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[Music] what is cracking youtube it's crypto nwo here and in today's video i'm gonna be doing the part two to the last dark web mystery box we have the hard drive over here the dark web hard drive now i've done a lot of dark web hard drives on this channel before actually the first time i've ever been introduced to a dark web hard drive in my video the scariest dark web unboxing i've done well in that video i actually got my hands on this u-green connector you can just take this and plug it into any single hard drive over here at ease then you can take this usb port and plug it into your computer long time viewers know that but a lot of people don't and i'm using a macbook right now so i'm gonna have to use a dongle so you can see just to get this hard drive to work on my computer i'm gonna need the hard drive itself the adapter for the hard drive and the dongle for the macbook so without any further hesitation we have my macbook open i'm gonna just take it and plug it into the computer something should pop up on the screen oh this is vibrating it's called not safe don't open oh and there should be a blue light on here yeah there's a blue light on there you guys should be able to see that but on the screen if you take a look on the screen it says not safe don't open this thing is vibrating i'm gonna put it close to the microphone so you can hear it hopefully it says not safe don't open well you know what we do on crypto nwo we've gotten lots of dark web hard drives we've gotten lots of usbs sd cards we have ssds even the ssds from the dark web mystery boxes so um i've done it all like right now i'm running a vpn on my computer so that's good so i opened the hard drive and the title was not safe don't open and there's another folder inside there and it says do not open we're gonna go ahead and do this let's get this started i'm kind of nervous oh wow three more folders within the folder called do not open and we have don't open texts and videos uh which one should i go with first um i'm actually not quite too sure so so before i open any of the folders i just wanted to let you guys know i noticed one of them say videos on it and like there's a couple of reasons why i haven't uploaded every single dark web storage device on youtube like let's say i got an sd card or let's say i got a usb because there would be like damn near illegal things on those storage devices so if you don't see this video well if you don't see this video definitely it's been reported to authorities but if you're watching this video it's for one of two reasons i either blurred everything if there's anything bad in this video or it's just okay to see on youtube so that's just good news if you're watching this just take that in mind but i am just keeping that as a note before i open any of these folders so the first folders that i'm gonna open is called videos oh wow there's two videos on here okay so since there's only two videos what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna open up a different folder i don't know there's only two videos to be honest i'm so scared right now there's two videos on this dark web hard drive how long are they one is 36.6 megabytes that's actually that can be really short or long if it's a bad quality video and there's another one that's 44.8 megabytes it's called one dot io and two dot io okay just give it a second i'm gonna get to the videos in just a second i'm gonna save don't open for last but i'm gonna start off with text okay so we have again two text files one of them is called one and the second one is called two one dot text and two dot text so i'm gonna go ahead and get this started one of them is 625 bytes and 791 let's get it number one alright so taking a look on the screen it looks like we're given a lot of freaking random letters it looks like it's kind of in some sort of pattern here a bunch of x's in a line very odd it says message x eight point five nine five two four four comma minus one one i don't know what the heck this is supposed to be this is probably a password for something probably somebody's password for some sort of account i don't see any gmail account i don't see any email account here at all maybe we can open up text file number two and we're gonna see but before we open up text file number two i'm just gonna go through it it says messagex and it leaves a bunch of numbers if you guys have any correlation with that just let me know and then it has a row of x's and then shot to oh wow shot 256 message eight shot 256 for the people that don't know okay so here we go so it's in the title cryptocurrency crypto nwo bitcoin uses shot 256 hashing algorithm and all i know about shot 256 is that it's a one-way input if you want to encrypt something with shot 256 let's say you want to encrypt hello world with a capital h well this is what your output is going to be if you put a capital h in hello world and this is what your output's gonna be if you put a w you notice that the entire output completely changes if i make everything all caps if i make everything lower caps if i change the variation of the caps it's all freaking different so with shot 256 it's damn near impossible to well with our current technology it's actually impossible to reverse a shot 256 so this is a shot 256 hash right here to get the word or the sentence or the paragraph or the novel or the entire encyclopedia of whatever you can put an entire book and you will get something this long if you take out one letter out of that pile of words you can even try it online go