DauT vs F1Re | Who is going to NAC2?

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what's up hippie lovers it is fire against out the grand final the winner of the series will go to NAC to the offline finals and we are already starting with a lot of drama here as you can see people didn't really realize that I didn't want to change the overlay early on and doubts Matt isn't pretty here if we are looking into yeah this very first one he is playing in the blue trunks we are starting off with the church mirror and well finding his wood might be pretty tricky for him nothing really here and he needs to expand to what's the point now as we all know track board we might see a lot of Janissaries will be forced into some aggression here on Castle age and on the other side we are seeing mr. fire who is starting this one with the 1-0 deficits evil in the same kink not really coming in and out already used one of his restarts in game number one here so no chance to restart this map kind of an unfortunate stuff for him again and yeah but Kendall did you see on the outside will go for Janissaries and we will see how this will be played out fire he's sending some religious tone so seems like he will play this double TC to be at it and now it will play more of the Janissary style fires map clearly better with nice defensive resources here and okay this is the time where we ask you for predictions guys fire against mr. doubt who you think is going to win the favorite probably doubt leading 1-0 let's see how it's mental mindset blow here after this game if you went to this one this could still be pretty fine and five three total okay five three four doubt 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 out 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 doubt the last series they played against each other fire lost 4-3 against out who then to the winner's bracket final 35.5 three okay so a lot of people are seeing our Lord and Savior as the favorites here but not that big civilizations for fire seem to be a bit better but we will take a look at that later on how many visitors do we have on gold for for now so some Janissaries will be edited doubt with the later app timing no need to fight Lightcap against the scout is going back has three less HP and out people that you see on the outside here needs to go for Janissaries as well to defend this this first game is my authorization after that we will go into the chief draft now it could heal is light care but also wants to have some Intel both going for the early boss or and doubt I think I would have loved to see that he see being billed over here bit more of a better defense now a few minutes ago for the defense early on him didn't really go for stone that means doubt we'll have more Janissaries in the long run fire even some idols here looking too great for him I know the first ratings are starting doubt even it's going for the early loom check here like F get some scouting see some more Janissaries coming over for now no defense updates being researched let us have it fixed how early would you go for relics well let's take a look for relics here in the house can't wait for them eat up cut off 136 okay and so that's pretty fair here with that one a bit closer to fire that one pretty safe without I feel in trucks were the extra cold spots are a bit more valuable than that's one in the center I think doing mass Janissaries is more important and you don't really want to lose your momentum there so I think mass Janissaries is the way to go instead of trying to go for an early control here we see many gun power units this game well Turks kind of shine when it comes to Janissaries early on maybe later we will see some very likely we'll see some ramps at it and then you could add some hostas as well maybe some bomb but cannons and also some CA there are chances for love compositions and out he sees okay I have the map control Tama Janissaries I can go for the monastery now did buy himself some stone could go for an EXO TC even some words he doesn't want to get any rage against him why is he building that you see for now he isn't and will get the first kill of this series for villagers behind at the moment five military ahead so we'll have good chances if they decided to fight but not really happening for now fire booming away bit all these Janissaries at home hitting them after the small engagement doubt he shown producing though he's kind of stopped the production now and will be behind by four villages or kind of fine for now as of map control and we'll get some of the registers take a look how many registers doubt see sees all five of them so that's kind of great scouting a bit fortunate also that we didn't have any spots here but maybe stopped scouting after he saw all five even six adults what's a perfect map awareness year for the Lord who easily get that relic should maybe indicate fire that there's something happening who is now even switching on to stone gold mining upgrade for him as well so that might be a second Castle those gold spots kind of exposed goes number two and three for fire that's an important Hill how about be tricky for fire you need to control this hill to control the all these three gold spots any kind of needs to control distal as well otherwise doubt can pressure this area quite heavily let's see how this plays out doubt with his first relic monk number two on the way wants to go for the further away relics to begin with there's a difference only at four doubt keeps booming pretty solidly here and guys what can I say I'm happy that this game was decided by the wood positioning here and we are seeing quite a normal game fire he did see all this but he had no idea that no wood was in the back before the outcast on there - well here's the map control for now with more military so it's unlikely to see the outcasts but fire he keeps on producing and now goes for +1 defense that's a mill in the back here quite efficient gold mining year what did you see and what are those it is just up to you trying to go out here and build it to see should be an option delete those balls absolutely install for him forty C's already out for doubt and she will get probably all relics looks like two of the villagers two of the monks already carrying home and indeed he deleted those walls will control that hill and I think tout might be able to great that quite nicely light calf did get some healing or he sees all the Janissaries and the Janissaries see all the months this could be the first real engagement the one light kept going down before that maan number one dies month number two it's a bit slower than all those Janissaries plus one defense doubt he needs to fall back a bit to lose some HP and now needs to what doubt is switching into CA okay we discussed that yesterday on my stream and people ask like when do we see CA and how strong are they well in Turks war CA I actually quite a great unit village account pretty even how are we looking resources fire are too far away from clicking up now builds another monk loss to only one around for now trying to control this area and the sea ice which will forced out into later upcoming though let's take a look for now he's not showing the check out selling some wood will click are pretty similar timing some vision here even takes up before fire I didn't really see that coming doesn't need a monastery bottom timings will be very similar here I skip her down so that's two light cats in two months down in this game relic number three is going to be picked off not a thing in the long run you should have all the control here and fire he is controlling that hill so some push that that site could be possible and I said that it's kind of tricky for fire situation that he wasn't doubts map pretty flattered to complete front north on University and to see a switch and fire will have a zero idea about that now goes into siege Box Tops as well and doubt he will get all the relics vodka narrow for him as well those heavy CA once they get 100 P and six defense they are performing pretty well against those Janissaries but we questions is of big question is who will get a proper counter to mass Rams because most of the turk's boards especially if we are going into - heavy booming are decided by who gets more ramps out and out he will be sitting at five relics and was the same village amount a bit earlier in timing he is completely fine in this game but now fires moving in similar military counts fire what does he see what's his vision at the moment maybe Snake Moan villager wanted to go for another relic out some Snipes here we see fire now with Lou mmm jeepers he fought out that's the HP upgrade which was here somewhat exposed doing some damage and doubt he was fine trading this event honesty fire he should be wondering wow you're not having any defense upgrades on your Janissaries you have only some small numbers what happened there scores somewhat even so it's not like I'm super far ahead you might be in for a text which this that's what you could think if that's a thought process and Oh bombard cannons and they aren't great in those scenarios 90hp or deadlines and now you can see how they're just suing away those Janissaries no problem at all and he traded one Janissary and no one see a against like seven eight and it says this is pretty good for the lord it's getting one conversion against him and that's a surprise factor clearly working for mr. doubt here and goes for more difference upgrades those are quite important might run in there and it's 2-2 volley remember that the bomber cannons are having more HP you're risking micro here for sure but that's a nice area to attack have you see a upgrade is something we can see him 100 as well and then here's 100 HP quite some damage output as well and should be in a beautiful spot more arty ranges as well remembered shirts are getting gold a bit faster as well so that's benefiting your HEVC hydrogen's well goes with tampering doubt i think he simply has the better units yet legionaries not for fire though and we need to go back doubt he's getting all the important upgrades only needs +4 defense after that and then he is completely set for the perfect army composition does he have an idea about the different stone here no but the most important thing is really five kicking relics and all palmer cannon is going down here pursue a nice night for doubt losses three CA in exchange though so it's not the greatest sniper ever doubt has paid in tactics yeah just finished here and 100 HP on those now another castle year for fire and he just stays master necessary and bomber cannons at the moment he's lacking board both with the same time I look at that 145 30 military 115 villagers and doubt that he can surpass ejected at one point were you researching it now weird I'm pretty sure I already saw it early on so here but doubts it feels like he can take this fight not a big fan of dad though kind of losing some of his advantages but castles only have eight range as well because he never research fledgling won't benefit his Janissaries and doubt I already heard some stables from him so the hot sauce which might be coming in pretty soon as well doubt he is sitting at a solid 34 Farms nicely I see a rate he will only lose one or some extra HP but fire he is establishing quite a nice pace here at the front and is now switching in two houses as well but only out of two stables doubt set up a bit better there with four at the moment I was bleeding off the armies and just feels like doubt with the better army composition at the moment we just broke 1k viewers we didn't have the trouble at the start I think we might have been at 1.2 or something but so thankful for everyone showing a lot of interest for this tournament remember guys this is a big qualifier the offline finals will happen and if qualifiers any indication of how great the offline finals are going to be oh yeah we are in for a treet guy three or four for all thanks for the prime support oh if I even going football that's how its kind of interesting it's so much into getting three extra castles up here house moving forward he too focused on the Rams they're soaking for a lot of damage but we see doubt he's just focusing the Janissaries quite nicely yes and now take him back with the that means he's walking a bit faster her visit bit slower my bad and doubt he stirs 20 population ahead this looks pretty good for him at the moment oh just append it to the goatee at the top mr. Peter an old school friend something for 14 month invite both laughing face a laughing face and yeah lots of rage here against out pretty active with his heavy CA with some straps not the normal unit we see in this matchup Graham still good bomb but can instill good as well remember that that is a neutral gold spot that's the other neutral gold spot so those are the ones they're fighting in the long line fire does he know about the stolen cows no he does not but can you know which look at that three low pumper cannons okay so going down that's okay so watch enough without and now really pleasure in that one car so here well that's one of the beauties why I picked this matchup right so many people haven't really figured it out and I wanted to see who was preparing who is putting the most thought into the matchup who is coming up with the greatest army compositions great strategies endowed with an unfortunate map still was able to get full control here and it's looking pretty good but ours though a great possibilities to defend him remember we don't really have fletching so the range should be sake on here we are fleshing but we don't have gotten arrow and now the potion even here tries to fight again still not sure if that's too necessary houses a movie end oh and we see fire not having a lot of start before that military numbers now dropping below 20 and doubt is sitting at a solid 60 at the moment we'll get a hold of those former tens in the back as well the castle and heavy danger and Jenner numbers dropping heavily former tenants going down the castle for no repair on that one route 20 population ahead do we maybe see a go against the king that might be the only option for fire here who is three case you are behind out you maybe want to commit over here and kill the villagers not for now it is starting to prepare