Trash Talking Magnus Carlsen GONE WRONG

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the ftx crypto cup in miami part of the meltwater champions chess tour today is the second round and today we will learn why you don't trash talk magnus carlsen did you like the uh thumbnail by the way was the michael jordan meme you know what i'm talking about and i took that personally because michael jordan took everything personally uh some of you obviously know what i'm talking about somebody have no idea so some of you see that thumbnail you're like i don't get it but that's where that's from in case i have to explain it to you you know it's not very fun explaining a joke but in case you were confused why magnus took something personally now uh i don't truly think that what happened today was trash talk but it was still an incredible and interesting storyline uh i'm gonna show you i think seven games of action today different than the 13 games i was showing you during the olympiad the first matchup is between anish giri and pragnanda rameshbabu pragnando apparently doesn't get a last name in this event they just removed or i guess technically yeah ramis probably doesn't get a last name but he's pragmatananda um although he should be pragnanda r all right we should definitely have the r in there uh this was their fourth game so remember it's four games of rapid uh this was this was after three games already the winner of this game takes it home gets the three points gets the 7 500 bucks uh we have a nimso and in each play is just a very standard line a3 here bishop takes black takes on c4 and plays the move c5 counter attacking the center a few moves later that pawn does in fact trade into the center and we just have a very stable position uh right black is trying to trade off this bishop because if this bishop were to get traded this bishop is a little bit stupid right it's a little hard to get that bishop into the game you have to try to play for an expansion in the middle um but you'll notice that prague is not rushing i mean he plays queen b7 and the whole point of queen b7 is to open up the c file to sidestep rook c1 bad intentions into uh defend the bishop in case this happens you can actually play them with queen a6 the queen is actually very comfortable on that square so very balanced game from the opening he does in fact end up trading develops his knight and as i just mentioned anish expands in the center of the board uh both sides are just making general improving moves b5 is an interesting idea to try to play a6 then knight b6 and maybe knight a4 or knight c4 creating a potential outpost for his knight uh we see prague playing h6 again just generally useful moves knight h2 a step backwards by anish potentially preparing enough pawn for potentially preparing knight g4 and bad intentions to checkmate prague praga attacks on the queen side with b4 and now prague has a pass they pawn so that a pawn could potentially be an asset in the end game also could be a liability look at this move aneesh plays rook d3 with the intention of playing rook here and gets absolutely smashed rook c2 is an amazing move from prague and the point is that if you take uh it's not mate but you're going to lose the e4 pawn and then you're just you're in very bad shape here rook c2 is an amazing move bishop a3 though danger levels and we have a trade but at the end of the day a pawn falls and i just mentioned a couple of moves ago like what happens if you lose the apon right i mean if the a-pawn survives is it asset liability prague gives it up uh in but lu of course has the d-pawn right he he now has a pawn over here now black is a pawn up is black winning i don't know i mean the eval bar says one thing but is black really winning a bishop is usually better than the knight in the end game so prague begins to consolidate and i mean everything in proxposition is very nice literally everything is defended by something else except it's rook but nobody can really get to the rook right now rook is gonna get aggressive right and prager is gonna try to find a way to bully the white pieces and then he's going to push his pawn forward and white is no longer going to be able to defend so right now that's sort of happening he's encroaching on both sides right the h pawn is walked up the board it controls the g3 square makes it difficult for a niche to move his pieces and he just sits back but now the pawn gets closer and closer right and now the pawn is a real problem pawn's one score away from queening which means black is either gonna win this game or that pawn is gonna fall and and white is gonna lose all right that pawn is nowhere near falling right now and look at this tactics begin spinning you get the pawn but you you're gonna lose some material in the process which is your rook you get the knight but you lose the rook now stockfish might be able to defend this with white because pawns are all on the same side and if all the pawns get traded this is probably a drawn end game the problem is black is not in the business of trading any pawns black is going to continue to try to hammer away at white's position and continue to bother him with the rook and anisha is just defending here he's doing his best doing his best