How I Almost Ruined MrBeast Squid Game

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yes daddy osman has returned

Edit: this really feels like some of the projects I did at uni where we had to rush against some deadline, it’s amazing to see how capable of running a project will is. I think people know Will is a good engineer, but this vid probably one of those that shows his capability the best.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 66 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theawesomenachos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies


Big Willy is back!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JessTheCatMeow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I legit thought he would never return.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_Celestrial πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video made me so stressed all the time

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/60isanumber πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy crap he hasn't lost a step, this video was AMAZING. I'm so glad my favorite youtuber is back.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RottenRedRod πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy hell I did not see that one coming.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ErikT738 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CCThreadsAreRacist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

the anxiety was transmitted perfectly through the video. it looks like it was stupid fun and stressful.

aaaand then they chose practically invisible dye and added smoke puffs in post making the squibs usefulness questionable

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bodonkadonks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AsianNoodL πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
i'm back you can't get rid of me that easily this is mr bress he's known for two things being rich and having a lot of money mr brest saw my video where i was complaining about youtube while crying like a man and somehow that inspired him to offer me a job mr rest wants to make his own squid game with 456 contestants competing for real money and he needs me to help him kill people by literally building this machine a turret that automatically shoots people if they break the rules or lose this is like advanced military technology and i know i'm an engineering god having built such machines as a boat with a gun on it and a hat with a gun on it you just slap a gun anything that makes you get youtube but i can't build a machine like that in three weeks oh did i forget to say that it's three weeks he needs it built in three weeks mr beast are you out of your mind don't worry he's not actually hurt it's the power of green screen what's that squid game came out over four months ago do you wanna know why my video is four months late because i recorded over eight hours of footage it's actually more it's like 10 hours it'll be 12. i i don't even want to look at it i don't even i i all this is the start of my timeline and if i keep walking all the way down the timeline it will get that seven hours there is seven hours i recorded over seven hours of video oh look at this i almost got arrested right here how are we doing good we got a call that someone from this vehicle is over here like pissing kevin he found some stinky hotel treasure i saw some paper under here under the microwave and i lifted it up and i grabbed it oh my god that's disgusting it was some freaky treasure i don't know i don't need any of that i look at seven hours and i say no not today but william you can't murder people obviously real murder isn't an option we just have to fake people's deaths the same way your parents fake their love for you so let's kill people the same way that netflix does it with a squiff which i happen to have here let me show you how it works inside of the box is everything you need to make it look like someone has been murdered there's a steel air tank an electronic solenoid valve this hose that it fills up with blood you put this blood in it it's real blood it's real blood real blood putting it on is really easy first you go like this you put this onto this like this actually it's even easier then you go like this this goes like this it goes like this goes like this [Music] like this and then this goes like down no no no no no no no no no it's sleep and then when you press this button it goes like that okay let's do it let's buy 456. 270 000 jesus christ 270 000 which to me seems like a ripoff considering that you could rebuild it for about 70 dollars with the parts on amazon like this literal actual sprinkler valve see that the sprinkler valve in the in the dirt looks exactly the same sprinkler valve sprinkler valve are you wondering what i've been doing the past four months instead of making videos i started a podcast called safety third with nile rad and the backyard scientist in alan pan it's very good you should go check it out and i made a bunch of new shirts for actually i'll show you a couple and just give me one second get that onto there actually this is one of them the bathroom team and if you have a special occasion coming up i even have the first oh this is this one's so bad i don't even want to say what it is this is the first piece of formal wear i've ever made for cat warehouse from a distance you look sleek sexy but when you get close to the shirt you realize that it is actually a bunch of crabs smoking crack what shirt if i saw in a thrift store would i lose it over and immediately buy and this is what came to mind and so i've made it and uh and it's uh it's not thrift store prices thrift store quality with regular department store prices okay so i bought the same air tank as the 600 squib uh the problem is there's about 800 to 900 psi of gas in here and i have to get it out of there and there's pretty much only one only one thing i can think of three two one why are you so far away i don't wanna why you wanna get caught you don't want to what i don't want to get sprayed you don't want to get sprayed with sprayed with what what am i going to spray with that's a weird question two one oh william it's all over me you think you you're covered in blood i'm absolutely drenched with blood oh my god wow that worked pretty