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[Music] what's up guys and welcome back to deltarune in an unbelievable turn of events we actually have chapter two right here and i guess we can immediately begin we have to select the chapter one save file hopefully this one is my main one with the with the longest play time this would start chapter two in file slot one yes please start our name is max and dude we're actually here chris i have seen this i gotta say this was teased this was shown before chris honey are you awake wait is that a a knife no toriel oh she's fine chris did you eat all of the pie oh it is your knife in this empty tin is it not oh chris am i going to have to lock the oven again dude look at that blush well hurry out of bed it is time for school okay thanks mom i guess so i just gotta say okay chris is being awesome marching out of bed i gotta say this is definitely like a cover right this is definitely like fake like like the this this ending of chapter one was not teased for years just for one joke i i still don't i don't trust this when the doors close there's no escape look at this we got item chris level 1 20 hp we got some money we got a ball of junk this was just it's just a normal one right yeah yeah accumulated things statistics chapter one still chapter one since chapter one okay home it's going to be a little weird hello dreamer residence who might this be chris do not make me come over there no okay okay okay can we make the bed please your bed come on man what's up clothes drawer even after a long night the sunrise is the same as always yeah there's five dollars in your brother's drawer take it take it do not no dude look i played them worry we do not it isn't yours after all we only do these kinds of things if we have a really good reason underneath the bed is an old cartridge of cat petters rpg caddy and caddy can be seen faintly written on it in oh wait what oh did we borrow it i have no idea okay on the computer's desktop is a folder called epic game stuff it's a poorly drawn design for a game seems the last boss is a creature with giant rainbow wings doesn't seem like this game ever saw the light of day oh man i'd never play that okay uh i think we got everything closer yeah yeah this is still the bird cage but okay okay dude like i'm dude i'm so i'm so nervous i don't know i don't know should i really should i should i take this step can i interact with the carpet no yo a cactus not much to say something about being tsundere how to draw dragons is at the bottom of the drawer purple character on the cover is stressed immodestly your brother will never return azrael azrael azrael it's what they call you okay well that's very that's very unsettling the door is locked hello chris i don't know some weird vibes can we go back we can chris can i trust you after the ending of chapter one there's no time to read books what just generally rude this might be the exit i already forgot or is it on the right side some white fur stuck in the drain photo in the fridge you your mother and your brother cinnamon cinnamony batter cake cookie cutters for gingerbread monsters in your bed humans okay trash can no the floor come on game i forgot about that the fluorescent floral sentence increased asgore it's a landline phone you already have a cell phone it's cheerio the beloved living room chair the tv plugged in but it's dusty and this is the unknown chair a book of hymns times hymns whatever i i guess i can sprint here right this is still there oh ah it's the bathroom i forgot it is not yet time to wash your hands we gotta go to the toilet use the toilet first flush it yes [Music] oh chris looking at me do it again [Music] i don't like chris looking at us like what are you doing you know like stop one more time or maybe i don't know okay okay fine okay still can watch our hands shampoo pet shampoo okay guys i i think enough messing around i think i think it's time to exit exit our home for the first time in years well shall we go yes please we're driving off oh we're in school whoa calm down chris alphys tell me uh all the other people hello chris there you are i'm back even susie showed up before you had wait where are right there what up dude [Music] hey chris what up long time no see if i knew you were gonna be late i wouldn't show up on time i'm sorry suzy please don't kick your desk treat school property like you treat people that's a bad thing to say because there's going to be a bad follow-up okay next time i'll aim for the vitals god dammit [Music] that's not what i yeah in any case good morning class hello we have a lot to go over today first we're starting the reading autumn music uh we're starting the reading from page 1 142. any volunteers timmy no noelle ah i guess i could read the ah trouble yourself not noel i will valiantly take this blow of humiliation oh that's okay i can [Music] page 142 it was the best of times it was the worst of times times are pretty good times are pretty bad mediocre times iffy time so so times what listening to this ah your eyes began to close automatically really i thought it was kind of cool have a nice day everyone and please remember your group projects alphys it's only us too uh chris you okay you were um sleeping all class don't worry i'm not mad just concerned usually you only sleep through the start good luck and rest well tonight okay man alphys why are you so nice can i can i hug you oh we can kiss whoa get out of here chris this whole partner thing you didn't lose sleep over it did you look this is option number one at the beginning of chapter one but after