FLUFFY BOY | Deltarune Chapter 2

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[Music] what's up guys and welcome back to deltarune chapter 2. last time we defeated the secret boss which was super cool might be my new favorite part of the game so far and i was told by the way that i should go back to the cafe and talk to swatch here if we uh yeah talk we can talk about the basement robot about spantan so that's what happened that robot was the embodiment of a lightness dream a dream i helped create once splashing color from the motion of their hand the lightner filled it with their own hope giving it an incredible power but in the end nothing ever came of it and it was left in the basement with the rest of the corrupted data but that crooked salesman somehow he learned about the robot and thought he could use its power to fulfill his own twisted dreams what a pity to think he was once a valued customer okay interesting chapter one didn't do that right chapter two like connects the lightners and the darkness a lot more which is which is mysterious but interesting for sure and now something a little different this is actually on a other save file where i defeated spamton again and real quick and uh yeah susie puppet strings hands i don't think he meant anything just a corrupted program but this is the interesting part harrelsey being a little weird floating again chris you've got goosebumps you're okay now i was told i should try out last time i did yes this time i'm gonna try no or i'll say chris are you okay you're yelling bear there everything's all right don't think about what happened to heart okay just take some deep breaths and think about something you like something nice and something soft like you fluffy boy i'll be right next to you until you feel better chris huh guess what else is right chris whatever just happened i guess maybe it didn't mean anything i don't know why you came here but let's just be glad you didn't get killed just tell us next time you're gonna do something stupid like this okay okay ooh and the music stops i mean we're not gonna go crazy like this is just normal okay and here we are with the music so chris is like compared to javel jebel was kind of just a fun time chris hates this like chris is is it like angry or sad is distraught something about spamton is is is very very weird but now we're back on track normal save file hello hacker i'm retiring from hacking the mainframe i decided to use my powers for the good of society i'm gonna reverse engineer the code to super smashing fighters and so i can put my favorite cartoon characters into the game dude hacking is hard work i need to drink a jpeg of water using the app lets you drink water from your phone okay okay good good good job hacker i guess that's the end of your story maybe you're gonna come back actually i like the hacker i gotta say i think the design is really cool the character is all kinds of all kinds of weird mouse-induced traffic jam okay so this is like the easy way this is the easy way to go back which means we don't have to go through all the fire and this is yeah yeah wasn't this like a little yeah section we have to dodge i mean we're like dodging pros now after the uh the spanton tea cup section yeah speaking of pros but there was almost no damage and now you're here i'm gonna assume this is all the same the happy people here the mouse newbert moving up in the world i'm happy for you and now we can finally this is this is new this is something we've never seen before upside down queen fire queen no normal this is like a trap queen i i assume that's just a trap i assume we can't do anything here we're gonna go left first dude the music here is so cool okay secret path and now you're starting huh one f shortcut to one f how is this gonna work really okay i see the key here right there yeah everybody's gonna explode again no i understand there is a book here about shortcuts that open up later i thought it was a reference to the shortcut fast travel door but no it's literally just like there's the the thing itself is a shortcut i guess you that means you only get one save in the entire area you can always go back what's up here okay this seems like a little bit of a secret is there a reason [Music] are we safe here oh i just realized it goes with the music or what i think it goes with the music interestingly enough the wii u and then it laughs the thing the the the the paintings laugh i'm so confused boom has been close to kitchen vermin nice i think we can just go here oh hello oh no is it kitchen vermin or what are you doing do you need help oh me oh my the kitchen is visited with vermin probably i knew we should have probably finished dumping all the cheese in that alleyway oh okay and you ouch ouch you're on the on the stove the mouse can't get me up here even if the outdoor stove is burning my feet and you my mama mouse and it's not wearing a wig oh no do we have to fight no you're going to turn into a super mouse a mouse wheel bro please the cyber puns are too much okay what can we do here should we check