Win At Chess #20 (1700-2100 ELO)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to how to win a chess this is a series where i take on my twitch subscribers in 10 minute games and i go up the rating ladder walking you through all the phases of the game and my thought process now this episode is a very difficult one uh it's the 20th episode of this series and it's been crazy successful thus far so i figured that for the 20th episode you know we would we would step things up a little bit the lowest rate of player that i'm playing is 1700 the highest rated player that i'm playing is 2100 so it's gonna be very intense what better way to spend your bright sunday morning with a nice sunny outside birds are singing than sitting in front of a screen and playing chess before we jump into the games today i do just want to say that to celebrate the 20th episode all of my courses are going to be 40 off uh you can use the code 20 the word not the number so if you know how to spell 20 t-w-e-n-t-y uh go check out the beginner boot camp intermediate boot camp uh some of my opening courses or anything in between um and uh with that we're gonna we're gonna kick things off by the way if you don't know how to get there link is in the description or just go to gotham you can't miss it all right first game up in the series uh i am taking the black pieces versus vlad uh he plays e4 now i'm going to play different things throughout this episode but i got to start off with the yield trustee i got to play my karo khan defense um it's my favorite opening i've been playing it for the last decade and obviously the point is that we want to take the center with c6 and d5 and there's actually a very decent chance that when i'm playing against my own subscribers that they play my own course recommendations against me so actually here we see vlad playing uh the advanced carl khan which is what i'm recommending in my e4 course with white so this does sometimes happen so bishop f5 is a move um c5 is what i recommend i think it's uh in in the carl con course i think it's a very decent and flexible move but let's see what happens if we do play um if we do play bishop f5 so bishop f5 is considered a main line so bishop five h4 this is literally me playing against my e4 course here the point of h4 is that white wants to play g4 and lock the bishop away with the move h5 so h4 is known as the tal variation named after mikhail tal very decent move here h5 is considered the best move h6 is considered as a secondary move but there's another move that i i really like to play very sneaky movement it's the move queen c8 and the point of queen c8 is that you prevent the move g4 and also you further support c5 so in the future when you finish your center kind of solidity you're going to be playing e6 and then the move c5 and then your queen is actually going to make a lot of sense okay bishop d3 yeah in general um whenever this trade is available to us we like it because as our opponent has already indicated they are interested in trapping our bishop so if we have a way out we definitely should trade and you you absolutely must play this move e6 okay because you stop the white pawns completely in their tracks so white doesn't get to expand anymore in the middle of the board uh and then you're going to take queen side space with a move c5 and it's yet to be determined where these knights are going to go we can't go to the traditional knight f6 square and that's why um in these kind of high level recordings of uh win at chess um i we we we we get into the those uh those deeper concepts such as you know you can't put your knight on this on the square so how do you play against the lack of space so opponent has played the move f4 they now have five out of eight pawns on dark squares i'm really liking our light square opportunities over here c5 is still very much an option i do also like knight h6 or knight e7 to put the knight on f5 i also like g6 or even h5 h5 is a nice move just controlling some light squares it's very difficult at this point to determine which of those moves is the right kind of continuation i'm gonna go with c5 knight c6 mostly because i don't want you to commit two squares for no reason at all um when you commit pawn moves very early there's no going back whereas this is what we want anyway i mean we want to expand we want our knight to go to c6 we want to kind of build that up on the queen side we don't exactly know what we want to do on the king side yet of course knight h6 looks extremely natural i should say that a move ago it was not a natural move to play knight h6 because simply bishop takes pawn i think a bird just crashed into my window at least there's trees outside and sign of life so cd4 is decent some of you might wonder about c4 here i really don't like moves like this they're just one move attacking moves and once the queen moves out of the way you now have the problem of the fact that you haven't actually opened up anything on the queen side c4 could be okay but i don't really see a reason to rush it so i think i'm just gonna play the move knight c6 of course if my opponent takes i'm gonna play bishop takes c5 there is an argument to be made i should have just taken and opened up the c file but i don't you know i i i don't know uh and in general i'll i'll say that in the first like uh seven to ten moves of any chess game that you play there is a there there is a lot that can happen uh and a lot of it is just equal i mean many many things can happen on both sides and a lot of it is just equal now i will say that in the next few moves we're really going to understand what uh what strength of opponent we are facing and what i mean by that is you know they're playing a bunch of normal looking moves in fact this move bishop e3 actually adds an attacker to the square but uh we'll see how good their positional play is so you never really want to play b6 to defend uh because you'd rather do something with uh with this pawn now between taking or pushing they both look okay i must say even allowing my opponent to take and just relying on winning the pawn back in the future is not not so stupid i think i will take now i'm going to take and my logic is that again in the long run i i do think an open c file will benefit me now i could take again if queen takes then my queen is very useful and can take on c2 knight b4 attacks the queen but then there's a check so i i kind of get stopped in my tracks bishop before check is bad because you never want to really walk into a pawn move uh bishop c5 could be interesting i could just ignore the tension and try to play for knight h6 knight f5 in fact i really like how this looks so again because my opponent has three out of four pawns over here on the dark squares the f5 square is going to be really juicy so is the g4 square just hopping right between the pawns i'm not worried about a nitrate i'm also not worried about knight b5 knight d6 because i just take it there's nothing there only thing when you go to f5 is you want to make sure that the move g4 doesn't just kick you out immediately so it's kind of the same thing like a bishop check you can just get booted so if you want to put your knight on a square you have to make sure enemy pawn moves can't just kick you out effortlessly for example the move knight b5 is terrible because a6 and then i kicked out the knight okay so now i can take with the queen of the pawn and actually both look very reasonable i think i'm gonna follow my my philosophy for this game so far which is opening the c file right the whole queen move justification i'm going to bring my rook over as well if the knight develops the c3 then bishop b4 makes a lot of sense because i can always take and damage the structure um okay queenie too i don't understand at all i suppose that's trying to control this but i had no intention of going there anyway so i really like knight f5 i also really like rook c8 it's very tough for me to determine which one of those two moves is actually better right now uh rook c8 opponent will just go c3 at that point i have to ask myself if i'm improving my situation or i'm improving it more for my opponent i think i'm going to go knight f5 so the threat now is to take the bishop and obviously to take the pawn but there's also a threat of just a very clean fork which would be nice i would imagine that my opponent is now going to retreat the bishop to f2 which is a very natural looking move and you'll notice that um i haven't done too much but i am just completely playing on the light squares of the position so um right rook c8 is also on a light square we're targeting a light square i mean i do have a dark square bishop that complements the setup like right now for example h5 is a very nice move because i prevent the move g4 only question is can i do anything faster like bishop c5 i really of course want to play h5 but i'm but i'm you know maybe queen a4 attacking they have four pawn for example f4 is very weak bishop e7 you know bringing another piece out um i do like bishop's e5 it does look very good