on google and type in shot 256 online it's actually really freaking interesting but the problem is we can't reverse this it's a one-way algorithm so i can't i don't know what the heck this is i don't know if this is a single number i don't know if this is actually like hello world i have no idea at all but just let me know in the comment section if there is any sort of decryption for shot 256 that you know of not that i'm aware of but they say quantum computers can break shot 256. it looks like we have seven of them a through g okay so we're gonna go ahead and open up text file number two now maybe we're gonna find an email address maybe we're gonna find something i have no idea let's play a game now that scares the absolute crap out of me when i see somebody or something say let's play a game that reminds me of the saw movies the john kramer guy in saw the jigsaw dude that guy scared the absolute crap out of me i mean if you know those movies it's basically somebody getting captured and they're in a game they hear let's play a game they have to find their way to escape otherwise they end up dying in each shot 256 output is the following information with no spaces at all victim first name example jack victim last name example person victim last place scene example best best buy date of murder m-m-d-d-y-y oh month month day day year example june 8 2020. time of murder hh mss or hhmm what oh it says hour hour minute minute second second pm or hour hour minute minute second second am also while decoding don't put spaces or caps again we have those lines of x's again do we have to decode these x's how many x's are there ladies and gentlemen i'm definitely not gonna count that count how many x's are on the screen right now sorry i made you guys do that i don't know if that has any relevance at all just do it i don't know let me know in the comment section how many x's you counted examples above shown for input check person best buy oh wow also just took everything and put it into one word okay oh wow okay so if you take this jack person best buy blah blah blah blah blah and you put it into a shot 256 algorithm above input will give shot 256 output of this i'm gonna fact check that so basically if i go into any shot 256 encryption and i copy this line right here jack person best buy o6082020 okay so wait one sec give me a second i'm just gonna open up a shot 256 page so i have this shot 256 encryption open the online tools i just googled it you can see on the right side these are all different encryptions blah blah blah blah blah i found shot 256 right here if i put the input does that match i'm gonna copy this i'm gonna copy that and i'm gonna paste it underneath the next line does that match oh my god it's an exact freaking copy okay so he taught us how to play the game the victim's first name the victim's last name the last place they were seen and the date of murder and the time of murder this is impossible i would have to guess the person's first name their last name i would have to guess the where they were last seen i would have to guess the date of the murder let's say i got all of those right well i would have to get their time of murder down to the exact second you would have a better chance of going on a boat and getting struck by lightning while in your cabin and while the boat is overturning there's gonna be a octopus that comes and speaks english to you while also doing the macarena you have a better chance of that happening to you than actually solving this sha-256 output in this current day and age with our technology i'm not even going to attempt it i'm going to move on to later on in the video that just freaked me out so we're done with the text folder we're going to go ahead and go back yeah let's do it let's just open up the video folder so the first one we're going to open is called io dot mov let's get it it's an mov file it's a chicken chicken all right i got my beautiful headphones for these i'm not gonna be able to hear the outside world which is gonna freak me the heck out but let's get this started 3 minutes and 55 seconds long okay so we saw a chicken we see a beaver it's annoying it's a squirrel oh don't hurt the squirrel what okay so we have a bunch of animals what are these things what are these ah it's the surfer game the subway surfer what's happening oh he picked up the chicken oh if anybody has a clue that what's happening right now just let me know in the comment section because i'm at an absolute loss like i'm watching this there's just clips pacing one after another so i'm at the 46 second mark i'm gonna talk about what i've seen so far i don't know what the heck these are definitely some sort of animals look at that one back there he's eating out of a bowl i don't know what the heck's happening here oh this guy is picking up the little chicken beaver or something and again chicken so we go back to the 43 second work i'll stop talking put the phone away did you hear that i'm gonna go back i heard put the phone away oh this is freaking me the hell out don't do anything to this chicken please don't do anything to the chicken so far no animals were harmed in the making of this dark web video i say so far because i don't know man oh is he gonna puke put the phone away what are these things [Applause] that's loud do you guys hear like the the music in the background i'm so confused just literally have a bunch of animals in this video nothing more than just animals in video number one put the phone away i keep hearing put the phone away [ __ ] i'll put my phone away okay i'll put my phone away