done to to apply pressure there he realized then again enjoy the map is horrible all three goals of the Year John Pappas horrible why would you say that yeah Woodling mmm-hmm there's no did this hmm so true so maybe if he wants to go to the right-hand wall be right one blacksmith here and there to MOTC I wouldn't mind that TC wouldn't mind that you see it's not bad that bad yeah well he was that Aurelia he has a lot of space to farm Hansel yeah I think I think it's still doable if he sees that early on and gets the walls of like houses are pretty easy maybe market around we will see how you try to adjust but really doesn't want to get rated too much and that's a bad mining camp right he wants to blister it on center there yes you to have please the money coming the other side so probably building did you see over here then yeah I don't think he wants to break the walls that will be a mistake in my opinion ready placement pretty fair if we look at the mini-map here all five pretty much in the center two extra gold sports more to the left hand side a bit better for Jordan laughing oh that could have been the GT there oh boy and I look at the cams there George is smiling so much I love that is how the lake he's back so he knows that he was there is she dad well he there's a possibility at least right yeah mm-hmm she'll have sending one to the bottom side as well hmm players don't have much of problem two speeds casters that's not true and one number two coming in 23 confused I'm a man's obviously with that makes more sense okay 500 now we have for various three yong-go tip that's it - all right I think you're done with one be later to envy my opinion okay I would have loved to see him do pop 23 there why is that are you in 24 does your booming right so I think it's gonna be like he wouldn't have not a no booth or little food okay and Castle a device whatever okay stone yet surprising at that point for any of the players barracks back here could even do that one honestly have to wait until feel a little ease to free the option range yes mean okay okay and what do you think where shootout builds his second TC probably like over here right I we got to the other side would you like okay how like how much of a disadvantage is it if you delete your walls at those spots he's joining hands got that allows him to like let the Jordan the option to apply persona Castle 8 mm-hmm and I think my elbows got is way weaker in Castle 8 than Imperial in some way okay because don't have the strong egos and because they lose they have plus to any clubs okay so in Castle II do make one that actually Huskers and Indians you have to make two plus two so you make two okay at the same time it's really the goats power is more in umbria when they have profusion and degrade any speed is insane right yeah so yes Vicki yeah I think I'll Imperial if you have elite is when you were you have the ability at before he get to propose in an elaborate okay oh we will see sure expecting Jordan to go for TC over here hurry like me the thing is he's scouting the Eagle before we're but well they kill for sure and now sending the bills over and what you only then go for so know what he's doing now is he will try to collect forty stone here then built the TC and those four villagers are dropping off the stone still tanks on short though you need sinister but maybe he does have his mind in the top I think his second a stone is in the top row his face right maybe he's mine in tender he's not and I still have we do like his second incentive because he will have to wait until they finish the town center and they drop okay he's gonna waiting okay but then why did he send for maybe he's just collecting like two and a half each no no it's really Tintin you think so yeah well no maybe like he he doesn't care if he has like they remove stone right so he will call it 40 and then make the time center okay so here those three will build it you see and then this one will collect that one has to go back to the main income anyways yeah because the city is too late okay well we'll see about that doubt is deleting some walls will build one TC over here and yeah maybe builds a house yeah he would has one there and we expecting another CC to go up over here questionable how efficient that will be me he's not go for that one he's going for his tone and not no stops also instantly for both we see no matching yet the other side the villager did go back at the tips well it seemed poured out his that so fast what leg is she's not going to find anything okay or that's what I guess maybe he sees that he can damage somewhere I don't know what his his County but he makes flitting is because he thinks that he will he can heat don't it open to different spots here at the front it is close to the castle but still and towers I don't think that that would me okay okay can we see dumb discounting and I said like and let's see if he commits well Jordan is just tracking this they shouldn't do any damage right those bloom dr. Simonton dr. dark but fat its to build one yeah and he will get a second one that's sloppy by Jordan yeah that should not have happened I know he still has improved and and can can be annoying over to go that's all now Jordan is going for gold just another house over here maybe one more palisade but it's been great this is just sloppy by Jordans and it down is 10 Papa had six more military six more villagers even 12 indeed indeed that was a lease a really good move by doubt he's risk he was risking at a bit of and only see where he can damage that will give as well like a lot of fiscal information now it's gone oh the whole area top that one and well flexing in the end really paid off your hair indeed it was bro Mikey Scout that he was open and dance that's why he went for flitting weird weird stuff for sure and that's so weird right what is he not a third one is it going to heavily on bloops yeah he's going on I'm super ADA he's not even good for monastery to take well you're a little three times integer he's catching up on we let it come but yeah well at least I ain't afraid of he managed to get one really without much control huh see and he might just make a second one let's see if he's really yeah start it off walk quite nice kept free scouting right yeah and that's how maybe Jordan house if that wanted to focus on that one is fine for that I mean for George because he does this wasting time yeah so he can just walk behind okay and second house probably coming now indeed okay so some losses taken here by Jordan but heavy investment onto the spoon doctors obviously who's the head in this game I have no clue I think was more in the same more or less in position let's see how they what is there in this move because doubt keeper I know that do not have to man would control so if he can operate pressure there then Jordan we struggle with farm economy right and what doesn't the most important goods listen don't realize about he does he will be I don't think so super a move can go for huh scoffs you feel like house cards came really close down the distance but is it like the house kind of really nicely maybe just feels like okay it's doubts plume not to micro one night knowledge enough to defend that up I'm now going back here the leading and next TC probably you better to see for farming around right over here you would have saved some wood for the money camp yeah well I think may thank you will use that goal he will not guarantee good he needs more farm no guys could you give us some feedback on the audio sound or like the sounds in general here if it's too loud if it's fine if we need to move closer to the microphone if built up our voices are pretty similar they still sending stuff up and again number one hand first mrs. workshop the Jordan s birthday this is worser than then that's the reason why he know given and that will be an interesting surprise thanks for the feedback guys and magnel's now trying to go dreadfully here but look at that John you go for some different outlets in he's going for a scheme mail armor and he will commit like he will make something the gas alert for anarchy what do you think we'll see about that mangle now coming around watch the attack probably those two towers trying to take that and that's a lot of letters on stone is it all for second defensive cars mm-hmm defensive I know it's weird infeasible for offensive doesn't I will understand that he decides to get the stone to make the forward cast when he gets map controlling LEP it's not that easy right yeah there's no easier that still has like military to Castle maybe just Emmanuel different into you feels like you could be fine who is closer to imperial power that was which also looking now we have two hundred two hundred basically over here Jordan super even Jordan actually ahead for small second or now even look at the intensity of the face of Jordan yeah no doubt so relaxed sitting back here and shaking a bit like moving a bit with this body but Jordan all focused here [Music] yeah looking focus right now well the most focused looking guy clearly you like you look still focus compared to the others yeah I need to work myself then okay TC in the back says over here you're trying to expand to take that hood line seems a bit like it second another update on the resource here so four hundred three hundred four doubt oh that's a risky move Oh ground check here will get Emilia is that maybe just to go for the safe kill now watch some and down it up at the other side we see Jordan that sounds a bit like the translate solid perhaps a weird Castle why is he going for the armor this makes any sense I already have seven then makes it eight against seven times I'll put only so that's a bit of an over defense yeah David we take one number two does Jordan knows that Holly goes forward and let's take a look at that we have that stuff that is you see yes right but if you look at it this way oh that makes sense just thought I'd just go down it is a pillow right and you see some more shots against those missing it's Mike showing down look at all those nuts going down Todd now moving in mangoes short missing completely can you get it oh and he is just attacking the castle riches but they asked the low HP down to four now ask us at the front end oh he wanted to send them over here but that was the wall and - nice shot indeed now the Huskers can do some serious damage here and now but still Imperial H is coming in against a guy who's somewhat playing the castle eight solid without really doing any aggression yeah indeed indeed and what even that you're if doubt gets plus three he will be still make decent damage on the Husker so he didn't we fight start here now monk monkey resistant feels pretty good against past culture also because the unique that you convert their fighting so that they meet you and some more villagers to the front but John just depends of customs this should lead outcomes of bone up for yeah yeah yes I run there and that's good that's really good for doubt I mean for John because now that we not have huge numbers because he sitting with one all the goals what super exposed here if Jordan what decide to go for the full hostile attack that would be so deadly for now he's not reducing all of castles he's it to any key yet he didn't have an ugly yet huh still without bloom here see at the moment thing ever just now ballistics and the two men sore Tinka will be solid don't really just shouldn't suicide themselves yeah okay now that has a lead primitive so yeah now the damage is done so you're just waiting taking a cell it has got its own if she has more HP another castle here somewhere in like the center area with only two villagers that's kind of ballsy again yeah yeah would in the fever for me defensive castling the goal so I'll give you some protection there because now he's super exposed [Music] yeah looks like the right and Jordan facing this town we trust one attack plus to obtain a fence and that's enough we'll get them all but I feel doubt is taking this fight really cost efficiently yeah yeah I see well no the for general and now he's for the castle right we'll get some villagers you know they have bloomed oh and after just a bit more sort of microphone by that well note Jordan will be champion he has to abuse that that dog needs to have all the blows together to make the mat well Jordan can make that with three four units right so he should have used that and start bringing that's something that doubt sort of wards right just one in this area is so cheap would have been so nice for him if he has all those schools exposed and no sneaky barracks around technically Shaw and Aquino and we hear a lot of more buried in the world so yeah I think he is going for that just waiting for one of the more foods to go for the elite house calculator right now [Music] holiness nicely I have to say at the moment or 10 or pop here's 25 more villages that has to be good let's take a look at this fan thought it said 54 dance time solid yeah he's making of them more farmers now and I don't like that dog has to cast it forward to tell about that but yeah Yama Sakura Vasquez castle right so you believe without this pushing the Jordan Cassady to be fine you just need to mass a lot I think I just need to wait make like 50 60 Husker and then boost this Ricky loves quite a bit in the moment he is and 14 the trap tennis turnout starts birds coming out and I'm still surprised these castles here and it is so fine to go for the kill against the trap dance that shouldn't really well right doula to not allow that pusher losing hah start after Haas Katya how is this possible that doubt has a better KD imagine God but if it's making me better Jordan is not he's fighting with ropes or four five Pascal Angus what to do he's the main army of doctrine very good see four or five schools but still super I suppose think about if he had like five huts less lost over here and catch them into the Eco a pretty good part