a camel switch so it's expecting a lot of houses from fire apparently and also some Rams could be deadly army composition and just look how those centuries have no chance against the heavy CA oh boy are they heavy those were to toss it's already gone Firestone control towers on the other side he isn't even going fully for stone just moved on to it maybe in the long run we'll check football but it's ours Ram go now over here as well look at that not a lot of updates for fire here definitely have any stone to repair he's looking for a Gifford I said pop on and 6 out of 8 95 wells out sees complete maxed out and doubt and just decide where do I want to go for the kill and this is the two important tips that we were talking about and Dallas attacking boats at the moment fighters really know where to defense and how to defend this more updates coming in without heavies camels they take some time to be researched another raid over here doubt just so on point with this macro as well what a lovely play and just see doubt continued the very strong performance six traps out now quite some grams as well doubters have enough food yeah isn't too far away from flaky each frame upgrade as well a lot of gold and fire he needs to tear about a forty minute game doubt simply with a better army composition I think fire if you go messiness areas you need to have a fast Imperial age and really catch the guy off guard who wants to go for the switch but you saw the aggression came in went out at 20 CA one that one fight over here and then just steamrolled for what gg doubt is taking the 2-0 lead here the first real game for him bad remember that also invested a restart here we let's take a look at achievements the out for Hamburg sent him your energy if you want to otherwise send your energy towards fire could be an option as well and give him your love your support KD a bit better for doubt largest army though close to doubling that here is golden come what's better also having five relics so normally his Nico should be weaker simply a great great boom by the Lord just keeping up there with villager numbers and collecting all the relics that's pretty rare good job by him and everyone on YouTube and now has to be happy because we are switching into the [Music] Nalina G let's go for a nine game series Melina G hmm normally I wanted to show so the chief draft you Pete thank you so much overly thank you so much guys [Music] well the good thing is I can just take a screenshot and to image in the back all right not clever and we also have the access so this is actually no browser anymore kind of weird they're starting into the next game and doubts if are surprising right Chinese not one of the greatest civilizations on those maps Persians we don't know bits and teens we will see we will see a lot of wallet civilizations speculate has started and well this is something to scratch our heads for sure [Music] no to tunes III [Music] laughs ice cream gifting us up to a second account Russians kind of weird as well right well we will see where you will put those on flooded cross surely map where bits and teens or persons could work this is the hump is something that could work with bits and teens as well hi-y person talks are faster that's true hmm persons for the dockets but it's relevant for top level probably right hmm I'm curious how this will play out best of 9 series nothing lost for fire yet he'll go for person deuce maybe for the meme bits for water well we already has Japanese and Italians for water so that it can't be the argument okay and we are jumping in to the next game and I will switch the colors I will also say set off and Oh God look at that gold spot that's just unbelievably unfair it's a spot where you will just see the chat go crazy and spam overlay again that's what I said okay let's jump into it I didn't see any any gold spots yet so we have doubt playing Japanese iam quite a strong civilization this map you kind of know it cross four pawns at the side but now we have rivers connecting all that area [Music] yeah therefore fishing is pretty good going for some water control is pretty nice but also some minute armed aggression into the face of the enemy I'll just kind of stream my strategy it's that so your strategy from king of the desert project Beltran you had some great strategies there flooded cross indeed is the name of the map how it looks like at the moment we most likely also included in NAC to the offline finals but number one for both players here after the fourth seep 300 at the moment and now it's starting with one missing two sheep here apparently oh yeah at the front here it should really find them with the scouts once he continues to go over there solid ball Oh exactly expecting the same from fire who went for mullions cheaper dogs cheap a lumber camp everything cheaper related to buildings that cost wood and that's pretty nice we'll have the fishing ship out a bit faster swell no reset here four minutes is the mark to call one I was building a dark left-hand side fires building the dock at the top so they both have no idea where the opponent is will be a bit closer most of the time we see its diagonal spawns and fire he will Scout the back a bit knows that doubt can't oh no actually that could be here and now sees the five tile stone spot and should no doubt should be around that area stalks finishing roughly at the same time a bit faster fire not the biggest difference though doubt with some walls here at the front and yeah really curious how they will play this out I know that both of them prepared quite a bit so both of them being on line the whole day and so fire expecting some playing some so excited to see what strategies they have and so far yeah the tricky thing on this map is to really balance land and water control it's so easy to die on land it's so easy to use what it's so easy to lose water it's easy to do damage on water it's just crazy and I can't really tell what's the optimal strategy here kind of need to go for both maybe if you go for the crazy balls you can go for mainly water but even then you will always lose all map control and guaranteed that you will do too much advancement there you can also dock block those areas just pulling a dog here could prevent all other ships from coming through doubt forward talk not really not yet at least not for the Lord I click up after that fire already on the way to fuel H 955 facetiming pretty solid output to one gold only that kind of indicates many times to me give me the barracks doubt you know you want it okay so doubt is going for many damn aggression while fire that's a lot of words not on gold yet just in all the low HP villagers and sense them very far back or what no send them to the job I'm gonna take it to the left-hand side I don't really know what the plan is all goes for the duck block okay I'm sure this area doubt instantly sees or the father's on gold so fire kind of is going for the water approach and out goes for the land approach don't need to run goals that means can't really do any fire again is to begin with as well.talk blocked indeed fire has the faster up turns a twenty seconds where he's faster and has more damage output it's waiting for that time in doubt he needs to run otherwise he will lose his Scout not looking too great for him fire he's not just going crazy Leon water also building a barracks also will be able to defend here now he needs to show his militia will be able to apply some pressure defensive archery range and some walls needs to finish those quite quickly otherwise doubt will be able to apply some pressure maybe some awards here a waltz over here and then fire fields somewhat safe but some many Dom's at the start of futile aids can always apply some pressure against those buildings continuing to move forward here and not already moving to Paris as well not to range for him adding another fishing ship surprising to me fire galley and a demo oh god don't tell me this demo could be that could be so sick it's over here doubts you didn't go for many times yet that's surprising guys okay now he's taking me down the demo is trying to make some beautiful stuff happen but out of range it won't really happen can we see some more quick words but fire did try to go for some walls and I see we'll finish those two three HP on that furniture only madama upgrade now finally finished panel arms around and remember Japanese Madam's they are taking a bit faster so damage output for a second is a bit higher and usually if you see those kind of aggression it's getting some shots off but not enough to get the kill but of no age people literacy at the top look at that that's one sitting at 4 HP that's one sitting at 19 5 HP so the movement with the melon arms could maybe do some damage doubt he's forcing nullify the times but now with two defensive artists out one fire Kelly that's it for now what should one no not for now kt11 that's one scout going down and one villager early over here it seems now some archers are most of the time pretty much enough here demo could go over here and give us a good funny shot for us not really necessary though I think he will clear it up without any problems double RT range here and doubt he build a second talk use the fact that map still is pretty open and so tries to go for more control here trying to chase down look at the village and fish count well that is really playing this quite greedily but might lose some although I know 120 HP on those fishing ships looks pretty good for the Lord and just take a look fire it's coming in with the raids just a moment when doubts try to move out fletching now as well that means those artists and skirmishes might do some damage text me fear for fire way later dog tries to micro bid if they are more to defend fire galleys coming back more art so coming forward and some harassment here and once flashing finishes those villagers not having the greatest chances and remember we already showed you how to HP those villages where at the top it was a bit higher but I might even lose a second one here will you get home a third one seems like 212 HP another fishing ship lost over here decide but that should be enough for doubts to offend and that point is completely uncontested so no problems for him and out he's going in for another attack who but that demo still threatening some kills him a galley could be pretty nice no doubt somewhat scared yeah those demos don't have the highest amount of HP 45 doubt she will use that water fight but already queued up new fire galley so we'll be fine five more villagers five more fishing ships as well the ego for doubt just so much better fire with some problems going for all the early walls and wasn't super greedy to stocks need to see spearmen being built a fired out plus one plus one fired only a flexing but oh boy did I miss that rating so that was only the teeth and squat and they are trying to find some openings but out pretty much walls everywhere so pretty good spot for him out forced to that side lost one villager but totally fine for him again five villagers ahead five fishing subside as well and those fire galets they are giving him a good overview and where fires going and out he will get some kills it for sure well we'll have a loss as well this is going to be ugly for fire will lose every single Archer here unless doubt screws up a bit getting away for now but I think that will get the kill in the end we better timing is not fitting syrup and it's your account increased to six respectively don't trying to move out right inside get some aggression rolling just keeps the fishing ships so nice for him and well Italians pretty good on this map Japanese as well also his hands for Prairie so we were criticizing his sift picks and actually no we were criticizing toothpicks five to seven not really the first four right more fishing sips 14 now doubt this plane was so greedily absolutely lovely fired out is moving in this is going to be stopped and we have to aggressive military numbers five more forward out whose clearing that up and more skirmishes and now over here and having the better numbers as well this is looking pretty good for doubt fire he is starting to fight this off start trying to fight focused on the skirmishes I think wouldn't be the worst option now even clicks up to cartilage and tries to out micro those forces a lot of idle time on all those villagers as well hearts is still around as well you could do some damage against those but it just but for now just focusing on the scams is completely fine fire is running here at the top this is looking good for our Serbian challenge from Tim secret well he can be a tyrant without being in a team called tyrant right huh look at that whole school players I'm not sure if all of you know this guy but there's one guy in the chat called the Viper he used to play the vampires what's pretty good at detective time but we can't really say I'll go to use at the moment hasn't been spotted for quite some time doubt preparing the text which saw okay fire is going for a lot of skirmishes I'm also going up to Casa late and doubt things okay a PLO surprised you with the switch onto some night and fire he will struggle quite a bit here whose wiper well maybe if I do another episode of area 2 history you might see him [Music] stakman exactly i'm doubt with the early upcoming oh the walls behind their head well the classmates timing was enough for fire apparently that was a failed palisade wall as well wanted to build it behind the palisade gate had the parasite gets hidden behind the partition wall actually opening that look at that that could have moved in here and had the clear army advantage also had bit more of the water simply because it was so active expanding here fire was stopped over here and out with all the upgrades and the two stables sort of ran in there and well fire remember in the first qualifier he was leading 1-0 and in the end lost 5-1 and well he didn't win a single games today Japanese abused to perfection many damn opening lots of fishing ships super greedy play lovely stuff fire couldn't really punish him try to dock block but then didn't go for the super greedy approach as well and yeah just forced into a lot of walls Cadiz pretty even but the better you could look at that that early in the game having