I GOT SCAMMED | Deltarune Chapter 2 (Part 3)

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to deltarune we just uh added noel to our party i don't know what that means do you fight what do you do do you help us out at all i hope so oh god what is this baba is you oh no it's a hole from ice to enter into noel get in there wait no you're dear okay [Music] what do i eh okay that resets them [Music] [Music] sorry chris could you deal with them somehow maybe if you can get them into the other mouse hole annoying mouse room sure i'll do that for you noelle no problem at all [Music] okay so they go that way if they hit a wall they'll come over here try using those blocks to get them into the hole okay yeah whatever i can't actually do anything with that freaking block [Music] okay oh did i just mess that up all right now i did what if i to go down and do that what if they do this [Music] okay okay i i can yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever there we go [Music] looks like that took care of it why man noel just run past the button or something jesus oh god noel we're gonna have to fight are you capable of fighting noel are you capable of doing it let's see [Music] what's going on what are we doing we're killing noel we're killing it's what we do what are you telling me to do act get someone please explain what's going on no oh boy this is our first time in a battle is this your first time in battle i mean uh well um yes it's not so much of a battle if i'm not fighting oh boy you and viro viral kuhn explained how battles worked in a while i get it it's kind of like dragon blazers therefore nice to you we can win through mercy yeah and the way i have to do that is dressing up in a weird costume yeah you and well show the enemy tender loving care oh god noel what is this amateur hour nice watch out noel we may be acting but the spears are very real [Music] nice yeah somebody mentioned that if i the more tp i have at the end of a round the more money i make ah so it's always best to defend because defending gives you lots of tp oh i love toilet paper you have the treasure chest inside was pink ribbon pink ribbon was added to your armors okay what does pink ribbon do graze area uh is it better for you no pink ribbon sucks i don't want it get out of here oh wait i want to click on this poster queen she says she wants me to be happy but why would i want to eat a casserole made of wires and why can't i just refuse sometimes i feel like chris and dad are the only ones i can say no to all right the queen also just gave you a grade a showing last time so i think you and her are on better acquaintances than you think we're addisons all we do is advertise this is an advertisement too advertisement is now only 9.89 okay oh baby escaped by the skin of my fore wait should i've gone up yeah probably that was a foreskin joke that i was trying to make i just didn't make it very well we're addisons all we do is advertise doesn't advertise them too okay susie she's right there but i i can't get the courage to say anything who's that person she's with anyway it looks kind of like ah they're looking over here let's go hey can you move the cones it would make things a lot easier [Music] now everything in this game is pain [Music] we'll do it the hard way then go wait it looks like you were carrying me oh that's not right okay so it's like it's like gambling i'm playing the that's good hey what up since everyone else got back they're a lot more agreeable it's nice [Music] can't even cross the street without getting my ass kicked i love the city yeah someone pointed out that one of them had a hat because it was somebody i met earlier in the level [Music] i didn't put that together oh god stop chasing me please [Music] oh [Music] how about you stay on that and i go through looks like you need to hold it down [Music] chris you keep standing on this one [Music] okay now you come over here you're gonna move aren't you [Music] nice teamwork oh my god she's useful well done noel well done i say you became lost in the craftsmanship of the boxes sure i'd love a tour of a box factory sometime she's back chris it's queen she's right over there can you distract her somehow sure can look at my sick moves you're here [Music] sorry chris well i've been looking for a well i've had like four of these all ages appropriate glasses of pure battery acid i've got no brains that's dangerous someone could slip or cut their feet on the glass don't worry that was my throwing glass it's safe look chris crisscross applesauce i am totally wasted now that we are trucy's like besties i feel like we are on the same mathematical wavelength [Music] you get me chris you really do you do not do crazy things like have opinions like the rest of twitter or scream when i capture you you're agreeable or tell me horrible plans for smart boy theme park i just cannot compute it why everyone else is so ungrateful [Music] was that your explosion class whoops that was my extra dangerous glass chris i just want to make everyone