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ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure to welcome you to episode one of a brand new series here on the gotham chess youtube channel this series is going to be called actually you know what i'm not going to wear a trashy tank top for this this deserves a proper shirt there we go much better this series is going to be called noob arena and the point of this series is i'm going to take subscribers and pair them against each other to play out historical chess games the subscribers will be close together in raiding and they will play three or five minute blitz games until the end of the game we still have to figure that out and this is episode number one so please let me know in the comments any feedback that you have in this video we will play out three famous chess positions the paul morphy opera game gary kasparov's immortal game against vessel and toppolov and bobby fisher's game of the century this idea came to me in various youtube comments and in my discord from some of my subscribers so thank you to all of you i really do try to read some of your positive suggestions for my content i would love to thank you all like individually if i can but it's not always possible but thank you to the community for suggesting this idea without further ado let's jump into game number one the paul morphe opera game played by two five hundreds now we got call 38 and corkin make a move before it aborts mr call 38. i don't i don't think paul morphy played that move what what well i guess black has to get some development right you know black has got to move the queen out of the way or something you know queen before maybe 97. what i promise i'm not paying them to do this this is this is this is absurd this is crazy this is this is actually crazy uh wow this is uh this is something it's definitely something let's put it this way good lord um okay all right all right so now corkin is in dire need of very fast development uh yeah corkins got to get moving here or else they're gonna be in bad shape you know maybe g6 bishop g7 that actually doesn't look that unreasonable uh knight d7 is a move as well uh and maybe long castles is coming so black is a lot worse here mostly due to development that's really it uh otherwise it's uh it's kind of well okay c3 is a move not castling but knight c5 is a good move oh no it wasn't all right we have a night trade um okay i mean the queen can be taken but that's all right queen takes so now black is down upon on top of being in a worse position and black is on the verge of something very very bad happening uh so uh yeah that's um that's something they gotta watch out for we'll see if uh we'll see if black sees that now you know maybe guard it with the queen don't guard it don't guard it with the king and i wouldn't guard it with the rook either because the rook can very easily be attacked okay that's very reasonable move now here this is quite a reasonable move i would not be shocked if we saw this but to be honest wow very nice yeah now just don't go here that's the only thing i ask or here just find your way over here and maybe you'll be okay yes nice now white might do this the the hard thing here is that despite black being very clearly worse there is no immediate win for white um of course they have already deviated very far off the broken path or the just the path period i don't know but is it the broken path uh uh this new series uh i can't tell you but youtube knows because we're all this is live on youtube already good move beaten path not broken path right um series will be called noob arena i think that's a good name unless you hate it let me know in the comments below or on twitch chat okay so black is upon down the evaluation is extremely high because white has the bishop player white has way more obvious targets white has just all of the all of the pressure but it is blitz they both have about three minutes to decide where we're gonna go which is why from hero to zero was a better title hero to zero is very obscure nobody really knows what that is noob arena is like very fun you know it's got noobs they're playing in an arena okay white is spending an absurd amount of time here why doesn't experience rapid that's actually a fascinating move because it just doesn't it just doesn't do anything okay so white thought for 45 seconds and no longer is up a piece this is how you know you're dealing with 500s what should white have done literally anything besides that any move just i guess white saw queen f7 queen c6 uh but yeah just king takes and the king goes to safety and white spent about a minute of their time and lost the bishop and has absolutely zero follow-up so this is good this is very good stuff here and now the time is ticking to two minutes and white's out of options um uh yes you will go again the second game will come after this one but i'm gonna give you a different position youtube doesn't know that my computer crashed right before recording this episode so that's good h4 alright so black should like do something like this okay or yeah try to sneak over there and grab a pawn notice how the evaluation is ah that's a very passive move very passive move but weak king if i was black i bring this rook i go manually castle i bring my king down here and i'm vibing no black is uninterested in my ideas but i do like that black is up a minute a minute is a lot when there's this little time okay g3 nobody's really doing a whole lot but black is sort of playing with a more obvious plan shout out to eric rosen thank you for the raid hope title tuesday was good we are recording uh well it's already live on youtube but uh yeah on twitch right now we are not yet live on youtube we're just uh recording the first episode of noob arena uh white is in uh white is in some trouble here a minute 20 this is not good white's got to speed up but white is not an experienced blitz player white only plays rapid so that's going to be very difficult because in rapid you have a lot of time yeah they just gotta go i mean okay see you don't you didn't have to think 30 seconds on that move you could have just played that move all right rook d2 f4 i want to see white speed up i want to see white make the next few moves very quickly um black is going to you