one game of food over 1k more world and similar goals was really shows you 8 more villagers fishing ships really rolling for him solid game by the Lord next one will be Prairie we will take a look onto the ship picks and we'll make some axes here we are playing without Marlins from year on and without Japanese is pick number one bite out next movie probably kind of has to be hunt and something that fire wants to play and then we still have tide pool and out has Italian so it's looking good for him really looking good for doubt dated bubela thank you so much for your support switch Prime flying in doc picked we had six five and seven because he was confident to win before okay now I understand now I understand the Lord is coming home obviously millions millions were banned this Prairie cavalry City for intimate orientated map yes I can i buy this game on steam you can buy Age of Empires game hasn't started yet so you can ask some questions millions bands or Mongols oh one moment bends oh yeah man's is an option I'm not ready for Prairie right if I likes to play Franks on no hip has to help a play friends on land madness right type would be Malay so we have Prairie and sees the hum and gold rush gold rush as millions so we have sees the hump and Prairie so maybe at sex Prairie sees the hump Celts that's what I'm seeing there for fire right right so we all agreed are you casting here today yes I already casted yesterday but it will be traveling for three weeks and I will task what our final semifinals and finals so not the first two weeks insurance of consolation prize for five induces two series filtered out to be second in both qualifiers hmm I'm thinking of something I have a pretty good idea what I will do with fire losses Robo James seventy years man kg do restarted yes I had sex better than guns on prairie XX are worse than guns they're actually pretty scared because they don't have guns themselves but the arrogance is the best civilization for Prairie pizza coupon wouldn't that be funny ready for some proper meat that could be some funds well the tiebreaker game a tendency to also be Murrell games and could you choose less popular tools like children's ever since a seller for it and no and no and who are you traveling with you won't know this guy male though kappapride set off and colors which and jump into no turn music off and jump into game casting hello this is indeed what we expected out doing for hunts and fire is going for at sixty and outs has a pretty damn good map for this one defense of gold defense of wood line dear Charlotte for them as well for everyone who doesn't know this map it is Arabia basically completely flat we are also starting with two Scouts forcing players to loom pretty early unless you are hands that basically means you're starting with one villager more till you click few late and this looks pretty good for doubt here for sure but we have a restart so fire is calling his one doesn't really like his gold spots here as it seems and indeed calling the restart here not the greatest woodland for him as well and out he has to be angry with how that there are restarting this oh and fire resigning you should always save theirs otherwise you can see the map everyone who was wondering what all those thoughts are on the mini-map if you gain a lot of map control you might expand and get some of those free foodie stuffies on the map I don't if you want only if you want firewood needs to win now wouldn't hurt right really wouldn't hurt how strong is Magnus Scouts on this map pretty strong I think Maggie ass might be maybe just in my opinion like third strongest civilization on this one mongrel ten tons pretty clearly the top maybe the meadow tips are still strong on those maps you can up pretty fast you can build a little Scouts +1 and tag pretty nice as well wait why hunts have one little more well we're starting with three villagers in two Scouts so everyone is popped at pop five so at six for example need to instantly research loom and then build a house and afternoon finishes they can build their force villager hunts can just instantly start producing villagers my primary instead of arabia being totally flat means less micro opportunities we have all also arabia to decide a game number nine there are a lot of options Trevor just plays a bit differently and I want to mix it up I won't towards the gentleman with the only Arabia then I could call it king of the hippo who gets ten pop TC Chinese and they don't have food at the start so they can't instantly produce Persians have faster working DC's starting from village they have more HP on that uses man I love your humor well that makes one a hero that's why I don't eat and let's jump into game before here it will be played on prairie humps against ad stacks so there are some players directly qualified to and I see yes I did give six direct invites and to open qualifiers and we had bhakti qualifying in the first one and now we are fighting in the second one here mr dout playing the Huns trying to fight for a spot against a player that has no wood some over there at the top and maybe some year with the right this is going to be pretty ugly for in doubt wood line way close up for him has pretty beautiful woodland in the back as well and this is going to be ugly Eulalie poor poor fire calling restarts he hadn't got good map and that's what restarts are for right he had defensive go defensive wood line may be screwed up the starts in some way and this is going to be really tricky for him also realized that map control will be clearly on the side of the hunt player can click up earlier will have all the aggression and fire won't be happy with this so go over here and I'll push deer at least at least you have two eagles to scout that you don't have any woods imagine using a restart and getting this map I don't really understand the restart yet before okay well you can still make something happen it is kind of like house house barracks some walls here but we'll always be readable right and if he's getting pushed they're expanding towards that area it's never a good sign if the wolf is closer to you to see the wood line dear it's quite nice and there's a lot of wood so maybe if I I just wants to do SH and goes to the top you have gold some tears and pours some wood lines but will be tricky for in doubt he could easily expand here okay get in the boy here someone map exploration and well we have a pause here 748 gold sports defensively beautiful combat for fire defensive goals what's most important thing for a net sex player without solid gold as well though well let's see if doubt is able to scout all this and we'll go for the aggression for now you just place is pretty standard build up and we'll probably just go for standard Scouts makes a lot of sense on this map as I said you start with two Scouts you get up earlier very nice for you but what's kind of late they push do not appear before that though between a half tear already consumed over here we have four number five already being eat now some would thought could be clicking up pretty soon questions does he want to squeeze and doom I think it makes a lot of sense yeah oh don't even go in pop 21 second number camp on this one and well it's a very good controlling map fire builds mellow for the second building doubt as well and fire Idol TC TC for a second it was just the post trying to sync up 925 here starts pop 21 remember that's two Scouts barracks now here as well and resources amount here just may be a bit late no cheering up yet another villager yes warning all that offand okay so it was laggy for sure and they just started to fast proxy connection want to go for another seconds to continue doubt even moving out to this area trying to get free hands maybe over here could be pretty nice what did he scours okay goes for the no first year some really be super happy about that see some of the walls probably knows about the wood line yeah as I said now let's build up is pretty clear 10:46 fighter fire with 16 seconds idle time here on this TC as well not the greatest start and that's still open oh yeah this could be ugly this could be ugly fire if he doesn't spot this that doesn't look intentional now since three villages on gold what is that for the job to switch people just being sent back you're trying to wall this has to be a big wall okay he goes for it those Scouts may be catcher maybe it's out of position no fire okay it's broken fires broken guys second barracks by fire the one scout will be lost doubt she has the stable up and oh no I talked to some experts on how they liked fire centers and one of them said fire doesn't have the mental stability okay okay he just goes Mass Eagles then it makes sense to have double barracks okay I will take it back guys ego production takes 60 seconds here so he will just go for it I was just surprised because he only sent three on gold I think he just needs to send more on gold now so hot thank you for the kind words wrong channel though and I broke still that could be an opening later on three M gold how many do you need think something like six or something should be much better maybe kill the bull and he's already starting to wall of this map quite nicely touch arranged now up for doubt since the Mongols don't really like that money came too much mass Eagles fire keeps pulling his farms more towards the back and some of ours I think a gate over here would really happen and this is still open really worries me and out but this map control that's what we said once you get it just get so much free food already had the second poorest wall and fire should go for that does he have any idea about that he actually sees us on the map didn't scout that much but he knows what's going up here so to detect that after water himself up if we look at that I just should be doing pretty well against Ted once we get fletching let's see now the move out women could be good fire he could benefit from as well someone gold blacksmith has come in pretty solid game and fire he had a horrible Maps but kind of I grew to John to wall tongue Robo Jam my pleasure and +1 defense now moving out here and out he knows what's up and moves back home even leaves an opening here force but it says will get move there but it should survive so nice adjustment here and fire he won't get to kill in actually attacking the low HP one but fight it off I was walling here as well just important the day they lose all their food most of them miss click only 14 food left here maybe he dropped it off before though if I already with the market somehow walls here and he's stabilizing quite nicely question is what will we see ask Arthur compositions and I'm still guys this this might be the game deciding whole I don't want to call it yet but this is could be so ugly maybe it's super way of it just think about it if artists and scouts are in here the vulpes single villager surviving doubt is he Scout that area it's unlikely the table it's so unlikely that he believes this could be open because are now running away delta-t have some words maybe spot this no unlikely so miss could even combine each other she going for forging note yet so far kind of passive game fire lost I believe one Eagle here one villager earlier at the top here that's kind of it we see another engagement the Scout will get the first killed the moving against this artists are more important it's going for this now it's no access our focusing down once p.m. and looks like kind of an even trade I'd say thanks focusing down the archers first it's a bit more sense so that the Spearman can maybe do a bit more damage in the long run and also higher crossbow numbers are more scary than higher stock numbers unless you really wants to go for a lot of months as well try to make sure that one back and what kind of an even trade I have to say if I even doing back thinking that doubt finds a better opening spot even pulls back that I heard Eagle nice job send some low HP ones in maybe might just add one back and do that one back a bit earlier I skill for sure now we want to see Barry's number three and four indeed mass Eagles and what what did we say nice defensive coach what might be coming in handy for him and doubt he knows mice crossbow man transitioning to see a could be an option but for now he's going for army this is a more open game than we thought fired it pretty well considering this bad map agreed very much agreed but that would be some easy losses looking for the splits here oh speaking of holes and that one Eagle fires doing it okay so today trying to make those back now focuses that right hand side the litter down doubt not really Mike showing her back and and they will soon be in cartilage and suddenly seven damage output could maybe two something fired he has very good idea about the map of although I was back with those and that's just full aggression here with a full eagle move out and without even build a scout to defend the see apparently that's four plus four now with plus one defense that's some damage output out my to embed the villager quite nicely though let's take a look do we see any slip-ups here already having one hold for each player could have costed the game but if I only went in with three Eagles and to get any aggression to the front as of yet now transition into CA bloodlines still missing I'm not the most important thing may be listings a bit earlier could be nice and fire he just goes for the full aggression no he's heading to TC oh no just sold 100 stone valley ballistics here Eagle around I might gonna kill here on yes for HP let's take a look doubt click that nice move +2 defense for fire that Lansford out there getting all the upgrades they needed and Tico should be pretty similar even a bit better for fire here quite impressive it's now moving out to the second gold spot won't to have the greatest gold but he will just continue with some more aggression doubt that's an easy defend for him though fire I cannot break this area I'm surprised how he's not trying to split off his Eagles here just containers full powered Eagle production maybe tries to find another hole Oh God I'm already anticipating another over choppier he girls think that doesn't really work easily goes for the repair instead of behind that husbandry as well now trying to go for the