yeah and they see because no Jordan just took one of the campus itself puzzling if he must but keep sending one by one like a white point back here maybe just range now he's going for perfusion but that's not really the upgrades he needed Monte have enough production maybe he he needs to he wants to keep the Blues busy with the Huskers a little mystery the trips [Music] and he's gonna think if one has any more achievement and we're going down to - yeah because two of them were offensive see that's because he had the open stone here looks better better for John yeah right now he's looking real good for your life I mean if he's going to take this castle there's no doubt about that and that's now switching into some barracks what should we go for - and sort of additional options has me just so costly to have all the updates on them and you need all the objects needed to lead El Dorado he needs cold control he's thinking one of the servants were here and nicely and we see both players finish skills would stomach of food at 85 would at 46 out of it now Jordan is as well if he's reigning doubt second astone so that is not going to be able to make more classes and he's close to the gold coffin now here that makes a lot of sense but that pretty important I would say that Jordan does not build more villagers from here on he already is at 153 some people might call them in over who's I feel like how much is investing batsto five doubt needs to buy some more time and he's already switching them John is taking into M&A why is that you see the barracks right okay I will just be sure to champion because I have a spare resources I need them yeah but it's champion so much better you can see you I think that performed pretty evenly but they're slower but they're also cheaper like 13 go to 26 for me so go the first advice I didn't see the champion and I just feel like staying on Houston so much better against all those bull Dodgers but God don't try to click there how many now 14 so those will be pretty weak and people already spamming the GG in the chat guys it's but it feels pretty good for our dog here and doubts probably losing his whole map nothing ready to start in Tennessee here Tarrant Jordan just so focused drink some sweet stuff and let's go abroad here we have now surprising Jordan 1-0 lead and well here should be happy with that yeah he has to be happy he's come to big worked perfectly mm-hmm and what other approach should that have gone for I'm I'm just sure about the position of the castles why he went forward I I think he wanted to finish the game fast otherwise it doesn't make any sense right because you want to get like 100 palms a ninja you are in more or less in a good position in this case he went for the folic acid he lost that one that option and then he was out products at Randy I predict yeah and we'll need to remove comment remove common records because we don't have the break it at the moment I will add that the other days guys as I said a lot of stuff to do thing every day we will increase the production but your quality here it's lost those key in the end better for job yeah Dania the other I think they'd really wooden castle it but they didn't Imperial I think he misspelled a bit more with the decision sir because he was Michael routing costly he didn't lose too many plumes against the Huskers but then well he made his doubt castle but does something usual now we don't have wound up cousin again he's weird oh that could have gone up I think was like deleting more parasites at that sides well it was mango notes house cutting and villages and Pumas right well look I feel about it as well you may have Lou yeah yeah probably that's like two hits difference yeah the business would not have survived anyways so doubts not in the game lobby at the moment hmm they look focus mmm that looks a bit worried no easy way how is this map for an arena oh yeah he's probably checking is probably in singer player and checking the map yeah but let's take a look at that again like for me personally belay by far the best stuff here on born arena yeah male yeah well the first time is crucial here I was thinking about movies as well and they need aliens but hmm Italian stuff work as well because you have cheaper up time no see better yeah after aunt efficient ship bonus obviously already to put foreign words helps you quite a bit there yeah maile is really good but at the same time is real tricky because I think you need to practice a lot able order to have the perfect setup there mm-hm you think John did that no okay feel too bad man so I will take a quick bathroom break and will show you to play a cam I will play some soundtrack in the back and we will be back shortly but the doubt against orden member to the home of John come now [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so guys we are back and yeah a small break and tell just went over there and asked out why did you build the castle so aggressively What did he say because send out that guy like Rick it's he isn't the comfortable position but he can't do anything wrong right if he wins the game then that's how he plays and how good he is and if he loses it he just says like yeah it's for the entertainment of yeah Soviet and guys we were just jumping into game number two here the whole map of Joel and Tino and I will move a bit closer to the microphone again and yeah this should be a good one Malay against Burmese and I said Malay probably the better of the two civilizations both players not with direct access to what the scent of everyone who doesn't know this map we have a minister of and Mediterranean here opening a lot of possibilities for strategies channel just give me your very general thoughts about the map want arena here well it's it is in mind because you have walls right and then you have our water so yeah the lake is important and sometimes you can even go for that key transfer note in this case because both are will of form from the water mm-hmm but in this case they are both safe from that at the same time they need to fight for a water always I don't think that even of the water is heaven in here on this map a lot of people asked me if we could just keep it with French folk colors I think let's do that John blue doubt red from the rest of the series kind of makes sense and those are pretty good colors in general not too great to see on water but we won't have too many warrants yeah we don't have to be okay then let's talk about the two positions Malay I personally said one of the strongest is you felt like Burmese some since there as well what are your thoughts on that matchup I think Miley is much better on this map at least for a start right because you like my layup time is much faster than any civilization so you got it you're gonna use that that will be really good for him and get him water controller let me think about it doubt has to be blue okay no it is that okay sorry I didn't listen I was reading that so Malay should wind the water yeah and how does Burmese have to play that well I think doubt at least McDuck that's for sure he is not he cannot go for no talk he need to build a dock and then try to kill it Jordan fish and the police like how to hit transition later because I'm a little errand boy will be a good idea in this case because probably your luck with water control will have a fast faster Kosilek time mm-hmm so that will be buffered out so - hmm maybe some no it's not a bad idea to even they look moon crashing you're okay and mom crossing we have two gold spots over here one stone spot one defensive stone spot in the back and one got here at the top so I would say ooh I'm coming over here that that's a reasonable map I don't really see all the resources at one side so if doubt is going to the mantra should be able to depend that yeah that was hoping that he could kill if the Builder don't build it right I was aware of that like he was gonna scout there he was expecting doubt I think this is a map where it's pretty unlikely that the that will ever happen because the Scout has to be close yeah there's not that much that you can scout and just in general you already scouted more because of your walls there's not much ever you can't really Scout your enemy so you just push deer or protective editor and usually the deers had inside so yeah that was good for you learn because then he knew that that was not rule in deers already yeah you won so he's refined faster than your stand out the least one minute okay seed out oh it's mom asleep no fixes it didn't push any deer right on the outside four of them at the meantime looks like pushed one I would say yeah so what are the up timings we are expecting and well if that is one minute later can he snapped a fish here I think he can this is gonna be harder you see how Jordan places do as well because it's not only them it's not only the fast lap time it's as as well like the liner side of the dog front your lap he should be aware of when the Pharisees are coming from he should be anticipating where to move we compare the line of sight here for doubt and for all and having dual a bonus the greatest pawn so he should indeed know what up dog now going for loom and George with the upcoming a forty soley soley DAP time for dealing with 356 now go tears well not enough wood for a second lumber camp just yet but we'll send the villagers over tips one villagers world here and three dad you once you have for maybe three is fine right because you're so low on wood anyways mmm yeah he decides to stay with one dock three will be fine and I think it will stay with one dog because he's not sending the villager and he's almost feel like this is the problem with the with Malay that you need to anticipate a bit more land usually just go for 1.4 now that's kind of surprising to me honestly we'd love to see a second villager in the front and doubt but can he contest the water with two dogs weight with two dogs he could yeah hmm but by them let's see doubt has already been laid some food canister will be lanced to food oh really yes justice for digression well you save 100 wood right then all the food you get can go into villager production because you don't need to do the lamb became operate that's one of the good news for that indeed John Scouts the second tortilla isn't an option to just delete that well you didn't know where the Scout was right so there was no option to have a seat save one for sure so now sending to get this out and adding the second talk now after scouting the second one of doubt kelly number two let me be but i think number three and four to be quicker for doubt did you did your research double ax you can we can take a quick look into that again except going down before doubt is coming out so that's three fishing ship against one for now now darling can can reduction so three and four will be a testimony timing and out already transitioning into college it's kind of early to say at 11:10 but that's their yeah three against eight HP he is sending that one back is a better coming to repair and Oh John does better here saving his fire sit and that would be water control for John most likely right 3 to 0 K T at the moment make that four to zero and if he Snipes that fire Gary this is looking solid for Jordan and is it only discipline or did he play that better as well well for now I think both had claimed good and should prayed about the host : for now to the skills who didn't have it now I think he moved believe it from food to food yeah I think he will commit to matter water okay looks like look if accused some more up here and indeed two more lose time off his fire get it or at least a lot of HP on those this isn't even being repaired that's hmm as we're yeah sorry Oh repair no he's running around I didn't put all that was late but he should save this one right well there'd be mr. super fast but you save nice what are you thoughts on that I personally feel fire gale it shouldn't kill fishing ship dad quickly it just feels too strong it's like like you have five fire Gettys here's one and you still lose to fishing ships then that cannot be right yeah it's that's as well why the face is just so that you know right because you need one to kill with one golly if I girl if you're lucky you can kill three for feces doesn't never gonna happen with a girl a different unit so that might kind of make sense and I was watching to do demos here as well I think you're any suspect in Donna he's already speeding they're firing that is sweet sweet spin for short demo as well and one fire what is the timing to switch into fishing ship here hmm when you when there is no doctor there not earlier wait maybe like now he could discuss this in time possible that he's oh look at that doubt is sending them out first the fire galleys so that may be hopes the pirate ship or fire galleys of journa clamming up and at the right hand side there's some what are but I'm not really getting any hits well defended so far bhaijaan is killing as well not cost-efficiently loses his last fishing ship though but now he needs to Adam for short ya know he running around we still have life that's a bit surprising to me I thought that one was killed Kadeem 9 to 3 and doubt that amount of farms not too late to transition into college I will assume we have met at 300 flew 300 gold at the other side we just had we Barrow at it and twirl it food 3 Uncle Jim I wonder what that is going to follow with now is he going to move maybe if more grass would not make any sense inlay that's it where he could go like 12 fishing ship here and add like some fishing traps what's that like they're not really efficient it is with giving it I think we're given it to these more than fine okay I know now that if like if the it was like ponies against barbers now and you wouldn't wanna how many fishing ships would he go for more like yeah there's no so much facing this map okay so transition for doubt what is he going to do he's up to conflict it