SNOWGRAVE ENDING | Deltarune Chapter 2

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oh suzie i see you i see you creeping there it's closed looks like we finally found the fountain oh they did the entire thing on their own yeah where the hell's chris right there chris yeah where the hell were you we were searching everywhere for you even susie was worried no i wasn't wait are we back in normal game just you know tell us if you're gonna hang out with noel hey chris you you okay you look kinda uh chris if you're hurt susie can heal you all right i'm healing a master now chris even better than ralph says so if you hurt yourself or something then you could try doing a hug like i did earlier shut up and let's just go already ah ah and this is the front door wait so this is actually the front door and now everything ransom oh so we're just we're just letting everything die in this route we don't care about like the fun dark world anymore chris is bored or maybe the player is bored and we're just like huh isn't this yeah that guy from before the pirate why is there a statue of him uh-oh it's not a statue susie but ralph says he knows of course huh you see each other fountain creates a different world world whose darkness reflect the will of its fountain though those darkness can exist in their own worlds they might not belong and they go to another one and who's that guy on the right what the heck are you okay huh so we just bring him back to the castle town do we have to do that um yes whatever do we like chris i mean this is the fast travel doesn't work though oh of course because the game doesn't want me to go to the cafe who are you terrible the butlers are all trapped in the cafe and they blocked the way queen is nowhere to be found and no one to defend it a strange force has taken over the mansion oh okay wait this is like even further with everything is open we got the legs again hello i guess we're just gonna save it doesn't even give us any text can we okay is there going to be a force field here as well and here it's locked it's locked well you saw the little sponge you don't barge in when a man is changing forms sec is that a steam customer thanks to you and that little hoochie mama i am living big soon i'll have everyone in this city eating right of my oh what hey wait you are the force you you're the new king sure hope no one seals the fountain around now i sure hope i sure hope kid i'm busy from god go play minecraft some kids extra but wait are you just having a great life okay okay sure enjoy wow that's awesome i guess so that's the only way to go right here and then just proceed onward bro oh what's happening here dude it's bampton got him mona lisa and that's also blocked off do we have to destroy you i mean that's the mini boss right mouse wheel spins what do we do now just a tank we don't have any freezies anymore boom we are grippable you're manny okay okay okay keep moving i remember ah you could read there's a prank oh it's gonna be a little i'm gonna take a little bit we don't have any op character anymore which sucks oh wait i forget again look this is why this is why i i just forget i forget root buster exists in the game i'm dumb i should just use root buster would be a lot faster or maybe i'm gonna excuse myself be like no root buster challenge i mean i'm just gonna do it anyway boom and elsa where else they got the final one you became stronger are you okay with that real say but now it doesn't matter because now they're running away again we can't freeze oh god what is this jesus christ man is this locked closed and that was the d1f so okay i think that was the only enemy i don't even think we have to care about the enemies though the heck is this really the peepees the the eggs i don't know uh sure it's like a this is a spamton route but why oh you won oh we can destroy your puzzle i guess should we no we should okay that was wrong can we i guess we can just defend we'll do a little bit of a little bit of just dodging practice yeah yeah yeah okay let's try the let's try the maze for real uh that was actually my bad okay defend defend defender nice do we get we do get dark dollars but very dude very little okay okay okay nice careful careful okay that's a dead end maybe you have to defeat a few of the eggs to get through or maybe not maybe just go here um and now we're here where normally toby dog would show up now we just gotta dodge see [Music] is there an easier way oh dude please spend then you're insane i thought you're on my side you gave me all of the goods oh go go did you what did swanton give me did spend and give me the thorin ring i think dude we got the eggs on the wheel is this blocked of course okay how is it looking we have almost full hp is no problem we're just gonna proceed destroy this if we can i guess we should i guess you you wanna ouch nice one finally it happened i guess you want to dodge we can't go here i'm just going to try to yeah oh i'll but the others also run into it okay nice and then you're super fast you gotta go up everybody go up okay good so you don't bump into the eggs and now we got the little queen or the very tall queen here the task manager is like super angry because of course task manager is gonna go super saiyan because everything is chaos chaos blocks the way let's it's focus the tasks maybe or should we focus the manager perfect oh chaos chaos carry this no no we have the devil's knife we are a oh we are an agent of chaos [Music] oh we have to get through the entire thing yo yo nice give me give me a give me a tp and then you suzie just root buster this and ralph say just this nice and that's it and you became stronger stronger still oh we got a