and then you just defend for now mouse wheel two mice are better than one three maybe not okay cursor will follow you we know this wired is faster wired is better man and that's easy enough annoying wheel sound just catch all of them press c okay oh really you caught them amazing eight percent no cheaters just cheese oh you want to keep moving keep moving okay that's easy nice smells like a three cheese pizza so we just gotta do better yeah that's much better how much percentage is that 20. this almost feels like a mini boss unless there's a there's a faster way to get damn it the percentage huh might make a good wreath as a prank yeah all we can do is catch that's nice [Music] plus 34 percent and the next next next time should be it should already be done oh i'm dumb you can just do this look at this you can just be super slow and then the mouse cursor always also is slow boom ah perfect 32 again we are grippable we are many nice try getting some tension points totally totally bland still not but we should be able to like catch you hopefully you just catch and then elsa you gonna try sparing yeah oh still rolling out of control suddenly is it gonna transform the task master will take it from here thank you to task master is like awesome best character holy crap i i got rid of him thanks for the help we'll open up the east dining hall ah it's a dead end i thought it was like maybe a secret okay and here ouch ouch how do i get down no and you are just chilling queen's making us prepare a massive feast for her upcoming guests i wonder if people can really eat platters though oh man lancer probably can and now this is the e yeah this is the east thing and now we're back oh puzzle time step on the tiles this is extremely suspicious something's gonna happen but what [Music] like we're gonna go to the doors then this screen is gonna activate both screens and they're gonna tell us hey you gotta gotta gotta solve the hardest puzzle in the game so far it's locked what's with this giant empty room anyway true thanks susie welcome to my i'm telling you dude welcome to my extravagant dining bonanza find the right one only one of these delicious platters has the key i am sure searching will be an addicting game a chance how the hell are we going to search all these the door is locked just susie just use your axe the devil's knife blast through root buster through the door no let's see if there's any okay the door is gone i'm just gonna try you this one looks good really oh error results key not found did you mean give up no oh my god all the players gonna mix up again what did i do three times in a row error key not found [Music] hey chris isn't there something else we can do [Music] i mean just overloaded or wait there's less and less every time [Music] or maybe maybe it's symmetrical let's look at the body yeah what the heck hey there's something under this one what are you a little is it a dog don't you try is it toby hey wait a sec what's happening just get the key i think i think why what are you hello oh i'm doing it are you actually helping me this is this is thank you this is this is this is for killing me the other the other day oh there's the key we just have to get he broke it just broke the door at least thank you oh no no no no was that awesome or what susie i don't know it was life threatening maybe minus the blade and destruction let's go chris we're almost at the third floor oh [Music] oh man come on man no secret let's go left ah let's go right i don't know about that hmm the supreme table you won't be able to use this without the throne of the gods and there's the mouse little mouse thing for the king the throne of the gods do we have to go back to the like the real world isn't that in the real world i'm so sorry we already recruited all of these this is interesting i think these are almost all orange is warmer right so we can swatch link one warmer fire susie half warm this one and then ralster should already be able to spare one hot chocolate and just lava perfect boom dude and dab bow away immediate spare is really nice adjusting their hue and saturation you're gonna defend and then you two just do your thing boom boom i think we also recruited no oh they're already gone oh i'm so sorry man um i think we are already recruited all of the enemies as well so we don't have to grind at all anymore ufo okay hard mode [Music] maybe i don't know i don't know why um okay [Music] i mean [Music] how fast can i do it i don't know why i'm doing this you actually have to or you can open the treasure chest glow shard no way i thought the closure was gonna be like super like a key item almost but i guess it really is just value increases each chapter i guess you can just sell it okay we're over half dead everybody and i'm actually going to go back down and then i'm going to try this because this is susie oh wait we we already got rid of the birds so we it doesn't matter okay hello are you the queen oh you're taller than i remember maybe just a statue they're here oh hell yeah i like this man oh now we got blue balls oh this