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hey yo i'm making it a little hard to dodge the deltarune chapter 2 spoilers i'm scrolling twitter i'm like obviously need to go ahead and finish it i don't really know how long the game is though this chapter i've been trying to look without spoiling it for myself like this guy says full game ending eight hours this one says no commentary four hours and 43 like i'm trying not to spoil let's just jump back in let's get it but where's my save that did not do that okay good i thought that was the queen uh erasing our save data at which point i was gonna cry so we just got to the city welcome to the city and we have split off from everybody right now right it's just cute bro i heard the roller coasters are undergoing maintenance that's a pain because it's our only form of public transportation i hate to see that welcome to cyber city pedestrians need to press the switch to cross traffic all right i'll do that wait it counts down what happens if i get hit by a car let's just find out oh and he turned into a ghost and died well cool okay y'all are fast oh they have legs i like the legs what are we cleaning up we don't know a parade perhaps okay do that i like that a large event is gonna happen in the streets later we were told to make room for something big what's this wait there's glitching happening uh oh it's a glitch city there's a a trash can you found 20 bucks 20 dark dollars added to your money hole pause wait where are you putting that ah wait there she went oh i saw noel pop-ups popped up that's what okay that's what they do i have no friends ah no i didn't mean okay good i didn't even mean to click that click here click here oh it's literally a it's literally a pop-up ad oh my gosh wait where am i supposed to oh they do it doesn't hurt you it just covers up where you can't see that's so annoying should we click them or block them if you click them they probably multiply my experiences block press up repeatedly to block the ads block the ads lock block those ads block 10 ads happy see they liked it all they ever want and now look there's no pop-ups and i can actually play the freaking game which is nice spear you get span and that's a recruit oh i totally forgot that even happened uh the chapter one stream dude was like late at night i'm not used to like streaming at that time it was a whirlwind get out of here what happens when you get all the recruits though and what's in the trash you dug through the trash you found a cd bagel all right [Music] there goes noel hey what's going on chris what are you oh noel sweetie yeah she's on the bad guy team remember don't let her find me chris okay i won't noelle sweetie darling honey where are you we're a team now remember you still have to be my willing minion oh i just decided she needs auto tune because she's a computer chris it appears our comrades have pressed the escape key on us so it has come to this in order to find our teams we must form an uneasy truce i kind of like the queen i'm not gonna lie queen my splendid queen where are you oh no don't let him find me she does it ah chris not the life form i was looking for huh where's the rest of the c plus squad don't tell me you got abandoned that's what you get for trusting susie noel queen that they're just busy retro gaming somewhere i bet they're waiting for me on the player select screen listening to strangely groovy groovy music yeah that must be what it is it's definitely not that everyone hates you so it's come to this in order to find our respective teams it appears we must form an oh my gosh how many truces what the oh the beep said you could double truces huh did you hear something i didn't why would i hear anything honk honk no it's just the sounds of the city oh okay well i'll be ahead don't be late sorry my my light is breaking it's literally flashing it's flashing right now stop doing that chris whoa what chris as part of our truce the better one keep distracting birdly and find noel you didn't see her then i was like don't tell her or you see birdly he's okay there's nothing wrong with him he's just annoying toodles i really like queen i'm sorry i just do you have to right chris i uh if it's okay you got any room for another truce triple truces of course of course come on thanks chris [Music] how do you not get goosebumps with just a little sound all i need is a little sound like that i'm so easy to please so uh any idea where susie is what i'm just asking it's a normal question yeah i heard susie smooching time there they go oh yeah we back we hit a city what did that just what did that what am i doing why would i do that hello oh i can push you can push in or out wait but what is this oh hello uh uh mouse ah oh okay that wasn't good um sorry chris could you deal with them somehow maybe if you can get them in the other mouse oh i understand it's the annoying mouse room of course they turned when they saw the block so all we have to do is this right here right