know reinforce i think white's going to take though i think a lot of people they just sort of take because they can but reinforcing is very good all right down two minute i don't like this white is just very slow white is a perfectionist and unfortunately with this little time you just you just have to move you just have to click a piece and click a square like you're gonna make blunders but you have to speed up a little bit all right so f4 you know something black is clearly superior in terms of just at least making moves i don't know about good moves all right right now oh this is about to get if you find a way please just don't go here just don't hang the oh oh it's game on oh game on quick quickly just go just go you got 40 oh my goodness it's a draw apparently it's a draw to this move what that's crazy all right we're going to have okay you got to do this at some point you just you can't be brave there's no point in being brave there's no point being brave go hide the king all right do this open up the door and then hit him with one of these oh the problem with the immediate check is that it's black doesn't have to be a genius right it's 5-0 they're playing 5-0 somebody told me that they didn't want increment okay rook f2 but yeah oh oh oh oh oh do you think that's gonna happen can you imagine there's a whole new take on the paul morphy game slide the king over it oh it's not possible anymore that's it i think white is dead white's got no more options 20 seconds and uh the pin here that's a very cold-blooded move which might not even work because there's imagine that happens oh if white sees this i will jump out of my seat but i think it's oh oh oh oh that was that was so close white is actually winning now oh my goodness what a move desperate times call for desperate measures wow but unfortunately white has no time why there's this oh god oh 50 seconds yeah i mean why you just got to go just go just go just don't even think just know why you got 14 seconds just make a move just make a move literally oh my goodness king h2 spent like 60 percent of your time to play king h2 come on just go just go just move i mean 50 say you're not gonna it's not gonna work it's not it's like almost ladder mate i mean oh god rook tube yeah oh ah that's game over okay white found a pre-move ah all good things must come to an end and this game is no exception all right folks so um i got the players started in this position of the opera game so in the opera game uh and i'm i guess i'll just make an entirely new analysis board and show you the the opera game between paul morphy and two dudes went like knight takes b5 so there was a sacrifice check block long castle with pins everywhere and paul morphy finished them off and got back to looking at the opera by sacrificing a rook thank you to rendez for 25 gifted subs appreciate that by sacrificing his rook adding more pressure and then in style sacrificing his queen and then checkmate that did not happen that did not happen in this game because in this game white played f3 which doesn't make any sense i mean what and then black didn't take the bishop so white should have taken the knight to get the bishop out of the way or apparently even sacrifice is good but then lost the bishop then lost the bishop but black didn't take the bishop oh my goodness paul morphy i don't know if you should learn from these guys that hung a knight that's just a free night bishop takes 90. um yeah so the major problem for black in this game was development right so what black should have done and actually black got to doing that was consolidating their position here white should have just castled and played like a doubling on the d-file slowly advancing on this side but like i said this position is not very easy it's not an easy position at all especially at this level and white got way too exotic i don't again queen f7 queen c6 was the idea but after this there was nothing i like what white did white just spent way too much time and uh great move here f4 just awesome move honestly this was a very very good move next time don't trade pieces when losing uh i mean you're never gonna find queen d3 but at least you can find this move and you have uh ideas of you know laser beaming some pieces maybe creating some sort of checkmating attack material in king safety in chess right all the pieces are over here it means the king is weak so don't trade too much go try to coordinate your pieces but you know it was a little bit uh i don't i don't know what f3 is all about all right folks i hope you enjoyed that game now it's time to move on to game number two we go slightly up the rating ladder and we will take on a position from kasparov versus topolov in 1999 here we go they have the following position gary caspara versus vessel into paul of 1999. now with best play all right all right here we go all right king a4 now the problem with this series is that if i start too late in certain games like players might just lose in two moves but maybe they won't all right so now there's this you've gotta all right wow played huge huge okay so there's no more queen b3 which means you've probably got to save the rock right but the king the king is so precariously placed oh it's so tricky oh this is not easy at all for black i mean nobody likes having a king like this right this is uh this is tough i mean if i'm playing white i'm just doing this you know or that but that has no threat anymore you know hey i know so white is down a substantial amount of material this looks like kasparov topalive did you not hear any of think of did you just get here do you not understand what okay so that okay guy comes into the chat and tells us it looks like a game that i specifically selected for them to play very good um so yeah this is a this is a very very tricky situation now aha rookie eight rook e8 white needs to find a way to attack there like something like this or this or something obscure like this this but yeah rook g3 is a good move though pinning the bishop oh oh it's over ah oh it's yeah yeah it's not good yeah you're definitely not gonna be immortal kasparov well the king is still weak there is still that but uh unfortunately i don't think it matters anymore i mean there's still king b2 rook b3 and then self-made with a pawn that would be pretty