BoA2 Semis - Secret vs YinYang (Hosted by MembTV)

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what our people love a semifinal time team secret against yang Yang best-of-seven coming our way you can see the sift rat and these civilizations not the maps on top we will now have secret again xingyang after that automatic and so me - best of sabots secret losing in the group stage 3 - against ting yang let's take a look if they can revenge themself they were third in the group only underperforming there and that is a lot of wrong overlay Jie that's professionalism at its best and camera off and we can yeah yeah yeah why did I not prepare anything here but well I know that you're so happy to see some villagers moving after the waiting time that you won't mind that at all I see a lot of nearly energy in that set here as well and we can take a look at the players Arabia to start off every single Series the Viper as the pocket player he will have Frank's arguably the strongest civilization in the pocket faster later on if we get chivalry we have stronger nightline scout with more HP some farm upgrades he will carry most likely and I like his map very compact here I can see some walls called somewhat exposed but should be easy waltz then we have in the blue trunks mr. slam boy playing eat the opions here and well we are just so happy to see him performing really really well Arabia game after waiver game and yeah much love as I can see there and somebody pretend to be nearly and talk but and then on the other side we have mr. taro play Saracens hello guys HF gold yeah I know that we need to mention every single time but yeah and Saracens yeah civilization we already discuss it in the pre-show lots of people felt like okay where did they come from why do we never see them before but especially taro a big fan of the tech bonus there against buildings from the archers and also the market abuse positions are fixed as always color 3 & 4 are the pockets 1 2 5 6 are the flank positions taro will face mister Lexia who is playing Vikings incredible economy probably will go for some archers himself and then with the good economy in Castle 8 / the privilege can perform pretty nicely there nice defense of map already pushing some zebra without any scouting Intel then arguably top to top 3 player in the world at the moment mister playing persons here and I'm curious to see how he will deliver only one on the berries for now drops the second level camp that looks like an early uptime from me expecting a lot of scouts and a lot of carry from him where's the game time here my man yeah I didn't have it on there and we have paladin plain Chinese civilization that isn't getting too much love and a lot of levels but extremely strong here when it comes to the team bonus more food on the farms very good start and paladin we did mansion it over and over again he was considered to be the weak link in this yin-yang team here but oh boy did he deliver game after game who and well we can see some walls started here 40 walls it looks a bit too far though mister yo pretty much on the other end viper start some walling here as well all matches are three we three today and tomorrow we will have that of africa includes two best of seven today one best of nine tomorrow between the two teams that advance two day to Bangor of the series ahead of us it's good that they put in slam so Piper can go pocket makes a lot of sense right otherwise it would probably be Pfeiffer flanked and doubt pocket let's see how they will approach this one I can already see the four steamboats for yang Yang well we have some here mister you're not worrying too much now let's see some access at the front from shadow again getting the walls down soberly compared to secret that's probably true I'm somewhat over here it nearly one has DM World Cup match yes okay Tyler walling himself a bit of MBL style and feedback question how much do you see if I scroll out this way because YouTube's got really mad at me that I did go for a lot of casting zoomed out here and they felt like they didn't see a lot doing that one obviously if it gets a bit more intense like Scout war we would go for the kind of standard zoom level and if someone fails quick well I will go bananas as you all know I'm swimming now for the defense lots of colors around here Piper and mr. yo Co as you can see already saying the first Scouts over here and you'd like to see more it's good like that only zoomed out for large fights okay okay it's fine okay thanks for the feedback guys Telenor drops double archery range here same goes for slam everything here looks pretty standard and yeah no force team will hereby yin-yang they are just walling themselves as it looks like here and how about you arrange for mr. Luke's as well five per screen Soviet yeah just remember that the higher seed which is secret before the tournament will always play color 135 yeah for mobile users yeah that's really really ugly I believe so as well yeah so now it makes it hard to see the colors sometimes in contrast between them is low okay okay close they like it better we will try to cast a lot on the normal 100 percent - watching you - and mobile phones it's actually way more than I expected I checked my YouTube stats at one point and it's like 15% or something of my viewers mobile viewers like really shocking for me can you check as the cast of walls with on parasites for some openings I wouldn't know how yes lab didn't know how he wanted to wall you apparently so be really be it yeah Teddy's going for the market abused well that's why you play Saracens right slams wall if you didn't build that one that's all good and actually this one is still quite nice right because I just can't position himself themselves behind here he didn't really Scout that area at the bottom yeah mobile might include tablet I'm not sure hope no some team wall going on here and so will be paladin alone how do pro players choose to be pocket before the color based positioning feature we had special maps for that so on bubala times yeah we just had the same feature it was just not implemented in the game how much most things on my phone what you do when you're alone home is your thing thanks for sharing but it's always a bit of native place most tournaments weren't fixed position though yeah that's absolutely right I think the first position fixed tournaments were like 2018 something like that I would say so the the the most painful thing was that the most prestigious and biggest tournament series ECL escape gaming championship or no escape gaming Champions League or something yeah didn't have fixed position and that's why it was so much criticized for so long they put the gape sound a bit up no one really compared company complained about that yet okay now a lot of stuff happening so far no one with two kills here the Viper no dancing a bit with mr. slam Ted was playing on his own with lyrics okay now the first snipe see a nice one from mr. slam and dance continues more arches are coming to me obviously not really helping out too much the picture on the secret or versioning overlay what it's Lee I'm getting a nice modest snipe so far five kills here are just now running away from Ted oh who is already 77% Viper 8:45 flukes now picked up as well but that could be really good timing here 40 secret chato sitting at to 2 kg we will improve those numbers and between games to be a bit bigger for you well - come for the second semi-final I just felt for this one it doesn't make a lot of sense right if he goes play-by-play casting and I'm color casting and then saying like yeah that's I can't talk about or yeah I won't go into detail there that's not really pretty if that's why I asked him for the second series although he would have been around for both of them now with Tarot missing here slam and Viper just getting claps lamb needs to run not the greatest numbers while Tarot is breaking at the top here and he already has cross women now got in there quite easily with only one layer let's just score in gray but and someone translate / explain how the Viper is still having some Scouts I thought it was my CEO but no okay God three four villager kills here nice opening for taro for now might find another villager their backs out a bit and Viper that looks like forging to me indeed looks now going back onto gold wipers blitz around a bit it's not looking too great for looks pretty smooth game for taro at the moment watch himself in the super fast castle it just puts looks into a lot of pressure and looks actually like 2040 timing here that's not too bad that's actually not too bad but taro just what the market abused was so fast didn't really participate in the fight and now needs to do the counter damage but doesn't even have ballistics he has the University so most likely ballistics already done as well did some nice nice Snipes there from this since it looks now sitting at 31 villagers not looking pretty for him oh and tell you even at the left-hand-side pines kilts there oh that's so good for him that's so good for a meanwhile other side looks very peaceful there red vs. blue at the bottom Nexus that he's not looking great position look at that 30 villages for him second lowest is 41 now there's another one down to 29 yeah match command obviously doesn't work with record games 30 will just end supermassive eco Janna dished to that look at that 22 villages on gold now how is resource looking here okay now gets ballistic as well but loses Archer ranges this is not looking great for Luke's year 10 hook just breaking through doing so much damage meanwhile on the other side door slam after having some losses honest this year 28 military from mr. paladin slam sitting at only 21 so would be it's a fight for him even with Ethiopian bonus to take and oh well runs away in time lots of action now at both fronts by kazan arabia isn't the Miss play but you're missing out and potential two sips from maybe not the best decision the potential to serve is a lot of the great economy and I think you you really are getting there so don't mind it Oh slam now in some troubles so the question here meanwhile they're letting go of legs slam not a lot of gold income lots of Ida villagers here and well he looks 2.0 at the moment wipers coming over with some nights as well I don't know French potentially not opening they're trying to break through here meanwhile slam more losses as well paladin playing another great game two nights at the front that won't be enough to take this fight properly even lose this one nice touch there by the Viper and slam just sits on the hill paladin goes for some dancing I think slam can take this fight it looks like Palin can't really win this one right or will he slam lots of shots missed but now he has ballistics or maybe a politically for but lost some shorts took the good fight from the hill right he is at forty three bullets as well paladin is sitting at 50 and now retreating and finding another attack at the front or big engagement over here let's take a look at that ring and heal together yellow needs to disengage we're at the red cross pose here looks is now coming over as well Ted is doing a lot of sniping there against all the Knights I see the cross men still completely untouched though it's like secret is slightly losing this one but they're forcing a lot of aggression so yeah shadow he is now left alone only three Knights left from the Viper he should be sitting either solid three to seize at home so no problem there which is he's running for mr. yo as well so should be even and well Tarot he will now just get cleaned up but Knights I'm getting the sickest damn it out here actually +2 defense okay now finally clear up but hello he's already round and a bit more at the right insight meanwhile slams trying to make something happen as well give me your extra resources my first which donation ever see me thanks for the $10 off your first which donation ever okay can't slam break this year somewhere it doesn't look like it nice walls by paladin we're really realizing that this is in very vulnerable area hats coats for their another goats what all the wood lines are looking pretty fine as well now the seats workshop being dropped to see on the outside even Oh looks feels like he wants to go for some aggression how it's been it's just looking 42 at the moment slam at 58 viper solid ten villagers ahead of mr. yo what about us before Vikings plus the Eco full potential of the SIF that's why more it has been good in the high road maps that's what I was thinking yeah the thing is there is not a single water map in battle of Africa so yeah you can't go for the like the full potential of Vikings what was the score rainbows Finland that will be cast after this series that's all running way here Viper straight to chase you see paladin even on the way champ you it's already and we're giving overview of all resources hmm doesn't look too crazy here what's a funny one oh that's an annoying caste potato can you take this engagement certainly dives in here and some Knights are around but not too many I think cheddar with those five nuts coming over and he'd suit disengaged this one and indeed that's what he is doing and it's just been sent over more yellow Knights are coming but way more Green Knights who follow this one up as well and now I think Luke needs to run again well he finished his castle he already did hello trying to chase some more but they can't chase endlessly viper trying to do some more damage but they have to retreat and taro has to give up one of his gold spots I need to expend more towards the side hey everybody's saw me already played some days ago those are only record games as well thinking the whole time bypass yellow yeah I confused it once as well that's a lot of crossbow hallelujah sixty-six military at the moment for paladin that's a scary army scary army out slam looking he's sitting at 45 which isn't too shabby either yeah on canyon lake but still canyon lake it's not great to go for water as the Vikings because