don't be stupid here we go i got it it's that easy boys it's that easy boy you know looks like that took care of it how is it scared the hole is empty okay there are mice inside scampering pleasantly mice will rotate 90 degrees i already figured that out who is this hey you look you look angry [Music] what's going on what are we doing she's never been in a battle before she's so confused what do we do with them we take care right what are you telling me to do the act can someone please explain what's going on oh boy is this your first time in the battle well yeah oh boy what you and vera vero can explain how battles work i get it it's kind of like dragon blazers and if we're nice to you we can win through mercy yeah the game's too self-aware dude and the way i have to do that is dressing up in a weird costume yeah you know i'll show the enemy tender let me get whoa she tripped is she good nice it worked he liked it all right let me just get some little tp toilet paper baby all right all right you can you can defend and you can spare no well spared oh her animation was cute i like noel dude there's an ad oh there's an ad right here come on now haley what's up dude i'm fine with it i want to see who you are ambulances stupid all right noelle we're going to hospitality noel acted warmly they both liked it needles aren't scary medicine's important you know this girl is so sweet all in a day's work he said let's give her free bullets hey that's not really all this time you thought people were shooting at you they're just giving you free bullets duh spam and you get your spam hey what's going on we're addison's all we do is advertise this is an advertisement too advertisement is now only ten dollars it's an ad for ads you can also block ads for only ten dollars change your mind bring them back for all right i don't it's too many too many monies dolphins i like this place i'm a fan of this of the setting of this game i go up here where am i going oh there they are hey we see them susie she's right there look at suzie taking a big bite but i i can't get the courage to say anything who's that person she's with anyways looks kind of like they're looking over here let's go no i want to see him let's get out of here okay fine are you telling me we can't get past the cones hey oh man i left the screen oh my gosh my bad i left the freaking screen for two seconds what was i thinking i can't wait to get these songs stuck in my brain they're gonna be stuck in my brain stuck [Music] hey guys what's up can't even cross the street without getting my butt kicked i love the city okay what since everyone else got plugged they're a lot more agreeable it's nice okay bye look okay what's going on hey come on guys wow it's like free roaming monsters it's cute they're fighting each other wait no no no no we don't do that we're gonna do this there she's always tripping okay hold up let me be careful these guys were fighting each other that's a new uh new dynamic she can aha there you go she takes on and off her nurse hat really fast top of the morning whoa that was fast ow okay i wish you wouldn't wish you'd stop that [Music] i'm getting carried away in the vibes of this game right now dude what's up here is this a wheel can i be on it it's an advertisement for a giant ferris wheel gosh that's amazing make someone at the festival look like a toy i i wonder if susie would want to gosh who am i kidding susie would susie wood also i could have said i'll ride with you hey girl i'll write i will i'm sorry you really think so coming from the susie expert chris thanks hey chris how'd you become the susie expert well i hung out with her and spent a lot of time with her and i didn't try to date her every two seconds you might try that there's a secret back alley button right here hold up [Music] looks like you need to hold it down yeah i know chris you keep standing on this one wow the power of teamwork look at us go now you come okay don't get off of there though nice teamwork epic great we did that where are we going though i'm in the back alley with the boxes you became lost in the craftsmanship of the boxes i'm sorry what okay uh oh that's queen chris it's queen she's right over there can you distract her somehow yeah sure no problem she got a martini like always oh lmao you're here sorry chris well i've been looking for noel i've had like four of these all ages appropriate glasses of pure battery acid wow didn't have to okay she's she's freaking thrown off right now don't worry that was my throwing glass it's safe look chris crisscross applesauce queen's drunk right now i'm just throwing it out there she's drunk right now now that we are trucees i feel like we are on the same [Music] mathematical wavelength oh you get me chris you do not do crazy things like have opinions or scream when i capture you or tell me horrible plans for smart boy theme park i just cannot compute it why everyone else is so ungrateful she got another martini it's exploding martini whoops