little bit of a dodging thing i mean this is no problem compared to the actually the bouncing balls were a little tricky but now i fully understand how it works so yeah but i think there's more is that it we don't have the chocolate no hot chocolate for susie yeah there's no fun in this route chris doesn't want it chris just wants to go crazy you i don't know if we have to even attack these though because it's not technically like changing anything whoa whoa nice oh you're going insane okay but root buster is really going to help here and 300 and not perfect but good enough this is pretty tricky russ is almost dead which is a problem i guess now we can just root buster and honestly ralph see him hmm should we just uh i think you can you can just heal prayer yourself the buster is good heal and attack okay then if we get a lot of tp that should be easily maybe maybe with a root buster and perfect timing that was it you became stronger can we go everywhere ah okay i should okay i guess i good that i didn't use an item we can save real quick little little little rules card is there lancer yeah this is dead star walker maybe star walker is also going to turn into stone what is this again yeah that's where we came from okay just checking and this is another short oh this is the way where you wanna go because this is locked and this doesn't have a it doesn't even tell you dude or else aren't you a little suspicious of what's happening hmm i guess here we are at force field of course it's the queen door huh hey it says this is noelle's room chris let's go in and save her and teach her not to get in our way nah we don't have time zuzia we gotta proceed oh susie you're gone elsa chris don't you wonder how they're doing in there not really i know well it's gone my dude noel woke up don't you wonder ah how noelle and suzie are doing nah man it doesn't even give me the option you're right chris it has only been 30 seconds i'll wait a minute first uh really oh the the the ambience oh relsing all right let's go huh wait wait wait wait wait we were supposed to noel's not even like noah's gone let's go wait wait wait susie what happened in there what do you mean what happened in there with noel nothing nothing not nothing at all just told her everything is a dream now she's feeling better oh she actually was in her room probably crying anything else no let's go i'll tell you later chris hey as long as susie's happy right bro can we go i gotta i gotta get my ice mage again she was the most op character hmm all right let's march along do we have any we do have this we should not really oh nice one you got me but still shouldn't be too much of a problem there we go and now we won't even have this fight right because birdly is gone queen no oh yeah we're just we're just chilling okay there's a fountain we could we could just do it right now that's a fountain i guess you know i guess we're gonna proceed always proceed hmm queen of course oh do you have the cool monologue the night roaring knight came to create this world this is also interesting now right we if you if you finish the game the blade and made dusting the fountain from the earth the world they created a library and i realized the power of the world determination that all lightners possess that was also like interesting because chris is human the others are monsters but also according to the queen possibly possessed determination anyone make a dark fountain tonight's taking its leave then i will simply make a new one are we gonna get the cool battle oh but here i am yeah noel's gone empty hand in my quest noel is in no condition to assist me now i'm sorry she must rest and bird boy i search for him for ages but my sensors cannot detect dude we deleted bird boy from reality hello how thoughtful you two have come to help me chris susie which one of you wants to be the new knight well we possibly know the answer to that get out of our way noel needs to wake up wake now she's already awakened too much let her close her eyes and sleep away into a darker yet darker dream or later oh oh this but we don't have any friendship this time now which one of you wants to help me cover the world in darkness queen why why do you want to unleash the roaring so much what was that oh i'm the roaring yeah that what is that well if too much darkness is released titans will emerge from the fountain and you know destroy everything and all darkness will turn into statues and all lightners will be lost in eternal chaos chaos oh holy circus you're serious oh you really didn't know that oh boy are we gonna befriend the queen no oh hello well my plans are shot uh my one idea to help noella failed go ahead crazy i'll seal the fountain i won't stay in your way any longer oh okay you're cool oh you're sad you want to be roommates you want to be my wackier wacky roommate are we all good though are we good to go got the devil's knife i think so okay you don't have to i mean it doesn't have to be goodbye you know really suzy i have no idea what you're talking about bro and true we have our own dark world you can stay there you know who knows maybe someday you'll even get to meet noel again really maybe fatal exception sweden oh hell yeah what susie i knew you were a nice girl not a mean girl hey i'm just chris go seal the fountain i oh i'm gonna go see noel before you do oh this is weird i'll tell queen about our town i look forward to being here oh my god even really well i'll say chris the fountain is waiting for you amazing i can turn your castle into my mansion that's not what i'm saying bro ralph says you know what yeah i'm sorry my dude you're you're completely on your own right now i'm just moving on yo melatone