they don't have fire galleys can lake as a purifier galley map oh and you said there are less than a second indeed and praise a pretty soon then no one can really engage this this is a scary army stand needs to run stem is completely dying to this now the aggressive kasi my paladin as well that's just so so sick but this guy is providing more villagers being sent to the front no need to micro bit more there slam trying to out micro solid drop there and she killing more than he is losing against tablets with Crossman not a bad job at all but now he needs to squeeze through here and that's going to be some loss for su account really stop the car so I mean what the Vipers taking out the stables from mister yo him being up 60% mister yo 70% Carson now being dropped after is saw how the engagement when he could even make an argument to drop it even further forward but I don't mind that spot at all so yo in some problems here maybe bit behind in the economy for now okay what's up happening here on the Tarot side looks way though I will is still camping in the hill in the center Viper not with the upgrades and actually we have to imp the latest if it wasn't for mr. Luke's snow building a defense of car so here back in his home base tarot surrounded cross man won't find the me to kill for now cannot be mixed in by mister yo lots of obelisk over paladin but he can't really find the kill at the moment running over the center of the map Tarot Oh God Tarot solid losses here without doing too much cross man as well now we surely will see the big baking gage burns what upgrades we see heavy camel Cavalier and plus for defense the Viper stays on the Cavalier sac routes whole game probably in France makes a lot of sense now they update their shadow opened the area that could be some really big raids you know as you can see on the mini-map trade is already being set up by team secret we can't say for whoops for yin-yang here now fighting without the obelisk where is paladin now doesn't want to chase anymore and just lets it go could maybe get a lot here from slam is in reaction by slammed nice move very very important paladin check now as well on a solid forty percent here and aggression continues at the side slam in some problems but he is on the okay so I had kind of a lot of villagers on gold because that gold is taken away from him maybe starting the trade a bit earlier could be an option finding that gold would be really really nice for him you get from the center here looks like paladin has the better numbers but Cavaliers could come over meanwhile we have no engagement here at the top so it seems like paladin fighting three armies wasn't really an option for him by perhaps too blurry yes indeed and well the adjacent that way now fighting shortly before the pairing upgrade that's never a great so it's Piper what is he doing oh that doesn't sound great but now paladin only finishes okay but he got outnumbered so have any more crossbows are now coming over Avila still in the back it just feels like this one barely goes in favor of team yin-yang shadows getting cleared up Luke's is now in mph as well Teru he stays active through the center but feels a bit like paladin's are dominating the game now as well a paladin check now for mr. yo meanwhile the aggression at the side is too crazy Oh dice as well to bomb attends down you can trade off against to obelisk not a great one but seems like the Viper it's really dominating the game now Oh God tent paladin over here tries to fight off small armies over and over again killed those houses have less behind this one as well how is looks at looking he kind of stabilized back to pop 120 traps are killing this one and Viper just with the very smooth game is constantly producing paladins raiding everywhere finds another opening their drops more stable in the center lovely moves in world taro finally freeing his gold here with another nice quick ball what's behind that one maybe [Music] difference here oh that one is burning down that will be some losses there for the villagers for sewer sample and we'll deal with the ibless thread at the top and now deep into the Eco meanwhile some access but that's just random woodlands apparently and paladin's are being sent over from mr. yo lots of map control at the moment for team secret now trying to take down this castle and then obviously our list only comes down to the paladin numbers more damage output from the person paladins HP on the Frank paladin's touch now to the left-hand side obviously pastor production also from friends as well Tarot just goes for signature stone Ward's through the map and slam he's kind of folding here got a nice castle up on but cannon a blessed and paladin maybe killing slam could have been a better option there he had the aggression yet aggressive castles was slam don't really have a lot of stuff left here and let's take a look now dives in a bit deeper and looks I think he is are not looking too great there that's very clamped up pellet numbers are looking so much better for our snake here and we said y'all can't really provides too much meanwhile the trade looks pretty even I would say in the back here as well and taro he just goes what castle is falling quite easily here one more short and doubt and so is the game here for eating yang 1-0 lead for Team secret Arabia in the books for them nice play teto there were the Saracens look at that how few farms he has along his main TC and yeah looks never came back well it is just so tricky right yet the woodlands to the front their shadow was there several times he was trying to charge to the right chase to the right-hand side but that didn't look easy Palin had a nice advantage against slam they're a bit surprised that he couldn't put on the pressure VIPRE obviously with the advantage there after they forced mister you want to so much army in Castle AIDS who Saracen looking strong here for sure and super clean game for secret I agree that was a nice one let's take a look at these statistics together guys we see the better KD for the Viper mister yo oh wait requite even caddy for pocket position not the best thing obviously lost some villagers there as well slam positive KD actually as well and chair as well so all three secret player positive KD paladin he had a lot of loss than 99 army but the unfortunate in the center then against the Paladins how good was slamming his peak I would say in rated games top five in tournament games top set 10 yeah something like that trait already started from three players here the two pockets and looks as the flag most food by quite a margin here for the Viper also some nice gold advantage there hit the extra gold spots and as you can see it was around all on the map paladin with a nice timing there but as I said just chasing the army over the whole map did did feel great for him I think whoops what see did I just click it ah oh yeah ha and this might have been it for YouTube I don't know yet all the other games down below in the description and now we are back to YouTube to to the other YouTube called and I recent made some place and I think then we have the big expect lip especially spec font maybe shisha bar reopen Serbia today Oh doubt is smoking from home and those are record games nearly people wonder why secret goes for slamming not doubt on Arabia because slam is the better player doubt isn't that great of a flank player in my opinion not that great right I think slab just plays it a bit more clean like doubt is clearly top ten there as well but slam did have some very strong performances of the flank who won the shift big war with map one those who has the best of left we can act some well I try to see if the spec font is now or are no better red brush big sized francs are gone Ethiopians are gone and Saracens are gone so pick one two and three are gone against two three very early picks as well Chinese persons Vikings so pick one two three against pick two three four so both teams really through their strong says on Arabia did you actually watch the games life why not play no okay now we have the proper speck of a lip for the next game spec overlay the big forms at the bottom just who is the best flag in the game I would say leery at the moment maybe bipolar II while there are only 34 civilizations sorry do not s doubt so map is that though I thought it was hideout where surgeons worse to pick as top 3 sieve how do we discuss it twice now because of the team bonus and market abuse by Yin another spy that's the official name they signed up with oddest out strengths boom into wit decision-making macro calmness yeah did you take the strongest system to be name cause yang yang to dead in the last games I can't comment on the draft it's - they're going to Cass with you yes but the am against Sami series there's a map called shisha because that would be doubts real map okay I think that shadow played great this tournament I think he was the the best player for secret in the quarterfinals mmm this gave me completely performed as well yeah so who's that the co caster of the second semi-final for me miracle drink stout shisha what said of entities torito's well then we're also supposed to cast with you today I did like two people will ask me about that I didn't hear of anything near Ahmad for the doubt scout where the Scout has doubts head in smoke shisha when Idol yeah there was a good one I had some people were unhappy with guitarist the thoughts at ours are the same as Turks or Mongols the same time you said Hilton God okay Andy I was never in prison stop the mean please command fields cameraman how did you get to know - I contacted mr. on retired he didn't play for several months yeah but for you which serve is missing and why God well it's the red ones are the band civilizations and then everyone Peaks fifteen civilizations and God just was considered to be the weakest and not picked or the extra dry fruits of any we draw two more maps and ten more civilizations no six months of relations yep after think for bands eats for two bands eats something like that we will take a look at it again if we get to Game six do you know in which pattern by hobus tree yes do you know any good skin even birds cut Bhullar standard today that you have a great potential to be a strong player for secret I know here's a nice guy final best-of-seven to know best of night we did one day compete for top five he didn't the old days he does it again let's say top ten I thought he would already be very very high but then Miguel would really clapped him so I was surprising last Monday right yeah they're playing the serious nearly you will have to find out just what to say that for mobile users his doom was alright but with one more shake out would be too far okay well that's the maximum I could go for so we would never go for more unless I completely like redefined the resolution do you watch football only from like regional semifinals to Super Bowl so like five matches a year it sound like that okay then let's jump into game number two home map of the ying-yang what about German football never saw sing again what's more - like which mode you like most - two three three or four four why is one we want not an option okay here we go - ket yet Lake the Viper will play pocket as the Burmese player here then we have doubt being Tatar flank and Seto being the inca flank now this one feels like very unconventional civilizations for you and there will be a lot of head-scratching going on we can only theorize what the options could be here the viper obviously with Burmese code goes for some rabbi scar opening as an option later on elephants could it be something playing guitar is obviously great civilization when it comes to archers when it comes to ah doesn't say hosted by men TV okay okay hosted by meant to be yep and at that thanks then we have dot great Archer civilization there you get thumping for free later on Payton tactics as well and well more damage using the hilt is really really sweet as well and taro what ingress he could make some magic happen we could see some villager recipe could see some tower rushes some wild wild aggression what is the MAL prison meme there is none on this channel at least not anymore table castle ramp I could be an optin indeed yeah maybe I wasn't in trouble guys stop it people it was a joke and people got really worried about him just stop thanks okay then we have legs Japanese finding civilization that I've seen before on this map here goes for some water obviously pretty strong that you can build the lumber camps cheaper and he will be potentially the water contester might be there more armed honest efficient ships and gets a bit more food faster and then we have in the training pocket for mister yo with kind of a slate dock here I would say interesting stuff and then we need to take a look at the relic placement because obviously we kept us wanna check for every relic in our monastery for our Knights so one is at the top here one in the corner behind mr. paladin to pretty much in the center next to the Pont and one at the very far corner so it feels like two very easy picks to contest to pick and one never in your life pick I would say and then on the other side we have paladin with millions hips to pick number one being picked on canyon lake let's take a look how he can deliver with his mass archers how important water on this map well that still meant to be seen they're different ideas and how to play it some people say ignoring water is your death sentence I can't agree with that and heavily going on to water like three people rushing shouldn't really be a good option either so it's it's something in between and people have very different approaches why what young pick secret so map they can go for every map and it used to be pocket of thing yes they can parent lost one of the elephants to Assisi fire really okay then it were a bit more observant than me and yeah we'll have a solid uptime behind this year so Viper on water pushes some deer who do we see now three players up those are