well if you want to make your own i've got a tutorial on the second channel now i just got to make 456. i need uh 456 of these sprinkler valves do you think you might have a couple hundred in the back or no ooga booga caveman brain you can't just walk into a home depot and buy 456 of something they sell a couple of a week what do you think every home depot employee keeps a sprinkler valve up their ass they don't even have 456 employees in the continental united states everyone's been replaced by these self-checkout machines or what i like to call them old people iq testers there is a zero percent chance we're going to source 456 of every component we need in time and the more you think about it the worse this idea gets because even if you could buy all this crap it took me 30 minutes to build one script which means it would take 13 680 minutes to build 456 clips that's 20 days building squibs for 12 hours a day which leaves me one day to program the motion detection system i'm in way over my head but i've already taken mr beast's money so i'm gonna do what every good engineer should do when they can't solve a problem make someone else solve it so i began recruiting a crack team of crackheads tommy why can't we hear you tommy this is my friend george he's a god-tier embedded hardware engineer if he says it can be built in two days you can take his word and then double the number of days he said he's a little over optimistic then i found tommy and ben by posting a thousand dollar bounty on discord to anyone who could reliably demonstrate a method for electronically bursting a plastic soy sauce packet without any moving parts so basically how this works is it's a small pistol primer and this is harlan his dad is john favreau i was watching my speedometer literally drip dipped below the the white line where you're saying [Music] oh yeah the gas i'm barely functioning right now as you can see uh welcome to the club all right gamers i have called you all here today because we need to reinvent the squip what is a squib you might ask i should i actually hope to god you don't ask that question what's a squib no is that like a food or something a local delicacy oh god kill me in three weeks we have to deliver 456 squibs to mr beast we have to completely reinvent a squib from the ground up that sounds impossible okay that's not i was hoping you would say yes this is totally doable our squib needs to be fast to manufacture reasonably priced have a wireless range of over 500 feet and most importantly can be installed by smooth-brained contestants with minimal assistance if there's any team in the world who can do it it's this group of geniuses it got all over me at my computer in just under 48 hours we had completely conceptualized a brand new squib that can be manufactured and assembled as quickly as possible dang that one splattered blood everywhere so i've been doing some testing on myself it did burn me a little bit so i think we need to add a little foam seal or something there's some a couple char marks where there shouldn't be the foundation is a custom printed circuit board thank you altium for giving us a free software license with a microprocessor a radio receiver a battery a mosfet an ink packet and a packet popper yeah we're going to use the expressive wireless module the w room o2 could you see that more boringly jesus christ george a level of enthusiasm that you first told me about this chip oh yeah that's gonna be hard to channel yeah i know yeah so we uh yeah we got a board design done and it's using the the espresso wireless chip and it works and i think we can make contestants will have to install the squibs themselves by placing it around their neck and under their shirt so we ordered 10 prototype boards with one day turnaround i wonder how much that cost it's like 3 000 bucks to make 10 boards you wanted him like tomorrow then i flew to george's place and we assembled the first board in only three hours because george chose these tiny little resistors the little tiny black rectangles those are the resistors and then we nuked it because we bought a programming cable that was labeled 3.3 volts but it was actually 5 volt which destroyed the prototype board how did we buy the wrong cable because the website looks like this how am i supposed to buy the right cable how am i supposed to decipher any of this here it says 3.3 volt but when you go down to the description nowhere does it say five volts then i called them and got into a fight with the company owner who called me a which is fine but if i'm a you're a giga look at this look at this horrible website they actually went and changed the website because me and many other people have apparently complained but that's not enough to give me a refund you refuse to refund me but do you know whose website isn't terrible the sponsor of today's video skillshare are you tired of daily struggles like surprise car bills or vet bills or just earlier today i went to get a fork and there were none left what am i gonna do wash these forks no i'm better than that skillshare has classes that help you solve problems like this one to learn cad so you can make 3d models which is exactly what i did i found this model of a spoon online and i used cad to turn it into a fork which i then printed on my 3d printer skillshare has thousands of classes for anyone who is looking to develop new skills personally i've been watching skillshare classes and reading books about slipcasting for making custom ceramics you can learn about almost anything not just how to make stuff the first 1 000 people to use the link in the description down below get a one month free trial of skillshare you want to give an update george you try being host so we successfully got louder we successfully got these youtube right now you gotta scream at the camera we got the all right this is the personnel module this is what people will be wearing it's got the wireless chip everything's working uh how how long did it take to get working oh about 12 hours but that's not too bad this green board is receiving signals from that red board and so everyone who's wearing a green board this will all receive these all 500 of these will receive that signal so now we have to do a range test because that's one of the biggest concerns right now is how far can the signal actually go oh man it's nice