smile then if i become an evil villain to accomplish that is that bad it's okay you do not have to answer you would be wrong but chris while we're still true sees maybe we could uh make the most of it i'm not another game i hate video games whoever plays them as a dumbass we could play that game again wasn't that uh fun chris just you and me having a good time no one else to get in the way oh god what is that queen i've been looking everywhere to show you this ah a monument to our greatness together [Music] how do i put this uh very uh smart just because it says lying on my face doesn't mean it's true the lie on my face is a lie as well so smart you are i love tolerating you i knew you'd be enamored such perfect taste very cool statues so super cool i did not know you had uh nipples [Music] i will soon in our ideal world chris feel free to admire our artisan ship queen and i have plans to consider [Music] oh yes oh so good looking forward to that let's go berkeley uh it's burnley but whatever keep going i'm right behind you i'm totally lying procedurally lowering the volume of my voice sorry chris i must alt tab out of here [Music] wow cool face oh my god that's good looks like my disguise worked if it's good enough for solid snake it's good enough for me it's silly looking but it beats hiding that is hiding let's get going chris wow [Music] just realized i can't see okay so try not to wear it unless i have to okay let's go for real this time do you like birdly statue rhea's nipples and the queen is hanging off his amazing bicep and his speedo says iq do you think he's insecure what is this chris can you stop looking at this we're right at grundle level i think i missed stuff back in this other direction didn't i let me go back i would hate to think that i missed something so valuable are these still being chased here [Music] oh hey got any way to deal with crushing existential dread asking for a friend my friend that looks and sounds exactly like me they're talking about me you live behind a floppy disk door that's very very cute i also like that the queen's stuff is all uh computer related like i have to alt tab out of here that's good writing um i thought this way would let me get to relsay and suzy but i guess not [Music] two young beans together on a school night could i interest you in some brand new dating shoes no you've got it totally wrong chris and i are just friends chris has been my neighbor forever we've been through so much sometimes it feels like we know each other better than anyone yet somehow i just learned of you in this game and had no idea you existed until like a few hours before this somehow it's hard to say we're exactly friends yeah we're friends yep that's right we're about friends it's surprisingly nice just hearing chris say that reassurance gathers you feel determined and all that what is this it's an advertisement for a giant first week gosh that's amazing makes the one at the festival look like a toy i wonder if susie would want to gosh what am i kidding oh oh i can pick susie wood i didn't realize that that was an option up there really you really think so and coming from susie expert chris thanks hey chris how do you become the susie expert you just gotta hang out with them all day every day have them want to bite your face off although you'd probably be into that in a while wouldn't you huh yeah after what you and queen just did all bets are off noelle hey what up guys energetic music wafts from the boxes you are filled with the power of musical bagels because why not [Music] what a bg i got cd bagels 80 a pop ah yeah good eye for music cd bagel's added to your items what do you have did you like the big statue building itself took a lot of scrap the other job we did was way better it was big it's gonna blow your mind it was big okay how big was it yo how's it hanging we're making some extra money by selling in the city we gotta make those bucks somehow gotta buy new gear gotta get new kicks i wanna be a car good thinking kk gotta have a way to get around hog honk i maybe i should have given them the voice have you guys played or maybe he's in something else have you played the new warrior where there's a character in nicole 18 vol and the way he talks is always like kind of sounds like a johnny bravo type of character well no he doesn't really he sounds a lot like aaron from game grumps or aaron from hanson not the band just his surname welcome to cyber shoes 2 free samples would you like one yes you got a small shoe with a toothpick through it do you eat them is it like an aperitif this is the hottest tea shop hot hot hot 50 off actually i think you'll find that uh top of the morning is the hottest tea shop around we sell tea this is an advertisement for a hundred dollars choose your own flavor what did i get okay choose your own flavor well chris would be my flavor okay here you go chris t was added to your items noel tea would have been nicer though it sounds like christmas tea um maybe i should be fighting these guys because aren't