hit-and-run micro pretty soon man losing an efficiency cannot really team up Tommy's here fire trying to find another hole but out just sitting it out for now on that might be nice wraparound hold out he will lose some see a year for sure at least lost one should do the second one maybe even a third one and then fire can just go to the other side and he's somewhat safe well that is pretty world some houses were here would be lovely next one CA and that looks like the suitable shop to me indeed and maybe some manga notes there as well finally ballistics for the Lord on solving more efficient than crossmembers match up well he still had cross man right and all Eagles can they get the know we actually overtook him but gets another see a problem with longshot men is the mobility it's just so so tough to get good fights with them he Goods can always run they can dictate the game CAS you can hit and run you can micro Oh fire can you get this one up 98 okay got it Richard ice directly after that Mangal is cued up more Eagles running around one take afraid for them not sure we saw Squires yet could be pretty important one maybe some of the experts you know absolved the hearts of the church could tell me how the speed looks like a doubt those are some losses will lose at least one CA and some which P lost years well he has it okay yes instantly Squires thanks guys I'll miss manga no doubt sitting at one TC gold over here and here so the next steps for him fire just continuing with mass Eagles try to stay active manga knows here can you get some good shots opt-out people eat some or we'll hear the worst things ever maybe see some nights at it yes we will I know damage - for now I'm doing four more maybe just maybe at the monastery as well the greatest gold he needs to move over here and what did I tell you about over chopping it happened and they'll say it's kind of ugly to always remake for them that's the front without any upgrades except my legs might have some problems Mangan olds dealing quite some solid damage here we need to see how to move back manuals can they get another sort of looks like a case shots for sure but Magna is now going down here but Eagles they did quite some damage and out oh god that's a bad move oh I like the position for fire he just keeps attacking and out okay he might be getting the raids against him for the very first time trying to rate with the CA and that's all open here at the left hand side nature to front fire he is back on the menu guys and I was saying he had nerves but oh boy did he prove me wrong there's a pretty solid game by him and that was a horrible map for him to play with no matter if he wins or loses he has to be happy how this game is going for himself and how to set him up for the rest of the series one village I had doubt expense over here would have loved to see it he see there he's going for one at the left hand side you see now fire he's too far away from picking up and not producing my Eagles fire might be thinking about imp Ignace and out is just clicking over and over again dump him now and she's just doing everything all gods until he called the sloppy Oh God but he's moving in here as well and it just need to be pulled and he goes to see my production huge some more up tink just full castle it could be better move it to the gold now I doubt even trying to fight this off with miniatures let's take a look and you know together sort of against those cross to man he girl is coming back trying to fight those of him that's a lot of more Eagles take a look man you know a good shot here in the back no doubt is too aware of that and it just actually got to kill together the postman in the back you go to the left hand side will lose but will get some clear to the right inside and more production the back fire sold some wood let's take a look at our three sources 77 233 gold fire will be clicking up any second just wants to go for some more raids and then maybe regroup maybe one man you know and should we find out now going for the market just make that one more and did that fire maybe even saving those in the long run to get the raid and in the later stages even goes for the instant rate and imperial 8 for him doubt 100 food 60 gold that's his only golden come now back on it more raids this looks better and better for fire that's the power of the Eagle warriors a lot of people saying the glorious might be too good in this game and now we see why cutout he never got until this real hidden run face although he had solos numbers and was somewhat walls if you think about the best of 37 doubt against fiber eagle against CA the two games they had against each other hidden running is really making the big difference if you ask me once he has plus four defense that's just ridiculous in leading of warriors just ridiculous and doubt he knows okay I took so much damage score is even you have to be up fire tries to go for some waltz won't buy him too much time 46 HP here will mean three dead villagers house is going down as well Eagles moved to beard that's it fire ahead by five finishes as well doubts resources that's gonna update of that 200-foot the early gold keeps reducing villagers out of two TCS now gets number three entrust meant to defend here now goes for second rating troop a bit similar to the see a game out of Game four unquote number two the regicide fortress game it's not the house here but fires just running to the other side doubt is running to the other side and now I think we need to see making some critical moves I think that gold could be a good one nope last fall on the way but Anita Warriors might be the better updates because you just had the resource wood which is kind of costly go guy who only has 60 minutes just doubt he texts too many ARMs now I remember hunts in the end won't even have champions so that's only a defense for Kaossilator might even not be the best one that's all cleared up I want to see the cast for defense and then I believe that pipe in big big trouble so it will be long so different guys something think I've never seen a Huntley I do normally it ca and nights [Music] to clear up here to see you get the kilts against the CA but they aren't really that scary look at that see Laurie is taking two damage at the moment that's before the demons afraid so soon they will take one damage against everything range they're just so good against ratings against red shirts long short man upgrades zero zero goes to the first update which is choirs and eagles they're just designed to do exactly that low eco just rate everywhere I get in and spread like a virus getting all the kills and some good rates here yeah doubt is doing his very best defenders but honestly the check on should really get higher and bigger numbers should just stay very high spread everywhere doubt using villagers left right and center more eager to moving in here have summer rates here it is a nice way to clear it out but still look at that somebody doesn't have enough arrows 20 population advantage now for fire and the thing scripture producing last grade Eagle as okay only one relic and one did we disturb that much kind of unfortunate fun how didn't Scout relic see at the left hand side but I think we won't really be the most important issue this is going for the kill long so many defense continues highest amount of fans working for himself at the moment did that as well some doubt funds can't be too happy with that don't think ok I kind of stabilized now does he know that the next group is just around the corner so much easier to build another Eagle coronet set player then to build another CA for how to play in this scenario Loic oh look at that 30 let's villagers integrated everywhere yeah i don't have higher population now but the financed range is just so much better for fire here and yeah even losses those Eagles it's still somewhat efficient he keeps on waiting at the right hand side and outs macro so tough to get everything absolutely on point over and over again and yeah you've cleared up maybe those two Eagles but then those Eagles are coming in again he's grouping up at the center again and fire meanwhile he is just expanding getting another gold spot wants to get more relics for himself maybe doubt can return some damage as now and the second goal upgrade out here some fighting spirit you can all agree on that he wants to go for that big raid at that goats but I'm only fine to really just because fire I just moved out with all those ugly for doubt could have been maybe the counter tag that really allowed him towards the direction of a comeback [Music] so many either visitors over and over again look at that 50 villagers and 32 of them Idol that's just so ugly for him accused up in another yeah he got the villager killed which is nice for him does he know about the top gold no he does not but he's moving out there okay maybe we'll get to kill doesn't see the wood line it could be really nice footer doubt if he sees that and he he is spreading but it's not enough don't don't oh no no look at this so unfortunate Oh God oh boy well okay well great game by fire mess Eagles here and they didn't run he never really got into effect doubts map was pretty open as well and that's why I needed to walk quite a bit as well so many openings for the Eagles and pretty happy that we don't see his wipe like in the first Finals fire puts himself on the scoreboard one three it was the second barracks that did it yeah indeed I was just confused if it was like I thought for a small second it's just Eagles but he didn't build a mining camp and only had three on gold so I thought it can't be Eagles need to send more on gold and well it just kept them running regardless it's a great job would you have played CAS was he good with hands yes yeah it's not that bad I think you just never got into this hit and run face that you need to get into achievements but Arkady for fire killing all the villagers in the end really helped better food equal Fame as well doubt should be heard good but that's kind of only it's because fire had all the gold in the world as well the in charming thought was so far away from its try to defend and no chances at all there who won enchant one lovely stuff and we will take a look at the chief mix together and we'll see that we won't have had sex anymore the last week for fire against third pick for doubt so win on multiple levels their next map will be sees the hump if you like aggressive games that your map guys and yeah I will take us more breathing time and I will oh god that's something risky that I'm doing now take a look at that works [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you kidding me Oh [Music] [Music] and there has to be like yo gods [Music] [Music] Graff nilly oh boy see us guys speculate at 1 minute 30 seconds I'll be will I will be away for three weeks after the series but if you want to have some entertainment some mini oh boy moments I recommend you checking out my playlist that I just created 2018 highlights the next 15 days I will upload games every single day the highlights of 2018 so far feedback has been really good where you going Bahamas okay and we are jumping into the game a sound off here let's pray that it umpires not crashing crashing crashing and switching players which color switching into game new and weird sometimes and doubt is playing persons on this map against a very short distance fire and as you can see it's very easy to attack your opponent on this map maybe we will see the deuce coming here and what they want to see how the gold looks like or stone they need to expand towards the center here also for some parry so it is a super aggressive map maybe we will see the deuce here from doubts could be interesting forcing your opponent through the center though makes it kind of tricky I think I need rest more likely could be an option as well doubt is going for what to begin with this would be so bad well you're kind of forcing yourself to be down here and allowing your enemy to go towards the center so I think this is a pretty bad map to do here but maybe I'm overlooking something it is tough to say right we didn't see a lot of competitive games played on this map and I expect Tarot and out to come up with some crazy stuff especially that crazy Spaniard so might just be the targets to rush trying to prevent the opponent to go to the center and trying to prevent maybe the mill from getting up because if you push the deer you're lacking the second building more time you try to find some berries in the center this map is called seize dump and the goal is indeed to seize dump don't we go for the deer in the back is going for the for the Scout first and instantly Scouts fire instantly Scouts the boys well we had 350 but that doesn't really matter because both of them already pulled the restart now some deer pushing here and doubt he will have a good idea of what's up for on wood and we see the drush penis didn't even scout the hold here so like the endless trash won't really happen I love that one scouting sheep is this the right map what's the question they're playing the right map yes can you say archipelago for the viewers sure archipelago how many votes will you be behind if you delayed UTC and rebuilt well like two if you time it well but your opponent will loses to see as well if your persons right so it might be a head after that and we did see the trash so this will be very aggressive play here on dark and dark edge from doubt might even go for and I want to call it five militia what is he seeing still didn't find any gold won't find fire in the center either still oh but he's going for the trash as well we maybe see both players with five militia fire he already saw the barracks and the flag on it so he has a pretty good idea what what out is up to going for multiple deer here birds will be late and fire oh yes the mill as well it was for the militia that's quite as some dog it's play here we really see the fate of Empires we see a lot of militia already built but that socio just how special this map is Kells against persons fifty more wood fifty more food for the persons Celts they have to have the faster moving speed with the militia here and faster wouldn't come sooner lumen for fire seems like both players might play this without loom guys both players without loom I