player here mister yo we see shadow already on the way too few late and mr. paladin now followed up by everyone else except doubt who plays it ooh dot placed rush here with the amount of farms that looks like address FC to me seven bridges on wood road obviously very close next to your town center here what did out see though ok knows about the forty C knows about the wood line and he can be really annoying potentially here let's take a look so far really far away though read maybe the berries of the 9-minute mark but then again they are pretty close to the TC maybe goes the long way and towards the wood line does really excite me too much now goes on to gold so interesting approaches here so the Viper goes it seems to be what two and golds I've Connery figured out what the bike was going for okay that looks like scouts to me with some fire girly or demo then we have water play by Luke's Scout play by mr. yo-chan was going wild at the left hand side right inside his arts are opening by paladin and rush I see by doubt interesting play and doubt he doesn't find any openings nice quick warrior bye mr. paladin to get the defense rolling for himself here and now but I don't really find the opening obviously everything is really close and yeah there were a lot of pauses in this series apparently looks had some problems there with his Internet's open over again stable now by the viper as well goes forward to lunch in the back chatter meanwhile wanted to go for one tower and seems like he deleted that one now goes for another angle here and that's to defensive wood Lions defensive tower here by looks as well seems like terrible gets his tower up but looks can run with all his villagers not the biggest losses nice defensive play here by looks and taro well that's a lot of investment without doing too too much so far rajab seed could compete for the neutral relics could make a lot of sense that could be a good one that could be a good one and viper how many he only got one you only got one fishing ship thought there was like three going down boom mixing the licks is that smart not sure but yeah as you can see taro now changing his target goes for mr. yoga the defensive tower in this wood line now goes for market show so should have a lot of vision there as well taro should put another tower at the gold so how much taro sees there okay knows but where do you put the tower over here is probably too far away over here it's too close because you always get shot the stony area kind of helping nicely here okay I see some red what what miss click set the dock villager seems you would like it ok taro not trusting a bit more as well tries to find an opening now the blacksmith year defense of upgrade for taro interesting choice as to spearmen around 3 minute arms 1 Eagle didn't lose a lot of HP and well that seems intentional for sure now drops in archery range here ok taro that's pretty open that's still somewhat say if I would say not really on gold yeah that's kind of rough 15 minutes and still not on gold meanwhile doubt 50% towards cancellation that looks like a CA opening to me as a defensive tower it says gold and since we reach out for an outpost apparently once you get some vision meanwhile paladin not the craziest one of archers no sense some back is that against a toe ooh interesting move okay meanwhile defensive tower being rushed out by mr. yo doesn't want to give up this area in my update from Miss alerts double archery range there and it wasn't wasn't it looks killing Viper on grande para in the group states as well with the sneak I think so right I think that happened yeah hmm okay now for mister yo Viper needs to read runaway Tarot now trying to take this engagement remember +1 different tip for the villagers but archers are round now and that's a fight that taro can't really take oh god that's going to be so are different scouts are going back and forth salonist so so good in the spot are just trying to find another engagement here taro selectively but that's not going to matter and yeah all his infantry getting cleared up by Archer and Scouts now just fights with the villagers but that's heavy heavy losses and taro stadium won't be pretty just remember last time we saw him on cannon lake in the quarter finals he had like what was that 28 to 2 KD at one point now it's for 11 licks without any loss yet for zero and troubled sneaky art arranged this is so weird this is so so weird and meanwhile what is the Viper going for now okay for the tenth stone I don't even know where he is on stone oh yeah in the back here okay so that's going to be a ramp I mean while fishing away here is mr. yo and looks now it's doing something with the see a nice +2 attack no other updates on them keeps on the production remember that tampering is for free stop ballistic no probably not right triple triple Archer ain't even interesting hello you got sandcastle aids well I honestly think they don't even know about the archers yet right secret yeah they have no idea that those are happening so it doesn't know about the others and at the moment it just it's mass amount of villagers on gold okay now he sees all the archers and well they know that maybe you will get on to a lot of night but yeah I don't mind Eagles I don't mind Eagles the question is do you go for Eagles directly or are you trying to whoops around here I'm trying to boom first and then go on to Eagles maybe waiting for him and Bible playing heavily Consulate's might be an option as well hmm I can't load this soon 720 60fps and can't watch the 90 stream still getting too baited by taro-san random dots and random waltzed all over the place meanwhile looks now trying to find an opening here how esteros eco looking only now clicking towards Castle it's pretty damn late but on the later side as well didn't you just play archers okay well it's actually relatively early in the game just feels like there was so much going on already in this one oh no sniper doubts oh nice quick well they're behind this one doubt runs away it's one loss but it killed three units before that one nice mobility about out also stays very active at the frontier against the gold 14k viewers at the moment well pretty great maybe we can break 25 tomorrow not unlikely Oh actually built some bad elephants to defend of all the archers had to stable dropping first attributed to defensive towers that's why his castle so late 566 stone only four on stone at the moment and oh boy Luke's is going to be annoying killing some farms here in was out naturally finding the wheel kills at the moment only finds his life that's correct I'm finding more damage here at least indirect damage still would love to sue ballistics C ballistics another villager sniped over there I predict one one well at the moment looks really really good for a young yang for sure this regression seems pretty scary now mom's mixed in as well how can Viper even defend this one properly nice walls by paladin's would probably trap all those no ballistics for me yet means out just getting through there stays very active and get some kills but doesn't use all these units some more aggression over here Viper having some problems defending against Alexia that wasn't really his plan all this time oh man another aggression now at this corner how can you defend this one it seems like villager is in time and now it comes with the village anymore with three months behind this one I think my pal might lose everything of the litter here it's not looking too pretty can you send over Meg enough of the defense seems like at least he's going into the right direction I brought more repair some axes here summer nights doubt tries to find another angle it's not going to be easy doubt on hotel meanwhile just focusing on the ribbon from what I can see not really a lot of military on the field seven at the moment I probably lose every single village people where's the manga no all the manga not cleared up or the cross was here felt like that was the easier damage for now and we're just trying to hide their manga no sword pretty solid from the right-hand side one manga nose-down second manga knows they're scared to kill and oh god gets more mumps that was beautiful for the Viper I thought every single villager what could I do down here what could I hear and even kills another villager of looks that one hero Mangan all hallelujah that one went really really well for the Viper uh-oh but meanwhile doubts now having some problems that skirm Crossman mixing cost outed send a lot of army over to mr. yo and out well without a siege works up he will have a lot of trouble there and also only once you see doubt is sitting at 35 villagers at the moment and that's so many more going down this is horrible foot out 34 minutes just now oh no once you take the fight here ya see a with the hill advantage I don't mind this too much but it's awesome cross women some skirmishes here and how it needs to run that is just horrible ego for him 32 villagers meanwhile you see a aren't doing too too much over here maybe a cricket off mister you're not going to happen who doubt finally clears it up look at that 31 villagers when everyone else is about 50 here hmm why slam benched again hmm look at this I ask myself the same question so it's against the Viper here we have mr. yo stating it as solid 74 villagers the Viper only at 57 terror actually the one on the field now with the second highest he went for him Oh mango no Mon push something I didn't see at all looks lost is starting to see but doesn't look like a lot of villagers went down if I see 56 here compared to tell us 30 63 and he got to go for the army so need to sit down and now taro he will pressure mr. yo at the same time here another seat workshop at the front seriously do you think slam with the amount of games he has been playing seriously is more reliable than doubts also one of the questions that we can answer after after the tournament is over well account at the moments - for mr. yo everyone else zero there's one relic still left over here and I think maybe so you already have third one in the way because I only see one left oh yeah look at that let me say yo he gets the third one at the moment so he would have plus three potentially plus four pretty soon one here's Knights now you know now let's take a look at one shot off gets the kill conversion here and viper gets the kill and deletes faith goes down to zero how stout so attractive I would say genetics yeah very likely taro doing a lot of damage here against mr. yo we're still trying to repair nights can they find the diving manga no now here five manga notes for taro how was the dance looking taro active or even gets the conversion he had Redemption that was really really good for him that has three pikemen around there as well would love to see another barrack indeed that's going to happen and mr. yo has to give up the CC is up on the way to impeach the with 55% already and viper he just wants to get some more kills here but won't find the greatest engagements against Crossman with the rambo as well no not the greatest armor for them but there's some reasonable damage against the Knights damage output obviously producing from those boys said on now getting tower rush to buy alerts that the MTC empty sea is at the top here of tables being dropped by hourly training player three releases we said relic number four and five here at the site so pretty far away for now taro he will have a lot of damage output here six manga notes some pikemen some monks he can even fight a reasonable amount of Cavaliers here once they come over I will take out a stable before that even don't call only 3tc play cross men of Luke's being annoying the aggression through the center continues hear my prayer it was a summer ran by as well stable number one still not down and 3 HP now he loses one and shadow oh oh that could obviously be really nice and he has monks around cantero maybe steal all the relics away from mr. yo that would be sick that would be sick he has so many monks relics around here you see it's ours kind of overlapping Tara needs to jump now he sends the moms forward but no isn't going for it doesn't even know about the castle here has no idea but at least and Garrison tous ceux damage output at the moment only plus 1 instead of +4 still the dive in here what can taro do cross men around manga notes as well do we see conversions if yes how many mega not getting ok is shorts against crossbows no cross for mayor just running away manga no told our dying heavily conversions are there but only three that wasn't the craziest thing ever cross went around a nice move here by paladin and you're together debating the magnets out of position then the like the Cavaliers went in yeah he had to eat some conversions but the Crossman are now around just not the pikemen and the monks jingyang with the solids or the play meanwhile shadow in a lot of pain and this and and out well he's sitting at 54 villages now heading to see number three at the 39 minute mark it doesn't excite me that much mother my pearl takes a last shot before he dies and it's dropping what he sees who it looks really strong for team yang yang here at the moment taro most villagers will see 97 97 that's true potato only 30 percent up to in Poh and I don't even see him checking into anything at the moment here's a barracks another barracks at the front is the leftover Shawn is push here tough to say meanwhile looks just the most annoying player in the world now trying his best to make this serious even getting the kilt in here finally clearing the of enough but yeah paladin with another strong game game number one you really delivered put slamming through tough spots yeah number two heavy lead over doubt no did how about with some defense there as well and now the Eagles which apparently interesting move well actually if you think about what Viper does he want to stay stay on the RAM by now he's still only in college suffered so much from all the aggression from Luke SIA and I think two daughters could