dark world melatone machine that sells pre fountain refreshments one bagel is 120 it's a cd bagel we really don't need anything i'm sorry we're just gonna save queens mentioned the rooftop boom okay oh okay okay okay and here we are so we even get a little bit more to see of how the layout works it was as if your very soul was glowing not i was waiting for the guitar time dude bro i'm floating man let me say but why i guess you you you go you got the mansion yourself and got the power up you let me say thanks yeah no problem thanks you what i've become neo okay you now in my mansion my city my world yeah and thank you for the thorn ring or whatever you gave me man we're buddies why are you stealing the fountain to screw me over right at the good part are you a game show i can't forget it i'm an honest man i'll let you pay your way out of this one pay with kromer with my soul with my rapidly shrinking life oh really oh hell yeah man i've been listening to this song on repeat okay okay we got a lot of stuff though oh spam to neo x slash fried peepees use 120 i did the music bro like the first time i heard this i was like okay it's pretty good but dude like listening on it again this is like one of the best tracks in like all of delta room is so cool i guess it's time can we check though you won't find higher attack and defense anywhere else wake up and face the pain i remember when you were just a little spanish sleeping at the bottom of a dumpster okay i remember i remember no hit strategies no hit strategies [Music] i already wasted one turn though turns to the audience nah nah uh let's boom got a lot of damage i gave you everything i had my life advice i told you four left and asked you buy or don't buy true that's why i don't want to like mess with you we can be friends man we can be powerful allies something beautiful the audience no no no do can we already you need 25 okay i gave you my commemorative ring for the price of my favorite year okay now this [Music] stamping thanks to the audience praise to the audience but we know that there is no audience let's do it let's try the x-slash oh yo this is how you repay me treating me like dlc oh the peeps [Music] okay i suck at this nice though double no no no nice a triple dude is the most satisfying thing in the game there is no audience like i said okay we're gonna fight i mean so far so good nah i get it it's you and the hoochie mama you've been making haven't you hey what oh this [Music] i'm messing up yep that's it okay no hit goes there oh you did a lot of damage huh how much do we have 70 that's x-slash again we've been making hyperlink block wait now the wait what now that you have your own supply you don't need me what oh nice where are you accusing me of dear stampton okay i should be careful i guess it's time we can't do that i guess it's just time no i'm dumb i like i i wanted to go back okay i was too trusting too honest always been the man of the pippies a real hippies person i can i can maybe manage this okay nice nice nice [Music] very good let's go for 80 club sandwich i mean i guess we i i think i think i think the cd bagel is good for now yeah i should have known you would have used my ring for evil all right exactly that's why i sold it to you i don't want to be against you sprampton you're cool a little crazy but you're cool you're on my side or you you you used to be closer strings mixed in ring i think i'm going to save up some tp so i always have like the chance to heal i think making frozen chicken with your side chick is going to let you drink up that sweet sweet vegan sauce you know this again [Music] nice the aircraft freedom uh what is this 120 yeah i think we can like one more attack and then if we get hit we can heal well you are right but don't blame me when you're crying in a broken home wishing you let your old pal spam and kill you this is gonna be an issue this is an issue okay i should have healed that's tough now we're all alone we're gonna continue of course oh chill oh are you immediately gonna start yeah yeah yeah yeah stop you're laughing you're sicko and now we're just gonna full on this is full on crazy motor wait can we snap i guess no i guess this maybe counts as the genocide run still yes yes because you don't have any snap action so you actually have to kill the dude yeah oh okay i'm sorry spamton but you're forcing my hand [Music] this time i'm gonna do a much better much better strategy no risky no risky plays if we if we take too much damage we're gonna heal immediately i need to get better at the timing man [Music] that's the best part of the song little world revolving out of nowhere [Music] not nice oh crap [Music] [Music] i always want to go for the little ducks here wherever they are [Music] [Music] nice nice nice um it's gonna be maybe a little riskier i'm gonna get to almost 100 p.m nice okay okay that was lucky now we need the fried pea what like this three thousand for anyway [Music] i didn't even get the eyes the glasses and now i think it's it's it's good to xls okay oh it's it's not the phone one yet dude okay wait wait this is the hardest like very like type of the entire type type of attack in the entire fight i do think i got a heel though 1007 like this do you want to be don't you want to be a big shot [Music] nice and i'm pretty okay oh now you're doing now you're going insane [Music] can a little sponge do this go gaga and die oh okay stop stop stop oh you're fast smells like rotten glass how much dude we're only halfway done let's do an x-flash real quick don't you want to be a big shot okay now i think you just [Music] nice okay okay okay smells like rotten glass uh [Music] i think i'm gonna i guess what