SECRET BOSS | Deltarune Chapter 2

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what's up guys and welcome back to delta rune chapter two we are inside the queen's mansion and i think this is where it's really gonna begin so we're gonna continue east and we're gonna explore broad are you are you the mona lisa queen oh we can't interact with it wait is this crazy what i'm sorry oh i want to sprint who can blame you for wanting to see my glorious mansion you won't want to take your eyes off this beautiful art we're not here to look at your stupid pictures oh it was not a recommendation i was just warning you can you stop what no i'm so sorry susie and ralph said come on quick okay holy crap dude i only just started i'm not ready for this so do you have to um hmm should i go right like this is like a crazy one look at the oh this one has to be deactivated this one is permanent so we have to like hit a switch or something can i go to it once i can okay and you this might be good this might already be the switch but i want to check okay now that we got a chest a revivement to add it to the storage thank you very much any secret here no are you doing the are you doing the little hand thing are you serious are you try are you what is the queen just memeing on me again i mean i shouldn't be surprised at this point but i think i think she is susie has two has to tank it thank you susie and then we should be able to go here yeah yeah okay a nice nice mustache though oh no is this a pop-up no now i know you are all loving my mansion but we have a few rules around here you have to follow wanna wipe your shoes two have fun three respect the pottery four have fun list entry duplication error okay can i can i get the can i get the i'm so sorry no the swatch links i thought you were gonna be cool all the time okay swatchling wait swatch us watch is the the boss and swatchling are the little little little little servants check i guess and you can for now you can just defend let's see what they do outfits are color core so we need to make them both red or blue young masters welcome prepared several attack patterns for your enjoyment what are you doing are you dive bombing me okay that's kind of tough that's a lot to to focus on flex their banks while bending over to inspect the teacup so we need to honestly i want to warmify this one can you do rather okay you can half warm and what do you do have cold no you just i guess you could heal prayer for now um you need it the most warmth of a loving embrace ah now it's yellow susie mentions lava now it's orange that's kind of cool and hilo prayer is pretty good welcome young masters yeah beware of the the the warm hot birds flex their backs once again so what do we do now we have to you you have to warm a fire then i guess you can also have form and then definitely you use spare oh by the way do we have to spare both so maybe susie can already spare one and then you spare the other one [Music] a bunch of money pottery not respected i apologize i i wonder if that was like optional ah oh okay wait oh wait wait no no [Music] holy crap i mean i don't mind this i think this is a really cool little little because i want to recruit them anyway and the fight is kind of cool we're just gonna warm a fight or should we codify everybody no it would be make much more sense to warm if i only won then you have to also have warm i guess it doesn't matter though because we're gonna warm up twice with chris anyway so i think you can just defend you can just defend summer sun shining on a beach ball okay welcome welcome please enjoy them under your convenience now we got like the triple though whoa whoa oh the birds come out of the food thing wipe at the face of their chain pocket what which is digital now you need to warmify and then i think you can already spare actually yeah let's just spare in advance hopefully it's gonna work yeah one two do they dab what is that complimentary complimentary shock wave well it looks like they they're dabbing away wait i gotta i gotta focus on this uh let's defend defend and then you can spare yeah like they dab or they bow i think that's more like a bow can i get more look i'm so look i'm sorry but after everything you kind of deserve it queen this is like just give me the moment to let out all my anger for all the memes this is for every single meme this is for the banana this is this is for whatever else you said this is for the mobile games oh my god any more any more pots and vases for me to to to wreck maybe not maybe we already defeated all of them oh wait oh suzy suzy susie how dare you i would never do okay fine okay or else say oh i'm sorry or else say are there people we just are you just susie gone suzy is just going at it man okay zuzia okay don't susie suzy's out of control or i'll say quick quick quick quick one task four tasks the painting is labeled task [Music] tasker okay task task queue kimberly oh are you the are you the the the boss of all the tasks just in time for your appointment you look