be better against audiogram by against the elephant's I wouldn't even know really think males kind of have to play one with one against out looks now reaching in Poh so that could be a trap first at the frontier was fabulous goes for Crossman taro somebody exposed here oh he switches aunty Goods what is taro doing here she trying to wall in all those villagers that kind of went forward here that's a bit weird what is dead what does taro but what is happening here this is 43 minutes into the game and just some random villagers are coming to your channels to hear some weird for world okay but Seto let's some go oh no he won't that's another Alice oh this guy you know what to doubt doesn't he know where to go for now that oh god oh god that's a lot of árboles now and taro lacking the last evens upgrade we now see El Dorado on the way too aggressive castles doubt he will have a lot of trouble clearing that one up run by doing good job of holding the trade back for now finding the Eagles getting the wraparound +4 defense so the Eagles will clear up what missile looks was putting on the map here but Cavaliers should just be really really scared Oh even paladins on the way and while they have class 3 from the relics still not seeing that one oh that's actually a big mistake by Mysterio that he's not going for that one because they have the full control for so so long over those looks has no belts he's at 69 I'm told a bad number perhaps another to see but yeah he played oh no that's a castle right yeah drops plays it with two TC Street CC is now wants to go for the trade economy surely isn't great some fishing ships over here but finally his defense will be clear up there or his defense is sneaky base Oh but now the Eagles doubt it just rebound 280 villagers then lose here another 10 instantly trade cuts going down as well remember I need to come over for defend surely not doubt greatest game there just felt like mistake maybe this each workshop could have helped out maybe not going over that double the pocket not easy we didn't fully see what happened but I look really good for a long time and then this one army came in here and just completely destroyed out and then it was a heavy upper battle and look at that paladin is just relentless and tsunami Oh everywhere ego warriors 108 P for them the Viper is now checking into it needs of Rambo or just finished ok so that will be reasonably good against the Eagle numbers but once we get ranged on it that's not going to be pretty pallid and now getting some kills against arrow here we're sitting at pop 1 and 55 that's actually pretty solid the Viper at 155 as well overall population is really even here what's happening you know what a ramp I throw darts though those won't throw a lot anymore but if there are life there throw darts terrifying some noise rates in the center here doubt of 75 just relying on defense oh so much still in college while everyone else is just producing elite units paladin's spending on the map trying to get that rate rolling I'm not going to be easy for now to come back into this one obviously with all the traps in his face so many castles as well want to have a lot of gold control what is he doing is he pulling villagers to kill the trap even okay we will take take an update on that one remember I think they should be doing a solid job of defending this one and yeah the villagers now just arrived to tear that one down Eagles meanwhile won't find the kill to ramp iron hills they are still pretty strong and well don't talk about doubt guys don't talk about doubts you can tell trapped with villagers we take those indeed in our defensive castle pop 88 for him still not on the way to be late Palin's now reading him again he's taking so much time to reboot man yeah I did pretty crazy game here for sure and eagles finding the great spot again the piper now sitting at top 170 teto or so pretty stable so the one I would say like 34 depopulation here team secret question is though how much you need to remember will do in the long run maybe it's written to elephants could be something on the way that seems like Tara lost a lot of stuff there and she's a pop 120 then didn't we just look at this population here was at 160 did she just goes for the army they're like they would in like 20 seconds it felt like it oh boy and Palin's not pushing here we'll find another trap kill and Ovilus paladin isn't a bad army composition guys only two hits from I would say no thank you Oh Kenny quick walk no he can't I'll try to chase this one down doubts still sitting at pop 70 or can we maybe force it dad Castle here Viper's running around and not really taking the villagers know who arches are doing good job now from distance but it just might all get sniped maybe another villager around here she will try to go back down on the field with Kashuk but it is all but over one one that's why for seeing at least five games well even it out did invest I don't know maybe not we will take a look at that but surely questionable choices here when it comes to civilizations from team secret pretty much standard the turanians japanese pretty strong may and some we didn't see too often but they pick number one and jingyang is making a showing probably the team that performs most of expectations i would say in this tournament so far being first in the group of that they're leaving suomi secret and heresy behind them directly seeded into the semi-finals but now facing the third in the group again secrets okay let's take a look at these statistics we have mister yo most kills and whoa very few losses there looks meanwhile what his sneak so many cross meant quite heavy losses for him viper positive caddy with mass elite ran by taro heavy heavy losses there all this obvious eagles didn't really get too much done now it's twenty sixth highest army did get some trade rolling for himself and on the same level when it comes to food there but yeah it was just mr. yo lithuanian they're not really sure did he get the fourth relic in the end no only three rice for him 148 villagers and yeah we saw a lot of yellow dominating the game there in the end nice team play by paladin and mister yo to defend off the aggression of taro there why not combine three armies head what spot obviously that's kind of the ideal thing that you want to do but not that easy and kenny lake was indeed a whole map of secret so yangyang winning a whole map of secret that's pretty crazy so two towers Burmese and Incas gone that is pic eleven thirteen and fourteen though on the other side gone is pick number one pick number six and pick number little loop it so what ringing took a bit more of their strong picks for now remember that if the score is three two then we go into another draft of two more maps and six more civilization for each team who are still banned yeah won't chains in this series at at least for the first five games I'm pretty interested on Incas with the win ratio and those team games we can look it up we can look it up my man sooo ization statistics Incas pick 25 times win percentage 44% if there were flanked they won 42% if they were pocket they won 100% of their games it made it a bit bigger for you so that you are casting you're my favorite caster thanks Incas best pocket yeah together with Burmese what ah that's not included yet so Burmese is is off here with Byzantines 100% and - tarz 1% as well in ideal scenario what rule would you like to consistently play in secret well obviously like being good enough to be in the top three and be a valuable part of the players would be very nice but that's that's a long long shot okay guys I will take a quick HIPAA break and we will be back in a minute [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nearly a boy Oh interesting we just were sent game number three and then unturned but now sent again not really sure what that means but it surely means that we are jumping into game number three pretty soon and I'm loading it up now it is secrets choice what map they want to go for and let's jump into the action we will have the Viper as the flank player here on what looks to be Coliseum interesting stuff he is playing Malians cessation obviously that he likes a lot at the moment very strong with their gold upgrade cheaper buildings there as well transitioning to am pretty damn smooth and faster university is just a nice team bonus meanwhile on the other side shadow and paladin are having a rendezvous hello is playing Mongols really good civilization for some naming here you have some potential to go very aggressively not really finding anything still at home so I'm still a bit dancing or dancing a bit here but won't find out of there 9 is peakins 9 HP actually not taking any damage maybe Patton could have stayed it tiny bit longer meanwhile mr. gyro was he trying to go for the lane not going to happen okay so Mongols and the pocket is mr dout place Magyars some people who might say the strongest civilization on this map meanwhile the double lane here doubt getting an elephant and the viper getting an elephant away from mr. looks that will be very very problematic for him let's take a look if that's going to happen here or god that's so beautiful lots of sheep getting stolen as well and looks you have a lot of trouble Piper he is continuing with that turn stout is continuing with his own dance down there and Piper oh god he got stopped and needs to go back but out uncontested over here and yeah looks pretty solid Magnus as I said considered to be potentially the strongest civilization on this map extra damage output with the free forging then we have the cheaper Scouts to begin with and they can really deliver some numbers mister you're now resealing though here and now the question is why they steal so much how do they so it seems too much well as Mongols getting the extra range and on the other side in this missile looks playing Vietnamese you see the starting TC spots of your opponents and therefore naming is just a good option for yourself and having a lot of extra HP on your archers feels pretty damn sexy and speaking of archers you know it's civilization that can bill time cheaper when it comes to gold it's Portuguese and you also have the vision for the full team something I really really love as you all know I'm big Portuguese fan but we will see how they will play out and some people say it's pocket in the world mr. yo-yo playing purpose cheaper nights cheaper camels for him here obviously they want to play it a bit more defensively then and maybe allow him to mass and castles compared to the Magyars that can already mass lot in few let's meanwhile mr. Yeo didn't get the elephant or is he vipers blocking together with doubt that's so good and oh that was a nice play then by the Viper and out blocking that elephants so close that you see mass amount of HP lost for mr. Yohe as well who what to find the score naming I would say looks minus one and shout plus one yeah that's what it looks like yeah the ones still going back lemming party indeed ibecause for the walls to decide big walls here by mr. paladin as well trying to control the area soon all players will be up to fuel aides tarot with a nice early chiming here that's quite some aggression what population is he playing he is playing pop 19 and this one as we can see at the bottom and paladin would one kill there against arrow lost the Scout a lot of scouting inside here mr. Ted tip-top but with the only timing he will surely get some knowledge about the whereabouts of his opponent people don't like blaming come on really nice to see the team play like that it's nice to see team play like that it's not nice to have games completely destroyed because of blaming you have to tell us after chairman what is too great about Mayans on this map well I already did you get more gold you get more woods and if you're only going for us I'm gonna do even using that stone pillar here as you mentioned earlier okay now the XS here tarot drops the arts arranged I think that looks like a pretty standard opening from everyone three on gold here indeed but you have to tell us again after the tournament okay okay well yeah we can we can maybe do a Q&A on I think Tuesday makes sense maybe maybe some day not really sure yeah yeah that is 34 you can look at this video page guys okay some weird waltz if I doubt and Viper not really rolling together and now everyone is trying to set up some team what early aggression in the pop nineteen really pays off against mr. paladin but can you save this with it looks like 6h p 4h p ed will jump into the TC next villagers now in dangerous world 13 HP 8 HP and also gets into the sea meanwhile paladin lost his Scout but that's a lot of aggression still no second Archer rains berries being United as well and taro with this very short distance can get some stuff done mister yahwah's around with three Scouts though taro he must not lose a lot of HP on his spearmen they're the ones actually surprisingly crucial in the scenario touted so just send everything over which she is and technology range could be denied this isn't looking for great for paladin so many Ward's villagers are dancing taro still the three archery ranges pretty sweet stuff for him and should take some good fight spearmen getting focused down spearmen now round for mister you as well Terra only once women of his own though but that one looks pretty good for now we had walls here and yeah that that's the beauty of a dream game okay thoughts I'm not really sure what happened to you did she just stop building why did this villager go there taro don't tell me as fletching no he does not I heard a blacksmith oh that's a bit surprising taro he has 100 food not really building a village at the moment think he might be floating resources to get fletching is that an option indeed he does she's Idol TC for quite some time here for taro at the moment and well taro and doubt not really knowing how to wall either well that's weird communication the errand happens meanwhile not closing that hole at all at the moment