post players not on gold so we'll just stop at five million sites okay get some first hits off here doubt his Scout was a bit out of position fires mic ring this one quite nicely five HP on now fights over here is getting some damage done and we'll get the second kill lots of them very low HP but it's getting the damage done here for now and the Scout kind of in trouble as well might get the kill against that one at the top kind of an even trade here a bit more of HP left for doubt and now catching another villager it's a Glock 17 HP here and that's called 29 can still do them for something and out he sent two villages on gold so might go for some more production now the move out here fire remember guys it is without loom for both players what about in Oulu map for competitive games I think thrashing would be just even stronger right cannot fight at all anymore just way too many villagers what is Sigma event doubt he looked well prepared fire without any gold left two militia here and check local villagers two of them someone I don't doubt continues collecting gold summer farms think I would've loved to see him at some more militia it's now going for Lou and then might go up one HP villager 1 HP Oh God he's getting away now he later needs to go for that kill that's villager that should never really live getting the kill against the Scout now runs away here forces some idle time fires completely house and out clicks up to feel late and then I expect some more militia production from him he's getting cleared up here though man Dom's could just be so so strong fire meanwhile 200 food for him didn't really have his great ego rolling when it came to the food not even expanding towards free food I stuff for him and it looks a bit ok know what's just a bit of idle TC who on an intense start here fire that's maybe too much on goals now goes for Lou a lot of low HP Benitez maybe wants to go for the berries to keep the low ones back and sends the higher HP ones for what dealt with another wood line another lumber company militia 20 and 40 HP put to some damage dot array with two minutes out from he wants to wait for many Dom's even goes for some quick walks here who was playing who is playing this do we need to see we need to see a wall here and incredible quick walls here by the Lord oh man that was pretty pretty sexy and well my move is over here and I will try something super crazy and well we will take a look at the many roms first and see what damage they will do out quick waltz indeed didn't really see that coming Oh God don't fight before he has the upgrade but that's going to be four minute arms against four villagers if I wanted to go for the quick walls but he's not the Lord you just learned that lesson and that will be some ugly damage against him 1544 for your alleged timing no spirits of one villager the low HP one trying to go for the kill might even get the hill a little fired indeed HP once pulled away she is having some troubles and those with the chest here trying to wall themselves has 400 wood so can go on to the archer defense which account is somewhat even not the greatest wall to think I would have loved to see some more at the frontier micro here but out just super active maybe get that one does he know about it I can't get the kill for now probably is now being pushed away from gold means he can only go for two hours to defend and doubt he's already adding some scouts as well to on gold idle over here just idle though that's going to be ugly lots of difference I'll be tricky just take a look and just moving out again Archer a number one Archer inch number two and out he is going in for the kill five villages here to the front and we can get a tower a block those two Archer ranges from going up really ugly for fire and rounds going for the wood line here in the back but there's not much left indeed the towers going forward did I miss the many dams oh yeah they're intercepting the ocean the center Scouts around will get another vehicle and they are just so low over and over again the rates are coming in and the second archery range will be stopped here fire he's somewhat running out of options and out just so so great with this early aggression here all the militia and then the nice transition the power of persons really so enough and available daughter I believe the middle in the back just made it so much easier for him as well for one for the Lord and yeah what a strong performance for him just being there a bit earlier with the militia really sold it and it's who the risky moved that I said did not work no it didn't okay no problem no problem okay well we can still stay in the game and recap this I wanted to do a go for the highlight but I just set it up earlier and I knew it was pretty risky and we instant Scouts after that fire not really controlling the gold and he scouted it instantly reacted kind of a case may be for the bit too early but a lot of HP and try to go for the center and next point question mark match point exclamation point for sure and oh it's not casting it's it's casting right in the play so my bad this is right overlay achievements not that many killed when did we ever see a game and at nine to seven kills pretty pretty weird oh yeah so little resources but the fuel aids timing just so out of this world and out he is pretty looking pretty strong but now has his kind of weird civilizations left as well oh man oh man oh man let me take a look maybe I can get an intro what went wrong there we'll do we play NAC will be everything will be different that's no problem there yeah and I see we won't bone finishes everything will complete this different set up next map will be tight pool and doubt still has pretty solid civilizations for that especially like it's aliens left which looks pretty good for him we won't have cards I expect my leg and seat aliens and well they already had that against each other and doubt lost that I believe right I know it was at six at stake sworn tide pool and fire one yes which we yet with scouting I wasn't fire I was fire against stack right the tide pool game no it was firing against out edge text wall right I think so so it kind of has to be Malay against Italians then still francs and go to us the two best tips for fire left so if you win game number six it's looking honestly it's look it's not looking too bad for fire here's the best serves for game seven and eight yeah and we are switching colors and turn off the music jumping into the game the good ones that we are and doubt is playing Italians Malay for Mustapha exactly what we expected for everyone who doesn't know thai pool it is the law of child of rooster and acropolis as you can see we are surrounded by water have the big point in the center can connect on land and most important thing is we cannot wall on the stony area so defending on land is basically impossible so yeah it is nice to go for water but dying on land is so easy on this one as well why did they play two times against each other because we had double elimination so you need to lose twice to be out of this tournament and everyone already lost twice except those two so they faced each other unbeaten in the winner's bracket final then fire lost killed everyone there and is now back to still get his ticket exomesh mark brackets will help you out to understand how this format works is that the second boer of no ok fire still has poses balls in the back with the scouts here fire has a good idea so both was in the back as well and doesn't really want to take an engagement here I'll tell you again guys map number seven in map number eight clear safe advantages for don't is wrong for fire creativity man chances for fire and this one short distance doubt kind of force to go into water can easily lose it and fire is it going for the dock on the outside yes yes so fire will play uncontested at the outside and we'll just a check on land and out might even build a second talk in the center unless doubt Scouts what he kind of does that fire isn't building a single dock in the center as well in doubt he doesn't know where fire eveness he sees that gold spot but there's so many goats but on this map I kind of flooded them because stony areas bugging them out quite heavily so we just added ten gold spots per person and yeah all of them you can't see I backed out okay so nice map awareness of fire sort the doc knows exactly what's up tout well here it's one solid scout around the whole thing I was going for talk number two and he still has no idea where fire is kind of a tough spot for him no idea what the doctor says well so for now I'd say fire with the better shot it's rush against Italians could be pretty good where the stone spots one in the back wanted the right inside so maybe it's rush from that area could be pretty deadly into the wood lines doubts well he has solid wood to fall back on though fired this could be a pretty early up timing for him what is she doing with that villager don't tell me is trying to go for a second dog no that's a second lumber camp okay so it won't be at rush at least but I don't know what else it could be 925 thing a trash could have been really good on this map without stealing some sheep fire still not on goals and out he's still not up not the greatest art by him goes from nil now as well after seeing that nothing is here okay now he starts the dog at least and now he should know and I'm really shocked with thoughts up Tommy okay he's sending a villager to the right hand side corner who wants to contest the outside as well fire now moving forward only now with the barracks that's way too late just think about if he's now starting to build a tower here at copán so good remember guys if doubt is winning this game or any of the next four games of all he will make it to energy to offline finance out over the 12:6 app timing not really the most competitive thing ever fires getting the first villager kill here doubt even scouting with the fishing ship tries to get some more Intel fire those with an archery range those with the aggression maybe the tower now sends mobile it's just for what out can he maybe get a defensive tower up here is that only 50% though first I was going up quite easily trying to rush out the barracks would be a big problem cold spot over here kind of exposed to me see it transition into stone yeah nice move by fire absolutely love that what a control will be on the outside though steam or fishing ships here did yet oh yeah it is not hot sir okay so no fire galley as of yet from mr. fire and a heavy pressure quite a lot of resources age of gate pious man 14 HP only though so not the most important thing next hour it could be around the corner and we need to transition onto gold as well for fire otherwise you will lose the fish at both sites that can fall back onto this code onto those stone that's position not too bad honestly we'll have the way better eco lots of food working for him but for now a lot of army - skirmishes around can maybe block those berries by putting a defensive tower even three skirmishes around enemies not too scary but well some damage output and that one single Archer shopping a bit as well not the mining Cameron what do we see like double lumber camp build double mining camp fire mmm Japanese could have been really lovely for him now the archery range that's not the greatest hour it's to Mike for those villagers around even cold Spectre low HP one lovely play and interact with the villagers because they are trapping each other here another go into the stone could be nice but it seems like doubt is kind of stabilizing getting a fire galley not so far nothing here and fire he's just going double doc for the centre doubt we'll lose the water control here might get it clear up rolling for himself and those solid resources at the moment but that's only a lot of food floating no but now back onto this cold and fire does he have any idea about this no no idea about this course what so that we'll get and stay install it for quite quite some time have a doc here does doubt know about it no fire fire galleys makes a lot of sense right it's in the name followed it's ours take the tower behind here cooking better double bit export outs would be surprised on is the fire just such an intense game doubt she will lose that water that's only one fishing ship for him seven to nine ships for now to go onto that gold that's how are pretty unprotected though easily to kill laid on fire with full out aggression village account somewhat even in doubt he's fighting on a very tight area trying to defend here fire goddess out now or does he have a chance the defenders I don't really see it will lose the water leaving three zero [Music] fire get some chances here solid gameplay though in game number five allowed him to be in this very comfortable position to just win one of it next four games and also rare handsome or one of his specialties well lose a village idea doubt they had by some but that's only the overlay because I don't fishing ships are counted it's been it's just guys so don't get super confused here scram defense without quite nice though and you have a lot of resources fire without a blacksmith as of yet another talk here over the dock block how did he go for that and belay guys this could be don't tell me he could maybe talk back the other side and then he could just go fish fishing trips with Malay this could be so sick so sick some damage dealt here not the greatest micro by fire okay now fixing that you see some quite zero we didn't see now we can see it fetching finally for fire as well even edit the militia to defend this that was miss click but that's some nice play could know maybe at some fishing ships here that's pretty lovely and fire is that if I galley but needs to go the whole other way around the dock block could be around here to top as well without even reading this and gets a demo maybe get a big hit against all those skirmishes let's take a look here ok demos inside there for now so maybe it just fighting off against the fire galleys please take Katie indeed but that's mainly because all the fishing ships just died for doubts down to only those two at the top you tense one next tower the wood lines falling back though has more wood has more gold in the back maybe even another talk to you could be pretty nice