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[Music] how's going YouTube is crypto NWO here back at it again with another video it is 124 in the morning right now which I decided it's a great time to play some scary games not just any scary game but the highly requested Watson spot test right now it's important to note that the volume on these headsets is full blast 100% full volume just to make the experience a little bit better but anyways I'm telling you further hesitation let's go ahead and get it started welcome to the Watson's cut test this test is designed to help you understand your deepest anxieties and the underlying causes of your darkest fears don't mind the way I said that it's the way it was typed for each question select the response which Gibbs the best and most truthful answer at the end of the examination you will receive your analysis and served certificate of participation a participation a participation trophy are you kidding me please know that typically only 13% of participants are able to complete the test due to the onset of total body paralysis or unanticipated cardiac arrest resulting in death do you wish to continue yeah hell yeah confirm firstly some collaboration questions absolutely [Music] what color is the sky during the day this is gonna spark an entire debate in my comment section but I'm just gonna say blue if I have one Apple and you give me two apples how many apples do I have three apples in total you have one I give you two apples now you have three apples we're gonna hit confirm are you playing a game right now I don't know I'll say yes there's no maybe there's no I don't know are you sure it's the game I'm not sure and it goes red collaboration completed your tests will begin now it's raining outside and you're walking in bare feet you take one step forward and crush a snail between your toes you feel it's raining outside you're walking in bare feet you take one step forward and crush the snow between your toes I'm pretty damn guilty I feel pretty guilty about it you know just because of me I ended that damn snails life just because I was walking outside in the rain with bare feet apparently it's my fault that snails gone so I feel guilty there's a knock at your door you open it to find an old woman in tattered clothing clothes she says she's been chased and wants to hide inside your home you nope nope nope I had actually actually I'd offered to call her the police while she waits outside confirmed yeah I'd offered to call the police while she waits outside your pet cat drops a dead mouse on your front doorstep its front legs are missing you feel well if I had a pet cat and it brought heed that most my front doorstep with his front legs missing I'd be disgusting I don't like I don't like that type of stuff I get girls so really quickly I don't like blood so discussed it I will now show you an image please study it the image will not move I don't believe you did it make me happy and know did I make you afraid uneasy yeah angry maybe nothing but I don't know but maybe I'll say uneasy that image made me feel uneasy do I believe in ghosts well I did a typical boxing and if you guys haven't seen that depakote boxing it's gonna be on either side of the screen but after that typical boxing yes I do believe in ghosts so I'm gonna say yes have you ever seen a ghost I've never seen anything but I've heard some damn scary crap in my house I felt some really cold cold cold air but seeing a ghost no thinking about the room you're in right now thinking about the room you're in right now has anyone ever died here no it is a brand new house not yet yes not yet unsure there's no no not yet how [Music] on convent how unconventional for all please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements I often think about where my hands are and what they are touching very frequently very frequently yes I strongly agree I often think about the ghosts inside my house I agree not strongly agree but I agree some people deserve to die bruh some people deserve to die oh this is putting me on blast I don't know I don't know I don't know I'm gonna put disagree I often look over my shoulder yosh to check it so anesthetic behind me oh this is not funny watching my screen strongly agree there is an unexpected guest in my house [ __ ] bastards man they disagree is it there's a nope nope nobody would know if I went missing I disagree I strongly disagree poetry is the most intelligent form of artistic expression I strongly disagree I believe actually the most intelligent I believe they're all I believe every artistic expression is very intelligent however poetry I think music to be honest so I'm gonna say disagree not strongly disagree but I disagree I think music is a very very intelligent form of artistic expression I don't mean like wrap trap music where they're talking about drugs and guns I'm talking about like the creation of like a song from scratch you know I think so a lot poetry too but I believe music so confirmed you need an attitude readjustment I've designed a new algorithm for generating insightful poetry let me demonstrate roses are red silent as a mouse your door is unlocked I'm inside your house shut up shut up congratulations only 41 percent of participants typically reach this point if the examination from now on the questions will be much more