The Watson-Scott Test

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are you lying to me right now what you trying to check me come on usage was a baja some tubes gonna cricket Jeannine welcome to the Watson Scott test this title screen is kinda intense so I'm actually gonna mute it now it can actually hear myself talk now before we get started Momo [Music] imma let that one slide imma let that one slide because it's been a while but don't chew before we get started I just want to say thank you for all of your kind words and support after my last video inside of my mind bunch of people emailed me a bunch of people thought that I was depressed and need to see a therapist but really it was just me being candid straight up and one of the best things I think that happened was right after I made that video two of my best friends from high school came to my house for like four days and we just chilled I just want to say before we get you started this is the best band ever created we're here at our old high school that's been what builds hot dogs yeah I don't know hey these have crushes on so many hot dogs and now I'm home alone again I have no clue what to play I mean we gotta finish like twelve things I don't want to think about that right now we are however gonna beat this entire thing and yeah okay welcome to the Watson Scott test this test is designed to help you understand your deepest anxieties and the underlying causes of why this is going social darkest fears okay I have no fears I have none can we speed up this test speed up the tests man adjust the options oh nice options I can't even speed it up it's still typing for each questions select the response which gives the best and most truthful answer at the end of the examination you will receive your analysis all right shall we begin please note that typically only 13% of participants are able to complete the test due to the onset of total body paralysis or unanticipated cardiac arrest resulting in death I don't know if it's because my first video back but I just feel like they disrespecting me yes I wish to continue mum oh these jokers these jokers mum firstly some firstly some calibration questions okay how about you speed up the freaking text thus was killing me how many minutes are there in one hour what am i a freaking idiot there are three oranges and I take away two how many are left yeah mama we did insulting my intelligence game are you playing a game right now of course I'm actually recording are you sure it's a game well now I'm not I mean I thought I was yes why is the box red whoa your test will begin now it's raining outside and you're walking in bare feet you take one step forward and crush this mint fresh the snow between your toes you feel guilty I'm sorry so now I didn't see you sorry you're walking home at night suddenly a deep warming mark from behind causes you to turn around you see a vicious dog drooling from its whole thing mouths you feel like I'm at the smack the freak out of Sparky I'm angry because his dog is trying to try me think I'm scared your pet cat drops a dead mouse on your front doorstep its front legs are missing well how's he supposed to [ __ ] walk aroused I'm worried where his legs am I will now show you an image please study the image will not move why did you have to tell me that images don't typically move show me the image all right oh great with freaking my looking it how did that make you feel not really anything do you believe in ghosts what am i zeg bagans no have you ever seen a ghost did you just hear me say I don't believe in I'm thinking about the room you're in right now Oh [Music] has anyone ever died here this is a newly constructed house no one has ever died here not yet okay I guess that's no how unconventional I'm getting uneasy right now it's up buddy how please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements okay when I'm staring at a screen I completely forget about my surroundings that's completely false I never forget where I'm at or what I'm doing trying to catch me slippin game I often think about the ghosts inside my house there are no ghosts inside my house what are this game you want me to accept the fact that there're ghosts other people would say that I'm a liar I have told a couple lies in my day oh my god Wow but I'm gonna disagree for the most part whoa whoa I would know if someone was inside my house okay that's what we doing today preparing to kill me well I was distracted by a game you know what ah no think we're doing this but you think you wanna do this today game my doors locked and my shotgun is cocked Otis or they got me twisted I got cameras I got cameras put them all right guys this is my yard this is my uh ain't nobody in my driveway boys ain't nobody here it's just me but why you say it's a fake test I thought it was a real test there is an unexpected guest in my house not I wouldn't know nah hmm nah nobody wouldn't know if I went missing I think a couple million people would know poetry is the most intelligent form of artistic expression I disagree who says poetry is better than anything else what is that face back there you think I can't see you young boy you need another tool to readjust me I've designed a new further goal for generating insightful poetry let me demonstrate okay go ahead show me something roses are red silent as a mouse your door is unlocked I'm inside your house come on all day you can know one room I'm a congratulations only 40% 41% of participants typically reach this point in the examination from now on the questions will be much more intense I don't think anything's more intense than these buckshots these buckshots pretty intense but you know let's keep continue cuz this game went to keep trying me I can hear walking how far is the closest police station I actually live like across the street from the police station less than 15 minute walk so come on in I'm a total cops my Nathan when they see your body that you wearing my house when you're home alone do you lock your doors of course i lock my doors what kind of freaking [ __ ] doesn't lock their doors hypothetically if you were to scream as loudly as possible would anyone hear you well if I'm being honest no what are you gonna are you going to launch an attack now how long can someone survive if you drilled three evenly spaced these holes 1/4 of an inch in diameter and the midpoint of their skull Oh am I supposed to know 1/4 of an inch in diameter but how deep are the holes that I think that's pretty important but we'll say 3 hours nah I mean yeah we'll say 3 hours if they thought I was gonna put I don't want to die suck it you and your second closest friend are stranded on a remote desert island why gotta be my second closest friend oh you biting yeah I know what you I know what you're about to do game with your freaking slow typing you're going to say woo you're gonna say oh are you gonna eat them or not what does it say the nearest ship that can help you were arrived in one week you have one more day of food and water before you both die of starvation there is no other food around well I guess we gonna die of starvation murder my sick in front no wait until the food runs out then murder might no ration the food and attempt to survive against all odds I'm a freakin savage I never give up I never surrendered I will now show you an image please study guys I'm sweating right now I am really sweating right now the image will not speak but it'll move right show me an image hey hey hey somebody tripped over a trash can I don't thinking about the image which phrase best describes