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I'm so sorry I'm doing this here right now but everybody wants a cameo from you so you're gonna have to sing you know singsong good boy smash like for the singing husky storm is a gym [Music] now we're back from the peel box and this is by far the heaviest mystery box I've ever received through the dark web but anyways close the door lock the door I don't know how I'm gonna do this without embarrassing myself because this is abnormally heavy again like I said this is one of the heaviest mystery boxes if not the heaviest mystery box I've ever received we're gonna do what we always do show you guys the sides of the boxes top of the box if you guys are new to the channel go ahead and subscribe to Krypto NWO if you haven't done so already put on the notification bell if you haven't done so already you'll be notified whenever I upload all my future videos your phone will vibrate whenever I upload these videos smash the like button guys let's get this show started this month's color we got pink gloves got our reddish pinkish background I mean it's a red filter but ended up becoming pink not that important so before we get started I guess it's important to note that we've got three cameras like the usual we got camera 1 camera 2 and camera 3 over here if you guys are a longtime viewer of this channel you guys know the purposes of these cameras camera one over here is obviously showing you guys everything camera 2 is for showing you guys the close-up and camera number three basically shows you guys a close-up first-person type of view so again let's get this show started we've got a handy dandy knife over here I feel like as the channel progresses I'm becoming a worse unboxer this whole channel is revolved around unboxing items and I have to do it properly so oh dear Lord so we're gonna show what the inside of the box looks like interesting it's a pretty heavy box and I can see why it's filled with a lot of items a lot of other boxes the first thing we're gonna pull out of the box it's a light bulb a dark light bulb I can't even see through this thing what's the point of a light bulb being this dark well if you guys don't know everything that I keep is gonna be going to my left and everything that I throw away is gonna be going to my right so well keep this I have a little lamp that I can put it in before we go through the boxes let's get all the loose items inside the box marbles we have app Tunnel marbles over here there's a lot of these inside the box I'm gonna try giving you guys a little close-up oh and Lord there's a lot of marbles inside here alright umm that's oh that's a candle oh that's pretty cool I've never seen anything like this interesting [Music] cool keep this to my left pretty that is not candle wax all that is plastic I wouldn't set this on fire the next thing we're gonna pull out is Nova the rules King I guess that's the best I can get it to focus on that camera have no idea what the heck this is [Music] anyways if you guys don't know how to play the game of mystery box there's anything that I don't know what it is like the light bulb over here well I know this is a light bulb but I don't know why it's so dark anytime I'm in this video and I tell you guys I don't know what I'm looking at and you guys to help me out I know there's somebody out there that's seen one of these things before I have no idea what the heck this is just let me know in the comment section down below keep it to my left go for more loose items wrapping wrapping marbles marbles marbles whoa those miracles everywhere okay um let's take out this thing over here I have no idea what the heck this is okay I see some liquid moving inside did you guys see that oh oh oh lol oh my god oh this whole thing is moving look oh oh I'm not opening this you guys can just look inside here and tell me what the what the heck am I looking at oh we're gonna keep this to my right because that's just disgusting I'm not opening that no no it's not happening I'm not opening that I don't even care what you say we got another little wrapper you got the tape off that box rapper rapper more marbles I'm gonna show you guys this right now I just opened this little box inside so there's the second box inside the mystery box the tape came off thing is absolutely littered in mystery boxes I'll make sure I get that for later hi editor notes here I just wanted to give stormie his little cameo and I wanted to give you guys another game a really fun game kind of a giveaway if you ask me I want you guys to guess how many marbles are inside this box just to let you know the box is filled to the absolute rim take a look the person that gets the number exactly right they will win two iPhone 11s the iPhone 11 Pro and the iPhone 11 in general if nobody gets the answer exactly right what I'm gonna be doing is I'm gonna be giving two people they get the closest answered the iPhone 11 or the iPhone 11 Pro whichever one they want you want to join this giveaway two things you got to do guess how many marbles are inside this box is one if you think there's 100 marbles comment 100 marbles don't type in just 100 type in 100 marbles and two is you have to share this video on any social media platform of your choosing you can share it on Facebook you share it on Twitter you can share it on Instagram wherever you want or even easier just go on my Twitter and retweet a tweet that you will find to join this giveaway it's more than one marble obviously and it's less than five-thousand marbles it could be any number in between the box is 17 centimeters going this way that's the only dimension I'm gonna give you at the box i phone 11 is on the line let's get it okay so we're gonna pull out of this box we have a little box over here that says blue on it interesting so we're gonna open up or here this little box what the heck is this why am I getting so many weird things inside this box what - so this box again it says blue on it is there anything else inside here no a little box that says blue on it with a yellow liquid solid it's not moving I don't know what it is put it to the right we're gonna take this baby out over here oh this this thing is littered with with marbles it's just there's marbles everywhere I'll show you guys in just a moment so