i supposed to recruit people [Music] oh i can't throw you jiggled your body no i'll pull on the plug [Music] i don't know if either of that is gonna help me live okay relax there jimbos relax well it works on one of them [Music] nice okay two more of them [Music] nice oh i guess that didn't work then nice five of six epic [Music] i don't know what recruiting them does so people have gotten i mean this chapter came out and people finished it and dad-minded and looked into everything and did everything about it already so people have been telling me absolutely everything about this chapter already um but apparently there's a a genocide root in this chapter as well that people are saying is messed up i don't know anything about it i just heard that it's called like snow grave or something so oh i can go under those so maybe we'll check that out i'm not sure [Music] ah well yeah i guess i should fight you [Music] good job noel you're terrible at this why do i even bring you along oh whoa whoa whoa that's new i don't like that i don't like that at all bye i didn't see how many are recruited damn it a bounce blade house blade was added to weapons do i use it bounce blade brings my defense up so hell yeah nice um i took damage didn't i yeah maybe i should go back and just touch this thing oh i'll save anyway why not [Music] all right where was he bye that was easy it's a mannequin with a dress on it clothing store sail sail we're selling this for 75 off only 300 dark dollars sure why not why am i getting all this money if i'm not gonna use it great doing business with you it was added to your armors [Music] i got the mannequin not the dress [Music] okay uh why did they spend 300 in this god damn it come on man [Music] i guess i can't uh oh i can see what the stuff does here right [Music] you've ice shot see i don't use any of these because i don't fight i do is sit around and act [Music] am i missing anything if i don't go down oh christ wait huh i do have to go down damn it man oh god okay go go go go go go go faster in the world faster oh god damn it where the hell am i supposed to go [Music] you are carrying me aren't you ah god damn it oh i can just oh no i thought i could walk through them um okay [Music] why does this feel so slow oh baby that's the annoying dog you gonna show up oh whoa that was weird come on oh jesus jesus what the [Music] yay i'm glad he's in the game [Music] i found the moss guys i found the moss what the does the moss mean what does the mask do [Music] i have no idea it's a dumpster seems like there's a pillow inside is someone sleeping in the dumpster the room between there's a room between between what weird but i'm glad that i did that that was super fun oh this is not the right thing this is not the right thing where the hell do i go [Music] am i not supposed to be here at all [Music] i get it going well going well going to well going well going well going to well oh lord [Music] well i'm glad i found the annoying dog i would have been annoyed if i knew they were in the game and i didn't do anything with them looks like another electric wall [Music] this hole has a switch inside of it maybe we could try to put something aside but no no well look i know you and queen are up to no good but what i do on this channel is fully christian actually christians put a dude on a cross and fill them full of holes so it let's go what do you think chris um okay so we have to put them in there [Music] oh what the okay let's just leave that like that how do i start this i want to like start it so i know what's happening like i want to know how the mice run first but how do i get the mice to run citizens duty to properly rotate and release mice using the traffic signs engage disengage rotate release okay yeah but how do i get them to start [Music] i i don't know [Music] let's say mice come down bam what are the are the red ones different do they go left if they hit those [Music] yeah that's probably right why not sure [Music] oh down is to release the mice oh okay yeah they do go that way gotcha gotcha gotcha [Music] okay sorry noel whoops okay so that seems right there [Music] um i did it by accident i'm even smarter than i even thought maybe i could be chris you did it we should be able to huh the force field's still up [Music] did we miss something hello they're gonna come out again [Laughter] got him chris i can't believe you made those mice huh i guess landing on the switch turned off the force field you're a genius noel let's go well done you faced your fears even if i pushed you over the edge it's like having a fear of heights and someone pushing you off a building or having a fear of the ocean and someone drowning you chris you are gonna touch that cheese are you hey man cheese's cheese it's covered cheese is literally fungus already what more is it gonna do you rub the cheese down like a beloved pen suddenly no mouse blocked away trap fear trap ah trap he got away oh lord oh god why is a mouse the scariest enemy so far [Music] got him whoa let's go oh i