loses that so bad without he lost his count and let's turn in and he still has 19 HP he will get the [ __ ] out of seize the stone he noses and Poland is going around buys here this is so good for Jordan and capisi it an ode to already here only after the whole Maps yeah he's definitely a possibility I think Jordan now he will we go even faster I don't know to Castle it and I want to see what is how are you going to be his son sir to Aramis what is the answer to Graham but most men mom's camels okay just researching town watch a bit scared here and need two seconds of early efforts on although we clicked Alpha solid minute later that's just the beauty of Malay fishing ship town at the moment only to go at least four year doing some damage here to front putting some threat so what stop dude yeah I think like boys have really who they are my at the same time if keys go further I mean he probably push with seat so that kind of denies the the crossbow and monger ice is much cheaper right well the among different you really need to monasteries you need you need any update apart from Santa T over mm-hmm and then that allows you to move did you get close would you need a across what I prayed you need the best way best to hopefully not giving me money shot okay doubt that seems like we'll be over here trying to defend all the landings John instantly sees that and apparently here one monastry relics for at the left hand side one at the top year doubt obviously sees all of them let's take a look into Jordans point of view he sees all for them as well at the left hand side so he will pick up a lot of relics puts it into a nice position into the long game for pushing ship for now I'm not adding any more money so TC make that she says he sees and even close to the stone room advantage should go in favor of our jump there yeah I mean I would like to see like he just stayed to three thousand tears and then go straight errorless Tina will make him in a good position okay well how big of an eagle you go obelisk like 70 million - yeah 70 will be more than everything okay and then in early castle or just try to go bomb back cannons boom ikana this is lower but this is lower twists are pushing but once you have them do your pussy's going faster right and then you don't need the castle as well yeah I like to have chemistry anyways for your Ovilus yeah could be at the same time for my cannons like that would ease for me so he he has cheaper monastery Ted you gotta go for some defense as well I didn't we don't really used to be able to pick up the monks yeah and redemption block printing obviously the 12 range only were able to get and that will be white later to enjoin at least from what we are expecting defensive cars are now going forward and I can maybe do some damage here in cars later don't see the greatest of Defense's just yet I don't know what or he should not make any limit hmm not all right he won't I think he won't okay well I have double monastry now here John some production still has two gold foots here that side novels an outpost he was fearing like something of the likes of an aggressive siege workshop and we'll be happy to not see any of that Jordan it has to be obvious right isn't there a chance of Karambit how efficient out there in this matchup well Academy's our morale almost official in any situation but I don't think this this one is the best one is are amazed so I would prefer everybody's because of the irony is I have any armor it is easier to a near a fastening you do try to hit it with a time period you are not able to make that work okay kind of miss enemy faster than tempies but it still they're really unique so yeah okay makes sense and that's what kind of most of the top layers are really not agreeing on gold chef mining knowing that he will go heavily onto gold it's a lot of sense to me as well yeah and yeah just continues with this boom tckontis against - no doubt up - parentheses as well and that looks like potentially to see him before no just goes on to dear fishing ship only at for the black forest player me saying love to see muffin yeah I agree is that coming into her eyes I want to say no but that's nine and he's going for four CC so that M timing has to be super late is an option that he goes into elephants can enjoy him to be an option absolutely we had another like one of the NSE so matches I did and be elegant tell us something that and MBL had vikings and just had like twenty long boats and eight Canongate just controlled so much all the land in the end even one without a real game ending fight simply because of map control so it did is a good option double archery and snow from Jordan that's a lot of monks already prepared so did you're gonna start the gold seemed a live site look at that or didn't did see them as well that's a bit surprising that he isn't sending a monk just yet and officer present to me is doubt having nine a rabbi over here and standing for over at the other side don't you watch them or something yeah yeah listen this kind of games called you when you open is not open he was a bit you can really different fronts of a good option that is not this case right I wonder why Jorah is going from that position to instead of the other one because the earlier one has more goals so it will be more important to control it that kind of place don't feel super sketchy right how many most of that hello sanctity and atonement that's that's more than you need right yeah yeah yes a lot of them but working in pairs gonna be easier for him to micro okay and we have doubt not too far behind when it comes to him go to the silver village account a lot of wrongs here and like moves like transporting monks over here starting conversions but tricky would that castle and obviously why a girl is not protecting the transported to to well so that's more of a dream yeah see remaining mr. castle okay why should you put that one I think you know for where right III think that call it hassle over here yeah what has to leave around there oh and that's a castle that's a relic dog probably should not have gotten mm-hm time again we didn't see a lot of fighting for quite some time right yeah no nothing that's how great castles call it the calm before the storm if you want to be the customer predicted right and I need i see now he goes up in India and she see rabbi oh boy and that's all look at that four five six all of them got and only sees one how they're changing right yeah like that's the normal month and when they're converting but that's weird okay doc printing now as well and that will be tricky and doubt what that's wrong position okay now he goes back into the gate in meso Ranma against Avila small notes rest don't really see that happening great efficiency how much do you think cannon games could really add to this mm-hmm well I don't see too much resources close to their soul and apart from that ball from doubt so I didn't ever be too important in this case the would control is not important here they do have the good the back of your waist strap I hear more ranges full up less population still surprisingly close doubt let's take a look at what he is going for that seems like still full of my production stables for him is that hassle is that elephant I hadn't lady ever I don't think he has taken me for native them if he wants to keep Arabic yes farmers at the moment if he goes for my obviously doesn't mean well a Brady's food food isn't that day they might seem to damage against buildings of the rambha's before bloodline chop branch does he really need that one for humor for that one maybe wants to go for the King snipe this grass down after all right why are you going for the keenest night when there is no chemo because I'm everyone will spam rest out of the church okay no reading from me it was breaking once she could die I don't he's going for the 4 to the 3/2 really economy he wants to destroy town centres and he will get that castle on if he goes for it now at 17 inch plus I believe six that's that's some real damage output in those days would they would I maybe need a new amount of a Jordan Carter what is it going to go up range isn't the greatest five-year he's come for the world's first yeah he wants to get him it could you just right-click the castle no use seems like it's a small port here maybe it's still setting up some hotkeys what are key could you set up probably actually has our elephant right no you already built the scouts doesn't have a gold for elephants wait no I don't think it will offend I feel really only with home you guys I don't care is the keister cousin now the third castle yeah goody-goodies oh yeah but they're also here okay it's oblate is there a chance that they did eat and just left the game instantly know you will say is the end okay okay chemistry now coming so cannon gallon is an option bomber cans are also an option our ballast amount for Jordan isn't that high right we have him at 21 at the moment they couldn't really compete against that big number of ran by but soon she'll be pretty cost efficiently he's going for chemistry as we said and the defense so seven are upgrades yeah the brick facade is all his food economies is there right well yes now the Jordan is pushing and now Jordan knows that he that happened defense so he can destroy the time centers and that we have cedar for the economy and don't need it some time to set up the parties so there and well Howard Jordan come up with that castle idea I don't know where the last crucial baby army for quite some time and that is so good for him how much you think like adding five work at least of that change anything Morgan is now like the gallium tech really right can enjoy instead career I need some crew damage as well that's mainly for raid in the back right that's not Tessio kaziri rock Karambit ready soon well they are like for free or muscle here's a gherkin to make them anyways I feel like in this matchup you see the unit dad's needs upgrades released and unit produces that need to upgrade the most parameter and the most remote delete right yeah for events now John just goes to heaven all the upgrades over here now trying to expand to that direction but so out that early and the the give that is going around and reddit right where someone is putting out post and sunny like 60 army is appearing some gold don't waiting come therefore RT Seneca Ram is over and those are just so good for that spot that's just so many dead villagers for sure daddy pop difference only though 20 more villagers military context is super close plus 50 for guns 51 even option that's a lot of Rambo and they're not deleted in his kids default okay they have more accuracy right yeah son you have more HP more if so there's only 10 more HP I would say 60 to 70 thank you so I name 17 to 20 attack if item is taken every time like that and accuracy like okay and no no what you see going down doubts didn't quite pick for quite some time right only running tries to reboot especially he is running into more and more goals but so that's pretty important for him losing his main goes but here still happened the Hat is really kicking before him as well and George now getting more and more updates for his Karambit and doubters pulling for the first real fight him one in 51 against 176 coming over let's take a look trucks will get cleared up and so will be all the analysts doubt still funny back yeah yeah there's a little I don't know dude needs to make a huge and comedies the he had every right yeah he I'm taking to Pike man and he's going for the upgrades there now on the ballistics one doubt that would control she's heavy simply because he is getting the gold spots here of and your knees pushing in both sides oh yeah another castle here puts down doubt back to - what do you think about elephant's ear - my sister I feel like testing I think Emily's harp is enough do you think like splitting off his army like he's doing now still doing some at the top and now is defending him he knows he has the MIDI so he can go to a North clean go to the South clean if you're going to have the numbers as injured as Julius play with a lot of military beings there because obviously that arm is it's more especially but he's a strong guy so he can replace there my first kiss with that that's something that shouldn't have right yes you can just farm here you should always have just the Kermit spam in there like every minute or something and just clear this up over and over again so I'm not opening that area I'm all of a sudden see you sweetie - elephant no way and yeah Chet said something really nice there why isn't yelling harbor's just like six motox it's so cheap for him and what get a lot of style points as well yeah yeah that's what I said just sending to cram it's so much better than some of it is getting cleared up as well three against one relic one neutral one this is sort of an open game this don't maybe take this one back I don't think so then well the only thing Jordan is missing his rabbit ears but he has covered ERC's to be fine [Music] switch into light keV as well I don't think in light Jeff could be a good option just for rating right now for many fans believe it better because he will forced out to make to say Adam buy sudafed because they like I will be useless okay and just like an upgraded better elephants are just fine as well right yeah yeah they're not even it just sit two elephants their work and they will work indeed don't now close to pop limits getting hasser and blast furnace and it's just the fact that Jordan wasn't controlling the gold spots at the left hand side kind of keeps doubt in this game right yeah still no you need a ramp I though and it's not like the most costly upgradable it's just slightly more expensive than blast furnace and house are operate like it's even cheaper than a belief it's like 907 so I feel like that could be an update and now we see a big fight that 17 military against 19 military of the Burmese