Hikaru Says Something RIDICULOUS...

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the fide grand prix we are in berlin and it is the second round of action uh we are going to go through all the games and you might wonder uh why am i naming the video what i'm naming it well before uh round two i believe maybe before round one uh hikaru was on stream and he said that he felt so bad for dingley ren being unable to participate in the grand prix that if he won the grand prix hikaru said this he would be willing to offer his spot up to dingley ren so we're gonna see uh if he can first of all i don't even know if that's possible but it would be super cool if he did uh because he actually doesn't necessarily have an interest in playing in the candidates but uh we're going to start with the game of hikaru nakamura obviously he drew in the first round yesterday uh so we're going to see if he can uphold his promise and the interesting thing about this game there's two sides of this so first of all he's promising dingler in a spot second of all andriy ishipenko was the guy who sergey karyakin said should have been included in the grand prix he's a replacement right now because of the absence of two players but uh hikaru you know michael jordan style i took that personally let's see if he can kind of uh live up to the uh to the moment so we have a four nights english c45 both sides play of four knights uh set up and white plays g3 uh now the principled response by black is to either put a bishop on b4 pressuring over here uh or uh to play d5 so d5 is a is a ultra standard idea takes takes and the bishop goes to g2 so white is just sort of developing naturally now normally the way this position works black puts the knight back on b6 out of the way of this knight puts the bishops out and generally it's considered a main line nowadays to castle long and then try to trade off the light-squared bishop of white over here and it's a very imbalanced position of course you can also play bishop e7 bishop e6 and short castle but isipenko plays a very uh rare move i would say compared to the others which is the move bishop to c5 uh it's obviously it looks like natural enough you're just developing to the middle um but uh the problem is that after both sides castle this bishop even though it is pretty active can be a target for three different things number one it can be a target for pawns right from either side number two can be a target with this knight number three it can be a target with this queen queen c2 has almost never been played so hicaro obviously has come prepared with a new idea now this move has not been played by any top level uh individual until now uh so black has to respond actively and correctly uh and knight f6 is one of the moves so moving the knight out of the way uh so you know this bishop can always slide back to one of those two sides uh hikaru plays the move a3 obviously looking to play b4 and bishop b2 and yesipango decides to solve his problems in an active fashion by playing the move knight to d4 now the dangerous thing about being in your opponent's preparation is that you are going to burn time and potentially while you burn time you're going to fall into the traps of their prep the trap being that despite this exchange uh white is still very much taking initiative so b4 is the is the right move here uh if black takes the knight you take the bishop and if pawn takes here uh bishop takes d2 and white is actually winning like it's not even a better position for white it's a winning position for white because the queen side pressure is so great uh and there's nothing for black to do black is gonna struggle forever to move this bishop if black plays the move c6 you play rook b1 you also have bishop f4 here black is almost positionally completely lost here already on move like 12. so it's it's a difficult position the best move apparently here is bishop back this way which is just horribly ugly to play yesipenko instead goes this way and higaro goes and gets the bishop pair and attacks the center with the move e3 now um again the position that white is going for is if black takes you can probably take either way um to be honest you can keep your pawns together or you can open up the rook and try to create an attack but just this is the position white wants bishop pair c file defile pressure laser beam crisscross applesauce you know from the from b2 and g2 and uh yeah white is just doing very well so hikaru gets everything he wants within the first 12 or 13 moves perfect position for white now unfortunately you don't just get to pause here you don't just get to go i'm better all right bye i mean you still have to win the game so yusipenko plays d3 now queen to c3 and the idea is obviously pressure like this uh black should react very very quickly with the move knight to e4 trying to get white to trade the light squared bishop and leave himself with some weaknesses so queen c4 bishop f5 bishop b2 uh it looks like knight takes d2 is a fork this is like the moment where like uh twitch chat would yell oh my god you're so stupid you missed a fork and the move queen c3 just hits the knight and threatens mate um which i just showed you but twitch chat would forget youtube don't tell twitch uh you know you know how parents are supposed to say they they love the kids equally sometimes sometimes i'm not so sure so bishop b2 queen d7 and now hikaru does in fact give up the light scored bishop because he can play f3 if he doesn't play f3 if he plays