really cool would you assist in organizing the paintings okay how refined the first question pass timberly timberly is the last task i i don't know dude left how refined lucky next question third alphabetically has to be like not right right because this this was timberly so it's a 50 50 i think [Music] incorrect no task manager oh my god dude okay that's pretty nice this is a super cool design though like this this might be the best designed enemy so far task manager that's really cool order let's try everyone oh sure you order she obliges chaos chaos order order get rid of the devil's knife are you like a little devil you say order order you have a little bit of voice acting interesting character so i think we should get rid of the tasks first soft voice and then we might be able to spear yeah there there it's like a little kitty winky clothing and plus 35 whip into shape [Music] that was nice it smells like it's like um we can do this susie can you s-action the task manager and then or else say it you healing oh wait you can't heal we have we don't have anything okay you just defend actually uh maybe susie should defend and then ralph's uh uh uh there we go and then or else they can our action whatever that's gonna do fill in line a little bit of percentage and spear building one tendencies oh wow okay so what i'm gonna do though i guess that's one way just check at the end i don't remember if we checked i don't think so and then ralph stick and spare obsessed with order abhors chaos whip it good and there we go recruits and a ton of money oh man i wonder what painting is empty all of them are empty and timberly and everybody i wonder what would have happened if we got it right i don't think you could i don't think you can skip the battle because that would actually be kind of like a detriment that was a cool battle warning warning or this again okay this makes no sense why do you have bro what is this 2f we can actually go here um oh okay we're almost dead can i get a save you are here welcome to the 2f dinner party section hey help yourself to anybody's food you are here do you have a wig i'm the hacker nobody figured it out yet but it's me there's an east treasures hallway leading to basement on one of an east treasures hallway come down there i'll help you crack the code so go east on so this is 2f okay what is this oh there's a little cursor this guy keeps telling everyone the party is a hacker don't know what to do with this information oh you're happy yes yes queen's right send air reports and error report a little check mark couldn't agree more it's an error report you're a little mousy with a wig bro there's little nubert mouse a million leagues and inches above all the other mice only new bird remains above me and can we get the wig newbert's moving up in the world oh okay i'm just checking save points um i see it i see it this one [Music] come on dude where the heck okay i think this is just gonna continue on which means if there's no save immediately yeah we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna save this for later at least we got the kia we were still chilling the mouse everyone here the happy people [Music] can we just go down again [Music] okay okay that would be so hard if you had to dodge here but no only only on the way up and now i'm just not sure i don't think i need to heal wait wait wait i don't is this the same thing it is oh can i go here no okay so we saved it what is this bro please stop your running legs my dudes oh no no nice what is happening man it makes no sense hacker who became lost in the craftsmanship lost in the craftsmanship hacker there's the there's a treasure you know what hacker i don't trust this i'm just gonna use a rule or maybe the final one i don't even know just to be safe can i get this chainmail which is empty there's a little desk it's glowing doesn't do anything okay one second hacker um probably maybe for susie send it to 10 others it's a chain mail oh it's a chain mail i didn't even notice that okay um what do you have right now the glow wrist and the royal pin i guess you can i mean susie actually yeah sure you can get the chain mail because chris has the pink ribbon in the mannequin which are is very special i think the chainmail is better globalist and then you i think that's fine i could give you the freight no no we don't need attack okay i think that's fine i think that's fine oh come on what's happening [Music] hmm i'm the hacker i got the feeling there's a secret backdoor in this room but where could it be here a secret switch you heard something opening oh oh a hacker i i found it hacker switch wait what can i get this keyjen [Music] the basement but what is the other okay this is interesting are we are we finding the the secret that makes sense why there was such an okay we can save we didn't have to heal i'm gonna save real quick the legs again hell yeah let's save the best part of the game hello queen statue i guess or mettaton who knows and this is just okay does it reset okay