that was my extra dangerous glass we love a fun villain with a lot of personality so undertale way chris i just want to make everyone smile and if i become an evil villain to accomplish that is that bad it's kind of bad to be evil i mean i don't know what you want me to say it's okay you do not have to answer not like she wants anybody else's opinion anyways you would be wrong lmao but chris while we're still trucees maybe we could make the most of it are we gaming again we could play that game again wasn't that fun chris this is like coraline it's like she's addicted to games you have to challenge your games just you and me having a good time no one else to get in the way i'm sorry what just happened burly i'm trying to game he's got the crocs on queen i've been looking everywhere to show you this a monument to our greatness together burley you are not built like that bro oh um oh it um it uh well it um it's uh how do i put this very smart so smart you are her face says lying i love tolerating you i knew you'd be enamored such perfect taste very cool statues i did not know you have nipples i will soon in our ideal world chris feel free to admire our artisanship queen and i have plans to consider yes so good looking forward to that [Music] let's go burglay [Music] keep going i am right behind you procedurally lowering the volume of my voice [Music] sorry chris i must all tab out of here she's gone wow cool face couldn't be noel definitely not noel right there looks like my disguise worked good really good job honestly it's silly looking but it beats hiding she's just gonna keep that okay we'll just keep we'll just keep the box on the head that's fine she immediately tripped ayo did you pass though great job proud of you i just realized i can't see anything i guess i'll try not to wear it unless i have to okay let's go for real this time and she tripped on him crocs what is this [Music] chris can you stop looking at this why was it making you feel weird you became lost in the craftsmanship why do we have to look at it twice i'll look three times there's so much to look at here chris it's a work of art what part are you looking the wiener if i say i like it will you stop looking at it isn't this thing just the best this statue seems to suck bad chris there's no reason to look at this i can't stop you're really not gonna have one more one more easter egg in here dang it you hate to see it what about the back can i look at the butt just checking i did not know you had nipples it was the best i forgot y'all's name has been three days um what's up oh what'll it be chief i got cd bagels no that's okay let's talk though and who is that madame moiselle leave her alone cap nice radio antennae you got there those are antlers cap huh i uh let's play her a song with the antlers makes perfect sense we'll dance for you guys as a hang we're making some extra money by selling in the city gotta make those bucks somehow gotta buy new gear gotta get new kicks i wanna be a car good thank you kk gotta have a way to get around hong kong i like these guys so much did you like the big statue building it sucked it took a lot of scrap the other job we did was way better it was big it's gonna blow your mind all right cool i like their music i like their vibes like everything about these guys don't we have plenty of those bagels already i have one maybe i'll buy i'll buy another bagel it's not like we need the money for weapons we're pacifist route but let me know if you wanted me to see oh i never went back and did delta in chapter one on the genocide so let me know if i should do that or this one or just leave it alone what's going on down here hello these tiny little cars what are you doing this is the hottest tea shop hot hut for a hundred dollars choose your own flavor no but if you don't choose a flavor who will honestly you're making a lot of sense right now welcome to the cyber shoes too free samples yes you got a small shoe with a toothpick so what's lancer even doing in here thanks for the free sample i couldn't eat another bite i love that i'm in these back alleys right now what you doing bud what's her name b roku yeah all we got to do on these guys is to take care it immediately makes him feel good she spills her her tray every single time you hate to see that well what the freak oh wow there's like the the enemies bullets like interact with each other wow wow wow i'm gonna say wow again wow get out of here what's in this a bounce blade okay well like i said we're not even i don't think we even need that she's got a snow ring a ring with the emblem of a snowflake wow her stuff is good grazing bullets affect the turn length by 10 more wait grazing bullets makes their turn shorter i never knew that the freak okay well let me put the bounce blade on hey defense up that's fine maybe there is a point to it after all i'm just kind of out here oh hello where'd you come from oh my gosh i really enjoy playing this game with an actual controller and when