and dark this camera is so bad and low light look i got a green this is our only light so let's hold it to your face uh it's using the same radio as regular wi-fi uh but we're operating it at a much lower level so there's actually no networking involved so i say we go all the way to the end of the street because that's easy to locate on google earth and then we just walk as far as we possibly can down this street until the green led until the green led stops pointing so who's gonna i'll do the walking also takes more exercise oh definitely we need to measure at least 500 feet of range by tonight and if this doesn't work i'm calling off the entire project and telling mr beast to pound sand did it stop blinking did it no it's still going oh it looks like we were oh no it did stop blinking didn't it this is bad our range test failed at a hundred feet which sucks because literally thousands of people and millions of dollars are being sunk into this project from contestants carpenters filmmakers food service bus drivers assistants the scale is insane for a youtube video if i'm the reason it falls apart i'm gonna crawl into a hole and die so we did the only thing we could think of by committing a federal crime because malaysia allows higher transmit powers because their government doesn't enforce that so did we actually did we actually boost it into an illegal output range yeah by the power of debt and a 35 apr i summon 500 circuit boards for 20 000 that was a mistake i'm pretty sure i've been scammed i i didn't think that paying somebody twenty thousand dollars would result in anything less than the best service you've ever received in your entire life but when we submitted the order friday morning took about 12 hours for us to realize that something was wrong because we hadn't heard back from them and it turns out that they had put a two-week hold on the order because we asked to make the boards pink and uh they were out of pink ink and they didn't they didn't call us we had to call them and they actually didn't know why they didn't know why there was a two-week hold so we talked to three people and they found out that it was the pink ink george they said they're out of pink ink they said there's gonna be a two week delay what colors do they have what colors do you guys have uh they have green they said they have green just just make it green then so we switched to green and after switching to green they said it would be done by today but it's today and they're not done and even worse they've just told us that the assembly process where they take all the tiny little components like the resistors from earlier put them onto a board with a machine is gonna take two weeks last week they told us they could get it done by this thursday three days for assembly three days for making the board and they can't assemble it with so much money to assemble the boards we're supposed to be done you can pay people to do a job but you can't pay them to give a there's six days till squid game and i'm i'm i think we're actually pretty screwed i don't know entirely what to do i have like 12 hours to find another company that can assemble the board there's like an 80 chance that this whole project doesn't happen this is a nightmare i'm in colorado now which i was not planning on doing things are not going well how did casey neistat do this it's cringe somehow it's now my job to solve a problem that a large company i just paid twenty thousand dollars to solve cancel makes it right and now i have to film your face you just moved in today let me put all my stuff in today well thanks for letting me stay in your house that you just moved into of course but i found this small company called colorado pcb assembly you are aaron hi you're saving the day i'm here to save the day and how did how did you figure out who i was as soon as i hung up with you he said is that is that william osman that's do you know who that is and uh and i heard all these stories about dogs eating hot dogs and getting controlled with robots yeah so hey hello whoa hello hi well yeah yeah you guys are saving us right now um you're the reason that i will not eat rice krispie treats you actually made it no with my friends it was like so oh my god you lunatic we could tell this was an emergency product yeah panic at around 10 pm the circuit boards arrived at the shop two weeks three weeks one week of trauma i don't know oh my god yes i'm so relieved right now this is so many boards he's gonna solder every single one by hand no he he is you're going to solder everything on my hand he is right there you're going to solder everything are you playing games yes except for the fact that they weren't routed properly because they're supposed to have these notches cut out there's no changing it at this point but screw it i'm going to call them anyways we have prototype boards from you guys that have the notches cut out but the main run with 500 boards doesn't have the notches cut out yeah i don't know i don't know what to tell you there that's a phone call with a man who's tried nothing and is all out of ideas and then i realized this is only half of our boards this is 260. they still owe us 230. it's the pile of boards is so big that we thought it was all 500. did you think it was 500 i did did you think about it i thought it was 500. do you think it was 500. i still think it's 500. arlen let me borrow his car he had to go to work i'm sitting in front of a starbucks right now waiting to meet with aaron she's going to show me that there's a problem show you our problem with digikey each one is in its own bag all by itself this is bad because assembly is done by a pick and place machine which is designed to load components from long tape strips so they're gonna take each one out of the bag we're gonna use an old reel from something that we used to have so how much time does this add like an entire day probably yeah i'm just sitting in a parking lot in a town i've never been to before in front of a home depot and i'm just waiting i don't have a plane ticket i'm supposed to fly to north carolina tomorrow i don't have a plane ticket because i don't know like i don't know i was going to fill my suitcase up with as many boards as i could and then fly to north carolina i'm really stressed i don't think i've been in this stress in a long time all you know happens