1875 Yard | NEVER BEEN HUNTED | Metal Detecting OLD SILVER and COINS | PlugMaster Ford

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what is up guys welcome to plugmasterford's channel you can see one board is up and this week's episode is going to be brought to you by southern relics stephen sent that over from southern relics also sent me a southern relics token which is cool stephen i appreciate that and uh also the world's best coin roll hunter and that's my opinion and my opinion counts rob finds treasure he goes full time puts out about six episodes a week uh does coin roll hunting does silver pours which he has been toodling me uh on doing some silver pours it is not as easy as it looks and also he does metal detecting we've been trying to get rob to go uh with us and hopefully we can do that soon but that will go on the board with digging with squeak and the relic rangers and we will keep adding to it now off to this week's episode which was [Applause] [Music] incredible [Music] well good morning we are hunting this 1853 built house on day two of our road trip not many targets here i'm on my second pass and i got what i consider a uh like a brass copper signal but i threw it out and you can see right there looks like it's the size of a nickel so i'm hoping maybe that it's a token but i'm not sure i've done nothing to it and it's got what's it got on it oh it's a vehicle wow that rang up awful strange for a vehicle there went my phone there you go wow what a trip for v nickels mikey got three this is my second one on the trip there we go 1883 let's see if we can zoom in until i believe that's what it is yeah 1883 vehicle that's in good shape too ring awful high not really sure what's going on with that but we'll take it first find of the day i heard me a 75 78 signal and again guys there's just not many targets here but it was down and there's roots everywhere these trees on the side over here just they've got roots everywhere so it's kind of hard digging but i just popped up that and that looks like a silver rim to me this is a 78 signal what do you think it's a merc i don't know hard to say i think it's a rookie belt yeah yep i'm pretty sure aren't you yep i think i'm wasting my squirt don't you i believe you're wrong i believe you're wrong mr roosevelt all right could it be a double seated trip no i think it's a barber it is it is a barber dime still awesome dude not 1898. looks like you got a mask on right there's lone ranger barbers what this one is yeah awesome well that hit good no mint mark on it but that is a fantastic fantastic 18 let's verify 1898 that's good detail too i'm loving that well i just had a signal here there was a jump from a 66 to 72 mikey and i put him on the spot and he said he thought it'd be an indian i was thinking the same be honest with you but it's not an indian it is a piece of metal which is interesting because we metal detect boy what is going on here i've got all right oh that wiped really clean huh i can't tell what it might be yeah interesting huh shouldn't get that off on my bridges there i see no riding whatsoever on it mike will tell me it's part to the door plate right mike yep part to a door plate that's what he's going to say we'll take it i guess indian would have been better when we get the opportunity to hunt a unit like this is 1853 built uh which you know we don't have a lot of that where we're from so these road trips help a lot in us uh having the opportunity to do that but that being said we dig a lot of signals normally we wouldn't dig and this is uh this is one of those it was a 42 43 kind of jumpy but as you can see it's an old pocket knife and we will take it i kicked mikey out of the yard he's over there right now and i'm working this area had a good nickel signal 29 30 and i just pulled it up with my flesh digger and it rolled back down in there but i could see it was a nickel and uh don't know if it's gonna be another v it's awful deep see what we got here oh i think i see stars like it's a shield i'm not sure it is look at that a shield nickel awesome let me get a just a nice white light white oh it's in good shape too check that out guys check that out what a fantastic find right there so that gives me the shield the vehicle the buffalo the war nickel all i need now would be that regular jefferson nickel and i'd be okay if i didn't find it but man i could see the stars coming out in there see the five in the middle give it a little bit harder rub on that side oops just want to be careful with these old ones but there it is there's the five oh i'm tickled with that i might even be able to get a date off of this one can't tell if it's got rays or not but we're going to take that folks what a fine love this as you can see i have worked around to the backyard mikey joined me he's over on the side right now though there he is i had a signal here that was 81.82 and guys i just popped it out i'm worried it might be a token it's about the size of a two cent piece it's awful thin you see it sitting right there don't know what it is i'm scared to look it could be that era oh it could just be a slug how do you like that a knockout electrical knockout well maybe not yeah probably so that is ugly that hurts guys that hurts a lot but that is digging dogs on it i'm gonna plant it for mikey well i'm scared to do this because uh last time it kind of bit me in the hind end i'm getting further away from the house it's back there had a signal that hit a little bit high and i see that right there and it's probably a slug again but