but we're already in the 60th move so time pressure is is there uh the engine thinks though that this is holdable for white it doesn't see a way in necessarily for black but this is probably the way in getting an exchange and after the exchange is done the transformation of the position leaves black with this pawn and potentially this liability for white prague is going to do his very best he gets that pawn for that pawn but rook g5 comes in and that's it once you lose g2 you're gonna lose this pawn as well this is a losing end game because the king is unable to get back and defend he's just actually cut off laterally uh and so h3 happens rook rook b2 happens and that's it this and this are both not preventable and then hijiri goes down and the crazy thing is prague is now perfect he has won both matchups in rapid he's won 15 000 i'm pretty sure uh if you lose in rapid i think you get nothing so anish actually has zero points which is kind of nuts uh in the first two rounds now admittedly he played against magnus okay losing against magnus is a sort of like you know it's like unfortunately it's just kind of like all right well what are you gonna do but he goes down to prague we're gonna have to see a niche bounce back he's had a rough couple of uh opening rounds and listen i cheer for a niche uh i like anish so i want him to do well um but yeah prague is on a perfect two out of two uh the next matchup which was very interesting was this one this actually went to the blitz this is the final blitz game they traded blows in the opening rounds both of them won in the rapid games with black this was the final blitz game it's a uh it's a neo catalan to start and black plays d4 so white cannot play d4 himself now white is going to try to play like this and black is going to try to play c5 knight c6 e5 and so on all right let's see okay or not not yet but at some point you do have to start playing with your pawns okay so looks like this move might be delayed but seems like that could be a potential plan oh my goodness dude is not letting him get anything i mean all right here comes a3 and knight goes back to c2 but it's very difficult to move here right knight e4 but the bishop moves out of the way all right all right f5 you're still not letting him play b4 now black is the one calling the shots levon's like i'm not so sure wait a minute you sure you're calling the shots do you feel in control like bane said and dark knight rises all right this bishop is now cut off if you try to play the move b6 in this position here's what i'm gonna do i might play b5 c6 your bishop is now mummified right so he plays bishop e6 we have a trade a lot of pawns fall off the board but level's a pawn up and he just defends against dude's aggressions here that pawn can fall yes but here's the problem look around the board what is the worst piece in the position if you said this bishop you are correct and here's the problem i'm not sure how that bishop is ever getting into the game because for it to get into the game it has to move the knight has to move and the pawn has to come up by the time that happens white is going to do a lot of damage because this pawn might fall you might trade off one of the active rooks you might get in with your own rook so how is this going to happen alright rook a1 now you can't even move the knight okay you play bishop b8 now where are you going right so b6 here comes knight e5 now here levon could have played b5 i actually don't exactly know why he didn't play this move uh maybe he liked something a little bit more about this approach so this approach creates the threat of knight to d7 and knight to g6 right black plays king h7 but now you you have knight c6 you also have c6 completely this bishop is just legitimately never getting out it's never getting out it's in jail forever um knight c6 and uh that's it i mean rook b8 one guy has a horse the other guy doesn't like if you just put two people side by side just two regular people and one of them has a horse next to him i think he's a cooler guy i think in life that guy's got the advantage right so right now you got two gentlemen very nice guys but one of them has a horse the other one doesn't have a horse and so uh my yeah my inclination is to give the advantage here to levon who just brings his king and uh he picks off one pawn he's gonna get the second pawn and this is just the winning end game because he literally just has a horse now rook and knight you should know rook and knight versus rook is a draw the pawns are the difference makers in this end game and it takes a little bit of time for him to consolidate but at the end of the day he will get the job done he will push push the black king back he will make progress as a unit forward because what black relies on here is repetition and uh yeah i mean it takes 70 something moves but progress has been made uh the final pawn for black will fall and this is why deuter resigns because everything here is defended this will collapse rook and knight versus rook is a draw but rook knight and pawn yeah that's not a draw because the pawn is always threatening to become a queen so levon wins in the blitz and now uh levon yesterday beat liam so now levon has five points out of six dude yesterday