for him we missed the demo shots but fire it's a pretty active 500 food 600 Gold's he can buy himself up to Castle at any second here and then looking aquellas with the skirmish the defense questions what will he try to go for after that maybe crossbow münster wouldn't be the worst option has the hill advantage here is getting to killed now just right-clicking in their Scout could be just for baiting a bit look at that fire a beautiful play kind of scaring away but not really committing 21 to 8 kg now I was going for solid defense there's only 100 foot in the bank now he's starting to buy some stuff as well though and if he gets onto defensive castles January's he's not looking too shabby I would say no doubt feels ok have one water again having some fishing sips and over here that's just the beauty of some of those maps we have here water and land control post pretty much mixed and tough to wall as well that's a big difference compared to Baltic words only about water and it's pretty tough to win with land control or allow yourself a comeback but not on this one here you can tower rush as well and till we see some stables from fire he doesn't have a stable but it's going for best one defense kind of we it goes for Crossman as well how many craftsmen does ef3 okay a weird options what can I reverse well no duty finish the +1 defense no village around here 20 HP could use the hill advantage for now kind of ugly for him might lose his life if he's not taking and you could fight the hill just right click there now it's right-clicking the wolf is tough for him that he's losing the villager why did he send a low HP one though plus 1 different squares of the army okay now going around here at the top and out he sees it coming I just vision and have the greatest numbers though that's one attack last one defense for him against Potkin aaron no defense upgrades for fire think a little advantage should be fine defending this let's take a look fire trying to autumn Mike for this a bit but for the +1 defense doubt with a defendant our water at the moment seems like fires contesting this as well Hannigan's here matter too much you see some water control the outside not really a fire at the moment let's go ahead to kill Oh fired that's something you don't want to do what can everyone skirmishers now even goes for the blog any update oh oh but we will see the Karambit switch and night as well but Karambit against that amount of towers total is very clumped up question how important that will be are you still controlling a lot of gold that out he can just move away and get more gold gold control not the most important thing here that's a fire galley but now it's fire ship against fire galley fishing ship the tricky spot for fire to continue here but the castle is it in range of the TC yes it is but here that you see now with the first Karambit doubt don't tell me signs infantile those monks that son really work about ten fishing ships now how did we see that how did we get into that I heard a siege box up as well some Mangano's Scouts skirmisher Karambit at the moment Mangal he obviously is pretty much untouchable I would have loved to see fire if he got to the dock up here and get the top block off would have been so nice for him just having ten fishing ships in the back somehow repair here more program Birds I think tout he cannot be raided LG count six more for very low HP here and he starts running into this it was the first one and out yeah he just needs to go back okay reaction just barely in time so low on HP single man one air short coolant or heavy heavy edge for sure not a kill most color timing not important well fire rest white some farms but out not that many more focusing on fishing ships is up to eleven really abusing the factor that details can build them so much cheaper normally playing for sore eyes knife thanks for the prime that's still up now on for war galleys and gill nets without crab it's not really getting any efficiency done manual difference now here and just feels like fire is kind of fine without attacking everything's okay I'm controlling so much gold he thinks okay I can get some camembert's around but honestly I would be surprised if they get a single kill pyramids kind of the most important for the unit that relies on upgrade to the most oh yes six attack 30 HP old one are more so percentage-wise singing operates just changes so much maybe those two rabbits could get some tilt about here I see the kind of only spot that they could really get something and the Knights called dad very unlikely and well actually we have some TCS here luckily for fire was there I put five villagers and apparently spotted that because he's moving over all the manga notes it would give you an update there to Kermit's going down obviously they will just vanish against she fired [Music] it's gonna get you season Mangalore now wants to move to the right hand side that's the first shot will get one minute to kill some other manga no doing the right hand side tricky for our to keep everything alive doubt five hundred nine hundred goals no traveling a bit fire will be our prison as well we had one demo hit here clearing this up thinkable we all cleared up in timings I believe should be pretty similar here fire needs to chase this down some dodges here night during that village up not too important and fire just need to bid more gold third Megan all on the way we'll have ten more villages but we'll be fourteen fishing ships behind as well that was pretty damn well so far manga notes now cornering that army of doubt though it should be pretty big clear up trying to go for some defense but honestly against multiple manga notes it's so tricky to micro they're all shooting a different time stuff as well defensive castle team timing as I said somewhat even small pause here ten more population for doubt twelve more villages for fire though military well will change so it's kind of even on most levels thirty second earlier for fire trap war should go in favor for doubt though you can repair so much easier can find better spots for his classes as well and has a nice boom around here three two seas at the moment for him fire sitting at four let's take a look and finally the clear up one single shot to kill it all wanted to go for the ground attack here didn't even need a tent fire okay it looks like he needs to stay on campus and did I just hear doubts heading fish traps okay to stay active there apparently typical of those Karambit siege workshop I think bombard cannons could honestly be a good one [Music] this comes as fires rage and we had to see only now the secondary range right lots of innocent stone sea is still running I said now shred production started really love to see chemistry as well does even have university no he does not tsubame cannon it's a bit out of the question sure about it you see the castle yeah okay oh no he's going to see trucks up first okay a bit of luck you guys it's not on your end just as we saw it's a small part at the moment and that slows down the game so fire with the raid around here doubt he stays on in Diablo skirmishes obviously great against that as you all know right fighting uphill and fighting against a mangled could be tricky only one their chemistry against chemistry galleons could get really exciting in the center but also can get cleared up quite easily some bioships trapped in the snow starts that scout is pretty important we want to send over an elephant maybe wants to send over some árboles or something maybe with a manga doll won't be the worst thing ever trap Chinese now starts getting another castle listings plus two defense now ding Tao Toulouse is Castle manga no no okay you see bomber Kenan here that the better choice about out great job that's here you already lost his castle as well kind of makes a bit more sense no just wanted to go over to the right-hand side and apparently lost its life Ovilus defense here now so really lost to fire as well this is still pretty intense now ten population I had and also 14 fishing ship so that's not greatest efficiency for him now last one defense for infantry is he may be switching into condos indeed see some CAS here from our male player kind of weird harbour list and condor had moved the composition our lists out on the fields be too bad CA just miss click the audience now for doubt and once you go for some more control just 5 gallons over here could be so nice for him it's go are still pretty even remember I cannot state how important this game is often enough because if doubt Winston just one he's going to go to NAC two will fight for the 14 thousand dollar prize pool light paid hotel paid food paid beer paid shisha it looks pretty good for him at the moment one is controlling his cold spots again now has the better army compensation with combat cannons condos and novelist against basically all these skirmishes at the moment some ships here as well and controlling the outside those privileges they have been working away this old game sorry chopper them yes see them have that amount of gold okay slowly but surely advancing what's the army composition when you're going to be for fire now adding some novelist having some so bad gold so there's that gold kind of interesting that doubt is controlling that gold here at the left hand side we're getting control here and fire maybe can test this area McKenna's as mentioned several times by me I'll take the bad okay that's a good what are we seeing here [Music] something just ate a big sauce here apparently taro they have an attack bonus against Bob but Ken's as well I hope that they have a dunce can follow units and technically cannons are gonna hold a unit so might be an option control you for fire I believe that something the great divide the doubt one subject in the back I don't really like to kill them it's either in the center here now some more water control let's remember to lock receipt could be so good if we have harvest here just think about like to harbors here everywhere harbors around could just be so good for fire you could control the whole map didn't really think about that but you might just die before that 535 against now pop 184th pretty good for doubt who is just moving in condos plus one plus 450 population had it all sinned for the kill good luck and AC baby without the same disease thanks and the Lord and Savior mislead out is flying to Hamburg will face off against bhakti Viper John T Tony cough MBL and Leary I got all of them and will try to fight off guys I want to see your love here and want to see how happy you are because this is I believe good for the tournament good for most of you viewers and it is kind of bad for fire who lost to finals five to one after playing so so well in all those matches prior I really fought heavily in the winner's bracket final thank you so much for all the love guys and I hope you are super excited for the offline finals happening in the second week of February tune in nine so Seventeen's here at nearly a week and we will take a look at the achievements and then we'll try to get doubt for an interview the trash-talking will be on interview yes absolutely dealt with a better KD and yeah just better water control I would say a nice defense there fire I think you just should have gone for the pitch rush the archery range first some spear men he just lost so much time he was up like 2.5 minutes earlier and confuse it iiiiii simply cousin village map is asking me will you interview him serious or tall one have a same mix oh I didn't install teamspeak yet teamspeak that's funny windows 64 bits won't be big for them guys doubt normally it takes the break anyways new PC yeah new setup everything Skype for the Whitney I want to love others sure teamspeak yes okay so maybe sending me the address for teamspeak and i already finish the download do we want to install yes I want hmm thoughts for makes up for his performance in NSE he is really motivated he's really motivated that's pretty good right to speak and sake you always have to scroll through the whole terms and only then you can click accepting microphone muted to speak user that's me interesting okay so men will pull us men will set everything up and we will get him to interview for the shorty the doubts the Lord the one who qualified maybe I should've asked out as well you were who you were moved hi-yah what is this music oh god this might just mute the VOD oh my god that could be so ugly how did not realize that I was playing some weird music I hope it was not loud enough Jordan is invited as a caster not as a player and as long as we wait foot out you will get the hype again you we obviously will get a new trailer pretty soon here and we'll include doubt and bhakti into it second twice is the same as first not really but his visa situation is out of my hands now it's all on to Betty I did everything I could it sent him everything and yeah just waiting for ya the embassy to accept it saying if we arrange in the amazing qualifiers you're welcome holy crap those were fun yeah I especially loved the new maps tide pool was nice flooded cross seas the hum coast to mountain really nice rogon on Lou thanks for the host I hope you had a great time there we will interviewed out shortly it's just the way the casual guy that he is right no idea where he went might even open this chorus well maybe arrest him there as well so weird like he should know that I want an interview after this so I will resume what's up as well right where is he let's say grads interview all new one of the classes that we will have over - le Ngoc Nellie hype he's smoking for sure he's allowed to smoke but I think I would it's so weird right he knows that thousands of people are now waiting only for him to do an interview and yeah he simply doesn't care but Soviet I think I will add that for the rules as well pregnancy - after the games you have to give an interview at least as winner just what the Lord what the Lord does that's true that's showing bring up memories is he one and nearly yeah well I know that we've waited like one and a half hour once right wasn't it clash of the hippo finals or something that was brutal have been only concert where the band played on time yes hmm yeah by the way after this I will cast another 2018 eyelid also including doubts and then