The BIG SHOT「Deltarune: Chapter 2 💚🖤」

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hold on it's time to finish delta rude okay now i've started the recording so we can just go right into it here we go everybody [Music] well good morning good night good afternoon viewers depending on your time zone and this is failed boats youtube hey wait a second what's happening here [Music] why is it like continue from chapter two wait this is different what the heck okay i was about to say it better remembered my save file i was actually really scared for a second there so yesterday we made our way well through deltarune chapter two we are now closing in on the ending and i've been the requested to potentially hide chat no spoilers please no spoilers in chat i will not be looking at chat i will not be showing chat we're just gonna keep on playing the game as we were and i'll just ask you guys to please not say anything for the fellow viewers at home however until we get there we will now play all right so there's a big traffic jam that happened oh goodness i should probably do a little re well never mind hold on no no time for recap time for story no well honey where are you this is the queen we don't like her quick recap evil queen spooky looks a little bit like lancer don't worry about her evil anyway oh no here she comes twitch chat mode engaged the twitch chat box right i forgot about this thing noel come home i made you a battery acid pie so yeah the queen um trying to capture our friend noelle because she wants to turn her into a golden um or a peon uh specifically so that that she's hiding right now don't worry about that oh chris perfect timing okay goodbye battery acid pie have you seen oh and also we have uh flacco falco um mordecai uh he goes by many names oh my luxurious queen oh my circuits chris get in the car [Music] my queen where are you i've picked you a gamer's delight what you baked me a gamer you baked her a gamer's delight don't eat don't ever eat don't ever eat a gamer's delight unless i don't know it depends on what it could be but a 50 chance you never eat a gamer still like i'm just putting that out there [Music] she's not here oh okay that was close chris who is your friend my face recognition software does not compute them [Music] and then yet something about them seems cool robotic even [Music] oh no no well yo you okay there yeah you don't don't like don't your your head's gonna be exposed at the angle of this box oh not box bad idea chris we must drive to find the well everyone get in the car [Music] slam oh manger hey old banger hey oh is that a slap wait chris don't hit the cars oh i'm sorry ah wait i actually hit all the cars oh cool i don't know why i have bitchly started doing that but sure leonardo's love traffic uh-huh poor noel she would love hitting all these cars yeah she might not i was too too late for that sorry cars goodbye who needs traffic when you could oh the banana i got it who is traffic when you could just banana sure whatever oh triple there becomes a crossing be sure to stop absolutely i could not i literally could not i tried to hold back okay oh my circuits it's a traffic jam a dog must have wandered in the road again chris be a deer and go press the walk button it's just over on the other side of the road of course by your by your request my queen um i'll go too no no you must stay until you hear all of my mixtape uh oh okay i wanna i wanna hear the mixtape tell me this unheard toby fox jams and i'm unaccounted for okay i guess they pulled up sure uh hello i don't like the empty alley feel it feels like i'm gonna get like jumped by something oh oh no oh no i don't even need to see chat i can tell they already love them what is this hey everybody it's me everybody's favorite number one rated salesman 1997. spam spam tron spam spam ton oh yes whoa if it isn't a gamer no a light light lightner hey hey looks like you're all alone on a late night all your friends abandoned you for the slime you are sail's gone down the green brain oh my god wait i thought this guy was all right but then i heard the slap and i thought he was peak they're definitely saying words but i don't know what they're saying well now it's just jams i don't know we'll get back to it living in a goddamn garage can [Music] i could never relate well i got a special deal big shot big shot big b big b big shot [Music] i'll assume i guess i can't see chat right now so uh hopefully it's big shot well have i got a special deal for lonely hearts like you if you've lost control of your life then you just gotta grab it by the silly strings why be little sponge who hates this 499 life when you could be oh okay all right i i guess i guessed it correctly big shots big shot a big shot that's right now is your chance to be a big shot and i just have the thing you need that hyperlink block you want it you want hyperlink block don't you what kind of amazon link you providing me it's probably for penguin slippers they knew i wanted penguin slippers but i could never get it they were always just out of my reach i knew it this entire time i wanted those penguin slippers you're here to provide them to me thank you well have i got a deal for you all you have to do is show me your heart-shaped object you lighten her aren't you you've got the light why don't you show it off oh what's this combat i guess i sort of should have assumed but okay [Music] oh oh oh no i can you smell that i you i smell covers being made i i smell cover artists furiously strumming and typing away at their keys oh no he's a virus oh god all right spam ton what do you got for me deal let's make a deal hey i've never seen a heart-shaped object like that before my eyes are burning like dvds of any movie of hat half price i have a very special deal for you kid um yo tell me more that's the attitude you little slime deals like this only come once in your ant size rapidly shrinking life i don't like i don't like the connotations i'll take back the deal if i could meets a local single why do i mean me logo what the hell stop it i no longer wish to meet the local singles local singles in your mouth there's nothing wrong with having a nice splurge every once in a while i don't like you using the word splurge just gonna be a hundred all the streaming i did earlier well you like me buying into your deals earlier um but i don't like you uh i also don't like to die should be fine a deal believe it or not i used to be a big shot the biggest but now a little generosity i'm just gonna be a thousand with you actually go to hell what you like what that's right and i don't mean money is this like the kind of thing where no matter what i pick it just goes up by 20. i'll assume so no i am a salesman i was never in it for the money i don't think what enlarge yourself i'm sorry oh oh that's different values prices values sales values bargains values oh that's also enough for a heal deal okay self-explanatory i take it i was only ever in it for the freedom to make your own deals to call your own shots and sometimes in the morning a little hyperlink locked sounds good doesn't it no you want to be just like your old pal spam ton take the deal i would love to be oh my god i would love to be just like you straight out of like a beatles music video from 8 from the 80s would love to be just like you uh now that's what i'm talking about you got guts kid and i would love to see them or something like that that's discomfort in abdominal pain in my guts interesting press f1 for help i pressed it i'm pressing it i'm pressing f1 yet nothing is happening i'm pressing f1 yet there is no fun okay stamped on flashes and awards do i have to press like fn f1 oh i've muted that did not work f1 whoa what what was that a goddamn fairy was that was that a pixie variant of you oh okay well thank you i guess i appreciate your i appreciate your health huh well i guess i pressed f1 help appeared okay then cool ah spam time tell me more no need for healing all i need is the dealing no don't worry kid i will give you deal insurance only for the low low price of one thousand kromer what is a chromer an awesome price an absolutely terrifying price price is so low everyone i know is dead okay you're a genius can i just steal this speech for when i sell my next flush i'm gonna go to a makeshift like guys i have the sales pitch already written just give it to me i know a guy he can write a good script buy the new fail boat plush price is so low everyone i know is dead is perfect still a bar for bar here it's wonderful buy insurance you sold me yum yum delicious kromer do you have any more wait maybe i shouldn't have done that oh your chrome are being absorbed wrong choice help oh what oh no help me oh i don't want to help you not with your finance issues stop i was holding finance so it went right on to me the demographic uh deal do you want some more insurance no no thank you what you don't have enough wacky snacks kid you're killing me please stop killing me i will give you another deal get big and win wild prizes yup big shot big shot big shot big uh stop i don't i really despise this attack please get the local singles out of your mouth spamton mudders 1997. oh that's gonna be incredibly important to the narrative isn't it deal deal by the way don't worry kids i'm an honest man i just need your account details and the numbers on the back and you can enjoy one thousand free kromer i'm i'm in i'm actually in i love kromer you're a big shot saving the world he seemed trustworthy i don't know what the issue was okay then well i guess i i have had my chromer drained capital d colon get megan win wild prizes oh dummy don't get more logo singles that's all i ask the money is fine the local singles are not i'm going to die um wait what hey wait a second great enemy subscribe now come on come on come on they're gonna make it that easy for me you're gonna tell me how easy it is for me to express to you guys how great of an enemy that is look at him he's perfect he's