THE FINAL BOSS | Deltarune Chapter 2

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[Music] what's up guys and welcome back to deltarune chapter two we are at the top of the queen's mansion and for some reason we've got susie with us now i'm not exactly sure what happened uh maybe susie got bored of waiting alone but but burly what do you think about that ah susan of course return to feast upon my sprightly visage what you look awful such deer is soon soon to my ear bro birdly you gotta what the hell are you saying how about a kiss for luck stop mumbling a kiss for me chain to change rng bro burly is kind of like being weird but also i don't know okay i'm just gonna go hopefully susie like susie being here is not gonna mess anything up like a sequence break i guess not i guess this is where susie would be in your team anyway suzy in my team right yeah everything is fine and i guess it's time to face the queen once again we had like a little bit of a battle last time but not technically against the queen we had to like save birdly oh the night the roaring night today oh look at this background it gained to create this world reaching its long hand to the sky it's it coursed its will into its blade and made thrusting the fountain from the earth bro it's so weird to hear the queen talk like seriously in a way unfortunately the world they created is trapped within the confines of the library if only we had a way to make more darkness we might be able to cover the whole world that is when i realized this power this power of the will this will power this power of determination is this not something that all lightners possess if one was simply determined enough could not anyone make a dark fountain that's why you want noel so then if the knight has taken its sleeve then i will simply make a new one oh dude are you bro this is some holy crap noel no and there she goes again noel honey darling sweetie gravy bro are you is she like on a cross hand sorta that's messed up how do you find the giant hand bro noel's dead great how do you feel about world domination ouchy mama bros who is he i mean she's on the floating chair noel's there awesome susie ah you came to save me and somehow i i knew you would oh you did um i mean oh no well uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you need to get out of here hurry up uh-oh phase two huh oh it is actual phase two it's the statue queen seems that you failed to notice no i didn't know this yeah the giant freaking robot in the middle of my palace this isn't good she's invincible like this huh she she's been bragging about her final form all day come on queen you need at least three phases for that you think rolling a few inches gonna help yes yeah good point oh oh rel they did again i'm sorry my fluffy boy are we cool to take over the world now suzy let's just give up and hell if we're giving up now suzy so what if you got another four we've got one two you sure chris rail say come on oh no okay okay if you actually give me the the beat beat up kind of fighting game thing again i'm i'm happy what are you doing this is our ultimate uh wait a sec now that you mention it we don't have the game oh no it appears i am evenly matched i hope you wind mine won't mind if i don't hold back no really wait we're falling any brighter this is how we're getting out of this one um we could try flapping our arms bro chris has the coolest the bird the bird dude fear not your knight and glow in the dark armor is here burnley oh and the people what's happening the music chris suzy my energy is still too low to help you fight i found help for you behold comrades on your quest again queen you've made all sorts of buddies right using our junk making skills we modified everyone to work together i shall also take credit for this why are you everyone it's the pacifist ending chris susie behold the ultimate group project no please with a splendid base what my strongest jpegs flashing lights happy bravery now i'm out my energy squeaky sweet oh no tender love and care fresh cooking and organization order order devil the anti-javas bro star walker the best character and most of all whatever this thing is yes my creation are you serious no dude this is curse this is where are you queen finally a worthy opponent round one oh really oh i thought we're gonna fight maybe maybe duck mo turbo mode heal 100 better dodge okay i mean items i don't even know if we can do anything should we fight mercy wait mercy can't happen because we don't kill the queen let's just defend for now time forwards is over time to fight only really okay boom oh we can't do a double-end thing unfortunately it's called thrash the cityscape roar is passed um giga queen better dodge heal sucky attacks i guess we really do have to fight [Music] boom i'm just kidding i totally will keep monologuing as i kick at your face okay dodge yo [Music] okay i'm sorry boom get out of here with your legs you damn it or else i advise you to dodge then counter punch i know i know okay time to heal maybe self-fix usher healing