that's pretty cool because why not so we got the kitchen now we got the basement i'm a little afraid you want us to stay here sure whatever me and ralph sale have fun without you chris really we got everything the mannequin maybe it's gonna help us okay by the way i i saw this as well moss finder now level two basic mass finding abilities because of the the secret and we're gonna take the long scary walk oh um okay this is we're all alone now and we don't have any message here so what is this [Music] queen's mansion basement should i get something maybe just to be like here we have the round side here i can't i guess we can go for [Music] maybe the dark candy some kind of force field okay ah okay okay nothing where can i collect the little are those like flies hmm holy crap okay jump scare is this jump scare central oh one dark dollar money oh thank you this is nothing but this one probably can't be opened again okay just run so just always run there's going to be a switch here no there's not oh now i'm scared and i want to go back horror game when you go back something happens no just try to interact with what i'll go even further below yo what did the queen built here maybe this is like another dungeon like an extra dungeon to seal away the the most awful of characters the suspense is growing um switch yep okay and now all the way back down nothing happened now we can go all the way is it going to be fast or is there a suspense no it's going to be oh it's going fast my brain is not that smart i'm dead i'm straight up dead whoa first real game over [Music] it's a new version of darkness falls i think i really like this theme but we're gonna continue hell yeah we're here which means we probably have to go all the way yeah yeah so hmm it's gonna be tough but now at least oh is it is it faster now i do like that you know about these skates like a toby fox games i guess if you do something the second time it's it's like after failing or reloading it's still faster okay do we have full hp we don't but i'm gonna try because now i'm ready so you have to use the 3 d just move with it quickly no okay quick quick quick move all kinds of quick go spiral dna that was bad i think we did it dude i'm so close to death chris holy crap good job really good job what do we even do the force field and now this might be a trick i'm just gonna run okay okay it doesn't get any harder apparently was there a safe point here i think so yeah i'm gonna save i have full hp okay force field's gone what do we get here more puzzles a railway might might be dangerous might be some dodging again there's nothing here apparently okay i assume there's going to be like no nothing interesting nothing interesting nothing interesting nothing interesting is this always the same noah there has to be something interesting right come on oh okay something shining inside the old machine is this like super saiyan mettaton or something take it yeah empty disk was added to the key items star walker egg they did this from a strange machine didn't someone want this i don't remember i guess was was it was it uh however uh uh spam spamton spamton oh that's it i guess we're done now we can just bring it back okay oh yeah yeah so this was this wasn't too too big of an area if we're already here again go up the stairs go all the way back and then we're gonna see the friends again right no please i don't excuse you suzy come on that's that's really rude come on sushi give me my glasses back look at me i'm a big dude that loves homework [Music] bro i'm dead holy crap why are way why are your eyes like the most beautiful thing in the game so far holy crap look at this look at this oh my god reality what's up it's so cool come on you're fine take them back thank you oh you're right look you never see the eyes in this in the the portrait here oh man that would be really cool if the eyes were drawn like that the entire time chris is everything okay yeah whatever let's go uh-oh around say fluffy boy cuteness up the glasses are cool but it would be even cooler if like with the glasses the eyes were like fully drawn that was really nice but okay i think we're done that was the switch and should we like now i don't know what to focus on i mean we should probably right go back because if this is the if this is like chapter one the finale [Music] um we also got some of the some of the queen here some queens mansion but let's go to the trash door trashy yeah yeah i'm trashy okay i hope you're having a great life i'm probably gonna regret everything very soon if i have to talk to this this crazy person again you're gonna not come with me hey everybody it's me spanton g spam run away we don't need that we have a lot of chromer talking i think we've got all of that this is still the creepiest thing though this this right here dude like you see a few glitches in the thing can anyone hear me out didn't hear anything and this is isn't this burger pants like like i i i noticed this while i was editing the video isn't this burger pants kind