i play it without a controller i do so bad it's like upsetting all right we're gonna jiggle and we're going to do that get out of here it's a mannequin with a dress on it okay cool what's going on in here clothing store we're selling this for 75 off only 300 dark dollars sure i'll buy it great doing it wait i got the whole mannequin it's a mannequin with the clothes permanently attached it's useless it has a question mark ability though okay so if we take the glow wrist off it does work so i'm gonna put the mannequin on i just have a good i have a good feeling about the mannequin there's so many places to go back here it's crazy okay fine dude let me do it the right way i really don't think we need to [Applause] i can't even see it doesn't matter that we stop it we can't go do i need to go up here i bet we need to go up here hold on let me stop this and go this way i see oh but then there's this one oh do i have time i have time i totally have time wow nice job what is this oh no more mice oh no looks like another electric wall don't touch that huh this hole has a switch inside of it maybe we could try to put something inside maybe a mouse again what do you think chris annoying mouse room too so let me see what happens if we if we use them i wish they wouldn't jump out well you're the one in the way okay wait a minute okay we're honest look at this we can get him to go over here there's so they just need to go in the hole that'll do it it's your boy chris you did it we should be able to [Music] force field's still up why don't you get in there did we miss something hello just ask them nicely to hit the switch uh i think we need to do it again i'm gonna scare her there you go that worked perfect chris i can't believe you made those my hey it worked huh i guess landing on the switch turn off the force field let's go chris yeah you're welcome okay you're welcome i just realized that my controller's been plugged in this whole time so i can play with the controller chris you aren't going to touch that cheese are you i am going to touch the cheese you rub the cheese down like a beloved pet suddenly oh there's a mouth oh oh i just the mouse is not any normal mouse it's mouse let's uh fear the way it moves is scary it's disgusting mouse was rejected everyone felt tired can't help it i'm a scary guy it's okay dude i don't mind you guys are ready for oh she just died okay so he's tired now i'm not sure how that helps but can we trap all what does that even do press oh okay well i'm sorry i thought i had to mash we're gonna trap trap all the mice i'm so bad at this spare tired foes oh no one told me you could on noel screamed quietly look at the big teeth he screamed quiet is that a whisper how would that oh my gosh dude i be getting hits bro we need more tp so we can heal i got one caught the enemy noel screamed and that you know we just did that as well we finally got one but it was just one i didn't do the trap all i did trap one oh it doesn't matter let's spare him there spared you won okay wow that was like not my best battle ever i never want to see cheese ever again the cheese was destroyed in the heat of battle just like you lost sight of what was important yeah the cheese the cheese is the important thing guys okay chris what don't touch any of the cheese is that what you're about to tell me i won't touch the cheese don't worry i'm not touching none of that cheese why would i what's in here we open the a cd bagel cool but i don't want to use it oh i touched it oh i touched the cheese perfectly i'm going to get both these guys in one go this is how it's done guys take notes okay i got one nevermind i got you noel's dead though we got him but at what cost you know i'm sorry what chris has got one hp it's all good i'm not using any healing items oh my gosh the cheese was destroyed dang it i thought i could rub up against the cheese without doing all this not a single save point it's a dead end no it's a mouse room annoying mouse room three that's what it is what i the switch didn't seem to work hit it more times uh-oh chris the platform's falling help me oh my gosh it's the mouse room mice go oh that worked chris what do you do that worked perfect you made me huh sorry chris you just saved me didn't you sure did but now this one's about to fall oh my gosh okay whatever you did just keep doing okay let's try mice there goes birdly i'm not gonna i'm not gonna talk to you sir let's do this i thought i heard noel calling for help but i get what that sound was now chris wait we need to get her off the platform i didn't get her off that's what he said there we go i saved her it's just only constantly saving her all the time this is all we do anymore i just killed a bunch of mice they're dying she's powerless without my help but here we go there we go i got you i love what's it gonna say chris you would only get in the way who asked you literally who asked you i'm doing this i'm doing these puzzles good you can shut up right now oh that was