I Downloaded a Virus Off the Dark-Web!

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how's going to the hull gang is crypto and wo here and today i am going to be downloading a on my macbook so i'm going to be using a virtual pc for this no you should not try this at home i am only doing this so you guys don't have to try it and you guys can see exactly what happens when you download it on your computer so what i'm gonna be doing over here is i'm gonna be using a virtual pc i'm gonna have two instances of vpns running i'm gonna have it on the main pc and i'm gonna have it on the virtual pc so i'm gonna pull it up over here this is the file that we're gonna be opening this is the virus i wanted to show you guys right now that i have virus and threat protection turned off firewall i'm gonna turn my firewall off right now windows defender firewall yes i want that off i have a virtual pc running so like don't trip out i'm gonna leave the private network firewall on the reason for that is because i am using a vpn i don't really know what the hell that means so what i'm gonna be doing over here is i'm gonna be opening up the the file over here it's called zero zero zero again we're doing this on a virtual pc please don't try this stuff at home i don't recommend the stuff i don't condone this stuff this stuff can really mess up your computer it is not a joke virus don't download it i just wanted to show you guys over here just for the sake of you know entertainment just for the sake of education uh what we're gonna do is we're just gonna hit zero zero zero.exe malicious file this application may cause damage to your device sensitive personal data may also be at risk again we are using a virtual pc if only i had a nickel for every time i said that i'd be rich you could take a look over here the app is called 000.exe unknown publisher ignore windows malware warning and run anyway i don't know if i should be taking the proper precautions but without any further hesitation ladies and gentlemen let's go ahead and check out zero00.exe run anyway do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device changes to my device now before i click run anyway i just wanted to explain to you guys what malware is there's a whole bunch of different types of malware now i'm going to be giving you a little scenario over here i want you guys to picture yourselves on your computer or on your laptop or on your phone and then for example you get an email from somebody that you recognize you open up this email and this email is titled i love you open this file to figure out how much i love you so you open this file and next thing you know your device is infected with malware there is different types of malware for example there is spyware where the person who infected your computer is taking advantage of keystrokes or like for example passwords that you are leaving on different websites then there is adware adware is a whole bunch of pop-ups that come on your screen constantly showing a whole bunch of products that you've never asked for when you get these adwares the people that are creating these adwares are showing you advertisements meaning they are getting money this is forceful advertising it is illegal but it happens you know sometimes on your computer you open up the internet you're doing something and pop-ups start coming up on your screen randomly that's called adware it is being forcefully shown to you the people that are showing it to you are getting a small income from it because it's advertising and that's how advertising works but then i wanted to talk to you guys about the two nasty really nasty ones there's trojan trojan is the one that for example people can take advantage of your computer your device they can manually remote control your device from wherever they are those are trojan and there's also a whole bunch of stuff that trojans can do but that's like the scariest one that they can do the last one i want to talk about is worms worms infect your computer some way they find a way to infect your computer and it scans your contacts on your computer for example your email contacts and it sends the same email that you got to all your contacts and they hopefully open up the email and they get infected too and then scans their computer sends it to all their contacts scans their computer sends it to all their contacts and next thing you know you have a worm it makes the network slower it's an absolute pain in the ass and it's a real thing that's still going on right now still being created but people are being smarter and not opening these dumb ass files that they get in their emails nowadays if somebody gets an email saying hey there's a girl one mile away from you and she wants to be with you they're not gonna fall for that but back in the day they didn't think this type of stuff was possible but now we get it all the time but it's whatever it's whatever anyways i'm sorry for boring you guys death and sounding like an absolute nerd let's get back to opening this file yes let's see what's popping [Music] it's working it's working what happened restarting am i still recording you're next [Laughter] oh this is sick this is cool i like this my vpn is there [Music] oh my dog just tripped out what the bro you're next year next year next virus and threat threats found um for example these are called your next year next year next year next year next year next year next my nordvpn okay all right okay i think i just did something stupid but it's okay i kind of want to run the task manager where's the task manager task manager has been disabled by your administrator i can't even see what's