cool yeah white's gotta like get a or go here yeah that this is the tricky thing about this game is that it starts when one side already has a material disadvantage so the only way really to you know to like succeed is to actually deliver a mate or a perpetual check uh but uh yeah this is very difficult king b2 that's a good move it avoids any background checks um i mean black could still lose white just has to remember they have a bishop for example here's a way that black can lose here here here here check block doesn't see the free bishop and gets mated i don't you know i'm just saying yeah that this is not good though you definitely should not trade rocks because you need the rook maybe here i don't yeah and now you know if black isn't careful black will find a way to yeah i don't know how black is gonna lose but uh yeah i think there's maybe a little bit of hope left but not a whole lot of hope i should find the next game in the next volunteers the next volunteers will be about a thousand blitz so if your rating is about a thousand blitz yeah knight d5 is very tough now this is completely lost and uh i mean you can you can okay rook b3 is the only is the only thing b3 go rook b3 and then black should take and that will make content that would be funny all right rook b3 on the board and black is obviously not content content content okay whether or not that person did it on purpose thank you for playing to the crowd there is no chance they actually self i refused to believe they self-made it themselves by accident i 100 percent think it was on purpose but thank you anyway wow oh thank you thank you thank you you had me muted you did not wait really now stop it you stop it did you actually blunder checkmate oh my goodness that's crazy that's exactly how gary kasparov lost too so listen you're in good hands wait no cause parov was white also he won um wow wow amazing amazing well whether or not you are being truthful or not thank you content has been had what a game what a game so it's actually funny because queen b2 is the losing move it's already lost the reason is um in the game itself in the actual game uh kasparov had to play queen c3 okay here's why because bishop takes d5 with the queen on b2 you cannot play king b2 this is the incredible idea okay so the incredible idea here is that queen b3 is made unstoppable now so that is why the queen had to go to c3 and not to b2 because you you don't get the same idea and you're just catastrophically down in material which is why topolov took like this because if you go for the same idea now queen d4 gets a queen trade so you had to play queen d5 and kasparov continued to harass him and won a couple of pieces back and ultimately if you haven't seen this game you really should go watch a youtube video on it he hunted his king and saw this entire combination with the retreating move bishop f1 which allows queen c2 and rookie seven uh if you take queen c2 king here and then rookie 7 is made in a couple of moves so rook d7 cross pin forcing the rook back winning the queen and the final move is this absolutely brutal queen h8 it's amazing amazing and then you still have to win this position by the way there's no walk in the park but for kasparov it is and kasparov got closer and then ended up winning the game so uh yeah incredible game uh it's really difficult to pick a position because for example this position is not fun it's much more fun to pick the position where kasparov sacrifices two pieces and huns the king out here that's why i chose this position but right i mean that's why you have to play queen c3 i mean it's very hard but that's why we're here that's why we're you know that's why we're this is new barina baby welcome to noob arena you still with me it's time for game number three we now go up to the four digit rating club and we allow two people to take on the position between baron and fisher the game of the 20th century oh boy they made bobby fischer proud immortal game time white just played this move already a deviation bobby fischer played queen b6 we have uh we have a we have a lu is better than bobby fischer queen b3 all right so what does black have black has an exchange down white has a very weak king okay so white is actually still worse according to the computer it's not very clear why that is the case but it is what it is i would go here for sure uh yeah this is not a difficult move like i didn't even say this move out loud and the person played it um white should of course do this white has to protect the king otherwise you just i mean you're just gonna lose you have to cover the king yeah and now now it's not easy with the play because you can you there's only so many improving moves before you run out of them like knight g5 is interesting actually i think knight g5 might even be bad might be a bad move for okay queen a5 yeah that that's a logical move now wow white plays the oh that wasn't the best move i think white could have done something else yeah white hangs the pawn so now white decided to chuck the pawn and just consolidate but the problem is that what what is what i thought that was the whole idea i thought huh well now now white just gets very easy play and can beat up what why did wait oh this was the idea oh my i didn't even see this i mean it's not even that good but i didn't even wow amazing but now there's this now okay what is going on we're gonna have opposite colored game i mean material is equal you might as well just take free pawns right so you got you gotta you gotta take some free stuff here all right but both sides about to take a bunch of free stuff to go all right never mind white does not want to lose a pawn and instead wants to take him to b7 damn okay yeah there's a lot of good moves here here here you know here here here you know here here here here here here here here here all these moves are good so can they watch engine moves yes they absolutely if they wanted to cheat they could it would be unbelievably obvious though and i feel like the guilt would just not let them do it i mean it's like did it we they can see the engine moves but so can we so i feel like public shaming like i'll still upload it to youtube and everyone will make fun of you so don't cheat okay i like this white is creating a past pawn or white is creating a