oh no it is what here a 1975 jefferson nickel which completes it for me guys wow why'd that height ring up so high it's not a sh not a war nickel interesting it wasn't super deep about three inches maybe but 1975 that completes it guys now i have the shield the v nickel the buffalo the war nickel and the regular nickel ah let's see if we can get a war nickel and a buffalo today and that would be a one day quinfecta usually don't get excited about these little jeffersons but i love this one mm-hmm we came back to the front and i'm doing clean up on mikey over here he's gonna be upset he missed this it's a good indian signal i just popped her don't know if it is it's got a lot of brown to it oh please be a wheat penny at least at least to tie oh i can't tell i'm putting on my bridges probably a zinc you guys tell anything on that oh it's hard to tell we might have to go with the date only on this one let's see hope for a good date is that a 40 something 46 d so that is a wheat cent and that ties me one to one on mikey's side okay we're going back over the front we're crisscrossing the different direction than what we went before and digging basically anything check this out guys i dug an elephant and it says gop on it if it will focus see i'm gonna back it out there we go gop the elephant there check on the back says green duck chi which i guess is chicago green duck chicago see it seems like this guys that really gets us going do a little research when we get home on the republican elephant out of green duck chicago or whatever that is pretty cool though love stuff like that mikey's getting frustrated with me because i'm digging all this stuff on his side this one was deep but it rang up good not sure why he did not dig it check it out whatever pocket knife with some coolness to it it's falling apart though well it's in good shape yeah decent yeah all things considered as deep as it was that is a thin skin on top of it i almost think it's plastic it is they didn't make plastic back there dude well maybe it's isn't that old that's definitely plastic that's a plastic skin no tiger we've moved on to another permission beautiful house the dirt uh has been brought in so we're hunting a sidewalk strip my first target out here helps a lot because it's a wheat cent and i needed that to go up 2-1 on old mikey not sure the date but we will take it we have moved on to another permission it's about 1 30 right now boy the temperature has dropped and the wind chill is kicking told mikey i said all i want to do is find one indian today i'm this far off the sidewalk strip guys and i think i did it and what's weird is this thing's got some weird color to it almost like it was stuck to something but that's definitely an indian that is definitely an indian see if we can get a date o2 or 92 i can't really tell but you see what i'm talking about and like this side is normal coloration-wise but that side is kind of smoothed off and that's just the way it came out so see if possibly you gotta turn these things on or they don't work no i guess so that was it so we will take that awesome so tickled to start out this yard with an indian yeah baby my very next target is another one guys if i can find it leaf blue on it there it is another indian and this one was not very deep comparatively to the last one so i'm hoping this is going to be one of those yards i like pretty good oh one it looks like you guys seeing what i'm seeing hopefully not hopefully you guys see better than i see but yes that's an o1 i think the other one was an o2 so we'll just keep going until we cover them all well it could have happened again this thing just i just brought it up from oh probably about seven inches it was stuck to that and it just fell down i don't know if it is it rang up like one it could be a week which i will take off no it is another indian oh my goodness another oh what does that one say oh what it gets another o1 see if we can yes sir it's a 201s and an o2 in the house built in oh oh uh oh all right not a lot of signals but we're taking what we get this is a uh souped up little tractor here i'm not sure how old that might be probably not real old we're definitely in farm country so that is a cool one we'll take it well mikey's not finding much over there and i thought i had another indian but i didn't and it wasn't very deep but it is a wheat cent and uh that helps i'm not sure what number i can't remember how many i found but no one might be at 20s who knows we'll take it though it counts i'm up i'll let mikey have what's resting my side over there because he wasn't finding much i still don't think he's finding much but i came out here on the sidewalk strip and uh not many targets but i just got this one check this out check out the color on this one almost looks brand new that is interesting it's in 1940 something i guess it could have been freshly dropped but it was a few inches down 1940 plain i wonder if there's another one no because both sides are like that maybe it's just the dirt here i like it well this one could possibly be our last permission of the evening and uh i've been one strip down and have dug a beaver tail and that was it had an 8182 signal and got myself a chopper check that out this house was built in 1900 this town that we're in had a booming population in 1900 and so there are lots and lots be nice if i showed you but there's lots and lots of 1900s built houses so anyway we're loving this and i love the toys we'll take it well i fibbed to you and i told you we were on our last permission uh we