beat hans neiman but today he loses to levon in the blitz so he gets one point for his efforts uh and uh the next matchup i have for you is this matchup between ferruga and liam both lost in the rapid portion yesterday this is their third game of rapid and it begins with this line in the semitash that's extremely popular if you followed my recaps at all in the past few months you know that cd5 cd4 is just unbelievably popular and there's a variation here where white can play bishop g5 or blow everything up with e4 uh and in this game you do have this e4 move now you have pawn takes a queen trade knight g5 this defends against the fork and instead of taking back the pawn and e4 white will do this and damage black's pawn structure then play various developing moves and try to claim an advantage well that doesn't quite happen in this game there is no advantage there is knight e4 and we have an exchange right now what if i told you okay that from this position where white is 0.5 all right a little slight slightly better position um the game ends it's it's a 30 move game this is move 15. both sides have now made 15 moves so from this point forward to the end we're already at the halfway mark but how's that possible it's totally equal how did one guy lose this position that fast we gotta find out so white plays king e2 which is a natural move because you know you want to you want to bring you want to bring the rook now the rook is coming no matter what you can play king d1 and prevent it but then your rook is going to be stuck on this your king's gonna be stuck in the center that's not what you want you're not really worried either about losing this pawn because rook v8 so you should know that the b-pawn for both players is generally considered a poison pawn uh because it can activate the forces of of the enemy very very quickly and in a very unpleasant manner right so uh yeah that uh that's that's not something that that either side really looks forward to uh so instead of that we have king e2 and we see the rogues now the pawn does fall there is no rook b8 but black plays this and farouza is up upon for his efforts right he's up a point now okay this position is slightly better for black despite being down one pawn now think about that a pawn is one point but it's minus one for black so it's actually a two-point turnaround it means that white's position is very difficult it's very difficult because he has not gotten his development correct and as you can see he's being swarmed by rooks and potentially being swarmed by knights in a moment so a4 here comes the knight here comes the second knight i mean this just looks like bad news very tough to defend the position here now one pawn has been won back and even though you trade one of the knights it's just replaced so really nothing has changed here the knight is still there and white is still desperately searching for a way of defense but every chest position looks good until there's like a breaking point right so knight b2 is a fork but here comes this move you can't move the knight right you can't take because i would go here and your knight is actually trapped so where is the where's the knockout looks like black can't move right e5 okay and well here's the knockout it's actually incredibly difficult here to make a move the knockout is that this position is totally brutal like let's say white plays b4 okay black will play e4 let's see white plays b5 to try to play b6 black will play e3 what how is he gonna just king takes yeah then i'm gonna take the rook with check that's the problem the problem is that back then you were going to take the rogue but the move e3 just wins the game for black because white is completely paralyzed like let's say you play king e1 to try to get out of the way well then i'm going to check you and win your rook the problem is that it's a it's a state of paralysis but black has the domino that will tip over the whole position and so liam all of a sudden has to just go running and here's another example where one guy has a horse and the other guy doesn't so that makes that guy cool and this one doesn't even go deep into the end game liam just resigns a super convincing win for ferugia in 30 moves with black from a relatively innocuous opening uh and he won the fourth game as well so faruja bounces back yesterday from the defeat to pragmata liam still owe for two so he has the same score uh as a niche but ferocious on the board with a win in the rapid portion and those are our first three matches now this was a fun match um and if you just decided to skip ahead here as always in these recaps that feature magnus playing yesterday magnus was victorious against the nishigiri uh yesterday hans demon was not successful against young shisht of duda and he had this kind of dramatic moment where uh duda's laptop lost battery and uh of course the only the organizers can uh can be to blame for that uh but uh well today today is a fun matchup yeah so without further ado we have a rosso limo so normally magnus is on the black side of a rossolimo uh and in this game plays a little bit of a sideline in the sense that he delays this capture for a very long time the knight goes back attacking the bishop now the bishop takes and white is