shouldn't trap all i should just trap one and then noel can spare [Music] nice hell yeah i never want to see cheese ever again why the cheese was destroyed the heat of battle feels like you lost sight of what was important i feel like that happens a lot in this game there's a lot of weird happening oh my god chris look at all this cheese oh i'm not allowed to touch any okay now let's trap all got one got one let's go maybe i should just trap one oh that's a mouse [Music] i get it oh god i sucked at that um i should trap one and then you can spare this one got him wait oh there you go i wonder why you didn't go away oh god oh god oh god they stink nice we got all three well there goes all the freaking uh all the freaking cheese there better not be a save point right around the corner and i just wasted a cd bagel it was meant to be i wasted one just to get one if there is one around the corner though i'm going to throw a controller through my camera [Music] good you're safe for now it's a dead end no idiot look at the floor oh what the switch didn't seem to work chris the platform's falling help me just jump back okay okay just hang on just hang on there you go chris what are you doing you made me live survive saved your life yeah usually people say thanks sorry chris you just saved me didn't you yes i don't have to do it all over again this one's falling too chris whatever you just did keep doing it terrifying you oh god uh chris stuck on this puzzle no go away [Music] thinking what the sound was now quiz what that's not right now what am i doing poor sweet noel where would she be no she's on the platform oh i keep pressing the wrong thing [Music] uh what am i doing in this one [Music] chris will you only get in the way why are you talking to me in this dire time of need i need sheer and utter focus that's not right that's the wrong button again i keep trying to like read and look and oh god [Music] i just did it i just did it man i just did it sorry sorry this is not going uh [Music] hey chris the target of fiction what are you talking about man whoops [Music] i love mouse [Music] there we go i could not focus on what he was saying so i'm glad you guys were all able to read that how did you uh how did you solve that even a broken is right once a day uh and chris if anyone asks i solved the puzzle it's not fair for you to get extra credit for a fluke get it let no one think otherwise especially susie you know she just love she just lord it over me you're welcome gosh you know i don't think i'm afraid of mice anymore actually i think they might be kind of cute anyways let's keep going yeah you know when i stand on top of a tall building i think that heights are not that scary anymore i think they're cute no i'm still terrified of it i want to fight birdly again i'm gonna him up you took through the trash and found 20 dark dollars i love money about 80 dark dollars there's so much money lying around and a cd bagel who's throwing away money bagels i get bagels go off bagels go sour but why would you throw away oh damn it uh avoid the pop-up noelle got nervous and looked at the ground the enemies got shriveled and tired from lack of attention oh god [Music] i didn't even do anything um did i use that in the right person yeah mouse trap one and you can spare mouse because i'm gonna get him watch this [Music] i missed [Music] try using noelle's sleep mist oh okay i'll do that yeah sure why not let's try using noel sleepness sure uh yeah i'll just pop up i'll block the pop-up and then you use okay what did i use what did i use with noel there's so much happening all the time [Music] oh i need 32 tp i don't have that just keep using that [Music] you take you to big cheese ow god damn it man what's wrong with me [Music] okay it occurs to me that i still uh don't understand the battle system half the time but or survive when we're progressing anyway i'm gonna go back and use the save hole hey it's gone that's annoying oh oh god no well what are you doing with chris um i am i we have a truce a truce with quiz that's impossible that would be double true seats huh worry not my dearest noah ow do i know what you really want to say you you do going along with all this you feel forced don't you it's why you're not with queen right now early you get it yes i do chris is forcing you to be on dare side kidnapping chris oh truce is over oh jesus well this may hurt but is to help you wait just listen to me look him up let's go you encourage noel to use her mind her magic increased burnley found her smarts appealing chris i get it your hair's gotten big from solving that puzzle by dumb luck [Music] changes [Music] good lord man uh let's keep playing smart so now your tinker's your chance to absorb me at my weakest by taking my most precious thing noel no not the grades not the grades okay i need to heal um what if [Music] what if i play dom on my own and you can use any 32 will then defend you acted like an idiot next to burleigh's genius a quiz a shame i must have hate someone so lowly probably like