something like rook c1 bishop f3 queen h3 and i mean or queen h3 first or queen g4 it's a problem so white has to do this and now we just we just have a very imbalanced game this is like the this is uh the the whole kind of like nature of the position uh my microphone's been doing some weird stuff by the way if if it like cuts out randomly i'm very sorry it's been flashing on me it's better the microphone flashes on me than just flashes me in general but um yeah i don't know it's been doing some very strange stuff so uh this is kind of like the the texture and the feel of the position this pawn it's not clear if it's a good thorn in the white position or just very purely a liability for black so rook c1 rookie seven queen f4 f6 and hikaru is trying to build up on the c file and pressure that weak pawn on c7 again uh as we've seen in many of the hypothetical examples i've given you of this position black struggles with pawn play black has no pawns in the middle of the board the pawns are all the way over here so it's kind of difficult to build them up right so rook c1 queen e6 uh yesipenko is looking to kind of untangle in some way maybe get a queen trade maybe try to solidify the c7 square and he blunders and he blunders something not obvious at all uh he he blunders the move b5 now on its own that is not what he blundered obviously he thought he was okay here the point is that after bishop takes b5 uh he must have thought rook c7 was the idea but that was not the idea hikaru's idea was actually much deeper than this it has nothing to do with this pawn i mean maybe it does in the future for now it has to do with rookie four rotating the rook over and now there is pressure on the diagonal the diagonal the straight away and the straightaway very tough position for black to hold everything together because as long this bishop exists but it's not doing a whole lot right so queen back to f7 takes takes takes and it looks like the position is okay it actually looks like black is fine rook c7 rook d7 right that that is yesi pinko's entire idea that you have to trade rooks with me but here hikaru detonates something very savage bishop takes f6 as i always like to say if a move looks impossible and it is possible probably you are in serious trouble what's the point the point is that if the queen takes you take the queen then you take the rook so the pawn has to take and now you give a check and you deflect the king to one of three squares all of which are a problem and lose the game now the idea is that you want to play queen before here but you can't because this and this and the queen comes back to block the check but when you give a check the king has to go away so queen g4 king f7 there is queen h5 and you hit the bishop if king f8 which was played in the game there is not enough room for the queen on on uh to to kind of block everything and the king is baited into a fork and if the king were to go to h8 queen b4 and the king is not close enough so an amazing tactical sequence here that hikaru converts into an endgame where he has king and five versus king and five with queens but white is winning white is winning because black cannot possibly defend everything you're gonna either lose this pawn or all of these and white is going to expand the fleet of pawns this way it's an amazing little position here a little reverse bathtub right so what does white do try to get a queen tray to get into a winning king and pawn end game centralizes the queen gets i mean it just infiltrates with the queen puts it on a very active square and just begins the pawn expansion the white king is completely safe the black queen is stuck guarding the pawns and the king babysitting and yesipanga just resigns he just resigns because you cannot prevent the queen from getting to either g7 winning these pawns or just the slow death that you will die when all the pawns come forward very very very very nice win by hikaru he actually called this a statement game and maybe he is well on his way to um to giving that spot away to the ingredient i don't know maybe he'll want it himself if he sees himself playing chess like this uh now uh we are going to go through uh several other games uh this game by kymer and vidit from group c was a very popular semi tarash this is super super trendy nowadays where black takes on d4 this got very popular in 2020 2021 when all the guys were playing it online uh it's a position that explodes in the middle there's a queen trade and black is a pawn down sorry black is a pawn up for a little bit but white has two bishops and obviously a better structure um now you might wonder why i'm zooming through this that's because all of this has been seen before uh for a very long time black basically just gives back the pawn consolidates the position and is like i can't possibly be worse white tries to bring the rook tonight the bishop to harass black but black is fine everything is very well protected it looks like the position's about to fall apart and actually for a moment black is now down upon but at the very end of the day opposite colored bishops so because black has uh bishops of opposite color it doesn't matter that they're upon down and you might wonder why did this pawn not get guarded like why did white not play f3 white doesn't play f3 because rook c8 among even bishop g1 ideas uh it's impossible to hang on to everything while your rook is kind of stuck over here so kymer gives back the pawn and uh instead tries to play a little bit more aggressively