i i think uh i think i will play h5 i think i'm going to kind of demonstrate this uh this control of the light score so my knight and f5 is is definitely my best piece it stands very confidently the enemy pawns can't touch it uh and you know opponent might already start thinking not about castling this way because again they've uh they've they've committed so many pawns forward they might consider castling queen side but if they castle queenside they're still getting bulldozed it's a very difficult situation with white i would i would imagine that here the evaluation is very close to minus 1.5 like maybe minus maybe like minus one maybe slightly above that minus 1.1 minus 1.2 but it could be worse i mean the thing is that if white has almost no pawn play it could get very bad very quickly so i did just mention this move um i have a flashy move i can play bishop a3 so there's bishop b4 here which is beautiful and nice but bishop a3 is hilarious and then if you take i take this but i'm also threatening to take on b2 so uh but i think i'm gonna go bishop b4 i i i wouldn't be shocked if after the game we analyzed then bishop a3 was like better but again i just want to take just wanted to take and and by the way if short castle does happen i even have ideas like this i mean why does white is really not safe here at all um i actually think very slowly we are approaching a minus two and just completely lost position for white just from a positional standpoint uh too many light squared weaknesses uh incorrect coordination of the pieces and it just goes to show you that at this level um at 1700 these mistakes are still very very prevalent and i mean if you if if you just kind of slow it down and um really focus on the issues in your opponent's position what they can do and what they cannot do uh the game plan of your opening understanding how to flow from the opening to the middle game uh and and what kind of complexes you're looking at right like this had this knight on f5 right knight h6 knight f5 is a very high level idea it's a very high level idea so uh and understanding all that putting it all together so opponents just letting me take they they are sacrificing a c pawn that's what's happening here they're sacrificing a c pawn in order to kind of consolidate and and hope for the best now before you just go gobbling this right lower rate of player just eats this up no problem i'm worried about queen b5 check and that's a very important thing at this level is uh respecting what your opponent's counter play can actually be so before i take this pawn i almost want to play rook c8 before i do that now that might be very silly of me make no mistake that might just be absurd it could just be simpler to just take this pawn but but i am curious to see after the game if this is the best move if the opponent waits for another move i'm just going to go here or here it's going to get real bad i can castle i just have to make sure that i'm not hanging this pawn which is one of the issues of the position of course castle's queen h5 can really change the game yeah now we have a big question to ask do we move our king out of check or do we bring the queen back i think i'm going to bring the queen back i really don't want to risk too much counter play if i play king f8 there could be like queen b7 so i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna bring the queen back uh we did our job and we're just gonna be a pawn up in a much much better middle to end game our knight is much better than the bishop the bishop cannot touch our knight uh at all the way it's standing right now so uh if takes takes you know i'm gonna bring my king out and then we're gonna go to the next phase of the game which is uh two rooks and a piece it's gonna be a two rook and a piece end game and we're gonna we're gonna see how to how to put that all together so important in endgames is uh peace mobility so the activity and the mobility of your pieces this bishop has a bit of mobility but no targets at all this is a target but i'll just move it um the pawn play is almost impossible here for white as well which is kind of funny king d2 is a fantastic move i have to say that is an awesome move because now you're trying to take this file yeah very well done as a massive truck rolls by and even though my knight is good it doesn't participate in the game as much as i would like so i'm going to play king d7 i actually i actually like this idea by my opponent i believe in this idea by my opponent and now i'm going to use tactical defense so i so i could just stop the threat of the rook infiltrating but there is this move as well rook takes rook takes and if bishop takes pawn i just zip right back and then i take the pawn on a2 and then we clear out our a pawns and the board shrinks a little bit of course i could have also prevented the infiltration just with my king but it is important that you have to see what's the most important priority the priority is the king safety the priority is not the pawn you want to move the rook don't move the pun okay because this comes and that's yeah that's a very big deal um so rk8 exactly as i mentioned already yeah bishop back to f2 uh and now i'm um i'm just going to take now i would imagine rook b1 is going to come again you might as well try again with the second rook at this point i do believe that sliding my king over and protecting that rook infiltration is the way to go opponent might give me a check with the bishop at this point i have to not make the mistake of repeating moves right so and also don't walk into the b file so i think king c8 here is smart now this is still under attack and again we see the problem of the white position in the long run this is this this is really the issue that white can't just very freely develop now we need to do a combination of a few things we need to continue to hunt weaknesses uh but at the same time we need to at some point expand with our pawns or we can trade rooks trading rooks is probably another way to handle this position so i'm going to come back to a4 and touch this pawn right that's that's that's one of my game plans here just want to win all the pawns can't blame me now g3 i'm gonna go after this pawn as well so every time my opponent is making a move i'm just harassing uh his weaknesses i don't have that many weaknesses right oh rook b3 wow okay i think i should be able to successfully trade here and just win the game just uh important how i figure this out so of course i want to bring my king and i do want to play the move c5 uh i think i also need to reroute my knight at some point so first i'm going to take one crack at the center it's very important not to create any weaknesses here on the dark squares because this bishop will just get there all right so if i can yeah so now i'm really looking to make this move or just expand with all my pawns it's very important to me here that my opponent cannot get too close to me right so king d6 and e5 is a huge thing for me so there's e5 and because i just have way too many pawns i'm relying for my pawns to go down the board together so it doesn't really matter to me if if this trade occurs and again i'm doing a very good job here of controlling the pawn moves what matters to me is that my pawns go together so if that pawn trade happened or not it didn't really make any difference um okay this is yeah sometimes this happens people get a little bit desperate the problem is that you actually do more harm than good because now my now i just have a past jeep on the only thing that i need to be careful about here is that i don't let this pawn run away oh and that's fatal because i can cut the bishop off with the move d4 this is so important i closed the door completely and actually the bishop cannot prevent me from from queening anymore so d4 shuts the door and it wasn't the only winning move but but it's the fastest it's the fastest winning move and and and now we win yeah i mean g4 was a little bit desperate but but uh it was it was slowly going to to be in my favor regardless because my knight is just so nifty in this situation um it does such a good job of avoiding anything um yeah h6 but again it's never too late to screw something up you might as well just take this bishop takes pawn takes and i think he will maybe take okay he's not gonna i don't know if he's gonna resign or not um and the fastest way to win here i mean just bring the queen back and i guess he'll play till mate sometimes the higher rate of players resign but he is more than welcome to play until checkmate so anytime you have king and queen like this what i like to do just just get the king to the to the side of the board uh you can very quickly swarm with king and queen uh and actually this is made kind of funny this is a mate you don't even need to take the pawn of course you could take the pawn but queen a7 is simply checkmate that was a nice game so played this interesting queen c8 move right against bishop f5 although my carl con course is c5 but i like to you know uh you know that we we have advanced