is what is smart let's just use a rule is that good it should be good yeah sounds like i feel sick no travel no devil time okay let's destroy the eye oh well it's random as well or like if oh this is actually even harder but now the nose is gone so we should not get that attack anymore i assume let's let's let's ex actually it's normal fight so we have more tp in case we need to heal now we got the all the full hearts [Music] nice nice okay okay backslash breaking and cracking oh yo okay it's time it's time that's it right it's for me and i think the next one is always the special attack so normal attack and then we can x slash next or maybe not my esteemed customer i see you are attempting to delete my hp i'll admit you've got some guts kid but in a one-for-one battle neo never loses time for a little blue light speckle defense oh you to like do a little bit of a sans just never die didn't you know neo is famous for its high defense is it now enjoy the fireworks kid bro what's happening [Music] wait this is like an entire reality do it is this do we have to do this let's see no it still works enjoy the fireworks okay i think you i think we gotta shout for ralph say we need help okay this is pretty easy though i wonder if you can do it yourself though one more time but no it's only 10 damage it's easy oh but you actually can should i try it but it's gonna take like hours man let's let's see if we can call for help nobody came you're calling friends think you can beat me with your friends magic go ahead kid call all you want no one will ever pick up hmm i mean if it will not oh but you also deal no damage [Music] nobody came go ahead and scream into the receiver the voice runs out eventually your voice and their voice until you realize you're all alone we're speaking from experience my friend or more susie i do think this is probably the way to do it right you can probably fight your as well but nobody can there will be no more miracles no more magic you lost it when you tried to see it too far you lost it i kinda did you're not wrong maybe we gotta shout for noel and noel is gonna freeze spamton you make me sick muttering your lost friends names at the bottom of a dumpster no one's gonna help you get that through your beautiful heavy little worm [Music] well your your eggies are also not really doing anything i'm sorry yeah it act dude okay you whispered noelle's name and she has to obey her you're still trying to use her hahaha you think she can hear you now muttering her name what she's gonna do make me an ice cream literally probably snow grave oh boy is it cold in here is it just me [Music] yo nice number what do we've turned noelle into a complete psycho but also a champion we don't even get that guitar solo chris isn't even in the mood for the guitar solo but what's gonna happen now is burly dead birdly yo bro is burley actually did that would be very interesting to know for the future of the game in general if you die in the dark world you die in real life pearly's alarm a dream i was really just uh susie susie what are you doing here uh you invited us to study yeah yeah right i didn't i oh that's oh god you're in a good mood did you have a good dream it was a nightmare oh i'm just happy i woke up the end was nice though yeah you you destroyed some crazy robot well um oh because of the sun because susie right susie the suzy part hey hey birdly time to get up and go burly bro i don't know is she gonna be like yeah yeah yeah you're just sleeping you've been studying too much susie and noel are gonna go and then we can interact with birdly and it's like frozen chicken i don't know you deserve a little rest you know sweet dreams oh what are you doing you don't have a tail do you susie no when yo noel also got more assertive now or or what in the real world of course not really that's great that was very weird chris i agree susie somehow it doesn't feel like we just saved the world chris hey wait a sec chris we we just actually saved the world didn't we uh maybe we really are heroes no one even knows because it's better yeah yeah though it kind of sucks now also forget let's get out of here chris i mean oh but nothing happened it doesn't seem very useful okay hmm [Music] um birdly he doesn't seem to be awake ah so of course it's not gonna spoil anything i guess here it doesn't tell you if birdly is actually dead you don't know maybe maybe the dark world just saps energy or maybe the bird man is actually gone [Music] a large person could easily fit inside do we have to hide the body chris no okay am i thinking too far ahead hmm before you left yeah yeah yo we got the armor wrist watch and weapon mechanical pencil is that oh wait we got the bandage normally what do we have the weapon normally the mechanical or mech pencil can we i'm crazy mom dorial hi honey how was your group project no need am i still am i still spending time with a friend i guess i will hmm [Music] okay i guess we're just gonna go this is all lick the page of course we gotta do that susie are you here to chill you got late guess you should go home are you yeah is it going to be the same ending that would be so weird like if if this is actually going to be the same ending and you can continue like i thought it's going to be like a secret or is it like a full thing yeah we even have just the normal music ah but what we can do is we can go back and see how messed up the world is i guess right yeah we can okay i'm just gonna explore see what changes like you're here maybe that's like but maybe that's just gonna be normal this is so weird this is your castle town it's magnificent population density is wonderfully low i bet the swatchlings will love this are