The Creepiest Person on the Dark Web

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what is crack in youtube it's crypto nwo here and in today's video i'm going to be chatting with strangers on the deep and dark web typically when i'm on this website there's a ton of bots 40 people online 50 100 people it doesn't matter i'm always gonna be riddled with bots something is telling me that i'm actually gonna chat with a real person today so i'm gonna go ahead and hit random chat let's see what happens what i'm trying to do in this video is what i was trying to do in this video over here the chatting with a predator video so the way i'm gonna do this i'm just basically gonna say hey i have a whole bunch of links for dark nets services if you want to see these links just let me know these are not actual dark net links these are just basically screenshots of the websites just little pictures pngs of the website so if these people ever ask me for any links that's all i'm gonna send them they're just literally dot onion links of screenshots of other dot onion links it's pretty clever i'm trying to chat with these people trying to get an interview with them trying to see why they're even like this a lot of people in my audience were requesting for me to make this video again probably in a much better format so people when they're browsing the dark web they're typically looking for other links to find that are cool and interesting people don't like buying on the dark web unless you're a buyer but a lot of people just like seeing what's on the dark net in general you know so i'm telling them that i have lots of links what links do you want at no price remember what i told you guys all these links are actually they're not legitimate links these are just png screenshots of actual websites hopefully they're not going to realize that i might put in a couple of legitimate links in there just so they think i'm legit somebody said hello what do you mean right off the bat right off the bat i said i'm on here every day looking to see what's on the deep web which is true you know i'm kind of looking on the deep web to see what kind of creepy links i can show my audience in future videos i note down very creepy links i don't look too much into them when i find them because i want to kind of react to it but yeah i'm on here every single day to see what's on the deep web i have lots of links to share at no extra cost i sound like a freaking the billy mays of the dark web oh my god what's the catch in interview with crypto nwo i'm not gonna say that what's the catch seems sketchy on this website talk with john doe it's actually relatively tricky to get the person's ip address me i don't have that technical ability to find out who this person is i know how hard it is to find stuff on the dark web so you know maybe you want a couple of links from me i don't know i hope he buys it but at the same time i hope he doesn't realize that i'm sending him literal screenshots of these websites i'll show you guys the websites that i have rofl sounds like a cop scam or a hack i told them to try me ask me for whatever links they want on the dark web and i will provide them with the links now here's a little disclaimer if they do ask for anything significantly illegal i'm not gonna provide them with any of those links no i don't have any of those links the goal of this video is i'm gonna ask them hey what type of links do you want on the dark web and if they say they want anything illegal i'm gonna say hey before i send any of these links can you tell me why you like this type of stuff there's not that many people online right now and it seems like i actually have an english-speaking person in here that's not a bot which is very important they said k they keyed me legit paypal vendors oh legit paypal vendors i don't know if there's any legit paypal vendors i definitely don't think i have any links for legit paypal vendors but i do have a lot of screenshots to onion link so i'm not going to send him the png i'm going to send him a dot onion website and when he clicks the dot onion website it's literally gonna open up screenshots of these websites a couple of the stuff is clickable on it but hopefully he's gonna fall for it so i do have a lot of paypal vendors not legitimate ones but watch this so i said okay i'm not gonna lie i've done a lot of browsing but i never buy things on the dark web he doesn't know who i am but i don't know if any of these links are legit just please do your research before you spend anything and here you go i sent him a lot of these links i made myself sound pretty damn legit i hope he doesn't actually go on the websites and start browsing and clicking around i hope he just takes a look at the screenshot hopefully this is gonna work man i hope he buys it i'm actually being nice to this person right now i'm telling them like hey just please do research before you buy anything don't send bitcoin to don't ever send bitcoin to anybody on the dark net before unless you do research so i was being relatively nice even though i'm trying to basically set this person up for an interview oh wow lol holy [ __ ] i said yeah ask me for whatever bro i got you if he asks me for like i said anything illegal i'm gonna trap him into the corner and i'm gonna set up the crypto nwo interview and i have a lot of questions now better questions than the first video sorry about that guys oh he's just clicking the links he's clicking the links to see if they open or close and you're just closing them right off the bat oh my god please don't look into the page i'll take a look at all of them later what else you got there we go there we go you gotta sink in the hook reel him in a little bit just a little bit i actually practiced fishing for the first time this year we gotta basically ask him what else do you want because he's asking what else do you got so what else do you want i'm not gonna just give him what i got i'm gonna see specifically what he's looking for on the dark web this is how i can trap