on the queen side but it's just a draw uh and this game ended this was the first game done of the day opposite colored bishop situation you're not going to push this through because i have a dark squared bind two on two you're not going gonna win and the game went on for about five more moves uh yeah black just absolutely solid if white tries to sneak in here king e5 king a6 king d6 and you cannot break through it's impossible to break through it's a draw happens this game gets about one and a half minutes two minutes of air time uh yeah i mean some games just never get off the ground now another game from group c which uh could provide a lot of fireworks is daniel duba versus levan naranjan levon won yesterday daniel just always comes to fight and that's why it was very shocking he played in london i mean when these guys play london's you know they got something up their sleeve they're not showing up to make draws and ten moves although due to shanklin tata steel wasn't drawn ten moves uh so you they got something up their sleeve and levon took it upon himself to play the very edgy knight h5 now before the year 2015 this had never been played in the database which is how you know it's edgy uh it's edgy because this is not even a threat you can just take on c5 so white can just grab a pawn and hope for the best you know just try to play on the odd structure and give the two bishops to black uh which is what happened in the game in tata steel pragnanda versus karjakin but in this game uh uh dubois tries to like you know dance with his bishop he's like yo man you can't have my bishop and then he attacks the center again but it's crazy because they began trading early as well uh and he you know uh just returned back with the knight and he has no problems at all and he has two bishops so if anyone has an advantage on move 12 it's probably black i mean it's in equal position objectively but you know uh the the thing that makes this position really tough for black to prove an advantage in is the fact that the the development is a bit lacking and any way you try to develop will be a bit tough so for example you know white is gonna bring the rooks to the middle black still has to move a bishop a queen connect the rooks so black does need to be a little bit careful um and uh he he does that by by playing the move bishop c5 so for example if black plays b6 and tries to play bishop b7 uh white can maybe jump in with knight c6 maybe white will play knight f3 bishop b7 and just open up you know tactics on the queen so black does have to be a bit precise and he plays queen e7 and then he plays b6 uh duboff still does get you know a little bit of kind of pressure here but uh black just has absolutely zero problems and uh the trades begin very quickly rooks rooks uh it's now queen and knight versus queen knight and six now losing this position at this level is more impressive than winning this so if like magnus beat somebody here i would say it's more impressive they lost than even magnus winning maybe it's different when magnus plays but i mean like right here for example you know you you might you might not want to trade into an end game where your pawns are just under fire for no reason right there's no need to do this uh the players keep the queens on the board dubov gives a few checks i mean again it's never too late to blunder something completely horrible like your knight for absolutely no reason but uh remember they're not submitting for guess the elo so they make a draw um yeah i said i would cover all the games of the grand prix some of them only deserve about two minutes of air time so that's another draw uh here's a game between vaitashik and grigoria paren this was a very interesting game vitashik yesterday beat report so he shows up to fight we have an interesting opening here so not a symmetrical english i mean symmetrical for about two moves and a pattern attacks the center right away he has absolutely zero interest in playing a symmetrical position uh and this one becomes a reverse grundfeld it's very interesting uh it it's like it's got the dynamics of of a reverse grundfeld kind of uh with this sort of you know counter attack on the center um you can also argue it's a reverse karo khan kind of position so if you if you're if you're curious what that means uh it's like uh it it's it's like white played the karo khan like e4 c6 d4 d5 take take and then c5 so the this looks like a grunfeld style but this also looks like karakon style if you're confused don't worry about it i almost regret going into that at all uh the point is that this is why it's kind of like a groonfield because you have the fiancato you have the knight in the middle grunfeld like opportunities to pressure the opponent's center uh and uh yeah isolated pawn position now you might you might say is this a free pawn i might say hell yeah that is absolutely a free pawn however it's been proven that black is actually completely fine in this position like if white plays knight takes b6 queen d1 king d1 uh ab6 and actually you're under severe fire on the queen side so even though you're a pawn up and you have two bishops your position sucks i know insane right you keep seeing you keep you keep hearing me say bish repair extra pawn you're like ooh i have both ah no you're still almost losing so not a good position um up until this moment though everything seemed to be going very well uh for for voitack i mean he has bishop pair he has isolated pawn he has target here he's avoided