not great [Music] that was not great here we go we got it boom i love my mom i can read her feelings like a strategy guy no one is talking to you sir not a single person [Applause] [Music] that worked this that worked do this oh my god she's actually gonna fall hold on oh she died she's dead oh never mind she came back okay great burglary no of course everyone knows that you like her i love mouse i love mouse what how did you don't worry about it dude i didn't even read i didn't even read most of like the stuff you typed this is too much to concentrate on how did you solve that even a broken clock is right once a day i think it's i think it's twice and chris if anyone asks uh i solve the puzzle it's not fair for you to get extra credit for a fluke get it let no one think otherwise you know she just lord it over me all right you can honestly people can think that you solved it i do not mind i really don't gosh you know i don't think i'm afraid of mice anymore i think they might be kind of cute anyways let's keep going noelle's now immune to mice great and we got the save point which is good since my hp situation not great yeah she did die once during that though i let her fall that was on me i'm sorry he dug through the trash found twenty twenty dollars i'm not trashy for twenty dollars twenty dollars you dug through the trash fan eighty dollars who's throwing away all the money though wasn't here a cd bagel yo this place is awesome people just be throwing stuff away left and right what's in this one i'm trashy oh it's a trap okay it was a pop-up and a mouse open chris needs to trap one and she needs to hold on one second i am so why am i that bad at that i just don't understand how i'm this bad i don't even know where the mouse is i'm just going in circles this time i got it you're trapped you idiot noel clicked on how to draw dragons alright so he's happy whether you block or click but the click makes the mouse cursor follow you around interesting spare spare and we win all right oh you got little cat noises in there come on now what's going on here uh uh oh it's burly noel what are you doing with chris you just saw us together what how do you we have a truce a truce with chris yeah it's impossible it was your boss's idea that would be double truthy oh that's true it would be huh [Applause] worry not my dearest noel i know what you really want to say you do going along with all this you feel forced don't you it's why you're not with queen right now early you get it yes i do chris is forcing you to be on their side kidnapper chris our truce is over oh no what will i do how will i emotionally recover from this no well this may hurt but it's to help you wait just listen to me bro birdly if you really want the smoke i'm about to i'm about to i'm about to play dumb i feel like he would like that more right he already thinks we're dumb let me hit the play smart you encourage noel to use her mind her magic increase burnley found her smarts appealing chris i get it your head's gotten big from solving that puzzle by dumb luck honestly he's not even that wrong because i did not do most of that puzzle on purpose what happens if you play dumb though i need to know i don't have enough magic to do anything yep so i'll have her defend you acted like you were an idiot next to birdley's genius ah chris a shame i must defeat someone so lowly plus eight percent shut up it's better he's got a plus paper ow it's better to do play smart yo i'm so freaking terrible at this we can do another turn of acting i'll probably take some hits but it's fine her magic increased guess what chris i have one or more things you will never have behold comrades i literally have two people on my team but okay seems like you don't understand how that works but you know it'd be cool if i stopped getting hit that's right chris unlike you i have a loving team behind me and you'll never beat us fighting alone i'm not even fighting though i'm literally not even fighting dude yo that was crazy i just got so much tp from that though i think i'm going to ignore those guys i think i'm just going to let him be there we're going to only right now i'm gonna play dumb and i have her heal herself chris you're outmatched my team is rich in natural resources intelligence smart nipples well i'm sorry hold on what did you do what did you say what did he say okay i'm somehow doing better all right let's act let's uh play smart plus 16 percent no well this might hurt but it's to save you help help me i don't really understand this tornado attack though i'm not that good at it yet tornado oh i did okay somehow i'm doing fine oh someone tell my mom i did good what's his mercy meter at 64. okay let's do it again you get 16 every time so why are you hitting me don't worry it's part of my calculation whoa i never saw that before what's happening those guys their attacks are not okay as i get hit by their attack i was gonna say those guys attacks are not really hard enough to worry about me