him into the interview iphones laptops oh he's looking for a marketplace on the dark web oh that this is a problem if i send him a marketplace on the dark web he's probably gonna click around oh no this is gonna be tricky i do have a lot of screenshots for these websites just little pngs on the dot onion websites um nothing that he can actually buy from i'm gonna have to play along now every time i find a link that i'm gonna show in a future video i take the links and i bookmark them i just kind of put them into categories like for example the paypal vendor links i have the paypal links in their own categories i have the marketplaces in their own categories these pages here the ones that i sent him only a couple of them are actual web pages but nearly everything else is just screenshots of the pages you can't really click around and do anything i just bought a little bit of more time right now just because i wanted to just let you guys know that don't try any of these things that i'm doing at home don't go on the dark web and chat with strangers you know a lot of people in my audience were warning me saying this is absolutely dangerous please be careful if you ever try to meet up with one of these people i'm trying to keep this completely digital guys i don't think i'm gonna i don't think i'm gonna meet up with any of these people man that is terrifying because if i try putting them on the spot then who knows what they're gonna do to me just to get themselves out of trouble because you know if i've told them i call the cops on them and they realize that they probably have a prince prison sentence coming their way they're probably going to hurt me you know so i don't think i want to do this in public anytime soon i'm just going to keep this digital i'm trying to figure out i'm not trying to expose these people right now all i'm trying to do simply is i'm trying to figure out why people are like this some sort of research adding some sort of research out there into the world i don't know uh maybe somebody inside the comment section wants to hear about it there's people inside my comment section from the last video that i really wanted to hear about it so i kind of want to see why people are like that too to be honest anyways i'm taking way too long i have to have to give them the links that i have so i said here you go and i sent him a bunch of links again only a couple of them are actually working marketplaces the rest are just screenshots i'm doing that just so he can click the couple of links and see that they're working and whatever hopefully he's just gonna see the last pages and think their pictures because that's gonna compromise the entire interview before it even happens they said bro wow oh my god what does that mean what does bro wow mean did he i hope he didn't find out that i'm dying just please finish your text thank you sir i said yeah sorry i took long to get them a couple of them weren't working so i got new ones this is absolutely crazy i can't believe i'm doing this he's like yeah it looks like they're all working thank you again oh they just said do you have any weird links weird can mean anything weird can mean illegal weird can mean scary weird can mean just odd creepy weird can just mean weird you know i'm like lol everything on here is weird what do you mean do you have anything like snuff films that's quite a drastic churn i'm trying to make it look like i know what he's talking about i'm like like red rooms because those are pretty expensive i don't have any fake links for that i don't have any fake links for that i don't have any fake links for that i can tell you guys straight up he's like meh meh meh no one calls it that anymore red rooms how about seep okay okay okay i'm gonna ask him if he wants that i don't have any links but i said yeah do you want that because i'm trying i want them to clarify that that's what they're looking for do you want that they said please i said yeah but wait i want to ask you something before i send anything perfect this is perfect right now i sent him a bunch of links i sent him like 20 links on the dark net and he thinks that this guy is the absolute plug oh my god he has everything everything works he thinks i'm legitimate right now i want him to fall into this trap because he thinks that i have these links i don't have these links that's the biggest disclaimer i wanted to make right now i don't have any of these links but i told him i want to ask you something before i send anything i'm gonna ask him right off the bat right now why are you like this why do you like this type of stuff i said i'm actually interested to know why do you enjoy watching that i felt like that was the best way i could say it oh my god oh my god we got our foot in the door baby they said what's it to you why are you asking i made it sound like i'm some sort of psychology student and i said like i always wanted to know how the mind of people like you works you know which is true i'm not a psychology student at all but uh i just wanted to know i really want to know and there's a lot of people in my comment section that want to know why you do this or how your mind works and what makes you end up making choices like this there we go i said it's actually a part of a school project just like in the last video i'm trying to trick them into thinking like oh my god wait i'm chatting with a person i'm chatting with a kid the whole entire time this person didn't even ask me for my age i didn't ask them for their age i don't know how old this person is but right now i said it's actually a part of a school project so like they were just asking for illegal links and i'm saying that i'm still in school oh they said i'm a normal person define normal you don't have to lie about it being a school project oh i just i just i literally just got the chills right now what the hell how old are you anyways i said yeah but dude don't you think that's wrong or just maybe even a little bit weird and i wasn't lying about the school project i'm 13 years old so