going on if i open up your next notepad it opens up a text file saying you're next you're next you're this next cool i mean a creepypasta virus over here everything just says you're next year next year next and my desktop is absolutely riddled with it i don't know if there's any sounds playing my mixer like my my obs is not picking up any sound so that's good news i don't want to be missing anything i don't know if is there some like easter egg here like maybe i'll find one that's like misspelled kind of like in the shining all i'll work in no play makes jackie a dull boy or jack a doll boy one of them said jackie i'm 100 sure looking for one of the errors here maybe there's one probably not all right so the next one here is called open me open me open me open me open me wordpad you are the next i can see you now it's too dude why the [ __ ] do you keep looking like that you are the next i can see you now it's too late i got you you have been warned don't look behind you shut up shut up why did i look behind i can't believe the sun between me look behind me okay so what do i do um the internet works it's pretty cool i just want to know what's going on with the task manager i can't even disable it has been disabled by your administrator once you open the 000.exe file there's a whole bunch of things called payloads payloads is basically like a whole bunch of like scripts that take place right after you open or execute a program first payload that i decided to do was open that little creepypasta weird video of like the road or whatever and then after that it just completely restarted my computer and then the next payload that it released to my computer was your next year next year next year next year next year next so now this is pretty damn cool because it shows you exactly how dangerous some viruses can be this one over here is not the most dangerous virus for example if you put this onto your friend's computer and he opens the file up he's screwed there is a way to get rid of this off your computer there is a way but like you know i'm not 100 trained the way i did it is a virtual pc i am running a virtual pc right now technically the virtual pc is destroyed and compromised and what i'm going to do right now is delete the virtual pc just like it's a file and remake another virtual pc completely clean my macbook pro is not affected by this right now you can see that i'm running windows over here this is a virtual pc but my macbook pro is not affected by this at all restart we're still going to be restarting the program we're going to take a look still says you're next welcome so before it said crypto and wo yeah oh oh oh oh it completely erased everything so remember what oh now it just says all year next year next year next i think we just like upgraded one sec because last time there were files over here so if i hit your next year next oh oh computer's going crazy right now what's going on what's going on oh the computer's going insane i can't [Music] oh the whole computer is going ballistic right now [Music] so you can see over here this is like i'm i'm just i'm just trying to click on these files over here the ones that say you're next it's not letting me click the [ __ ] files i wanted to show you guys over here what i'm going to be doing just to get rid of these all right now for example what i can do to delete this this is my currently infected windows 10 over here now what i just do is right click it show in finder windows10.pvm delete that and now it's gone if i hit play nothing's gonna happen my window like that windows is completely deleted off the computer that was you know easy really really easy open up another parallels remove and now take a look at this i can just download and install the new windows 10 so i hit install windows it's going to create it it's really really easy if you think about it now it's going to download and install windows 10 starting let's see oh i probably it probably didn't delete properly let's figure it out all right so you can see over here that look i'm just setting up a brand new windows 10 and that's the beauty of a virtual pc because it can get completely compromised and you can just completely reset everything from scratch and just make sure you know you messed up one time you just delete the virtual pc reinstall it yes it might be a little pain in the ass to reinstall all these programs once again but i only installed an instance of nordvpn but that's all for the video ladies and gentlemen if you guys found this video really informative and helpful then please smash the like button if you enjoyed it and dislike the video if you didn't enjoy it that's absolutely fair subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already and put on the notification bell if you guys want to see me do more videos like this and find more viruses on the internet then please let me know in the comment section down below feedback is everything please let me know that's all for the video thank you guys so much i will see you in the future and remember don't try this at home i don't even know if anybody's gonna like that [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 511,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The World's Most Dangerous Computer Viruses, destroying windows 10 with viruses, Hello Your Computer Has Virus, virus, windows 10, 000.exe, bonzi buddy, computer virus, memz, malware, wannacry, trojan, i love you virus, viruses, computer viruses, I downloaded the most dangerous computer viruses, crypto nwo
Id: Dr20Li0lcYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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