we have this little box mystery box inside of a shoebox pretty dope little glass case an owl on it well that's my camp hey hey pretty cool I'll keep this to my left next thing we're gonna pull out [Applause] oh there's a book on her here I'll get that in just a moment we have a flashlight - oh that's blue that's hella blue interesting okay so I mean the next thing we're gonna have inside here is a little bracelet over here what we have here is a little blue bracelet I don't know the importance of this I don't know what it represents that's so cool it's like glass that's cool I'll keep it to my left next thing we're gonna pull out of here MK ULTRA 14 lift the ring and bend it back Oh anyways if you're watching this part on YouTube so sorry but if you're watching this part on patreon enjoy the fruits of your viewings I'm gonna open this in the uncensored version link in the description to my patreon all the uncensored videos are gonna be on patreon so keep this to my left so I can show you guys what it is later on the next thing we have inside this box over here it's a little blue flashlight that's pretty cool it's pretty dope I wonder it's one of those flashlights for like you can go to a hotel room and look in a hotel room and see some pretty weird things inside there I don't know they're pretty cool my power just went out my palate my okay we have a camera we have three cameras right now we have one camera two camera three cameras this is operating on a battery this is operating on a battery this is operating on a battery okay I just thought my power went out right now and it wasn't just that light died on me the battery died so I had to plug it back in alright so what we have over here it's a little book Oh No okay that light has to get out of the way [Music] I hope the heck that is it's a house [Music] what the hell [Music] brah why is this person in all the pictures so as you can see this thing just like continues on and on and on and on I don't know what the heck is going on inside this book over here but anyways there's no way in hell I'm gonna make an entire youtube video with the mystery box going through every single page in this book so I'm gonna put the entire thing on patreon I don't really know what else to do with this stuff I mean this video is gonna be so freakin long if I go through each individual page so like if you guys see anything that like you want to catch just pause the video screenshot it if you guys see anything so this is for the people on patreon alright so I went through each and every individual page and I'm sorry for everybody watching on YouTube but there's no way in hell I'm gonna be going through each and every page for YouTube I don't know what it is I'm gonna put it to my left so I can get better footage of it later on now inside the rest inside this box we have a pair of nail clippers shout out to Pam which is at Pam la rosa la arroz at a fluffy which is at the fluffy with three wise at the end don't forget the three wise gem baggie eighty-five shout out to you you guys want to be featured in one of my future mystery box videos go ahead and follow me on twitter at crypto NWO with a K wait until I post my next tweet about posting my next mystery box and you just might be featured in one of my videos so that's gross I don't somebody that I didn't know we'd use this so I'm gonna put this to my right oh oh that's a bleed that is a blade I'm not putting my hand in here anymore now we're gonna go back inside the mystery box alright more marbles on ground of the box how do I go through this next thing we're gonna pull out of the box is this little bubble wrap covered box over here smells weird I think I've been doing this long enough that I should know by now I shouldn't be smelling any of these boxes like directly smells weird we have a dybbuk bugs I don't know if I get I get thankful for getting these things I don't know if I got scared for getting these things like I'm not one youtuber that doesn't get these that often oh my goodness anyways if you guys want to see me open the certificates wait till the end of the video no way I'm making a mess right now that I have to clean up during the video so again stay tuned till the end of the video if you want to see me go through this Dilek box there is definitely something inside here it smells super bad it's covered in wax take a good closer look for yourself interesting I hear wax falling on the floor we're gonna put this to my left anyways next thing we're gonna pull out of the box take a look at this over here I'm looking at the box and it says 9 1 1 on the box has an N the star [Music] oh I have no idea what the heck that is but all I know is if you look over here it says 9-1-1 interesting interesting interesting the next we're gonna pull out of the box over here I'm not using this camera as often as I should be and I'm kind of mad about it but point I missed you boxes to show you guys close-ups over here we have a little circular thingy with a gold chain on it Krypto loves gold things it has the number three on it and it has 1951 to 2001 number three 1951 to 2001 interesting interesting interesting it's pretty cool should I just wear this for the rest of the video how do I put this on oh I can't put this on I'm not gonna put this on is it like a chain like go like this I don't know how to use this thing it's pretty cool I don't know oh that's so cool it's a it's a pocket watch interesting it's definitely not that time right now for me this is certainly wrong it's working I like it I like it I like it what I'm gonna do with it I'm gonna put it to my left with all the other items that I'm gonna be keeping from this mystery box that is all from the inside of this little thing over here but I do like the little style and design of it I'm gonna be putting it to my left giving it away to one of my patreon if they want it another box inside here can it be more marbles oh this is unbelievable this is getting out of hand stop with the marbles grab a knife poke it through [Applause] okay Marvel's century with a little cologne thingy Versace arrows poor femme I don't even know what that means all I see is that nice brilliant word Versace over there we're just gonna be we're just gonna take this and put this to the left over here I don't know about you