of like spent kind of like burger pants but here here you go give the disc my friend chris you funky little worm you bought me the disc brought me the disc hoochie mama i can feel that smooth taste already now chris don't be greedy hand over that disc then we will transfer my hyperlink block and chris after this is very very interesting important [Music] go back and put the disk back where you got it do that and you have my special guarantee i will pass my savings on to you every big every shot every hyperlink blocked all yours chris what do you say big shot if you consent to the terms agreements our store is permanently closing down [Music] do i need anything i did i buy the tea or the juice whatever you can buy maybe but i think everything is a scam here anyway so let's transfer finally i knew you would request accepted chris here i go begin transfer [Music] oh [Music] hmm that dude it's very creepy i kind of like it though i guess that's it so now we have to go all the way back we're gonna save what is interesting is we don't have anyone here i feel so and i feel a little afraid without my my friends though can i really trust spam than g spamton are you are you now gonna send trains at me like i thought this was going to be a mini game where you have to dodge but apparently not okay you there oh no this one start for a disc here insert the loaded disc uh yes put the disc into the broken down mechanism hmm nothing happened really you shook the mechanism you hid it oh you kicked it nothing happened hmm i'm gonna go and it's gonna not do anything i don't trust this at all maybe now the trains are gonna happen or something no no trains was that it no yeah of course what up yo are you the devil [Music] hello holy kangadero do i feel good here i am chris are you you are a puppet on strings this time big big bigger and better than ever hahaha this power is freedom you won't have to be just a puppet anymore i mean i think i literally made you a puppet or so i thought exactly what are these strings why am i not big enough it's still dark so dark darker darker yet darker i don't know oh and we're all alone no i need help chris chris chris chris that's right chris will crisscross applesauce that's right you i need you to be big with me do you need my soul very very big so big we'll stand up tall and see past the dark i remember enlarge and stuff like that stand up with our heads in the clouds and look into oh heaven are you god yeah i just need a little heart so yeah you have [Music] susie yeah susie and ralph say of course chris the hell was that weirdo chris we were worried about you so chris you have friends why don't you tell them about my three for one speckle today the whole family can take a little ride around town i knew it wait what avenging customers you're ralphy with the with the expression clean up on aisle three someone left their souls lying around is this a minigame or what what i'm fighting what is this chris was that a big shot just now really all of that just for the pun oh no wow i'm so proud of you i could killed you what heaven are you watching it's time to make a very speckled deal [Music] it's time to be a big shot this is like burnley the burnley fight holy crap spamton neo you are metathon snap snap snap i mean i mean i mean we're gonna check [Music] yo is this look there's little spantons in the background is this turn up the music then oh it's this again big shot picture or something let's check super charge charge faster fluffy guard oh is this new orbiting shield we're just gonna defend for now you won't find your attack and defense anywhere else the smooth taste of neo [Music] yeah yeah it's like a remix i think of the previous theme we heard wake up and taste the pain isn't this body just heavenly you do you really sound like marathon in many ways i don't know three times the firepower two times the water power and flying heads it is this is so reminiscent of the metaphor fight holding a release c to fire a big shot all right right i guess we can snap wall okay snap the we'll turn those shmoes and daves into rows and engraves those cathode screens into cathode screens [Music] [Music] nice so you always want to charge up spamton turns to the audience and laughs no please no no never again okay do we need to heal i don't think so let's just let's try snap supercharge charge what faster let me just check and then you can zoom specific it's only plus two oh last 20 shots that's really cool susie chris don't worry don't you want to be part of my beautiful heart or do you need a little special speckled tour oh destroy that thing luke can i get the thing out of my face you're sicko spanton appeals to the audience with a festive jig your music's kinda cool though it's epic but really nice i guess snap all is like eight or seven so it's always more than individual snaps all you gotta do is big then we'll be the ones making the calls chris chris coco are you serious [Music] it's for you what get out of here oh what oh i have to have to get rid of