is really fun though um suzy i'll say chris i'm in hell i'm i'm chocolatified but now we're oh my i i'm not gonna question anything anymore is this a bookshelf again preventing backtracking oh thank you burly is this it chris susan oh glad to see you arrive on wounded now let us hasten [Music] through here is a secret passageway to the roof there we can in rescufi lady noel uh okay let's go chris wait wait oh chris uh chris is chris you and you're lackey distract queen let's go susie just the two of us fine whatever can i can i chris do you think of me as your lackey no of course wait do you think of me as your lackey no of course not huh you mean you think of me more than a lackey yeah of course there's a save here okay we're only the two the two fluffies susie has gone into a book hole with burly you are filled with the power of book holes thanks and we're going to save here the main mainsave file again oh the knight created the fountain and this world might be even more powerful than queen for now the knight the queen has been very interested in this video recently where the knight creates the fountain by its own hand well it's that in cyber city's funniest home videos we are often forced to star not stay a red star in those videos this is today's dinner entertainment i've heard it's called the birth of a fountain what an elegant name it's a video of someone creating a strange pillar of smoke there's so much smoke it's hard to tell who it is okay a little bit of lore but it's hidden from us what wait wait what where's my save point book here about secret passageway construct i i i'm confused [Music] okay wait what is this oh my god the iq thing statue of birdly twitch in the toilet you glance back at the bathroom door sign sign is a bit of a burly statue everything checks out no problem here the statue needs the bigger toilet that we saw before bro please what is this game why why why is hello when are they gonna be done in there oh no where do you even come from and why is my save point gone why does nothing make a sense lake of battery acid oh you mean the free pool yeah you will learn to love it like family why do you have this it is my mansion's energy source oh we gotta drain it and fun to drink bye hahaha thank you how should we pass this fluffy boy you gotta you gotta you gotta act as my boat or that i suppose this works yeah they're convenient [Music] oh really now we have to think of some way to distract the queen oh wow i'm so distracted right now oh that's easy what happens if i i'm a little afraid oh what are these little houses just tropical villas for my guests isn't that thoughtful for the mice how would anybody fit inside it's a mouse nice oh no they shrink from the acid noah no i have to man it's a meme that's okay chris it's good for you we gotta get the potassium oh no what's happening it's nice at least some quality time with the fluff boy we're coming up on a tunnel uh-oh [Music] don't lose your head or else [Music] oh wait oh there's something blocking the way maybe we can find some way to get rid of this [Music] a giant hand sure would be nice to be pet by something like that your elsa you got your priorities straight a certain bird is having a ride on the really oh my god i guess the queen did not lie ah get me out of here man can i touch it no i can't oh nothing or else they want to go go for a swim ah okay we have to change up let's just oh ralph say watch out [Music] hmm [Music] i don't know if there's any reason for this [Music] there we go this castle has worn many sieges is this just a trap i guess so hello but it should be easy to get rid of you actually yeah you just defend once get enough for pacify and then easy peasy okay oh open the treasure chest inside was revived dust wait revive dust does that revive everybody that would be crazy yeah yeah but no but not the full hp okay that's pretty good so i'm i'm happy so yeah you should always explore now i guess we can go here this does this does move on but now i don't know okay sure let me try here first hmm dear guests please note our mice will turn at every crossing vermin have been specially handpicked for higher what turning turning this is just for treasure chests sure [Music] the mice found one bug you didn't get any [Music] but why do we okay 20 bucks you didn't get any and now i need to get them to the house maybe [Music] that might work because but now they're gonna turn i have to get them to not turn if they if they can't turn here then they're gonna turn back [Music] ah wait and now what happens now now i gotta get it to this one which means this can't happen but this also can happen unless i make it no no [Music] wait i forget what happens if i do it now why do they for some reason they go into that chest so this is bad what is this the bridge was raised this bridge ah and that's a switch for the hand or for both hands wait what oh hell yeah high five the hand is out of the way now ah would undo the high five you cannot undo a high five and this is the just a shortcut this is this shortcut but but we gotta we gotta actually