tomorrow or tonight no more waiting i've got the first set of boards i've got my laptop i've got the programming jig i've got three populated boards i've got a double a battery pack providing power because my jerry rigged ftdi connector is five volts it's connected to a usb to the computer and i'm about to paste a script i hit enter and then all of a sudden it's working and it's programming we're programming the first board that was assembled on a pick and place machine hit 100 hit 100 hit 100 hit i am shaking right now because i've literally been sitting in the car for 12 hours this green light on the board means the boost converter is working and i was able to program the board i think i'm going to throw up right now the relief [Music] yes wow that was so fast i'm actually i'm confused like it took ten times longer to set the machine up yes than it did to actually make the board we still don't have all our components or boards we only had enough parts to make 130 circuits here's our assembly line um we've got a junior over here on the what do you call this this is the panel you're hand soldering the through hole battery holder you did these pretty fast i think we've almost gone through what like almost almost done 100 and then the pack is getting glued down and then here's the pile of boards that uh are waiting for me i'm uploading a test program to each one just to make sure they work because we still haven't written the final code it's friday friday three days left until squid game my flight to mr beast headquarters leaves in an hour inside of my suitcase are 130 squib pcbs and one pair of underwear i had to remove most of my clothes this is a bit this a fifth is a hundred boards how are the rest of them getting there i don't know i haven't figured that part out yet and that's if the rest are even finished there's a chance these are the only squibs we have for mr b squid game so i got on my flight and when i landed i rented a van oh it's got some power i'm that's it that's my update for right now there's two days left until squid game i finally got more than four hours of sleep last night and i accidentally set off one of the igniters in the hotel room welcome to the van the team is starting to arrive at the airport and i'm picking them up in the giant van which i'm kind of becoming a fan of this thing is really useful i don't know what i'm gonna do if the rest of the boards don't show up tonight i think they will i think they're good i think they will too but if they don't i don't know what i'm gonna do we arrived at mr b's office and started exploring around before setting up in one of the portables out back there that's right they gave us our very own portable but mr beast's team is anxious to see a functioning squib so tommy volunteered right now tommy is going to put on the detonator and blow myself up we're doing the first test live for the customer how does that make you feel knowing that this is the first time we've ever actually tested this oh you know super confident all right you're not right so you you put that in i'm going to line it up oh yeah it like squirted out oh my god that was so much better than i ever could have imagined that's actually pissed there's still two long nights ahead of us and i knew we were going to need a lot of help so i called in a small army to help us assemble and test boards this is the the logang army alan what's the plan i'm gonna play magic the gathering i brought two decks one of them is a knight themed one the other one is pirates and dinosaurs magic yeah i brought two oh we can play then the unicorn does three damage to these pirates you have an idea what's going on i'm a wizard and then something amazing happened all 500 boards showed up cover me in boards colorado pcb assembly has literally saved this project the small family-owned company stepped in when a giant corporation failed us so we had three people fly out with their suitcases filled with circuit boards george and harlan are rushing to finish the firmware how was the programs it's good i'm i'm handling like if the server gets disconnected and then you just sitting there and everyone else started ramping up production of igniters and the paper backing plates all which need to be made by hand i'm here to cut igni or you could say the board or whatever i mean this is it it's us trying to tell nigel what to do for a bit and then that's what goes in this stupid video because that's how it works i'll redo it no it's too late we got a lot done but the code still isn't finished and we haven't started making any of the 456 boards there's literally 24 hours left to assemble everything we didn't finish what we were supposed to but we'll do it in the morning integration hoe is called integration hell for a reason someone get their stopwatch we're going to measure the 0 to 60. three two one go all right we're four thirty five forty forty five fifty fifty five sixty nine point four yeah one day left until squid game and the next morning with a fresh brain george was able to fix the bug and we've got ten squibs working to go and demonstrate on the main playing field all right do seven all right i call that a success but there was a problem with the app yeah what's going on right now all right so we're testing like end to end from the app over to the board the computer to the board transmitting to this and to detonation and eliminate it didn't work i can't believe i filmed that how humiliating god this is embarrassing you should be ashamed of yourself this is the second app integration test it's gonna go very well they're arguing with each other but i believe in them i don't i don't i actually don't think this one's gonna work so we're gonna arm it why are we filming this then he's just trying to avoid i don't think this yeah it doesn't work i told you well that's your fault it is my this one's my fault i'm gonna choose player one i'm gonna eliminate them whoa yeah i'm gonna breathe it it smells so good the smell the sweet smell of success alan did you believe in us the whole time well you know it's not done right like that's we're still not done you know yeah right that's that's pretty close to done though 10 10 more 10 dude 10 is 500. we're not anywhere close to done we're driving right now to do a demonstration and george and harlan are finishing code in the back seat and we