Fight Against Kris + Ralsei + Susie... DELTARUNE Fangame

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[Music] what's up guys and welcome to the fight against the fun gang a deltarune fan game made by amakuro and it starts off very mysteriously we are playing as chris and all we can do right now is move forward move into the light [Music] [Applause] and here we are the fun gang is here or the lancer the lancer fan club and ralph say what's up look chris it's one of your kind but where are there susie and ralph say oh itching for a fight huh oh dude both okay we're going on the slow down genocide music kinda the fun gang draws their weapons and we stand alone as like i don't know is that real frisk is that crazy frisk we can how does it work we can check yeah can we can we do susie and ralph say okay we're gonna check all of them if we can oh the music oh dude the nostalgia already deltarune is so good chris 10 attack two defense body contains a human soul so what do you want from us i don't know but i'm here to fight you chris calm down oh susie is doing something pointing okay now you and ralster is also gonna start or ah are you using the goat of course the fire magic makes sense and i'm gonna collect some tp i remember still no hit the ground is crumbling look the delta rune up there by the way in the sky so it almost feels like this is the final battle for whatever susie i saw fluffy right there susie 13 attack and two defense does damage using dark energy we could settle this peacefully i sure hope so oh okay i see and yeah the the the spikes i guess the ends the pokey ends of the stars shoot projectiles that's kind of crazy is this is this is this is this susie doing that earthquake i do love the different like the different kinds of of attacks you get here but it's fluffy i want to do fluffy but first round say eight attack and two defense a dark world being has no subjects i guess we will have to fight them we're already doing it but i'm not going to attack i just want to fluff you i love that idea oh did i get hit no i don't but i think the yeah the trails do hurt you i'm pretty sure because you get tp from them and it's kind of exciting because next up i mean i could try fluffy what are the other things though item you feel the earth pounding we got a manual rotten candy toilet paper tp oh my god amazing i love it and the bright shard turns tp into hp okay so all healing items well that's a tp so that's interesting and unlimited use execute request pill execute request taunt i mean i have no idea what i'm doing let's just fluffy ralph say you tell ralph say that he is fluffy why thank you well say become slightly floppy think fast no stop this is the fluffy boy fight oh okay nice one that was that was a double team you got me it's actually a triple team now it's pretty pretty dangerous the earthquake attack or like the spikes the earth spikes are pretty pretty powerful can we fluffy everybody you tell susie that she is as well fluffy what you are indeed fluffy susie she's getting a little tense oh i'm sorry try to judge this one okay rousseau so wait did that hurt me or let me try no no so that's nice i got her hurt i got hit anyway but the spikes don't hurt you until they like launch upwards you are filled with impending doom what no determination no light and chris i can't threaten my my own self can i make real say fluffier his ribbon looks nice a fluffy is like compliments i guess hey don't even try to heal our enemy again oh elsa becomes even fluffier think fast wait what is this the fluffy ending is this the good ending are we gonna go fluffy boy ending i i hope so [Music] oh no okay okay chris we might we might be dying or murk i mean it does say merry right there so it's that name the color of the sky fills you with terror should i heal ralph say can you heal me can i just ask for it you politely ask ralsi for healing maybe don't do it incoming attack no where else are you traitor you're not fluffy enough maybe i have to make grouts the fluffiest he already is the fluffiest but maybe i can make him so fluffy that's going to heal me you feel the earth pounding okay or i'll say you tell ralph say that his scarf makes him fluffier oh my rails he has reached maximum fluffy level okay maybe now we can heal oh this is cool i'm gonna be happy yo this is bad i might die though i'm gonna be happy there's actually like a fluffy fluffy thing going on where it just rails too fluffy and that's the end the mountains are spinning one one time you blindly ass my fluffies when you see them no oh my god where else are you actually where's your fluffies where else i need your fluffies i i was looking for the fluffys i didn't see fluffy's ralph say why do we start immediately now i don't know i'm gonna try something else what is this oh browsing not enough tp wait is this execute the execute if you have enough tp you can destroy them let's see let's eat i don't know the toilet paper okay you wrap the paper around your arm you feel more tensions so what do you want from us i wanna tp you apparently i don't know or execute you maybe that's an insta kill though i'm a little afraid of that okay so this is actually uh give me tp [Music] ah ralph say who your fluffy attacks are actually kind of kind of scary and now unknown particles are floating around can i just execute you oh [Music] dude we could settle this peacefully it's literally an execute i think you probably have to attack them enough and if the oh if the hp is low enough oh that's dangerous you can actually execute the people and i'm taking so much damage there's also taunting is there anything else i mean there are multiple things let's try this oh this is for tp i guess we will have to fight them okay so we don't need tp yet but wait why do you want to taunt if you have infinite items can't you just