I will start packing my stuff because I will fly in 9 hours and you want to introduce me just do it what our players played other in group stage just like an NC one no doubt is on the way I will tell them that he's coming it will be five days of round-robin our players played each other no yeah I just answered that I guess it doesn't make sense for John to play nurse to as inactive as he is now but won't you really get the sense of the question how many NS you've won games on the 15 highlights I think - yeah - or two from NAC million - top 15 how hard out son is crying tnx for your effort doc doom 74 you are very welcome my friend I'll start with the plan for bit Centene was I will a new infos about Jordan cause he talked with him yesterday yeah who's the strongest Roman player right now well probably me but after two days of Jordan practice probably him but it's pretty random right if he trains is better it announced before the trailer Jordan isn't playing we're serious know what guys obviously he's playing hmm so that's kid is crying so is it it's maybe fired the kid I watched the doubt was it a love you recommend and what a crazy game isn't it that's thinking thanks so much for 20 month mr. duggard out of it hello what's up lily hey ma'am yeah oh it's the real one even oh okay doubt maybe you just want to talk freely how do you feel how much pressure was on you in the series like protect women from me this time but you come up with better laws for not women and just kidding obviously it took me some pressure but I have to say thanks to Daddy officially hiccup is so much for this he will not reparation but very very efficient one person's on the system to beat that idea yeah when he put Pig pits and teens and persons I said he'd trained with Chado there's a tariff fix no business was my idea okay didn't ease I wasn't expecting to you elastic so I went to test it but it was like Byzantines against miles now it's good okay so you plant bits and teens for gold rush yeah but originally on gold rush they want to hear characteristics against keys Mayans but he big boat so depth to employees okay sweet stuff so what was your like kind of prediction going into this series did you think it would be very close or did you feel well prepared well after preparing the 30 to be honest maybe with sound like too cocky but yeah I expected 5-0 time to zero yeah I had planned for every every match oh well it depends how much fire was practicing and that's like a big deal hearing that in your teaming as your teammate if I had somebody like that to practice in like the idea set each other then maybe different score but like this there is no way with unique maps like this to do it all along and out would you have done it that map that you lost in the prayer with hands versus a stay what do you think it was it went wrong I didn't get coming in time there they are just hitting on is very powerful to stop you when you get critical number but unique 10 ranked tampering to snipe and joined in time every time a snipe I get stuck with like to free a cure justice I did the ballistic Tucson University too soon I couldn't afford ballistic bit big economy management yeah think do you know that your CIA are reorganizing depending on how far away you click if they're keeping like the I form compared to the underscore form that's something he was clearly I suck with micro man okay but maybe I can teach an old dog some tricks there so thank you young yeah okay and so tampering was laid there you kind of felt Walt and tidepool did you feel like a K like your start wasn't really clean my plan was still the same I wanted to go first Castleman pure goon but I was surprised that he didn't talk middle that kind of no guard was like okay I need to pick up classic he will do the person he will do here who pressure so normally I would just pass cast will give him the middle control I double all around and go for the bone and then beam laser ooh sweet like condos and whatever but obviously the hearing messed up start make it then like I'm asking to do any questions from you ma'am well I was checking also the other maps and actually just picking that the LAN madness you still have their civilizations pranks it was for for fire and mayans actually test validation left for fire it was a little bit better than yours thirty that was like let him to hear franks and you got chinese crying's got no country against trainees in lasers to the game as long as this survival i should be fine and when let - it's like king of the desert you're guaranteed to hear who starts chinese are more than solid okay I wanted to ask you do you think that fire style for your gameplay probably share about the same game style just his his map control is a bit weaker he's always playing in darkness and I cannot not controlling the map very good back for example first game to explore he was just I knew you play like that like one middle push with Janissary and over Kennesaw going for carrier just which was actually mine idea not that it was really good so I'm so credit to yourself man you are telling all the credit to that oh well it's actually split that did people was telling here you know joking sometimes it now today because all the diseases look so good or is really buy porn on holidays so what stroll in a little bit so do you have practice a lot for this game right well not a lot just yesterday and today before games actually today before the games like to re become the games we change the plan completely first I wanted open / banks then that was like actually I was investigating but fire likes to play in the previous rounds and you realize he pick mine soon he like Japanese and cross so I wanted to pick his team so he's out of his comfortable zone but Japanese in talents a trace so his tactical picking what he likes he open it miles that's weird mine's a good a lot of those maps right especially like gold rush in the end you but it's the last game and you prefer to get like press game booties yeah 24 go - my answer good on this okay so two maps doubt what are you looking forward the most now for any see she's super thanks how do you think you will perform a tendency to how we finish serious answer yeah Matt better than last time last time I took it as a holiday this time I'm going to prepare and going for the win for the win and poorly happens chances well everybody with trenches the percentages from not the highest or with the Viper with highs present to England depends on the map like yes those procreation for these maps even Jordan can beat me if you prepare site it's such a unique map so it's all about good preparation with drafting yeah so true then last question to you men otherwise I will let doubt go dices I just want to give del cobre to lay sure he was looking always so so sure that he was going to make it and well he just proved that he was right he was going to be in a c2 well I will be glad to to meet you there yeah man see you there at least we have someone a little bit closer to my do you don't need to do you don't need to give details though okay okay close it - why didn't you - me old how it will never change that's a good that's a good thing I never get old I didn't mean that but yeah yeah mindset will never get old okay good locked out we will see each other in real life in five weeks and also good luck king of the Delta 2 is now starting and will entertain us in the next few weeks here and yeah I'm pretty excited and my dad was pretty happy that you qualify this world out good luck man I will find a way there's always some puck Maps may be like fortress maps where you don't have any words in your base oh well since the camp was like it at least yeah that was good for you and prairie was pretty bad for fire actually the only one black induced oh okay now that you say that they have arches in the in the troops who are in reset fortress when I saw that you were going with the kabocha I said instantly and the score was still the same Oh GG yeah they can't do anything now again with the Genesis and even about how they experienced daddy but late night good job Thank You Man nearly is waiting for us to finish so I'm happy that we meant it that was the Lord qualifying good for NAC two for sewer viewer numbers and if he's motivated but something out of the troll in the chat daybed for five hundred dollars if doubt didn't qualify out of the troll would get five hundred us if towers qualifier is getting top 3 town is getting five hundred us on top I know another guy saying that if doubt wins he will pay him double the price so let's see I will answer some questions for you guys and then I will try to get my eights running for another doubt game a highlight of 2018 that still needs to be casted a recast at fourteen of the games already five let's make some deals interesting one I hear double qualification disqualification coming splash diver cheers man four months do we have the schedule set for an institute specifically for fan meetup yes everything on I use on my friend meet and greets is helping you out here guys if you want to meet the Lord out just come over to Hamburg and Saturday evening we will have a big meet and greet Saturday and Sunday will have public viewing 16th and 17th of February in Hamburg I rented the whole club and should be epic I'm expecting like 150 people you said you will give something to fire even if you lose this what is this I won't tell you yet I didn't say I will give something to him I said I've planned something big hug big hug next time I see him that he didn't make it hack from DoDEA when Hamburg meet an exclamation mark meet-and-greet or will you back to you won't get in this visa let's see if he gets his visa I will have plans if he doesn't get one can you tell us when you will tell us I can tell you when zero empires will tell you when I will tell you what to tell you Bonnie will play of bet he can't go yet we have any announcement a tendency to well I if I won't announce the announcement yet I won't announce the announcement now right announcement ception indeed [Music] Toffler will suffer back to you that could be an option top 50 best of 15 table versus Tony confirmed and likely actually I could ask Tony and Marco if they want to join the Friday as well at the fun day that would be something not sure if we will have that though please ask them well we'll meet them Friday during the day for sure and they said to be around it's Saturday evening as well but let's see about that Ilia Oriya thanks for the crime and seems like a can't get the Titans of arena to run the mod so I probably need to recast it with my bad microphone and for just to a local recording so I will just answer like ten minutes of more questions and then we'll let you go actually oh we didn't scream for that long I need to continue screaming guys she'd I need to make it before our VOD so I need to continue 45 minutes by the pledge on for best sermon player title no sea vampires is coming to the meeting grid yeah he initially was planned as a caster but had some different stuff to do okay well that's pretty ugly actually didn't plan on playing at all have you seen Rachel vampires today No why do I need to make it for hours because I want to have spoiler Prevention on my YouTube videos so I always do the videos way longer and it it could be up to eight games I always do half an hour per game so I will do the VOD four hours long and we'll update uploaded tomorrow so that everyone who is trying to yeah see it won't get spotted so that's my plan or even 500 type song no I'll answer some more questions just add 45 minutes of the beginning again how I don't have time to cut anything my flight is going in seven hours I can't cut and upload it it needs to be directly uploaded from twitch channel 21 month we saw a lot of your influence in this series I'm really good thanks and now when you have several more real casters are you cheering down on player casting that sound was amazing with all pro players casting I think we will have a similar mix we'll have more series this time but sorta serious thought that we can switch around a bit more and last time I did a lot more and I don't want to do that much this time if you have to stretch time you just an endless loop of the showing your apartment video ok what a forward-looking forward more at the most in Asia to how doubt will be Haven and if he thinks he can do anything again or if he realizes he was the real boss all hail king duty calls pomp lots of love nearly nila love pickle grandpa hey thanks so much can you explain the graphics in the achievement after a game yes message me at the end of this game and we will try to get this oh god I don't even have my camera at it here hello that's me in my background everything new here my to reposition myself later on after better-qualified I started watching his stream his English is not too bad his spoken English not about his understand his understand mental understanding of English isn't too good I'm flying first class or business class I think I only flew first class once in my life okay let's take a look oh this is not Merritt transform flip horizontally might need to do some adjustments person flank hi can answer some more questions guys I will try to look at the chat a lot to tell us something about meet and greet and public viewing in the club did you click the link it is allowed to come and whoever we want cost for drinks and so on Cosford rings are reasonable hamburg club prices so like three euro per beer 250 per coke or something eight euros for long drink and everyone is allowed to come there won't be no entrance fee but it costs way more than i anticipated originally so I will give a box there where you can put in some money if you want to I don't want more than 10 euros from anyone extending can try to make a TC duration to person playing not really I want to that would kind of kill all my chances of ever reading said again and talking right but it's just too intense at the start I've got I haven't played for so long but solid to system participative in say not the greatest gold I've ever seen maybe we can get something loaded in the back will mats also be there I invited him and he said he wants to come let's see if he will find enough time so graze our pocket Koreans you trash IFC that'd be something yes they would