great he's wonderful you know you should do because of that enemy attack him kill him or deal with him you have any more accounts uh no 19 huh 19 huh you're all right i needed 20. okay what you don't need it that's a real big shot move kid you're like me desperate but we know what we want don't we wild prizes hot single 100 customer and most of all i bling blocked those penguin slippers i know man i'm desperate will you take the final deal remember this is up to you i will not force you chat i'm now looking at you deal or no deal i made the shots up until this point what do you guys want to do help help and i can no longer help deal deal you guys are sold has he sold you to your core i'm seeing deals i'm saying deals take the deal oh you better believe it baby deal then a deal's a deal pleasure doing business with you kid you won lost 30 kromer wow cool oh he's bro uh oh i don't wait hold on wait i might have just sold away my soul might have just killed myself uh oh now on to the next step i'll be waiting at my homemade storefront site in the trash area closed for repairs come alone and don't forget to like and subscribe more hyperlink blocked that's right everybody you're like animal crossing you're like pokemon you like mario well suck it it's never happening again don't even bother subscribing i'm i'm uninstalling all of the games get out get out and also subscribe on your way out okay well that was something it's a dumpster looks like there's a pillow inside he really was number one what the heck they really used to be a big shot big shot big shot wow incredible oh sorry i forgot what we were here for [Music] hello give me a second i'm sorry i'm a guy i'm putting back water today it's important get in by your request queen i need to remember that trash area apparently oh we're doing the slow drive thing chris we have to drive to find noel turn on the high beams yes that's literal when she sees the queen signal she will come running why do you need to find a well so badly what are you saying this city is dangerous imagine poor noel clipping into a wall somewhere wasting away from potassium deficiency you're actually worried about her i would be if i wasn't going to find her why why her wait let me guess is it because she's weak enough to make it to your peon no just the opposite oh it's actually because she's strong huh what what what do you chris stop the car what what's wrong with it oh phew i was just concerned because it hadn't exploded yet you know that that's a fair assessment considering how this is gone okay looks like we'll have to split up on foot chris if you see noel tell her my knowledge of her preferences is absolute and if she needs proof use this queen's mixtape was thrown into your key items yo she baked her up a whole mixtape that's huge doodles interesting interesting an unexpected an unexpected assessment somehow i feel like we're almost out of here let's go chris hey there cars welcome back interesting interesting interesting oh what is this that was close wasn't it chris this strange world this big city wild kind of makes my head spin looks like another puzzle maybe if i go down here oh wow okay d look sorry my q i take it there you go this time i'm not gonna put that up oh i can't even step off to break it gotcha yo this spells dead spell dead i'm gonna scream when i said this thing oh what's it doing it's not to say it's a big it didn't mean a bad way you know i always wanted to go someplace new you know and yes he always told me to something like that somewhere like this somewhere with shiny lights you should probably read the dialogue it's going pretty fast deck deck dead deckhead december don't you miss exploring chris back when the four of us were kids remember that night we explored the forest behind the graveyard do you remember 25th of december december what does that have to do with anything i know you don't remember i mostly remembered though crying because i was scared what the heck is going on this is just really december for some reason i feel nostalgic thinking about it just wiping away my tears with azzy's jacket with warm sleeves that smell like cinnamon i guess i didn't mind being scared if it meant huh someone would comfort me i guess it's just december what good jump chris is the only one who knows how weird i am it's not fair you know everyone knows how weird you are ow okay so what what i don't know why does it say december oh an ad oh i want to click on that huh it's ball throwing game prizes are seated under the under the counter missed the last word oh bunch of ads i want to go in this one can i go in it there's a lot of these for some reason oh no she's coming back this way i'll hide in that stall oh i see hey check this out oh i see [Music] nice sweet right [Music] still alive excellent mostly where's my prize oh i'm not here [Music] nice [Music] wait i actually don't want this [Music] thank you hey wait a second i was wondering where you guys were up to were they at a theme park this whole time i'm gonna lose my mind how was that susie you're not supposed to attack people with it oh yeah watch me chris there you are chris check out my new attack what the hell i have a hadouken they have a huddle ken but ranged that's incredible that's actually incredible what cool they never expected you have a hot oakland but oh sure they have a fireball now how's that meet the new healing master chris oh yes she's the real master i had it chris teaching you sarcasm was a mistake wow look at that one tatam hadoken the other one taught them sarcasm that's incredible oh chris what does he have there is that a gift for i someone know i didn't expect to get this this this terrible choice oh god birdly i wouldn't i would no no i will not give to birdly everyone chad's like give to burly that that involves having sympathy for him i literally will not burnley is the easy way out no here's what i'm saying here's what i'm saying all right look i'll make this real simple to you all this give the gift to rip off falco that's the easy way out i will literally not absolutely not give the susie no in front of noel no no it could be bad taste give to noel in front of susie no no could be bad taste give to raw set the one who we've been hugging this whole time no hesitation except for the hesitation i just had huh you're giving it to me chris i i've never gotten a gift wait hold on what's in it wait hold on wait wait what's in it wait what's in it uh wait what's in it i i've never gotten a gift like this before um i'm sorry i uh i'm so happy i don't i don't want to i don't know what to say oh god what is it oh no what what's the gift oh it's definitely a bomb i'll win something for you too okay one baseball please wait a second oh what why did you just throw it at their head are you okay oh sure huh no well wait sorry wrong voice losing track the hell were you doing in there that's cheating hey i um glad you're okay though says that stupid queen took you i was kind of worried [Music] [Applause] we have a truce we have a truce we have a truce we have a truce stand down stand down susie that's right we have a choice chris said i could be on your team oh really chris said so i guess didn't really want to kill you anyway oh my goodness the fluttering of the heart look i gave the gift to the right person all i'm saying so get in line already oh okay chris i also said i should be behind susie oh i was gonna say yo we need to we need to switch around all right says position there well if chris said so yeah i was gonna say something i'm so glad the game immediately had the uptake on it let's go already that's great i'm not even gonna run if i run that means they'll be further apart i refuse until i get bored and then i will start running save absolutely no well bold that's right i'm stealing glances at chat every so often also what's going on here oh there's like balloons i wanted to take the thing but i was kind of curious what was up here apparently it's just here what [Music] what's going on should i have taken this am i taking like the long way oh wait i know turn off that force field uh dude you just stay standing on this switch [Music] well see you later wait wait wait wait what did i volunteer for no no no no i'll stand on the switch don't worry chris don't take too long okay oh okay fine i got you oh no they're separating the party a little bit treasure of air where three r1 place one of three that means uh we all have to enter one teacup well i don't like where it's going but it works oh okay oh hello lancer in pocket oh yeah that's right i guess we do have lancer in pocket hello lancer where is lancer hold on how do i get the lancer again it's items and then key hello lancer thanks for the tape i was hurry uh i was hungry and pushed my tummy to hear a cool song [Music] that all you got i wish you could have played a little bit more but you know that's okay anyway hello strange medicine man let us fight to the death wait hey chris let me show you my ultimate healing oh sure sure uh get hit i guess um and then you uh ultimate heal oh okay okay best ceiling 100 tp understood well in that case we're gonna uh mercy you will use your service friends i'll encourage you to get hit by the ambulances oh she's less about how often she brushes the sloth flosses duh ambulance ambulance ambulance did it work i think ambulance is comparing the battle to a dentist visit interesting hey look at that it did work how about that double spare cool [Music] oh so we just had to hit the button i love the fireworks of our faces in the background well hey wait a second that wasn't all i need to do here [Music] wait wait wait for me oh is that lighting for somewhere else man i'm lost [Music] what's this over here oh we're losing people oh never mind maybe i'm not lost i don't know i didn't do the oh what's this whoa i didn't do the tea cup i wasn't sure if i'm supposed to oh ow i don't want to die on this walk thank you no no no yes oh nice my friends i love mouse upgrade you upgrade