wrapped it up quick on that one where i found the helicopter on this 1875 unit here which is spectacular big yard we're gonna run out of daylight anyway being a little bit selective my first target here is the cylinder to an old cap gun so it doesn't amount to a whole lot but we'll take it okay right after that cylinder i took a right and i took the right turn because i got me a wheat cent which puts me up five two three mikey found one back there but that's not gonna be enough i'm gonna crush him we'll take this one too right after that wheat penny boom another one we're not going to tell him but it's six to three now i'll tell you what i had what i was pretty sure was going to be an indian right here mikey's hiding on the other side of that tree i think but it's probably as close as you can get to an indian i don't know the date on it let's see if i can zoom in and see 1900 something maybe maybe a 1920. hard for me to tell 19 yeah huh 1920 probably anyway we'll take that that puts me up i don't know seven to three it's it's just a cow killing now i had a really really deep signal right here and i just popped it up and i'm hoping it's more than a week but it could just be a wheat penny it's kind of looking that way well i'll be that was a deep wheat right there folks i'm gonna take it though i am putting it on old mikey it's probably another 20s would you say i know a lot of you like to see the wheat some of you don't that's a 1909 isn't it is it an s maybe has a mint mark huh anything at the bottom can't tell we're gonna have to be careful with this one oh man we're having trouble focusing yeah all right we'll be back all right mikey's videoing something there probably a week guys i've dug so many wheat since then since that last time i showed you and now i got a silver out i would guess it to be a rosie got mikey coming he's finishing up his filming stuff but you see it right there i think you do it's probably a rosie it had some depth to it though it was about six seven inches so you guys it has gotten really cold but we're making it buddy yeah i knew there had to be a silver here just pork up right this dime and we don't know what she is i would guess rosie you think no it's old is it yeah it's old barber barber all right second barber on the day 18. i had some depth to it i guess 1903 yeah 1903. see if there's a mint mark on that pretty good yeah everything that i found is ringing again i got two here you got two huh yeah oh mikey you better get busy so 1903 with some toning we're gonna take it buddy hey are you close to like a dozen or fifteen weights uh-huh no okay you're losing woohoo okay i had a 79 80 signal here it wasn't very deep i just popped it out i was thinking honestly it was gonna be another wheat it looks like it's some kind of pendant or buckle or something does it have an eagle on it or a guy on it i'll tell you what i'm not going to spend a whole lot of time on it here because we're going to get to a hotel tonight and i'll shoot a wrap up there with everything cleaned up but that looks pretty cool i'll get you a cool picture of it later you can tell it's getting dark and i honestly cannot believe this i think i have another old nickel out of this hole it rang up like a nickel i don't know what it is i can't see much i look through my viewfinder maybe that'll help oh it's a v i can see her right there so another v nickel that is awesome we'll put that in and keep on rolling running out of daylight well the nickels seem to be hitting 29 30. i don't know if this is an old one it wasn't very deep but i can't see without using my phone it was not deep at all but what do we got it's gonna be old i'm just just because it's red and there's the v awesome that was not deep at all i'm getting out here to the front uh part of the yard out by the road i skipped it just to do the main part and now i'm loving that what a nickel day yeah i know it looks dark because it is um had a good signal here 78 80 and you can see i wiped it but i don't know what it is yet i can't see oh it's a one dime let me get mikey over here i'll be right back what oh he's coming now i'm gonna go ahead and flip it because we're running out of time to get her to zoom in and focus in and be another barber or better it's gotta be it's gotta be one of those two i'm gonna go ahead and spray it he's not even up yet this house is built in 1875 oops there you go built in 1875. so we've got potential but it's going to be another barber that's not bad at all three barbers on the day so we can zoom in and get a date 93 1893 that was almost a seated we're gonna take it yeah as a matter of fact i'm still out here um this might be my last find that i video and uh i don't even know if we can tell what it is i can't tell it uh wasn't super deep can't tell much about oh man this is ridiculous all right i'm going to call it can't say anything anyway let's go to the room and let's do a wrap [Music] up [Music] do [Music] do [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: PlugMaster Ford
Views: 51,223
Rating: 4.9295154 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, plugmaster ford, silver, relics, finds, found, rare, key date, buried treasure, coin, old coins, youtube, detector, discovered, discovery, funny, outdoors, hiking, nature, door knocking, permissions, old silver, never been hunted, never been detected, virgin yard, virgin permission, old silver coins, rare coins, silver pendant
Id: JNuj78HJECg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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