plan that signal has to be more cost-efficient for dog but I still feel doubt it at the moment the rabbi's really calling like Liza but so much is going down you can see the big guilty but yeah Appeals does all the rabbi's think uses the host on this game yeah beautiful down you're done is that kid reasoning community service he mostly keep them all alive is now he can push back because like the huh bodies are so a more cheaper than the hearts are that fair way more Delta and talk now switching into elite associate producer we can see the body never update but they are bad only having +1 defense they are dying pretty quickly against mass above lift well Jordan is not using us my scholars notice so you can always like sweeten economy than then we destroyed any excuses way DC switch staff now the right over here doubt is just coming over trying to clear this up [Music] chance that out did forget that he didn't like are you sure I could weave it it's weird for me because it's hard to keep those resources on notice that do you or do you the reason right yeah okay let's take a look at rabbis not moving in again Harper dears with the switch stuff that would have been a nice spot for two demos to each other I've known that it's all about it he has one around flags is this clip in something once on the back now will lose their lives as well all the holidays look one will easily type I don't want to see the hapless die as well but all those Ram by eating some shots and that was another Constitution fight for Jordan yeah he was very good fight and he may come where two families oh now I can't even keep some pickle as he would say Papa and 55 that cops will not be held against free scraps here and the rabbi's doing damage from distance but so do the obelisk I think that's John escape yeah this is looking so good for you right now I wonder like now that he sees that double shooting just give me sirs very hip things that balance out of all he thinks about switching to politically water and they still they are my numbers is too high he needs to focus then he wants to switch T to commit more five pretty soon numbers are too small more traps pushing another castle as well [Music] yet we're still playing without the balance changes here that and gold left would be surprised if he does left here in Karambit now flying in and look at the map would you like a 70% 30% seventh area and I would like that can cannot attack he has to defend all the diner that's not a good position now relic hunting what one so John sneak that one away pretty nice move he's our proponent 85 doubt still staying alive 60 and it seems like no we're really moving into the resurrection IAM io signa doubt any chance to go back like jordan arm is way more cheaper like it makes hundred years over and kind of attack accommodate forever maybe try to attack like through the top and that always a weird just run over there feels a bit like that push is just well you perform buildings are believers say that they will die super fighting [Music] maybe that's the spot where he cured like poverty is now going to the France that means most of them still die some stem from change put maybe do something and continue no love she still has six months around here [Music] it's just focused look at that right he knew he had a good spot I'm just drinking and out oh oh that's the grass sad panda face hmm has to be happy I'll just throw some words I go to and I don't want to say it but for me it fields only now the series is starting oh yeah no it's gonna be because Jordan oh oh he was going for the horse indeed I feel doubt just heavily out picked there on his whole map and on the whole map of John simply bad preparation maybe lost mine came there as well and now we go more into like the even phase where other mind games are active the outside and all the maps better at least I hope and so on just clean performance and still like we have to mention even if you have the term advantage like they're only like they're still like only fifty people in the world that when Dad smooth leave that convincingly with Malay against Burmese against out there every scene Georgia has played solid quite good and he he makes me let me have it more copy that now in the next games let's see I think this one was a play by the sea but that was merely doubtful not bad yeah now let's see what they begin the next games what do we have there so let's open the drafting and next map will be Arabia so thinking about we have Prairie go to Russia trellis and Eldorado left after that you probably wanted to have like Indians orts and meanwhile Dorado we won't see any of those tips that's a tricky one what are your predictions here Tara I see he has to use our in Arabia thing he will use Frank's or or slaps mm-hmm then again he SAT opions but he will you say the obvious on go rest Parkton but I think he will use them there I think Frank's make sense to have Frank seen the first games because the Franks is easy to counter right this has civilization that is a bit weaker and if you have like less Maps is he said that he knows where which map are you going to use them why do you think about Incas again because like we will likely see hands or Mongols on the Jordan side so kami Oaks are good against tons yeah you could also go for eager to with Korea's against Mongols so I feel like Incas could maybe like the counter tip to what Jordan will offer yeah well it's clear Jordan might go for hands bare words here but mom or some I think mom will be having more sense on prey right yeah yeah yeah too handsome man with Sun Prairie so he needs to save English for that yeah yeah yeah I think I know what I thought I still hear a lot of noises so I will go over there and tell them to stop the next series because I actually want them to finish within the next hour which is could be very unlikely or it is it very unlikely so we will be back for game number three pretty quickly here with the next game and again with nearly [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you so guys they will jump into the next game here it will be Arabia and civilizations as you can see from mr. doubt doubt and from mr. John that's so weird normally I'd murder of the camp but you need to see the trap sponsor tone has two wins 0 losses no that's the series not the score at the moment so I would say let's wait for channel to join indeed and Bible what's our sitting behind mr. Jordan giving some it well advice you want to have that sit for that map John was just thinking some random things literally came over and was like what is happening here John what were you thinking and hello Arabia now in game number three Jordan leading to 0 quite a surprise for us but let's see how they will approach this now Jordan with the hands and don't put the incus here quite a solid stuff you see John likes the hands but yesterday we saw do you play against mr. Leary incas against hands how did that feel for you mmm-hmm it was car happiness a hard match up for hands I think it's gonna be even harder in pure so infield I think I approach it wrongly but it was a different map as well right he was not I really was prayer if I don't mistake me exactly yeah I think hunts is I mean it's gonna be a even matter cuz fuel Castle eight mm-hmm it depends of how they approach but then in imperial I think the incus is where they shine a bit more and then is where probably have their edge over her yeah and if you get to cameos like what's the answer faster I didn't see the exist in the answer cell think of arches can be world still it's curious as well yeah they work for coming loose right so here and yeah we can hear the kids in the background again yeah so I would close the window here and you and the meanwhile I can't answer to me what do you think yesterday I felt you had the stone walls up what do you think like to stables to archery ranges double nights CC a could that up corrupt yeah maybe but they wanna be scared like he had a huge army lead and then I thought that there was I wasn't able to I wasn't going to be able to to out mask him so I decided to go for the economy approach and and try to get faster it Imperial Tainan Angola with Cavaliers idea didn't work out America vs mask artists will have worked way better yeah if you're so doubt you see house here to villagers and you won't be at the moment taking a look at the maps so orange not the biggest would hear gold its to all that front area and then still pretty exposed at the same time don't need to all that area I would say and then stuff this could be very aggressive one yep white but for for that you realize you can go for our DC this time here mmm-hmm and that he'll he'd that killed therefore double disagree but so in Jordan takes that one is gonna be really good for you okay only three on what would think us why would you do that doesn't fall I understand it yeah well you guess is because of the cheaper houses isn't it subjective produce that you need to build one house left why do you save 25 would read I mean yeah I don't know but I don't know if like what is he just ready because maybe he wants to go for Eagle then 3 is 5 because you need to go as fast as possible okay because you don't need like the barracks until you reach pewter right and you can't go as well for a dress fast filled with three wood mm-hmm or something what they do is like just made three and then at the fourth later okay okay that's what I was doing actually even number five and that somewhat into the transition out all wards few late maybe second dilemma camp over here could be an option did you scout that properly yes he did and this general scouting it's pretty nice right she's a lot of the map here and pretty active there didn't stop that much like the front walls but doubt is a guy who never like walls the big wave right he always like what's so tiny like he would never want this area he would all like just watch this one he's too lazy yeah W doubt and like also like I fear that he isn't walling like this which is just walling like this area that's so weird sometimes I feel like if you play assets against doubt you're just doing so much more damage than against other players yeah yeah he leaves give you such a so is pose whatever you girls right it's something we don't see too often nowadays early on and that looks pretty much like scouts to me right yeah and scouting and seals map control should more go into the paper of John and then we need to see the transition yesterday we had and BL against on Scouts against Eagles Jordan had the map control all they all game long but then lost Knights incarceration therefore advantage yeah she'll be Ben Adams I like that he's good for the big one who were me stick in there he's too all behind but I still feel like that wall will be better than this wall they can see a lid on yeah maybe well we'll always get tricky against Natalie area now goes for four militia here I think against Scouts which is pretty likely I prefer three militia and spearmen instead of four militia and the earlier Emily yeah well me he adds what is people now you see move out by him with formulation least stable out now but some three was just and those four the EcoPOD storm we will see him add some more farms for work soon and don't just keep a nice track of that will join the party yeah Oh Willie links damage for now ok minotaurs on the way I would like to see the speed map first and in the middle of it yeah yeah it's kind of how you do it right yeah that's what I said like it's a bit weird maybe filthy needs to do damage now and actually like for militia or for Emily I sleep pretty good even if he gets like three Scouts out yeah I don't need to wait a bit he will get this people don't they I think losing some HP and prospered show thanks for the Billie's guys I will try to have some key casting here and clean overlays that's why we don't show alerts at the moment I know that's not really super respectful thankful for most of you guys but I still love y'all thanks for the nation stuff and Billy's flying in I hope you enjoyed the show and let's hope for John that he has a good defense against those Emily they don't carry they look in the area I need and they would realize you can mash them while you're going up right then that's escaping when they they are officially - oh yeah Palestine our Jordan is doing fine for now I think that is not the hot seat been so much and bull war then that's the words that I said before right not great against no needs to pull two villagers extinct or what you don't you think an answer first is a bit better I thought it wasn't you have to for sure like when I tell America machine their teeth more scary no excuse ago nothing like a deer - damn it yeah well yes blessing that make something now is that in the oxalate on Oh doubt only novels was double-butt X someone of the slower upgrades and exceed out can you quick well this no he cannot and that should be one or two delicious SSP refuse oh nice doubt my true your hell yeah sweet stuff man that way done not the greatest mics right here taking some damage at the same time trying to autumn move here take a look wet the low HP Villa to go more on the center pretty nice position for him yeah that was good to amend earlier we use a scout eventually but for now he keeps down [ __ ] busier mmm like paying attention wear this color because he can like move around this women and then he will be you know a problem don't forget one more hit of here that's not like being super wear something different yeah say good are cheering for your ax and the breakfast as well so that will be kind of mass crossbows hmm will be could be but well do you think that he needs +1 fletching yeah well not at the moment he could just wait till clicks Castle right I think I will go for that it was as well because now he sees that that would this wall here for any other military building so it's not like that is going to say anyway like 10 arches with him under the for me