uh yeah this is like some super look at this there's a super exotic way of playing the position black can take but then he gets hit with this check and uh this is just not what you want you don't want all these dark squared liabilities so instead you literally just ignore the crazy person just ignore the crazy you know the knights of the screaming jump so it goes back and now black's like well you can't castle white's like you can't castle black's like whoever said i needed to castle i don't need the castle night here we have a trade queen d5 and now hans is like alright you can push my queen back that's absolutely fine with me now it's my turn so i'm going to start pushing on the king side i'm going to get my king to safety king g8 king h7 my king is safe and yeah the attack is coming the attack is coming magnus rook d7 consolidating you can go ahead and see magnus tries to get out here and he trying you know he's trying to poke some prime create some problems here on potentially on the queen side right bring the rook into the game right he brings the rook here hans rotates his queen and suddenly it's becoming more and more unpleasant the fact that han stabilized the center was super important in this game because if you want to attack on one side of the board especially when you're on the same side like your king and their king is there um you want to stabilize the center if the center is stable it's very difficult for your opponent to create counter play or even conjure up defenses and watch as the moves just simply roll in naturally g4 alright bishop f5 magnus is trying to defend but it seems like every move that gets played is just further encroaching into the position and here comes the knockout blow even magnus carlsen himself is susceptible to being overwhelmed in a position especially when the other side is playing exceptionally well and bishop e4 sometimes there are too many problems to handle the rooks here bulldoze the defile so that square is completely not covered and that's it h3 is coming bishop f4 is coming bishop d3 is coming bishop g2 is coming queen takes rook is coming magnus plays a few more moves but unfortunately the attack is too overwhelming the position crashes and burns and hans neiman beats magnus carlsen with the black pieces in 40 moves 42 to be exact what a win this is a beautiful win honestly i wouldn't even be shocked if this is one of the best games that hans has ever played and so hans stepped out and the interviewer you know they have this hallway interviewer gentleman uh i'm sure his title is much more significant than hallway interviewer but he says hans it was a terrible day for you yesterday how is it like to bounce back with this masterpiece and hans just literally looks at him and goes the chest speaks for itself and just walked off walked off into the distance and the poor interviewer still tried to ask him a question because he wasn't prepared for that he was like is it special to do this against magnus hans and then he like sticks out the microphone to the air that was weird that was you didn't have to do that because you once once like it was a split second thing you know you can watch the clip but uh hans like was leaving and he still asked the question i guess it was for like dramatic effect like wow he's like walking away and the question is being asked um okay so obviously magnus is not getting directly trash-talked here but my god i mean hans that's a statement chess speaks for itself i don't have to say anything i'm gonna go walk off into the distance well you beat magnus with black let's see you put him away now you have the white pieces hans the floor is yours your first win of the event is a dominant one with black over magnus here we go e4 magnus goes back to the trusty french defense he played this against the nishigiri with success we have a tarash we have this variation uh where black is this kind of pawn blob and hans plays e5 early on in this game to push back the bishop magnus begins fighting back on the queen side and we have this position where the light square bishop for black is very nice the dark squared bishop will have a purpose later on in the game uh and we kind of see that happening right away bishop takes and now bishop takes and bishop takes and queen c7 queen c7 is a fork so it attacks the bishop and there's a threat over here but obviously han's idea here was to take the knight now what's funny is that despite material being totally the same white has tactical problems here the tactical problems are the fact that this is hanging but believe it or not this is also under attack and what i mean by that is if you play the move rook b1 in this position this is under attack because queen h4 and oopsies that's kind of tragic and this now one is more significant than the other so you would have to lose this and run with the king but there's tactical problems here and magnus immediately capitalizes on that and goes up upon now if everything gets traded and just the bishops are left this is a draw in opposite color bishop n games it does not matter if you're up one pawn it just doesn't matter because the bishop would sacrifice itself for the pawn opposite-colored bishops you need more than that you need at least a maybe two