all the traps uh but apparent here plays h5 now if you remember yesterday's game aparen also played h5 yesterday he played h5 and he played h4 and waitation was like what are you doing that's just a free pawn i don't know what what are you trying to do here i mean i kick out your bishop i centralize uh but but alpine was blitzing everything so i think he's either got the world's best poker face uh or this is all his prep or both i don't know uh i mean it's it's uh it's a fascinating position that this can somehow be okay with uh for black so bishop goes back to g6 and i don't think it really was okay for black because a few moves later vitasha just consolidated and he still has an extra pawn and he's gonna win more if black is really not careful so queen f6 queen g5 when in doubt try to trade some pieces right knight takes d4 queen f6 in between move but now rookie two you have to take my queen right so pawn takes now take stakes so white is now no longer up upon but he's going to win it back right away right bishop takes b6 the only thing about this position is the activity of black is sort of annoying but that's it it's just annoying is it good i don't know we're about to find out bishop back to d4 rook c2 and now bishop f1 vitashake has to find a way here to to to trade rooks so for example um if i'm just gonna hypothetically draw like you're not gonna play rook c1 here i'm just saying from a hypothetical standpoint uh this is completely winning for white it's not even close even if you can't win this pawn like let's say something like this even if you can't win the pawn because you have two on one uh black has uh a past h pawn over here because of the white has a past h1 over there because of the damage structure actually technically two pass pawns so two on one and an extra spawn two bishops bishop knight horrible position so what white has to do is find a way to either trade rooks advance the pawns uh and uh not get overwhelmed by the activity so here stockfish is giving a massive evaluation to white like plus 2.5 king f1 avoid the knight checks avoid the rook checks plus 2.5 voitacik is on his way to being two out of two despite being a last minute replacement that is absolutely nuts king h7 bishop e5 apparently it was better to play bishop this way by the slimmest of margins um and i and i guess it's because there's no knight g2 and knight e3 knight h4 what he did in the game allowed this absurd little move and now you are threatening too many things so rook d3 knight h4 black gets back a couple of pawns and black has the perfect knight and rook coordination on the king that's the perfect coordination because you can harass me you can check me and bounce back and forth uh and uh vitasha tries his best but now black has a coordinated form of activity the pawn the king the knight and the rook so white was unable to deal with black's annoying activity uh and uh now there's even knight g3 obviously you're in check but knight g3 is coming or knight c3 so you're you're just going to be trading off some material and that's exactly what happens and the players agree to a draw they agree to a draw because yes you can win a pawn but uh you're you're not going to win this end game it's just unwinnable a4 rook a3 rook b4 i cut you off you just cannot move anything i also don't even have to cut you off i can just bring my king bring my king over here it's just a very well known draw so apparent survives waitashik was almost two out of two i hope he doesn't run out of steam that is the only question that is the only question for him he's extremely good super gm level but will he run out of steam in these six games before he qualifies to the knockout right that's the only question okay uh next game i have for you is the game between etienne backrow and alexander griezhok this game was so strange um this game was super weird so griezhook came to win today because he played the pierce defense i don't know the last time two's twenty seven hundreds played a beard's defense if somebody can find that two twenty seven hundred back row is twenty six forty but let's just say two twenty seven hundreds a super gm classical game i don't know how many we've had in the last five years with the piers defense and that's because f4 is good like these aggressive lines against the piers are very good but even the quiet line knight f39c3 bishop e2 also good this man grishook is going for like a a6 b6 bishop on b7 there's a reason they're not playing this is because it's good for white it's just good for white it gives white to chances but it's edgy and if white messes up black could get some chances back row very principled attacks the center i mean like look at this come on if i had an eight-year-old student who played like this i would yell at them but it's grishak so i gotta yell at myself um takes knight e5 and i mean backroad just plays a bunch of natural developing powerful moves and has a very good position and gracious has like five minutes he spent like 80 minutes playing these moves with like this dude has five minutes to make 20 moves but somehow he lulled back row into a similar state of like uh hypnoticism hypnotizing i don't know but he has this way of lulling his opponents into also spending a lot of time and right here back row is like plus two it's just he's done everything right and grishog begins firing off moves h5 the only move that doesn't lose the only move that doesn't lose he's like yo come and get me knight h6 all right then it goes to e5 fine