to do some quick calls here could go for the palisade gate but is not seeing people in the chat are asking CA well I think if he goes on to our ranges now you have a lot of crossbows and maybe he transitions into CA but for now that looks pretty much like archers only yeah I agree and even he has like 20 grow arches one by the time he's Castle Italy will be scary for that okay someone walks over here and I feel we won't see that much damage from here on out right how far is Jordan from Catalina I think is quite important now that he reads cassie is a foreigner 204 doubt on the other side we have 400 100 Jordan and thing is dealt with all the math control at the moment it's pretty fine and Jordan bought the whole map just need to some awards over here and then happy with the suggestion but yeah the police is delayed knowing fascinates like he will do because crow boy is better going to is not going to work to - well he's not that faster than that right well yeah you need like 30 number you mentioned earlier then it's okay but maybe at some nights yeah not walling that in time I was trying to go over here he did skip fletching indeed by the way that is up John will click up pretty quickly as surety and trying to make for those of you see did you really need to clear that up it was only one Egan's he shouldn't be that scared of em day right you know she wants to be regular life yeah I think I'm in a time anymore this could be like you mean that you made in the first a minute existing a life at 19 give me eight hours together sing a villager I believe you did not pursue kids are going up and we see the barracks Carol I'm going to be crossbow man long short man from the hand player hmm if he's got something against any other sheep I will agree as I can sink us I don't like to go merit as a stink-ass because at this linguist but if you have enough cross for men slingers won't do too much right do you need to like did too much only long footmen isn't really an option we can agree on that but if you go non short man crossbow man you can maybe chief something it could work it can work but you need to micro really good and yeah well that would force doubt in to more operators well he will need plus one plus two and four now although it's a three three barracks so he's committed already some good today yeah two wins they're pretty flawless play we have to say yeah yet the advantage level the tips I'm still feels fine you can warrior upgrade now for Joe dear breaking fast though I think you were inside already the guys quick watch this with the gate right and we have to see placement as well that will be one villager down and let's see like it snag that couldn't maybe that you see as well well actually he will never get that you see ya oh that was so bad well it was in the end it was one villager down but still yeah he needs to wall a bit so much attention going to what it is well if he doesn't screw up from here it is fine but there's just so much okay now let's get that yeah the position John wants to be in right now he needs to so show his amid a transition as well and the Brittany guys can always run out of highways and something people always say like Jordan didn't really adjust to all of the kingdom's yet yeah and that's what I feel the [ __ ] like this one this is the spot where your quick wall with a palisade gate right right like 2018 yeah well I do have quickly for the passing game do you don't have what I broke it I have sitting well I per only edits his like half years ago or something but still no using it though yeah he is spamming it I think he's over spamming at yeah yeah like in spots where's wouldn't make no sense like this spot he would go for like eight gates and wants to go for the crazy strong and then like the first gate never started in the hills are just running the non-aligned but yeah he really likes the peloton gates at the moment I use them when I was in they were nice play HD but then the hot kitchen bully are different right there is not a hockey for abolishing it you need to switch out someone move in the living room for a small moment I thought vipers coming over and screaming what the hell man closing the door again okay that's kind of the approach most of the Eagles now pretty low women going over and that could be open again don't just running around how does it look here he's going for the seats workshop does it play this one TC or is he yeah just what one TC full Eagle aggression mmm interesting pretty sees ya the brezza for utilize the doubt is keeping him his base right so Jerome has another now this one down center that doubt is his has seat forward for quite some time he sees someone works here and that's only fuel age building so scout for at least 10 minutes I would say hmm yeah yeah I think he needed ballistic always come in with Kindle singles in this game they keep running all the time trying to go for the front again I just want to ask what we see manuals all over the ramps but the answer already here with the mo he will break in like no time so oddly for Jordan and I think you find it together but still it's no ballistics did take too long so many meanwhile that barracks is he will say the seagulls then we meet his pants you'll have much time third barracks now being billed over here long for men going down without justice and that's look at the population that's 36 military against three longshoremen do you really counter you you're just going down and so on it's a clueless but he needed the what's up looking really bad for you're done right now he is so how I think my mother is is not to our agency is because usually they are clam up so even if you don't kill them they take a look at that Matt's right and you can fix with your chest I mean manga notes yeah - okay we will see it third attempt or third barracks on foot man count now for Jordan add five only that's not enough like Knights an option not to snipe the mangroves as well he's gonna be [ __ ] for for the Knights right alone is what I really like to do oh man and or like how yeah important would be having ballistics sorry kappa how important would it be jet ballistics it ought to be I mean I think you're gonna win for a greedy to [Music] [Music] [Music] villagers behind on all the military in the world doubt plate this one TC just M&A into mass Eagles won t see push how can God stop that I think his approach was him to that but they mean cassoulet likey I think Billy the doc said there was a mistake because you don't only need food for the Lourdes ball run you need food to make Billy right so he he besides and I think it choose between the layers and Norman and he made like three four so I will say that in the his position where he didn't have any map control his who have tried maybe to push a bit more with instead of making town centers make more farms make maybe Tabarrok and then try to push doubt back at least from to have a bit more map control okay so Incas just feel super strong against sons right yeah I think although they're really strong Incas you picked rapier in curse against MBL right in the game's confidence like one he was mum was a healing my and it was Incas okay what are you picking on Samuel a big Ethiopians it's your nesting against Celts there yeah okay that game okay okay mix it up a bit and they're asking me if we can start the next game and I just tell them yes you can go and let's do some overlay stuffy again because now we have the pictures Incas and hands cannot be use anymore so they are gray now so for left if slaps Mario's Frank Frank Ethiopians Berber pigeons Mongols and AD sticks Prairie I say mumbles kind of the safe pick there right yeah yeah I think it has to be Mungo's right did again like I would a what see he will like to have for the next map like ultra has to be British there are ticks I think memory is not about the berries will will make having more senior necropolis but they may lead or rather a brothers don't have any bonuses for El Dorado right yeah I think that this will fit better in El Dorado probably then you leave breathers for gold Russ yeah tricky thing is you don't control the center of that sticks your dad those brothers you can somehow come back mm-hmm look I'm in the faces as you can see you that's 12 seconds ago was thinking about what to pick very focused on here right he still like he knows he is somewhat of a shot in this he went down 1-0 yesterday against MPL going down to doubt which I feel is another competitor to maybe fail this tournament and make its like fifth or sixth place and you know like six people here for are getting money and to don't yeah so let's see how they are approaching this jumping into game number four here here over at probably and we see Jordan already sending one scout to the front here indeed pick more load on the other side we have doubt with the Magyars here how do you like those tactics why Mongols is key here how we good see you have a lot of heart and you can have use that I wonder if the joram will knows about that like there is a lot of Easter hunt John knows about that yeah he did that yesterday he played against MBL and went on the outside with six villages so everyone who doesn't know this map this map is basically they are completely fled we have one small point that doesn't really matter then we have some extra that's why pick Mongols and one specialty is we start with two Scouts close by we seed out going for the poor at the front there and the approach seems to be John trying to blame with one scout at the front the other one is scouting the home base and well if you only have one ball right there you have one that seems a bit too far is that I don't rule of thumb I think like one screen should be easy right yeah let's take one and a half strains that's to it I'm not sure what Louie like without him obviously William he gets more Hungary instead of going for it I will send no now we are back to colors again his lack of wood is disadvantage for Mongols well what do you mean if you are Mongols and you don't have good that's not good for you if you asked like the whole map is good for Mongols he can play quite aggressively right but Negus they have to probably the strongest counters in the game yeah I need the other will have the advantage first in nearly field because he should be like well it's one minute faster and out he has a good start when the numbers will get the same then doubt will be a bit more scary Jordan we have to wall up he wants to stay alive think okay we need to rest a bit to be in the same position down mm-hmm well John should wall himself quite small right over here over here that area is good for the hunt and she's confident he's got a pied out oh boy Oh nearly apartment kappa nice nick they're asking is there any fish in the pond but we have some Sophos so I personally think Malay probably the only tip that could make this point worthwhile otherwise talking they're not too too efficient yeah well now know that he has to take away the Jorah from that he cannot let me stay there right oh yeah this is like we could be lazy classes here and just keep it on this for the next 10 minutes I feel because this is the main eco at the moment this is where I predict the stables will go up the barracks should go up and the first place without show the check yeah that has to come here the first time so yeah Jordan to know as you said should know that he donates it now didn't I spotted sojourner will be a bit more safe right but you're not so dumb to school as well so Jorgen knows that doubt knows he's there he's there knows that doubt knows okay okay haha oh wait do it up 83 top 18 and that's with two military so that's basically pop 19 and losing one is held here is is bad he's really bad yeah yeah agreed it feels like is it even more less hurtful then with the ones one oh yeah what you're kinda scared with the other one yeah exactly it so but simply having the first fights don't like for Scouts against three just feel so much so tough yeah the phrase like did you do this you lose the scout and you always have the same obtain earlier why you lose the map control immediately like you cannot go attack because he will have one more scar than you always and she doesn't have any map control anyways because he's one minute later up and oh did you learn a sport out the Scout there didn't a mirror the map no no he was chasing a scout there I know with the second Denis count why why is that so late look at that it's 18 to 19 villagers and he is up one minute later that's your aha you both have luma just check that exactly weird so don't hit it a lot of violence and because there are no villager losses right that's only the Scout loss and now he went one Jordan coming around let's take a look obviously all of it is just still full HP where's 10 HP maybe Jordan Scouts that one but John also will block the like preferred building placement for their statement there yeah and this is hurting so much doubt now Jordan we have the initiative so that will not be too free he will have the freedom to go hit your hand right I look at out now you can see I've really food left oh that's so you guys only believe is a that Square and not enough wood for the men after honestly like you will never have like crazy idea to horse color do the wood upgrade at three spearmen and delay the stable hmm I think you're always giving up map control button will never have map control anyways and then you have the possibility to have a transition into something right because now we will take so long till you get so farms and then there will be bad as well I think you have that will be that's right Oh give me some nearly to ease in the chat because John it's going for the big attack here sentence of energy guys Jordan the big the doc in this game could go up 3-1 in this serious that's only one wood line doubt as he has no words to build more farms he has very little farms anyways right they without horse color super inefficient not really having