chapter two you know my sleep i mean my sleep quality increased we kind of something really bad happened last night but but sure yeah a chris that's all good i think maybe you were just staying up late talking to azrael online again we were playing some games oh wait you you can't do that right oh i hope the internet gets fixed soon no wonder chris is so in such a mood dude i would be i would be a hoover i don't want to revert into my primal form bro you okay can i i'm uh i'm not ready for this astral wolf even in your darkest hour a video game a bunch of roses computer wallpaper is updated the buff embracing heroes are now edited to be four inches apart proper distancing at the school dance hell yeah you wonder if your mother had oh oh no influence on this oh oh no different kind of distancing you check the time not be time for class okay goodbye teacher goodbye what up of course well look who it is the school zombie you were sleeping like a corpse all class this is also new right susie always has the eyes uncovered now what's the matter had trouble going betty bye last night me too chris like i could sleep after yesterday just waiting for the day for like oh i felt like years yeah you're telling me did all that stuff really happen lancer ralph say everyone are they still look you've been wondering the same thing right come on already please your teeth are terrifying [Music] already got like the the music i think i remember this one all right chris this is it moment of truth everything we've been waiting for is just behind this closet if we open this and there's nothing inside will we still be [Music] friends or or what screw it let's just open it already yeah what is happening oh hello oh the little little christmas theme for the little gift roth character i don't know noel hey what what the hell are you doing here ah sorry to bother you but uh well i just burley and i were gone going to the library to do some research for our group projects and if it's okay would you want to come too oh chris you can come too i mean [Music] i mean we're busy with chris help me out here what do we say crime oh come on man i mean crime's pretty bad we don't want to encourage anyone here hanging out alone in the closet is probably going to be even washer you know just chilling out alone together all in the closet just two friends chilling out in the closet like normal yeah true oh thank you susie touching brooms and stuff you saved it oh well that sounds out just have fun youtube i'll be at the library chris if you could bring her by later it would mean a lot to me sure thing i got you noelle we just got to do broom stuff actually wait wait a second what susie i i have something for you [Music] oh it's a present dude noel is out of control see you bye [Music] it's a lunchbox oh with the with the chalk [Music] full of chalky hair she knows she had chalk the whole time and didn't give it to alphys what the hell chris here you hold on to this oh thank you i'm not hungry though [Music] wait chris what the hell was that why would noel ask me to do homework with her death wish much does she wanna fail no wait a second wait a second chris did you notice how nervous she was and like blushing and stuff chris you don't think she she's on to our secret identities you know this dark world stuff ah dang we gotta keep this under wraps chris just go invite her man this is ours oh this is our thing you know okay i understand it's personal private anyway enough we're waiting all right let's go dude are we gonna charge in are you sure wait what if this didn't work what if there was no world and you just jump into the closet that would be mighty dangerous here we are oh susie you look much nicer this way oh you want to go come on you wanna go huh and here we are so now i need to remember all right this was such a cool detail you have like the undertale menu in the real world and you've got this this this menu in the this this this closet world so items let's see what we got we've got a lot of stuff revive mint lancer cookie hell yeah key one cell phone oh i right right right i'm so sorry get out of here gaster i don't know garbage noise um equip we have a wood blade brave axe wait equip okay okay okay armor main axe i just gotta just gotta remember power leader dark knight and con configuration should be fine i guess i can check this real quick just to make sure actually nevermind there's not really much to see okay i guess susie and chris let's go oh we're here the inn the shop is all of the stuff here we are oh god rausa you are you are all all even fluffier now chris it's been ever so long is this your new look permanently yeah yeah it's been what a day sure that is short isn't it it's just i've never had friends before so i've never waited so long to see them again either fine guess we'll try not to let you die of loneliness i bet lancer wants to see us too right wait wait a second where is lancer either we i mean if i remember right we made him like the king and the new king where's everybody worry not susie you'll see him in a moment they've moved on to chapter two just wait here all right okay hey this better not be some kind of prank or something chris i have something to ask you i need you to return to the light world go to the old classroom to the east of the closet doors wait wait this is like everything on the ground bring it back here are you like is this like meda is in like the light world are you okay yes asriel relsey chris go to the old classroom bring everything back here are you sorry i'll say you're not gonna put your hat back on why did i look cuter before