trying to spare them before him i think if we spare him we'll probably win so we're almost done right now see if you can dodge this chris just a new attack this is the same attack that you it's the same one sir it's actually the same okay i did dodge it so he's at 96 which means chris can just play dumb and let's see if it will let noel spare him immediately you pretended to to knit a homemade dunce cap birdly liked that you won oh okay we won dang it really are you okay chris maybe we should have gone easier you mean go easier the only one going easy mode was me you look exhausted dude i'm only tired of holding back my true power ah noel it'd be too simple to save you now chris go ahead and train your strength values try hard and maybe someday you'll be a worthy right sometimes i can't believe how cool i am yo say he hit me in the face with a tornado that's not nice it's just not nice birdly after defeating burley a certain scent hangs in the air you're filled with the power of chicken nuggets stop that you just made me so hungry right now oh that's a lot of cars okay i'll just go across i guess what's going on noelle honey where are you oh no here she comes put the box on quick yeah there you go noel come home i made you a battery acid pie oh chris perfect timing [Music] you gotta stop breaking stuff have you seen oh my luxury is clean oh my circuits chris get in the car [Music] just get in the car he made her a pie too my queen where are you i baked you a gamer's delight hmm she's not here [Music] that was close chris who is your friend my face recognition software does not compute them [Music] and yet something about them seems cool robotic even she just straight fell down right now chris we must drive to find noel everyone get in the car all right bet don't get in the car with strangers those guys chris press directional buttons to steer chris don't hit the cars okay actually hit all the cars that's fine so much traffic isn't it wonderful fighters love traffic they look it up all the time poor noel she would love hitting all these cars actually i i stop everything chris get the banana okay i get the banana [Music] potassium this gets stupid i really like it here comes a crossing get ready to stop what if i don't what if i don't stop oh my circuits it's a traffic jam a dog must have wandered in the road again chris be a dear and go press the walk button it's just over on the other side of the road i'm supposed to do that wow i guess we'll go around uh i'll i'll go too no you must stay until you hear all of my mixtape oh okay chris hurry up please why do you guys not like queen i don't understand she's the best all right i'm about to go hit this button oh uh hello who is this who is this we don't know this guy do we hey everyone it's me everybody's favorite number one rated salesman 1997. spamton g spam kick ha [Music] looks like you're all alone on a late night all your friends abandoned you for the slime you are sails gone down the drink living in a garbage can oh he's spiraling right now did he just run through the wall oh well have i got a special deal for lonely hearts like you if you've lost control of your life then you just gotta grab it by the silly strings why be the little spudge who hates it 4.99 why when you can be a big shot big shot bro your head is growing big shot that's right now's your chance to be a big shot and i have just the thing you need that's hyperlink block oh my god you want it you want hyperlink blocked don't you well have i got a deal for you all you have to do is show me your heart-shaped object your lightner aren't you you've got the light why don't you show it off [Music] okay so he wants our soul huh don't you want to be a big shot okay i'm not going to fight you what do we do to spam here first of all love and spam loving the theme if you know what i mean should we get a deal what's the deal hey hey hey i've never seen a heart-shaped object like that before my eyes are burning like dvds of any movie at half price i have a very special deal for you kid uh tell me more oh he likes that that's the attitude you little slime deals like this only come once in your ant size rapidly drinking life enlarge yourself i'm sorry oh my gosh he's terrified he's throwing deals at us bargain oh that hit me okay i didn't like that prices deals cheap okay there's nothing wrong with having a nice splurge twenty percent mercy the heel deal deal and heal 60. wow just need a little bit more tp all right but i like that let's get another deal believe it or i used to be a big shot the biggest but now i need a little generosity give money yum yum delicious crumb what did you have neymar you felt your chromer being absorbed wrong what is my cromer hold on meet local singles straight from from your what now [Music] there's a lot of things going on the between the song i'm getting hit uh he ate something of my i'm very confused hey but i can do a heel deal there's nothing wrong let's get the heel deal i love that yum yum