that but guess what chris i have one more things you will never have behold cobwebs oh jesus christ hey cry many okay okay i'll jiggle at them and then you can use heal prayer on yourself you jiggle your body with the wire loosened and turned oh thank god that's why chris unlike you i have a loving team behind me and you'll never beat us fighting alone i'm not fighting alone but my god this sucks it would be real nice to use my sword to split your face in half um is this the person i jiggled on [Music] my team is rich in natural resources intelligence yes smart yes nipples future yes oh not the future nipples oh i walked right into the a plus ah and again [Music] okay let's spare and use healed prayer on chris nice noah this might hurt but it's to save you help [Music] sometimes i just get myself oh you get myself trapped in a hole uh maybe i should act a birdly like dumb and you can use an action on them you grunted like a primitive animal oh well pulled at the plug like a fairy light why are you hitting me don't worry it's part of my i didn't see what he said whoa how did i dodge all that i didn't okay you need to off and you need to heal prayer on yourself hoodie helbert grab me strength such a sick attack that's so cool maybe i should have healed again but hey chris does therefore punishment i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you oh god that was close um okay so 64 maybe i should heal myself and you can use [Music] damage spare tire falls 30. [Music] see what this does now i'll try to talk to birdly um birdly i'm glad you're trying to help me no need to thank me do is noelle noel accidentally complimented burley 10 nice see if you can dodge this quiz you know you're attacking noel as well right oh jesus oh god i beat sans right i fought sans once beat him that was a thing that happened right uh i couldn't get him to 90 if i did that so i played dom and then you healed yourself you're planning to spill your iq points to the floor you've got no oil to pretend to pick them up by me holy hobo grammy strength nice nice that's so cool looking i want one should be enough but hey chris the devil will punish me [Music] ninety-eight percent there you go you grabbed it like a printed valve oh oh you would 286 darino's nice to damn it burly are you okay chris maybe we should have gone easier on him cooy is here [Music] the only one going easy mode was me you look exhausted i'm already tired of holding back my true power huh well it'd be too simple to save you now please go ahead and train your strength values try hard and maybe someday you'll be a worthy rival sometimes i can't believe how cool i am so cool that i gotta go home and bandage all my wounds if he would just listen to me well that could have gone better but it also could have gotten a lot worse you know what i'm saying i use a cd bagel when i probably didn't have to but i'm fine with that god lower the amount of traffic honey where are you oh no here she comes [Music] no i'll come home i made you a battery acid pie oh chris perfect timing have you seen oh my luxurious queen oh my surface chris get in the car [Applause] [Music] my queen where are you i picked you a gay moose deloitte hmm she's not here convenient car thought it was close chris who is your friend my face recognition software does not compute them ah know and and yet something about them seems cool robotic even chris we must drive to find noel everyone get in the car [Music] chris rest directional buttons to stare what do i have to steer your stupid car chris don't hit the cars okay i'll try my best i don't even have a license so much traffic isn't wonderful lightness love traffic [Music] um actually i think i see i might not stop everything chris get the banana okay potassium i love potassium i hit the shakes here comes the crossing get ready you could have had animals go across it it would have been an animal crossing oh my circuits it's a traffic jam this potassium isn't going to help a dog must have wandered in the road again chris be a dear and go press the walk button it's just over on the other side of the road sure i'll get right on then um i'll go too no you must stay until you hear all of my mixtape oh okay chris hurry the up please yeah it's popping three [Music] buy queen clean the most popular cleaning flavors [Music] uh what hey every it's me everybody's favorite number one rated salesman 1997. spanton g spamton [Music] groovy spam tony looks like you're real all alone on a late night like mettaton all your friends abandoned you for the slime you are sails gone down the drain drain what a jam living in a goddamn garbage can well have i got a special deal for lonely hearts like you if you've lost control of your life then you just gotta grab it by the silly strings why be the little sponge who hates it's 4.99 life when you can be a big shot big shot yeah the music's saying big shot as well big shot that's right now is your chance to be a big shot and i have just the thing you need let's hyperlink block if you want it you