Reacting To The Scariest Videos On The Internet #5

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you feel it don't you something there in the room with you you don't really know what it is but you can sense it you can feel it crawling around a chill in the air but you can't escape it and suddenly you realize just how alone you are [Laughter] curve a short horror film that we're all gonna what am i trying to say lodestone films presents curve or just water oh she ah she had blood on her head she got blood in her hand why do we keep seeing water though what does it mean there's some chuck teas heck yeah good luck running away in those though they have no foot support you're not gonna make it very far it's like running in bare feet what are you a hobbit wakey wakey sleepy head you're in a dungeon oh much worse oh much much worse god that's scary oh don't move stay there and either wait for help or death oh man there's a lot of them do you think they washed in there from water this is like a whole system like all the way across it's almost like a a wall that you use to like dampen water flow maybe that's why we're seeing water a lot oh and your leg is bent this is probably the thing that's saving you by the way the chuck tays [Music] okay that's infinitely worse [Music] you're in a precarious position and now there's a blue whale underneath you [Music] i mean i don't know how you're getting out of that wait that wasn't it was it no oh it's just the beginning i thought that was it i mean what do you do in this scenario there's nothing you can do bet you wish you had some like nikes or something on something with a bit more grip like basketball shoes actually a lot of people play basketball in converse oh don't turn around no no no the natural curve in your back is what's keeping you alive right now oh no oh no [Music] oh god let it take me if i was in that position i know for a fact that i would panic i would slip and wee all the way down to the bottom dead you have way more patience than i do your head is bleeding though and you've blood in your hand so clearly you were like dropped here oh that leg's going to be sore oh ew gross why are you doing that you have bigger problems yeah stick them back together i thought she was gonna put them in her mouth i don't know why okay she's trying again [Music] is there something wrong with her chest she keeps grabbing it oh maybe she's just like drying off and cooling her hands and stuff maybe the sticky blood will help though like spiderman okay here we go again you got this you can do it i believe in you is your leg straight now nope i think our hands just hurt i'm trying to hold on all the time i get it the sheer grip strength needed good job good job is that why she's bleeding because her hands are like locked into it oh no this is not the first person that is horrifically demotivating but also kind of sick easy there now easy there come it down now wait it's the blood was dripping the blood like across from her so it's still fresh people are falling all over the place you can do this you got this you're stronger than all of them you're powerful you've got webbed fingers like oh spidermans have wiped fingers but you know what i mean there you go you're not gonna fall you're not like them god there's so many of them oh no it's gonna rain oh no oh god this is the worst i mean at least you're you can get some water and you're not gonna die of thirst but um yeah just stick to it keep the dry patches oh no oh my heart sinks every time [Music] i know it hurts but it's so much worse to die what are you doing how is that gonna help i don't know if that would help would it create more friction oh no oh no that's it no i want to know what happened to laura jane turner come on you can't leave it there that stinks oh that was awesome i highly enjoyed that one that was clever original i actually like felt myself like sync every time something happened and it just gives you enough that you don't really need to know like is this a game that some people are playing were they put there by somebody your brain just comes up with all these ideas very very cool well done oh this one's called guest and i'm sticking it into a four-wheel drive here baby let's go okay damn this is 4.4 million views all right finn let's see what you got oh god i hate that oh that triggered like fight or flight in me my chest got all tight like a wave of anxiety went over me that is loud oh it's supposed to be like tonight it's okay [Music] i this is oh i feel like i need to pop my ears this feels like my actual tinnitus what is happening oh they need a hearing aid okay whoa oh oh my ears feel so weird all of a sudden oh it's like my tonight has got lifted oh i wish i could do that right now i just have all the time forever can you hear me now there we go how did you get inside my house oh i found you my bathroom this morning how did you get inside my house that's cool so she's the guest mary is your name mary i need you to listen to me i found your wallet and i just want to make sure is your name mary wait so did she arrive are you hungry like this are you thirsty with the bandages in the eye patch if you've got any allergies i can i can make you something it doesn't say on here do you have any allergies is there anyone that you want me to call your mum anyone dude what is going on no one do you remember what happened last night do you remember what happened last night [Music] mary what happened last night oh something's got your eyes widening what is chasing you or what are you running away from so did she just like run to that house as the first like running away from something is the first house she found she just ran into it okay no bandages no eye patch oh i've had dreams like this where i'm running away from something trying to kill me and i like run into the nearest house [Music] okay not the safest thing in the world to keep a key under a pot outside your house it's like you've seen it a million times everyone's going to check there first mary it's oh what [Laughter] [Music] my god he'd like he looked like a simpsons character he's just big giant white eyeballs with two dots in the middle of them [Music] [Music] yes