players watching queen say it is a very tricky and interesting move i believe the best move here for white is bishop e2 um or c4 like bishop e2 to try to play g4 unless i'm incorrect and i don't remember my analysis but i always had some success here with bishop e2 but queen say it's a very tricky move and look after bishop takes d3 things are quite natural here but yeah already this move f4 is actually a huge concession by white making huge weaknesses computer thinks that after f4 white is worse and i mentioned here that i thought the evaluation was uh minus one yeah it's minus 1.5 in fact the evaluation after h5 is is minus 1.3 but the evaluation after bishop c5 is minus 1.6 so we played very well by controlling the light squares and here the best move remember i said queen c3 allows queen b5 the best move is rook c8 staying patient not allowing any counter play and if the opponent tries to defend i go queen a4 it's very interesting that the computer actually gives nearly double evaluation here not taking the free pawn in front of the king because that allows a queen infiltration fascinating stuff but that's why you're watching right are you still with me 18 minutes in so queen a4 and the rest was self-explanatory i mean we got you know we got the uh the end game we wanted we controlled the infiltration of the rook and it's totally winning um it's just a totally winning position but obviously we just have to figure it out now there's some sort of bells going off outside sunday in new york you know the whole community's out on the street uh being together so yeah that's the karo khan bishop f5 in a nutshell playing against that h4 variation um here we go [Music] i'll play d4 bells are so loud geez okay um let's play a trompowski so d4 c4 main lines i i play a lot d4 knight f6 bishop g5 uh is a very interesting one as well so i'm gonna take and now what you do here is play e3 and g3 so because i've traded off my uh dark square bishop sorry these bells are driving me nuts i don't even know if you guys can hear them live during the recording but uh sometimes i complain about noise on the street and you guys are like i don't even know what you're talking about so because you've traded off your dark square bishop you now put all the pawns on the dark squares and you pressure the center and now i'm going to go 92 and in the long run i'm going to build up on the queen side here so my opponent is playing c6 doing a nice job there controlling my movement i'm going to castle and yeah as you can see the structure is incredibly solid for white so now knight d2 b3 or c4 are pretty natural i'm gonna go knight d2 and uh and play for this move c4 now my opponent interesting so in general whenever bishops arrive like this i would like to see how much noise is outside it's insane i like to ask where they're going so if the bishop were to back up there would have been g4 um now my opponent doesn't even have the bishop pair which is actually the major advantage of the trumpowski there is a threat here though folks there is a threat hidden with this move f5 we cannot just go chugging along with our plan anytime you see queen and rook on the opposite lines from each other you do have to take a look right bishop takes d4 so right now i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just quickly drop my queen into d3 and that's why you're watching this episode for moves like queen d3 because again you you have certain game plans that you know you're trying to implement but the board you can't you cannot be selfish on the board your opponent is also trying to implement all sorts of plans so here we go there's the move c4 and in a perfect world i isolate my opponent's pawn on that square if i take now the knight will probably take so what i also like to do in in in the trompowsky is just expand literally with every pawn so i will put my rooks behind the pawns and play a 4 a 5 b5 because the thing is once i shred open the middle my light squared bishop is a killer and the difference in the quality of our bishops is huge um it's a it's a massive difference a4 now look at this this is uh very very very very fun to play like this in the trumpowski you just play a4 b4 b5 um trumpowski is one of my one of my recommendations in d4 dynamite use code 20. spell it out t-w-e-n-t-y and uh you know you gotta get your 40 off that's one of my recommendations queen d6 attacks this couple options push pawn attack queen put the rook behind the pawn i have to think what i want in the long run with this pawn i mean if i want to take or do i want to push and try to crack through with b5 if i push is a very important thing this tension on the center makes black focus here but if i push then the pressure here is gone so i you know like once i get here i have to bulldoze and try to win that pun so i think in the long run it's better for me to keep the pawn here for now again pawn moves you got to be very careful about when you when you commit to such pawn moves rook b1 is a nice move uh because i i i can keep the option of b5 open without actually moving my c pawn so i can play b5 and then i can chop and i can chop and slowly but surely i'm gonna split these pawns and zoom in with my pieces my bishop has a massive role in my attack this bishop doesn't have such a big role knight e4 is a good move it's a very thematic move thematic meaning that because you have these two pawns and they were controlling the e4 square you might as well put your knight so now the question is do i take do i ignore what do i do if i take opponent takes and uh i'm stuck right my i'm gonna have to come up with a new game plan like rerouting my bishop moving my rook if i take with the bishop i think i'm just kind of an idiot because my bishop is the entire purpose of my position uh i could slow play right so i can play something like rook c1 not making any commitments just yet it also is important to any time that you are looking at squares near your king if only your king is protecting something you have to make sure there's no sacrifices i'll give you an example knight takes g3 looks really interesting it doesn't work because queen comes in and my knight is able to come back and in general you should not sacrifice pieces near like like this if you just have a queen if it's a queen attacking an army of a king a queen a knight and a bishop and maybe a rook it's not gonna work you know the queen's not jason bourne uh so this way we we have kind of gotten every single checkmark of a typical trompowsky middle game but at the 1800 level people don't just fall over and die you know yeah they're gonna fight back i mean h5 is a like i said thematic move you know you've got all this going this way um so there's h5 uh h4 is an interesting move coming up uh we might play h4 ourselves i kind of like h4 myself i also kind of like maybe taking it's interesting i i i don't know what the best way to go is h4 is very strong and very annoying i i must say can go c5 and continue marching but c5 the queen slides back and there's nothing really there so yeah what to do okay i'm gonna play h4 i think my opponent has convinced me that h4 is necessary and again uh they can either completely you know take their foot off the gas on this on this king side position or they could i don't i don't know knight takes g3 is very interesting move potentially especially because the difference now and and the way it just was was that when the queen gets in like a move ago my h3 pawn was not a weakness but now i have a pawn on h4 so if you sack and take you might win the third pawn i don't know anything is possible however if the opponent yeah so this is what i thought would happen i thought the opponent would try to play something like this yeah this is about to get really crazy so i think i have to take i think i'm gonna take on g5 i think i cannot allow my position to get ruined by uh by a pawn attack okay queen rotates and i guess they're trying to take one of these two ways so a couple of options here um obviously i can always take on e4 i can take on d5 first and then i can sort of see what happens uh i think i'm going to do that i actually think i'm gonna just slow things down real quick and take on d5 now sometimes the best way to deal with a strike on the edge of the board where your opponent's trying to line up all their forces is back in the middle because when the position is more locked in the center attacks are stronger however when you open up the center for example when you open up the center right and make this pawn an isolated target when it takes that's better for the person defending if i played c5 what black has a completely locked center and since i'm not able to transfer forces through the middle of the board um it's harder for me to defend my position but now if this knight moves i suddenly can take a pawn right so right here for example i could go to c7 not c6 but c7 and if i go to c7 i'm suddenly creating problems right i'm thinking knight f3 actually i i actually kind of like the move knight f3 uh i also do like the move rook so c7 i like a