a mouse what an action on that one there's only one solution for a mouse here kitty kitty what wait what no we just have to fight the cat now huh oh no what was that i'll put it on a trap oh no what suzy was captured susie hell you blame me goddammit did she make a trap or did he make a trap just for her to take the bait i do like this game i do really like this game it's quirky in a way that i haven't seen man we we really jumped from like best rpg to best rpg i'm having a lot of fun here okay hell you blaming me for you made the trap oh god that was the worst options we could have chosen oh god the mouse curse i'm just not a fan look we got a lot of charge there um it's running between your feet okay so this time task soft voice u s action on you good as soon as we talk to a sophomore to the enemies there there it's okay little kitty suzy got all fours and she's the mess around the room like an animal guy a guy all right now we just dodge like our life depends on it excellent mouse is squeaking cheerfully oh wow triple spare excellent push push bush beautiful wait a second where's noel [Music] sorry i i just never seen fireworks up close before [Music] interesting what you scared oh my god so that's why i couldn't stop watching oh look at the oh they're blushing oh they're blushing oh they're blushing [Music] oh what is this the basket oh did i just catch a mouse what the heck uh what [Music] what oh i can't leave uh oh you put the mice oh you put them in the hole oh okay okay okay yeah okay i'm now following the situation at hand here little mouse oh wait sweet okay so we have to get a mouse from somewhere okay would it be here no it would be one mouse has been deployed and one mouse has been delivered i see you put the mouse in the hole i love mouse i love mouse i want to stress that i love masks oh christ so anymore we're going to be here forever uh maybe if we split up the work i'll release the mice susie will break the balloons when they've reached the top and uh chris you catch them that's okay ready go what is this the whole mini game oh no i'm sorry mouse no mouse died oh you use extra sprint right of course we gotta get a highest score of 20 a non-issue a non-issue another mouse another mouse another mouse it's just that simple oh okay i might have bashed that one against the bin i feel bad for the poor little guy but it seems like they're okay 19 and 20. perfect hell yeah take that you stupid mice it's nice seeing you enjoy a puzzle susie yeah it was like well maybe they aren't awful if you look at them like that not bad no will that was kind of smart huh thanks thank you maybe next time i'll you do my homework can i oh my goodness that's a full blush that's full of mice all right of course delivered go my children i love mouse oh get more mouse oh you put the bucket of course dispensed i see like a final destination looking oh oh we're talking about like a perspective final destination looking all right look we're finally close to the mount to the fountain it's queen's mansion huh wait why did we come here oh oh hello oh chris you brought noel right to me i knew i had truce was the best but unfortunately that means truces are over noelle get over here but i know well i will only say it one time infinitely get over here get over here get over here get over here hi noel are you hesitating let me if then this for you how about if you don't listen then a certain bird might take a ride in the acid river the burnley all right i'm sorry chris susie i i wish i could have stayed with you longer but i can't let burly get hurt you know i called you not though i didn't let them fall don't be sad noel honey all that remains is the final step uh my splinters queen there you are i looked in every used game store for you oh noel are you okay you look a little funny okay plan b hey no i don't i don't like the positioning of this bird hey i don't like the positioning of this bird i think i die don't i don't you make him an ally don't you make him an ally what are you doing i see now a will must be unleashed by force perhaps if i make her face into a robot one but but you said that you wouldn't do that if i variable lying set to true we were going to be smart together that's not fair understood fairness activated hey hey good thing i calibrated those cages you said i could trust you you said you were a gamer i'm a gamer badly i only play mobile games [Applause] i'm gonna say mario kart tour bangs all right don't you dare and sorry insult mario kart i think it's incredible in fact most animal most nintendo games are more supported on mobile platforms than consoles nowadays i'm just saying not a bad time to be a mobile gamer i'm just putting it out there look when was the last time animal crossing console got an update versus animal crossing mobile oh that's right every month i'm just saying you're all saying false gamers like you you're playing the outdated stuff putting that out there anyway only only oh sorry one of you is going to help me with my plan and it's going to be noelle the rest of you go to your rooms hey what are you gonna do with me oh damn you're still here i mean four cages i literally don't know okay then huh i'm just gonna take a sip of water while i worry about whatever i'm in now ah delicious water and creepy scenery was it the mario world sfx i totally believe it how do you like your new room units as you can see they are perfectly suited to your interests which i gleaned from your internet search results oh oh ah yes to me you will have no desire to leave please tantalize yourself with your surroundings and wait patiently while i dominate the world huh chris hey can you hear me looks like there's some way to communicate between rooms convenient isn't it i really thought of everything shut up anyway let's think of some way to get out of here i'll say you got any bright ideas hey where the hell is all say damn right that's soft yet tender screaming chris that's gotta be him quick we gotta think of some way to get out anything that you smuggle in might help us well hold on a second i think i got the perfect item for this i'll answer release me and i will release you it's time for our boy send them missed me because i miss you lancer that you i thought you ditched us no no i love ditches but i would never did you i was simply relaxing chris's spacious fancil pocket yes i saw it all pants lint various items a wild mom put you in some shock cages yeah [Music] yeah we're trapped hey what'd you see wait did you see us on the roller coaster oh yes it was amazing my first coaster ride i love getting nauseous with friends hey uh could you uh free us oh right yes you can always rely on a friendly friendly me to make you free i have no idea how to use this request new item for room that sounds good item request shovel the quantity let's say 999. it worked a strange way to get free okay i guess that worked just put seven l's in chat guess their password and we're good to go let's go blue person whose name i know wow definitely wow you forgot my name you've been in my pocket this whole time damn anyway what is this it's a jelly in the shape of various knives from search query sharpest kitchen knife cello yeah ball pit oh boy that's dozens and dozens of bath bombs from search query diy bath bomb okay calendar with college variation college vacation circled uh summer vacation college when okay it's jungler's book on jungling and other tricks from search query how to use magic incredible what we got here it's a vhs explaining how to install video game piano from search query video game piano tutorial what do we got here it's two pixelated toriels playing the piano from search query video game piano tutorial okay all right tutorial all right all right okay we're having laughs aren't we interesting is this computer part of my search history seems to have been overloaded by shovel requests this is known as a dozen and dozens of shovels attack wow whoa a little bit of a pan there for a second hey chris man lancer you're the best dude come on noel and we're also waiting yes let's put the pedal on the metal that my voice is going whoa what the heck oh oh oh i don't like this oh it's a ddos attack ddos sorry god [Music] hey lance are you okay dude i i'm fine just very cold no hey what the hell hey you okay dude here let me heal you harukin [Music] thanks susie bye all right it's not strong enough huh quick chris let's find ross oh quick crystal is fine i'll say my voice is dying maybe he can heal him [Music] piggyback wait wait you two aren't going to leave without me are you ah yeah we are but no well my dems on distress she must be in distress and if i cannot help her then okay fine you can come if you shut up oh god oh no bird ally they play reads caddy's room peek inside yes oh i see this is a cute little bit of dialogue so that way you can all you can get result you can get a what a little bit of fan service on everyone's search results it's cute uh pink cat hat from the city it's animated too oh where to be uh burnley yes please well you saw surprise you sort of okay what have we got in here uh susie's talk tube thing it was a bit bigger for her larger head then we got painted egg a hard-boiled kin hard boiled eggs hat gaia uh it's a vacuum powered book losers this library sucks okay gotcha then we got like homework questions or something glitch out hologram oh okay i see what okay yeah that makes sense it also is definitely another part of the whole arg code to solving huge parts about this game's lore a skateboard game with ai's cheating it's impossible to win cool skateboarding game online cheat comment online is my game uh cool speech sport game okay okay skateboarding you know i i got you to the computer doesn't seem compatible with the skateboard game pardon me so much talking it's gonna be tired let's keep it going uh jock wait jockington's room peek inside yes it's beautiful incredible it believes azrael's room oh ho ho ho door with your eyes closed you saw nothing