pawn advantage or you need a way that you have more than one pawn remaining on the board or you just don't trade everything right and magnus in this game consolidated his position traded one rook and proceeded to just ask questions he traded queens and he got to a rook and bishop end game like i just said white has to defend here black does not want a rook trade all right notice look at this beautiful idea anchoring the rook in to target the f-pawn you cannot take because rook f2 would be a devastating damage to the pawn structure so we have this and white is defending ultra passively here allowing magnus to effortlessly expand his position right this very nice idea to play g4 and just quickly anchor in the rook uh was probably overlooked by hans uh also in this game i think magnus played every move within like five seconds like magnus legitimately got mad i mean i'm about mad he just probably wanted to bounce back i mean he just it was all magnus he won multiple pawns he left pieces just stranded on the edges of the board like barely coordinating and uh yeah this is sort of probably what happens when max gets pissed off i'm not gonna lie like i mean he just he just played the game just effortlessly now i would also imagine like this happens to me i would not dare compare myself to hans neiman and chess quality obviously leaps and bounds beyond me but sometimes in chess you ever feel this way you win a game and you're like super hype you're like and the next game you play is like a disaster this sometimes happened to me in the i am not a gm speed chest championship like i would win a very intense game and you know very emotionally training and the next game would just be a complete pandemonium so all right he loses but it's still 1-1 right so in this game magnus says i'm gonna play a3 i'll play three this is so rude because magnus is like alright you know what i respect his opening repertoire so i'm gonna play a3 and now we're in a queen's gambit london but white has played a3 which could be a useful tempo the opening gets super weird here so we have like a weird queen's gambit f3 and folks don't play like this i know magnus carlsen is doing it he's the greatest player of all time don't play like this you play like this you're gonna lose in 10 moves magnus plays like this he's gonna i mean look look at what what like is magnus trying to create a little dragon here like a little origami dragon here what is this but sometimes he you know somehow he gets away with it knight f4 actually here stockfish really wanted hans to take this it wanted him to preserve this bishop and pressure this pawn uh it actually really liked this position for black but hans decided to give away that bishop which also makes sense because he's going to open up this and now magnus walked his king to g2 mind you he has played every move in like five seconds i mean he made a very diligent effort to i think tilt his opponent and play very fast which kind of go hand in hand like yeah black is minus 0.7 but how how is black minus 0.7 what you want him to play g5 g4 that's what the engine wants the engine actually doesn't even want g4 you know what the engine wants on on the next move after g5 i'm not even joking the engine one's king f8 i mean you can't play moves like that nobody plays moves like that hans castles and then ends up playing e5 which seems like it makes sense and the sides clash in the middle here and this looks like you know that's it the d4 pawn is going to get picked up it looks like you know hans has a very convincing position here knight d5 queen d4 a trade rook b1 and you know we have a minus one situation right rook fd8 bishop d3 pressure is still being applied han's making all the right moves and yet all of a sudden magnus is back in the game hans did not capitalize the way that he should have apparently we have a couple of exchanges and now magnus has the bishop pair and a massive time advantage and now he goes to b7 all right and now he picks up a pawn and somehow from the depths of just the absolute nonsense of the position that was built magnus has a one one one point advantage he just goes back to a6 now it's just an end game you're no longer playing magnus in an obscure opening structure you're playing the guy in an end game we have two rooks and a minor pair piece uh minor pair minor piece pair each bishop fair versus bishop knight and magnus has a pawn up he's keeping his king more or less safe he has a queen side majority he's not letting huns get the counter play on the king side the king is safe bouncing around through these checks all right rookie one look at this look at this i mean it's just the pressure is building and building and building rookie four he's gonna try to trade the rooks all right you give me a couple checks sacrifices the rook because if this there is a fork first of all i'm gonna take that and then fork you uh and if you take it with the uh with like this then obviously i have bishop before and uh magnus just trades off some pieces and he has like i said the two on one on the queen side continues to bully the king to come forward and uh i think here he had king g3 which also won on the spot it put black and tukswang which is a very interesting uh position there but he