and that's a lot of pressure against mister job involve I / what is he doing he is still sitting at home quite surprising meanwhile Luke's can maybe come over here for the triple would not have happened if they had Portuguese indeed but okay at least this one is walled now and what is happening there the Scout there and now they're going pretty far in the back can they find anything I won't be surprised have any pills can really happen at the moment no pattern is really open and out here sporting Scouts watching scars will be really good against this oh no oh no don't tell me paladin completely unwalled and they didn't see the scouts for quite some time what is happening here Oh big losses evil paladin that's at least at least four villages going down if not more it seems like those for saving themselves and the other six are going down oh that's just a good good eco advantage here meanwhile I'm not really sure okay the viper arrived in the center now pressuring paddling a bit more and well that's not going to be ugly doesn't have the berries therefore into farm but it doesn't have a lot of farmers because well where's the wood now I that's going to be a rough one and sadly partners sitting at 26 villagers well shadow yeah yeah I did idle a lot he said 33 part of the rest of the pack 35 36 at the moment viper now needs to run didn't get too much done here for two for katie not the worst oh and yeah the finally world this way tara with somewhat answers seems like it's getting reasonable killed seem stacked he's getting very reasonable kills at the moment dives in deeper damage output is really good for him and shadow oh god clears up the full army waltz now finally finishing but that's so a lot of pressure on this area yeah this is like the it's like the thumbnail that i need for like perfect secret waltz teamwork communication can that gate should be broken pretty damn quickly for damage per shot there from an archer stuff goes down quite quickly there another villager probably has to die here Oh actually focusing down the archers in the back first a lot of scouts here from doubt at the moment he now goes for he has blood lines how is resource looking he clicks up pretty soon on the other side mr. Joe still no blood and swim he is up to Castle H even and we see the dance now Terrence run Viper just trying to fight as long as he can Scouts now clearing this one up though and yeah Berber numbers were just so much better which is surprising right so you all really got the numbers out there and is fast up to castle eight who not sure that's possible mr. yo 15 to 4 KD has the Scout player a hole between vibrant outs no not really that is balls can see here that's the edge head or not with a great wall oh oh oh oh that's from the medic have you everything is heavily vault out goes for double-layer but now they're not attacking here what they have such a big army lead here doubt is sitting at one military at the moment just one scout on the outside here and taro he was so vulnerable now it has very little military at the moment I was for some more walls by presenting a stuff over hello come in from the outside Oh taro alone there and three one that's not a great idea Vipers coming from the inside out is warning from the inside taro alone on the outside that doesn't sound great don't know adding some more Scouts taro needs to run you could get jumped on not going to happen just runs away maybe buy some time with that move top stable number three now some what's behind this not really needed paladin the only one not on the way to castle it's at the moment our is resources looking to earn food 400 gold hasn't excite me too much stone walls now over that area desperately needed shadow obviously again known for break some walls quite quickly on those scenarios so you're with stripper stable oh yeah yes same goes for doubt though people really realizing how much stuff is happening but while you you complement triple stable I raised you and put down for harsher rages for Vietnamese what do you say to that Oh God they're actually going for some production in Castle eight yet but that's open for now in the finals and you say fold yeah oh no what's that how was that open how was that open and now they're going in here getting more kills that looks like ballistic to me and that looks like some dead villagers to me as well followed up by some dead archers now nights are coming over solid night numbers by mister Yodo but economies should just be so much better parents sitting at 40 because he only now clicked up to Castle age fibre is he trying to get himself out of their own twist or taro is doing taro finds another kill there meanwhile Vipers trying to get out of here and runs through Scout is blocking but no okay we're going back and yeah nearly whole exactly we used at the right time meanwhile taro is finding some damn it's over there but that looks really scary taro bit of a lonely fight of this game instead of all three of them combining their forces together quadruple art arranged the hotel that could be so bad for you don't get jumped okay he's active enough he co-op great look at that would upgrade and farm upgrade only Nova paladin oh boy was that a rough opening for him hmm that's what was a debate maybe okay now my favorite part of a jump is three threes six different color six different armies on one Street rainbow indeed tarot dropping a TC not really sure not going for the front there are me coming to that side mr. Joel he is playing to TC for now paladin still not Castle edge they're probably waiting for that want to see play here by legs and economy should just be way better for team secret here right the out sitting at 59 villagers so he is going to be the boomer that he loves to be me to see for him and now that just taking off the stables my favorite part everyone disengages yeah yeah oh that's a lot of cross women here from looks that's a lot of nights from mr. you as well not the greatest fight that they could go for tries to micro bag now paladin has cross - well goes for ballistic goes for port gain a bit of a block here trying to retreat with moving his army around so I saw soap some damage but now moves back again secret feels like they have the numbers at the moment tries to get some more Snipes done picking numbers potato now trying to squeeze through one single gate that's never going to be too pretty here are they taking the fight again we have the nights where the Knights of mr. yo now they take the fight mr. yo wasn't around what is happening here Messiah was so late to the party like ten klostermann going down before anything happened now he jumps in here but that's more reinforcements and that was secret arrow and Viper just waiting for the perfect spot their doubt with them and then they instantly jumped because mr. yo was just out of position for small 10 seconds instant Jam by secret and the economy was better anyways and then holding this one then winning this one it's just so good for them squalid is now just massive night numbers of mr. yo so much plummeting here and the better cadiz for the secret boys as you can see close to two to one year for Viper and Tarot lovely play and that we had patience and mr. yo just out of position there for 15 second known of the sy guys really realize what's happened there and secret just instantly jumped on it in super sick move it's not trying to go back remember that paladin sequel has to be horrible Luke's eco not really great with rates earlier so you're the only one kind of in the ballpark of his opponent no he's twenty villagers behind out twenty villagers behind out more cross woman here everyone's sending over big big masses [Music] without carry no chance for nearly mmm I don't see the secretly losing this one would be a big big throw surely Sarah building a pretty safe cars in front of his gold could have been a super aggressive one here as well to block the gold any feeling okay playing it safe is the better option now another engagement and I must look a bit better for secret now though Crossman numbers look less so good for that oh you see he thinks he wants the left-hand-side fight even thoughts of some army to fight the right hand side and I think that was an interesting this isn't surely and it seems like the correct one they just continue fighting here the crossbow numbers simply not there from low extend paladin Knight numbers don't really fighting trying to debate some shorts at the front here and yeah it just seems like every single crossbow now died and yo will be cleared up after this one three to the G secret is taking this one to one and hooey that was intense game obviously horrible start here for Paladin wallet so so much as you can see just to be denied a second archery range heavy loss on the first one then we go upgrades lots of villager losses over here and he couldn't reduce produce too much then Louis the role over there as well and secret just nice retreat then saw this small the tiniest of mistake they are from yin-yang and instantly punished it to kind of secure the game for themselves to one for dsy boys and that felt really clean that felt really clean statistics by pretty sexy Kitty teto on the same ballpark Oh tell you the skills paddlin obviously didn't get in through the prettiest game looks actually a positive Kady that's pretty impressive darlin you're obviously the guys in the front can never have positive KD in those scenarios more of the meat shield kind of guys and yeah as you can see totem Viper leading the villagers there as well tell you even third and economy just so much better for team secret then we have to subtract in deep north and Bob Clark hey yo everyone what was that map it was called caller safe and I can put the coloring pen Mongols gone Maggie is gone and Marlins gone on the other side we have Berbers gone Vietnamese gone and Portuguese next potential maps are donut and beach fight so the two yin-yang home map section lists the left because they fit Canyon like one of the old maps of secret earlier quick where thanks for your prime so beach fight and donut next I can wreck your brain a bit what's the relations we see there donut we did see doubt flake Koreans against heresy I believe against Venus wait wait wait no against against P&S yeah just like humans pockets don't know it feels pretty strong not easy hot beef thanks to the gifted suck see we're only has one Cavallari sniff left [Music] well Malay could play elephants Spanish Cavallari kittens have cavalry so I see three actually hmm how it's time before next match it's out of my control I would give you two minutes as an estimation strength of Koreans on land towers the doubt go only Janissaries of the Turks Oh someone was around yesterday when doubt losts to 1500 and deathmatch some ringing at my door I'm not really interested in anything quickly look who who's there Oh one getting swatted on stream and we never saw him again yeah Helloween trick yeah maybe DHL I didn't order anything actually the other day there was a guy spoken and broken German and there were some girls laughing in the background and he said yeah I have a package and I was like ok I didn't order anything so I was a bit surprised and I was like okay what's the tracking number to kind of like if he doesn't have packets and he was like there's no tracking number I always like okay and he was like yeah I do let me know not and I was like no but it's a package for you and I said like yeah what's what's the name on the package and then he said my correct name and I was like okay just just leave it in front of the in front of the door and he's like no policy says I need to leave it inside and I was like okay leave it inside and then I go to my window see that there's a DHL shop at a car actually and I go down and then I realized that I did order something and I must know the day before sorry if you're watching delivery guy I'm sorry and the laughing girls in the background would probably just bypassers yeah that had nothing to do with them it was just really weird yeah call him I don't I wouldn't know how I wouldn't know how I always didn't never saw him feel delivery guy man yeah if it phone how would I get his phone number do you like happy hippo not really that's okay I think Mexican is one of the best in that Papa like mmm that group Bach german-speaking dear child delivery guy turns out to be huge area to fan well maybe you can still leave a good review on delivery on Amazon and never did that before maybe I should do that but well he didn't didn't carry it to my apartment how can I leave a good review that he only wanted to drop it off at the like at first floor no safety first I never did that before in my life I always like randomly open like yeah it's okay I'm like 0% scared what's just the weird combination of me like 1% being convinced I didn't order anything plus him like me not 1% understanding him plus noises of other people in the background that was just a combination that I wasn't prepared for yeah he isn't allowed if Korona he's allowed to bring it at least to my doorstep yeah like I don't need to sign anything but what I need to do is showing you game number 4 secret is leading to 1 in the semi-final lots of perceived still on the line for both teams and we will see donut as the map here and we will see the VIPRE playing Spanish pocket now the big question is will he play for conquistadors will he play for paladins will you play for Scouts Knights the big question here and on the left hand side we have mister Tito playing Turks position gold sports yeah I would say big wood lines as you're know in the center and then people always ask me like why don't they easily wall this one isn't it super easy no you cannot wall on this stony area therefore you need to wall like super crazy or play it relatively aggressively and on the other side doubt coming around again with his Korean pick goes for the wood line far away from him and she goes to the outside defense of stone spots for hip and at some point see something with Chavez