what you opened the door with your eyes closed you saw nothing why i wanna know i missed the save [Music] oh i did miss to save thank you very important call [Music] interesting interesting interesting hello looks like a puzzle i think you do chris calm yourselves skinless boneless thighs calm your skinless boneless thighs everyone i'll think of a solution chris just ignore him just it'll be over i'll just be over here where i can't hear you and i'll be here away from your iq debuffing aura ladies ladies please what are we doing here oh are we building a face can i spin it oh z rotates yeah there we go okay okay okay wait no yeah then like we're talking like yeah no yeah then we're talking like science yeah we got it but hey wait wait wait a second how do you solve it without me chris figured it out before you jealous i knew the answer i just wanted to see chris try first it's called suspense susan dramatic suspense then you do the next one fine watch me also my name's not susan [Music] all right give it a crack for example if anyone had a 4x4 puzzle cube just tell us the solution well you see uh firstly you you align the shadows with the lines on the floor all right what do we move first [Music] chris just do the puzzle just just give me a moment it's not like chris could even solve it anyway no go go please please step up chris leave the controls alone if you get sweat on the controls it's going to eat up my inputs so just let me solve this okay step up step up i got water to drink go ahead bird man [Music] ah delicious water okay time's up kid i'm stepping up to the plate daniel answer is sick yeah and so am i but how quickly i'm gonna solve this puzzle wait a second hold on oh i got it i got it watch this watch this watch us it goes a little bit like wait no badoop then we take you that's the easiest badoop i've ever seen [Music] wait that's the easiest badoop i've ever seen in my life and we're gonna go over here and you're never gonna guess what it's gonna go a little something like badoop and then we end it off with again you'll never see it coming but whoops looks like chris got it again ah wait wait a second you can't you just got lucky it's just trial and error the brute force method a caveman could do it except caiman died out because they're stupid i'm solving the next one so just stay here until i'm done [Music] yeah like we're gonna wait that long don't absolutely tell them [Music] what are you two doing here this one's mine it'll be over in a second so why don't you just relax in your mind palace which probably doesn't even exam anything wait which probably doesn't even have anything in it i just need to figure out why the shapes don't go together oh hey uh you just gotta fill the whole square thing right well if you just uh piled them all in the corners i like digging a really wide hole what what chris want to try i'm definitely messing up the voice here and there chris you greet chris you know how skilled i made puzzles right tell her tell her about the puzzle i solved then then we can ah how about we uh have a go in the other room and solve it together [Music] is that bird gotcha it goes like boop wait no like god i'm an idiot boop then like wrong button every time like bop wait no like boop and then like wait ah there we go it was even a bird like that was literally your puzzle that's susie's ideal word there's no way there's no way it's a computer book it's a glitch you're cheating just like when you wave dash wow wow wow okay you take a okay all right okay i get it all right first you take a dig at suzy then you take a dig at me and now you're taking a dig out celeste wave dashing is a movement mechanic that is impeccably useful to speed runs all right when celeste created wave dashing and then melee copied it it was one of the biggest things in gaming this is a big cameo [Music] damn damn i knew he was flacco i knew he was flacco all along [Music] as a taste idiot man i'm gonna relish this forever all those times your act is so high and mighty well guess what you're not face it you're just a big you're just as big a dumbass as the rest of us i'm not that smart i never was there are you happy i i just uh i used to be a forgettable little bluebird damn this sucks yikes uh oh clever clever one day came spelling bee a study for yikes when it came down to the two of us she got nervous and couldn't speak december oh december the word she lost [Music] and i won that's when i tasted it the praise the glory the superiority the addictive power of being smart since then year after year i've been number one in the class but it's only because noel helps me study she's the real smart kid but everyone's expectations for me are so high now what am i going to do once i go somewhere without her that's why i wanted to make a new world for us a world where we'll always be number one and two [Music] but i was so wrapped up in that i got tricked by queen and now noel is going to suffer because of it maybe i did just like being superior maybe i am just an idiot don't cry chicken nugget man all of us are idiots too huh i mean like i don't know about everyone else but whether you're the smart kid or not we couldn't care less screw up as much as you like honestly it's not like our opinion of you can get it you look susie susie susie you you you'd accept me even if i'm dumb don't do it susie susie susie i literally could not care less about his backstory are you kidding me are we writing this kid off as like oh yeah yeah no he wanted to make a whole new world where he could cheat off noel forever we're just gonna say that's cool we're not gonna acknowledge that that's just like a problem we're not gonna acknowledge his problematic past his problematic desires or his problematic lack of acknowledgement we're just going to brush him off he literally has done nothing to to gain my trust oh no i i didn't i i did it because i like feeling superior and i want to keep on feeling superior and cheating off noel in my future dreams anyway you're sad for me now aren't you no get him off the team kick him down i do not desire flacco on my team yeah it's like when your sister gets cursed in dragon blazers too even if her stats suck she's still your party member you're not my party member susie a real dragon blazers 2 reference susie you're not only kind but a true gamer as well perhaps i underestimated you don't say that now but worry not i have decided i will turn over a new leaf for now from now on and fight fight for the side of ignorance why not tell you to be stupid just sometimes it's okay to make mistakes and make mistakes i will onward oh god don't tell me he's on the team yeah why couldn't well say be here to teach the moral lesson is he on my team no don't line up oh hello what are you big spooky man hello downstairs table will be uh for our special guests there's a dinner party on the second floor for everyone else everything here is tailored for you right interesting okay yeah that's screaming rosie um uh you don't have to scream just because you like my outfit it's a banger outfit though hold up oh oh chris susie how may i serve you the hell are you doing um queen didn't have a room for me so i uh she made me into one of her butlers instead whatever well whatever we're all saying can you heal lancer oh it's a cold i'm afraid this is something i can't heal what what lancers what huh lancer hey you see each dark fountain creates a different world a world where darkness reflect the will of its fountain but those darkness can't exist in their own in their own worlds it might not be long if they go to another one so can we help them yes there is a way castletown's grand fountain is made of pure darkness as long as it stays flowing any darkener can live there so if we bring lancer back to school he'll be okay again so we just need to get out of here yeah right all right lancer we'll be back for you buddy uh uh wait what uh your friend if we defeat queen can we save him oh right not not her the him uh yeah with me out of the way queen is going to force noel to do her bidding if noel doesn't want to she might make her face into a robot one susie you assist me in saving noel me me i i just can't do it by myself but if you can help me i have a plan a plan i remember from queen's tour of this place there's a secret shortcut on the third floor while chris is distracting queen suzie will take the shortcut to reach noel and transfer her to me on the roof from there i'll bring her to a safe hiding spot and together we can all defeat queen all right sure i'll give it a shot haha most excellent then see you on the roof fellow agent i think i don't have to fight with him who was worried was worried for a second all right let's go there's a terrible voice for susie terrible voice for susie may i just say would you take that off already i'm so sorry actually pretty good gonna be 100. come with us lancer don't worry we gotcha wait okay let's go lancer on the road to victory so like where does it go where what's the achievement where can i push it like is there like a button at the very back here is there a place i could bring this wait hold on a second wait wait it's actually all different back here hold on i choose to be luxurious home for the upperclass citizens your roommate belongs to prestigious big shot wait a second you enjoy your room there's a mint under your electric cage thank you uh no that's okay you respected the gamer's code no screen peeking interesting that they would reappear there of all places hmm big shot big shot huh where's the mint i was gonna get that mint huh okay i was gonna say like where can we where can we push our guy lancer here that would make the most sense but it seems he's just merely reset there's gonna be some achievement to do with that but i'm sure i'm sure we'll find it out of it oh those are legs look at these legs fills you with a certain power oh okay unexpected but sure um what is this it's a door where will you go oh is it transportation cafe hello welcome