good job mary don't even wait for him to show up again go looking for him you know how in these things you always like hide in a closet or something and you wait for them and then you make your move no be proactive the enemy is not expecting that you gotta go get them he was standing outside go find him stab him or maybe he's just asking for directions or asking about your car's extended warranty i really like these um camera following shots [Music] well there's a bath you ended up in but how did you get covered in bandages [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah stay vigilant [Music] and close that whoa you should have closed the door [Music] yeah that's gonna work [Music] mary you're not six years old stab him what was the point of getting the knife [Music] it was very so freaky [Music] maybe he wants a hug give him a hug and then you know [Music] [Music] bleach what is happening this is all oddly like cam [Laughter] [Music] oh you put bleach in your own eyes [Music] mary is this an established thing like not being able to see them makes them go away [Laughter] [Music] oh you're not going to stab yourself in the ear are you oh mary why did you do it am i just an outlier here where i feel like the knife could have been used against that thing it's got big eyes bigger targets throw the bleach in his eyes did you know that this would work oh no it's back ah stop cut the present day again please thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay look doctors will be here in a minute they'll know the best way to handle this i'm going now i'm gonna leave the room but i'll come back and so is mr eyeballs peter peep show is gonna come back in the room [Music] what if you can smell him now are you gonna have to cut off your nose [Laughter] don't do it don't do it you're just going to end up back at zero again [Music] i don't know if you'd be able to see much the day after putting bleach in your eyes oh come on mary is he back oh god it's worse than before it looks like a thumb a thumb with eyes [Music] they're also not doing anything to you they're just hanging out maybe they want to play xbox don't play halo [Music] they did it to themselves they have no ears and their eyes are messed up from seeing stuff um what is with all of these just ending abruptly also don't do this in the captions stop putting your own flavor unless it's the people who actually did it but if these are fans submitted and you did this i don't like that there's a lot of talk about mental stuff going on with this it's really interesting to see it like manifest the self-harm that appeared because of what they were seeing i'm trying to be careful of my words here because i don't want to bring up terminology if that's not what it's about it did have a disclaimer at the start of it so yes if you are going through anything and you do need someone to talk to please reach out to absolutely anybody because there is always somebody out there who will listen to anything you're going through no matter what you think it is or the fact that no one's there for you there is always someone there for you whether it be personal or professional someone will listen so please reach out and talk to somebody so this one is called vesuvius silent terror vesuvius is a volcano people claim to have witnessed apparitions of the virgin mary however catholic doctrine claims that the era of public apparition ended with the death of the last apostle or probably the internet [Music] [Music] this is me doing papers please [Music] just yep you're accepted and you go no detained [Music] oh that's a cool shot i like that okay hey guys enjoying the video that's cool anyway see you later [Music] oh horror stuff has trained me to know that if any sound happens so [Music] it's probably just your mother or grandmother upstairs it's nothing scary at all surrounded by a ton of religious figures oh [Music] god can't grab it because the cg bro [Music] oh god why are you not doing anything now are you smiling what's wrong with you oh we're actually gonna gag what is happening oh god i'm mighty oh yum yummy ooh grandson special that's probably why you're sick oh god you're up so hard that she's bleeding oh did you know that he made cigarette booger casserole [Music] and he's a fly inside him [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] are you supposed to be the virgin mary [Music] i'm just now realizing maybe there are multiple depictions of the virgin mary because to me [Music] she's always in like a blue and white gown oh god see that's what you were like to the your friend earlier hey guys how's it going i hope that you're doing well thank you for watching my videos thank you okay [Music] this is a weird one [Music] you breaking in somewhere dude what are you doing whoa oh it's that lady from before there now you're even creepier oh jesus that's it whenever i come back from anything anymore i'm checking every corner of my house that's a really good shot as well oh no did she tell you to do that why why though how do you explain that mary showed up in my dream so i was like oh gotta kill [Music] oh something's dead or decaying near you [ __ ] stop doing that i wonder if they're actually saying something [Music] okay that ain't virgin mary i've never seen virgin mary with hooves oh not the grandmother or mother or whatever she is to you oh so cool [Music] don't do it oh no [Music] people came to a business operation okay most of the time the apparition is not a visitation of a holy being but rather a demon in disguise oh you gotta look at the feet man classic sign of virgin mary blue gown white kind of like headdress maybe carrying a baby jesus definitely no hooves actually maybe i'm wrong i've never seen pictures of virgin mary's feet that was really good the the visual language and that one was really well done this sort of symbolism that was in it he like stood up in the middle of all the religious figures but he was covering a picture of jesus it was kind of like a demonology kind of thing going on that was really well done also not a single word spoken i mean other than the demon whispering in his ear but that was really cool okay last one we've got a film