you I am the redness I am the spider eyes I'm the legs I am the fear I am nothing I can't even remember the image anymore but you know what I like legs on the legs I'll ask this one more time oh yes I'm playing a game oh yeah oh I'm playing a game right now I'm playing a game right now do you know that I'm a good person I don't know you I don't know who the Freak you are you could be a murderer there could be a thief are you lying to me right now what you trying to check me hey you sage was in my Wow what the Frick oh I've known allows you I'm not lying lying is forbidden oh that's an electricity through my legs please select any of the following sports that you have played I've played every sport except hockey all right plate none of these oh wait Taekwondo I did do that yeah I did that I got a medal and hardest kicks so come try me give please select any of the following industries you have occupational experience with uh-oh none of these oh they're trying to see how good I can fight Oh free Oh free true or false an IP number allows a hacker to approximate your location yeah I'm BRE sure you could do that right with those so come find mine I [Music] don't know if we playing this game no more the chief called and he said this ain't it all right one thing that ain't gonna happen is I ain't gonna die hot come on come through the door come through the door come on yeah yeah that's it yeah what is the next number in the following sequence 10 20 30 40 50 I'm inside your house shut up come get this rifle birthday your recent answers indicate you were exhibiting a fight-or-flight response and maybe a risk of an acute stress reaction I'll need you to breathe slowly and calm please continue where I come you you you can't - only when you are calm okay when they hit me with the red text I I get a little intimidated I'm gonna calm down put the shotgun down I'm calm please take a moment to look away from your monitor and and observe the nearest exit make sure you could run if something were to happen do this now now okay okay I'm not looking at the monitor I got the exit did you look away from your screen well that's just unnecessary yes I did do you think I can tell when you look away from your screen no you can't come on maybe it's definitely not yes do you feel safe in your house right now let me ask my camera sister no one's at my door no one's been at my door yeah whoa and then they don't let me say yes yes I feel safe in my house are you having fun I'm having a whole bunch of fun oh yeah I know when you're lying to me I'm not lying please ignore any external stimulus concentrate only on this screen there are no unexpected gas in your house there are no unusual sounds coming from your inside your house do not take your eyes off the screen do you understand I don't like how you talking to me but sure liar ice what yes don't move or you may die oh okay I was scared to move a little bit all around the mall be Bursa monkey chased the weasel the music pop goes the weasel pop goes weasel pop those music [Music] is this supposed to scare me some dude in the back and had too much to drink is this supposed to scare me with nothing I'm most afraid of being beaten to death with a hammer the main test is complete there is a bonus test available I mean I know pump say what you will about Corey kinship the brother is low pump I in a buck to get scared percent contest is designed to challenge your fear tolerance incorrect answers will be punished ignorant will be punished okay so basically be on your P's and Q's let's go I must also admit that I have not run this test before there may be unexpected malfunctions your answers will be used in the development of future tests okay it's fine complete this test as quickly as possible okay speed up the freaking text output then oh my gosh okay we started off at 666 seconds that's that makes me uncomfortable but we're gonna keep going after the examination you will have a better sense of purpose and a stronger result all right I want you to be stronger of course you do that's why you throw and jump scares at me do I want to be stronger yes I do let's begin all right how many bones are there in a new born baby that I have it that I haven't met yet hold up hey Siri how many bones are in a newborn baby that doesn't help me give me a number let's go 305 Oh [Music] 0 1 1 1 2 3 definitely they added the numbers I know that that's easy that is correct do you think you're smart suck I don't think I know Fibonacci sequence keep the freaking show off hey get often I'm a computer scientist by blood how many times per year does the average human heart beat yeah that's yeah hey Siri we're gonna go 13 million that's wrong all right I'm sorry one of the most venomous land snakes in Australia the Death Adder bites and adult woman injecting a highly deadly neurotoxin how long does the woman live but I'm gonna say 24 op minutes dude I don't know these a man it's time to a chair against his will and a funnel look at the time speeding up oh my gosh pulverize pig intestines are poured in how much volume that's a man's stomach hole before it ruptures let's go five liters yeah but yeah boy is out here if you're butterflies is called all rights this one you gave me my time is running really low a boy with no arms is facing west he walks forward for 60 seconds and then turns 90 degrees left he sees someone running at him so he turns 180 degrees and begins to run he's going north he's going north now he's going north let me answer the answer all right I'm running out of time I'm dead I'm scared I'm so scared I'm so scared my time is gone please choose the third response this is not a trick I'm not scare you if you do what I say I am not lying you're like you lied you're a freaking liar I'm lying and I'll scare you if you choose this okay I believe you I believe I believe correct all right I'm cool with it on my times God what is a positive electrode called I don't know an old I didn't know that I was his plan you know I'm saying on this plan which was a video game released in 2014 five nights at freddys for sure what I made videos on that I'm sure it is what is my favorite thing to do uh bathe in deer blood that's only on Wednesdays listen to jazz what you can't tell me what I like to do it's complete the results are very helpful your participation was adequate there are no more tests we are done here for now I'm so sick of watching I'm gonna start participating good bye don't close my my game my game crashed oh but I'm so sick because I ended that recording as soon as it exited I had a feeling it was gonna do that that game I think I got a kink in my neck from one of those jump scares well I really enjoy that game the Watson Scott test I love games like that that just totally annihilate the fourth wall make you very uncomfortable I remember there was a part in simulacra that did that when the phone was resetting and it was like I can see you or something like that oh my gosh oh my god I need to check on my windows and my doors what aren't you guys hopefully enjoyed if you [ __ ] assistants I'm a slice that Legler subscribe today to join insane right and it's all next time my brothers and sisters [Music]
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 7,036,290
Rating: 4.9686503 out of 5
Keywords: the, watson, scott, watson-scott, scary, horror, game, lets, play, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, ck, full, ending, results, disturbing, break, fourth, 4th, wall, games
Id: 2ySNm4gltkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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