to color cafe oh the posing models in the background on like a display back there wonderful just wonderful um let me see i'm interested in stuff that can heal me [Music] um [Music] i like this i'll take you some butt juice please short for butler of course uh one two oh no those are really expensive i did not think it was that expensive okay now bye um a quip what's equip no yes you with the royal pin fluffiness up okay oh we already did that save anything else to do down here we have a warp in a cafe let's continue on oh spamton said to go to the trash zone one very very very correct chat didn't even read the options hey wait a second wait what the hell oh stupid traps you've gotten yep i can't get hit by these pop-ups all right click click the pop-up uh you're gonna s-action the mouse and you're gonna r action the pop-up okay you unconsciously clicked on a pop-up without well about demon summoning classes for teens oh no it made another one so we got all fours and chased the mouse around like an animal that's right we have to click on an ad with a bunny uh on it and teach you how to make friends and accidentally clicked on an ad of a machine gun that appeared over it oh i didn't mean to i'm sorry i repent okay i am worried for my life oh wait they don't hurt oh that's what all the ads are nothing free uh if anything then i will go to u and block i will go to u and s action and i will go to u and our action and that should be good for the next thing oh see you close gotcha see who's got all four of those chases animal uh and then actually clicked on and out of machine gun okay what would this do it ah i got clicked okay cheek is uh squeaking cheerfully who is sparing oh everyone how helpful bush bush bush beautiful that's what i wanted to be here for so where are we going again i think we're going a little bit too far if we're going down this way [Music] i remember what he said i don't want to trust that vase again let's stay in this area for a minute maybe no oh no maybe maybe oh okay this seems very correct the door is unlocked go inside you want to go in by yourself absolutely hello there i don't i hate the phone just chilling in the corner over there um hello uh oh god what is this 100 certified wares deals so good it's uh i'll assist myself interesting so we have the keijin uh s potion the smooth taste of something the big one okay and uh b shot bow tie i think we're gonna get a good bargain you're so close sorry [Music] no hold on i'm moving my hand to the right posture let's go i had i had to use my right hand i'd use my right hand for that one absolutely [Music] 78 i'll take it storing up for the winter absolutely [Music] i'll take it a delicious crumber beautiful go lower [Music] frame's off [Music] nope [Music] i'll take it [Music] got it good 50. good 50. good 50. beautiful please one more one more one more [Music] gotta get it for everyone no i talked 70 i'll take it let's go we walked away like kings beautiful buy more [Music] oh it's just the bye but again talking um our deal uh let's make a deal chris your little sponge i knew you'd come here on a saturday night after all you wanted me a big shot hey but how how can you be listen in the deep abyss of queen's mansion a great deal is waiting for a limited time only a heaven piercing workout ready body designed by the classics you've come to expect copyrighted 1997. chris that little nipper is our one way ticket to make you big make me big before you know it we will be taking a ride around town on our special uh how what is this uh con kangadero [Music] that one vacationing in burning acid while you soak in the hyperlink blocked but chris don't breathe yet the way is locked by high quality encryption you will never get inside wait chris look hear those balloons you are one thousandth customer as a commemorative ring i will let you buy kijin from me at the low price of what do you think it's such a steal i am sixing myself i don't like what you're doing honestly take this deal and you will die it's that good buy the keychain from me unlock the basement and get that empty disk well actually i've already bought that so that's cool anyway about you i used to be nothing but the email guy now i'm the it burns ow stop help me it burns guy please that this amazing transformation you oh goodness you too can have a communication with unintelligible laughter soon i'll even surpass that damn clown around town a damn clown i guess that was an inserted line which didn't make sense but that clown huh but i like him i'm gonna shoot for the sky and get to the path of the big one i'll get so i'll get so i'll get so hyperlinked blocked speaking of communication chris did you know that the night no i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean to too many sex excess vacation days ah take a goddamn vacation straight to hell but me me friends chris you and me are already friend requests receptive accepted also i saw a phone call in the background we don't need anyone else we don't need easels or crts we don't need any man woman or child at half price we don't need mike mike chris don't believe anything you see on tv the man's a criminal i tell you a criminal me friends christian i'm sorry i saw yellow so i assumed there was more dialogue who's mike what the heck [Music] again get some water in my circuits here my throat's getting sore yes what's going on here huh and mike was written normally too so that's like an actual character like it was setting like the tv but like i don't know strange strange guy fear what are you afraid of according to encyclopedia of being afraid there's nothing to fear except can anyone hear me help what no i didn't hear anything just now but it sounded like they were talking to you [Music] oh [Music] interesting that one didn't even give me any more options after that fun indeed indeed okay x didn't buy more now oh i can't answer that phones i guess i'll just escape mansion basement find it oh no what kind of bonus fight is this gonna be what kind of oh what kind of creepy stuff are you buying anyway even if i want to know yikes she said she was hoping if it was candy share with her shut up chris oh oh boy this is gonna be a this is a little bonus segment isn't it it's a whole little bonus segment isn't it [Music] hey no spoilers chat chat if you want to see my my proper reactions keep keep it honest all right keep it honest i'll avoid looking at chad but i'm just saying you know if you want the best reactions possible keep keep keeping honest in chat alright also yeah good point equip the weapons uh what do we got here wait what wait hold on a second hey where's the weapons where's the weapons [Music] hey wait a second [Music] broken sword [Music] i guess it really was a broken sword after all god damn it how about the stuff i bought the armor the armor [Music] nothing nothing in the armor either i'm making an incredibly displeased face right now i'll have you now but it does seem like there's a play that we can make here he scammed us of our goddamn kromer but what's the point did we save yes we did i see you have escaped from your room units who can blame you for wanting to see my glorious mansion you won't want to take your eyes off this beautiful art we're not here to look at your stupid pictures oh it was not a recommendation i was just warning you la mao oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on a second i wanted to look at the time and he started breathing fire goodness goodness goodness easy there oh you have a mustache i'm scared of you you're spicy i can make it i can make it wait a second you got some in your hand is it death i don't know strange hey wait a second what's going on here these switches you found a revivement okay interesting that's a banger banger bear absolute slaps oh and that seems to have turned off the spicy paintings i don't wanna i don't wanna encounter it oh boy now i know you're all loving my mansion but we have a few rules around here you have to follow one wipe your shoes two have fun three respect the pottery four have fun five missed entry duplication error okay i want to interact with it oh come on i just wanted to interact with it not punch it oh god all right hello the warmifier coldify oh what um you're getting coldified um and you're gonna get half warmed on you um and you are going to get half colded on you about the chill of the wind in the on the ice skating pond oh it's now green interesting because he mentions hot peppers being a little bit warmer it's not yellow also i mentioned ice scarves color turned a little bit colder it's now blue what oh whoa oh god oh no what jesus smells like paint and feathers well they can both be spared so i'm moving on with my day see ya [Music] interesting uh pottery not respected i kick it again good spray keep breaking it yes sucks okay so respect the pottery understood what is this oh oh oh oh party wasn't respected pottery wasn't respected oh god i didn't recognize that was a balancing act i thought it was a race um okay so we're gonna just absolutely blue okay mess it up no i did not um blew her two stages right or two stages let's just like go full in on the whole warmer thing um and you're just gonna defend because i don't want anything to get cold okay so you're yellow and then you mentioned explosions oh i should double up on that one on top ah okay okay okay that's unfortunate but doable warmify defend defend that's what the warmth of a loving embrace excellent thank you young master ah birds stop it stop the birds stop the birds triple spare please excellent i'm bow out now please thank you time by my chat just a heads up please uh keep quiet about enemy patterns and such i will figure that out them out on my own i am glancing at chat every so often although i figured that one out on my own i would like people to keep things honest anyway uh the painting is labeled task okay and it is also labeled task is it misspelling uh okay i see that i see there's something going on here um someone's