i need a little more generosity so don't give there we go that's right and i don't mean money what did you eat before i'm a salesman i was never in it for the money transmit kromer what is cromer guys oh my gosh he's he's sucking he's sucking who asked you to do that i don't like this you ain't no kirby all right great enemy subscribe now i was only ever in it for the freedom to make your own deals to call your own shot and sometimes in the morning a little hyperlink block sounds good doesn't it kid don't you want to be just like your old pal spamton take the deal don't take the deal deal or no deal that's the tv show where the people who don't take the deal get filled with bullets fired from the host's mouth get big and win wild prizes okay so i guess i was supposed to take the deal it's really hard to tell i'm not gonna lie to you hard to tell what to do with this game okay well i can't do a hill deal he mutters 1996 he's always talking about 1997. is that the bite of 97 deal take the deal you little sponge i'll take the deal i'll take the deal now that's what i'm talking about you got guts kid that's discomfort and abdominal pain in my gut press f1 for help what happens if i press f1 it didn't do anything but i did try it guys i want you to just all know i tried it oh my god did i die i'd i really died [Music] i was barely even like paying attention to my hp first choice tell me more second choice don't give third choice take the deal fourth choice uh don't buy the insurance you don't have enough wacky stacks kid you're killing me please stop killing me i will give you another deal f1 wait i it really works if you push f he wasn't lying guys if he says push f1 for help you get healed if you push f1 what the freak how does that work on consoles let's talk about that okay well i got max hp now congratulations you're the 100th visitor click here to die uh we only have to get one more right don't worry kids i'm an honest man i just need your account details and the number on the back then you can enjoy 1 000 free kromer let's give it let's give it to him oh my gosh i wasn't supposed to it's how do you know yum yum great deal kid you're a big shot saving the world you felt your chromer being absorbed gosh dang it man which attack this attack's not too bad oh never mind it's terrible no you can't have my account details wait only 19 this time what you don't need it that's a real big shot move kid you're like me desperate but we know what we want don't we wild prizes hot single 100 customer and most of all hyperlink block will you take the final deal remember this is up to you i won't force you yes yo it's your boy then a deals idea pleasure doing business with you kid you won negative 48. wait what did i just buy now on to the next step i'll be waiting at my homemade storefront site in the trash area closed for repairs come along and don't forget to like and subscribe for more hyperlink blog all right so i've got concerns it's a dumpster looks like there's a pillow inside okay the poster is torn revealing a faded one underneath big shot autos take a ride around town and are special the rest is cut off okay so is this where i do the thing i was supposed to do at this right here oh there i did it this time okay wow that was all we needed get and losers we're going shopping bet i love her so much i like her a lot i can still control i like that chris chris we have to chris this is literally not the voice guys what this is the queen voice now because my auto tune stopped working chris we have to drive to find noel turn on the high beams what's happening with what's going on when she sees the queen signal she will come running why do you need to find noel so badly what are you saying this city is dangerous imagine poor noel clipping into a wall somewhere wasting away from potassium deficiency you're actually worried about her i would be if i wasn't going to find her but why her wait let me guess is it because she's weak enough to make into your peon no just the opposite it's because she's strong huh what are you do chris stop the car am i dry i'm driving what's what's wrong with oh wow that was close phew i was just concerned because it hadn't exploded yet looks like we'll have to split up on foot chris if you see noel tell her my knowledge of her preferences is absolute and if she needs proof use this queen's mix tape was stoned to your key items doodles all right queen i want to hear this mixtape though what are we somehow i feel like we're almost out of here let's go chris all right let's go noel no save point yet gosh that was close wasn't it chris this strange world this big city it's so wild it kind of makes my head spin huh what what looks like another puzzle maybe if i go down here whoa you can jump she got the d all right let me get this one what did that do e d e okay we love a d e moment what's going on when i said the city makes my head spin i didn't mean in a bad way you know dec i always wanted to go someplace new you know