ah that's that's a hard dude that's a you you you did look kinda iconic no no i just mean you think i look cuter now i mean i do like the the little horns it was just nicer seeing less of you you're making me oh my god shop the door is locked [Music] it's locked please [Music] you look upon the castle you first saw yesterday the power of immediate nostalgia yesterday thanks should we max oh we overrode chris again i think what hey hell are you going trying to have cake without me yeah okay fine susie the rubble on the ground seems to have been dusted and polished someone here really cares about details that's nice it is it does look really cool this this is the the entrance okay i see now that is weird we can just the door is locked now can we leave that doesn't seem like the okay fine maybe maybe at some point that would be crazy so this is ease but it's this gather everything you you gathered all the junk off the floor a giant dusty what is it in my inventory ball of junk i guess managed to come everything in the closet even the rug the door is locked okay you look at me can i now exit please i'm so sorry that you have to see this how is chris doing they're great dory one of my favorite students a real star oh how wonderful they have not been up to anything strange oh no they've been they're normal nobody's relieving i've just been a little concerned lately just lately come on alphys take it easy too alphys always cheering you are right uh thanks [Music] come on why not it's funny okay fine yo yo perfect balance and here we are hey chris so where is every one and that's them are they going to turn into yo oh no guess who's back clowns lancer oh yo oh my what's happening hey greece don't know what you did but hell yeah everyone's here but uh what happened to lancers castle oh there's no chapter one we we we we turned the worlds into the different worlds there's there's rules card ruxin all gone gone right when chris sealed the fountain the dark world disappeared and turned back into a normal classroom so where's lancer going to live now don't worry susie will conquer elsie's castle as our own oh man chris dude as dude i'm sorry i'm always going to say azrael now ralph say is so almost smug like in the first time or else it was kind of like like awkward and cute but this is like or else or else he knows what's going on dude look at that as you're bringing dark world denizens back here the power of our fountain will transform this town more and more from now on the enemies we spare will show up here we'll be recruited so let's keep sparing enemies sure thing buddy anyhow why don't we all have a look around we can head north towards the castle i have a special surprise to show you there not if my not if i surprise myself first last one there is a fresh and fragrant egg oh come on chris can i let him beat us yeah oh we're so slow now ralph says here dude la relsay still has the little baby icon we can check well say i guess danny scarf white ribbon okay and wait armors okay okay i i gotta remember everything here i don't think i have to to mess around too much we're just gonna go with it hello rudin welcome to [Music] with max town as in like max because that's the that's the name i chose or so i heard it's called come to think of it welcome to me too i think we're gonna like living here oh yeah party dojo more rodents thanks to you commander we've been liberated i hereby declare today national ham savage day of independence this guy always seems like he's enjoying life more than me maybe it's because he's a higher level hmm oh we got the the melody again you bow bow i'm just a block okay lancers chilling here you ah thou hast transplanted us to thine castle towny and truly a magnificent town of castles at art but oh hmm something art lagging that feeleth goodness thou guys but i perhaps bring in an evil ruler or something uh lancer has pronounced me vice father fourth hence i do all the cooking and cleaning perhaps i should seek as a new employer you were called like queenie or hardy i don't know kathy seems uh happy likes this place she hopes you like it too thank you thank you what is this here mama miba yes the best character top bakery spin baked goods yes please give me oh no it's the wait why are you here lancer it's it's not the baker it's the the the blacksmith ho i am chef lancer try my delicious hand formed cookies i already have a lancer cookie they are free for a price what's the price zero dollars yeah sure you already took your cookie wait no i'm not no this is like this is like from all the way back so can i like eat it cookie and wife okay wow look at the glow the shine lancer cookie was added to the items and you well well welcome to top bakery i am this bakery smith malleus i do not know what any of these strange tools are for hey but using my skills i can fuse items to create new ones uh fix a chat bread what is this technique you speak of what [Music] what what are you no no no okay fix this is it are you gonna do the squeaky thing you must take care of it feel my technique yes it's the best thing thank you somehow everyone everyone's hp was restored well well don't you feel better after a nice massage ah thank you and now uh sure fuse items the double dark oh okay twin ribbon so we can't do anything i think we have an iron shackle but maybe not like low wrist very interesting but we i don't think we can do anything here okay goodbye you two that was that that was this what are you a dust bunny it's a clean start we're not a dust bunny or is it i don't actually know a clean start for us here so kiri okay that's a cafe