go back here come around because we want to see what's on the right side probably just a chest again [Music] oh hello oh no wait oh that's the queen statue no [Music] hello can you help thank you for your help i had gone up there to do a little house cleaning got stuck a little house cleaning bro did i really do all of this just for a for a pun why no you're gonna get angry i'm so sorry my friend oh i suppose we'll just have to let it go this once my friend oh man wait is this what is happening in this game oh i i guess i can do this again like is it really at least they're nice to me now dude i don't know what's happening in delta rune anymore we're just gonna run we're gonna run run oh there we go nice music though we can do a little like ball dance with with the fluffy boy let's go chris yay [Music] stop stop looking at me chris look at ralph say instead or at least look forward yeah okay this is mighty suspicious chris hey chris is it strange to say it's nice spending time alone with you like this no it's actually true i feel the same you know what a little a little weird in this chapter a little a little different than usual but still very fluffy i feel the same or i'll say i'm happy hearing you say that chris when we first met i i was so nervous about first impressions i even hit my face so you wouldn't see how do i even be a friend all i have to do is be nice is what i thought i'm starting to realize being friends it's more than that isn't it susie sometimes she isn't nice at all she's selfish rude she's sarcastic but isn't it wonderful that she's her is what i started thinking today and of course chris it's nice that you're you it's not i wonder i wonder dude i don't want to be rude though do you really want to root the fluffy boy it's nice that ralph says ralph say it's nice that asriel is asriel huh no one's ever said that to me before i i mean everything's a first for me but hearing it from you um it means a lot i just wonder what being ralph say like even is sorry i got off track let's just enjoy the ride chris hmm well say i want to trust you completely i really do but first we're going to have to get through more puzzles wow chris look at all the houses wonder what'll happen if we change their color [Music] south worms really start as snow thousands have seen it the lastest of me i forgot you even existed i'm sorry oh it's the pirate do we have to fight chips ahoy's landlords are now ready to visit ivy jones lockery could could you not speak with more than one accent yes all right oh mr rules i just remembered lancer he's not well oh dear didst thou are trying to burping him perhaps to give him a step of medieval ginger ale wait i have not time to spare on such frivolities i must conquer this island and the feast thou then give things her a succulent island present the beautish queen beautius queen shall reward me by making me her left hand man me the ultimate minion now beholdeth the form of thou and destroy air no whatever this thing is this again is this was this mine is this my i don't even remember squirming with jealousy jealousy at my battle caravan it is an effigy of an ancient god of combat i rescued it from the king's trash heap and fixed us it up in this world scrap shop it's a it's actually a rejected design we made and soon thou shall taste it reject it's gonna just explore explode and he's gonna die man first handeth in the form of very pulitze [Music] really pirate rule trash machine reluctantly fights you i like you take oh we gotta steal the houses with a lot of tp check first and you fluffy just defend mini boss for hire will appear even if unhired i even do parties the rules and pronounce the rules thank you are simple conquer houses whoever has the most wins oh the music you are insane my friend i thought are you still no you're not in an inventory you've never been in my inventory ever since the beginning there your city is lacking public transport uh are we playing one of these games take house four like four houses or house number four [Music] ah [Music] i see oh i thought okay okay finished victory will be minus queen will make it in your left hand man you only do two in a turn oh oh really come on man you need more industrial zones um is there anything else we can do though let me check defend do you have distract rules will place one less house next turn mr card what happens if we win ah oh oh no you can't do oh no you can't let us win didn't expect that i gotta stay up gotta stay up stay up not liking parks i don't wanna fight i guess what you wanna do is take house two and then ralph's they can maybe just distract okay can i can't build on enemy territory so we want don't we win if we lock the dude in finished distracted but it failed building the house i have to win uh i think we can win if we just cut ouch uh rules card dude dude what am i doing well say i'm so sorry the enemy's ships is very hot bro please uh take house [Music] i think i can do this without drought i just do it like this finished and now i think we win dressed off the fourth bone okay so so just always try