knight h6 was okay takes takes f6 i mean this looks like everything is falling apart if you just back up here and like e5 queen d3 to try to go for g6 and like try to play d6 in a moment white is crushing back row tries to uh break through immediately with d6 head spinning complications this bishop is about to die for the cause of the pawn moving into d7 knight takes but the queen cannot protect both so bam bam bam now for a brief moment krishuk is a pawn up the problem is this structure is horrible but grishok once again finds the only move that doesn't lose and he's trying to consolidate rook f7 rook d1 queen eight again only moves he's playing the only moves rook f4 only move that he finds with like one minute on the clock right just everything solidified queen is uh is pressuring this way but white can't attack anything queen into b7 rook c4 only move top move queen f3 back uh now black can maybe even try to trade queens but instead he plays rook d8 which is a fine move it's not the only move uh but here queen e2 right so but crow is about to win a second pawn that crow's gonna win a second pawn rook d4 queen a6 right so um i apologize i apologize uh bakar is going to win a second pawn in a moment rook d2 queen back to c4 that's when i meant he's going to win a second pawn he wins a6 he wins e6 with check but griez correctly evaluates that he can sacrifice a6 and e6 and the activity counterbalances that anything that white has mind you grisha has found all these moves with like a minute on the clock like what the why are you even giving him 90. he finds like all of these ideas to activate his queen and rook together from a position that was extremely sus not in my hands but in the hands of you know 2700 2640 2700 whatever and they go into an end game and they make a draw they agree to a draw early so even though by crow is a pawn up uh he decides not to even pursue anything because you're gonna lose one of these pawns so you just you can't protect us this stuff over here uh yeah so a whole lot of ado about nothing much ado about nothing uh this game between hari krishna and wesley so uh was uh was an interesting one it was a berlin [Laughter] a4 uh yeah grab yourself a drink uh come back in like two three minutes um no actually it was a kind of an interesting berlin because they didn't trade any pieces so different from the hikaru berlin yesterday with back row um they they traded uh very few pieces and uh actually hari krishna was pressuring for a bit he had a very nice position he played this very actively light squared bishop exchange uh and very powerful rook on d2 so actually he got something from this berlin not like a terribly boring one uh c4 i mean if you look at this position white is gonna win a pawn black is gonna have to play actively and aggressively to to just not be completely lost so he plays queen a5 takes takes uh and now rook d3 and you say why the hell did he not take on d5 there's a trick here rook d8 if you take this way i take d1 i'm too active you take this way i take d8 i'm still too active just too many things for you to protect queen e2 looks good i got rook d4 i'm gonna go for this pawn too much activity so hari krishna has to take on d5 at the right moment right he has to take on d5 at the right moment he has to take on d5 have i made myself clear yet he has to take on d5 at the right moment he does then take on d5 at the exact correct moment apparently here he had a chance to get a big advantage with bishop b6 this move forces rook d7 and then rook d4 hits the bishop and if black plays passively he's getting in his own way this apparently was the way forward for white he still has to prove that he's winning but apparently that was the way forward let me let me show you why because now the king is on e7 that's the difference is that wesley so has a mildly unpleasant task but he he just he just doesn't like he doesn't nothing's really wrong with his position and rook c2 is a constant problem so hari krishna tries his best but wesley like look how cool calm and collected he is like you got to be that good i can trade bishops with you it's rook six versus rook and five it doesn't matter i know this is a draw this is a theoretical draw because uh well maybe less theoretical more practical draw because my rook is too active rook's just too active what are you gonna do about it nothing trash i mean i don't think wesley said that he's a very nice guy but um yeah i mean hare krishna tries his best but wesley look at this i mean he sacks a pawn i mean technically he's down two pawns but wesley did a ton of that this game a lot of flashy defensive moves uh king e6 g5 a very very nice i mean very very confident draw by wesley it felt like with black uh and uh yeah i mean they they drew because again losing this is more impressive than winning it so a handful of draws um very nice win by hikaru and uh i'd like to show you this game between rapport and fidosev and we have one more after that and then you're free to go so we're not we're not going to be here a whole long whole long what what did i i don't know nim so indian yes it's very rare that it's allowed nowadays queen c2 and you're about to see something real cool all right tell me when you see it you see it what the hell is knight h3 you know the craziest part is it's been played like 100 times what the hell is this what now uh obviously fetishe have also felt the same way computer hates this move by the way like if you let stockfish run it it doesn't even show you