with all the people chilling you are the chef i think mama i wanted to run the bakery but it was overtaken someone's already working there a cafe that service pastries what a disgrace nah that's fine what sort of humiliating thing will happen next ah you're like the the mayor recruits those are all the people from the chapter one so wait if you did chapter one without sparing you wouldn't have all of this this is the rod in more info uh this yeah what the heck said to be someone's best friend maybe not shine shine on you lazy diamond what do we have to level them up and stuff please oh [Music] oh okay very interesting so we can place them around happy a heart with a big heart supporting other bullets is that the check information but i'm not sure lip gloss drama dislikes okay the pawn man one life one square at a time rabbit i write the rabbit a dust bunny loves to play clean block sir blocking science forte christ tears of the joy i mean this is this is one that you are its boss is one of the cutest ones you know what rotten ranger had happy [Music] hell yeah this is what i'm talking about lemonade please lemonade please okay we're not gonna get the dialogue here but for now i'm gonna keep it as that the jukebox broken no no come on i wanna listen to the soundtrack all right goodbye my friend and we got all of these weirdos now here an actual shop you again how are you sean i think he he welcome travelers i have so much money dark candy dark broker amber card ah look that's cool spooky sword black and orange i'm not sure if this is the safe file where i beat jevel might not be i hope that's not gonna be too much of a problem so we're not gonna do anything yet seller clothes shard the diamond hearts revive uh uh uh i'm not gonna not gonna answer cookie maybe just like maybe just like one choke diamond just to just to test it out thank you sell weapons so you don't have anything so pocket i'm gonna have anything talk hmm so we are now in the castle town well now it makes no difference to me as long as i stay in my shop these walls won't change but in a way i suppose it's just a little bit amusing to see you again i'm sure you three will have an interesting journey me i'll just be here offering the same old junk as you find stronger treasure i'm sure you'll have little reason to return here but if you have some time i'll offer you a biscuit and a hint is there another secret this time see you again or not mysterious character now the party dojo [Music] oh can we can we place people here as well wow our house is a dojo makes me want to fight can we go to sleep and you is it what is this a bed for three people or a three-headed person yeah yeah hey boss boss i'm so glad to have a nice boss i could shed a tear but i won't i'm on the job i'll cry at home with the kids boss you're strong but there's always time to learn you're the tutorial training me and the boys got you together a dojo complete the challenges get some prizes meanwhile you might get a little bit tougher we're gonna make you the strongest boss um later we'll be working on new challenges first you he looks like fighting wasn't in the cards for us right right right because we never had this enemy lucky for you i just hope you don't meet my friends and you're the boxer finally i dodge over people that are normal shaped i will train myself for the tournament [Music] does this help battlemaster okay what oh oh no no grazing is when you get tp yeah yeah try to move slow okay i get that hole oh funding goal i will now talk about our hole what it was dark filled with darker dollars fit from subscription by our followers oh you're rhyming working hard no bank no lender receive one unit of legal tender thanks for donating you okay and hitboxes just like aren't always as they appear the bigger they are the less to fear you're only getting hurt a little inside take your pride and learn the size that is important to know about undertale in general i think okay and then okay sure challenge learn how to bear like a champ that's the prizes get 100 tp you can without getting hit it's not clover's birthday anymore she won't go easy on you okay and should we do it like i don't know i think i'm just gonna take my time here explore everything one by one let's do jigsaw joe it's you boss you can act and spear on the same turn ah yeah yeah if you know chris's act will give an enemy you want numbers and mercy spare him on the same turn uh oh dude i like the little battlefield here okay so remember this we got axe we got item we got spare we got defense so we're just gonna act shave and then we can try sparing and you can also try sparing you shaved the stubble yeah now you're happy and now we can spare and spare again you're sparing me that's a that's a nice nice trick wait a second i got something else to remind you of boss it works the same with making an enemy tired okay okay yeah yeah pacifier pacifies magic you'll need tp spend a turn to yeah remember remember remember defend defend and defend gives us boss you're putting me to sleep no i'm defending okay wait i forgot now pacifier wait so spare spare and then pacify [Music] wait um make me tired of i'm not pacify me right right right right joe looks like he's bedtime sorry exactly so you gotta you gotta sleep your story and then only real say left right or right am i bad there we go but i'm sorry about beating them up no and tired and immediately pacify you did it boss you're not sleeping though if you can manage to spare enemies right away battles will go a lot faster that's all amazing battle as promised here is your reward joe's life savings one