any experiments out at proper places and John if he gets this tower are just looking very good for him yeah I couldn't agree more with you like that that was gonna be deadly oh wow that's too far no that's too far gemstone stone Kimball ii know what it does but to the hunt it will block eventually but there was a bit too scared right so I'm not counting the tiles they're poor oh and out how how to start around here Jordan just need two seconds be a man okay hey Jonah how sweet Morse code okay keep it's the one you wanna fight that's all fine and now and yeah he is reaching the center of the hole that's all good Todd can make this a bit yes twenty wood at the moment but simply alone because Jordan has yeah the map control here you can just run around Scout block all that off only one straggler at the moment for doubt and oh that's happen I wanted to ask you like easy-out standard is now that you are not allowed to lame straggles right yeah you are not I didn't specify that in my rules but I think that's a good idea to have this in this tournament as well yeah yeah what I don't think anyone is doing that right now okay yeah do that I just wanted to say I don't like how few Speedman stone hat never just want to see some more at the front and John well that wasn't that bad four dollars just to move over here will check out two more for our military count 11 to 5 Jordan walling up quite nicely over here it's still full control for Tony yeah let's see Jordan a scout desk he knows that tau DS I guess you're a nice cuddly bass right so people are asking what does limbing strugglers exactly mean so sometimes you spawn around it to see with some small trees so in this case that was pushed away here went on to those those to not block your palm placement are trees that he can build over though so just start with them build a farm and then they are erased from the map that's also something your enemy can abuse so if you see those stragglers on the mini-map what like in the fog of war like Jordan does he can kind of kill them by building something and they don't even need to start the building let's take a look at the engagement here just wanna check for doubt and so on I think he could have committed here right mm yes I guess Mickey wants to go for blue lights first but I'm not sure how he can go for the farmers they are oh that's low HP as well mm-hmm a nice mic the divide out though Oh is he moving in against those three villagers you should have a later secretary yeah I think so he will snag one and then is going back how did doubt catch up with villagers here this Jordan intends to put out to the later game and it seems like we are doing that foreign foods run a gold chip for Jordan and well only now moving on to gold is doubt Kazakhstan will be much faster hotel yeah much faster I think that we try to apply pressure on fuel I I have the feeling that he feels he's he cannot get the same obtainment Jordan so oh okay no Meera well this be much even no then you break for spearman one is the other thing there to here did you send some bag huh that's Soviet I don't know this women go I think doubt key one yeah but or maybe children what's at least four right yeah so he get to another two out there I think okay hmm to underscore here in this best-of-seven whoever gets the world another check loose - code there but to keep a okay exactly ee like doubt he's committed to Fuhrer he has to be committed lad lines with three Scouts only well you guys more of this code oh okay I'll take the back nine Scouts okay well that makes more sense but still gets our two camels he's fine but Jordan thinking it said most women and not to feel honestly Oh Jordan that's all I won't go up there to Spearmint go up here and that's good although he's not here he's always with us okay I said I would you're done face yeah I think he was just too cool I think it was just too cool about it all walls here Jordan nice stuff some point at the moment I just hope that he's not moving out with like eight artists or something well he's put the disc out now he I guess he knows that he has yeah he should know so I will never go out yeah he should maybe add like six P one or just wait for - carrots - carrots - carrots are good right hey hey you only disappear because you're worth so yeah I guess he was opinion don't tell me that was going for more notes no he's just added another stable for the upcoming night production now flattering Elaine that again and I'll doubt cannot really be happy how did the damage he's doing with his scouted moment he just saw the villager double-checking if Jordan was world and here's yeah and what that would be Korea some up control with the scales right like his best working office and now he will be forced to drop out away he's see about that there's just moving out what is he up to doubt oh oh John he's out there with his daughters and that's what I said I don't want to see move out with a dart says now it's tender discount I think you should be fine because doctors here underpass whatever he is doing that now though exactly here and surround himself with the do Scouts I think that's the best thing he could do oh you can okay tone well that's a beautiful positioning for short and I like how he is positioning himself that's just so beautiful on that well done okay and now can move out with Crossman Watkyn arrow and see if he is adding some camels yes he is and now he could take fights or double is attacking the hunters I would not stay still minors they're doing some doubts well he will get the tour up but then he has no safe food anymore how are these research in looking though he should have endless amount of resources right yeah look at the husband's too late yeah I think Jordan should go double stable camel here what do you think yeah that's for sure I just go for lights kept up great as well how much is committing someone who's committing the gold here and she will try to get all the and he only has four Scouts trying to focus on the villagers Richard vent is now up to nine maybe don't to go up to challenge II like about plate is going through yummiest be very hurt Scouts here what's that word for the Jordan 12 villages dad yeah I think it was a good really good morbid because now he comes hold against a night wait you see right we don't have a single village on wood at the moment trying to build a house and John only needs to like survive like three four minutes I would say without taking too much damage and here is a second a stable he's fine yeah but he needs a burrito baby oh that's tricky oh god it is he up here and that's some more let me see I suppose though at the same time yeah but what the T yes he has blessed too as well so yeah it has to attack yeah that's true yeah there's no way that doll can ever ring those now camels we would love to see some more update on those plus some defenses I clasp on a tech bed and all situations is the same you think so I think it's more spots where he's chasing his enemy and doing damage then when he's actually fighting and trying to actually get use of the armor yeah but when he's fighting armor is ready for covers I think because they might it comes almost everything from the borders right so plus one is not going to add too much time but if you had a blast one would you chemical I stay alive for a long time okay okay but it's true like if you are not you are just chasing that's what make attack makes more sense OC Hospital tree for none of the two players without finishes no and I like how heavily he is going on - Kenneth we did show the two villages here at the side so getting some more gold out sending some back onward advantage at 16 now Jordan just dancing around making sure to not drive blood lights when she squeezed Adam yeah he needs to right now think so the Delta Sun water center right and he knows that Jordans on to your knees to keep learning about a static noise do you hear that as well then I might try to fix some stuff but oh no and it's all fine and now we have a big engagement here it's only +14 zone on the other side we have to pursue and not like trying to micro that up nice move - bye Jordan and that substrate cost-efficient five thanks daddy is kind of out of it and John has taken 3-1 lead here yeah that's a good good win for him here and that's something most people didn't expect and I yesterday hype the suitors I'm the elegant Jordan so much because I felt that's the only series that John has a real shot of winning and suddenly he has three match points mm-hmm I think he was really will play my daughter like realizing that wood line doubt did didn't have the chance just to go for the back wood lines as well deputies tell Tripp what he would look for the safest one I don't know why he wait for that when they first see stands like that's it well he's closed it a bit closer right and Jordan well he went for the risky move again had a better echo and he said that ok doubt face so sad indeed and we will jump into the statistics yep doctor ha ha Viper screaming and on with more kills had the better yukl obviously and the up timings the true something here one minute earlier to village we had the bad target spread out as well right behind behind yeah yeah yeah and yeah obviously even picking up relic yeah and yeah like just think about like two more nights were there two more months behind that fight would have been so great as well and yeah I can give them already but I think they are stretching their legs a bit guys no surprise to you the other series will be delayed a bit we have in some issues since setting up hotkeys the game speed a bit and pretty time scheduling by me only having three and half hours but as I said we try to fit in the whole group stage in six days and well just get rain your wrist yeah indeed and you can always catch up with all the action on YouTube we already have the first series of yesterday on my youtube nice and I also always did them four hours long every video so that we don't get spoilers so there's a lot of trash in those view these as well so I think I want some more fresh air so we will play some more music and then we will jump into game number five which will be gold rush quick predictions of in civilizations mmm it's wait okay my user slaps it's left for doubt and I will say Britain's presence I like it so piant on gold rush also like it opens an Acropolis attach of me and we will talk to you soon Colette Strix thanks for the church prime seer interior in a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that was just a static test because some people were coming over like a mija maybe L was hearing something no one else was hearing something so I've muted the music and while he wasn't toileting to me we couldn't really exact so talent will join me shortly and we are jumping into game number five here three match points here for Jordan on gold rush is the first one and let's jump over into that well I need to close the window again so yeah it's a kindergarten in my background so live in the nice neighborhood and okay tattle we'll have some interesting you move a bit closer to me again so it's better than microphone and we have interesting civilizations for ourselves we have Jordan going for the ad text and we have doubt with Indians here on Gold Rush one who doesn't know go to us we're basically fighting for this beautiful area which is kind of close to here and now we have the first postage or two but when for the safe 102 now with the bonus and the time I tried it I failed I played against out the other day and try to lame both balls actually was go trash and spend so much time I only got one and only came home with like 5 HP and completely idle to see and in the end he just touched me and didn't go for both anyways oh yeah I remember I had Koreans he had like he didn't get you though so okay I will fix the colors again guys and here we go so for that I think I will tell them in the future to always pick blue and red and then we all set up actually I can always do that I just need to think about it my bad guys we are jumping into the game with correct colors no thanks for being so helpful one ball stolen how bad is that for its Europeans well it's not too bad but then the problem when you are being lame is like you cannot go for a fast futile time or usually you cannot or if you do is because you have to lure the earth mm-hmm so that I do Lord ears you are going to lose a lot of his court information so obvious is a good devotee for the for the Lemur mm-hmm and I guess that doubt might be forced into drops obscene but probably that was one of his mainly probably one of his strategies on this map as well mm-hmm well those deer could potentially help oh yeah mr. Dowd over here if he Scouts that for now he already did nice awareness of that has beautiful defense of cold spots already saw the main gold over here I kind of feel like if John controls this Hill the game has to be over yeah yeah he has to that Hill is cute a nice mark is closer to doubt base as well so yeah I think that my goal in the last obscene on this with this map he doesn't have it's not too open i he come easy wall and he takes it years that will be sounds like propeller okay well would try to set up the microphone a bit higher for ourselves man and maybe it's just like stuff of my PC Oh we'll see how we can fix this this is fine for you with the microphone yeah okay let's continue that keep giving us feedback and well we'll see oh yes sounds perfect no it's weird right sounds completely fine that's so weird guys some people complaining and the Ellis hearing things and other people are saying nothing going on volume is low man what the [ __ ] man thanks for your constructive feedback some deer around here going for the rushes mr. Jordan and if we see post players going to rush FC is it crossbows for doubt and yields for John no let's see how Joran approach if it was a standing area C that would be crucial for the other four sir right but now in the