you going to take over where are those oh do we kill them all or what or maybe spam turn yeah regular task uh spamton and i kinda messed up yeah chris where's everyone else don't worry queen i'm here i'm trashy and only me wait really i guess i'll go to my room haha you're at least maybe gonna get lancer hey susie uh all right we got this okay this is all fine this is all normal what a terrific voice adventure you're the same rules card yeah i guess they don't die because it's like the same even you're still here and we have collected two because now we also have to this is weird like this is this is almost a full route the music is also there you don't we're actually at the at the normal one and look the other people are not there i guess the hacker is dead or maybe the hacker just left doesn't want i guess i guess everyone we didn't recruit dies because the world was destroyed and you three don't even have a shop this town's great wish everyone else was here too if you recruit enough fans for us we might be able to make a music shop i got to keep my box but i took all of your food [Music] the momentum fix this lancer's still there [Music] okay we're not we're just gonna have the boxer here we will make our own dojo for introverts so hell yeah okay oh man this is gonna be a little sad [Music] you left them behind didn't you or do you like this do you respect me now i'm crazy just as you left us no you hate me oh be gone we don't get the silly kingy wingy queenie weenie no no fun i guess the queen is depressed now now you're in here hey lancer how are you feeling uh 100 my purplish pal are you sure you're breathing kind of heavy ah just a little winded up from jumping from chris's pocket feel free to climb around town i'll be in your items yeah yeah no idea what you mean but sure right susie doesn't really get it what's happening oh my god the queen rouser will soon set up dot exe my room for me upstairs don't worry i have a long spreadsheet of demands sorry fluffy boy though even if i have an awesome room who will be there to force to enjoy it i wonder how noel is doing now i don't know probably probably not that well actually she seemed to be okay but okay goodbye fluffy boy still that's the best animation i guess we're just gonna go do chris and soon marching along we don't have time for anything let me get this silver drake that's a new one what's the plan honey maybe we could try him ice shark ice on the ice palace boss don't you want to try fire shock or something uh oh oh do we do we destroyed her mind you're right here how about letting me control for a bit no i'll control myself not like you to be a controller hog hog honey you're feeling all right ah crap dude of course i'm fine dad i just fell asleep in the library and you know just had a weird dream [Music] i knew that bird brain put you to sleep [Music] what'd he do is start lecturing you on his theorem of the inequality in children's fighter games ah no no he he did he fell asleep too wow he even put himself to sleep yeah i guess so well it sounds like you two have been hitting the books too hard why don't you go home and hibernate nah do it dude birdly is already hibernating my oh no forever i'll see you tomorrow at church you're gonna be okay to go of course you take it easy honey okay then i'll go home and rest [Music] see you tomorrow honey bye dad love you hey you chris oh yo wait doesn't know what is noel like like doesn't even like ignoring susie is noel so afraid of chris or or like so is the effect still on uh susie that we like proceed my friend hell if i know susie are you too oh this is susie and i heard a lot about you i think i have to go now [Music] suzy huh that's the same right lay your finger on her huh just [Music] kidding hmm we're still going to do this again though you really got that sink hell yeah is going to be the same noella yeah yeah [Music] let's bring you flowers hey what's wrong with a married man getting flowers so your wife gave them to you i don't think i think i missed this one haha i'm messing with you chris is that they'd ask for i'm not gonna try to understand this i'm trying to heal man not get hay fever should chris tell him to stop what hell no wouldn't i say that oh my god [Music] susie might never have a word with you ah crap what the dad knows [Laughter] bro come on it was just a bad dream even so it was so real i can't get it out of my mind bro you killed burly i'm so sorry the voice telling me what to do [Laughter] a voice unlike chris's a terrifying voice hey that's rude [Laughter] chris recently there's been something different about him why hasn't anyone else noticed it because you're the chosen one noel i'm sorry i have to figure it out why chris is acting so strange why they keep coming to the hospital [Music] dude are you serious wait bro it's actually me i thought like chris is saying like yo proceed and stuff but chris is not even there so it's literally the player telling noel i mean it's to see you noelle i'm sorry but i i think that's probably the way that it's it it's gonna go huh chris oh no how long have you been standing there it is chris no is it chris how are you you really scared me you know keep it together noelle maybe she's outside of the hospital nothing to be afraid of after all dream is just a dream right chris [Laughter] oh bro no because it's not a dream i'm sorry why are you wearing my watch [Laughter] when did you [Music] ah now i don't know dude i think both is kinda extremely creepy and your dream is almost silly but very weird but not saying anything hmm this is actually difficult what is more what is more in line with this root just don't answer or be like in your dream i think in your