just pushes his a pawn all the way and i mean he he makes it look so easy right he just makes it look so easy trades off the rooks the knight is stuck protecting the pawn from advancing the bishop goes over there picks up a couple of pawns actually doesn't even pick up the second pawn that just promotes magnus just won two games i think magnus spent like five minutes of clock time on two games something completely ridiculous so it's now two one the chess spoke for itself in the first game but my god is it speaking for itself in these next it's just with you don't want to play angry magnus you want to play magnus that's relaxed that doesn't expect anything you know he's just that seems to be the one that that you have the best chance of defeating all right hans has one final game all right he's got white he can bounce back he can force uh he can force a playoff he plays a classical quiet system against the appears defense uh magnus plays this e6 thing he's been playing this a lot i've never seen this move i have to tell you i've never seen this move um it seems also insanely counterintuitive but again if you see a 1200 play this move you laugh at the 1200 and call them an idiot if you see magnus carlsen playing e6 you go oh i wonder what the idea behind that move could be like shut up bro straight up all right you nobody knows what the idea behind this move is all right when magnus plays move only he knows the idea obviously i'm exaggerating the stockfish probably knows the idea other top players know the idea but like really nobody knows what's the idea of e6 why would you block your own bishop no because you're gonna develop it that way okay hans plays e5 we have a trade a queen trade and then here's something funny happens hans plays the move knight b5 attacking the pawn on c7 now there are two ways of defending this move pinning the knight to the bishop so that this move comes with this and you're just losing a piece here uh and this doesn't quite work because black would get too much material or after knight b5 playing the move knight a6 now knight a6 is very bad because after just a simple developing move black is paralyzed very difficult if you go c6 the knight gets in here losing position magnus chooses bishop a6 which is the better of the two but it turns out there's a move here that's just almost winning for black not winning but it completely it's just it's just a6 you can let him take and the nike strapped so a6 uh kicks the knight just back out to where it came from and black just immediately takes over the initiative and wins this pawn um now hans apparently told magnus after the game about a6 magdalens didn't see it magnus played here and magnus was like wow that's kind of embarrassing that i me that i missed that move it's just such a funny move because you think you have to stop the threat you think right so bishop a6 played and now magnus has to play a little bit of ugly passive defense hans here plays a very interesting idea look at this he sacrifices his knight but plays this very nice rook a7 move if you take the rook then this pawn is a problem it's gonna either take if you move out of the way then this is going to hang so that's not any good so magnus has to give up the light squared bishop and then this pawn uh but here's the problem hans is in a very difficult position here he has an exchange down and he he's trying to create winning chances for himself because he has to win the game like a draw doesn't mean anything here for him and he you know he tries his best but magnus plays cool common collected defense here bishop c5 all his pieces are nice and powerful and um hans continues to come forward but unfortunately the position is just running out of steam nice move here to deflect the bishop off the f2 pawn it tries to stay back but if you don't lose the f2 pawn you're gonna lose the b3 pawn and it takes 31 moves but magnus gets the job done a convincing 3-0 comeback after losing that first game i i still think that first game was probably the best game that like hans i mean maybe hans would disagree with anne's played a lot of interesting games hans was a robot that game just the terminator and then in these other three games magnus was like yo i got you i'ma show you how it's done yeah um so hans liam and um hans liam and anish all haven't scored in their first two rounds we're gonna see them try to bounce back in rounds three and onward obviously cheering for them uh and uh we have two guys up top magnus and prague six out of six levon with five out of six after winning in the blitz against duda hopefully you're enjoying the recaps and uh don't trash talk magnus carlsen i'll see you then i'll see you for round number three get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 283,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, ftx crypto cup, ftx crypto cup 2022, meltwater, meltwater chess tour, meltwater champions tour, chess tour, champions tour, champions chess tour, meltwater champions chess tour, ftx crypto cup miami, crypto cup, crypto cup miami, crypto cup 2022, chess crypto cup, crypto cup chess, ftx crypto cup chess, miami chess
Id: yE2bp8kv1k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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