Showing You MY Favourite TikToks #2

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as a famous philosopher once said tick tock on the clock the Party Don't Stop it was Kesha welcome back to me showing you more of the tick tocks that I have liked over the last period since we last did one of these videos you're probably not going to see all of them let's go I'm not single I'm taken for granted it's like I've seen a knife the first time again but with you this time this is my humor look at him go Reach for the Stars baby boy boys we have all been in this situation foreign [Laughter] oh God not just boys we've all been in this situation where like all the toilet seats in my house have like a damper on them so I can like shut them down and they go you're right just real easy and then I go to our friend's house and it's just like [Music] and I'm worried that I'm just gonna get kicked out of the hotel or people like five floors down they'll be able to hear it laughs they're so dull they don't know what they're doing oh right in the hole I just love that cat sensually up against the wall [Music] therefore get out of here when you're bored and you have nothing to do the sound effect is so good I've been there not like that with my finger as if there's a fan around I'm always gonna mess with it I need to go to the train and like see how close I can get to it and just go like and then you chance your iron man it's just hell yeah [Music] huh the implication is that I thought about what it would be like to use it on my dick what would you do if I climbed into your passenger seat [Music] that is an absolute nightmare oh you know how you see something for the first time you're like oh I have a new fear this is my one the fact that it morphs so accurately and you get baited into it by one of these ones what would you do if I planned into your passenger seat what would you do if I showed up in your house Uninvited I called the police you broke and entered my house get out oh Evelyn sent me this one [Laughter] oh the music make a claim though the music is by someone called Colin Stetson who does the music in hereditary it matches so perfectly to this I really believe if he gave enough cats enough time they were terrified of a planet if you must be able to so it's so cute [Music] you're not my dad this one I saved because I thought it was just really wholesome so it's like my gift to you my community got him get wrecked oh your face you should see your face right now you look so stupid what is wrong with you you thought I was serious okay this one is sick this one is unreal shoots that flips the gun but it's not over there screw the gun frying pad hey now this one is Gonna Save him but not really how playing VR and just trying not to get sick is a big thing for me but to be able to do that how many times did you attempt to do that I want to try this I'll try and fail miserably stop stop is so good at video games people keep coming to my channel then and being like man you suck see that item that you missed why your cats you shoot cause other people are too good I'm normal [Music] the bloodline ends with me Romeo and Juliet and also Roger the baby convinced her it's so hard way harder than I would be able to just committing to the parrot that's full stanislav method stanislav stanislavski macaroni with the chicken strips I don't know either their name is Captain cream I'm sorry post a video that made you go viral [Music] I despise people that is the worst I don't care she probably opens the parachute it's fine the first time I saw this my soul left my body through my rectum you're a professional it's done for fun you know what you're doing and you got home safely but Lord if I didn't think you were gonna die right there that is the weirdest dog ever what's wrong with it so fake and no one else seems to react other than the fact that you're recording it if BB did that I would call the president to tell him that aliens have landed and it's in my cat wait the [ __ ] up [Music] this poor guy I don't know what to think about this one it's either just watch yo wake up what time is it time for you to get a watch it's nearly midnight are you excited for 2012. yeah man what's your resolution oh and this thing just 240 pixels yo is that the Samsung Galaxy S6 yeah works like a charm there's so many jokes foreign you got a lot of pants it's my resolution I respect that I don't know I feel like I just watched someone's like dream come out on screen the whole beginning is weird but what really gets me is how he slides out of the room freaks me out there's something about it that just makes me so uncomfortable in the beginning in the in the beanie in the beginning yeah Hindi in the properties people say that he's still trying to do it till this day in the beginning I agree it's an absolute nonsense word and it shouldn't exist and I don't blame you for not being able to pronounce it but at the same time that was hilarious and I'm allowed to laugh at you it reminds me of that kid who's like have you ever thought that you had a dream that you could do you thought that you could you could do anything are you ready for the cutest Tick Tock you're ever ever ever gonna see this is one that has fundamentally changed my life and my lexicon day to day oh his little booty that is so precious did a booty there's so much innocence going on that first of all you think that that's his booty but secondly your voice could literally cure anything people with an iron deficiency when they stand up you know where this is going [Music] wow yeah go get your iron levels checked if you stand up and you get dizzy or you kind of like black out for a second you gotta eat more irons [Music] get juicier than this just watch this thing squirt this thing is juicing like no I haven't seen my good friend Gordon for many months but very soon he'll be passing through this Junction here with so many tones I cannot wait laughs that's it that's the whole reason they saved that one it's so cute I thought as Frank Gordon was gonna be on the train he'd like wave at them going by but no Gordon is the train but the sheer Joy On this man's face is so cute I wish I could be happy about anything like this anymore it's a train and he's so ecstatic over it thank you I'm gonna that's so weird okay the Irish challenge let's see how much they actually know about Ireland Ireland do you know anything about Ireland very little can you name a city in Ireland uh Dublin can you name a city in Ireland at Dublin Dublin Dublin maybe well done can you name a second one uh Glasgow Australia Morocco Morocco I get Glasgow because over Celtic Brethren at the end of the day but Morocco can you point out Ireland on this map right here uh that's Australia point out Ireland on that map I'm gonna go with this one because it's green that's Russia but fair play if it's green it's green fill in the blank the blank Irish the drunken Irish the drinking Irish I really don't know we're gonna go with drunken the drunking Irish the fight in Irish the blanking Irish to be fair you can put anything into the front of the something Irish I mean I'll be grand with it what did Saint Patrick know I don't know I thought he was just like a leprechaun uh name a famous Irish person how about Mel Gibson what Mel Gibson also in Ireland we say that St Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland now I don't think that that's true I just don't think we have the climate for snakes but St Patrick did it and we drink in his honor the lucky Charizard Anna Kendrick Mike Myers can you name a famous Irish member of One Direction oh Liam uh even though Liam can you name a famous Irish singer um oh oh from One Direction uh is it not uh Naya or a Louie no she got it right Niall she said that first one which one I think Louie Never mind take it back what if the point last name I don't know I never liked One Direction that much I wonder how many of you would get them wrong you're all sitting there laughing being like oh these people are so dumb you would get it wrong as well be honest you know you would anime this video those are some of the tick tocks I have liked over the last period of time I'm gonna go ahead and like some more and we'll see each other in the next one send me some tick tocks that you like and I'll react to them okay thank you subscribe bye
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,073,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, tik tok, funny tik toks, funny memes
Id: AKOtgchxe-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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