to stay up maybe this is just a joke attack [Music] your city is lacking parks [Music] i'm just gonna heal you real quick or else my friend go forth my camera van [Music] the game is over but why oh it's only but i was winning look at this come on rules that's just cheating got the battle [Music] finally i've won how does it feel at worms to be bested by the best day to be laid lowly by the duke of puzzles um so what happens now i guess it doesn't matter either way what um you had more houses so what does that even do ha gladith thou asked oh no you don't have any plan do you shut us you yawn up and behold my truest power behold worms the real power of rules guard oh god damn it no can we save you though i don't i don't want you to die ah that's right rules isn't compatible with this world either well let's go chris what about star walker star walker isn't competing can we can we at least no rules no my friend yes we can pose with the camera or elsa make a cute face looks like the riot's almost over chris oh there's a camera should we yes peace sounds pretty cool but you i mean come on if the game gives you the choice there's nothing else you can do me chris yeah dude i'm turning chris into a total like i don't know awesome did it really take a picture of that hi uh let's keep going oh man aren't though just gonna leave me here thou aren't even going to show with me the picture i'm sorry rules i don't have control over this this this character uh anymore was a nice boat rider wasn't it chris true chris looking at me again being like maybe chris is or else you're almost dead completed the migration chris is like what are you doing this is not this is not my character stop hugging people but nah i won't this might be it look at this chris are you wondering how susie is doing right now yeah sure well then why don't we close our eyes and think about what she's doing now are we going to play a suzie kind of like in chapter one yeah there was like a scene like that right maybe you can skip it noel what a strange moon it's like nothing i've ever seen before it's a ball oh no this world i wish des could see this susie maybe is somebody there wait wait what are you hey you can't capture someone who's already captured there she goes [Music] susie you saved me [Music] don't get used to it i'm okay i won't little icy there the spiky i see yeah but it's weird isn't it how do we get here no what even is this place it's uh all right i can evil queen's castle dark world i mean both both is gonna be like like noel obviously knows it's that let's just go dark world uh you were uh just having a dream uh-huh oh oh that's right right if you're here it must be a dream i mean the real susie probably wouldn't save me would she oh no oh no noel is unhinged she probably doesn't care about me at all [Music] why would you think that i mean she doesn't care about anybody well fair but did i ever wonder why susie never picked on you [Music] all the time maybe it's because when she first came to class you lent her one of your pencils like a dumb candy cane looking one or something even though it didn't actually taste like candy she remembered your smile and uh decided to spare you you know that's uh really specific yeah well uh wait did you say you ate the pencil i mean look hey we already got the chalk out of the way hey so do you dream about me a lot well time for me to get back to my project okay susie hit me with your axe and wake me up dude noel's gonna die right here what a this is like tragic there's some drama the accidental susie kills noel and has to live with that for the rest of her life no i can't do that how am i not it's just a dream so i mean didn't you wanna hang out some more oh i guess bertie can wait a little longer true all right let's get out of here then no way are we gonna get the are we gonna play as the two all we gotta do is head to the right over to this or head yeah uh over here on this uh [Music] bro hard covered ferris wheel okay okay toby okay okay what's the goddamn hold up get on already sorry was it maybe this is birdly's plan wait this is birdley's plan what the hell am i supposed to do here chris would know what to do point and hearts come out don't even know what okay i mean eat moss i think noelle was kind of like haha that's silly about the chalk thing so maybe noelle's gonna be like sure about because i i just do is funny actually maybe chris wouldn't know what to do really [Music] oh man ferris wheels huh kinda makes you wonder what car they were built for it's different than riding one with chris the hell's wrong you scared of heights no no no i love heights oh no you're uh shaking well i'm maybe i'm a little scared but i to be honest i i actually like scary things you mean when we were little me and my sister would stay up go past our bedtime watching horror movies at first i cried but now it's like watching them makes me feel comforted comforted because i do like slamming blood it's scary but i can just turn it off right now it's mostly people that are scary you can just say you mean me um well i guess you