let's see how he is playing this one out in real life nearly blamed certainly regard did I oh look at that looks playing this one actually really aggressively very open lumber camp here goes for care civilisation that could shine with all the seeds in this one-dimensional area could eat some tc's and yeah expecting some looks placed from him there probably something in the pikemen direction infantry opening and then mr. Yeo is playing pocket with cuman's you're interesting that's obviously a big question mark how he's going to play that one if it's going to be with the early TC drop is its cowards is he going step lengths or is he going night and two paladin a lot of options there and the last players paladin who struggled in the last game is now playing Italians Italians a great counter to cavalry civilizations which Turk really isn't or Turks really aren't so we'll see how that one plays out he's eat our food out if he spots that wood line yeah that's true just put one behind here but then again looks just runs over there and needs to reposition for 100 wood and the other guy invest 100 last 50 wood plus all the village' building time as well this map was a very good game and secret was am better of Africa one was with the Viking it's Reggie from taro thanks all right matching background noise for delivery guy - ah so so so what are the chat oh oh it's Vance joke oh I didn't get that one oh okay yeah and I stood it very quickly but only at the second time like okay okay you like this version of donut or do you prefer from ball one with water I probably like this one a bit more yeah not having the chance the wall feels really good yeah why is Luke's building the lumber camp there isn't it maybe because they want to go through there anyway I meant it seems kind of KLS mm-hmm not sure if he knew who we was up against and it's might have been the shortest distance that one feels like I think Luke should be winning especially with the literature coming over and now here's more HP indeed thought needs to run hmm I don't know here was obviously safer but maybe wants to go for a lot of aggression and then it make sense to have those visitors at the front but then again if tower towers III can see your point guys yeah scout where is mr. yo okay what's at home putting some Scouts interesting that's super early opening here from mr. you're not super liberal pop 20 at least with four on would could be scouts could be TC drop seems like scouts to me that's a lot of food in the bank a lot of food okay now militia from Celt and Korean player being dropped by bus going fast castle spotted indeed auntie's Ansan so that's going to be the conquistador play meanwhile shadow just plays the very world sport here and doubt Oh got lots of losses what's happening here lots of losses means she loses one militia but surely not a great start to the many damn fight I have not seen those capes three militia out now without even goes for fourth one so five overall who really doesn't want to die the economy behind this won't be great then militia again goes to the wrong side okay not the scene is better vipir still in targets as well can't really about against a few delayed Scout of mr. yo who is dropping the TC so should have the best echo in the game in some minutes Helens lumber camp is the bomb that one in between everything it's a funny one surely downtown mini dam upgrades same goes for leaks oh that's a lot of fishes for mandamus against 4-minute arms and that's the tower drop wants to build a better tower Viper can't really help with his don't know takes the fight rushes off the tower that doesn't look like the greatest engagement to me here and oh no oh no that would completely lose everything here oh boy oh boy is he getting clipped holy guacamole has a lot of villagers around they're still three milliamps maybe micro that one back a bit mr. Luke you have the faster walking speed and now sits under there villagers may be pulling some more could be an opportune notice now the one pulling the villagers and Luke's gives this one up oh I found with it am i misreading the situation I felt like Luke's worst in such a good spot there it got so many kills yeah dog has mass amount of idle time now but still told so no it's really important that you don't underrate to the situation what Paladins and doubt first oh yeah deaf number camps to chop through here that's sure maybe its lumber came for the trade in the long run look should have attacked the tower with the salt man yeah not sure about that that's like if you really get the tower there first out can always pull more villagers so yeah maybe it was too close to the TC and a misjudgment situation looks obviously doing looks things tries to be annoying here for villagers two-minute arms doubtless chasing with five villagers one many damn maybe an archery range and some production indeed another man damn coming from the top and doubt those villagers up to my / - keep track of them with the 3 HP Scouts thought of stealing some damage that's not the smoothest opening of them all meanwhile what is happening here taro is just wow how did you get through here is he just going through that area because paladin is building a defensive tower there and said oh he has fled saying there would be some dead villagers or at least some pulled ones ok yeah so a reasonable reaction my paladin shouldn't really lose too much ok lose just one but then gets out of their legs but now only being rushed out does it not have fletching oh that that's rough that's really rough scout is helping out against the skirmishes as well Shadow Dance it's a bit artists fantasy finally focusing down the scout scout gets out of there with 1 HP oh boy and still no fletchling meanwhile the Viper reached his castle 8 which account obviously out of control for mr. yo they had 41 taro runs away meanwhile I've even built this castle at outside interesting let's try to go for somewhat sneaky there with a villager and experiment is getting in there interesting ok well still dances a bit and now the Scout is in her hot Tara is just so sick doing something with so little and that Scout with one HP is getting another kill so crazy in my vipre where's he building his castle maybe dropping over here feels good I think more aggressive doesn't make a lot of sense don't tell me this is open no it's not okay okay what the craziest spots it drops it you see behind this as well obviously knows economy won't be great walls for mr. yo who is now up to castle a it says well the questions what he's going to play behind this tower just jumping under the tower not really sure what's that all about just that that kind of reminds me of a spot during my driver's license test there was a really really narrow street and like the question was now am I getting through there or not and it was just me like 15 kilometres per hour and it was just like holding still closing my eyes and after two seconds I open again and I was through that's a bit what happened to doubt and well he had some more some more losses there for sure and well that should be easily defended now with to arts that's right 3 archers ok even the defensive tower being forced to by looks I don't really understand that maybe it's too scared of the conquistadors yeah ok ok then I can see the tower maybe something happens here he just slept in a slicer test it's it more napping instead of sleeping [Music] now looks with more and more defensive towers kind of has to survive here conquistadors around though toting the ice driving license tests always thought isn't it worked out guys don't be so judgmental I didn't know why I failed after that can't can't be it because I didn't hit the cars he was going for the no army strut yeah he learned that from secret of the group-stage he has 58 villagers on the other side the Viper is sitting at 45 now goes for steppe lancers here hello okay and conquistadors continuing with their dance the Viper he should be sitting at twitch as well only now drops to see number three shadow gets his castle up and then will control all the area castle over here controls that area looks pretty damn good meanwhile those conquistadors yeah I'm just getting step lanced wouldnt be I was not my driving instructor III had had a driving instruction lesson with mvl as well like we went Italy and I did rent a car I have very little idea about cars right I'm not very picky right so I just took one enough for like five people spacious for all our luggage and yeah that was it and well I think we got the car way over our budget and like with some serious horse powers in there and then another day we were at the at the beach or at the sea I would say and we were driving back and be I was sitting next to me and he was like man I would drive the hell out of this car you not really driving like a real man and yeah then then I just speed up and it was obviously a Autobahn so like there was no cars around and well I press it to the maximum and after that MBL just went to like whoo that was so fast nearly how much did you enjoy that and I was like that was one of the dumbest move I've ever did in my life and I hate myself for it it's not the answer he liked but yeah it was really fast if he dies he dies driving instructor he seems over for yang Yang well let's take a look squirrel looks pretty pretty even the rich account looks really good for mr. yo he is look at that tower warrior thought is a bit annoying and I'm not the tower there did you get murder holes seems a bit like it 300 km/h on German Autobahn no problem area Novi that could've been really expensive not really like it works differently in Germany it's like tested at a spot in Italy it's more tested like how far or how fast did you pass the last sector so if you let's say the allowed speed is like 100 kilometers and then you go through that sector which you only can pass if you drove 150 then you're getting fines so it's a bit different than German system VIPRE he don't like stand here manuals left-hand side Viper oh there will be lot of losses try so tense but not really position for dancing here needed to micro into the other direction it well gets out of life with Sam but oh boy did he do little damage and that was really really nice for paladin let's take a look and oh they might get cleared up here nice ground attack though against all those nights and they didn't have any damage against them yeah but guys as I said the moral of the story is my my action was very responsible and I regret it it was obviously only Pollak now III shouldn't sugar sugar talk it okay dealt with another car so he or his first one on the way to mph is mister yo that's the one for one trade their Janissaries still around to some random ground the text there by chato really getting too much done just sitting at pop 50 I have no idea why how we got into that scenario only now reaching castle 847 where she losing stuff that's so weird Ted up playing amazing doing a lot of aggression Julie okay defensive cars are here by the guy that is up Tim pillage first so we won't be able to hold that cos I'm Ness you makes that a doubt castle two manga notes three mega notes around settle so there's a lot of army ground attacks here not really connecting though can we see some ground shakes the Knights are going through low HP there but not the connection against the cross women again and that is again Joe and paladin and perfect combination there gets all the manga nodes can now run away and the class who goes up and they are buying some breathing room reading time for themselves in my Luke's defensive castle he's to be super far away from him though right yes yes yeah my bastard nothing in this game oh he lost it comes over here when you say it's nothing five percent 90 percent Oh what yeah looks us up you caught that correctly guys okay then this castle makes way more sense oh okay okay now get to the Eco updates behind this drop CC number three and but then you can win the trap wall right and stout here you can build a second cars are pretty soon and looks you can't really repairs castle after that only 54 villagers as well in what the aggression here may need to see some more nights and fron castle I don't really see that being held against the trap dope diving under there seems really costly yeah wiper can make trips with doubt yeah that's true and out doubles down second Castle here and I don't see it looks getting onto enough production now some relics being picked off starting to trade here as well Piper on the early side spend a straight obviously something pretty beautiful as well looks impaired 1154 villagers here taro at 88 out 116 viper betting on the same level when it comes to mr. yo and in the end both should get to paladins let's take the look okay both actually clicking patterns now that is broken paladin check here let me take a look 45% do we see that soon up with the attack could be a good sport maybe taking a bit too early taro still running I think that's not really the fire Keitaro just comes in here but that's Hinton Vipers ghazal so just Lisa's random the next to it okay going back so 80% then maybe the fight is an option and on the other side viper at 53% so there's like a 20% timing window where we could fight her in against no paladin in what doubts going for his traps there but as I said look at that enough stone to repair looks at 400 now as well so that's an option paladin's around now trap is going down blocks this entrance actually for the Janissaries behind us to do some damage not really so that was intentional but surely a nice move and crossbow numbers now on the solid side general is being mixed in as well and the viper becomes more inefficient so not enough numbers mister Jana pushing nicely here looks ya dying but not completely getting a race from this one too quickly and so do they want to take the fight now seems like thinking about it at least lots of pallet numbers well how are we looking 44 to 46 a lot more HP on Viper aside though if you look at that those were the Bruce won from the fight