I Made A Pumpkin Hovercraft

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how long do you think it's gonna stay on there for it's like spin the bottle except let's go to tea oh now you have to kiss me hello and welcome to the spooktacular halloween episode is in the show or making pumpkin hovercraft full of debt it's 9:30 we are making a pumpkin hovercraft to compete in a combat robot competition that is an hour and a half drive away and it starts in 12 hours I don't think it'll take you like here's our other ingredients speaking of color and a vacuum cleaner this isn't the cheapest vacuum we could find because I didn't want it to suck Oh No Oh No are you serious who sells a corded version of this I literally searched for cordless vacuum this is what I clicked on I got a quick question is this a corded or cordless vacuum cleaner this is a corded vacuum cleaner my research sort of stopped right there yeah so all right well let's go see if it runs on DC power yeah well we just need like a respectable opinion a second opinion ah I'm about to have a meltdown that looks like a bridge rectifier actually this thing we might be in luck this thing might totally run on DC power we're in the garage this place is a disaster we're trying to build work benches and stuff but we're really good at procrastinating we have two wires coming out of it one of them looks like a temperature sensor I have a bad feeling that no matter what we do this isn't gonna work and it's just Oh oh my god this motor basically is not wired for the kind of voltage we're going to use if we use this setup for the shopping cart where is that adapter cable hopefully it doesn't explode now we're talking yeah that's what the suck is but that's where the that's the blow look at that it's confetti you can cut confetti with this knife we're gonna cut pumpkins with it I'm gonna use this big scary one hey I'm gonna take that from you the plan is cut the bottom off put the cordless vacuum motor into the pumpkin and the base forms a seal with a smooth surface it's not gonna work on like a bumpy surface we're gonna use these motors that I cannot remember his name he also sent the Janke stickers we're gonna use these and these propellers I've done a terrible job preparing for this and I'm going to pay for it this whole video where should we Carly right there does that feel right so far pretty bad cut we just need like a giant belt sander it's just there's a name for this race like clapping is that the right word nothing to see here just grinding my pumpkin into the sidewalk hey looks looks pretty good anyway a little more all right that's good now oh dude we can make pumpkin pie let's try to use the shot back to see what kind of lifting force or what kind of pressure is required it's not I mean it's not bad the pumpkin you eat is different type of pumpkin like this is not it obviously kinder I'm sad I bet that's why they use flexible materials on the skirt to keep those to dampen that let's just stick it in [Music] yeah but it like doesn't move smoothly hey hey wait come back you want to see our pumpkin hovercraft it's a lot worse than I thought it was gonna be and it does just like oscillation things but none of the motor driver the DC motor drivers can handle anything more than 3s so we would have to like I've been practicing using fusion 360 because SolidWorks won't answer my emails we are modeling a little T which is going to be a mount for the propellers and that is gonna happen right now CNC time this is like calm jazz music yeah well this is like a calmer music [Music] kind of weird somehow with more space we end up more disorganized yeah well well there's a lot of things there's a lot of things we've been meaning to do that we just like haven't gotten to yet it's a lot of work to set this up this is the I had to get away from the pumpkin with a propeller either the proponents are really long yeah look oh no I'm sorry is there something wrong with this it kind of hits the pumpkin a little bit it'll carve a channel all right we're on our way to not the robot competition because nobody woke up not that it matters though because it didn't work anyways this saviors yeah we're gonna try to buy a cordless vacuum cleaner so we can get a motor that runs at a lower voltage play this was an x-ray this is ox on board please have for this vacuums please have put this backings I know this is against the rules but not getting ripped off twice I see no cord yeah but I don't trust it until I pulled it out of the box and look I'm gonna see a magic trick yeah this one doesn't have a self-contained duct so we gotta cut it out hey Morgan potassium potassium dude we didn't even need to fight a competing combat robot we were able to destroy ourselves single-handedly oh good suck so bad really where did it all go so wrong really tell you sure oh the pumpkin [Music] change of plans we're putting a skirt on the pumpkin the point of a skirt on a hovercraft is to provide this like air cushion which we don't have when you have like a rigid skirt you can go look up hovercraft videos if you really care I'm probably watching the explanation I actually used to be like a huge aircraft nerd as a kid that was like mine still have my RC helicopter somewhere looking at pictures of hovercraft I've noticed one thing is pretty consistent they're always wider than they are tall I think we might have inherent design flaws too much weight and too much weight high up and even if you put more pressure it seems to like not help that much I kind of took a thanks pumpkin bot 2.0 is driving me insane we're gonna lighten it up when I cut it I'm gonna carve it and we're just gonna come back when it works I think we're at like 70 gigs of video oh no we've already got mold come back in a second [Music] it's way more stable needs to be significantly shorter the weights not even an issue how do we make it suck less I honestly don't know what to do I'm really happy that it works in any way shape or form Oh what is happening what is happening wait they just took off they kind of just took over at the same time they just went up and then just like fell yeah why didn't did you sleep last night [Music] we swapped to a different pumpkin carcass this one's left carved out so it's more rigid and I think it totally works [Music] going straight it's kind of difficult [Music] oh we're leaving a snail trail [Music] I'm gonna be honest if I was like six years old and my dad took me to RadioShack and we bought this and I came home and was playing with it right now I'd be sorely disappointed but I think all that really matters is it kind of works what do you think Michael is it is it like the effort that counts or is it the application that's more important thanks I appreciate your input he says what's happening [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'm coming for you Michael okay [ __ ] just give me one ticket damn it you better watch out I'm gonna totally cut your leg off go forward kind of smells like burnt vacuum motor which I know you didn't go to bed Michael think go to bed last night that's not normal it's unhealthy it's not right you're not supposed to do that let's go pumpkin hovercraft well thanks for watching if you want to support us on patreon though there's a link in the description that helps us you know eat and the winner of the tray we're giving that away is oh I should have picked this one before okay click the button below to pick a winner pick random winner and the random winner is Nick Tanya Nick Tanya's we'll see you next time oh and check out Morgan's channel in the description
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,591,477
Rating: 4.9588842 out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves, stem, steam, cnc, cnc router, remote control, rc, pumpkin, pumpkin bot, pumpkin hovercraft, hovercraft, pumpkin boat, robotics, hacking, diy, diwhy, halloween
Id: X3xiPxPCG38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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