world keenness the world they are today can go for either ok I will increase the Oval microphone a bit kind of weird that we are fixing like something after swimming for some hours [Music] I had the super low right yeah but it's like didn't complain like last time we checked for sound it was saying like it's so good the quality is so nice and now people randomly arriving it this is too low for me and then people are coming over and yet still for me as well yeah I only hear the sound of doubt getting rekt by Jordan hmm it's a beautiful sound right it's Soviet like how like so weird like some people are complaining about it and some people aren't yeah I listen to like a fun yeah that's nothing is outside all right that's inside here sounds perfect weird yeah let's focus in again let's focus on the game for a change not the worst idea ever heard so we have Jordan going for the Emmett a play here pretty open food though on the other side we have the doubts probably the trash you see that we were expecting he's running into any wolves luckily not but he and Jordan began sending two villagers for what I like I like that he has to be forward number three does he want to take an engagement or does he want to wait for the M&A upgrade here hmm he can take the engages fight I think you should kill the Scout this is the most important Oh Jordan hmm okay those scout for militia here do we see if this one or DMARC randomly applied does have a lot of wood floating though kind of surprising to me well from what is fine there seems like you're also told to see bear that's something I remember now very early on archery range now around here stone one of fans of you another one super safe so he is fine three on gold now what does don't need to do well during mister very present there he takes off the doubts from Mary that's gonna hurt out so much mmm-hmm so therefore now I think they are terrain is had a really good mood there as well because that will support his aberration or that's how those who and I think they are coming through it indeed that wall isn't finished well he is getting pushed somewhat into the TC Jonas microphone that okay I would say our beautiful move beautiful move touching all the shots here and keeping on as everyday alive and now he is blocking those berries quite nicely can he snipe one villager I think it is to keep their life so he should not fight now he's will never fight that from down upon zone I see friend order he's just doing currency damage against the militia right yeah he's just keeping everything alive would listen to what I said that that will use the village that's what okay look at the fuel age timing of touting so he won't reach fuel age before 14 minutes and 30 seconds here let's take a look but he would pick up now since 1425 and so on is just pushing yet still around and doubt she may be fighting this now for now he's only taking damage this looks pretty damn good what she wanted to take the for one year and strapping a villager öland out nice out here oh he saved them oh that was a nice move I don't know indeed indeed and ah this is pretty intense for me doubt he will have enough gold to pick up the fuel aids but far L to calculate but far away from ever it's like having enough goal of food here look at that amount of thumbs like out farm as well no idea what he is how to achieve there we just mean now coming over and to edit archers just forget even worth for doubt what can he do and look at why you see I didn't farms over here yeah okay oh boy and Jordan don't tell me he must attack now why is he going back so tonight you're oh wow that what people here to see if you didn't show he knows he knows why is he yeah he needs to move in now it's for M&A and to archers their most efficient now before the doors open okay now he's moving now now he moves okay well but that's just so so much waste of time I think he would get a defensive tower up now you could have like two three minutes just before that okay now the attack I think pulling in the tube nice move as well one villager going down and that's a tricky one for Eddie here down to down and it's already sick you can almost denied the tower right can you leave that one is getting micro town place you buy it out putting that one back five HP 1hp and losing her as well those are some serious losses staying in there Jordan ahead now by five foot it just maybe we can see two more go down for now that still stays in this one watch tricky tricky spot Oh what is that was going for terrain is or rain bless me to rain this and that goal is looking so bad for him sour here it shouldn't rain so it's not that but our to be honest now Todd is moving in all this we're just pulling back to low HP ones I think that's fine I think the tower won't go up oh Ken doubt hold this one here he doesn't want to go down for one - Jordan here in the first series the trash hog was on before the series he said he will win 4-0 well that's not really going to be an option now he needs to win the next three games to even well when the series at all now the tower that's a one I like a bit more but mainly because he takes both cause he takes both goals with one tower that's our huh what do you think should John maybe add some more skirm here yeah good like this girl could be good what is he doing behind that for on stone now adding some farms tower of doubt not going up now sniping an art sir ma around and fletching against no upgrade trying to dance around a bit more three villagers can be G I don't think the tower will go up right but so you can snipe that scum so he could also go up literally a nice micro backed by a doubt I said we'll be safe and well that's a weird shower by Jordan right it needs to be two more times away because now there are two tiles that can just hmm kill the oh if he looks like to Palisades here it's fine it's fine okay Jordan quote unquote only for villagers they had though it's like able to just add right yeah okay now building one I really want to see that well then he should be fine in the meanwhile Jordan look at the farm Jordan is a really good position now oh boy and those programs only you can see an X X player who has all the north and so here I like that what's he doing the armor he commits oh oh he is going feudal Italian with all the Eagles why he has only that much right yeah I just got cast in his undies three doubt and he knows that his enemy is sitting behind two towers and has to be on stone as well hmm Wow John did with a barrel okay good for him and how much how much dude like how much do you carry 80 yeah thanks for being right thank you nineteen twenty five percent yeah okay it's 25 percent on Lily math 360 was plus five no no he's twenty five percent no it's only you so deep a person okay well we have played so much for a window okay okay isn't that important for us nothing well we're playing 250 C mod dis okay timbi virus dad add 25% from 15 yeah that's why they're defined fronting right okay okay Nelly my ass checks out and now he will just wreck those skirmishes and he won't be up too late either should he wait for six he's fine okay yeah excuse me is that doing nothing yeah and only fletching know what the tower well that's a good tower right out he needs to control go right so that's the only option I think that we make like 3/4 cover is there to control that goal and then maybe sweetie - so tells not the worst idea for sure but I think he's to be hired anyways how far is he from Castle AIDS I think you should be super far away right 118 foods 35 gold for now this will take some time now sending massive amount of villagers on gold I see what the perfect mining camp if you ask me yeah that's weird from that well maybe you're realized like so many villagers it makes a bit more sense to build them one child away three towers here maybe it's because it was up here yeah he couldn't place it okay to villagers they once again see trucks of up here won't really do that just for now plus one defense still on those egos want to see plus one attack as well he just keeps producing out of his barracks here and a lot of Fallujah sungold would love to see number two just now over here to get a TCF and that's a pretty good shower as well I think that would might call it when you're done Chris Cassidy - he doesn't have any answer to the seagulls to commit here before yes the upgrade not yet let me just going back for Cassidy he's over an hour without he could have fought this right yeah he can fight plus 1 would be Hugh castle 8 women fighting and then the Eagles will have suddenly three more oh I'm surprised for sure that's true closing down the distance he doesn't need the athlete and Sunday from four we are getting up to seven damage in just ten seconds now the tower is getting into some troubles I believe it will go up not just they're getting attacked as well and suddenly that's seven attack here in doubt well that's how we'll go upward only with heavy losses some archers going down here as well plus to research that he's worried update this is looking good what's on it is looking very good for your let's see he has no resources to get blessed to but his meeting us it's worship is in the website no he can't he will not play a lot of press ENTER and out of the barracks that is committing a few leads that's the all plucked no villagers have to onion in here ego warrior after it and doubt we should start watch again it's because it could come any moment losing everything Richard gets pretty even now but military count 17 to four and that's a sad panda if I've ever seen one and I will need interview with the two of them and ask them what happened there Jordan is taking this serious all the control in the front end I was diving GG back and sorry that is smile he's trying to not show it but this guy is happy like after all these trucks honking oh man and honestly that's just out killing himself right to super bad map pics there the we at lumber camp on Prairie then on this map well that was kind of tough honestly this one was really would play by Jordan yeah that agree on that and what was the other lost there we in the draft or never my forgetting in prayer she was probably was the offensive lumber camp in Arabia was in Casper seconds yeah that was silly yeah the one the one and it okay so switched up and we will take a look into the statistics of this game and Kitty pretty brutal if you get onto all those Eagles obviously and having so much more content out there pretty sweet stuff and few lights I mean without 1425 that was pretty ugly for him okay guys so next series will be up against MBL and I will get doubt and Jordan over here so thanks so much for being around mister Tito sign if you can both of them in or whoever wanted the interview that would be lovely and you can MBL as well you can tell them to set up what's up which one Piper Piper real-life micro haha and always close the door please most of the guys have to work with and send in doubt and job yeah they're coming man ok let's prepare another like okay I'm talking like between game two and three Bible was sitting behind solid like this yeah and Jordan was like we play okay then we had Pont arena McLagan smoovies pretty play by you yeah I was very satisfied with my plate but he managed to have a nice economy as well get some nice booming going and then I realized he had a huge army and I had to transition into Harvard ears was prepared for that so was close but he didn't push enough somehow I at the time I needed to set up the economy it was fine everything looks like it took for me because arena like unique unique maybe little water people that way okay so then we go into Arabia well head out good job there we had ham seconds Incas right you didn't see the game yesterday right the prairie game shadow against Louie I did yeah that was kind of the same scenario and he went for the late game and just for direct as well yeah even though very evil of me to only announced the met pool one day before this yeah exactly like exactly date well just like mine yeah he even said prepare guys okay and then we had prairie how much do you like your wood but you had some good defensive wood lines as well - captain I always get freshly my hair the tiny must do damage and he was bald and the tower will have to yeah how did you feel like mom votes against Maggie out there I feel like you're Mongols are stronger because it additional hunt at least and then I guess they also named privileged lady improve nature pink mimosa stronger I don't know but I knew that early cast age because of the upgrades will be tough I need you know secured that I won't take any damage yeah exactly so but I felt very comfortable and I think he was expecting me to go at sticks so I didn't go giving those to Scouts they would be able to deny already that will be some hot key problems and we all just came in and was like yeah kind of and then go try Viper now like glue dress it felt like thought it should be no chance like Jordan title so clean well yeah I was thinking about taking the second board but then I thought no he will instead restart so I did not they he took me yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay so okay so now looking at the oval standings here doubt you're the only guy together with Chado he went down who went down oh one you don't want to finish six in this dosage you think you're actually that do you think you still have chances to not finish the big difference actually because you can get into the breakage like that's how the bracket work like fifth and fourth still place on and on and on and six it sells out this one is the great false arrest the best final thanks okay sweet stuff so guys your small predictions for the next series again the two am guys against each other therefore what knows what yes what so they will destroy your zoning if you think connection biker 400 I nobody believes in them beer I think about the maps they're both similar than known with the maps yeah