hopefully this is gonna make the person put their guard down a little bit me saying i'm 13 years old hopefully trap leave me alone oh man so i said wait wait wait wait wait i'm not trying to get on your bad side if you don't want to answer the question just say that i'm about to tell them that i'm 25 years old if you guys feel like i should keep playing the i'm 13 years old card let me know in the comment section or let me know if i should just tell them the truth and say i'm 25 years old i'm interviewing you please answer these questions the reason why i hit them with the 13 is because if i say i'm 25 they're not gonna answer the questions but i'm gonna do it right now i'm gonna do it right now ah screw it so i'm not trying to get on their bad side right now i'm not trying to get on the bad side so i actually hit them with the truth i said yes i'm 25 years old just please answer the question just answer the question every time i'm trying to convince this person that i'm 13 years old he thinks it's a trap trap trap trap they're like then use google lol why are you bothering me about it i have my reasons i'm bothering you i'm bothering you about it because you enjoy it and i want to know why i said i really want to know the reasons then i said there's kids in this world that went through hell and they would do anything to hear those reasons like closure or something i don't know but yeah that's true there's a lot of kids in the world that went through very traumatizing things and they're just looking for answers you know and if you can if you have answers on why you're like that maybe you can i don't know i don't give some sort of closure i don't know man i have no idea then use google stop bothering me about it google is a very powerful tool he's right i could use google and figure out why people are like this but it's gonna give me vague answers you know that i know that he probably knows that i said google will give me vague answers come on dude just answer the question i mean this person should know that like when they're on the dark net if they're using a vpn and they're using the tor browser and they're on an anonymous chatting website that doesn't log anything down they're pretty secure right now you know so he can do a little bit of talking i don't understand why he's being like this oh they said i have my own experiences i have my own experiences does that mean they did it does that mean it happened to them oh off you're pissing me off oh my god i'm i'm not gonna poke too much i just said what i don't know what that what experiences mean i don't know if something happened to them or i don't know if they meant that they've done something to other children come on what does that mean i'm not trying to bother them i'm actually genuinely like right now this whole point of the series the whole point of this entire series is i'm just trying to get some sort of answer some sort of interview on these people like i said i don't really have the technical ability to like expose these people on these type of websites i mean if i bumped into them on whatsapp yeah i can get their ip address leak their ip address but that's that's relatively different if you guys like this type of video just let me know i was abused nearly i was abused nearly all of my life okay are you happy how the heck would i be happy is that our answer i mean does that mean they just answered my quote i said why would i be happy that's absolutely terrible i wouldn't wish that up on my worst enemy of being abused for nearly all of your life if they're telling the truth that's absolutely terrible i said but because you were abused you decide to take advantage of innocent children in this way like you're taking part of this entire activity and you're definitely not helping kids that have been abused like wouldn't you not want this to happen to anybody else whatever you went through wouldn't you want to prevent it from happening to anybody else don't you know what it feels like they said that's my answer my question is why are you being the person that spreads that if it happened to you you know you should be the person that puts some sort of change and make sure that it doesn't happen to other people that you know well that's my answer i've been picked on and groomed by my dad wha well what does groomed mean i said how old are you now oh that's terrible i feel i feel so bad now but like you see the quarter that this is being pushed into like i'm not trying to feel bad for these people but i mean i feel bad for asking i'm not trying to piss anybody off i'm having trouble feeling bad first people like this you know like people that have been through stuff but carry that trauma on to other people you're supposed to be fixing the problem not spreading the problem how old are you now they said 32. oh you're a full-fledged adult bro that's a full-fledged the 32-year-old female i'm talking i'm talking to a female oh dude that's a huge plot twist [Music] what i was abused nearly all my life okay are you happy i've been picked on and groomed by my dad oh my god it's a female what are you doing on the deep web what the i said you're supposed to take whatever you went through and turn it into some sort of positive experience not repeat the same [ __ ] and traumatize more kids i didn't want to swear and say [ __ ] but at the same time like i have to be firm you have to be firm with them you know it's true you're supposed to take all the lessons you learn all the bad stuff you went through the pain and make sure nobody goes through the same pain you go through oh they said i don't give a [ __ ] no one gave a f about me i'm having a i'm having very hard i'm like a very hard time feeling bad for this person you can clearly see they have problems you can clearly see they need help i said did you ever speak about what happened to you you should have reported to the police or talked to somebody like you should have spoke with somebody maybe a sibling maybe a friend maybe contact the authorities a lot easier said than done