couple of things here uh i don't know which one is the best move i am going to play knight f3 though and i think because this controls the pawn moves next i can double up and then take complete control of the c file uh and then we're gonna be in good shape if knight takes g5 i can take and then take on d5 but i was also thinking to play knight h4 fork the queen and the pawn on f5 so man now there's uh now there's barking there was bells a loud truck dog barking wild times okay rook c8 my opponent is not interested in giving me an easy game of chess okay when you have rooks like this on the same file you yo dog yeah i don't understand how like how how does the dog just outside bark like 50 times i mean is it alone and why is it alone is the owner just letting it bark why is he letting it bark i never understand stuff like this actually some in some countries there's just stray dogs walking around but uh stray animals cats dogs i'm new york new york they're supposed to be inside anyway um rook c2 is a very advanced move i think uh it's one of these moves where you don't want to take the rook because then he's going to control the whole file so i inch my rook up one square because if he takes my rook i slide back and i still control the whole file but i'm preparing this move and i want to go back this is a very critical move in the game i want to see after the game if rook c2 was the best move i did not surrender control of the c file and i played rook c2 and i'm going to build up behind my rook right so that's the idea to play rook c2 to double up and then um deal with everything later i like that the black attack has been frozen i think though bishop f8 is a is a nice move here oh but bishop f8 might allow knight e5 you see like uh one once you leave a certain spot on the board you allow your opponent to get back into the game so um with a move like 95 but listen knight e5 he could just take on g5 again if my opponent gets a queen here and gets to play h4 like let's say this doesn't exist queen takes pawn uh push i'm in trouble because between these three pieces the queen the knight and the pawn i don't have a very happy king uh and that's really what chess is all about at the end of the day i mean it's it's just trying to desperately defend your king who is not a very powerful piece that's a weird move though um that move kind of gives me some hope because i like queen b3 here but i mean what okay i mean now i'm just a pawn up so now you let me a couple of moves ago you let me take on g5 let me take one g5 now you let the same pawn take on f6 i don't know about that i mean i don't know now i'm just the pawn up now i don't even have a material oh my god you're not even taking it what whoa okay so obviously we have to start looking at various sacrifices right that seems to be the idea here but there's does that actually knight takes g3 really okay well we did just mention that this bishop moving does allow knight e5 right so i i am very much considering this move i am also very much considering just taking the rook i'm also considering the move f7 but then queen takes that doesn't do anything takes takes knight e5 dog is still barking crazy uh here to target this the thing is if i move they deflect me so i can't do that i also only have three minutes [Music] okay here's the plan first we have to shut that dog up here's the plan i am going to play rook c1 so this move forces a response yes now i'll take with the rook and when this happens i'll go here so this move doesn't actually work i don't think because again i'm up too much too much material and i have way too bolstered of a position so it cannot work there's no way it works telling you right now no way i just i have a root guarding a queen guarding a knight and a bishop like i just have too many forces here around my my own king so if this happens i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna fly into e5 and then we are going to attack anyway that's the plan right on cue so i i think just here very cool common collected knight e5 don't even take it i go to e5 and now now here's the problem this knight has no moves because the queen's under attack if you check me i take it for free and here's the other issue if you take my pawn because i actually am threatening f7 check if you take my pawn i go here at this level sacrifices have to be absolutely you know you got to be 100 sure that you didn't just look at pawn takes knight right because when you play knight takes here you're thinking pawn takes knight and then you're thinking check and even that probably doesn't work but sometimes you get hit with this cold shower of a move by the way i can even play bishop check and then take but i'm just gonna take and now you don't have this so i have disconnected your rook from the game and now you are down a full piece so being a full piece down with that and it's not just any full piece i mean i got a dominant knight in the middle of the board it's rough queen g5 does go for this um and i guess this i'll take with check oh and yeah it's it's very bad actually i think the game is probably close to over king f8 is the only move i think if king h7 i play rook c7 i don't think you can let me get my rook in i don't think you can let me get my rook in anyway but yeah i i think it's i don't see an immediate win for me after king f8 yeah i i don't know i'm like trying to find it i don't see it and again it's it's never too late to do something stupid maybe rook f2 here and just go for f5 queen g3 just block yeah i think this is smart if queen e3 i have queen f5 and that should probably lead to a very quick checkmate i thought about rook g2 here but yeah i just think here right that should be fine we threaten queen f5 and rook f5 once our queen and rook take and bulldoze on the file the game will be over immediately so check i can even drop my bishop back and then queen f5 and that's the game so this was good this was the trumpowski this was a positional style trompowski we had to deal with some strong counter play by by our opponent we controlled that counter play we dealt with that counter play we understood the problem and when the opponent rotated the pieces over to start that counter attack on our on our king side we struck in the middle that's that's how this top level you know top level stuff works okay top level is i mean not super gm's but uh being in 1800 in the world of chess is already like 99th percentile so this this person is better than 99 of chess players on earth and so was the last guy and so all the other people in this video so um this is uh this seems to be the conclusion and this should be it queen f5 i mean there's f4 actually now that i'm looking at the position one more time there is f4 king e7 is a is a decent attempt i think it running away uh but it should not work i said once my queen and rook get in it is game over oh and another thing that we have today on sunday is a weird lighting situation that's so bright outside my overhead light is doing some weird stuff queen d7 is made in one that light my white light is doing some crazy stuff so yeah anyway queen f5 and all right my opponent's stalling out the clock here looking for a way to uh to save the game but there is no way hopefully they don't just flag they okay queen e6 is made um gg that was a good game honestly i i i was curious about one thing a little bit later uh in the game uh and uh yeah so g5 actually was a mistake c takes d5 is the best move here and a little later is rook c2 the best move wow do you want to know how savage the computer is it wants white to play rook c5 and lose the rook and the computer says that this knight is actually better than this rook remember i said move the rook up one square and then take control of the file like this that's actually nuts rook c5 is a suggestion by the computer and it's trying to sack and basically say black has no more play for the rest of the game it's incredible i mean stock is just such a scott bag but that was a that was a fun game that was a very fun game uh let's go to the next one velirad i will take black in this game this person is from hungary hungary e4 so i played karo khan last time uh i'm gonna play d5 i'm going to play my black gambit's repertoire now we might not get a black gambit's repertoire right against knight f6 like if my opponent doesn't defend the pawn or play d4 they might play yeah knight f3 for example bishop g4 um this is the this is what i like to play in the black gamuts stuff um this is a very annoying line actually okay let's play an end game let's see how my opponent's endgame skills are actually knight d5 is a is a good move here but i'm going to trade queens and we're just going to play a queenless position so i don't get any aggressive stuff uh bishop attacks you can either protect i'm going to rotate my knight and attack the bishop back and then i think what i'm gonna do here because i've traded my light square bishop is play a bit more solidly so my pawn is gonna stand on the sixth rank now make no mistake i am not better at all uh white absolutely