very powerful bishop the bishop on d5 will live there forever and put pressure on f7 it's a good move now black has no obvious targets black can go here and do a little wrap around and try to but i'm not a that's a very passive move black is anticipating captures but what if i don't do that you know what if i just what if i just don't take like i go here no no no you can't trap likes bishop who are you gonna trap ghostbusters the ship is too strong you can only trap a bishop with pawns really okay i don't understand what that move does at all but that's why i'm spectating that's okay cd i don't know what there is to think about you have to take but now it's a past pawn now now the pawn is a passer if that pawn makes it to d7 uh black is uh in serious trouble don't listen to the engine yeah because now like rogue d1 you have to put the rook behind the pawn okay well that's not necessary because the you know where the bishop is going to go anyway but you're very welcome you're very welcome i wanted to youtube won't know i recorded like six or seven games today and i'm gonna choose the best three uh because yeah i should have prepared a little bit better prior oh huge error oh no you do not allow that oh my goodness oh my goodness what well i get it you want the free pawn but this is yeah you you oh this is bad i think black is taking over now i think yeah that's not good now white's gonna lose that pawn or maybe not maybe white won't lose the pawn uh with check you will okay so now white lost their proudest possession and i have a really bad feeling white is gonna talk well that's a fantastic move white mic tunnel vision i was gonna say white my tunnel vision on pinning the queen and lose the h3 pawn but now that you're going here it's very likely there's a queen trade let's check no no wow check draw no chance no shot to draw i think this is gonna happen and then bam oh he actually hung it oh but it's not over this is not over because black is gonna go here and hang everything or maybe hang a rook and mate don't draw 10 seconds 14 seconds on the clock block with the bishop oh my oh my oh white is going to get hyped and that's going to be the end of it unless black goes to the back rank unless wait but then it's a draw don't don't oh oh oh oh oh oh now it works oh oh this is not bobby fisher oh this is very smart that's very smart though now you're running give a check every move has to be checked now every single move give them checks there you go give them checks okay now now just grab it just grab something just just go that is not that's not that's he doesn't he don't see it though he doesn't he doesn't see it he does he doesn't see it he doesn't see it oh no oh check it oh god oh oh there's got to be made can you go for like no no don't do this because then this what what is happening oh the pawn made finish the pawn mate finish bobby fisher wins the game that's exactly how the game of the century actually went by the way that's why it was the game of the century i think people had multiple heart attacks spectating that game oh my goodness that was content that was thank you gentlemen and ladies that maybe one of you was sad i don't know 97 chance you're male but what a game okay so again yeah bobby fisher uh i again there's youtube videos of this game so we're not gonna do a huge in-depth analysis but teenage bobby fischer was hit with this fork move this queen out and then sacked his queen like this he sacrificed his queen he took with check gave a couple of discovered checks and then proceeded to grab the bishop with tempo grab the rook and go on to win after a substantial material advantage beautiful move that he played uh was bishop e6 which was set up by moving the queen out this way uh queen c7 was also fine uh the difference being that in the game played between the subscribers in the game played between the subscribers um queen c7 was the move of choice and uh not queen b6 and in this game bishop c4 did not happen because this would have been a devastating move instead we had we had a a position where black applied pressure for a while and actually did a really nice thing here but for some reason didn't take i mean this is just a winning move for black just knight c3 winning a good amount of material here totally winning position for black instead of that black did this and went for a fork and it was an equal end game as you heard me commentate for a while uh white did something really bad here white should not have pushed the kingpins this is just terrible you do not want to weaken your king and then black was like well he's doing it i almost do it too that's what happens that intermediate beginner level they just they're like oh they do it me do too but this is just not good because bishop goes here and this is like this is just not right so you know white played well but you have to put the pieces behind the pawn and try to advance the pawn um oh you meant to play a five oh that okay that makes a lot of sense but still don't push your pawns in front of your king you can use your h-pawn h-pawn is always smart to break up structure but uh yeah you did great and then this was crazy you didn't take the rook uh then tacky uh didn't um take the rook with check this was insane uh and then then you did not take the queen this was unbelievable here you have a beautiful move by the way rook h1 look at this incredible move can't take with the bishop we took with the king it's mate amazing and said queen g1 and uh now black is like almost not lost apparently incredible i thought i thought i thought white was going to play g4 g5 which is mate but g4 loses to this back check otherwise white is safe there's not a whole lot amazing all right folks if you had the patience to sit through all of that thank you from the bottom of my heart i'm always trying to come up with new and exciting ways to entertain you and this one came from my community so let me know your feedback in the comments uh and yeah anything from the time control to how many games you want in one video to whatever i'll see you in the next one get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 429,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: DtNiwVGYzrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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