always use the toilet paper for even more tpu because i think taunting was like 20 or maybe you get more tp now if you if you review dodge i think so i think so taunting might also give you more tp when you dodge stuff but look wait no unlimited use you don't have unlimited use maybe only the bright shard is unlimited use that could be it i guess we can try it let's start with chris [Music] 46 that used up our tp this one will hurt that's kind of a new one or i'll say holy okay this is actually hard like maybe you do want oh you want to heal you're feeling it or do it just incoming attack i i might just be there okay wait okay i gotta take this seriously this is serious business okay immediately the fun gang we're gonna just fight and hope it's hard to time that [Music] and let's let's actually yo let's actually try to dodge these so you just want to i think basically you want to stay up no that's random these are random i got it again oh this is not good there the fun gang is actually destroying me there we go that was nice and maybe a little bit more no 35 that was okay stay up again okay the stars the stars what is susie gonna do the earth spikes look and chris is getting healed i still have a bunch of hp though 35 again that was nice [Music] okay that should be an easyish pattern here [Music] use the candy to chris but but you can't really out heal my damage [Music] maybe i do want to go devil tactics and just focus the healer focus ralph say every time oh nice oh my god no what am i doing i didn't even see that star somehow i mean maybe down chris are you okay nah chris is dead oh but you're gonna heal chris you're gonna revive maybe you're gonna use a revive [Music] 22 yeah chris is up okay okay i i have i i'm gonna just use heal 35 but you don't get tp turns tp into hp is not gonna help i'm just gonna use this you ate the rotten candy [Music] they always stay down but watch out for this chris attack oh oh [Music] but that's it so i gotta chris's red name is not red though so i can't execute chris maybe i gotta uh maybe i gotta go for ralph say the healer oh no i'm sorry ralph say fluffy boy look oh no poor elsa is hiding perel says defending i'm so sorry are you are you close to death oh no you almost have it was only nine though oh because you defended okay okay so that's also good to know of course if if rausa is hiding or if anyone is hiding and defending don't attack them so this is clever this is actually a full-on like fight where you gotta use strategy well say is not defending so i think you're down oh no oh that's so sad dude the little oh they're angry suzy is angry she's she's crazy she hates me wait no chris used the cake oh what is this but okay wellesley didn't have a full heal though i'm sorry fluffy boy you're healing you're not defending defending okay though i gotta be careful nice one chris you almost got me there healed again i i think i got a heal though smells like hell wait no there's not the bright shard is unlimited use which honestly means i think i'm gonna be risky and try to taunt ralph says defending which is actually perfect for this no was there more oh was there more damage because i was taunting fluffy boy i'm so sorry but you gotta go i don't know what i want susie apparently i'm just crazy and i gotta kill you all i i apologize but i'm crystal i'm chris as well what is that what is this the story here why why am i crazy chris am i the real chris are you the dark the the dark world quick people i have a cooler sword as well though actually i don't know that's arguable but i kind of like uh kind of like my weapon so what i'll say again you're defending so maybe susie this time because there's nothing really i can do right there's no like i mean act i i guess i want to try susie here [Music] yeah yeah we could settle this peacefully maybe but i'm sorry or i'll say i i gotta i gotta find out maybe afterwards we can go fluffy ending if that's a thing and you're healing susie maybe or maybe yourself yourself i think [Music] but now you're not defending so bam [Music] okay this is the pointing what is gonna do oh that's kind of bullet hell almost a lot a lot of things going on and elsie oh oh but everybody stopped there's only this one so that's actually kind of whoop easy nice and we got some tp okay that's a very very good um very good attempt so far oh look at suzy wait actually the particles the particles don't hurt you the tree no they do i have no idea um you chris i think used candy on ralph say but we don't have to heal i think no you were defending don't get too close to the fire oh thank you are you talking to me or your friends this is the hardest like this gets actually extremely difficult if if they use multiple like that but i don't need to go yet or else you're just crazy the same thing again i might die here okay okay okay okay i could i could eliminate ralph say but it's very dangerous what could i do instead use let's just use this for now but and actually this is a this is a normal attack so maybe rail stays not gonna heal [Music] and of course i i don't have to be risky because i don't get tp anyway that was nice and now ralph say you're out and wait is is okay i need tp i need tp if i execute or is there gonna be the cake oh oh no no none of dp damn it 61 you probably need 50 tp but we might be unlucky yeah yeah we are unlucky chris you can already see chris isn't attacking so chris is gonna use the the cake damn it i mean i'm happy that ralph says okay but and wait why is my tp being used up that's kind of weird i'm not sure why the tp is being used when you attack i don't remember it ever working like that and it kind of messes me up there but okay well see you're down again sorry fluffy boy but of course it helps as long as ralph stays down we can just taunt and get some tp and hope hope for the best i'm not sure