has all of the advantages here two bishops uh potential to take a big center but there's a lot of uh wow look at that right on cue well done c3 so i'm thinking c5 and then knight c6 so i think i see what my opponent wants right so i'm going to play c5 even in the opening you can jostle back and forth here for positioning i'm gonna okay so this is already a slight concession for me like in favor of me right that they didn't actually get to play the move d4 i actually got to take a little bit of space also that's not guarded that's the first thing i noticed like if i double if i put my rooks on the d-file now i'm thinking even long castle here it's castle long of course there is just rook d8 but why not long castle i i don't actually see a reason i wouldn't castle queenside so i'm just gonna do it uh and now i see within a span of three four moves my opponent has asked what i think they just forgot i could take oh my god i think they're just playing a little too quickly look at that four moves later i'm already i'm already doing well crazy all right slow it down i understand we're nervous now i want to double my rooks just make sure your rook doesn't get trapped make sure you always have a way home so bishop e7 my rook is going to get some backup knight c4 interesting if i take i lose my rook so what if i take first and i wouldn't think twice here about trading knights because you're already up a pawn so now now the next phase of the game is just about like winning an end game like you you could play rook d8 here in fact i might just play rogue d8 so we just have an end game lesson i mean we've traded every piece right like rook d it's a totally reasonable move you could play slower you could play like a6 to prevent bishop b5 slowly move your pawns up but i feel like the position where it's just two bishops is much easier to play against than a position with a rook and more pieces now the opponent could walk away from a rook trade and then i will still have to begin my slow expansion because that's the end at the end of the day it's how you play chess right slow expansion especially in end games so they might walk away from the rogue trade but whatever it's going to be a different type of game if that happens um but yeah it's it's pretty funny like on the one hand my opponent blundered a pawn and i'm just better on the other hand i i still have to win i don't i don't just get to like be up a pond and chill uh okay so you could i don't know what i'm gonna do here you know what i might do yeah why not why not i want to trade bishops let's do bishop versus so that's actually instructive to isolate a knight versus a bishop here especially when you're a pawn up so now i'm offering another trade my opponent might trade yes people do this people will sometimes just trade for the sake of trading because they think that with less pieces on the board they can't lose so now um it's very important the way you handle your pawns here on the one hand you want to push your pawns in a way that kick out the king but you want to do it so you control everything so i would start with g5 and then f5 check but if i play g5 opponent goes g4 and i don't get to play f5 and then we're kind of frozen so i'm going to play a6 and i want to slowly build up against this bishop right i want to take some space on the queen side but i have to be careful because this bishop will go back and continue to kind of annoy me over here right so as i'm doing this i do have to be mindful of the fact that i'm these pawns could be targets in the long run i'm thinking c4 i think c4 is a nice move my pawns are now all very strong and tight-knit uh and now f5 so i'm i'm beginning i'm beginning that expansion uh maybe g5 now or maybe h5 hg5 h5 maybe king e5 right we don't know maybe h6 so that i'm not ever weak here i like this i'm gonna play h6 so that my h7 pawn is never a target for the bishop in the distance i also have the option to play a5 b4 so my knight supports that queen side expansion as well also this is a forking opportunity if my opponent is not careful so g4 i i think i'm going to bring my king to defend my center which is very important you gotta you gotta have the active king the active knight more activity than the opponent and um kind of slowly put that pressure on them i'm not taking because i don't want to split my pawns so that's the only reason i'm not taking here uh i'm gonna go i am going to go with king e5 my king is definitely more active and then if my opponent goes here i might play f4 check to take some more space i might also play g5 preventing f4 i don't know yet okay a4 trying to open up another front but i did just mention that b4 is a huge possibility for me as is so taking on a4 was oh don't take back fork oh gosh that is the only thing the opponent had to avoid they could have had a chance to hold it in the long run but unfortunately yeah knight d4 now and this is also a fork and uh they resign wow i mean they play too fast i think that's all that happened valerad as you saw just played a little bit too quickly um now this position uh that i mentioned is plus point three so it's just very slightly better for white due to the two bishops um and i played e6 c3 i went for c5 to prevent d4 and yeah here kind of tragically my opponent just blundered upon and i mean that's just a clean pawn and bishop e7 was the best move trading and trading was the best move a computer doesn't fully support rook d8 actually now it does that's really funny it thought for a little bit now the computer thinks that black's best chance to win cleanly is to trade like this does it like bishop c7 it does and it thinks that actually taking is a huge mistake so don't rush with exchanges especially when you're upon down keep your two pieces on the board the two bishops together are very powerful this is just a losing end game you know because i play king d6 i play a6 b5 um c4 is the best move to create that nice wall and then i just have to start expanding over here and that's what i did you know i played king e5 now if this hadn't occurred like if my opponent just sort of chilled for a second um i would have done this so i have this nice wall here as well and then i probably would have just walked over to c5 and tried to go here or you know something like this a5 b4 b3 take as much space away from my opponent as possible and then uh and then strike at the same time don't over commit your pawn moves so king e3 maybe i would have just gone here take space keep my confident king in the middle of the board king 97 knight d5 find a way in but yes it happened they just uh you know they just uh they yeah chess is hard that was a very fast game i was not expecting that game to be so quick but i think uh nerves sometimes play a role and this is one of the reasons i really like the gambits course for black because even if you don't get a super aggressive gambit i mean you still get a very safe and playable position uh the gambit's repertoire being of course the portuguese gambit oops portuguese gambit which you can now get for 40 off very aggressive and crazy gambit as well as the icelandic gambit like this queen e7 attacks the king quick long castle i really like those lines but even if you don't get them you still get an interesting game okay next person is named snack which is something i really need right now because it's 11 in the morning and i haven't eaten anything hilarious profile photo so i played the trempowsky last time uh i think this time i might play in english because again at 1900 anything is possible right so you can get any sort of opening so c4 is a is a totally unique a totally unique opening uh and uh yeah against e5 this is like the reverse sicilian uh white has a couple of options white can play knight f3 knight g3 sorry knight f oh my god knight f3 knight knight c3 or g3 i'm gonna go with g3 so i'm going to play the king's english uh the idea is to put the bishop on g2 to patrol the diagonal uh the best way to play here for black is to play c6d5 what it what what is this what all right well i guess this is going to be a lesson in handling dumb openings interesting knight h6 wow um so actually anytime i see something like this uh my first instinct is to play d3 and take it to damage the pawn structure and make my opponent play with the damage structure something like d3 so to do this the dog is barking again it's insane i mean like no one's taking this log inside okay knight f7 interesting hmm um so what is the game plan here for black exactly i'm trying to figure this out i don't exactly understand what my opponent wants so i think i'm going to play this in a typical english style e3 knight e2 so this is uh the way you kind of team up with this bishop second time in this video we've seen a powerful kingside bishop by the way and then i'm gonna expand on this side of the board okay so bishop b4 i'm re uh kind of reinforcing this knight so that if the capture happens i don't lose a i don't damage my structure and now a3 typical uh king's king's english expansion here with b4 b5 to complement the