named kimberly oh hello there what are you just time for your appointment you only assist in organizing these paintings yeah of course now we're fine then first question which paintings uh name is first alphabetically left let's see in this third alphabetically right oh so i had to whip you into shape hey kitty what the heck task manager of course of course that's funny uh okay then hello there task manager um what's your thing order x yo force quit this please uh to show you order she obliges okay see whoa this is cool made a list of uh her outfits for the next year she only has one outfit no stop attacking um your order x please show your order anti shoelaces let me put in the shape whoa doing some bonus attacking that's okay i'm getting i'm getting a big tp from that um i do wish to like you know live let's see how far we can push this we'll probably not die [Music] please yep yep figured as much goodbye now oh and you're going to s action you and you're going to our action u well that worked out hey good good there's a music here going crazy oh we have alerts going on um the stop sign gotcha two floor wait what what's this place supposed to be excuse me oh no no no no no okay yeah that makes sense sorry keyboard controls eh was that pac-man dying noise what the hell what's happening what's happening thank you mouse i love mouse whoa give me a second i gotta get some water oh my god clutch that out ah whoa by the way thank you for the support henry k with the big thumbs up and also thank you for support actual crafty as well as hazards spaghetti and random cosplayer oh give me a second chat sorry i have a huge headache oh god i've been streaming for five hours oh jesus christ one second woo you sure this isn't the 12 hour stream i guess not oh okay feeling good let's keep it going i will say i'm gonna go a little bit easier on the voice acting for just a bit while my all my brain recovers oh we're getting lost in the craftsmanship get lost in the craftsmanship is this like art is this art is this art keep lost in the craftsmanship is this art i want to get to that is that art sorry i have chat on still okay is that art is this art is this art the over the chest is chainmail excuse me chainmail was added to your armor oh is this heart is this art is this art i'm lost in the craftsmanship i see a button is that a plate is that a plate or a button it looks like a button okay lost in the craftsmanship i i feel like i'm doing this pointlessly hello it goes on for like longer than i expected though knowing this game it's exactly the one i skipped over that's gonna be like the important one hello the hell secret switch you heard something opening okay what does that mean for me is that my way forward okay oh hello we're free switch oh what the heck is going on here wait a second uh oh uh oh uh-oh i got i got a oh no no no no no i got a big smile on my face chat chat silence silence everybody no clever wordings no clever jokes dot dots only in chat for a minute dot dot dot only in chat chris you want us to stay here why i do your voice susie sure whatever you're all saying i have some fun without you oh god what is this oh no yeah so thank you for all the silence and chat this is all dot dots as far as the eye can see oh what is this what is this going to be they're all alone save point [Music] oh no no no i think this is gonna turn into some sort of iconic fight all i have to ask is that it slaps jesus christ i jumped i jumped y'all the way that i jumped oh god hello little chickens look like little chickens i like that inside it was one dark dollar with the transition i like the gradients that all the text has i didn't say that ah oh no oh no no it's gonna be like a switch or something or oh no i wanna turn around i'm like stressed oh no i'm like double stressed ayo i'm triple stressed oh what is this oh we're going lower or lower not the dots please only dot dots oh what is this going as deep as they go i gotta push up my glass a little bit what the hell is that sounds like a force field power wow it really was all that for the force field huh it was all that for the force field huh whoa whoa wow hey it's like our first death all right first death first death first death first death oh man they make you run a gauntlet i have i've never died in this yet oh man they make you do the whole thing don't they you'll absolutely run it back thank you for giving me my okay and you're speeding it up too i appreciate it okay okay okay i didn't realize i was having i had to dodge things i really just i screwed myself on one of those okay okay okay okay hold on i have to like internalize what's going on here a little bit okay that was the worst thing i could have done that's all i did worse that time hold on it's a little hard to discern but i'm going with these spins [Music] oh no oh god no problem look i i may have a slightly poor rotation on that one particular part and it may eat half of my bar up every time follow the shadows oh are there shadows i can look at okay i don't appreciate spoilers but that i'm like fine with considering how i just died on it twice i was like looking at like the white like rotating parts if there are shadows that's like a huge help thank you that's like a fine tip okay never mind it doesn't help it doesn't help ah be done be done be done oh clutch clutch clutch clutch god clutch god clutch god don't i'm at 20 health don't you play this game okay goodbye now hey let's just save do i heal you know what no i'm gonna go in with 20 health we're probably no i'll oh nevermind we are healed never mind we're good oh boy dot dots in chat dot dot dots man you're making me work for this huh train tracks oh i like this double back thing you're making me do i'm getting anxious dude i'm getting like anxious anxious i like this oh oh it keeps going oh what is this something shiny inside the old machine take it i have a simple water hold on oh boy what's this going to be what this is going to be i'm pushing up my glasses here we go the empty disc was added to your key items that's what we came here to get run run go hurry i kind of want to keep going right cannot do so i don't want to talk i'm immaculately tense saving is this all a bait no it can't be it couldn't be you made me save just i like this i i still don't like this i still don't like this i still don't like this i i'm stressed i'm stressed come on susie give me my glasses back oh look at me i'm a big dweeb that loves homework come on all glasses there we go good frame good frame everything okay yeah having fun dude run it back where do i gotta go to teleport like in i'm going back right now what's happening here over at the cars nah how do i go back hello hello hello kitty oh careful are you kicking all the faces down i can hear them go uh-huh okay okay i'll walk you back don't worry we're good we're good see how i just walked in between those in between those passages it's how we do it here [Music] oh boy save here we go oh i'm stressed dude there's no way it was just like that there's no way it was just that and done hey there i'm interested in talking first of all you scammed me second of all here's a chris you did it you funky little worm you brought me the disk ochi mama i can feel that smooth taste already now chris don't be greedy hand over the disc then we will transfer my hyperlink blocked then chris after this is very very important go back and put the disc back where you got it do that and you have my special guarantee i will pass my savings on to you every big every shot every hyperlink blocked all yours chris all yours what do you say big shot warning if you consent to the terms and agreements our store is permanently closing down [Music] well i want to be a pit i want a big i want i want to be a big shot i want those penguin slippers finally i knew you would request accepted chris here i go begin the transfer oh [Music] oh oh ho ho oh wait he's on the disc uh oh i think i'm putting him in the robot wait so if he's a virus oh okay you can feel it smiling in your hand oh boy hi there funny little guy i was looking to you to the west oh yeah no worries taken care of the door opened all right chat chat i i'm first of all i'm asking for some dot dot dots second of all oh oh i could have just done that i guess chat okay okay okay hold on i gotta run to the bathroom super badly and something tells me you don't want me to do that in a second so i'm gonna get this out of the way now hey chat respect the rules of the stream and post only dot dot dots unless i don't know man i'll i'll be right back i'll be just like just a second i am eager for whatever the hell this is gonna be i'll be right back chad sorry do oh all right who's looking to become a big shot keep the chat quiet everybody only dot dot dots only dot dots only dot dot dots if you want the good reactions chat it's a simple rule don't be the one don't be the one keep it honest the hell is happening god only knows but i think i'm about to become a big shot here we go push up my glasses real quick only dot dot dots in chat big shot dot dot boom boy i'm worried dude i got i got that anticipation anxiety i got that loaded disc going right back where it was intended i'm just making sure nothing change i hate the silence hate the silence hate the silence hate the silence well here we go let's see what the hell this brings nothing happened you tapped the mechanism nothing happened you shook the mechanism nothing happened you hit it you kicked it nothing happened uh-oh i like this wow i am just impeccably stressed oh it's you i think the nose huh holy kangadero do i feel good here i am chris big big bigger and better than ever ah this power is freedom and i won't ever have to be just a puppet anymore oh so i thought what are these strings why am i not big enough it's still dark so dark chris chris chris chris that's right you i need you to be big with me very very big so big we'll stand up tall and see past the dark stand up with your our heads in the clouds