dollar great thank you claimed grace challenge okay that's going to be easy right grace hmm [Music] better almost easy there we go an amazing battle here's a reward 100 is actually pretty good dude suzy looks so different right say as well this is crazy to see a challenge and then the clover rematch it's over choice okay interesting so what do we do exactly topic long time to guess guess favorite thing um i mean check you you you don't really do anything right and you also don't do anything two heads are better than one three maybe not nice though joe please stop you two it's just awful yo okay this is going hard [Music] nice nice dodge amazon out of tune so i guess now we can topic long choose a topic that clover likes [Music] that's right not bad it's okay nice dojo okay is this like a memory thing do you have to remember or do you actually just guess flashes trio so what is the difference between topic and topic long though ah topic long only lets you like lets you use none of the other characters choose a topic clown star walk star walker a tree yeah i kinda remember these for some reason i think so i think this was correct and we learned this in chapter one but i'm not totally sure flash was a tree of terrible smiles again nice cute was it cute cute boys fluffy boys right yeah yeah that's right it's okay nice to see you again time to die what and i think that's it [Music] overcomes like an out of two let's see no no mercy's okay so now we just topic again actually this is we can use the trick we can topic we can defend no noah and we can spare [Music] i think choose a topic over three seconds fluffy fluffy 40 hell yeah not bad and now the the the spear [Music] that was awesome an amazing battle promise yours reward club sandwich i think that's a pretty good one and we got it on then these are gonna be like like unlocked later on okay i think we're good to go here that's the dojo and i think we got the bakery we got the cafe we got the shop that was a nice little nice little thing to see is there a reason for us to go here there is [Music] oh whoa where's he's you even brought us to a gr you've heard her a great new place willing we'll be putting our own elbow grease into fixing it too well maybe not elbow grease that's gross nostril grease no no no you without trees i must gain nutrients by eating clothes such is the way of the worm are you okay with that the clothes are nibbled take a yeah sure you put your mouth against the mannequin's cheek no chris a little smooch don't bother with this awful what is wrong with this can i just explore or is this locked i like being like this don't tell anybody oh you you i remember this fight it's cute it may never open again okay go go on live your life no one's gonna judge you also have fun eating and then i wanna check if we can go no show you something okay sorry but this you're chilling it's quite a wonderful town really thank you why am i alone here a bit of self-reflection i suppose do you realize i was quite a coward before so i want to say well i still am my cards i cannot handle society for now i'll be living at the top of this cliff when i'm ready i will be back thank you thank you for the wonderful home i will not use it goodbye what can i can i get this here [Music] piece of class [Music] what [Music] is this is this what i think it is [Music] i mean i i reduces root busters cost by 10. okay only only susie i mean sure buster down look at this so we did beat jevel here i thought we didn't have the item here or do you always get this no this has to be like a jevel threw it down for us [Music] the devil's knife okay probably not good for us the armor would have been better but sure that's still pretty cool okay we got we got this is actually awesome now this is kind of special i'm glad that i checked this thanks jevel for not forgetting about us and now we can finally see enough enough enough stalling here what is this it's a manual read a topic sure recruits that's important what happens if you get them all a little secret save point certain bots are excluded okay [Music] yeah okay we don't need that um item storage storage it's like the item box [Music] okay and do not read it okay so let's check this out immediately the castle town is transformed from the power of friendship you are filled with the power of friendship-based architecture is this the newer theme is this how chapter two is gonna go how we can save are you a look at all the files this is fancy man i don't know this is fans you return okay recruits run in this is just more info it's the same thing we can't yeah yeah okay that's cool that's cool return recruit storage pocket storage how do i get to the storage maybe like glow shard ah okay [Music] i don't think we need i mean sure do we need to i don't think we need to we can just keep it and look i'm telling you something's up with ralph sayer elsie is so mature with the hands around the back where elsie's like entire demeanor kind of changed it's a bit scary moving to a new place by the ball well there's nothing to sphere except fear itself okay oh you have a hat prince will say i will keep your head erect until you need it oh wow until then please allow me to burden to be a wizard hi yeah what okay let's enter the cat yo just want to show off your huge house huh no what i want to show you is upstairs are you a witch oh i nearly forgot this is where i cook you cook everything in a giant witch's pot of course cauldron cooking is very convenient here chris suzy have a cake um [Music] a little thick on the frosting that was for sharing hey anyone was free to make an