too but that's what's nice about you you know nice hell does that mean you're the the good kind of scare you aren't afraid to break the rules you know i wish i could do crazy stuff like you [Music] do something nuts do something crazy bro go eat some nuts or something so uh if you could do something crazy right now jump off what were you doing oh well i yeah i jump out the window yeah it's a dream right i'd grow big angel wings fly as far as i can gazing back at it all the skylines shining like holiday lights that's kind of beautiful wait you wouldn't seriously jump out were you no promises susie what do you think looking out there me um say something romantic now we gotta say something cool seeing everything small makes me feel like uh if i was suzilla or something i could wreck the whole city susie [Music] something you think about a lot uh like lie no i just made it up now does your tail always do that when you lie hey don't look at that i don't have a tail it's part of your dream what's going on dude all right sorry i guess i'll just have to check in real life too wait does she have one i guess we don't see it hey don't susie everything okay look i just uh just don't like people knowing about it oh well i think it's a nice tail whatever it's wagging dude susie's a dog [Music] you stop shaking guess i got comfortable me too well that wasn't too bad yeah if only i could dream like this every day maybe maybe it doesn't have to be a dream you know susie maybe maybe someday we could yes the true hero arrives or are you but you're just gonna support it or are you not my lady oh hell yeah the music the cavalry has arrived to rescue you oh the good part of the dream is over it's fine burley's gonna help we're allies yes don't worry noella i'm stupid now he's good look i gotta go save the day now all right wait are we gonna like i thought maybe play as susie and noel but maybe not good luck susie all right nugget boy up to you now leave it to me my dear susan yeah whatever may the smarts be with you she left before i could noelle it's hard to say this you've done so much for me and i noelle i'm sorry burley you're actually apologizing thank you i understand you know you've always been nice to me when it's just the two of us you just wanted to make a happy world for me i'm glad you realized it sucked oh huh i mean yes i was in a way apologizing for that but i also wanted to apologize for leading you on i know you only always helped me out because well you had a crush on me so what oh no oh sorry please don't be embarrassed it's understandable but i i have to tell you i i really value your friendship dude noel's getting wrecked i i felt i had to pretend to re receive regrets a proper laboratory or something those feelings but i i don't i never furthermore i think i may have discover someone else for me huh please don't be jealous off susie oh no it's a oh this is a deep mess what what what what no no don't kill the bird bro noel you just got wrecked you have to accept it oh so that's why geronimo not on direct come on man that's actually what i'll say dead miss me of course not oh just kidding that was sarcasm i missed you oh man we gotta work on your delivery anyway let's go is i mean is that is that is that is that is that it everyone is together the wind blows coldly you are filled with a certain power again i guess we can uh right here so wait what was to the left can we even do anything oh hello i was fishing for lost pottery in the asset when i found this photo yes it sure is a nice photo suzy want it for your room the hell would i want this for come on i want to see it oh man and you're the migration okay oh man no photo i'm gonna take the long walk up the stairs this does seem it's gonna be the climax 3f is there's a shortcut again four f preventing back okay and what happens now you're still oh man i think the swan boat clocked the river oh are they reminiscing about a ride oh man no i actually wanna i wanna i wanna just help i wanna save rules card so this is now one f and now we got all of the shortcuts okay i mean i already saved and there's nothing else to do here i think right you're just chilling okay i guess we can actually go 4f where where wire strongly blocks your way what the heck we're still going wait does it like that new i guess those are like the mini bosses all of them those are not normal enemies i think that's just like a single single enemy type that's going to show up be sweet and you defend oh it doesn't like that and not to care oh but acts became more effective maybe maybe it does okay okay that messed me up smells like a lightning strike well we are just tough and you just our action beat them up the air crackled with fighting spirit wings them the muralia [Music] okay okay you just wanna one by one pretends to ignore you how much are you 61 um be cold i guess we can be cold as action just do all the action yeah left hand wing i mean i think there was already a lot of percentage yeah yeah wire is loose okay easy enough i guess we can uh defend no no no calm down defend and spare [Music] yeah