moves it shows you a message like what what is wrong with you like why would you anyway uh h6 by black and now we see why he played the knight to h3 because f2 is gonna be useful and e4 right normally the knight is there but now f3 e4 is the idea so e4 now this is a game between a guy who lost yesterday in a guy who won yesterday so rapport is playing to win but when you play to win at this level you also play to lose do you get what i'm saying you take risk right it's a heavyweight fight so c5 knight back to f2 super imbalanced position from the opening uh that ends up in this middle game position i mean it's on the verge of an end game but we still have rogues knights bishops who's better here and why white is better white is better because white has more space without overextending everything is very well protected uh whenever you are looking at a position like this you're looking at how um and by the way like if knight d7 you know again d6 huge weakness you got you got to look at the weaknesses in the position as well uh a5 is a move that tries to punish you for overextending so you have to be very careful so knight b3 rook d1 attacks d6 feresayev decides not to play passively because if he plays passively here his knight will die knight c1 rook c3 knight a2 rook c2 and if you ever play this move knight a1 you should just be slapped you have no way out i mean bishop e2 castle your knight will die don't do that so a5 he sacrifices the pawn and we are about to get one of the most wild games you have ever seen right when you play to win you play to lose but right now report is up a pawn but black is extremely active has report made a mistake has he kind of miscalculated this bishop e2 knight c1 good luck castling bozo i'm gonna take your bishop oh my god knight c1 is a crazy move it's an insane move is fantasy of taking over this game what is report doing why is this knight trying to go eat some pawns here's why because if you protect these pawns i'm gonna castle i'm gonna get my king to safety and i'm gonna connect my rooks and what is this doing if you take my bishop i take your rook oops so knight g4 is actually a great move black comes in with the rook and now rapport plays uh one of the most savage ideas i've ever seen so he not this that that move makes sense black does not play king g7 because time is everything right now if white can give a check and give another check and the king comes out and give maybe even another check uh you're gonna win that time and then you're going to get out with your king and your rook and you're out of this terrifying situation over here time is everything so black plays the best move which is king f8 now you can't get back with the knight you have to only go forward but report here play is one of the most savage things i've ever seen in my life in the middle of this game he goes king f2 sacks the bishop with check king g3 and when fedex goes back to c2 to defend his knight my man report plays king to h4 are you kidding me and black has no moves black can't move the rook the the the knight or any rook like rook takes c4 is impossible because what white is trying to do here i'm not even joking is to maybe even walk up and then advance the h pawn in the middle of this game white can go king h5 maybe king h6 h4 h5 i'm not joking like white actually has the time to do that because black is so paralyzed it's nuts and this bishop can't do anything because it's it's it's biting into granite so king g7 and here fedex loses is cool he doesn't he doesn't quite understand how to manage the time stop so he comes forward uh-oh rapport abandons the plan on the night and now there's a checkmate there's a mate like look it's check it's mate it's a it's a mate net oh my goodness so now fidosei has to go back but here comes my rook out of nowhere it's the white rooks bullying the king the black king it's not the black rogues bullying the white king rook a8 and the same threat it's the bishop or your king so he gives away his bishop tries to sack it but g4 continues to build this box insane move and that's it and you can't even take my pawn because of a fork so rapport is now up uh some pawns in a rook and night end game uh he's gonna win b6 he's up one pawn but they're uh he's got two passers b h uh you go to b h wow that is an old advertisement and that's how the game is decided i mean he's gonna push his pawns you can't take ever because the end game is just winning i shoulder your king you know stiff arm like in football and that's it so he wins this in very flashy style look at this rook d8 disgusting move threatening to queen if you take my rook and fedesav just resigns report bounces back in that group and uh fedese have loses so fedexive goes down after beating apart in yesterday so it's vitashak up top one and a half then it's rapport and fede save and then it's a party with a half out of uh two and the final game that i would like to show you oh this was a crazy game this game was absolutely nuts shirov comes to fight and uh dominguez perez is a solid but i mean he's a cold-blooded killer that man uh first of all he has the coolest name ever his nickname is la dope because dominguez perez d-o-p-e la dope like you know like lebron like they put le and then whatever le coste la dope i mean yeah he's got cool ass nickname so um let's go e4 and he doesn't play into his night orf he plays knight c3 and an early d4 voluntarily retreating back to d2 now this is an anti-sicilian that was popularized i think magnus actually