interception fair enough now make a chocolate one why don't we go upstairs first okay living quarters so this is upstairs the door is locked this living quarters for bad guys oh no you it's violently protecting the jail hello we're still behind bars for some reason no you're not the bad guys but it's okay we've grown to love this hellish place where we dress as animals hell yeah and you are real animals though ah we decided to dress as kings it's cultural exchange yo happy ending for these people and you this is going to be interesting ah the lightners have you come to emilia humiliate me you know what i mean seeing you like this no mr king the lightness returned everyone here safely if you're willing to reconsider then what live in a kingdom ruled by you the lightner's little patsy staying in the cell is far less humiliating now if you will excuse me my giant hamster wheel is getting cold oh you're a hamster no look oh by the way [Music] is my son happy like you care you were gonna throw him off a cliff ah your prejudice made my bluff too effective i see besides even if i threw him he would just bounce you know what kind of kind of actually true probably my son is very bouncy little pumpkin oh cute we're done talking to you yeah let's get out of here gang oh no no no goodbye all of you are you are called again cake crown k round i think [Music] let's go upstairs oh i have a surprise for you two i made rooms for you in the castle can i get the pink one rooms so you can stay here whenever you want i'd be happy if this place could be like a second home to you a place you can go no matter what's happening outside interesting how uh we'll take a look alright let's go to my room first this is lancer's room this makes sense oh hell yeah wait no this is your room noah but why does it have like like your your like the the horns everywhere susie this is your room man i tried to make it something you'd like but you can put anything else you want in here too i really hope you like it i mean it does look pretty cool my own room huh i guess that's pretty cool my own room like this [Music] how long did it uh take you to do this well uh since i last saw you two it's been a day oh man you're a real weenie you know that i think she likes it chris ah jealous i got the cool room i know right look chris i am look i'm turning away i'm so mad it's a clothes drawer full of spiky and dangerous clothing ripping each other up into shreds hell yeah jail is great what's happening susie you didn't get to read the manual i put it over here for you cool i'll read it before bed that'll put me to sleep ooh damn there's everything in here pine cones chalk moss jars of salsa ice black crumbs for toaster jawbreakers and actual food too cool spike bed now i can stab myself during the night finally some convenience please no can i carpet no and now my room it's gonna be a the delta rune is actually really nice too it looks does it it kind of looks like my like the room in the real world right [Music] it's your bed it feels very soft like sleeping on a dream [Music] just stand for your manual i thought you might want to keep it here in case you want to read it thank you michelle keepsakes could be put here maybe maybe in the future a waterfall of all sorts of different clothes can wear whatever you want but we're gonna we're gonna stick with the armor i guess and that's that and now lancer ah lancers probably already chilling in the cool room and then l okay that's pretty cool oh what you okay lancer you aren't gonna believe how sick my room is a room as sick as you i want to see you i'll keep digging holes until i reach your room ah it's got a door you know a door wow beach boy you went all out dude it wasn't a toothpaste boy or were you toothpaste boy i forget i love that my floor is full of holes wow it's better than i remember even have my own bed now now i don't have to sleep in a hole anymore i thought you already had a bed no that was for the bike oh those are [Music] oh what are what are they doing stick is it like sticking out the tongue or i i don't even know oh it's a whole made recrea re the cell said what recreationally two rupees but no that's not a useful currency god damn it presumably like for fun and that's like a a s is it a spade is it a spade is this a shovel no a music player yeah oh cartoon splat noises dude lancer you need help i'm out of here what is this okay what is this ralph say what's up here ah just more rooms i'm renovating chapter three is your room up there ah yes i still haven't dusted it though yeah like we need to see your nerdy glasses collection anyway i want to see though look at the wink man relsay has gotten so smug i kinda like it though i i like it what do we do now feel free to explore the town to ready to leave like we're going to leave now right quiz well i kind of i i kind of already explored everything [Music] i can check again what is this again no this is the the bad guys okay [Music] i i think i'll do this melody is so nice [Music] architecture here save they've already been playing for a bit but but but but at least i want to like like like like get everything done here we got the shop we got the cafe we got the bakery i mean sure what we can do this was where it is should we should i keep it like this i guess i can check out all the dialogue eventually but for now i'm kind of happy with this okay okay no no no no ruler i think we're going [Music] wait leave as in here wait chris we're leaving we just got here man i don't want to go to do our group project you two have homework wait are we gonna maybe travel between worlds the entire