still have to tonight basically after this demo come back and make 500 squids wow this is insane who are we demoing to there's nobody here they called us in to do a demo but they're not ready for a demo yet they're just showing us around and we shouldn't be here we should be working on the squibs while we were waiting we decided to do a range test we've set up the transmitter behind the creepy doll and doing a walk around the entire perimeter while checking the board's blinking lights look it's all working and then we did a demonstration for mr beast all right so you're not gonna tell me no he is number seven i hate that guy so this would be fun i hit eliminate stop racing this is fun we're having fun okay did you see that there were sparks flying out from the squib there are not supposed to be sparks coming out from the squib so i'm gonna double check where the fuses are we ran a couple of tests and realized that the igniters weren't sealing properly which is a really easy change to make once we get back oh that was great i just got rocked by mr beast it's now 10 p.m squid game starts in exactly eight hours so we're gonna have to stay up all night attaching all the components onto the circuit board to form the final mr beast squiff the final assembly line is set up we've got it all written on the board we've got the first station that's not supposed to be here i am stationer one and two grab the board from the box program make sure that it eliminates appropriately make sure that the mosfet is connected properly uneliminate it so that we can install the match without it detonating that's number six yeah i put the stickers on i think i need to put this through here and i've never actually done this before in my entire life but i've been told to push this down yeah we got a continuity tester here oh means go all right then tommy [Laughter] pass it off to tommy there you go i take the bag of piss and i rubber banded to this but but then tommy didn't do his part so then he does this part and then i do that and then what do you do i put a battery in but i got to make sure the plus goes to the plus and the uh the minus goes to the minus side uh i tape in the middle and then i tape the ball i have noticed something yeah as we go down the line the jobs get dumber and taller and dumber what are you doing uh i put these strings on i put the numbers on the bag the bags and then i put a battery in what the hell are you doing i print numbers you're wondering why they used yellow dye i i don't know it was not my idea i i it's you get d monetized if you use red and mr beast wanted yell it looks like piss i get it it looks like piss we said it looks like this everybody knows it looks like piss but they still picked piss color where is it where is it where's number 100 it's 1 30 a.m it's one what the so what does that mean how many hours have you explored half per minute wanted that for a minute we have four hours left at this page correct should finish at 5 30 ideally yes how do you feel hey we're way ahead how do you feel you've been looking over kind of grouchy over here i have 20 minutes until i start getting cranky you're already cranky tommy how do you feel [Laughter] well he's having a breakdown of the corner oh there he is all right what's going on here i want to zoom in [Laughter] for how many things have gone wrong during this project everything is starting to go right it's very late but everything's coming together will what board you got in there in your hands i don't know but i want to die four five six six that's how many people are in squeaking wow what a coincidence finish finish the board finish the board no do not do this in slow motion [Laughter] that's it put it in place is a disaster look at the floor look at that oh gosh look it's horrible look at the grass oh my god he looks dead [Laughter] oh look at that thanks kevin we finished with literally minutes to spare actually that's a lie we finished with zero time to spare we actually finished with negative time to spare just got lucky because the production hadn't started yet 456 of something is is a lot it's way more than your brain even realizes this table is just under half the boards that we packaged up last night and on top of all that we had to program 100 iphones with the kill app 100 programmed iphones but there was just one small problem oh no kevin we have 100 phones the contestants are literally minutes away from putting their squibs on and installing the battery i am so nervous what are they gonna do explode when they put the batteries in probably i don't know we made them in like three weeks what else would happen you think they're gonna work we've never tested it at scale the most we've done at the same time is ten like are you kidding me we're just gonna slap these things on people and pray they work yes that's exactly what we're gonna do and you know what when people put their batteries in nothing happened except four of them exploded i don't know i still don't know why but it doesn't matter because a two percent failure rate is amazing 456 and only two percent failed are you kidding me we have like 50 extra every single pink suit has one of the iphones and they're going to be watching the entire field for a movement after mr breast yells red light you know this is basically a miracle that's happened right i can't believe it's gotten this far like we we literally did all like the full integration of our own stuff that was supposed to be done by someone else yeah if this if this doesn't work i'm just gonna cry i'm just gonna type my own number in and once the challenge started we had no idea what was happening okay they just did the first red light oh god is it working our only reference was the tv monitors we couldn't tell if the squibs were exploding or not because the cameras were too wide until we finally saw that people's squibs were exploding exactly when they were supposed to we did it this was one of the craziest experiences in my entire life it worked and after disarming all the boards i decided to treat everyone to something really nice is the mcrib back yes it is how many make ribs can we order
Channel: William Osman
Views: 6,861,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves
Id: hdt18p-VMmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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