played this with white a couple of years ago uh and since then many courses have been made look how weird this game gets it's like black mouse slip the fianchetto that is not where the bishop goes but there's a queen there how rare is this so f4 knight f6 and now e5 i mean you're a move away from winning the guy's queen g3 but this has all been played before that's the craziest thing i mean magnus or some of these top other players they they go for this and it just it it so odd it's so imbalanced either player can win this game rookie eight and up until move uh 13 i believe right here they were following a couple of other games but here dominguez perez plays the top stockfish move which i don't believe has ever been played before maybe one maybe one time uh and that that's d5 and i mean folks let me tell you something we are you and i are below the pay grade of the calculation that's involved here i mean just don't play here in hangar queen uh but there is so many tactics to calculate here h3 hitting the bishop at any moment this can blast open this blast open this diagonal blasts open so h3 is the best move kicking out the bishop and now white plays g4 the idea of g4 is to play g5 very simple right so knight takes on e4 hits the queen we have knight e4 bishop e4 and shirov here uh gets this queen out of the way so that he can play f5 if you take i take your knight if you take i take this then i take your knight so you can't do that um actually i can just take your knight first and then i can take your even better so even even better there uh however if you play something like knight takes c2 i take the queen first then i come back and take your knight so you can't take c2 so queen a5 right i mean you got one two three four pieces attacking the king here comes f5 i don't even know who i don't know who's winning this game i mean it looks like both sides it's hanging on a knife's edge right bishop d5 we have rook h2 takes takes and i believe in this position um there was a completely ridiculous computer line uh i think the computer line was knight e2 for white to prevent knight c3 that move at least makes sense but knight d6 stockfish wanted queen h1 if i'm not mistaken was it yes yes stockfish wanted queen h1 i i mean i okay you know okay uh instead of that sheriff saw a pawn that he could take so he took it because he's a human being and he also has opportunities to take and play queen f7 uh queen f7 with this rook no human being plays quinish one it's ridiculous nobody ever plays that ever not magnus not hikaru nobody knight d6 queen back to f3 and white is still chilling white has a very nice position here uh by the way you can play queen h1 here again but now it's just stupid because black is um very fast knight c4 actually does work believe it or not bc4 looks okay but uh yeah you're dying here one guy's dying and it's not la dope so queen d1 played but now knight b5 and um i guess should have uh miscalculated something um i don't i don't know exactly what so the point is that queen f2 prevents the knight from moving because there's this and you're threatening queen f7 mate so shirov must have not liked something he must have not liked the move e3 and it's not clear what you do with the queen like can you go to h4 uh and try to get the bishop i don't know you know maybe a bishop g7 bishop g7 i yeah i mean king takes g7 you can probably just take him like queen f6 so i i'm not exactly certain why he didn't like queen f2 i haven't had a chance to speak with the guy he's a scary guy he's a scary looking gentleman um so queen d1 but now knight b5 and uh the point is that black is just gonna come back and i what i think should have maybe wanted was to shut the door on the bishop the problem is the bishop can always come around forward it can it can it can try to find a way in like this uh so he decides to play rook c2 to kick the queen out yeah the problem is the queen's staying queen is going to stay pressuring this diagonal and now the tide of the game shifts because it's the black it's the white king getting hunted uh so rook d8 queen a5 and you can gobble on a7 but the black rooks are pissed off the black position is pissed off and um it's this this was just a pure attacking game by both sides uh obviously this is a really nice asset to have as well it's a lever into the position of white uh and uh le dope converts it very beautifully queen d6 rook takes e2 and shirov resigns because of the overwhelming pressure here on the king whereas this king ended up surviving the war this king did not so la dope leads group d uh between wesley so hare krishna and um uh and shirov uh hikaru leads group a vaitas leads group b and in group c we have le'veon rayon but there's a link in the description you can go check it out for yourself very fun uh opening rounds uh four more to go appreciate y'all hanging out i will see you for round number three get out of here enjoy your weekend
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 394,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, fide grand prix, grand prix, grand prix 2022, grand prix chess, grand prix chess 2022, fide grand prix 2022, fide grand prix 2022 chess, fide chess grand prix, grand prix ches, grand prix 2022 chess, grand prix fide, 2022 grand prix, 2022 grand prix chess, chess grand prix, chess grand prix 2022, chess grand prix fide, fide chess, fide chess 2022
Id: j6VceirJTis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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