time oh well susie chris you ought to do it right away school is important i banished you from the kingdom until you start your project why do you look so angry ah fine i'll do it jeez lancer susie don't worry i'll go and help too i don't think it works that way wait lancer perhaps you shouldn't too late time boy friendship form [Music] are you in my land she was added to you oh that the right lancer can transform where'd you go don't worry i entered your inventory i'll be hanging out in chris's pocket i don't know what that means but okay you too fear not i too shall assist this we're good aha quiet we as a team aren't good what's happening rule ruxell rule what i don't even know how i should say it in the future all right enough already let's get going oh it's goodbye suzie good luck today chris see you soon okay can i check are you oh oh don't say okay this is cute i'm a tough boy treat me like one of your items bro like eighty percent of my items get eaten okay thou gaze is upon a mo man most handsome this daring genius adores beyond this all hey beyond all hey what was that like are you okay oh no no oh my not again no no garbage garbage noise let's go really i guess we gotta do our project at least we got lancer right but no we don't because no yeah where are you because he skipped out after all why should we do this now i'm confused the library but noel's there all right really cards you held the cards they felt flimsy between your fingers nothing happened yo mom what up ah chris you're going to do a project are you calling to ask for my help no no i'm just informing you i will go find the glue sticks you have a partner this time yeah chris that's wonderful i hope they like butterscotch scented glue sticks okay this is all done now hmm lukewarm do you like breathing moving fast usually with legs cross country team jonkins noel mrs toriel oh this is was it cleaned up well this looks nice here the throne of gods grows higher primitive drawing of your mom what excuse me what do you say kids books some of them used to be yours orange unknown if it's safe for teachers to eat this only apples okay and then i guess we can check the left side as well yeah this is the the dance thing this was this i think the same shocking done where's ours no idea and this is just alphys thing okay i guess we can are we is it gonna be like automatic or can we immediately explore is it evening or what am i am i going why this is very disorienting music the library uh a dog donuts all the cars aren't jammed up thankfully no one was hurt but the satan isn't like you gotta get out of here i've got some heavy lifting are you okay are you still here a snail space i love snails could they get any better i heard a dog was doing doughnuts but over here actually name of a special attack for cars why is my life stuck in the loop of a doughy disappointment oh ma'am are you are you okay all right we're here school god damn project books goddamn crazy about them hey chris where the hell is everybody something seems kind of off screw it let's just go play space pinball in the computer lab it's another oh we're destroying the city dude at the town huh it's like the closet the inside of the closet chris you don't think this could be another dark world well distance means we can't start our project unless you know chris if there's a dark fountain in there you can seal it and it'll turn back into the computer lab right so what's what's it going to be chris uh are we uh let's go dude yeah let's just drop the act our last adventure was great right i couldn't stop thinking about having another i don't know what's in there but we can't live if we don't find out right come on chris this again gotta use the animation as much as you can oh the sparkle we're in the matrix this is new oh we're already moving but everything's the same we got so much money now just save i mean oh it's like the it's like the computer world this time the dark world question mark stories is still there i mean maybe maybe this is maybe this is like the a nice place to to to to stop for now we got our first impression chapter two this was all really just a setup and next time we're gonna see you we're gonna see what exactly uh has chapter 2 actually has in store for us [Music] hello explode okay and there we go okay that was a interesting transition here we are i guess chapter two it's kind of cool how you can also like always chapter select here chapter one files again if you wanna restart i guess please select the file okay there's a really nice time three three three twenty hell yeah that was the first the first little look at chapter two still a lot left of course like i don't know that that was pretty much the entire introduction but i want to keep playing i want to keep seeing what's happening i want to actually get into like the the the juicy stuff the actual story whatever the news story is going to be about guys delta roon is back a little nervous but also just a crazy crazy feel after such a long time we will we will see what's going to happen next thank you so much for watching guys i hope you liked the video and until next time take care [Music] you
Channel: Merg
Views: 378,414
Rating: 4.9702764 out of 5
Keywords: Merg, Game, Gameplay, Let's Play, Playthrough, Commentary, Reactions, Undertale, Deltarune, Delta Rune, Toby Fox, Deltarune Chapter 2, Chapter 2, New Deltarune, Deltarune Release, Kris, Susie, Ralsei
Id: 1Rt-ggeQ3WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 55sec (3355 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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