called cookie we've seen some good ones today [Music] production value's off the charts on this one nice house in the road every time i see tvs like that driver what is it driver what is it driver what is it he's going to sacrifice himself every time i see people with tvs like that on the wall you're like this looking at it you're going to hurt your neck [Music] all the time that's oh are you gonna get caught red-handed stealing cookies and the demons gonna come bite your hand off yes she answered just take like five and go there's gonna be some serious karma hey oh my god jesse thank you so much yeah of course how was she oh she was great she's just in a coma now from all the sugar she had eight o'clock eight o'clock okay great okay thanks again thank you [Music] what is going on with your face nothing how many cookies did you eat i only had one one that's a lot of crumbs for one cookie only had one uh oh you're gonna get her actually counted every cookie in that cookie jar and if you did only have one like i said there should be exactly 13 cookies in that jar you didn't count them you don't know tell the truth just tell the truth and demon won't come and bite your fingers off [Music] one two [Music] he's watching [Music] um this is our new cookie jar i do not like it well then don't put your hand in it this cookie jar is for adults only any time that a child has stolen a cookie from this jar why would you bring that home if what is happening did i just pass out and miss something that kid's right what's wrong with you mom you're a terrible parent bree no more cookies okay [Music] he's gonna come to life he's gonna chase you around the house that cookie jar is gonna bite back how many kids did you eat i only had one [Music] also what kind of kid watches movies from like the 1920s [Music] there are no appliances in that kitchen that's terrifying this is the scariest thing so far you just can't help yourself can you child [Music] that's it she's done pack it in [Music] and you did it while maintaining eye contact you are so dead [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah i knew it yesterday yeah we're like cookie monster for sesame street he's gonna come out and kill you what are you watching oh he was in the movie that's cool [Music] i mean oh no scary this child child had it coming [Music] mom mom trying to see now if the clown was anywhere else in the scenes i love hidden stuff in scenes like this where i can like look for them all the time [Music] oh no an empty bed [Music] mommy dearest [Music] oh mama if you think that that's your mother then we have bigger problems do it see what happens yes [Music] oh god tonight is again ah [Music] wake up oh my god is that a throwback to the shining [Music] that looked like when wendy is like shaking danny or not not when he's she's shaking down even when he's like staring down the hall and he's just like screaming in silence it looked and it reminded me of that [Music] did that doll's eyes move oh i'm seeing things are you gonna be okay is he there all right well you know where my room is if you need me kid's bed looks like it's about 14 miles from that door you all right all right good night [Music] that room is a nightmare already [Music] [Music] i think there's a lesson to be learned here which is just stay where you're supposed to stay and stop venturing everywhere or you'll get killed so did she dream all that with the clown or was that actually that actually happened i wonder [Music] [Music] i love these sound effects where are you [Music] he's facing the stairs you gonna put a pillowcase over [Music] no one is supervising this child ever yeah let's throw him out just smash him off the ground there you go nice [Music] just taking it into our own hands [Music] and then you need to go so far away from the house to do this she should have had a cool line like that's the way the cookie crumbles i i would have done that ah all is right in the world nature is healing he's going to be back in neat brie where's the cookie jar i don't know you don't know no bree did you take the cookie jar no smashed sent to the shadow realm well no more cookies in the house then no more cookies [Music] mom of the year oh [Music] hey hey how was she today yeah she's painting okay well we're still good she was great possessed by the devil because she was gonna work can i have your body in here it's fine just you know send it to me okay i gotta go man you really freaked out at the babysitter what are you drawing hi honey hi mom wow another masterpiece come on it's way past your bedtime wait [Music] perfect little bob ross oh god what i love you monkey i love you too mother is everything good yep okay night honey what is happening good night wow that's what i have to eat too many cookies you become friends with a demon clown if you're gonna be hanging around me all the time trying to kill me constantly we might as well just be best friends that's what you do you become best friends with your demon then that demon doesn't want to kill you anymore because it has a friend that one wasn't as scary that was just more goofy than anything but i still highly enjoyed it it was awesome i loved the design of that clown dude that's gonna do it for me let me know down in the comments below which one scared you the most which was your favorite out of these i don't know which one was my favorite maybe the curved one because i think just the simplicity of that mixed with like how much my imagination worked after that i think was cool thank you guys very much for watching please leave a like in the video if you enjoyed it and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,570,954
Rating: 4.9738603 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, scary videos, reacting to scary videos, scary video, scariest videos, jacksepticeye reacts, jacksepticeye reacting to scary videos, scary animations, jacksepticeye reacting, reacting to scary animations, crypttv, scary, reaction, mystery, scariest videos on the internet, horror, scary stories, reactions, jumpscare, creepy, creepy videos
Id: wyt8yYZJS3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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