and look into heaven i just need that little soul you have oh boy what hey chris the hell was that weirdo chris we were worried about you so chris you have friends [Music] why don't you tell them about my three for one special today the whole family can take a little ride downtown or right around town oh boy attention customers clean up on aisle three someone left their souls lying around oh oh oh what are we doing here chris was that a big shot just now oh you mean like literally oh no hold on last sip before what i imagine is something uh pretty active i see uh i see what you're saying i guess it really is time to be a big shot isn't it wait mettaton is that are those mettaton's legs oh what the hell is going on here wow i am so proud of you i could kill you evan are you watching it's time to make a very special deal it's time to be a big shot baby hey i'll wait quiet for one second though act spam ton neo snap all let's game that one snapped wires oh the strings above him of course chris and his body just heavedly three times the firepower two times the water power and best of all flying heads whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa shooter game oh oh goodness i'm taking damage holder lucy to fire a big shot of course act snap all oh is that the sands voice oh boy cathode screens into cathode screams oh no oh oh oh my god there's a lot going on here it's that ball part of my beautiful do you need a little special tour what is that go okay interesting i'm shutting up what what are you serious it's for you uh interesting whoa whoa whoa whoa they're eggs they're goddamn eggs didn't expect that what juice [Music] banger banger shield here there's a heal all you have to heal all from anything heals team 70 banger okay okay i hurt my hands whoa whoa what's going on okay jesus christ it's a big fight you know look at my eyes and say uh look at my mouth let's see ow ow okay they're gonna have a heart attack oh this guy's doing some weird patterns okay okay okay now what i wanted but enough oh my god oh we need we need enough to like live oh light candy seems good wow fluffy guard yeah okay i guess i'll even give you a free value die now and i'll throw in 50 bullets for free no thank you no fluffy guard i see literally fluffy guard oh my god no [Music] oh i want to play this with a controller it's hard doing this with arrow keys and z button um butt juice on chris the fluffy guard again all right that's all i will give you everything i have i'll give you 3z payments tonight [Music] yeah i need controller oh this is i i i i i do not like the keyboard [Music] feel i'm doing like this kind of stuff your hands at the phone yeah i know items i mean my goodness do we even have the ability to live at this point um charge charge faster ho ho okay i'll drill spam time oh boy oh sh bush mini shots many shots many shots oh there's it's an egg charge whereas it has hp or something oh god this is intense i see i see okay okay okay okay that is that this is that this is that that okay honestly fine give me a controller how do i plug in a controller chat yo run it back but actually i wanna [Music] are controllers natively supported in this game [Music] are controllers natively supported you just connect it okay excellent that's all i want to know hold on [Music] oh i don't want to go out like that thank [Music] where's my you okay okay okay what was that death number one oh i just made it on my playstation uh oh whoopsie go off of mr playstation please please go off [Music] is it connected [Music] immediately hold on turn it off please [Music] please turn off playstation [Music] i haven't used you since persona 5 royale [Music] oh oh wait wait wait wait we're connected we're connected oh goodness oh do you got 500 what the hell what i'm sorry i just saw that oh my god oh my god lucky golden axolotl [Music] lucky golden axolotl this is kind of like among us sassy you paid 500 for me to save that for me to say that oh my god jesus christ lucky golden axe a lot of lucky golden axolotl i'll say it a couple more times lucky golden axolotl thank you for the 500 kromer [Music] i i'm sorry i i that's it i'm leaving this stream don't blame them you read you put a 500 donation saying i'm not gonna read it my god thank you thank you for the support [Music] that's huge and mega matt five five five five here's five kromer and should help you through the fight oh boy we're really in aren't we well first of all continue second of all where the controls are controller seems pretty simple right so that that that's my c oh boy i haven't played controller in a very long time how'd it run yeah i got found it duh wait this way probably hello oh boy pushing up my glasses here we go it's time to be a big shot with a controller here we go this body is just heavenly the fire power and all that junk all right this is as much power as i can provide let's see how well i can do spam ton neo snap all this is me at my full power i haven't used a controller like this in a while oh and move move out of the way the bomb i got you okay okay okay i see it yo i'm shutting up i can turn a face cam potentially going to say turn on face cam give me a second well it's the business gamer focus i could i could try and turn on camera hold on hold on hold on oh dude not only is this gonna be camera it's gonna be like a really cool camera because i got backlights for the first time yo you guys ready to see something like like really cool hold on is this going to be the view i'm looking for webcam deactivate activate that and then we should be good there we go yo it's gonna be cool i got some backlighting going on right now hello hello hello hello all right i'll adjust you a little bit here yeah look at this i got a nice little scene going on here it's all blue the face of a big shot big shot big shot that's right oh boy where did i put myself so i don't distract you guys do i put put in the bottom right or something i don't want to take up any of the game all right chat i love you but you got to go away for a minute hopefully this will be okay it's going to be a big shot everybody all right oh it's gonna make my face a little bit darker that's whatever it's atmospheric who cares uh probably the people at home but you know what whatever we're rolling with it all right thanks to the audience spent on praise to the audience here we go i'm shutting up by the way i'm actually just shutting up it's for you give those stupid eggs [Music] ready to dodge yep terrible no they help they've helped they've helped they've helped okay hey great attacks okay okay okay okay damage damage is damaged keep it rolling you take three hits i think [Music] okay okay okay do we have all of our sandwiches and stuff okay yeah club sandwich uh heels team 70. yep [Music] um and then you you know what let's also make sure we're like double restored uh kills 50. yeah do that with susie okay probably gonna heal more oh no there we go there we go that's what i was looking for okay heart attack this is like more burst focus more on dodging than damage yep good play uh snap all [Music] yep oh it's going to be like wave enemy focus more on dodging then damage good give me this bullet these ones are going to be the ones that rise and the ones that go right for me good damage is damaged unfortunate but that would be um let's take a quick uh heal we're gonna heal and shield kills 120 uh save this for susie actually i'll use it on susie and then susie can heal me i recognize this tune uh fluffy guard okay okay here we go good good good boy i can make my hands at the phone okay this is like the really terrible flying attack okay stay in the middle our attacking pattern is way off okay good don't help your old pal stanton yeah what are my eggs going to do i don't know buddy i'm gonna find out okay so steve ain't aim for them when they get close okay okay okay okay okay nice you'll take it yes maybe i don't know oh burst burst burst focus more dodging than attacking [Music] good 79 nice [Music] you want to be i don't know tell me oh okay fair enough look at the power of neo and ask yourself well don't you don't you want to be a big shot oh dodging the attacking beam yep i know video games i'm a gamer yep okay i'm a gamer dude is this it snap all two percent wait crap the presses my wires they're almost gone chris you're gifting me freedom chris after everything i did to you after all the unforgettable deals free kromer i gave you you are finally repaying my generosity chris i understand now the greatest deal of all friendship chris my days the long nose dollar over cut that wire and make me a real boy are you watching heaven it's time for spamton's comeback special in this time i live for myself no myself and my friends yeah i go watch me fly mama that [Music] it seems after all i couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet but you three you're strong with a power like that maybe you three can break your own strings let me become your strength [Music] you got deal maker you got shadow crystal oh the big shot i guess he was the biggest shot ever what do we got in here wait in here maybe the deal maker what is the deal maker it sounds like a weapon oh dealmaker interesting looks like something's stronger than that well for magic magic shouldn't it be you i'll put it on chris just out of you know it feels like it should go on me interesting huh interesting he gave you drip the greatest gift of all and what was the other thing they gave me it definitely gave me something else too um well nothing here it seems what's the other thing they gave me oh shadow crystal a shard shadow moves like water in the hand some strange reason for just a brief moment you thought you saw the computer lab but it must have just been your imagination what the hell no no no more of that no more of that thoughts in chat everybody dot the dots go to the computer lab hey there everybody i guess like my cool blue oh one second hey so are we seriously uh not gonna talk about any of that