intense do you wish to continue yeah how far away is the closest police station more than a 15-minute walk how well do I know my neighbors we are acquaintances not really good friends not that I don't know them at all how long can you hold your breath underwater less than 41 seconds I'm not very good at that I don't like the sounds going on at the background you've come home late one night to find your front door wide open and the locks smashed to pieces the first thing you do is I would call the police you're sitting by a calm lake staring into the darkness below the surface the Norwich fish swims to greet you and orange fish swims to greet you and begins to speak those who give more receive more eat me or be eaten you decide to well I would whoa Wow grab the fish peel its eyes out between my thumb and index fingers and do it on the ground to die alone walk away and the one of my life never telling a soul about the experience cut off my own leg with a rusty switchblade and eat us slowly over the next three hour [Music] I would walk go here go on with my life never telling us all about the experience I will now show you an image please study it the image will not speak soil move oh fudge man na na uncomfortable uneasy uneasy uneasy disgusted disgust it where is it uneasy I'll ask this one more time [Music] are you playing a game right now [Music] yes do you know that I am a good person no you're scaring the crap out of me right now are you liked me right now I hate that little like glitch thing uh no I'm not lying to you lying is forbidden facts please select any of the following sports that you have played soccer why I mix martial arts soccer and mixed martial arts I hate that I hate that sound man please select any of the following industries that you have occupational experience with not law private security Secret Service military none of the above true or false questions all right an IP number allows a hacker to approximate a home address true it could ya make good [Music] [Music] I used to be as seus - Oh bro I just saw a shadow what's happening is to be as sees to ace to be I willed home I need you to breathe slowly and calm down press Continue when you are calm well I'm gonna be blurting out my IP address only when you are calm I'm gonna I'm calm now please take a moment to look away from your momma monitor absorb observe the nearest exit [Music] make sure if make sure you could run if something were to happen do this now [Music] yeah I did I did look away from my screen do you think I can't tell when you look away from your screen do you think I can tell no what do you think I can tell when you look away from the screen yes yes yes yes maybe there's no no do you feel safe in your house right now I don't know man I'm unsure I don't know are you having fun no please ignore any external stimulus concentrate only on this screen there are no unexpected guests in your house there are no unusual sounds coming from inside your house do not take your eyes off the screen do you understand okay I'm not looking at the camera I'm just look at the screen yes I understand my liar I'm looking at the screen I'm looking at the screen do you understand yes I do understand [Music] music can help us all relax singing is relaxing what to do all around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel pop goes the weasel puzzle every night it goes monkeys on the table to the signal a pop pop goes the weasel [Music] suppose though we hate you hate you hate you I hate you you're done you're done I hate you I hate you no it's over it's over I hate you nope nope your results are being processed oh okay so I have to read my results not today so we're gonna go through the heart rate my current heart rate is 97 beats per minute I survived the Watson test I lasted 20 minutes and 12 seconds my analysis respectable to the influence of powerful people respectful of elders dislikes when people stand too close without stepping on smells makes me feel guilty I'm most afraid of being beaten to death with a hammer that's kind of scary because I am pretty damn scared of being assaulted with a blunt object I don't they were pretty damn specific with the word hammer but continued the main test is complete that's great there is a bonus test available would you like to take it well if you guys want me to do the second test over here it's designed to challenge my fear tolerance incorrect answers will be punished ignorance will be punished if you guys want to see this video let me know in the comment section the Watson Scott test my crypto NW well if you guys want to download this game go ahead and get it on Steam really good game I recommend it thank you guys so much I'll see you the future and remember if you're playing games just make sure it's not as loud as these headphones over here [Music]
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 709,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watson scott test, the watson scott test, the watson-scott test, watson-scott test, watson scott personality test, personality test, lets play, test, watson scott personality test game, horror games, scary games, crypto nwo, watson scott personality test playthrough, the watson scott test reaction
Id: PGmELt4Jb50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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