want hyperlink block don't you well have i got a deal for you all you have to do is show me your heart-shaped object [Music] you're lightner aren't you you've got the light why don't you show it off i don't like this guy oh yeah oh it sounds like napster block song oh never mind don't you want to be a big shot uh deal hey hey i've never seen a heart-shaped object like that before my eyes are burning like dvds of any movie at half price i have a very special deal for you kid ah tell me more that's the attitude you little slime tails like this only come once in your ant size rapidly shrinking what transmit kromer oh jesus christ hey money money money deals deals waffles waffles waffles buy now sell sell [Music] there's nothing wrong with having a nice splurge every once in a while uh okay believe it or not i used to be a big shot the biggest but now i need a little generosity uh give money yum yum delicious kromer did you have any more you felt your chromer being absorbed wrong choice enlarge yourself oh hell this guy's cheap bargains deals [Music] okay we're only 20 of the way there yum yum i need a little more generosity that's right and i don't mean money i'm a salesman i was never in it for the money meet local singles straight from my what the the is happening my god almighty i'm getting my ass handed to me [Music] get big and win wild prizes okay these ones aren't so bad just don't send that man pile at me again [Music] 40 of the way there heel deal deal and heal 60. i could have done that i was only in it for that freedom to make your own deals to call your off shots and sometimes in the morning a little hyperlink blocked sounds good doesn't it kid don't you want to be just like your pal spamton take the deal [Music] now that's what i'm talking about you got guts kid that's discomfort and abdominal pain in my gods god i'm going in and out of the voice i don't know which wants to be doing nice [Music] spampton mutters 1997. [Music] don't worry kid i will give you deal insurance only for the low low price of 1 000 chrome an awesome price an absolutely terrifying price price is so low everyone i know is dead uh don't buy what you don't have enough wacky stacks kid you're killing me ha ha ha ha ha please stop killing me i will give you another deal get big and win wild prizes oh not okay this one's nice this one's nice i can handle this i one the music be a big shot be a big shot don't worry kids i'm an honest man i just need your account details and the number on the back that you can enjoy one thousand free kromer um refuse what you don't need it that's a real big shot move kid you're like me there's a there's a comedy sketch that some dude did way back in like the 80s or 90s or something where he's a a robot look up robot stand-up comedian and you might find it where he's like is everyone having a good time good that kind of stuff that's where my mind is out with this guy desperate but we know what we want don't we wild prizes hot single 100 customer and most of all hyperlink blocked will you take the final deal remember this is up to you i won't force you no deal no deal no deal no deal no deal no deal no deal no deal no deal no deal no deal no deal if i know undertale and deltarune is that saying this over and over again is going to work eventually [Music] okay maybe not deal then uh deals a deal pleasure doing business with you kid you won you got zero xp and he stole my money what the now on to the next step i'll be waiting at my homemade storefront site in that trash area closed for repairs come along and don't forget to like and subscribe for more hyperlink blocked yeah don't forget to like and subscribe you heard him do it right now if you haven't because otherwise you're stealing from jesus well that was a character and a half it's a dumpster looks like there's a pillow inside oh was it him that was cool i liked that music a lot he was weird also a weird place to have him just in the middle of all of this action going on get in wow the big city chris we have to drive to find noel turn on the high beams oh this is going to be really bright isn't it when she sees the queen signal she will come running why do you need to find noel so badly what are you saying the city is dangerous imagine poor noel clipping into a wall somewhere wasting away from potassium deficiency you're actually worried about her i would be if i wasn't going to find her but but why her wait let me guess is it because she's weak enough to make it into european just the opposite actually it's because she's strong huh what are you chris slept the car [Music] what's wrong okay phew i was just concerned because it hadn't exploded yet looks like we'll have to split up on foot chris if you see noel tell her my knowledge of her preferences is absolute and if she needs proof use this queen's mixtape was thrown into your key items toodles potassium somehow i feel like we're almost out of here let's go chris okay jesus that traffic came back pretty quick gosh that was close wasn't it chris this strange world