but I was told that Versace is is a good brand so the next thing we're gonna pull out of this box oh that's nice Oh oh that's guys I'm just gonna take this and put this to my left I'm not trying to cause any problems in the comment section right now I'm irate it I write the person who created this I write the person that sent me this box it's pretty interesting I like it next thing we have inside the box Mauro marbles and a little container over here is it taped shut oh never mind I thought it was taped shut but it was just there's nothing inside here I have no idea what the heck this is little container that's empty we're gonna take this but this to my right cuz I have no idea what the heck it is more marbles I guess you could say the person that sent this box has lost their marbles so more marbles put it with the stuff that I'm gonna be keeping obviously because marble gang okay so we have rapping rapping rapping rapping rapping rapping I don't know what this is I don't know what the heck that is I don't know if you guys know what you're looking ahead just tell me because I don't know if this is just there but I'm gonna just chuck that aside all right so we have another little box over here just astonished by how many marbles I got oh is that right or guys is that rest or is that what the hell this is not a good idea [Applause] having been using this camera as often as I should interesting interesting interesting all this thing is rusted shut yeah I got that one out that's crazy that is insane we're gonna put this to my left because I want to get some close-ups is that a broken marble oh never mind what is that that's a broken marble how does that happen and we have one last box inside here does it sound like there's marbles inside here but it's not like there's something little glass jars if you happy ill okay that's gross take a look at that that's gross this is disgusting that's just it this one is questionable I have no idea what I'm looking at over here this one I have a pretty good guess of what looking at I mean look at the color look at them ill you know this one over here I don't know what I'm looking at we're just gonna take these and put these to the right cuz you know I don't think I see any value in that whatsoever take a look at this I was trying to turn off the flashlight I notice on the box look at that oh we have so much more to do [Laughter] right what did I say guys this is a freaky blue light or a flashlight or a black light whatever they call it attack is this line [Music] [Music] this is killing me now we're rotating the box oh oh oh look you can see it oh that makes so much more sense okay we have a word over here alex68 van der alexander 911 or is ed with two stars squiggly line number seven next plot KL line 19 20 18 19 20 Oh 1716 Oh weird any sign any signs that you guys recognize that you guys to help me out over here because numbers six six six obviously up ten nine eight seven six six six oh six five four three two Ford's I go for there's how many fours are there there's those another four to one twelve what is happening - there's so many numbers there's more force than original there's more - look that's one - that's another - that's a one that's a six there's two sixes that's one six that's two six but then we're back to this flap over here flap number one high-blood thingy Oh this means they said I go through each and every item with okay now I'm going through each and every single item with a black light oh this is gonna be a pain in the ass to edit [Music] nothing oh we have 81 dirty box No oh oh oh hi hey thanks for your message wow this is crazy oh please don't leave anything on here and I'll come on nothing bad that I see here interesting interesting interesting so I think this mystery box went a completely different way after getting that black light oh the book the book oh my god the book oh this is gonna be history maybe not go to the blank pages blank page no I'll back of the book what did I can tell you this is the last page of the book Oh baby we got some work to do here listen again no way in hell I'm gonna be going through each and every single page again for anybody that wants to see what's inside this book this is what's gonna be on patreon it's gonna be every single page inside this book with a black light pointing at it and without a black light pointing at it so you can see it more clearly I think this is probably filled with a lot of information I have no idea how to confirm this or deny this myself I don't even know what I'm looking at when I'm looking at these colorful pictures so um again guys help me out if you guys want to check them out link in the description patreon page it'll take you there but we're gonna put this to my left I think we're done the mystery box we have this little finger over here that we got to do - honestly honestly the way I see it it's like this opens up a whole new door you know what I mean every single mystery box I've ever done it makes me think is there anything written on it in black marker is there it well black light marker whatever you want to call it this came inside my mystery box I turned it on and as I was turning it off I mean it this honestly makes me think about like how many times have I done this in my past like every mystery box I've done how many of you two boxes have had like I've had something written on or something like secretive you know what I mean I don't know I don't know if you ask me that super highly interesting it's it's super super interesting no get away no elf get away holy Sh oh my god no no oh what the no no no no [Music] this just ruined my night every hair on the back of my neck just stood up no this is honest to god this is by far the scariest item I've ever received in my ministry box its back no I'm pulling the plug I'm pulling the plug on this what though it's the same mask it's the same mask it's this look at the bird [Music] [Music] it's like horribly wrong all these tripping right now stop [Music] [Music]
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 476,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mystery Box, dark web box, dark web, unboxing, dark web mystery box
Id: Di9X4bXNyV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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