that was goddamn weird puppets strings hands what the hell does any of that mean the way he just broke i don't i don't think it meant anything susie it seems like it was just a corrupted program he turned into our allies so let's just accept it oh into the darkness i guess chris you've got goosebumps you okay i think so i'm surviving if you say it all stream like that i'm not gonna think you're okay hey we're all set you think chris is okay well they seem a bit shocked but chris doesn't want us to worry so let's not push them for now chris i'll make some cake for you later okay i can even make it chocolate flavored butterscotch cinnamon whatever you want well their stomach's rumbling but the goosebumps aren't gone chris if you're cold you can share my scarf susie good what no hell if i'm giving you my jacket you make me cold i'm burning you knuckleheads for warmth susie late already imagining you guys idiot scented candles i got chris smiling let's go look at that that's a great video games video games video games okay i'll take your guys's recommendation though oh so i have a thought for you guys it's a dangerous stuff but it's what i i wanted hold off on that thought this is a funeral oh see i thought he looked similar to the guys that were out front with all the long noses he was like the rest of us just a little unlucky for some reason his products never seemed to hit and the lightner has never even looked his way poor guy night after night when we all went to the same cyber grill he'd shoot his mouth about making it big someday you just watch someday i'm gonna be a big shot they started we started to get a little desperate well i heard he started looking for any way to become more popular somehow he made the right phone call and found someone or was he found by someone they must have been helping him because suddenly he was on the phone all the time suddenly he got real good at his job the click started piling up now what what did he do why did he deserve this we were all so jealous of him we stopped going out with him i mean wasn't he a big shot he didn't need any of us anymore did he even so he only got more and more successful he moved into a luxurious room in the queen's mansion he started bragging about big tv deals big cars big commercials but then things started to crack it seems like whatever whatever was helping him disappeared his sales dropped to zero and everything came crashing down the day he was to be evicted from the queen's mansion i went to his room to check on him but he wasn't there there was only a phone hanging off the handle he must have left it in the middle of a conversation because i could still hear someone on the other end but when i put the receiver to my ear there was nothing but garbage noise [Music] [Music] gaster so i'm thinking i know that's a wingdings phone man nothing happened [Music] so [Music] use the phone wait a second there's no shot [Music] nothing but garbage noise huh if i do right next to you [Music] huh undertale arg runs deep i was like i take it this is all i was meant to do here hello there i'm a trash can hmm interesting cha i have to ask you a real question for the people who have played this game i wanted to be honest but keep it you know keep it knowledgeable or keep it you know respectful here how much more of the game do i have to go because i've been streaming for six hours now about four days before my 12 hour stream and i did not expect this to go like this because i have a lot to do today now it's 9 00 pm how much do i have left to go not much two hours hour good bit i want to i want to stop i got to be honest with myself i want to stop i've been going for a hot minute clearly we did something that we weren't even expecting ourselves to do but i think it was good that we got that out of the way now i think i want to stop i've been going for six hours and i'm starting to get hungry i'm going well first of all i've had two waffles in the last six hours and i did not eat before this so whoopsie i'm a little hungry um and most importantly my voice is hurting and i am not about to throw away the 12-hour livestream the deltarune too [Laughter] i want to make sure my voice is you know functioning by the time i have to stream for 12 hours so i guess the plan if there's not much left to do then let's do it tomorrow [Music] if there's not much left to do somewhere between an hour and two hours i would not mind doing a solo stream of deltarune chapter two just to make a true finale happen that sounds good to me that sounds very good to me i will i i will say just for the people who are concerned about me i will make sure that i am in a good spot before i actually start it because otherwise i'm going to burn myself out what time ah um probably about two to three hours if you so subscribe to the channel turn on notifications for when i stream if only for tomorrow so that way you can get notified and then on on notification if you so desire um i usually do a heads up stream heads up like like like an hour i schedule my streams an hour in advance um [Music] so keep an eye loosely around two to three pm est also can i just say real quick wait i didn't expect to turn on my face cam today but now now that i have i want to show you guys some real quick oh this is the thing that fires recommended i get uh yeah look at me in the bottom here look at a little big shot down here um what where is it where is it it's like light something yeah happy lighting look at this uh i got some floodlights that i can like fully customize back oh look at this this feels so cool i feel like a professional streamer now look at this i can get like my yellow drop light here whoa i i'm a streamer guys look i'm a big shot i'm a big shot now you know i can set it to like uh oh is this rainbow pulsing oh oh it's really cool i really like these things i'm gonna bring these up in my living room to go off at like 6 a.m when i need to wake up early y'all by the way look away i'm about to make the colors go crazy [Music] whoa look at this like it's the fully luminescent transition it's actually kind of crazy i love it you're a big shot now kid there we go slow that down just a little bit and probably re-center it back to like this nice little yellow red well hey everybody thank you all for watching reminder i will be doing the uh the 12 hour stream um on uh wednesday a caramel dancing i'm going to give you something for the people at home could someone please put caramel dancing over this oh god i look ugly hold on let me uh hey phil struggle tweets this one shout out to you here hold on i'm just gonna like pass out in the chair and i just want you guys to put caramel dancing over it that's all that's all i'm looking for thank you i'm gonna full speed this that's gonna oh wait let me let me like kick it back a little bit yeah there we go let me just uh [Music] do [Music] [Music] cool okay put put music over that or something he is sleeping perfect there we go that's all that's all i wanted to get that's all i wanted to get alternatively can i get me like like actually dead here no that's all right another time he danced till he died he finally died all right everybody oh my god hey thank you all for watching this is a fun little stream yeah delta in chapter two is pretty cool i enjoyed this quite a bit i'm gonna go uh do my my 12 hour stream now in like you know a few days i have to like prep a lot of good stuff for it oh you guys will like what i have for what i've planned it's pretty cool i'll let's do a raid let's do a rain let's get on out of here you can tell by my voice it's like immediately lord hold you know what you know what hold on one second one second one second you guys don't need to see the gameplay don't worry we're just gonna save and then quit because there's something else i really need to do hold on hold on this is like the most important thing i will do today options return the title don't care about any of this don't care about any of that it's gonna be like boom nope nope nope we're that's all well and good and then i guess just close it or something at this point i'm not sure why it keeps asking me if i want to start from this i don't i don't want to start from that i just really wanted to do uh hold on this is much more important than anything else i could do right now where is it why is it not playing why is it not playing oh wait hold on hold on maybe come on come on don't make me look like an idiot come on oh my goodness oh my goodness i have to make this this is going to be a quick bit and you're making this just so complicated and put it back at the beginning set this to the audio output [Music] oh come on that but like not fast speed [Music] no it's not specialist this is much better it's much better [Music] i'll pull up a quick twitch raid i'm finding someone to raid [Music] uh yo jmoji you guys want to write jmoji i want to i want to raid jmoji i want to raid jmoji but first before before we raid jmoji i gotta make sure we hear it all [Music] it took a little bit of work it took a little bit of ingenuity but now we're finally up there with the stars after all that all of our have and have nots at the end we're all big shots [Music] i just don't know what i'm saying it's beautiful all right we're gonna raid jmoji now here we go thank you all for watching until next time whatever i feel like doing and that's penny through and through thank you for watching good spam some hearts and james chap for the first minute but not anything after that or else it'll be annoying enjoy his content everybody's playing some we're doing right now have a good everybody see you around [Music] by
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 149,193
Rating: 4.9190283 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Deltarune, Chapter 2, Undertale, Spamton, Spamton NEO
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 28sec (9508 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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