them before they attack me spamming begs to the audience praise to the audience i'm sorry i don't know what you want i think it's about time though let's snap snap and then you can fluffy guard i mean that's pretty cool but i think he'll prayer for now good job you two and then ralph say very nice calling chris my heart my hands oh my jesus christ dude this is like straight out of a horror movie there is no audience no i'm here hello do you need help everyone snapped wires can you really look in my eyes and say no you got glasses look at my eyes my nose my mouth okay wow okay okay this is a someone didn't know if this is a this was a mess you wanna rotten glass how how how fast how far are we 32 still a lot to go but i think we can just keep going snap off can't stand it i think we're gonna have a heart attack are you gonna have to hack my heart oh attack your heart [Music] down grousey no ralph said you turned into a scarf i'm so sorry [Music] okay they are crackled with freedom [Music] first a revive min and then you susie can use a club sandwich yes oh actually that's still worth it i think there we go i'll even give you free value buy now i'll throw in 50 bullets for free oh perfect okay that's what you want to do this is really tough dude this is a mess i don't know what is better charge up or just spam begs the audience stopping the furniture out of his room what snap off chris if you give me that soul i will give you everything i am i will give you three easy payments of 9.99 no i don't even know what i'm doing here dude i don't even know why we're fighting i guess because you want my soul for whatever reason you are [Music] straight back to undertale no one else wants our soul right in in delta rune so this is like straight similar back to to today to undertale um do we need to heal i guess we could smell i wish ralph say had like a susie i don't know if the ultimate healer i feel like that's a that's uh that's uh that's still a joke right so maybe snap and then you can just fluffy guard let's try fluffy guard just to see what happens defended you don't you want to be big shot oh look at this okay this is tough okay this is real tough thank god for the fluffy guard i think stage lines are shattered 53 we're only halfway done i think we gotta defend defend and then maybe heal prayer susie needs it the most help your old pal spam chris think what are my my eggs are you the are you the man behind the tree the eggs gonna do okay i think here you just spam [Music] dude i i i know this that little melody is from undertale dummy theme right it has to be him i think that little part is from the dummy or naps the blue theme spamton feels a sweet breeze as he takes a ride around town i think it's that team at least wait let me think a little bit i i think so i think so but i might be wrong we're going to defend again [Music] yeah listen it is it's definitely it's interesting man isn't that your fight is isn't that a character is interesting or else you're going to hear yourself 66 chris if you refuse that's your choice i cannot force you i can only kill you 50 faster than similar products or no money back okay damn it don't don't don't charge up here okay stage guys are shattered same same strategy perfect actually we need that much heel prayer on chris i think this is really relaxing is so op if you use a few turns to just survive even if you free value yeah yeah 50 bullets [Music] nice that was good and i think we can finally snap on again clown no i feel sick jabo [Music] hmm i think now we destroyed all of the face parts smells like rotten glass i'm gonna i'm gonna snap snap and then url say your prayer susan she needs it amazing are you talking about friends you don't need friends chris i can make my hands into phones this again yep okay i don't think you want to charge here [Music] oh down again okay this one is really tough air crackles with freedom [Music] ultimate feel for the rousey do i need to use another revivement i think so is there a way to to to to buy revivements i'm gonna try okay don't you want to help your opal [Music] no no no no no no no no no damn it if they reach your side it's over i think i think spamming is the way to go here actually maybe not okay we need to we need to snap this part again uh heal prayer on chris [Music] okay but chris if you refuse it's your choice i cannot force you i can only kill you okay this again don't don't spam oh don't spam here don't charge up otherwise you're gonna hit the bombs [Music] nice um are we done it's almost almost i guess it's impossible because it's always even numbers or maybe not maybe it's not uh but snap all suzy is a little bit dangerous though i think it's worth it though take the deal take it you're hard on the chain your whole life [Music] nice plus three percent okay now we have to do it though we have to snap snap and then url say heel prayer zuzu needs it awesome where did you wanna be did you wanna be a phone what it's for me oh what oh get rekt wait what oh we're so close maybe let's