earlier where taro was still doing quite some reasonable damage and castle HS well that's the group that killed the manga nodes earlier and now we have the engagement fight a bit of a better concave for the viper here if I see that correctly lots of paladin's not fighting on either side though this is just such a small joke there for the damage output from behind is really really crucial 35 candidates against 35 here that's super even Genoese numbers not that scary we have grace err on that side we have chemistry over here Janissaries doing reasonable damage it feels like both paladin groups are just dying we see both players are just sending it in nice move here and we see the production mass stable CMS tables there so both players realize how important this very signal hole is and so many will saying it feels like the Ovilus are slowly but surely killing it but now Tarot is joining this party with wombat cannons some reasonable connections there in the back and we see another one okay some novelist eyeing they need to reposition himself all the parents are going down it fields Janissaries here trying to save the bombard cannons one is going down second one can be saved I think no one conversion down the Paladin as well meanwhile or that's a pretty sick post though and yeah that's a big problem that looks simply didn't have the option for quite some time and some people said okay viper didn't do anything but he did force looks to go into like five six defensive towers there and even killed some villagers after that and therefore Luke's tomb was so far behind out who is now in the comfortable position to just go through here and just look at that mass bomb but cannons drop some more towers more siege workshops as well and that one looks like an even one maybe still I'm winning your team secret but on the other side it's not looking pretty at the moment for yang Yang what I was going down here Luke space completely in shambles now he is at pop eighty paladin no idea why he is only pop 90 could have formed back there as well Chinese production won't be that crazy if he loses the car so that the front rate is started now but as you can see they were pretty low slow with kennyman moving forward those paladin's won't find the opening after all those badges patches Spanish trade is still untouched no that's not right I think it was at 33% once and now it should be at 25% I think so that has 150 builds in 11 military at the moment yeah he makes towers his army and now looks just losing so so much here well indeed Janissaries damage output should be so real in the spots [Music] I've got more Palin production at the side who lovely move gets in some more and yeah we can see Luke stepping out g3 secret is leading this one three one who you you that was pretty damn in Sancerre doubt well he had a lot of problem at the start losing the first militia didn't really work out well for him but then Luke's went for the super aggressive move instead of trying to stabilize maybe try to make something crazy happen then lost all his villagers here Piper with the aggressive Castle looks forced into mass defensive towers very low economy play then meanwhile mr. yo with the big boom had to go for some stab lenses to go clear this one up then better night numbers over here I believe to clear up taro at one point potato with a nice advantage of a paladin and therefore could fall back stabilized and then it was even here and doubt could win at the other side nice cape I've almost kills although he has a negative KD something we don't see too often channel with a sick one here and doubt delivered as well didn't kill twenty seven buildings with all this format cannons as well most don't collect at for the Lord as you can see if I prevent with the reasonable trade number here had a very smooth fast castle while mister yo did go for the approach for the early second TC in village humans that gave him solid boom but obviously couldn't support that early on his two flanks that maybe could have benefited from some Scouts tough for us to judge tough for us to judge and now we can do some access to find out how they will play or what to ization stable play in game number five if this one goes to three two then we draft two more maps and six more civilizations can take a look at that after the Italians humans and Celts are gone I think she would one every Arabia game with slam as fling so it's hard to judge oh yeah you had a lot of food reaching feudal could you have done some scouts not scouts and extra to see that doesn't work no let's see nearly now interesting Piper children pocket incoming gonna be insane and what's the next map beach fight right yeah beats fight some lay at stake to turn against Byzantine hands Bulgarians okay I'm really curious what Bulgarians will bring to the field here Byzantines fields like cross women into our bolused hands fields like Knights Malay could go elephants or could go cross one too I have list to tonight's could come on crush had steaks probably the mantras if so yeah the roads are a bit more clear for the secret side of my opinion Bulgarian stirrup nights yeah this map doesn't have stone so affording a castle to get the eunuch tech not really you're not really the thing no no remember the Bulgarians have paladins on the wood since we're playing with the March patch not much anti Cavallari for team secret well elephants from a lake or to something to tonight's our good against cavalry at sex moms for the conversion so I don't not just care about that and they're using the previous patch the March patches beach fights more Center and then food golden corners you're absolutely correct it's so good to see secret doing well against as why at least those games right serious is not over it could be the comeback for yang Yang obviously it's a tough task but it's the one whole map of yin yang so that's good for them but still they need to win three games in a row now the draft has to go in their favor after that hmm two drops are one of the best in the game correct I think Japanese might be the best one so I would say huh sound like that okay we got game number five and can throw it over into my safe game folder and here we go guys game number five three match points for team secret to potentially make it their way into the finals we will find out right here right now if not they get two more chances I have to get another draft to my maps two more civilizations the viper playing as the flank he is playing late as you said earlier potential to go for a mess crossbow then the fast tech so maybe art says even before that and well could maybe see something of the fasted direction then we have doubt as the jute and pocket that something a lot of people will like to see expecting a lot of nights from him and mr. t Tito as the ads tech player here let's see what he can bring to the party has an interesting four seed as the way to towards his opponent and he's playing at six monks kind of he will face mr. Leakes I was playing Byzantines as we said earlier cross men into fast could be not unloading unlikely as well how much cost the coaching from nearly just send me p.m. and we can discuss that mr. yock plays the hands pocket here we're starting with 12 farms around our to see no need to build houses there and paladin is playing Bulgarians we will see how he plays that one out for everyone who doesn't know this map we are not starting with any sheep but we can get some sheep on the outside no paws on the area around DTC's we have some Paris but if we look at the bottom side or the north side of the map we can find a lot of hunt for ourselves let's see how players will try to go for that one end in the east and west we will find some extra goat sports what's patch they play in the March patch so happy to see you play last week man grats thanks you caught me in a use fee and I'll coach you in poker yeah I would be really surprised if you can approach me to poker but if you well I want to take that as a trait but seems very unlikely what is this map it's called beach fight so as non buff Teutons we'll see about that this suck that sounded so wrong I don't know what you mean satellite hunt hmm I see him not being you know but know that were those were sheep going back but you stopped playing with poker didn't make me happy I didn't completely stop it right just stopped it doing full-time it's like a fight between beaches 6 1 if remember that if I have a bad day you will get banned for something like that so just don't ok taro now goes to the bottom no one else going to any free resources at the site see some more walls here for mr. Lexy boy lots of sheep for him that's maybe take a look and how much sheep they found looks pretty solid for you as well not too many sheep for Paladin he has another 7 direction or too bad we still have some for the Viper here so getting more meanwhile doubt shouldn't really go for too many he is the guy that I think should go more for farms not too many sheep and shadow it's getting a reasonable chunk for himself as well plus 8 year Britons are good on this map very much so but I think they were banned beforehand men uploading this on YouTube you have to ask men not me I know I'm uploading this to YouTube thanks for asking how much the players communicate in tournament games like I've seen continuous chatter on the team games and similar in tournament games or less talk to you to the focus and I have a TT mutational I did upload one video where I had the full to speak of team secret in there as well so that might give you a good overview on how much they're sharing obviously it's way less laughs and more like important communication and sometimes the this the sound is a bit rougher but I actually like that I think that's how it should be I'm pretty happy with how secret is communicating in tournament games more streaming not a lot of screaming no where's my purse swimming nowadays no it just last mix a stream or like this last mix history on Sunday I believe there's one captain who makes the call not really it's it's obviously the guy that Scott so first can communicate them can communicate more the pocket is probably the guy that communicates more sometimes you are just one guy playing 1v1 and then the rest is communicating if you remember the Arabia game slam didn't to communicate a lot right he was just playing the one with one while teto and viper were constantly talking okay now we have paladin going pretty wild on the outside here drops down a tower remember that this game is without stone viper even deletes one of his archery ranges wants to defend this one first maybe palisade maybe how something like that interesting move that he walls like this and it feels like Viper will get this one up in time defense parry so the second tower for follow-up won't be that easy here for Koreans getting the minute arm upgrade for free therefore this is the less of an investment than it looks like if you think about the Coliseum game probably doubt was the most active guy with all the Scouts because he kind of need to communicate he had to head to ball in both directions and yeah there's obviously some people that talk a bit more communicating with more some people that communicate a bit less I'm for example a guy that stopped I think super talkative if I play with like my old teams in secret I'm not that talkative simply because like me focusing playing my very very best it's just very high on my focus list compared to one percent proper communication that's one of the reasons why being better than one with ones also makes it better in team games right if the just everything is very natural for you then the additional task of communicating comes easier to you as well that seems way behind don't score this game yeah I don't care about that too much he's up to Castle age he did scout a lot though does he oh he has a market so doubt is actually playing mock Russia of what dr. play market blacksmith when he drops the barracks now now that's interesting and paladin is heavily buying stone as you can see already bought it like three times I believe that's how it's going down as the market in this back as well and he will take quite some time to reach castle eights in this game meanwhile viper around with the archer defense here and deleting a tower so costly in this one as well now tries to drop another tower here but that one won't hurt arrow too much okay so viper and paladin the only two players not up to castle eight yet although there's a lot of farmers quite surprising floating a lot of resources not really sure why he isn't adding another archery range what is plan is there and what surely easily helping out there and has for scouting maybe they're just forgotten a bit surprised vipers resource here that's really an typical for him meanwhile doubt now dropping to stabled tarot dropping the monastery here as well after being stonewalled i would give an update on the other side we have in turn university and crossbow man here for looks knights from our pocket player mister your table stable so that will be a lot of aggression the viper he's sitting reasonably well here would say drops ii archery range himself fast imp is a possibility for looks not anymore no he he won't play fast him it is something in the Byzantines can go for but now he is just receding farms with 40 foods could go for Botkin he will play lots lots of I mean crossbow mania ok doubt needs to make some walls happen they will break that one eventually goes for stone wall I absolutely loved that but won't allow him to go for what he sees so maybe not the greatest choice on this map double Hallows still not a lot of our media fiber still feudal age here now using the market himself drops archery range number three they're trying to defend some more doubt trying to buy some time viper needs to run as well monk with the conversion doubt knights Micra to decide they're safe that villager if some army going around here from paladin doesn't really know what to do o doubt i he was about to clear this one up tarot