dream is kind of crazy [Music] oh man let's speed it already you kept telling me up noel like her favorite things places she'd like to go to okay no idea what the hell that was about what the hell were you two doing i don't know nothing susie just about to go home see you ah susie i guess she's afraid of me again huh man would be nice she knew everything that happened was real hot chris wouldn't killing burnley try to be a little more enthusiastic by the way you oh no accidentally end up as a police officer oh no i can't quit because my cousins are relying on me oh hey don't do anything illegal please oh it's okay to do a little no or candy off the floor even after five seconds i want to arrest you okay did i oh dude crime crime falls so like zero percent after napstablook is the officer horde chocolate okay i don't know i thought that dude look at me look at me alphys look look right here look look [Music] oh no i thought i could eat it and drop it bro [Music] did you need something oh crap okay maybe i should have kept it maybe there was a can i just can i drop everything [Music] okay you can't throw these away you have a very bad feeling um [Music] no a feeling of relief but but but but maybe it's interesting to see what's gonna happen a very very bad feeling let's do it [Music] you dropped a ball of junk he broke into pieces you felt better [Music] susie hmm now this crisper miss you miss you all dave you miss me i did but i'm sorry no no [Music] no this dude alien is like dude kinda i respect onion though you you you look forward to someone they're like nah i i didn't miss you you just get out of there like onion's kinda cool man [Music] oh hello dreamer residents what you would like to talk to susie of course here you are chris fish watching damn it i'm sorry i guess we i guess we don't know for sure that the chris is the knight i think it's likely but in in many ways it's not that likely it's weird opening the door turning off or on i guess on the tv but having like static and then in the middle of the room man toriel like toriels but and then this with the red eye and the knife the blade the cool a super saiyan hair but it's only chapter three next time is it actually time for tori yell and everyone to do learn the truth is it actually time for the dark world and the light world to be like completely like merged in a way i guess it's not that early but it is and now this this is the weirdest thing it's even weird you got a little smile i was told about this in my normal playthrough you actually saw this i think you saw it for like a split second it's just in the normal playthrough in the queen's mansion i think now we got this so weird i don't know maybe the television is just meant to be creepy and scary but it is we're here over here again and now i know that this is not a laggy and not a laggy song it's just the intro this song is really cool i realized i was listening to this you hear the singing the don't forget singing i'm with you and this is so cool [Music] when the light is running roll hello i i heard it it's like a chopped up version a remix it is really cool the credits at first i was like what was happening but but but but i i do think the credits are actually super nice and here we are for actually cyber's world and this is chapter two so chapter one had nothing secret i think chapter two goes full hard like super creepy and turning noelle into your personal just psycho killer [Music] man man man we're gonna dealt the rumor chapter two and here we are the queen's mansion queens mentioned my castle town i i mean i guess that's pretty much it we have the ending more or less where we got everything nicely and then we have i don't know where this is gonna go i don't even wanna know but i kinda also wanna because that was cool man that did have the same feeling as like an undertale genocide runner which which is like one of the coolest things like if you just having the choice because it also in a way makes the normal route cooler because you feel like you chose all of the right things and you could have technically done the wrong things i don't know that's cool man that is cool i'm not sure if it's gonna actually lead to a fully different ending because at the end it was mostly the same maybe it's just gonna be kind of different like noel is gonna go crazy at the end but but and my birdly though i have no idea man i guess there's nothing else to do then theorize and wait for for more of deltarune but guys that was the the secret route very interesting with the super random spamton a different spamton battle where you're all solo on your own that was cool that was a cool experience thank you so much for telling me thank you so much for giving me some tips because it is it is a little complicated it it does kind of lead you i think it leads you more than a genocide in undertale especially with like spantan being like four left who's spammed and so cool man even in this route spent into such a best character i don't even know but guys thank you so much for watching i hope you liked the video and until next time take care [Music] you
Channel: Merg
Views: 573,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Merg, Game, Gameplay, Let's Play, Playthrough, Commentary, Reactions, Deltarune, Delta Rune, Undertale, Snowgrave, Snowgrave Ending, Snow Grave, Deltarune Weird, Deltarune Pipis, Deltarune Snowgrave, Spamton, Spamton NEO, Snowgrave Spamton, Solo Spamton, Noelle Watch, Deltarune Watch, Secret, Secrets, Deltarune genocide
Id: lPAszqyW-a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 45sec (3285 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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