how it works though if every time i you eric rousey okay that was worth it because now i can execute even though i might die [Music] dude death wait did the music change okay that's brutal or i'll say no i'm sorry now you you may kill me you know like i i deserve it i'm not even right [Music] dude that is terrible i hate seeing ralph say there we're gonna so this is unlimited use which is actually very good what have you done oh this is actually really sad 43 hp i think it's okay i'm a bit nervous though i guess i could also go for chris now [Music] right the pointer and the axe okay this should be fine even though they are more aggressive as you can see i'm pretty sure it's much faster the trees are burning what am i doing to the world how could you i'm sorry susie i commended the worst crime in the world i attacked the fluffy boy but this might be it down it's only susie left she's angry she's just spamming her axes but i didn't even get hit so does that mean i can execute i can't maybe i gotta execute susie first or else say oh i do and look imagine if you hit actually i don't know if you could attack susie first and then maybe you only have like like everybody's like susie or no i don't know like how much it's going what seems like hell 44 i think one more turn and she's gone okay that's some free tp thank you susie nice and that's it down and they're all dead this is terrible because i can just what i can't tom no i just can't duel wait can i heal first oh look at this i can just see like that and then duel that's new oh yo it's the final battle chris versus chris chris is making a paper noise oh what dude 10 hp grizz is kicking some rocks oh what why what is this it's rock paper scissors so chris is kicking some rocks so chris is gonna use rock so i got a paper chris is preparing for a smashing attack so it's wrong with noah i got it dude look at that do do i'm afraid but i think i i have to deliver the strike that's it then the world was covered in darkness ooh and that oh and that's the deltarune game over screen and i can't do anything i think it's just gonna be here it's the same as in delta ruin because they did lose we destroyed the world but why is it a good thing i don't think so it's never a good thing to attack fluffy boy and the lancer fan club that was cool though that was that was cool i love how you had to think like they were healing each other defending you had to use strategy but now i wonder if you can actually be nice bbb have a fluffy ending [Music] oh and it begins here so once again this great kind of gray grayed out chris is walking into the light and then we're in a in a messed up dark world look chris it's one of your kind okay that's the same waiting for a fight let's go the fun game and yeah i do think that the music got slower because this is this this sounds kind of faster than what we had before the duel too though that was so cool but okay um so this is just the execute we can what is the request oh my god i'm so dumb i thought it was like request with like numbers it just says requires 35 tp execute and it requires 35 tpa i understand okay that's totally my bad so but now we can only like we can just let's try the others for now hero you tell ralph say that the darkness will rule the world and we are here to stop them okay well say always being happy oh chris you always almost get me with that first one and the axes i think [Music] oh i got so much tp i don't know if i need it though um and does this morning he's we oh no i don't want to talk as long i'm sorry fluffy i'm sorry fluffy boy you got it ralph oh man relsay is feeling empowered the defense increased okay i mean that's fine because i don't want to kill you again it's already traumatic enough to see fluffy boy like melting into a scarf it's like the worst thing ever oh this is new is this a new attack because you got stronger that's cool can i so i think you gotta fluffy everybody you can also threaten them let me try hiro here you tell susie that the world isn't worth saving eh don't listen to them maybe two times hero and then suzy is also gonna be hardcore i just want to see if the attacks change as well for susie okay you're taking your times you're taking your turns i mean so this is a pretty easy attack almost almost the magic number tp something about the hometown oh sus's attack and defense lowered and she's sighing ah nice one yeah look susie isn't attacking really only like it's gonna be like three axes for a one fight one battle one attack one round whatever okay and then chris can i threaten you you point your weapon to chris chris is feeling uneasy and i'm not sure i think i did i see something change like in the menu when i did the threat i i i i i i think something changed in the menu and let me try oh no that's just the that's just that i'm using an ability i think you tell crits something about azrael chris stops for a moment the fun gang will receive less tp for each turn sign still okay so they also have their own tp maybe maybe that's i don't know maybe that's when they use uh special attacks i have almost full tp so dude what if i get to 100. almost the angels heaven is watching what is happening but okay so this the the threatening works for both like attacking and sparing if we can do that so i guess now it's time once again to fluffy everybody why thank you okay so two or three times fluffy maybe for each character and then maybe it's over max dude look at that max tp and look yeah yeah wait now susie has different attacks what's happening i i don't think i need to heal yet i'm gonna be a bit risky fluffy again oh maybe i'm going to regret this [Music] oh thank god that's going to be the most satisfying heal a full heal like that was crazy [Music] damn it ralph said you're actually quite the fighter no joke and there we go and only one more time