do snap all let's be a little risky chris i won't force you i can't force you but just look chris look at the power of neo ask yourself well don't you don't you want to be a big shot okay oh my bro [Music] stop sure maybe i want to be a big shot i also want the money are you gonna shoot whoa i think i have to keep fighting i think we got through it pulls the string makes the ring i think we're done ninety four percent holy crap snap all [Music] plus six bro that's that's the melody of meredith this is so cool all of the songs is all of the melodies of different songs and then it's the dummy theme i think and we're done wait stop where is the presses my wires they're almost gone chris you're gifting me my freedom chris after everything i did to you after all the unforgettable deals free gromer i gave you you're finally repaying my generatory city chris i understand now the greatest deal of all friendship no really what's this music my days is a long nose stall or over cut the wire and make me a real boy are you watching heaven it's time for spam tons comeback special this time i live for myself no myself and my friends here i go watch me fly mama oh are you gonna explode or are you actually good oh it seems after all after all i couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet but you three you're strong with a power like that maybe you three can break your own strings let me become your strength are you oh [Music] shadow crystal shadow crystal so i gotta say this now remember in the second episode i said i went back on a different save file where i beat jevel and and the game actually told you like the shadow crystals are what would represent like something and you collect like you collect shadow crystals by defeating bosses and javel was the first i guess neo here was the second deal maker what do you have to say to this you two nothing you just you're just terrified i understand shadow crystal collect it too sharp shadow moves like water in the hand oh hold it up to your eye for some strange reason a brief moment you thought you saw the computer lab is this like a gateway to the real world it must have just been your imagination star walker no egg hmm like come on like you can how many things are you gonna put in this game the crystals the egg the the all of the all of the references very strange we don't have anything here right we used up so much of our stuff the dog dollar should i should i sell the dog dollar by the way still not sure i kind of want to save it because it's a cool thing the deal maker so is this going to be the same as jevel pacifist is you get the armor and uh genocide is you get like something like the devil's knife oh greatly increase the dollars gained and pink and yellow glasses okay i mean i kinda want it question chain mail i kind of wanted to give it to chris i guess the the mannequin really is useless so i think i'm gonna because the pink ribbon is really cool with the increases tension uh that increases the range i think i'm gonna get the deal maker that's pretty cool plus plus 30 dollars now we got the pink ribbon and the devil's knife now we got the two shadow like like equipment pieces that was really cool man by the way yeah oh mars enjoyer who supports those that find moss and dark prince has friends now hell yeah i'm still moss finder what about the shadow crystal finder um wait where are we this is like a new area ah that's where okay it's like a shortcut again okay now i got to think though of course what i want to do because you know returning around that i mean storage i guess i can take at least one thing what i should do is i get rid of the dark dollar temporarily and maybe go for i don't even really have anything maybe the cd bagel now we have two of them but now i gotta think because save i want to save here right for now because you know i might want to go back at some point but okay that was really cool man that was a really cool little fight for sure oh hey so are we seriously not gonna talk about any of that thank you that was goddamn weird puppet strings hands the hell does any of that mean and the way he just broke i don't think it meant anything susie seems like it was just a corrupted program really ralph saying turn into our ally so let's just accept it ralsi why are you floating chris you've got goosebumps you okay i mean i think so i'm a little confused why rousey is just asserting dominance over us but i think so if you say it all strained like that i'm not gonna think you're okay hey elsa you think chris is okay well they seem a bit shocked but chris doesn't want us to worry so let's not push them for now chris i'll make some cake for you later okay dude i'm sorry like ralph says cute fluffy but so sus right all the chapter it could even make it chocolate flavored butter sauce dude you're getting more and more sauce by the second my friend butterscotch cinnamon whatever you want well their stomachs rumbling but the goosebumps aren't gone chris if you're cold you can share my scarf yes please huh