all right here's a big meat of the question for interviewing this person but i'm gonna ask them right now how did this all start answer the question i said when did you notice this affect you i hope they understand what i mean by that how did this all start when did you notice this affect your late 20s this affected them in their late 20s and they've been picked on and groomed by their dad for nearly their entire life and it started to affect them in their late 20s these problems that you experienced as a child are are sticking with you even until your 30s why would you do that to another kid like what do you mean i don't even know what i mean to be honest i don't even know i just want to know how this started so by the way if you ever see my arm like raise awkwardly like this like to type it's because my microphone's right over here and that's why i'm so awkwardly typing but i'm basically saying how did it start what caused you to start liking children that's basically the question i wanted to know what made you go from being abused to liking children how the heck does that happen like what's the process like is there any research that should be done on this what the hell i'm kind of throwing a little off right now i'm not gonna lie that's messed up i just got older and after my dad passed away i started fantasizing about the old days i wanted to see what my dad liked so much about it turns out it's the bee's knees huh they got older and after their dad passed away they started fantasizing about the old days and they wanted to see what their dad liked so much about it and it turns out they love it i mean like you started fantasizing about the days that traumatized you yes i wish i got married and had kids oh hell no oh hell no dude that's [ __ ] up man now if you made it to this point of the video you see they say things like they've been abused and the other person i spoke to in the last video says that they weren't even doing anything wrong this person here has been abused and they're still like look at the way they act i said what the what the f what the f they said i'm only 32 there's still lots of time for me to have kids winky face i'd be complete i'll do it should i end this chat [Music] this is getting creepy this is actually getting quite creepy i'm like you realize what you're saying right that's absolutely messed up dude i'm having a lot of trouble feeling bad for this person like every single time i've come across these people on these chatting websites and i confront them and ask them the question they'll end the chat before they end the chat they'll always say like they'll always convince me that like what they're doing is not wrong and i don't they said i had no fault of my own look how is this not your had no fault of your own listen us human beings are very powerful creatures capable to make like very very very big decisions you know you said that this affected you in your late 20s i don't know how you're saying that this is not your fault yeah you probably went through something growing up that was traumatizing but making the choice in your late oh my god this is putting me in such a gray area man this is so bad i said i have a serious question tell me the truth have you ever successfully met up with someone under the age of 18. we're about to find out this person's ever basically committed an actual felony like like a legitimate felony right now all they said is lol i'm sorry this isn't funny just answer the question under 10 girls stop beating around the bush what does that mean winky face are you implying that you actually met up with someone under the age of 10 in real life when you picture a person in their creepy van giving candy out to kids i picture an old creepy looking man a 32 year old looking female looks like well i don't know what she looks like but a 32 year old looking female oh my god this is terrible they just said what are you a [ __ ] idiot i said do you think what you do is bad let's speak morals here now do you think what you do is bad at all i want to know i want to know if they think they're doing something bad or if they feel like they're just taking a walk in the park do you think what you do is bad of course but it feels so good i don't feel bad oh no one cared about me why should i care about anybody am the victim i am sick in the head because of what happened to me don't act like you care because i know you don't okay they're snapping at me right now i said listen it sounds like you have a lot of serious problems and it sounds like you really need some help i'm also having a really hard time feeling bad for you knowing all the bad you've done i said you don't even feel bad you're not the victim anymore today you're the one causing the pain it's literally been like two minutes since i sent my last message and this person hasn't responded to me i feel like they probably interrupted the chat this is the new link to the website so maybe the website isn't fully optimized yeah but ladies and gentlemen if you made it this far into the video subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already if you guys want to see more videos like this just let me know in the comment section down below let me know what you think of these type of people let me know what the best possible punishment for these type of people should be if you guys have a specific criminal in mind that you guys want me to try to find on the deep and dark web let me know in the comment section i know that sounds crazy but i will try to do it but ladies and gentlemen that is all for the video thank you guys so much i will see you in the future and remember to stay off the dark web
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 154,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark web, deep web, mystery, scary, scariest, scary videos, creepiest, reddit, creepy, creepy videos, the creepiest person on the dark web, crypto nwo
Id: LrP6PilqTvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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