love to see you find some defensive gold and I think I also want to loom this is any confirmation by him or not [Music] has to be some defensive goal to still right I'm going to Bahamas indeed work work has the other boy now that's something you don't see in other students right and that's the stretch and to play very slow fast castle here does he still a bore as the boy over here tricky for me now around here I really want to build more stuff around there though oh boy didn't like photos sent more stuff oh yeah there are deer didn't so he's actually pretty strong player idea I will kind of playing this crappy okay so you did still all why are we moving so much time I kind of need to take this fight here try to get a lot of damage done again system and arms hmm so it's up to fuel at least let's just pray that you will trust properly I have no idea how we can wall this area off as well challenge going probably Scouts from the pocket there as well to be such a joke it's somewhat dad I'm it's impossible let's just go back with her no idea we can defend this ok editor actually quite nice let me put some scarring here with the house okay it's losing too much grounds let's just pray maybe I want a market instead of the blacks actually be an option three villagers market stable [Music] Tower maybe one [Music] [Music] [Music] I lose one dance back it's kind of ugly what you say for now and I think I should maybe stay on that I'm saving her time Ben no that was pretty bad that I lost her I'll wait okay happy with those words [Music] [Music] oh you didn't take the trash at all okay at least that is happening did I get okay [Music] and never regret smiley face vanilla hype exit eggs so we got some kills no it's hard to see I don't want to leave you leave that house so costly [Music] [Music] on the cam make me super happy miss you can actually tech this morning oh no oh god how the tea died how did you ever feel that was a good idea to get there [Music] [Music] okay well that's some more nights than I expected I didn't really think you could stay under all my towers here he's just got a full night's you know yes dad [Music] hi-yah not sure how we get out of that pickle let's go still somebody on the agenda today okay so my knifes still fuel it would unfold my guy think loser just dominated alright lost for him oh boy other side is doing quite a lot and what is that a job - okay honestly just take a good one [Music] I Ram your guy is that really necessary [Music] okay then a ver dad against enemy is the best option of them all check it to say [Music] miss leak [Music] oh yeah okay stout want I guess I guess so as well what am I seeing the snow it's not that important with so many walls just was like eight houses and only one of them built Hypertech here kind of Castle by him as well just going tricky we're going to be tricky hfk pious [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] even better than expected I did for Alex pretty soon risky to go up that front one think I need to go into camel first [Music] that's a piece of my relic [Music] and that gets tricky to get enough coach myself mm-hmm I'm really dying to pikemen as well oh no I might need to switch to pipe money as well feels weird did you went for pikemen mm-hmm other side doing but yeah I see a lot of Indian folk it's camels that drop would hurt me like all this game hi-oh be my eyes dropping lalala lalala thank you for downloading teamspeak fired out already happened here [Music] [Music] who's that 42 thanks for your ass up man has been a pretty good day for saps to say that we have today don't really have a counter think it's like their earlier something sweet stuff don't want 5:1 VOD is starting directly after this I had for a thirty substituent go by the end of the years nine hundred never been good oh yeah we can update the bracket obviously didn't ever see that happen before wait oh we need to login oh that's going to be tricky let's pray we've obviously that didn't work now we need to start getting well start getting passwords just guessed the password correctly but it's not logging in okay it did and doubt was leading one two three zero and then we had fire winning one and wait two more wins without overall advancing good job nearly and we can switch into whoa it's my webcam okay or was it a bit too high it's perfect okay oh yeah yeah let's pray I think we are just dying here right how can we save visitors we have some camels but we can't finish heavy camel I must be invisible today you think so looking guys here tonight wanted to cast for five to six days in Hamburg and NZ but he was just missed something like that he wanted to be shorter after confirming to be there the whole time don't like those odd numbers keeps me donating good job I hope that someone keeps donating even numbers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see up to [Music] [Music] oh it's kind of the Korean carrying now that's weird right on dose I can do something against that again we have too many farmers think I lovable Bilitis how much it Mitchell yeah okay I just have one Hyundai dealer just son shall we and I think we can just instantly taken two elephants so much more fun as well [Music] did you easy one lorry is that all here shaky one they attack his base Rebecca no did we really hold this off melodious a bit surprised hmm don't forget to explain the gravitons great stuff go satola the graph for the stats what was the question exactly probably the guy isn't even here anymore that was a tricky game okay so if someone is watching the VOD [Music] so obviously unit skills how many units he killed you've lost time in unity lost how many but building to kill time I build and she lost how many conversions he had and how many military units he had combines economy how many how much food you collected how much what you collected ominous tone you collected how much gold you collected including trade profit and including selling in the market how many three but true dissent how much you received the times you reached the ages how much how many percentage of the whole map you explored how many researchers you collected and how many research researchers there are out of all the researches you can do in the game then how many one a city built how many concerts that he built how many relics that you capture at the end of the game how much gold did you have overall how many villagers did you have at the highest point did you have a unit left in the end at the end of the game and here the light area is the economy the dark area is military so you can see I had three militia they died then I had some camels they died enough enough enough in and then I went into camels I'd nearly steamed one from that position how magical why should we have lost [Music] when in $79 just yeah but I realized that it was just too much the other side one yeah research is a word what else is it okay guys I don't want to play another game I need to pack I need to prepare everything really thanks for the $2 so last time to ask some of your questions I hope you were all tuned in second week of February NAC 2 will be around the house but doubt qualifying as well we had strong do numbers today for K overall I hope that we will have 3 to 4 K during the group stage as well and once we get into the playoffs we can reach 6 K and finals well it would be lovely to get over 7 K and before that I will travel for three weeks and then I will be back for escape TB event and I will be casting quarter-final semifinals and finals of king of the desert with everything improved here I have the stream deck working for myself I'm not sure if you notice any difference but here I can program stuff I have some sound files and I can press like this make it obvious or something I hope this improves a bit I will also be around with some some instant replay highlights should have been here a bit surprised that that didn't work out some fields three week no stream wobble back at the 21st so it's to now fix nice holidays nearly no holidays massively ten not an option as you all know you can go on to my youtube every single day I will upload highlights of 2015 over the next two weeks and yeah stuff like that what is that an invitation for something when is this Gabe event 19th to 21st or 108 stole it I think 18 still 20 years or something 19th and 20th are the tournament games [Music] yeah neither have girl I know girl I gay Thank You confuse having a girl and being gay and what else do I want to do I will eat a lot now fight going pretty soon and yeah what can I say check out YouTube be happy spread the love and I don't even know how early did I start streaming before think oh no they were really late right yeah serious wasn't that long I think I might need to play another game I didn't want to started 30 minutes late I think I started even later than that I also had to drop early on I think I even started like 45 minutes late to times final should be allowed to go to NSA as well the word sentence to give feedback for the qualifiers no one suggested that before obviously it feels bad for fire now I only invited boys that's true as well cause me gay it's bad for fire it absolutely does [Music] but you have to be here I didn't mind the game versus unfortunately right person playing Koreans pocket the important thing is that I can't find a good game I would be really up for a good game no want to play against oh pecking stream that's the other room not much you can really find here I can't pack because I still have too much stuff at the floor maybe I will just so just play the highlight think I will just give you the YouTube highlight of the day and we'll just play it what do you think about that so do you have something to watch I have something to fill the VOD and everyone could be happy let me go for full screen here nearly ception hello display capture okay maybe I will add another display capture the capture three that's weird it's really weird why isn't the vibe from the sentiment he got a direct invite I'm going on a business trip yes I'm going on my own peg vacant Oh guys I know what we can do we can play how is it called this this drawing game drawing friends through awesome it's awesome Aggie Oh scribble oh yeah oh yeah enter your name nearly a lead that's going to be good play Oh what the I didn't want to go in there sorry guys how can I leave here create a private room through our time 60-seconds language English start a game okay so scribble if you want to play it you can join here to drawing game second look if I just doing some weird stuff here not really showing anything right so let's do window capture window capture Chrome scribble this why is it showing black simply showing anything black i confuse guys overlay thanks the neighbor preview [Music] I have no idea we also failed earlier with that right that headband triggered my trip of phobia not like this hmm Paul dancer thanks for 20 month so what you have to do in this game I will explain it to you but I need to get it [Music] profile let's just do a new one you can't use empty ones camera test that doesn't really make sense right well I cannot everything is weird guys I can't add video camera okay that's just the trailer display capture why is it not picking off windows capture doesn't work and this play capture doesn't work either so we have weird okay let's do something really weird into something we've never done before and open Internet Explorer Oh God let's see if that works I don't have Firefox installed at the moment yeah mmm windows capture windows capture Internet Explorer here we go so sorry for everyone in scribble we need to host another game create private room this will be a transformed and stretch the screen did I not update anything here [Music] advertisements sorry with mouse is easier but you can't play it on the touchpad I'm just looking at advertisements oh god it's so bad I didn't even see it can you not see that oh god this car is so bad Oh God okay that's on Firefox hmm now we go really wild Firefox go load sign up now no I just want to download okay here we go now installing how was it called scribble and let's see polka caption no window capture yes scribble here we go and transform fit the screen how's that not full screen you know this o play oh why am I so bad just joining random people okay so this is going to work here okay now we can join guys let me see if I can actually if I can get it behind it said it's not too important right you will have to twitch it okay that's a lot of people that's the two rounds then and we'll start the game okay so how it works we will just start drawing and we're trying to guess what they are drawing so everyone who is playing now please turn off the stream and everyone who's watching please don't make too much fun of me at the top you can see how many letters we have windows [Music] what the painting what I'll hear professor seike oh did I guess it wrong or not yeah guess what yeah okay okay it wasn't that easy we got it Force One okay three didn't get it at all progress is choosing words need to be ready long word again light bulb Oh light know what well you know what iced third last letter sig this is just like he is just stops painting not even trying to add glowstick that's a bad word to paint that's that's close to cheating how did the one guy get this one at low stick is really tough to paint oh man what are we having your tires Loveheart she's painting really slow as well what bad bad can know what the pretzel Oh all right that's not not a great painting look at it it looks like a Bedford I've got a good stuff it's annoying it at some point Elita tootin choosing the word we're number six out of ten or something it's not great but iceberg happy with that you know
Channel: Nili_AoE - Age of Empires
Views: 12,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, theviper, daut, age of empires 2, age of empires 2 hd, t90 official, t90official, sotl, spirit of the law, zeroempires, aoe2 theviper, aoe2 daut, age of empires theviper, age of empires daut, nili daut, nili viper, rocket beans, rage of empires, forest nothing, nac qualifier, nac daut, nac f1re, daut f1re
Id: diynMpUCeLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 0sec (12600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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