this big city so wild it kind of makes my head spin looks like another puzzle maybe if i go down here why can't i just dodge like that d-e whoa what are we spelling here when i said this city makes my head spin i didn't mean it in a bad way i always wanted to go someplace new you know and des always told me she'd take me who's this somewhere like this somewhere with shining lights don't you miss exploring chris back when the four of us were kids gosh remember that night we explored the forest behind the graveyard i know we never found anything interesting back there i mostly remember crying because i was scared are we spelling anything oh what did she change did she turn into a child in the x-ray nostalgic thinking about it that's wiping away my tears with warm sleeves that smell like cinnamon now you're back to i normal i didn't mind being scared if it meant someone would comfort me chris is the only one who knows how weird i am it's not fair you know everyone knows how weird you are ice cold noel ice cold that was a nice little moment though um can people write out what it said in the comment i i don't think it actually oh did it spell december i think it's spelled december i can't remember wait no wasn't there a h in there whatever it said i want to know although now the comments are just going to be spammed by the same thing over and over again it's a ball throwing game prizes are seated under the counter i'm going to run into ralph saying susie again oh they're not here oh gosh she's back oh oh no she's coming back this way i'll hide in that stall hey check this out why does everything explode sweet right where's my prize oh um here nice [Music] wait i actually don't want this hey friends how was that susie you're not supposed to attack people with it oh yeah watch me chris there you are chris check out my new attack [Music] rangan you felt slightly healed wow oh yeah because i said that we're going to teach some healing huh how's that meet the new healing master chris oh yes she's a real master at it chris god teaching you sarcasm was a mistake no chris what do you have there uh is that a gift for someone uh gift of birdly i i wanna know what's in it but i kinda wanna give it to birdly just to see if he shows up is he i'm doing it there he is chris have you seen uh uh quiz we took a break from truthing for one second and you're already back with susie should have expected this you couldn't keep up with my puzzle solving skills here take this and shut up oh it's a little birdie doll a push of me with nipples guess i'll forgive you for now see you chris how did you know about the future nipples why the hell'd you give it to birdly why do you have the burly um what unexpected kindness chris um would it have turned into any of them if i gave it to them would it turn into like a plush of them let's just get the hell out of here wait oh that wrong voice noel four party members the hell are you doing in there that's cheating i i glad you're okay though since the stupid queen took you i was kind of worried wait aren't you on their side wait wait wait wait wait wait wait um i um chris help me we have a truce that's right we have a truce chris said i could uh i could be on your team oh really well if chris said so i guess i didn't really want to kill you anyway so get in line already okay chris also said i should be behind susie nice oh well if chris said so let's go already guess i'll join too but only for this room no one was asking is he just gone now yeah [Music] nice okay that was a really fun episode i like that a lot these characters are fantastic i realize as well is that um noel kind of feels like alphys in their mannerisms i i guess i kind of gave them an alphys voice as well but the way they like stutter and stumble and let's face it susie is kind of like undyne the kind of hard ass like battle warrior and then noel's like alphys and both of them were in love in undertale so it makes sense it's kind of like a parallel but yeah i think i think the queen is my favorite character honestly i mean they're all great but the queen is just every time she shows up is a delight and everything is hilarious with them but yeah super fun hope you guys enjoyed this thank you guys so much for watching this series so far i'm really glad that delta rune is out and we get to play more of it and i hope you guys are enjoying the series so far please leave a like on the video if you are and if you're not subscribed already do so right now and also check out the coffee it'll be linked under the video or in the description if you wanted for me and my pit stains do i have pit stains kind of farewell
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,421,670
Rating: 4.9767141 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, deltarune, deltarune chapter 2, deltarune jacksepticeye, deltarune undertale
Id: iyrLAVbPdZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 59sec (3779 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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