and des always told me she'd take me d-e-c-e somewhere like this somewhere with shining lights don't you miss exploring chris we're doing that right now what back when the four of us were kids d-e-c-e-m gosh remember hold on it says right here i know we never found anything interesting back then i mostly remember crying because i was scared okay this is getting emotional this is an emotional sequence here is this december is that what it's saying i've lost track of the letters now for some reason i feel nostalgic thinking about it jess wiping away my tears with azzy's jacket with warm sleeves it smelled like cinnamon wait dess [Laughter] i guess if i didn't mind being scared of it if it meant someone would comfort me what did we spell i'm so lost chris is the only one who knows how weird i am it's not fair you know everyone knows how weird you are all right what the freak dude oh what did we do it's a ball throwing game prizes are seated under the counter can i play i want to throw the ball uh-oh oh no oh no she's coming back this way i'll hide in that stall she's going to want to play the game hey queen hey check this out [Music] she's got a good arm sweet right i thought honestly yeah i thought so where's my prize oh um here ha ha nice wait i actually don't want this i got a prize thank you she put it on my head what did we get there they are how was that susie you're not supposed to attack people with it oh yeah watch me there they are chris there you are chris check out my new attack oh it's a heel oh i love that thank you you felt slightly healed how's that meet the new healing master chris oh yes uh she's a real master at it chris god teaching you sarcasm was a mistake [Music] oh chris what what's that you have there is that a gift for someone um you have to i can give it to birdly ralsi noel suzy i kind of want to give it to birdly why is birdley here chris have you seen chris we took a break from trucing for one second and you're already back with susie should have expected this huh you couldn't keep up with my puzzle solving skills here i got you this that's for you huh oh and it's a little birdly action figure a plush of me with nipples guess i'll forgive you for now see you chris that worked out great why the heck did you give it to birdly why'd you give it to birdly um what unexpected kindness chris let's just get the heck out of here wait noelle oh is she gonna tell her how she feels the hell were you doing in there that's cheating i i um i'm glad you're okay though since that stupid queen took you i was kind of worried wait aren't you on their side she's like got her finger right in her face huh wait no wait uh i chris help me out here uh we have a truce that's right we have a truce chris said i could i could be on your team oh really well if chris said so i guess i didn't really want to kill you anyways okay so get in line already uh okay oh no well chris also said i should be behind susie oh okay well if chris said so let's go already guess i'll join too but only for this room burley nobody invited you no one asked literally nobody asked you hey noelle one thing we gotta get straight yes where the hell did you put that cool box uh i just sort of whatever just make us another one okay sure noel is uh not the smoothest so did burley actually leave okay he did great let me save because i'm about to wrap this up hold on is burnley back on our team in this room though no he left where'd he go who cares hardly sucks alright guys that was deltarune chapter two part two if you liked it smack like let me know you want to see more right away let's go ahead and knock this game out i think probably one more episode ought to do it don't you think i can't tell i played for an hour i love each and every one of you so very much thank you for being here it's so fun having an undertale thing to play again isn't it just like take the day play a little undertale it's fun not gonna lie so i'll see you guys in the next one thanks for being here patreon supporters that financial support thank you and thank you to you just for watching that's awesome all right guys i'll see you in the next video make sure you keep that chin up work hard and believe in yourselves and as always have a bye five could just smack it was weird how this was glitching i don't know what was going on with that wow
Channel: YuB
Views: 251,060
Rating: 4.9574571 out of 5
Keywords: deltarune chapter 2, chapter 2, deltarune undertale, deltarune chapter 2 memes, deltarune chapter 2 spamton, deltarune chapter 2 secrets, deltarune chapter 2 playthrough, yub, yub deltarune, yub deltarune chapter 2, yub deltarune part 1, yub deltarune part 2, yub undertale deltarune, yub undertale fan games, yub undertale cringe, yub undertale sequel, yub spamton, yub queen, deltarune spamton, deltarune queen, deltarune funny moments, deltarune reaction, deltarune chapter
Id: 3pF-TOgEZbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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