or susie could what no wait what the hell if i'm giving you my jacket you make me cold i'm burning you knuckleheads for warmth suzy too late already imagining you guys as idiot scented candles i got chris smiling really let's go chris likes being called an idiot i'm not gonna again chris didn't like all of that oh and now the entire section is gone and now we're here oh what is this this shortcut i mean what i do wanna check of course we're gonna go to the trash zone but if i had to guess it's not gonna amount to anything bro wait you're the you're the advertisers he was like the rest of us just a little unlucky for some reason his products never seemed to hit the lightners never the lightners never even looked his way poor guy night after night when we all went to the same cyber grill he shoot his mouth about making it big someday big shot you just watch someday i'm gonna be a big shot he started to get a little desperate i heard he started looking for any way to become more popular and somehow me made the right phone call found someone or was he found by someone ultra gaster ink gas okay now they must have been helping him because suddenly he was on the phone all the time though there's many of you suddenly he got really good at his job the click started piling up what what did he do why did he deserve it we were all so jealous we stopped going out with him i mean wasn't he a big shot he didn't need us anymore did he even so he only got more and more successful he moved into a luxurious room in the queen's mansion started bragging about big tv deals big cars big commercials then things started to crack seems like whatever was helping him disappeared his sales dropped to zero everything came crashing down the day he was to be evicted from the queen's mansion went to his room to check on him but he wasn't there there was only a phone hanging off the handle he must have left in the middle of a conversation because i could still hear someone on the other hand on the other end but when i put the receiver to my ear bro there was nothing but a garbage noise like this this is going pla this is going there garbage noise [Music] this this has to be something dude nothing but garbage noise and now what i'm else gonna say spamton g spamton anyone remember a certain phone call in undertale the wrong number song can i speak to g spamton g spamton this is like the this is like a super big stretch right like this is the stretchiest stretch of them all but maybe this is kind of creepy man and why are you why don't you have faces now and this this little oh the music [Music] hmm [Music] mighty interesting i won't lie and you five people or six people even i i guess that's it i assume maybe there's more answers wait guys or or was it still the guy i don't know i guess i can check real quick you you got time like maybe i'm going crazy did the trashy say something else about guys or still about the guy yeah guys have gathered to the west muttering something about muttering something about deals okay trashy i like you but i guess we're gonna go back to the mansion but i think okay so so maybe no not as much story this time but we got like the super secret i assume looking at the legs hell yeah and now we got this at the queen's mansion basement now we can get this we're gonna have six boom six five forty and uh interesting like that's all i can say like i i threw out a few theories with the with the phone call and stuff no idea what else people are already like have already found out about this i'm still like you know still fresh right here no idea what's happening but that was cool cool boss fight but even more so interesting things that were like implied right here the queen will have to wait until next time then maybe we get we're probably gonna get some more memes and queen craziness now we got this i'm gonna you know i'm just gonna leave it here we got the queen's mansion entrance we're gonna i guess begin where we next time we're gonna begin where we ended but guys that was another episode another video of deltarune chapter two that was cool that entire ending madan there's spam to neo the boss fight was super nice and very unique i'm glad that they used like something similar to the birdly fight because the burly fight the first one really was a little too too short i think so it's nice we get this one guys thank you so much for watching i hope you liked the video and until next time take care [Music] you
Channel: Merg
Views: 414,839
Rating: 4.9565492 out of 5
Keywords: Merg, Game, Gameplay, Let's Play, Playthrough, Commentary, Reactions, Deltarune, Delta Rune, Undertale, Toby Fox, Deltarune Chapter 2, Chapter 2, New Deltarune, Deltarune Spamton, Spamton, Deltarune Secret, Deltarune Secret Boss, Boss Fight, Spamton NEO, Deltarune Spamton NEO, Spamton Full Fight, Spamton Pacifist, Spamton Secret
Id: hBf2w6e314Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 20sec (3260 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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