okay so we will have that next livery against MDL we will figure out we will cost some smiles so so we will see that pretty soon guys I will set the countdown to what's realistic let's say 15 minutes five hour okay so it seems like Leary and MBL Tarot is helping out we will see you soon guys [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you so guys some kind people in the chat we're offering nearly what's the problem with the hotkeys maybe Chet can help how can you help with stupidity so I got news update of taro saying ten minutes is the maximum world will need so I set the timer at eleven minutes and you will be super happy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] what's up guys so we'll do some premium talk you Ashley thanks for those 247 years and very against MBL is coming up now Larry so far undefeated MBL so far undefeated of the one we need so they have the best setup on out just open doors and so tell just went smoking sheesha so did he go out of control Jordan Viper and the cook so they all took a nice seat down there and so I will start casting living and Tamia on my own and Oh John and Viper will take over mid series they told me they won't take too long correct thank you so much for 15-month now sick that's quite some time and yeah what is that face what hi hi Samia we just saw down against Jordan Oh John 1:41 did you expect that that's so good I know I did not expect this why is it so good because you know this misses off the list of it it makes it exciting you know just expect top maybe the head of me kinda makes it more exciting yeah misses off the list a bit maybe doctor then the last or maybe he will end up fifth yeah but also he can come back of course he kick you later oh yeah maybe he wants maybe is really motivated again to kill will see like his preparation was really lacking there and I was really scared of him I like I talked to other people like I talked to Tarot when was it like on Thursday or something and I told him like I'm really scared of doubt I wouldn't be surprised if he gets fifth I said because I thought he would always do you know in front of Jordan but I thought like you would be more prepared it would be more motivated more hungry for the win and no this is pretty ugly put out yeah it is but I don't know maybe he just couldn't move a bit closer to the mic sorry but maybe he needed a feeling of like actually getting into it like yesterday I was a bit nervous as well I was very tired but today I feel much better you know like I'm not that nervous is the second time I'm going to play and I think it's like that forever and ever gets more comfortable and the more comfortable you get tomorrow you can perform I would say mm-hmm but today I'm not sure if I can perform as leery because he's very very strong for sure okay so like if you somehow want to win against Louie what's your strategy their strategy is kind of hopefully getting a bit stronger 6/6 are more comfortable with and not doing risky strategies maybe apply more pressure but that's also risky but I'm not sure I just I'm very afraid of his fast castle builders and all that so what what what is the weakness of Leiria weakness of leery is definitely getting caught off guard or under pressure like if you a minute arm rush him you tell him he can fall behind a bit but if you let him free boom get his macro going then there is almost unbeatable so it's gonna be tough man yeah seems like so clean like yesterday the Arabia game was Marion's there as well touch so smooth by him yeah yeah yeah for sure like that's the thing he when he gets a wall up when he plays Mayans he's in his prime you know and if I'm picking Arabia against him today he's gonna pick Mayans and I've been thinking about the what should i do I guess mind I think my best shot is the year ago et open sore Mayans myself but I also have feeling that you might think I'm picking hands maybe you will go Burmese or I don't know but I think my hands counter to boomys nobody is can Achilles inspire I would say like I mean he's he says like yes I said always that he wants to go Burmese forever but now he pick you pick my history right so yeah I think he feels comfortable with lions tricky stuff for sure and so maybe thinking about the other maps planners well like would you try to go for Incas Adsense are you trying to steal those away from him because that's like well I just steal it away from him but I'm not sure like the missus is are scary for sure and I'm not liking to play against the Eagles in any map but I feel like for something that I grew up with Scouts is a much better thing than the Eagles let me just quickly yeah I can keep talking oh okay let's see what hard typed what it do pians okay let me tell you something hard I was thinking it the opens because [ __ ] sake didn't flow story if he goes fast yes alright if he goes if he goes fast castle then et opions fast caster as well can't deal with the crossbows better I would say but I was thinking goner for sure and maps again soon I'm not gonna play Worcester against Neary he will pick Mediterranean Isis all map hundred percent sure won't pretend okay yeah we have practice nothing he just he's really good at that I beat him once he bit me four times so not good choice he loves to Tarot yesterday he lost to tell me a stupid Santa is a pure water player almost right like is that it not pure but he's really good okay it's almost the best but I would say Leary is better than tato Mediterranean even though he lost yesterday he kills him a water just did a simple mistake not welding yesterday so killing Liris on water is really difficult this builder is so so clean okay really good sweet that's a good sign right it's done okay then send Leary over whatever you want is the draft so the beautiful chato was working behind like a meant to diamond today I'm drafting like Jordan did yesterday I'm succulents [Music] so could you move a bit more to the sides get a hand of you watch our band okay so leery we are doing the normal draft that you all know guys and so Leary what's your home app Mediterranean okay expected is that so expected so then writes down his toothpick for Mediterranean and in the meanwhile we can have Leary say his safe for that after a mere finishes Italian Italian Italian so not the biggest surprises there but still Mataji that we have to do and I feel like we might see that a bit more often now we get the whole map of India Arabia Arabia will be the whole map and write down your civilization no you're sitting closer there it's not important like you're both saying at the same time and so what's your mates like Yuri and okay so we have two mirrors as the whole Maps there and now we go into the bands so first band for Leary what map do not want to see plate Eldorado let me change that a bit so that I can always see the chat if we are screwing up in some way and now to bitmap bands for a Mia Gold Hill and last been forever um rest at fortress I just had four chairs okay now let's determine the order of the maps map number three will be mm very aggressively there and game four five Acropolis Gold Rush and Gold Rush and let's see game number four and five or six and seven cross and arena Fonte arena would be already side up we go to the laughs I'll make it decide and now we go into atomization draft so what is the first pick your Valyria mmm that's a surprise that we have to pick tears now got me there Mongols monos the first pick and we have two picks for amino as the Berbers and six and perversely myself okay now to choose for lyric [Music] Spanish hunts bullshitting and so whatever I get all the good sis and two more tips for go for Britain's I gotta think I need Italians Italians cannot be picked you know I already have them in the whole map I mean my laser Malay okay and then we have two motors for lyric in class Indians Incas and in yet it seems like he had some time to think about that and there are some tips for him yeah let's go for Burmese Chad remember guys Koreans band throughout the whole tournament very Acropolis Gold Rush cross and punter Ian yeah I just realized it as well and didn't do you see it and now we have over it bands help ya a meal with the first band you just want me to bend valiance now it was just gonna ban Spanish for Leary badness band okay and the band for Larry mmm astok it stacks your [ __ ] skirts like that civilization maybe I wanted to play so I heard some ideas of MB already livery how do you think the series will go your predictions for two for me one of the two maps you're going to lose mmm Arabia's always mmm even I would say between us and also love Prairie and Nicole drew close free man yeah all the good sales we win the excuses already I wasn't I wasn't ready for this thing being second okay yeah because he didn't know it right for cut I will always be second yeah okay I realized good luck guys thanks we'll see you after the game correction so those were the players here and close the door please Thanks let's take a look into their faces shall we MBL that's I believe in old cam so that won't really beat it and update this is there as you can see MBL well that's we are drawn right let me see how I can how is this antibody like okay so the winnings in the center are the more important ones not the one over here maybe I need to let me see maybe I find how to work around the tableau thing and I think MDL let's add Leary 11110 oh I don't know I don't know personally man it's not going to fix it and players are ready and we will start off with the home map of mr. Leary it will be Mediterranean Italian war yesterday the whole map actually was lost there and oh I didn't shrink up the giraffe for them yet so let's do that now [Music] and I will give them holes to don't want to give the host probably MB I think he is more the calm one of the two lately not so that have I said that before and I was packed myself everything seems fine TV and cool and spectating myself sending them the link here as well that's the draft guys oh and they changed seats obviously also I will need to change that as well so yeah they asked me if they could change this is we need to change that in game as well [Music] they seem focused they launched the game as well guys the states are wrong I don't know how to fix that yet but you see the score in the middle is the right one I can take that away if that helps you but I kind of once you have that included as well right scoreboard settings [Music] in schedule brackets that's not a thing Harriet I don't really change anything [Music] yeah so test you know oh maybe I can just what about doing that on hope that doesn't make sense and oh people are coming over that's never a good sign [Music] oh god I know anybody else coming over and chopping leery ah that's a good idea hallelujah hallelujah we can just cut cut up deport the bottom that's good is this pro casting huh you obviously haven't been watching otherwise you would know that it's not so let's just go into studio mode and edit the caster's because for now the classes will be nearly only and serious continues the classes will switch into Jordan and Viper adviser Co cast he is at the shisha place all the other guys tomorrow only three guys hit the apartment maybe tell still in the living room I don't know about that today was the official technician yeah someone like that so putting on their noise canceling headphones did they can't hear my trash talking it was cocoa cast she actually offered that yeah not going to happen cop will be back on came tomorrow guys the cook is down with them smoking shisha poster music hey om sound chicken as you know guys after this series we will get the Hyatt of the evening it will be tattle against Viper lay down another best of seven series and you can see them clicking quite intensely now but they're also we're talking quite a bit so I'm not sure if that was planned but it seems we are ready to go here into Leary against MBL very important series for both if they want to finish a bit higher and it just seems like some hotkeys need to be fixed and then she can go oh you see how annoys M be honest by that and how much Lemmy is talking during the game that's a Soviet we are jumping into the game guys after looking into their faces for long enough Larry left hand side I said I wanted to change those webcams let's do that now and we need to change them later on as well that's pretty ugly but let's just go with it for this time but a bit more further down that looks fine and welcome to Mediterranean Italian war here we have literally in the blue let's take a look if we still have friend flow colors on green Ian's purple that's the color we can look at guys so green folder EMBL is playing purple here and a bit better map then here against Jordan yesterday for sure solid wood lines who go to close by let's take a look at the deer already starting to push those into the TC perfect timing there with the end of this sheep and we'll get a solid kill there at the meantime and be aware his deer I didn't really see them on the mini-map that was a super far away hmm it's basically no deer 4mb Alden huh hungry spot for sure when it comes to that department then it's rainin you tell more we will see a lot of fire girlies early on and then we all said we practiced quite a bit this map to be prepared for this tournament and they played five Italian morose and apparently and we have one one literally the other four MBL since they have a lot of respect for lyrics water play feels like his gaming is absolute important now going forward what is builder putting the dog maybe on the way back he could get the board
Channel: Nili_AoE - Age of Empires
Views: 16,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, aoe, aoe2, age, of, empires, jordan, daut, tatoh, tyrant, secret
Id: OGDQsdv8RWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 18sec (14358 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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