look there's only one recruit so that was another mini boss or something and this is the oh the susie thing here while the statue rocks hey ralph said can we take this from my room huh um that would be stealing you stole the sushi like statue hey we're stealing from the queen which i guess is fine sarwaka but we don't have it anywhere or am i blind no i think okay someone's carrying it all sorts of clothes inside ah never seen no will wear anything like this catalogs of search results most things couldn't be made into objects from the search is icy real cryptid crypt criteria it's a cross between ic and something else hey chris take this for your room i won't be stealing oh man you stole the statue for some reason why are we i'm sorry ralph say a calendar every page is the last month every day is the 25th is this like a joke or is this something more serious it's a bed go to sleep sure chris what if noel came in here yeah what if she has sticks get out of there oh man not your bed it's a wardrobe and then we can look out at nothingness okay i wonder if you actually have to come here if you if you want to like decorate your rooms in the other world [Music] i mean this right here right ralph stays a little beat up but we're gonna have this first anyway okay i mean easy enough easy enough just rushing through okay the queen there she is what up queen stop right there ah my sweet idiot children you are just in time to witness my world domination with noel in my possession it is only a matter of time before her will turns and she unleashes her power blanketing the world in too late no else with burley oh but then burly wait then who this yeah i was thinking birdly but he's been intercepted my control plugs are now suitable for teenagers now the whole family can enjoy eternal servitude sort of regal mostly cruel laughter wait then where's noel laughter becomes more cruel she dead i wonder i actually know the answer enough already oh dear i do sincerely quite like you too it will be a shame to force you to serve me an enjoyable shame that's okay queen with birdly defenseless so we could just kill and bam which which is always an option i gotta consider let's check group losing we gotta lose some broadly or a throwaway oh we can't even check check in weirdly enough i guess we can just group loosen loosens birthday 15 queen think of the lightners are we supposed to make them happy is that not what i am doing i mean you kinda are if you ow wow if you look at the reactions to your character okay well the burley attacks pretty tough overclocked high heels what if we throw and then you can just lose him normally [Music] where was cut how much is that plus 25 you definitely want to do that think lightness thing lighteners have already been enslaved by me and my kin by the memes by the by the internet oh okay i i understand please stop and now you're drinking acid shield is formed protected okay let's just group toast class of acid is generating her shield so you're gonna drink all that no this is all mine you can't have it oh queen zips from our acid we got a toast so yeah yeah each day they spent hours worshiping in glowing rapture our screams of funny animals and candied games oh please no no no no stepping [Music] okay so yeah we just have to keep toasting yeah so she drinks staring tapping to receive joy staring tapping to avoid pain oh no i i see this enough every time i start the game i don't need to again [Music] acid shield is down and now we can i think throw is the best and then you do the normal actually no we just loosen i think that's birdly is like kinda all right that that that's probably some loose loose thing i think two two is good enough 17 and five until recently when the town's internet disappeared now the refuge they take in the screens will slowly fade do you want to come out of the streams or what's your plan okay that's gonna suck because now it fills up again yeah so the shield so we have to once again there's nothing else i can do right maybe you can fight the shield kill everyone let's just do it real quick and then susie you can toast normally oh your soul shine its power on ralph say it susie made a toast to queen [Music] it's a good thing i have no standards for this oh thank you queen and duel heal okay now we're good to go noella who will help her her strange and sad searches like we saw in the little shelf before who will answer them there's already like uh i mean i don't know like how much there there's known but there's already like a lot of a lot of like theories i guess and possibilities about we've learned in the past couple of episodes for now [Music] it's what i wondered until the night appeared and created this wonderful world of darkness funny cry and oh no funny family mix little son of a dog boy and queen and freaky sound are those the searches the fountain flows ominously are we no we still have to toast okay almost done now the path is clear all i have to do is expand this dark world now please oh the last thing is to put your memes into reality no bananas smells like overhead high