put it behind me this guy has a bowl with him too it's subway surfers is anybody else having trouble trying to identify what's happening right now this feels like one of those arg dark web hard drives or like arg dark web storage devices and when i if you guys don't know what an arg is it's basically an alternate reality game where somebody deliberately tries to confuse a whole bunch of people and decrypt some sort of puzzle apparently there's a puzzle here and if you guys like puzzles you can decrypt it but i'm the type of person like i watch this and i just laugh at the cute animals hopefully nothing bad happens to them because that's going to be devastating is that how you talk to squirrels bro squirrels in canada run away am i being hypnotized oh that's creepy [Music] i'm so freaked out right now okay genuinely freaked me out that was three minutes and 55 seconds of absolute confusion that was one dot io 44.8 megabytes freaked me out absolutely freaked me out to that io there's a part two but all right the next thing i guess we're going to talk about is 2i.o2 all right oh that's loud oh we have coordinates okay literally it's exactly the same as before i think oh bro i'm so confused i'm so confused where is this i'm hearing things in the background [Music] oh please don't hurt these animals [Music] why is there so many chickens oh the lady bro this is so creepy every time something's about to happen ah paris [Applause] so i'm terrified [Music] i'm frozen right now what is that that probably woke up somebody in your house i'm sorry what did that say what is happening all right i'm gonna press pause there's clearly a secret message happening like what's the point of this compilation compilation and compilation what's the point of this what the heck it's literally a bunch of clips of animals and walking [Music] [Music] and that's the last clip as much as i'm excited to finish a video and put it on youtube i am not excited to open the last folder because the folder is called don't open don't be two videos don't be two videos we have one video on here this folder called don't open and it's called tix dot mov it's 3.9 megabytes doesn't look like it's that long kind of the same thing as the other footage probably a couple minutes in length over here it says one minute and two one minute it's only a minute long okay there's a zero on the screen for an o okay um [Music] two three four five [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god i'm having trouble right now whether i should upload this video on youtube or whether i should just blur everything oh my god my stomach is literally upside down right now my stomach is literally like like like i'm not even joking it's like upside down i'm gonna i actually feel like i'm gonna vomit i feel like i'm gonna get sick i literally just had a taco 45 minutes ago a few moments later it's a minute long the number 52 is on the screen and it's at 52 seconds oh my god it's literally i can't watch the last eight seconds i can't watch the last eight seconds patreon can't even get that patreon i don't even know i don't know i don't know i'm gonna have to check the terms this is like damn near illegal oh my god i don't know if you guys can see this but literally the arm hair my arm hair is standing up right now i'm so freaking scared okay i'm gonna finish the last eight seconds i know a lot of people are gonna be really freaking pissed off people are gonna be like dude why did you keep playing it that's so stupid of you man unsubscribe and some people are gonna say why didn't you play the rest of it i hate you unsubscribe so i have to find some sort of middle ground i am going to play it i'm going to cover an eye and i'm going to blur everything because i have to play it and i don't know if everything else is reaction worthy oh my god oh my god oh that just freaked me the hell out ladies and gentlemen that was oh my god my stomach i actually don't feel good right now i don't feel well at all i feel like i'm getting pill my bad if that's happening ladies and gentlemen that's all for this video i literally just reviewed the contents of the dark web hard drive i'm definitely gonna be reporting this i don't know where the hell these pictures are all blurred i'm gonna explain what i just saw i don't want to explain it for too long because i'm definitely i definitely can't add that i'm gonna blur it but i could explain it so it was a lot of pictures of mutilated absolutely mutilated like humans and animals there was a lot there's a few animals a couple of pictures of animals and a couple of pictures were humans a couple of them were small oh that's a really freaking messed up that's a really messed up oh my god that's purely a dark web hard drive that is the most dark web based hard drive i've ever seen in my freaking life that was absolutely terrifying but ladies and gentlemen that's all for this video if you guys want to see more dark web content subscribe to the channel and i'm definitely going to keep making videos like this in the future put on the notification bell to be notified whenever i upload a video smash the like button but thank you guys so much that is all for the video and remember to stay off the dark web
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 189,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crypto nwo, cryptonwo, dark web, dark web box, dark web hard drive, dark web horror stories, darkweb, deep web mystery box, hard drive, mystery box, nwo crypto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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