Wallace and Gromit: Jam Launcher (ft. Binging with Babish)

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I have to go the bathroom we got two parts jelly launcher and the bread toast remonster so we got this at thrift store take it apart I think we have to put bigger spring in it actually no toast in this let's see what happens I'm like saying this isn't gonna work and we have never tried it well I think that Thai tea is probably done we've started too many things at the same time oh I made it oh that's that's not right should we have cleaned it or we just kind of assumed that it's gonna clean itself it's really hot in there like what's the worst that could be in there but hey that's that's pretty good oh now we got to take it apart but it's really hot oh wow that's more complicated I thought it would be is an electromagnet or it looks like it yeah maybe maybe yeah oh that is just like an electromagnet we put too big of us spring on this it's not gonna like that you could do it William we take that one opportunity get them both no price is so hard you ready look you can see the magnet like starts trying to hmm we could have like another magnet I got a neodymium magnet or something [Music] I just put three rare earth magnets and that's like too much if I unplug this this is like very hairpin but if it goes how do we do this we could just put a whole stack of magnets oh right there alright and right through there have more important things in pictures and I think I got it you going yeah needs a little bit of work that's really annoying you hear that it's a frickin chandelier yeah what is it called wind chimes oh she's gonna be so mad at me let's work it on the jelly launcher can you see it from over there cut your leash we've already destroyed our screen accuracy by picking the cheapest toaster we could possibly find at the thrift store I'm not too worried about the screen accuracy of the jelly launcher this is what it's supposed to look like you don't see a latching mechanism or how in the world that thing actually triggers this swiveling latch will come down and lock it in place and then the latch they'll have to be this like little wooden key that fits in there I have literally no idea if this is going to work it's not lazer time yet I have to export a lot of parts okay this is gonna be a while cuz I got that's safe I got to change the documents on every single part two millimeters and what if I can change the global documents to millimeters units I don't think so you don't film this please we're gonna be here an hour laser cut its lazer time and I'm missing a piece these are not super-clean not sure exactly what happened I see that one's particularly bad and then hold it together the old-fashioned way what's this ah yes yes yes yes perfecto mundo the bolt goes in there and then we need zip ties it's be great oops I missed the hole people take that comment run with it oh no there's no hole for the spoon in there so the spoons gonna fit in there and then that's about as far as I've gotten with that thought where's these nuts so that stick your key he said to take a look to lap so glad I left the spring goes from here to here and so you'll extend the spring out dip the spoon into the jelly like there and then you pull this latch down to here and so now this it can't move forward put a little key in there a piece that we didn't need will work for this so big this little piece keeps that from kicking out but the instant that he is removed and then it can kick it up and then this swings down which flings the jelly so let's put a spring up how much do you think we need at the fart it was like captain Morgan's stance though it's really gross I apologize if not that bad after fart again just kidding I got you a cued it up [ __ ] we're in business latch in there and nothing has exploded and all we have to do is oh my god it is not very often that something works that well on the first try you think that's gonna actually alright that looks good yeah that totally worked it got stuck for a bit maybe the jelly is like two jelly okay mixin thank you oh the wardrobes that one that's kind of like french maid Karen John painted this by the way bask in its glory you did it you want to keep this yeah there's a chance the spoon may go flying if we don't superglue it in you'll be super glue by any chance know when this trigger goes down turns the electromagnet on which sticks to that piece which then in addition to the new DME magnet is enough to hold it down but when that turns off this can't hold it white sausage so this just pulls that that pulls that out so the button cuts power to the toaster which turns off the magnet which launches it have you guys successfully landed jelly on toast no but you don't like the timing no we're gonna have to like adjust the distance we're gonna do this a bunch oh yeah let's let's get some plastic you know shoot anything we got to shoot which way should we shoot we shoot that way yeah shoot that way yeah oh this knife even says Dexter on it yeah totally worst-case scenario just that's easy to clean up as well as it doesn't get him Edison fanciest funnel I have ever seen no way it's gonna go in there that's a straight-up no like I like that I like the texture to it doesn't have I just that to know if anything explodes this is when it happens I'm 90% sure that nothing's gonna explode no explosions [Music] yeah go for it that's spray paint Oh should we go you did here we go that was perfect yes littlest bit of jam on the toes [Music] Ono's it'll break oh my god we wrapped it do some improvisation what's the worst thing that could happen 3,000 there 35 faraway 3,500 miles away from retinas mother 9000 a piece of laser-cut wood breaks that's what the latch holds onto that's what holds the spoon like what why didn't this break at home okay [Music] yeah it's a block of superglue that's it I don't even know you can say there's a wood in there anymore yeah this morning right you know they say sugar free but there's still a little bit of sugar in there that was a really bad analogy you know this might just work once jam in there I can hear it sizzling hey I think we need to be closer hey a little bit more like what is it going like up that went down smells like burnt James so when it's too thick it carries wid the spoon is there a way to put a stop in there yeah the only thing is I'm scared of abruptly stopping that then hold it Oh could that go down again what if I put my finger as a stop so the thicker jelly sticks to the spoon we're gonna try to risk we did it kind of high then I think that this can only work in the world of claymation I don't think it's gonna work in the world with William husband and me all right we are probably the best in the field for this sort of challenge and if we can't do it no one can that's a challenge yeah if you want cat tattoos temporary tattoos they're not real don't worry you can make permanent tattoos for a sticker leave a comment and somebody won the cat t-shirt and future me is gonna take that away in a little bit but go check out Andrew binging with babish and thanks not real men give hugs think you passed me now take it away again to future me to pick the winners for the t-shirt that I still haven't picked so he's gonna pick it and write it on the screen right here yep send me to message [Music] and what you need is like a pneumatic cannon thing yeah she's jelly and then you know it's laser timed what this is the it's like an electronic beam like smacks it into play it'd be perfect this is painful
Channel: William Osman
Views: 3,237,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, binging with babish, andrew rea, wallace and gromit, jelly, toast, launcher, breakfast, maker, science, toaster, catapult, breakfast machine
Id: E1snbLzwOZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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