aura fired up the tp cost increased time has come for noel to realize her own strength her own will her own determination oh what boom i know this boom get [Music] the knight is young for fighting how much more okay what can we do duck mode i kind of want to try duck mode whatever that's gonna be focusing into her blade she will create a neo-dark fountain neo is like like the new determination or something then another than another whoa damn it good job boom boom no feel oh nothing let's see this keeper okay so let's try duck mode engage a totally sucking aura fired up i'm sorry don't calm down calm down round two okay when the whole world is covered in darkness she and everyone can live in bliss free of fear and suffering [Music] are we are we kidding now are we meowing oh boom boom come joe god i'm sorry for the anime noises i don't know round two queen attacks getting tougher okay do we have better dodge is actually pretty good we don't need to heal though let's do turbo dodge yeah chris susie why don't you help me too create the world of your dreams and my dreams oh nice one oh yo you okay you're cheating my my my woman here city escape roars past can we i think we have to defend real quick susie bro just let me karate chop you and you can have as many skateboards as you want whoa whoa no i have to diamond stop laughing at me your lancer looking weirdo cityscape was passed as always okay i think now we can just attack again or should we heal let's heal what the what the tp cost increases chris my dearest true see you can have as many i don't remember what you liked uh jello and stuff and the bath bombs what are you crazy are you crazy calm down that was not too much not too much damage though let's fight perfect timing hey was there a third guy yeah why is everyone wait ralph saying why is everyone forgetting audrel said poor rousing boom ah not not perfect timing the cityscape roars past okay i like how i got she's just dancing we're enjoying ourselves dude my creation looks so cool i hate how the duck is staring at me though it's a little creepier i think i think we should just fight more join me all of you will become super strong and super cool meanwhile i don't need to improve i'm already perfect and i can shoot lasers for my fancy glass no we did it around three yep she's getting mad getting i like the like is that like i don't know [Music] almost vaporwave i don't know round three begins attack got extreme we still have everything the same i think maybe time for a little bit of a defend okay i believe i made my point i'm going to proceed to re-loop my dialogue now thank you oh um okay can i jump [Music] i gotta go under her legs okay i see under the legs gigantic batteries let's real quick self-fix time for words is over now is the time to fight only [Music] wow you're not messing around lady i need to counter attack better susie mashes the controls trying to punch more no no no no you gotta time it suzy haha just kidding i totally will keep on wait kick out of your face oh are are you bro you you you like for yale an hour escort fire magic ground state yeah thanks rousey i had a turbo no i actually want to go back but it's fine it's fine time has come for no whale okay okay okay okay what get out of here no i i had to dodge [Music] okay we're gonna defend now i know oh look at this awesome bow whoa and get out of here okay okay okay can we heal we can actually healing aura okay and it doesn't go up anymore the tp cost apparently nice you didn't have to do that right nice and don't judge no don't nose okay okay okay okay step dancing queen can really do anything i think now it's just defending is better nope oh again giving me a free shot ouch okay okay okay excuse me yeah susie good good job we're gonna fight now i think that's fine not perfect good enough other guy you have truly proven yourselves to be a worthy opponent you have earned the right to remember what your fighting machine's true purpose is oh no we're gonna get destroyed final attack yeah bye oh i forget oh no no i gotta okay i gotta are we gonna do a beating battle no no it's just a single counter boom dude battle power dropping the perfect counter overheat activated listen well you may have defeated me but i still possess one thing memes you three will never have legs detachable hands do we have to fight again no what's happening hey noel are we gonna drop down no darling honey you're still or you broke your ears or hair sweetie gravy crisscross applesauce take the pin i gave you and stab the earth creating our new supreme empire what's wrong noelle i know it would make you happy or should i with the last one of my battery kill him crush susie into eight bits leave leaves julia alone oh angry noella you think listening to you makes me happy well makes a lot of other people happy now well you see no i'll never be happy not if i'm controlled by you why can't you understand that all right i guess the queen does ultimately want to make noel happy no perhaps my computations were miscalibrated noel disregard me and