bishop on g2 white is uh already much better actually this is just not i don't know what my opponent is doing how am i getting trolled i hope this actually hurt my opponent in place i would hate if a 1900 uh volunteered and just played like garbage on purpose but i i don't think that's what my opponent is doing i think that's just his repertoire or her repertoire i don't know uh but uh wow g5 okay well lesson in dealing with aggression yeah b5 is good d4 is good uh last game we talked about a principled way to deal with a flank strike is in the middle so i think i'm going to boot the knight from this from from from its post i could take here by the way that is a free pawn i thought they were going to go 985 i mean listen you give me a free pawn i'm going to take the free pawn to pawn so here we go and oh so many issues today in this recording but you're not an issue you're great oh crack my entire back there too i'm hungry dog is just i i don't know this is driving me nuts i mostly from a logical standpoint i'm just like why is it even out there barking still sounds like a small dog too it smells like yappy dog it's scared take it inside all right yeah i'm getting attacked so i could play h4 just like last time but i'm not even castled this way which is kind of funny you know what i mean like i what if i just chill and don't get scared i don't know i i seems kind of reasonable h4 is also a good move though because it it forces something here right he still forces something here if gh4 i'm actually gonna take with my rook i'm gonna fight back because i haven't castled why why am i scared my king is not there my king can always go queenside literally takes three moves boop boop queenside castle and you've set up this whole attack on the kingside for no reason so that's the thing you have to you have to know what you're attacking right um g4 freezes the pawn attack so it's a very tough decision here for black i think the best move for black might be knight g6 knight g6 looks very decent and if he if they play it after i uh after i say it it's not because they're listening it's because uh they're a good player i'm recording this in my house so they would have to have my house bugged in order to know what i'm saying uh oh real quick by the way i i oh that's not a good move because now there's no f form uh i if you want to participate in future episodes you just have to be a subscriber and you have to be a member of the discord that is where i pull volunteers cool queen a4 i'm gonna go win this a pawn and i'm gonna be two pawns up queen a4 is just an annoying move it's kind of a reminder to black that they have nothing and i'm gonna slowly pick apart their position and then i'm going to win oh that is a such a welcome sight for me i mean the one thing i wanted was my opponent to actually admit that there is no attack so i'm thinking knight d5 i have a lot of nice moves forward here i think i can even play bishop d5 very very i can even castle now i'm actually kind of safe enough that i that i would be able to castle i don't know what the best move is though i don't know what the best move is counseling is exciting i don't know how good it is i'm gonna castle let's have some fun let's bait my opponent i'm kind of making fun of the attack at this point i'm like haha all these pawns you push toward my king and you have nothing my king is gonna safely hide behind uh there's two pawns there i'm definitely playing with fire here but even f3 to crack open my own f-file looks pretty appetizing so what wow knight g5 wow oh my god that is uh that is impressive i gotta listen i gotta give it to my opponent they are definitely brave i i so you can take but you know what i i don't want to i don't want to take i think i'm going to attack with the bishop here i don't want to take we'll analyze after but sometimes in positions that are so good there's no need to allow crazy counter play no need to allow it right f4 but this allows me to capture right did i allow it anyway pretty wild if i take the knight moves queen comes in wow maybe i have to take now this is nuts okay no everything is fine but this is a very interesting attack i could have taken and we would have had the same thing so knight g5 i would have taken queen g5 and then i would have played e4 that was one of my ideas but um this is there's no way this works for black let's put it this way but it looks terrifying i must say as the person who is responsible for defending against this this looks very scary so part of me here understands that h4 is coming and so i understand i have to like i have to strike now but if i take on f4 and they take i gotta get to that pawn somehow so i'm thinking knight d5 i actually think that uh getting to f4 is important so here if h4 i take f4 and i don't allow my opponent anything also if h4 yeah of course i literally just said that this was going to happen um i take on f4 that attacks the queen the queen might move i still think this is correct because if takes i'm another piece joins the party right if queen h5 i win a queen if queen h6 i play f5 so this tempo on the queen saves the attack for now h3 doesn't scare me anymore because the queen is hanging if the queen goes to g7 i don't know i don't know if i should be scared or not and the attack is still kind of rolling in but my queen's stupid my queen is not doing a good job right now let's see queen g7 man the more i look at it the more i actually start believing that queen g7 is is is is possible and uh h3 is coming crazy there it is wow blade this is this is unreal if this attack actually can this attack actually possibly work i really am not respecting this attack the way i should be i feel like g3 is going to come in and move oh my god this is crazy so i want to come back to c2 so that i can meet all of this with something like maybe but man h3 this is insane king h2 no then g3 i can even take with check but that doesn't do anything i don't think it does anything bishop h1 wow this is nuts i don't know how to stop h3g3 how do i stop h3g3 i am completely flabbergasted i don't know maybe queen b3 and d4 somehow like i i'm completely at a loss for ideas h3 yeah so i'm thinking just d4 here to get my queen back into the game something like d4 h takes king takes queen goes there and then i play queen g3 but there might be i don't know crazy what is going on in this position i don't even think i'm better anymore what the heck is this part of me is just holding out hope that he plays queen h7 and then uh does he have g3 g3 maybe f5 because g3 is a the the point of g3 is that he uh he gets the the light squared bishop in from d7 okay queen h6 yes i just talked about this queen g3 this was my entire point i'm like defending against mate and then what i think the attack has been stopped which means that i probably am in good shape if i can now begin to like play fe5 knight f6 etc i should be fine that should be good i don't know i'm still up two points of material i'm much more focused than this uh in this game because i'm on the verge of death here so i have to be ultra focused or else that will be the end of me i've also spent a significantly larger amount of time than i did in the last game okay i don't i don't think knight b6 is a good move but i have to speed up so i'm going to take on e5 so i have to play faster now i take on e5 queen h3 he i he checks me i get in front of the pawn he might take my knight i'm gonna take back with my e-pawn he also has knight c4 which i just realized then i can take that was very weird accent i can take with check so i think i'm winning again i'm definitely winning again um i'm gonna be up a lot of pawns which i think is three when the count is up wow do i have e6 check no f4 i'm just gonna bring all my pawns to this party actually wait a minute i still have to respect him for some reason like he has some weird oh my god it's like not over somehow crazy okay i'm gonna play e6 i don't know how this attack just hasn't died yet insanity f4 i guess he can play rook b5 but i'm gonna get my rook out this way this is a com this is one of the crazier games of how to win a chess that i can remember so i'm gonna play rook a2 rook c2 or rook a2 rook e2 and we're just gonna push our pawns same way we won the end game in the very first end game against vlad we're gonna get our uh we're gonna get our pawns together this night is sort of obsolete now it feels like feels like it's not really part of the game anymore somehow it's not doing anything yeah so he takes i'm gonna play rook a2 and now i'm ready i i could have also played f5 e5 these kind of moves that's coming but first i want to ask my opponent what he's doing i also think d5 is gonna happen and it's a bad move because i can play f5 e5 so that that would be quite nice for me d5 f5 looks good d5 looks good rook c2 is interesting let's go rook c2 so if he takes my last pawn over here i'm thinking d5 and then just drive straight into the position actually i could maybe even just cut off the king completely and just try to checkmate him that might just be the idea