fluffier maximum fluffy level now we're gonna fluffy suzy and then fluffy chris nice nice loop around and up and some tp farming you tell susie that she is fluffy whatever careful okay but maybe it's not going to work though i don't know [Music] but rails i did help out right razer was like yes you are so maybe rousseau's gonna kind of give give us some help no it doesn't work now what i don't know susie we're kind of uh at a stalemate here damn it but no more spikes okay you are filled with impending doom chris maybe just fluffy more even fluffier than before but i don't i don't think hmm now i'm kinda now i'm kinda confused what could i do taunting execute item and there's nothing here right actually maybe dude i never used the manual kelsey you showed the manual to ralph say what happened to it i can try to fix it if you want yeah yeah let's see good news i can still fix it but i'm going to need your help are you okay with that heck yeah here we go what this is going to be simple what do you need well the music is by the way pop them off what you need to do is to redraw your fight icon dude what its detail is bruised but there is still some of it left you just need to hold your z button then you can determine the area in which you want to draw with your soul you can use the x button to erase okay that's all are you gonna attack me at the meantime noah so i gotta do some pixel art uh wait wait this one is gone i think that's better that's it you are oh that's so cool oops sorry there we go you did it do we have to draw all of your acting item icons seem to be okay but not mercy or oh it's okay you what you can you just have to fix it remember the spare icon yeah yeah you should be drawing that one not the other dude what if you can draw it but what is the other one maybe the execute one i don't know [Music] i wouldn't you're getting better at this thank you just this right i could just hold it down but it gets a little bit crazy oh wait no no i don't think i need the edges i just made a mistake there wait no there great job thanks razi i can fix it now but i need to reintroduce you the manual again we can start with fighting but let's skip that one for now what is happening relsay can i listen listen okay and let's just listen you start listening to rasay you want to listen to something from me i can sing a lullaby for you yes please oh beautiful arousing it's making you sleepy oh oh then the world was covered in darkness was i tricked [Music] was i was was it a ruse did ralph say destroy me and did rasa use the 200 iq move on me or is that it i don't know i kind of want to try what if you listen to somebody else hello chris what up so i'm gonna try like one more time can i can you immediately use the this what if i do not i want to try showing everything i just wanna damn it i wanna try showing the manual to somebody else first maybe susie because i think chris is always like chris is not going to do anything chris is just being kind of kind of chill like like i am not really talking much so let me try showing the manual to suzy and then we know we're already in like the good ending or something [Music] i am not going to read that okay so that doesn't matter so rousey is the happy ending but i wonder what the fluffy thing means maybe the maybe making ralph say fluffy just makes him have less damage and hp something maybe it'll heal us or stuff but okay we're gonna manual yes yes give manual oh heck yeah it's going to be simple okay what if i do this though wait a minute um oh interesting you cannot you cannot remove you cannot remove the the right ones only the wrong ones [Music] see so you can just do this and then kind of spam the x button as well because oh that's actually bad you cannot delete the right ones there we go great job what if i fight that doesn't work all the music by the way wait a minute the music is back to the original we can try that one later you don't really have to do that what if i do zoo zooz here check you start listening to susie uh you should try listening to ralph say okay okay chris nothing to say of course i'm sorry oh poor poor baby i'm just gonna eat [Music] okay okay fine i think that's it okay so this is this is what you gotta do the fluffiest boy [Music] making you sleepy and then you just fall asleep and i guess that's it so that's the easy ending maybe because you as you can see you can like speedrun that but then your world was still covered in darkness and i guess it's over very interesting very very interesting fan game you got like the pacifist ending i suppose which is really easy and then if you want to be like genocide go crazy and fight the fun gang it's actually pretty difficult but still super cool that's what i gotta say like i love the attacks i love that the people are using different strategies that was fun that was really cool don't forget about the duel that was the coolest part in the game the duel against chris and then he had like the rock paper scissors which i assume you can still lose if you don't if you don't pick the right one which is also interesting maybe that changes something but guys for now thanks so much for watching i hope you liked the video i hope you liked watching the game that was really fun and until next time take care [Music] you
Channel: Merg
Views: 693,062
Rating: 4.9263272 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Story, Lore, Fangame, Fanmade, Undertale Fangame, AU, Alternate Universe, Deltarune, Delta Rune, DR, Deltarune Fangame, The Fun Gang, Vs The Fun Gang, Deltarune Fight, Kris Susie Ralsei, Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Final Battle, Boss Fight, Merg, Game, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Full Game, Ending
Id: KUcftYdNgmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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