with your own power choose the world that makes you happy yo it's the same effect that spamton had queen queen queen you're okay oh no so it seems she ran out of battery power guess we can steal the fountain now right everybody dude ralph's is so happy um everybody i think chris died queen she said choose the world that makes you happy [Music] i don't want to live in a world ruled by her but if that wasn't the case i wonder if this world wouldn't be so bad huh susie don't you think so too i uh now that he mention it chris isn't this world just better we make so many friends here you know i mean susie you're look you're a little uh mentally you're a little insane i'm sorry i've never had an adventure like this before bro we're almost dead with axes and battles and magic where everything can be healed with a little spell and no matter what happens no one tells us what to do gosh yeah so even if things were really scary just now i mean burley please is there any reason not to not that i can think of me neither then noel let this be my real apology probably concentrating my will into this it's not a blade into axe i will isn't this like the halberd i will make a new fountain unleash a bright future a future that shines for us a future whose brightness is born from darkness stop what in the world are you all doing bro like i feel like ralph says the only only like person who didn't go insane well we thought we would just stop i mean stop yeah thank you do you realize what will happen if you do that uh you'll bring the roaring bro are you like now you're suddenly anime destroy the world when the light is subsumed by shadow when the fountains fill the sky all will fall into chaos chaos the titans will take form from the fountains who that is like two queens and one devil and envelop the land in devastation and there's gonna be lancers everywhere the surviving darkness crushed by the darkness will slowly one by one turn into statues leaving the lightners to fend for themselves lost eternally in an endless night that looks like frisk almost but i assume it might be chris is that your idea of paradise oh dude even the queen's like well crap oh damn i didn't know that you you didn't but your whole plan was to i'm just a computer i don't know everything man i was just guessing based off the night's actions by the hell heck would i want to end the world well that's a relief oh i'm sorry i i oh after everything i caused trouble for you again noel that's okay birdly i understand we're charging my back go get out of here you cannot calculate other people's feelings you understand how i feel not really i just don't want the whale to be said oh my god well oh noel noel i'm noel whale what you two kinda get it now guess we are made a pretty sweet team in the [Music] you end down no we freaking didn't can you let go of us now oh yeah oh my god bro thank god ralph says here holy crap fluffy boy actually best character uh susie hey you stood up to queen and i have bad really uh yeah just i guess you gotta wake up soon huh huh everything got so intense i forgot it was a dream then i just hope i get to have more dreams like this hey noel when you wake up i just wanted to say uh a spider the spider queen holy crap well then i suppose it is time for you all to exit running program tendergoodbye.exe i will miss each of you well your unneeded honesty susie you're foolish bravery chris you're chill vibes true plea come on dude oh no yeah burglary bro ralston needs more appreciation man relsay's like holy crap it doesn't have to be goodbye queen chris can take you back to our castle town should we lock her up and throw her with the other with the king and all our recruits can live there oh canceled oh the leading tender goodbye all right time to do what we came here for noel if you see the real susie just know that maybe she's look she doesn't have a tail okay okay i got it let's just go chris oh dude probably so to do this right here these these two and now we got this we don't go back or anything we just go straight to the fountain are we gonna have the awesome theme again chris [Music] looks like we're here again huh the roaring night whatever they are they're making these fountains is that really a bad thing yes susie you gotta learn after two chapters to just listen to fluffy boy no matter what since they started showing up everything's gotten a lot more interesting hasn't it well we don't have to think about that now chris it's your turn hell yeah it was as if your very soul was glowing [Music] you just gotta imagine chris rising up with the guitar playing a short solo at a perfect ending you
Channel: Merg
Views: 190,038
Rating: 4.9727459 out of 5
Keywords: Merg, Game, Gameplay, Let's Play, Playthrough, Commentary, Reactions, Deltarune, Delta Rune, Undertale, Deltarune Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Deltarune Ending, Deltarune Boss, Deltarune Final Boss, Deltarune Queen, Deltarune Giga Queen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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