here rook c7 disallow him any moves yeah i'm gonna play rook c7 i just have to make sure i can't be checked myself so i'm now threatening uh i should have a mate somewhere maybe i'm threatening just a big win of material somehow i am also at the end of the day just threatening one more pawn he has the weirdest pawn structure i have seen in a while so my pawns are all three together ready to go down the board it's the mini lesson in you know in pawn structure and pawn clumps wow but this is uh there was not much to talk about in this game this game was absolutely nuts just completely nuts it's very difficult in games like this to even summarize things you know like i usually try to give general advice from certain situations this game was beyond general advice all right f5 check and hopefully he just blunders checkmate that would be nice thank you he blundered mate wow all right well uh let's take a look knight g5 and here knight d5 was good gf4 was good and i just totally freaked out here and queen b3 is just not a good move at all i spent so much time here apparently bishop h1 is the way to go but i was so scared of g3 oh wow wow just there's nothing he can walk in and i can just that was terrifying by my opponent honestly that was really scary yeah what he got uh in this position was um apparently c6 wins which is a crazy move uh but his playing style is so annoying and by the way after queen h6 queen g3 now i'm winning again he was winning for a move here he had to apparently play c6 that was a horrible playing style to deal with just belligerent aggression i mean the entire game he was losing for so long but i just uh yeah i mean i just let him i let him get going i should have done that big mistake by me huge mistake on my part to just let all these pawns avalanche forward and then i just uh i decided to sacrifice a piece and consolidate with my queen i mean this this queen b3 pawn look at this queen b3 pawn opening the queen and then coming over here is uh it's advanced but it's overkill not necessary and um yeah crazy that was uh insane game completely insane i i i totally freaked out with that attack incoming so good good mini lesson there i mean honestly attack attack attack even international masters will falter uh in the eyes of uh in the eyes of the attack my last opponent is um not online i'm gonna i'm gonna have to summon them all right i'm gonna wait like 15-20 seconds um all right let's see if they have made it online if they didn't make it online then it's going to be extremely tragic we will just have to cut the recording uh but if not then okay my opponent is saying that they are online they are not online maybe they spelled their username wrong well thanks for hanging out folks i mean hopefully an hour and seven minutes into this if we have a one minute technical difficulty then uh what can you do people will volunteer to play and they don't even know how to get into the okay there we go my opponent is online finally all right let's play some chess they get white they're 2100 their username is lucifer i've played my opponent one time e4 uh for this last game i'm going to be playing e6 b6 which is also one of my courses for the black pieces i'm going to be playing e6 b6 setup i really like this setup i think it's very easy to play but obviously it's it's easy it gets easier to play as you go up the rating ladder because you have to play with a lack of space so bishop d3 i'm gonna play d5 this is very standard stuff yep e5 and now i'm gonna play c5 so we have a french defense now french defense structure i should say now one of the ways i play this with black is i put this knight on c6 uh and then queen c8 and bishop a6 so this bishop because white has so many pawns on dark squares the light squared bishop for white is the better bishop because otherwise the dark square bishop is sort of boxed in and so we have a passive bishop so what we do is we play moves like queen c8 and bishop to a6 and we try to get rid of that really strong light-squared bishop and we might get a situation like we got in the vlad game where the opponent has so many pawns on dark squares that their dark square bishop is just very bad uh so at bishop a6 we're gonna trade then we're going to continue with the uh the the demolition of the queen side very similar actually to that vlad game so some of these some of these openings they have a typical structures typical ways of playing i just realized that i was supposed to charge my phone this entire recording i did not do that see once you watch long enough of a win at chess episode you just get all parts of my daily life yeah so okay bishop basics doesn't really matter what white is doing this is our strategy we're trying to make that i mean trade that bishop bishop a6 is very natural but actually oh my god that would have been horrible if i removed that but bishop c2 uh bishop c2 is actually what i expect just not trading because very clear what i want with my gameplay right now this bishop will develop um once we move the night also just a very flexible move is h6 preventing a bishop or a knight from ever coming there okay takes i mean castles why did i say takes i'm gonna take and again we have a situation where why is he thinking there's nothing to think about here getting a phone call so we're gonna i i i'm i wanna play a queenless position like we did against uh rod trying to play a queenless middle game queen i6 and try to play on this with this queen side expansion this is one of the key components of the e6 b6 stuff you don't have to trade queens but now for the remainder of the game i'm going to focus on over here and it's actually kind of nice to play queenless positions they you can learn a lot about various middle game structures you also will never get mated when there's no queens on the on the board um h6 is now actually going to be very nice because the bishop will have to get kicked away and then i will h6 of course without even hesitation i will ask that bishop where it's going now if the bishop gets locked away on g3 i'm very happy because it's not participating in the game whatsoever um if okay but that is not locking the bishop away so we have to still still deal with the bishop i think knight a5 here is smart controlling c4 ready with rook c8 if the opponent takes i'm taking with the pawn so nothing can get to d4 so it takes takes nothing gets to d4 and also i open up the b file if they don't take then i'm just gonna slowly but surely bring my rooks and then at some point i will open things up all right that is the plan b3 i think c4 is the idea i want to play c4 but then i get kicked out and i don't really like that so now i just have to think about rook c8 i think c4 the point is that i'm going to take then take and then take the pawn on c4 so i'm noticing that my opponent is getting a little antsy people in general even at the 2100 level get very antsy because they they nobody likes to sit in a position and completely unsure what to do right just sit there so everybody's trying to do something very few people can just slowly improve the position and when you understand after moves like b3 that c4 is the idea right maybe now they're gonna take and try to play c4 really desperately you you unlock so many parts of chess once you get in front of your opponent's thought process just incredible right knight d2 is still preparing c4 it looks like wow really dedicated to this move makes me wonder if i should be worried about it i really want to play it i'm thinking like b5 but then takes is much stronger yes c4 i don't like that because i get kicked out and uh i don't know i really don't want to i don't want that to happen i don't want to get booted from the position so maybe bishop e7 it's annoying very annoying i could take i could take i'm gonna take i'm gonna take and ask my opponent what they want and then what i'm gonna do i think is i'm gonna i'm gonna just play on the queen side my knights are very active these pieces these nights are very bad in quality compared to mine mine will jump in attack stuff oh interesting i did not expect that move because now i just have a clean target right so bishop a3 ah night beef oh my gosh oh my gosh completely missed that move i mean knight b5 what am i doing it's late it's late in the episode i'm getting sloppy wow i can't even do anything i have to like i have to still respect this threat if i play rook c3 knight b5 is so strong wow yeah knight d4 is actually a very legit move i just talked about how my knights are are better than the knights that white has and then i activated white's knight very sloppy very sloppy man and knight c7 my bishop is getting shrugged unbelievable okay i guess i'm gonna go back all right oh time to open up the next stage of the game which is uh levy fights back rather than rather than me actually pushing the initiative i guess c takes d4 was just inaccurate i i for some reason i did not even think about knight takes d4 i was like knight d4 is never gonna happen i mean because i just have a pawn target i thought white would have to get