still active here gets to the extra food and some villagers around but so only five so that's not too crazy meanwhile aggression continues here Tarot now would the manga no for the defense one conversion Magnus or scarce the cross was away but won't do any real damage in paladin what's up what's up here what's happening and yeah channeling that one okay gets one villager their shadows Knights not really sure what they do why did they go back before getting the kilt is weird scenario okay now with an outpost there is still sitting there with his defensive tower shadow goes for moms there's economy much too bad 15 on farms means she will get him P eventually its run back with his mom tow get sniped instantly monitor down to zero and dance it's a bit manual for the defense but humans be a good pig I actually like humans iam because you can break break a lot of stuff but Cubans are good on other maps potentially as well hmm not easy not easy we record it indeed first time I'm watching indeed I know the result indeed okay okay we have enough Megan all cut to lot here against paladin where's he going with this villager still round here three gone they're trying to find another angle of attack here mr. Lutz while shadows just defending this one quite nicely which account relatively even for everyone mr. Yeo has some more has neck so to see here and next to see at his starting base so that's three for him in total meanwhile shadow continues to go for the deer and booms a bit away there clears up the rest and well paladin's still and few lates remember slinging is only an option slinging it meaning giving resources to your teammates if you are in po8 yourself and speaking of amulet looks 23 percent already here and double archery range production continues have some reasonable crossbow numbers big question is well should you waste those sort investors could potentially find some kills he against Seto who over top this one Oh God metallo sees instantly losses to villagers and well that's it for now looks goes back there but ten census villagers back as well what's happening you okay I've sensed them more to the top Tara tries to close that hole Lucas yeah he simply doesn't want to lose his crossbow men mister yo around with his knights as well and what paneling builds a crap post on the outside look at that what it's a bull is out of visit that oh it but it is in vision at the absolute edge there interesting stuff interesting stuff okay so he wants to annoy the gold corner of team secrets I mean why the big fight here mangle goes in there taro can you get to the conversion seems like oh no no he can't hanging on misses but out I think years enough of numbers here and moms are scaring all this way but now the big problem is you're reaching a period after losing most of your army still taking the reasonable fight I was trying to change this one down Megan oats kind of stopped and said you're still dancing around how conversions aren't really flying in at the moment Adie Alex just losing every single Crossman in the back really hurts him how are his numbers looking now he is sitting at 15 only had 30 just a minute ago lion attack here against out I said I was coming over for some rate as well that's a lot of low HP villagers so if doubt isn't realizing it instantly there will be some losses and we see at least two villagers falling oh no one only she backed out of it mega two mass amount of X is trying to find it some angles now the Viper isn't in taro is upgrading now both pockets still in cos h i will give you an overview of all the resources and you can see how far they are wait doubt floating a lot of wood at the moment from what I can see mister you're floating a lot of gold the only one who really has a lot of excess to the outside for quite some time but it's getting weighted by doubt one night here as well and that was actually doing some reasonable damage but the most important story is if the Viper can break this one seats workshop market I think that has to be a hold alright that's never like I I never managed to wad this one without a hole if I wore like this crazy feels like a hole in between but we won't see nice rate okay finally stopped from mr. doubt and well the crap horse eats workshop monastery I didn't even drop CTC there so it might be double gold corner control for yin yang here now going back a bit more taro mass amount of monks drops another seats workshop see actually going forward on it you see that's weird I think that's a fight for looks mister yo has enough stuff around there though managed to micro back now gets a kill send some more crossbow over a prettier plus three plus one Viper sitting on plus four plus one at the moments only chemistry as the difference that is reasonable damage output and indeed honor today elimination block printing those for Captain Terrill the guy that puts the punch on there meanwhile the out continues with his rate arrow just uncontested boom over there yin-yang not going for the top at all and out trying to defend but not to see Eric Montross being shooting himself Oh interesting positioning here but looks nice Elysian there of his out of his heart race I think that saved like two three herbalist then again two three of list against one Archer range not that crazy I'll move again see bye for now flying in with tampering now the defense update lots of villagers have to run it's a lot of oranges as well meaning looks can't take any engagements and now they can maybe even take out the starting to see of looks who is trying to expand towards the outside the I was going in with some rates again and oh god that so many buddies just going down oh god that's rough I'll give you the other overview again and you see that mr. yo is leading the pop 110 at the moment but how can he engaged against that army just mess a bless some monks around this one as well one is just taking down buildings meanwhile still the Dan so wet the right hand side - are building a bomb at Canon though and gets the first kill that's an interesting even look at that the rifles are sitting a single unit out there tries to help oh now the Knights are diving in Ken o doubts quick boats doubt quick watch here hello and blocking with the Knights oh god that was so sweet but out right I'm still going through can we see the repaired coming off 60 HP there and survived out with a nice safe another crap was being built but shouldn't have a lot of HP in one next engagement here from all the Ovilus moving forward on it just can just simply chop through the wood line did the fix team bonus description of the Teutons into you but Tiffany needs that gold corner oh they're getting some some form of it right at the moment they could go for some gold of looks as well your mother pushing heavily into mr. yo-yo how far away is he from the updates looks like he already has Plus for Indies cavalier upgrades will finish any second and its second cooling now I will SL round remember the great yin-yang against heresy game on beats right maybe we see another comeback from them monitors still doing lots of damage against those TCS and of the traps if you don't have stone for castles in the spot that's still beautiful the question over here I can see mangled staying active Palmer ken needs to be there just to scare to miss this engagements now double bombard canons should just do a lot in crevice isn't that sheep at the moment how much is the stone price we are buying for 240 at the moment and this is the big engagement on it is not really shooting although he clicked at the tree he didn't click back oh no they don't a completely misses the owner just not doing anything the monks in the back getting some conversions a blessed on a beautiful Hill though right soft out completely buggin out Kevin is getting a solid surround it feels like the Viper is doing a lot of damage still has the go chill advantage spot SS from behind are doing something as well from Luke's we see taro getting some conversion cavalier numbers now heavily doing linkage fields like Viper still has a lot of blue our bonus left on the map looking at 47 here and that positioning was just so nice so many Ovilus from behind you 19 also kind of behind the better field so dealing damage in that fight more Snipes are coming over in secret this just looking really strong yeah pushing through this one and well the big question is still can they get control over the second goat corner here that crevice is going down former tenants might be moving forward and more village is dying how it looks looking for the nation wise at the moment he is it actually 80 okay that's way better than expected I wouldn't be surprised to see him at 40 they're only some hapless some villagers but he did expand a bit Rams are moving forward and mr. Yeo only now expanding towards the very top look at what taro already has done here for Mills 1tc and this amount of food didn't need to recede farms if he went fully crazy but see it didn't go for crazy now even drop some barracks wants to go for Eagle tea apparently I just thought the orange I could snag the Ovilus but mmm it's actually a steam it thought still in castle 8c with all his Knights just plays very heavy their bomb but cannon still to around 5% small villages to get onto gold as you can see big group there and taro quite surprising the tears at stake stand still Oh taro actually goes for a pikemen yeah that makes so much more sense I say all the scary's of all the players and well not really having gold means pikemen is just so much easier than eagles viper could be in some problems here that's 7.1 Cavaliers árboles numbers so few ready to leave in 44 to 33 wo jumps in as well that should be clear up not really sure Oh some micro here by mr. Luke's dance is quite nicely and I think that should be the clear up here 26 to 23 in the end so yeah there would have one but more cabinets are coming over which isn't the worst thing 26 more village was going over at the table at look at the starting base of mister yoke all but gone they have this guy looking in the center is kind of paladin at the moment looks look at that completely unprotected village Sestero even goes for seats rams goes for some aggression here doubt still continuous with his knight production they still don't have the full control yeah what a bomb bad cannon so paladin did convert a bombard cannon and got it into his kind of possession in the back there that's pretty crazy paladin that sneaky sneaky dudes doubt wants to dive in for the Mafia but no Paladin knows how to pick for himself chronic sustaining activist well and paladin is so annoying in this one brood a game and now obelisk can we see the engagement here sniping on the pikemen and Oh actually splitting into the aura just shot a bit who are you six seven obelisk going down and those are bless you won't be getting back to easily here still as for Archie Rangers in the back but numbers aren't looking too - great look at me say you're even getting wood over here because his home base is just so so erased let's food gets cold good enough for some Cavalier production but how many stable says you have to only at the moment scored if it's it isn't looking too nice to case call it now Ram stop putting in enough Ovilus and that's why is this isn't Game seven I think this looks a bit differently a bonus now being editor as well secret struggling a bit to reclaim that goal at the side but now they're completely wiping everything over here Tara now getting onto reasonable Cavalier numbers even table starting that one nicely and well let's take a look our ballast on it just short and who touched again terror goes for more conversion has four Cavaliers Ovilus dying they're actually all right tell us what tell us most ominous in the game at stake look at that taro is now clearing up Ted Kevin or taro clear of everything here meanwhile right inside seems like secret finally stabilized still a lot of purple stuff here but not a lot of 12 units and G to the G secret is winning the semi-final and world after not so great group stage performance winning only once here is losing too serious but winning in the quarters winning in the semi-finals and they will play tomorrow 14 GMT against either suomi or a.m. we will find our in it after a small break I am against so me and mr. dash will be with me to bring you that great serious you cast the final tomorrow yes sir well obviously will be a lot of like muted parts during the draft but yes mr. yo was trolling for sure otherwise they could not have lost that one tree to the tree a good series surely some interesting strategies with civilizations for cannon like by secret cost them the game but everything else looked really smooth especially Colosseum in the Arabia and yeah I wanted to find out who they will face but before that we will take a look at the statistics the viper very solitary here for now but let's play a 192 to 8466 larger sami paladin he went the crazy style actually killed 13 buildings there Ted I lost most got 15 conversions there but Chatwin 10 in the end were cavalier so that's really like 15 field Soviet if we saw 10 in the last minute of the game hmm even some sling of an interesting amount of resources here from your towards paladin and we had the piper flying to him they're pretty similar to the Byzantine player potentially with the perico 68 was 250 parents sitting at 112 Ville it's just there in the end and yeah funny timeline there for sure
Channel: Nili_AoE - Age of Empires
Views: 11,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires 2, age of empires 2 hd, aoe2, aoe, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires definitive edition, aoe2 de, aoe2 definitive edition, age of empires ii de, age of empires ii definitive edition, boa, battle of africa, boa 2, brazil aoe2, mr_yo, yo, paladin, lyx, beachfight, daut, viper, slam, tatoh
Id: ydUUcYGajGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 27sec (9687 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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