heels okay and there we go then with the world covered in darkness no one will have to suffer any longer okay now stepping in blazers [Music] queen's acid shield is down maybe we should just group loosen again just see or maybe we should loosen each what happens if we all loosen individually there's only 15 instead everyone can live in my perfect mansion every day blissfully worshipping me like we both deserve this this really happens every single time huh [Music] you only get one shot at at at loosening birdly what if we toast toes and toes spoken like a real truth see why did they make it so emotional give me the toes a toast to you uh making me wear a butler outfit bro that's weird but okay those were three thingies i think stop persisting welcome the new age of darkness up to any moment spoil our hell away no no dodge the drama the battlefield feels electric i guess yeah you want to group toast [Music] yeah yeah that's more i think it's like four bars maybe or five we won't let you control everyone with your wires wow when did i say you would do that [Music] and i think we're done okay easy it's actually not that long enough you foolish children you may have survived my attacks to regular but i've been secretly been downloading my ultimate move the whole time perish in the bottom of my hellish reign okay no stop it yes ah crap the failed download is the special attack i got hit i see nothing [Music] queen's acid shield is down i mean burley's almost we just group loosen right but there's also only 15. that final move was supposed to be cooler but the internet's down oh thank god we don't okay now i think we've reached the recap of the fight more or less this is where it definitely ends because she's no longer drinking bro rattlesee actually [Music] um what i could try what about throw and then ralph say can you real quick heal prayer yourself before it ends oh that was really good the only plus three or maybe that's already enough yeah not bad foolish children are you going to join our party what are you doing why isn't my control wire working thanks to my comrades kindness their mercy now it's time for me to take my freedom queen you may have mastered the number three but can you stand up against four of us but that's not possible in the game or is it running simulation for the number four oh unless oh no what that noella no uh bro wait wait one nanosecond you you coward you you we lost phase two or was that it alas barley because it now was nothing more than simple bravado the truth is that wire already absorbed all of my succulent energy juices burnley hey hey birdle you okay everything getting dark dark darker yet darker only ah okay burly okay only a kiss from a beautiful gamer girl can save me now burnley what like you're like you're like losing consciousness and stuff but could you speak up oh no sorry suddenly i i'm feeling a bit better hey that's a relief this is gonna be a love triangle and a half well uh gotta hurry and save noel later no i'm poor burly dear susan so enigmatic in her ways but i can read her heart chris like a health meter it's beeping for love ah well enough tales chris good luck may the smarts not be with you okay what's happening is this still chris your deep concern for me is dextrose stay sanguine my fellow bluebird i'll find some way to help you yet i mean i guess save now i don't know should i i'm just gonna save here for now yo the perfect time bro the perfect time look at this you will never see any better time but now i'm thinking now i'm thinking first of all what what we're going to do with birdly here elsa is kinda i know this looks pretty cruel but i think this might be like because there's there's most likely gonna be like a big ending with like you know once you exit this area with the real world and stuff so maybe maybe this is a good a good spot to take a break for now like prepare ourselves for where it's gonna happen next because even if there's not a phase two like this feels like there might be a phase two even if there's not one we're still gonna have enough but i think i think we can can chill here chill with the ralster here a little bit hello rousey maybe a bit of a cliffhanger i apologize but i think we're gonna have a really nice way to kind of like have everything ready for the next episode we're just gonna have the three like the iconic team chris rousey susie for possibly like i don't even know maybe phase two maybe something else because the queen is still around but maybe that was already it we're gonna find out for now guys thank you so much for watching i hope you liked the video and until next time take care [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Merg
Views: 197,607
Rating: 4.9687605 out of 5
Keywords: Merg, Game, Gameplay, Let's Play, Playthrough, Commentary, Reactions, Deltarune, Delta Rune, Undertale, Deltarune Chapter 2, Chapter 2, Ralsei, Kris, Susie, Fluffy Boy, Deltarune Queen, Deltarune The Queen, Queen Boss Fight
Id: cko6LbonhFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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