the same structure as me yeah there's knight v5 at this level you're gonna get punished okay i'm gonna bring my knight back and guard this i'm also going to implement a game plan here which is uh something you definitely should be implementing in your own games the clock so i'm not happy with my position i'm gonna focus i'm gonna buckle down and i'm gonna make sure that that inaccuracy was the only inaccuracy i made and the clock is now a piece i'm up two and a half minutes on the clock so there's c4 so i don't want to take and activate another knight that is the last thing that i want to do in this position so i think uh i don't have to do much right but i could trade nights i could also reinforce right so i think i'm going to go night season then i think maybe i'm going to castle let me castle simple moves simple moves castle spent 20 seconds on that move but it's okay so just simple move castle gonna get my rook into the game might not be playing the most accurate but i am defending against unpleasant things so write knight f3 rook d8 take take something like that take take knight f3 rook d8 are we worse i doubt it it's probably just equal it's just an equal position but i'm not super happy okay a3 is not a good move that move doesn't do anything but i have made mistakes in this game already once so now i'm bringing my rook so like i said just simple moves simple moves not overthinking anything playing faster just playing solid smart uh actually if my opponent waits another move i can i can push which i will will relieve a lot of pressure in the position i also would really like to trade this night so i'm at some point i would love if my a6 knight could trade off for that night and i no longer have to worry about anything if anybody's wondering why i haven't taken here it's because knight takes a7 so uh i'm i'm look i'm up three minutes on the clock now right that is huge i'm not happy with my position but i was slightly worse i wasn't losing maybe i was slightly worse but um there's b4 so now i'm thinking d4 i'm also thinking knight c7 they both look good they both look okay i think i'm gonna go with knight c7 i'm gonna trade off this knight let's pre-move this move if it happens uh and uh again weaknesses chilling solid removing my opponent's most active piece building that time advantage we haven't used the clock that much i've tried to just play the best move but clock is a piece especially especially in a timed game i mean in a 10 minute game when you don't like your position you can absolutely speed things up so now rook d5 i think i mean pawn d5 is also a very interesting move but i like rook takes because this pawn's a weakness just like in those coral con positions the e5 pawn is looking um looking very suspicious and if you defend it with a pawn you immediately create more weaknesses for me and if i win this i'm gonna win this so that time advantage is now nearly 4 minutes and the position has only gotten worse and worse for white because white is feeling that pressure knight f3 is a decent move let's look at this simple reinforcing boom right reinforcing gonna take on e5 or take this if my opponent takes we take so same situation don't trade rooks if you have we also could have played knight takes e5 i think just did win a pawn no no no no no maybe not take take x-ray tough so don't trade rooks when you have that same file right when you have the same file you want to reinforce your rook so you dominate the file now we are four minutes so we've totally changed this game because we kind of changed the pace at which we were playing and we're still better right we we made a slight inaccuracy i got a little frustrated with myself um that's actually not free because of this but i think i'm just gonna a5 is also very interesting but yeah i should probably just take on e5 probably should just take on e5 also no back rank mate so because we played h6 a very long time ago see that's a major difference the opponent has two minutes i anticipate rook c7 or rook c8 check but because we always have back rank stuff we have bishop g5 basically at all times to king h7 i also could go bishop a fade but there's no reason to pin yourself don't pin your pieces to each other no need to do that right bishop g5 seems smart rook f7 oh man my opponent might actually be making a comeback here but maybe not i'm gonna play a5 so that they can't take my pawn they still can't take my bishop because backrank mate and i'm getting this pawn out of the way of the rook takes takes i think white has played very well in this game hopefully they play rook a7 and then they blunder rook e3 that would be heartbreaking for them for me it would be outstanding for them it would be heartbreaking uh okay let's take take king g6 alright rook d5 we gotta i'm threatening two things here i think so i'm threatening obviously back rank made but i'm also threatening some rook d3 stuff in the future maybe czech and rook a1 i also feel like i don't need to trade the bishop anymore my bishop is better than white's bishop this pawn is a liability because i can always put my a pawn there and then try to go get it maybe bishop e7 was a little bit better but i also like this i think this is fine rook b5 looking at all this stuff over here we are more active so at the end of the day we're more active and we're much closer to winning our opponent's weakness so this pawn is on the exact square we need it to be so check if king d3 rook b3 will win the pawn so that forces the king to the back rank [Music] a4 maybe very tricky position rook b3 you know what i could do i could make the bishop move and damage the pawns that's another way i could try to win this position so for example takes and bring my king and i'm willing to argue that my king is far better than white's king here because these pawns are so bad and i'm ready to just go win them like i'm ready to just walk down over here and and take the pawns h5 g5 maybe g5 was better first something like this another thing is i can put my my pawn on h3 so again we have a situation good move we have a situation here where uh all the pawns for white are very passive now we we are oh i think this allows us to trade off into a winning end game this must be a winning end game bishop e5 takes takes a4 king f5 king deep okay and i mean oh i can also wall out this is the smart way the bishop is now gone from the game now we play a4 bishop e7 we take the pawn and uh this was a really nice uh mini lesson on end games and peace activity and playing with the clock like the clock is a piece and we play a3 uh and we use this as a decoy to go get the f2 pawn and then all the rest of the puns um so this game we had a nice position uh but uh it was equal and then yeah i mean i just went completely crazy allowing knight b5 um if we back up a little bit like here white is always uh white is always according to stockfish a touch touch preferred because of the space advantage but personally i really like these queen side expansion positions um i really like black's prospects of putting pressure in the end game but i think here we played very smart i think uh i think we played a pretty smart game and uh yeah i guess i mean rook c1 was a very smart move apparently the top engine move here is bishop d8 wow bishop d8 to try to win well bishop d8 is ridiculous the point of bishop d8 is there's no rook c7 incredible look here there's rook c8 rook c7 which i i forgot about but here there's uh bishop d8 you can't take my knight because mate and if you go here there's i know rook c7 crazy wow what a game that was and the end game was definitely equal but i think black was the one playing for anything so i think here i could have been a little bit more accurate actually according to stockfish i played all the best moves for a while there um but here it's black playing for for win because when you damage your position like this and your structure i have such an easy approach to your pawns so i can take as much space as i can and then yeah i mean once you lock yourself out it's probably just game over um so anyway folks that was a lot of fun i don't know if you made it uh hour and a half in the video please let me know if you did recording these takes a lot of energy because it's just 90 minutes straight of high-level play thinking etc so uh use code 20 t-w-e-n-t-y all courses 40 off and i will see you uh in the next how to win a chess episode or the next video that you're watching that's all get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 474,531
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess rating ladder, climbing the rating ladder, chess speedrun, daniel naroditsky speedrun, gmhikaru speedrun, e4 rating climb, d4 rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess lessons for beginners, london opening chess, how to win at chess, how to get better at chess, win at chess, winning at chess
Id: 57jHlRcRTu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 53sec (5213 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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